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深海热液活动区的微生物作用   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
肖天  陈騳 《海洋科学》1998,22(6):11-15
深海(约2600m深)热液活动区的微生物作用是非常重要的,在此区域发现许多动物食物链的基础是由微生物作用提供,如氧化硫细菌。它的化学作用是以氧化无机化合物为能源,被认为是深海热液活动区——非学合区的初级生产力。同时深海热液活动区的微生物作用可能揭示生命起源的奥秘。因此自20世纪70年代在深海发现热液活动后不久,Alongi,D.M.1990年,Jannasch,H.W.等1985年就注意到了在此区域的微生物,并通过各种方法观察研究。其中包括:(1)用落射式荧光显微镜和核苷酸测定法证实在热液活动区有相当数量的细菌存在。(2)在热液活动区的沉积物上发…  相似文献   

为揭示富集传代培养过程中南极多环芳烃降解菌群的演替规律,以菲为唯一碳源和能源对南极菲尔德斯半岛不同地理位置的6份土壤样品进行了富集和连续传代培养,并采用高通量测序技术分析了富集传代培养过程中菲降解菌群的群落结构及生物多样性.Alpha多样性分析结果表明,在富集培养阶段南极菲降解菌的物种丰富度显著高于传代培养阶段(P<0...  相似文献   

海洋微生物对甲胺磷农药的降解作用   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
作者从沿岸海域分离了38株有机磷农药的耐药菌,用分批培养法进行富集培养,得到有机磷农药的降解菌,并着重研究了其中两株菌对甲胺磷农药的降解情况,其结果表明,在10d内,降解菌株1对甲胺磷的降解率为59.1%,降解菌株2的降解率为53.3%,在各自的安磷培养液中,降解菌株1的数量大于降解菌株2;在甲胺降解过程中,其毒性逐渐减弱,降解菌株1所引起的毒性下降幅度大于降解菌株2。  相似文献   

厦门西港西南部潮间带光滩土壤微生物的数量变化   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
研究了厦门西港西南部潮间带无植被滩涂土壤三大类群微生物的数量,结果表明光滩土壤中平均总菌数为18.4×104个/g(dry),细菌、放线菌和丝状真菌平均数量分别为17.4×103、10.1×103和2.1×101个/g(dry),分别占总菌数的94.53%、5.45%和0.02%;不同位点的总菌数及细菌、放线菌、丝状真菌的数量与它们所占总菌数的百分比存在着差异,这与不同位点的土壤有机质含量、N含量和受污染干扰的程度相关,数量特征可作为环境监测的生物学指标之一;放线菌和丝状真菌的数量与土壤盐含量有关,放线菌在低盐份下的培养数量多、生长好,高盐份胁迫可能是丝状真菌数量少的原因之一。  相似文献   

利用第四纪土壤微生物蜡样芽孢杆菌Bacillus cereus芽孢计数法可以指示下伏基岩的金矿化,提取金矿化区和非矿化区第四纪土壤的B.cereus。进行微生物与金离子的相互作用实验,探讨金离子与B.cereus芽孢计数的本质联系,从而为解决该找矿法的理论基础提供依据。实验证实,低含量的金离子不能促进B.cereus转化成芽孢;当金含量升高到一定范围内,可以对B.cereus的生长产生抑制作用。促使其由营养体向芽孢转化,使矿化区土壤芽孢计数值很高,从而具有找矿指示意义。  相似文献   

九龙江口红树林土壤微生物的类群及抗菌活性   总被引:19,自引:2,他引:19  
研究了九龙江口的秋茄(Kandelia candel)林和白骨壤(Avicennia marina)林两个红树林群落及其相应对照光滩土壤微生物的类群及抗菌活性.对微生物类群的研究结果表明:九龙江口红树林区土壤细菌中,芽孢杆菌(Bacillus)是最占优势的属;放线菌以小单胞菌属(Micromonospora)最具优势;其次是链霉菌属(Streptomyces),从秋茄林到白骨壤林,由于潮位降低,小单胞菌比例增加,而链霉菌比例下降;丝状真菌以半知菌占绝对优势,木霉(Trichoderma)、曲霉(Aspergillus)和青霉(Penicillum)是最常见的属;随着土壤深度的增加,微生物的类群减少,但芽孢杆菌和小单胞菌的相对比例增加;红树林土壤微生物类群比对照光滩丰富,缘于林内土壤营养与微生物的栖息条件比光滩优越.对抗菌活性研究表明:土壤真菌的抗菌活性低,抗菌谱窄;放线菌的抗菌活性高,抗菌谱宽,具有抗菌活性的放线菌多为小单胞菌,小单胞菌是一类值得重视的放线菌.  相似文献   

