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刘玉芝  韩立忠 《气象》1996,22(9):48-49
作者介绍了1994年11月15日,由邹县电厂至淄博500kV超高压输电线路#448ZM塔倒塔事故的情况。并对造成这次倒塔事故的天气条件进行了分析  相似文献   

乔盛西 《气象》1982,8(6):21-22
五十万伏超高压输电线路,是我国当前电压等级最高的线路。它的建设投资大,从宜昌葛洲坝到武昌凤凰山的五十万伏超高压输电线路(葛武线)的建设,需要投资二、三亿元。建成后,如果因大风造成倒塔、断线事故,则停电一小时的直接和间接的经济损失,就可达一百五十万元。而且超高压输电线路一旦发生倒  相似文献   

通过与历史资料对比分析,对2008年冰冻灾害中电力行业的受灾情况进行评估。结果表明:2008年冰冻灾害中,除西部维持特重外,其余大部分地区较常年偏重;由于持续的雨雪冰冻天气造成贵州电网发生倒塔断线、冰闪跳闸、设备毁坏、电网解列、大面积停电等冰灾事故,同时就如何提高电网的灾害防御能力提出有效的对策和措施。  相似文献   

一次雷击事故的天气形势及成因   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用天气形势图、雷达资料和闪电定位系统资料,对2007年8月13日下午揭阳市一宗雷击事故的天气条件和成因进行分析,结果表明造成本次雷击事故的强对流天气是由于地面低压槽和高空槽的激发而引起的。发生雷击事故时,闪电频数达到26.3次/min,电流幅值均值为21.2kA,由于发生雷击事故的岐山塔处在雷电高发区,地势突出,具备了先导放电的条件,而且该塔没有任何防雷设施,从而导致了雷击事故的发生。  相似文献   

利用现场调查方法,对2012年8月6日谷城500 KV十樊一回#170倒塔事故的现场损害状况、洪水淹没范围等进行调查梳理;使用资料调查方法,对灾害发生时段的水文、气象以及发生区域内的水库、河道工况、自然地理等进行调查整理.最后,运用数理统计方法对水位、流量及降水等要素极值进行推算,并利用二维水动力模型模拟洪水路径及淹没...  相似文献   

利用天气形势图、雷达资料和闪电定位系统资料, 对2012年7月30日下午蒙阴县联城镇沙沟峪村发生的雷击事故的天气条件和成因进行分析,结果表明,造成此次雷击事故的强对流天气是由于地面倒槽和高空槽的激发而引起的;山区孤立建筑物遭受雷击后,雷电流下泄时产生的闪络和击穿,导致了雷击事故的发生。  相似文献   

介绍了独立避雷塔风荷载计算的通用方法。利用实例计算分析风荷载对独立避雷塔的影响,为防雷工程人员设计、安装独立避雷塔提供参考。  相似文献   

本文利用北京325米气象塔,研究了近中性塔层风廓线的基本特征,检验了几个近中性塔层理论风廓线公式,指出其适用性及误差范围。结果表明:Blackadar公式理论上较严密,误差较小,在实际中应用较好。  相似文献   

北京325 m气象塔塔体对测风影响的数值模拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
安装在气象观测塔上的仪器进行风速测量时,气象塔塔体本身会对流场有一定的影响,使其附近局部流场发生变化,产生绕流和尾流,导致所测风场数据相对于真实风场值失真,利用计算流体力学软件Fluent对北京325m框架式气象塔周围的风场进行了模拟,给出流向风速在该塔伸臂上测风位置的失真情况,及风速失真大小随风向风速的变化规律,计算表明若伸臂处于迎风面,在测风点上的风速误差均小于5%,与实际观测一致,验证了北京325m气象塔风速伸臂设计的合理性。  相似文献   

2001年台风“榴莲”生成前期对流“热塔”的数值模拟   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
积云对流热塔(hot tower)对台风生成具有重要意义,但以往对热塔的认识一直停留在概念性语言描述上。采用PSU-NCAR MM5模式对2001年台风“榴莲”在正压环境条件下的生成过程,进行了成功的高分辨率(6 km)显式数值模拟。利用模式输出的高时空分辨率资料,对与台风“榴莲”生成相关的对流热塔进行了比较细致的考察,分析了成熟热塔的结构图像,并通过实例证实了Montgomery(2006)提出的热塔偶极涡度对概念模型。其主要特征包括:(1) 热塔内部垂直上升运动强烈,从边界层开始,直达甚至穿透对流层顶,最大上升速度中心位于对流层中上层;(2) 在地面到200 hPa之间,具有强雷达回波特征的对流云塔垂直耸立,边界光滑;(3) 热塔的侧边界相当位温面十分陡立,基本呈中心对称分布;(4) 热塔远比周围环境空气温度高,高温扰动中心可达4 K以上,位于最大上升速度中心上方附近;(5) 所有热塔都伴随有偶极涡度对,在垂直剖面图上偶极涡度对呈现多样性,以单偶极和双偶极为主要形式,有时也存在三偶极的形式;(6) 偶极涡度对进一步与偶极涡旋对对应;(7) 垂直速度和正涡度柱在对流层中上层基本不重合;(8) 热塔内水平风速剧烈地向垂直方向扭转。另外,初步分析了偶极涡度对的形成机制,偶极涡度对的产生归因于水平涡管向垂直涡管的剧烈扭转。  相似文献   