海洋病毒在微生物食物环中的重要作用   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
自从Azam(1983)等提出“微生物食物环”(Mi-crobialloop)的概念以来,微生物在海洋生态系中对物质循环和能量流动过程所起的重要作用已成为海洋生态学的研究热点。Billen,G.等(1987)认为,浮游藻类、细菌、异养鞭毛虫和小型纤毛虫在微生物食物环中扮演主要角色:浮游植物初级生产所释放的溶解有机碳(DOC)被细菌利用,而细菌又被异养鞭毛虫和小型纤毛虫所吞噬。目前,由于对病毒在海洋生态系中重要作用的新认识,这一基本物流途径的完备性已受到质疑。病毒的介入使得微生物食物环中的物质流向更为复杂化,如图1所示。许多研究表明,病毒对传统意义…  相似文献   

冰川土壤中的微生物是冰冻圈生态系统中的重要组成部分。南极纳尔逊冰川四周环海,临近海洋的物质输送和其他因素扰动改变了近岸土壤中部分理化因子,从而对土壤中的微生物群落产生影响。本研究采集了南极纳尔逊冰川不同近海距离处的土壤样品,并对其进行了细菌和古菌V4区扩增子测序以及宏基因组测序,探讨了不同近海距离的冰川土壤中的微生物群落结构和代谢潜能。物种多样性结果显示,不同位点的土壤微生物群落组成有所差异,但变形菌门、放线菌门、拟杆菌门等在冰川土壤样品中普遍存在且相对丰度较高。宏基因组分析结果显示,不同近海距离的冰川土壤微生物群落的功能基因分布不同,且能量代谢和跨膜运输等代谢途径的基因的丰度随着采样位点远离海洋而降低。冰川土壤中碳、氮、硫代谢分别以还原性柠檬酸循环、反硝化、同化硫酸盐还原途径为主,其中反硝化途径基因在所有样品中丰度较高。通过分箱组装获得了含有反硝化功能基因的基因组bin_71,并重构了其核心的代谢通路。本研究初步揭示了南极纳尔逊冰川土壤中微生物的群落结构及代谢潜能,为后续南极冰川土壤新物种的发现、功能基因的挖掘、以及探究全球气候变暖下海洋对沿海生态系统的影响提供了基础数据。  相似文献   

多波束安装校准中各参数关联性分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张彦昌  张博 《海洋测绘》2010,30(1):53-55
多波束测深系统安装校准是多波束测量的关键环节,其安装和校准的好坏直接影响测量精度。在校准和测量过程中,各种误差参数是同时存在且相互影响的。正确分析其相互关联性,采取合适的校准方法,可以削弱其误差的影响,提高校准精度。论述了多波束安装参数校准的作业方法和误差分析,并对各校准参数的关联性进行了详细的论证和量化分析,提出了削弱各参数关联性的方法。  相似文献   

We aim to show how some of the important interdisciplinary fixes or solutions to diverse problems observed in fisheries can complement each other. This can be achieved through methodical allocation of the rights pertaining to fisheries and simultaneous implementation of policy instruments to correct for market failures and equity concerns. We emphasize via a roadmap that there are some general principles that should be invoked when choosing between alternative structures of rights. Our examples from Sweden provide evidence of the flexibility of fishing rights and how they can be adapted to integrate fixes from different disciplines into practical fisheries management.  相似文献   

The data presented in this paper demonstrate that exposure of mussels to Cu (40 μg/liter) or Cd (200 μg/liter) for a period of 2 days is sufficient to induce Cu or Cd thioneins in the gills of the metal-exposed animals. The concentrations of Cu and Cd thioneins increase during the period of metal exposure (3–4 weeks), confirming the fact that metallothioneins play a fundamental role in the accumulation of these metals in the tissues examined (gills and digestive gland). Moreover, it has been demonstrated that when metal-loaded mussels are returned to the field for the recovery period, Cu is rapidly eliminated from the gill and digestive gland cells, showing a biological half-life of 9–10 days, whereas Cd is released much more slowly from the tissues, only about 50% of the total metal being lost after 4 months of detoxification. Interestingly enough, during the detoxification period the concentration of the metal bound to thioneins also follows the same pattern as the total metal present in the tissues, in fact the concentration of Cu thioneins decreases near the control level in about 24 days but, in contrast, the Cd-thionein concentration in the cytisol of the gill and digestive gland cells remaains high, decreasing only by about 40% at the end of the 4 month recovery period.The data presented also demonstrate that when Cd-loaded, detoxified mussels are exposed to Cu (100 μg/liter) for 6 h, the metal taken up by the gill cells is able to displace the Zn which is always present in the Cd-thionein fraction, but it does not, however, displace the Cd present. In this case also, period (20 days), whereas the Cd-thionein content decreases slightly. Such data seem to indicate that the metabolic characteristics of thioneins are closely related to the metal bound to them, particularly where the elimination rate of the metals from the cells is concerned.  相似文献   