Vertical profiles of temperature and humidity were measured over the sea in two series of 48 hours each, during the summer near the Israeli coast of the Mediterranean. A prominent inversion was observed in the temperature profiles. In the first series the average height of the inversion base was 350m and in the second, 600m. In the inversion a very sharp decrease of the absolute humidity was found. Below the inversion down to the sea surface the atmosphere was well mixed. A significant diurnal oscillation was observed at the height of the inversion base. During the day the inversion moved up and during the night it moved down. This movement was 250m in the first series and 450m in the second. The movement of the inversion base was almost adiabatic. It is suggested that the fluctuation in the height of the inversion base is mainly due to the developing breeze.  相似文献   

利用2005年7-12月卫星资料、地面观测资料、探空资料和地形资料,统计分析了无云条件下气温与云顶亮温的差值,结果表明:无云情况下气温与云顶亮温差值平均为5.04℃,且具有较大的日变化性。由此提出了按时次分别求取阈值用以检测云。通过个例对比分析,初步得出该方法检测云具有以下特点:可用于全天候云检测;不受地形地貌等因素的影响;该云检测方法应用于反演计算,不仅反演的中、高云区域与实测的比较一致,而且反演的低云区域与实测结果也比较一致。  相似文献   

风沙野外监测   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
提出了监测古尔班通古特沙漠风沙的方案,研制了YMZX多功能全自动野外风沙监测仪。YMZX在风洞实验中集沙量有效率为98%,其旋转部分不接触沙表面,集沙仪随风向的变化而旋转,可在极易风蚀土壤上运行,这种集沙仪已安装在古尔班通古特沙漠北部和南部使用,获取了一批风沙监测资料,可用于风沙运动规律及防沙治沙研究。  相似文献   

The marine atmospheric boundary layer (MABL) plays a vital role in the transport of momentum and heat from the surface of the ocean into the atmosphere. A detailed study on the MABL characteristics was carried out using high-resolution surface-wind data as measured by the QuikSCAT (Quick scatterometer) satellite. Spatial variations in the surface wind, frictional velocity, roughness parameter and drag coefficient for the different seasons were studied. The surface wind was strong during the southwest monsoon season due to the modulation induced by the Low Level Jetstream. The drag coefficient was larger during this season, due to the strong winds and was lower during the winter months. The spatial variations in the frictional velocity over the seas was small during the post-monsoon season (-0.2 m s^-1). The maximum spatial variation in the frictional velocity was found over the south Arabian Sea (0.3 to 0.5 m s^-1) during the southwest monsoon period, followed by the pre-monsoon over the Bay of Bengal (0.1 to 0.25 m s^-1). The mean wind-stress curl during the winter was positive over the equatorial region, with a maximum value of 1.5×10^-7 N m^-3, but on either side of the equatorial belt, a negative wind-stress curl dominated. The area average of the frictional velocity and drag coefficient over the Arabian Sea and Bay of Bengal were also studied. The values of frictional velocity shows a variability that is similar to the intraseasonal oscillation (ISO) and this was confirmed via wavelet analysis. In the case of the drag coefficient, the prominent oscillations were ISO and quasi-biweekly mode (QBM). The interrelationship between the drag coefficient and the frictional velocity with wind speed in both the Arabian Sea and the Bay of Bengal was also studied.  相似文献   

用溶液培养法对硼和光照与小麦生长发育及结实率的关系进行了试验研究。结果表明:缺硼小麦株高和干物重下降;光照减弱,小麦干物质和株高明显降低。相反较高硼的供给可以增强小麦的抗逆性。缺硼严重影响小麦结实率,甚至导致小麦不结实;在相同供硼水平下,小麦硼积累量随光照减弱而降低。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to analyse the influence of large- and small-scale obstacles (orography, tree lines, and dikes) on the effective aerodynamic roughness of the Netherlands, a relatively flat, small-scale landscape. The roughness averaging approach was based on drag coefficients. The effective roughness was locally dominated by small-scale obstacles such as tree lines and dikes. Even at a regional scale (40,000 km2), the small-scale obstacle drag was of the same order of magnitude as the shear stress due to landuse. The neglect of those obstacles on a regional scale would result in approximately 10% overestimated averaged windspeed at 10~m above the surface. It was concluded that small-scale obstacles need to be taken into account to calculate the aerodynamic roughness of flat landscapes. Orography was of minor importance in this lowland country.  相似文献   

东印度洋海温对中国南方冬季降水的影响   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
利用NCEP再分析的大气环流资料、海表温度资料和全国160 站降水资料,研究了冬季东印度洋海温对我国江南-华南地区同期降水的影响。结果指出,冬季东印度洋海温(Sea Surface Temperature in the Eastern Indian Ocean,EIOSST)和同期的江南-华南降水呈显著的正相关关系。当EIOSST偏高时,江南-华南的冬季降水偏多。而当EIOSST偏低时,江南-华南的冬季降水偏少。这种影响的可能机制是:冬季东印度洋海温异常通过影响南支槽上的扰动活动和水汽输送来影响同期的江南-华南降水。当东印度洋海温偏高时,局地对流加强,引起南支槽地区的上升运动加强,南支槽活跃。活跃的南支扰动向下游传播,南支槽前的西南气流将水汽从孟加拉湾向华南和江南输送,引起华南和江南的降水偏多。进一步的分析显示,东印度洋海温对南支槽和江南-华南的降水的影响独立于ENSO的影响。二者对南支槽和江南-华南地区冬季降水的影响过程一致,只是东印度洋海温的影响较弱。当东印度洋海温和ENSO的作用相叠加时,江南-华南可能会出现较异常的冬季降水。    相似文献   

2020年,长江三峡地区年平均气温17.2℃,接近常年;年平均降水量1530.8毫米,偏多29%,为1961年以来第二多,仅次于1998年.6月,7月降水量及年平均暴雨日数均为1961年以来第二多.平均风速较常年偏大;相对湿度略偏高;各月均无酸雨出现,近十余年酸雨强度呈现明显减弱趋势.2020年,三峡地区夏季暴雨洪涝灾...  相似文献   

利用飞机、雷达、卫星观测资料,对2014年5月1日08时—2日08时河北省一次降水性层状云结构特征进行综合观测分析。结果表明本次过程降水云大致分为3层:4 200~2 850 m为冷暖云结构,2 162~2 174 m为十几米厚的纯暖云,近地面层121~265 m有粒子浓度较低(量级为101cm-3)的暖云。降水开始前存在较明显的催化云—供给云结构,降水开始后高层对低层有催化作用。人工增雨潜力区主要位于3 100~4 000 m,对应的雷达回波强度为20~30 d Bz,且雷达回波强度垂直梯度明显变小。对不同高度的云微物理量进行相关性分析,结果表明,云底的液态水含量和云滴浓度与气溶胶浓度具有较强的负相关,过冷水含量与云滴浓度相关性达到0.434,云凝结核浓度在冷云中与温度相关性较强,相关系数达到0.717。  相似文献   

A reliable data set of Arctic sea ice concentration based on satellite observations exists since 1972. Over this time period of 36 years western arctic temperatures have increased; the temperature rise varies significantly from one season to another and over multi-year time scales. In contrast to most of Alaska, however, on the North Slope the warming continued after 1976, when a circulation change occurred, as expressed in the PDO index. The mean temperature increase for Barrow over the 36-year period was 2.9°C, a very substantial change. Wind speeds increased by 18% over this time period, however, the increase were non-linear and showed a peak in the early 1990s. The sea ice extent of the Arctic Ocean has decreased strongly in recent years, and in September 2007 a new record in the amount of open water was recorded in the Western Arctic. We observed for the Southern Beaufort Sea a fairly steady increase in the mean annual amount of open water from 14% in 1972 to 39% in 2007, as deduced from the best linear fit. In late summer the decrease is much larger, and September has, on average, the least ice concentration (22%), followed by August (35%) and October (54%). The correlation coefficient between mean annual values of temperature and sea ice concentration was 0.84. On a monthly basis, the best correlation coefficient was found in October with 0.88. However, the relationship between winter temperatures and the sea ice break-up in summer was weak. While the temperature correlated well with the CO2 concentration (r?=?0.86), the correlation coefficient between CO2 and sea ice was lower (r?=??0.68). After comparing the ice concentration with 17 circulation indices, the best relation was found with the Pacific Circulation Index (r?=??0.59).  相似文献   

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