Few data on dissolved trace metals in rivers and estuaries are presently available. This paper is an attempt to provide additional data on dissolved concentrations obtained in polluted and so-called unpolluted river estuarine systems. Data for two major French rivers (Gironde, Rhône) have been compared with the Chinese Yellow River (Huanghe) and Yangtze River (Changjiang). Dissolved Cd concentrations have been measured by differential pulse anodic stripping voltammetry. Average concentrations range from 15 ng kg−1 to 50 ng kg−1 (0.13–0.45 nmol kg−1) in the French rivers and are below 4 ng kg−1 (0.040 nmol kg−1) in the Chinese rivers.In all the estuaries studied the dissolved Cd concentrations depict a systematic bulge in the mixing zone which is attributed largely to remobilization processes from particulate matter when the chlorinity increases. Other parameters that may also play a significant role for remobilization are discussed. The processes concerned lead us to reassess the net Cd river input to the oceans, and this should be taken into account for a more precise evaluation of the residence time of oceanic Cd.  相似文献   

疏浚物中镉释放的影响条件   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
廖文卓 《台湾海峡》2000,19(2):170-176
本文模拟研究了疏浚沉积物中Cd的释放行为和影响条件。结果表明介质的盐度、pH、氧化还原状态等环境条件和疏浚沉积物的污染程度、粒度大小、有机质含量等理化特征对Cd的 释放有明显的影响。Cd从疏浚物中释放,其释放速率较快,释放率在40%~96%之间。疏物的海上倾弃可能引起Cd的污染和对部分生态环境的危害。同时还讨论了Cd的释放所遵循的动力学规律。  相似文献   

Cadmium (Cd) accumulation and elimination were investigated in the tissues (gill, intestine, kidney, lever and muscle) of juvenile rockfish, Sebastes schlegeli, after sub-chronic dietary Cd exposure (0, 0.5, 5, 25 and 125 mg/kg). No mortality occurred during the sub-chronic exposure to dietary Cd. Specific growth rates of the rockfish estimated by weight and length were significantly different from those of the control, and a significant inverse relationship was observed between weight gain and the exposure concentration of dietary Cd at 25, 125 mg/kg. Cd accumulation in the tissues increased with exposure periods and concentrations for the 60 days of dietary Cd exposure. Cd accumulation in the intestine of rockfish was higher than other tissues, and the order of Cd accumulation in tissues were intestine>kidney approximately liver>gill>muscle. Accumulation factors showed an increase with the exposure period and an inverse relationship between the accumulation factor and the exposure concentrations in the gill, intestine, liver and muscle, but not in kidney. Cd elimination in tissues of rockfish decreased during the 30 days of depuration except kidney and muscle. Intestine showed the fastest elimination rates of Cd at all concentrations compared with other tissues.  相似文献   

利用2015年8月份对长江口及其邻近海域表层沉积物的监测数据,基于主成分分析/绝对主成分分数(PCA/APCS)受体模型定量解析了重金属元素镉(Cd)的可能来源,并结合地统计学插值了Cd的源贡献量的空间分布状况,结果表明沉积物中镉污染主要存在3个可能来源,源头及贡献率分别为工业污染(18.8%)、陆地径流输入(66.0%)、生物活动等自然因素(13.6%),并且各个源头贡献量具有不同的空间分布状况,其中工业污染的高值区主要集中在靠近陆地区域,陆地径流输入的分布呈现由近岸向外海逐减降低的特征,生物活动等自然因素的高值区主要集中在远离陆地的外海区域。  相似文献   

为降低瘤背石磺(Onchidium struma)体内超标重金属铜和镉的含量,保证其食品安全,作者通过底泥添加木鱼石土(富含锌、硒等)、饲料添加蛋白核小球藻(Chlorella pyrenoidosa)粉以及维生素C对瘤背石磺体内Cd和Cu进行净化,探究不同实验组对瘤背石磺体内Cd和Cu的净化效果。结果表明,对照组单纯用玉米粉暂养对瘤背石磺重金属的排出有一定的效果,但远远低于试验组在底泥中添加木鱼石土、在饲料中添加蛋白核小球藻粉及维生素C的效果。在瘤背石磺产品生产过程中,通过在底泥中添加木鱼石土、在饲料中添加蛋白核小球藻粉及维生素C能高效地降低其体内重金属铜和镉的含量,达到可食用的目的,保证食品安全。  相似文献   

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