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区域水资源可持续利用评价指标体系的建立   总被引:87,自引:4,他引:87       下载免费PDF全文
立足于区域(或流域)水资源的特点,考虑到区域(或流域)内社会经济发展对水的依赖程度,以及社会经济发展水平的不平衡和科技水平的差异,借鉴国际可持续发展标准和国内其它资源可持续发展的认知水平,遵循科学、实用及简明的原则,构建水资源可持续发展评价指标体系,探索性地提出了水资源可持续发展能力的五级划分标准.  相似文献   

Under the organization of China Geological Survey,relevant departments have made industry specifications and technical requirements based on hydrogeological survey data collection at the scale of 1:50 000.Among them,groundwater resource map is a must.According to nationally unified technical requirements of mapping groundwater resources put forward in 2018,this paper mainly interprets relevant principles,content,methods,diagrams as well as legend,and further to point out future directions:Higher precision will equal to higher demand of application,so that is there any more effective way to further interpret application aspect rather than only rules?  相似文献   

Under the organization of China Geological Survey, relevant departments have made industry specifications and technical requirements based on hydrogeological survey data collection at the scale of 1:50 000. Among them, groundwater resource map is a must. According to nationally unified technical requirements of mapping groundwater resources put forward in 2018, this paper mainly interprets relevant principles, content, methods, diagrams as well as legend, and further to point out future directions: Higher precision will equal to higher demand of application, so that is there any more effective way to further interpret application aspect rather than only rules?  相似文献   

区域水资源系统动力学特征分析   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
对南水北调中线工程河南受水区水资源系统动力学特征进行了分析研究,给出了各子系统动力学特征指标和水循环之间的定性关系,揭示了各子系统的分形特征、复杂程度和演化规律.结果表明,该水资源系统具有明显的分形结构和混沌特征,为一个非线性系统,且系统演化存在一个奇异吸引子;从大气降水-地表水-浅层地下水-深层地下水水循环角度看,该系统的开放程度和受外界干扰的程度逐渐减小;从大气降水-地表水-浅层地下水的水循环角度看,该系统的复杂程度符合水资源系统的一般情况.分析成果对该区寻求改善水资源系统行为的机会和途径具有重要参考价值.  相似文献   

区域矿产定量评价的矿床综合信息评价模型   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
肖克炎  程松林  娄德波  孙莉 《地质通报》2010,29(10):1430-1444
控制矿床生成的地质要素和识别矿床存在的勘查信息对区域矿产预测评价是至关重要的。矿床综合信息评价模型要从传统的矿床模型出发,将其总结和转化为区域预测评价的控矿关键预测要素,研究识别矿床存在的物、化、遥勘查信息,开展矿床品位-吨位统计特征研究,形成预测评价的要素集,进行矿产预测。  相似文献   

The paper presents a methodology on how to consistently deal with the future change and management options in integrated water resources management (IWRM). It is based on a conceptual framework with a five step procedure for the formulation and analysis of a so-called ‘parameterised regional futures’. Developing and testing the approach for IWRM is realised for the upper part of the Western Bug River catchment (Ukraine). Special attention is paid to scenarios of change covering climate and land use. The future regional climate is downscaled with the model CCLM. Land cover is projected after retrospective change detection and the derivation of prospective algorithms. Parameters of the interrelations between land use and the water cycle are tackled through using the concept of the model PWF-LU. The methodology is currently being tested to analyse the impacts of mid-term regional change and management options on the water cycle of the catchment.  相似文献   

潘峰  梁川  王志良  付强 《水科学进展》2003,14(3):271-275
在模糊物元分析的基础上,结合欧氏贴近度的概念,提出了基于欧氏贴近度的模糊物元分析方法.在对区域水资源可持续利用进行综合评价时,把各地区各开发利用阶段作为物元的事物,以它们的各项评价指标及其相应的模糊量值构造复合模糊物元,通过计算与标准模糊物元之间的欧氏贴近度,并采用层次分析法计算各评价指标的权重,实现对各地区水资源可持续利用的综合评价与排序.该模型被应用到西安市的水资源可持续利用综合评价中,取得了较好的效果,对西安市水资源的可持续利用具有重要的指导意义.  相似文献   

闫军印 《地质与勘探》2018,54(2):426-434
矿产资源可供性分析是一个包含矿床地质特征和社会经济要素双重属性的综合评价过程。在探明资源储量和开发利用技术条件确定的情况下,区域矿产资源的可供性与否,主要取决于矿产品的市场价格水平。本文依据河北省铁矿资源13个矿区的资源特征及开发利用条件,开展了确定价格状态和不同价格情景下地区铁矿资源可供性评价,并结合一定时期内铁矿资源矿产品市场价格波动变化的价格序列分布,对地区铁矿资源可供性进行了风险分析。研究结果表明:(1)河北省铁矿资源可供性程度受矿产品市场价格影响作用明显,区域内不同价格背景下资源可供性程度差异性较大;(2)地区铁矿资源可供规模主要集中在900~950万吨/年,但可供性保证程度只有60%左右,标志着地区铁矿资源可供性存在着较大的风险性;(3)建立资源可供性评价预警系统、加快资源开采加工企业技术进步、加强后备基地的资源勘查和储备、构建完善的外部资源供应体系,是不断提升地区资源可供性的重要途径。  相似文献   

Wide-spread environmental contamination associated with historic mining in Europe has triggered social responses to improve related environmental legislation, the environmental assessment and management methods for the mining industry. Mining has some unique features such as natural background contamination associated with mineral deposits, industrial activities and contamination in the three-dimensional subsurface space, problem of long-term remediation after mine closure, problem of secondary contaminated areas around mine sites, land use conflicts and abandoned mines. These problems require special tools to address the complexity of the environmental problems of mining-related contamination. The objective of this paper is to show how regional mineral resources mapping has developed into the spatial contamination risk assessment of mining and how geological knowledge can be transferred to environmental assessment of mines. The paper provides a state-of-the-art review of the spatial mine inventory, hazard, impact and risk assessment and ranking methods developed by national and international efforts in Europe. It is concluded that geological knowledge on mineral resources exploration is essential and should be used for the environmental contamination assessment of mines. Also, sufficient methodological experience, knowledge and documented results are available, but harmonisation of these methods is still required for the efficient spatial environmental assessment of mine contamination.  相似文献   

开展地下水资源承载能力评价,对于认识区域地下水资源禀赋和开发利用的空间分布状况、建立国家-省级资源环境承载能力监测预警机制、支撑面向国土空间规划的“双评价”研究等具有重要意义。目前,地下水资源承载能力的评价理论与方法仍处于探索之中,在实际工作中缺乏统一的依据。本文基于自然-社会经济系统的承载协调理论,定义了地下水资源承载能力的内涵。从地下水资源的数量、质量、生态属性出发,分别建立了承载本底、承载状态两个层次的区域地下水资源承载能力评价指标体系,确定了评价指标的分级标准和评价流程。以地下水可开采资源模数、地下水开采程度作为基础指标,来初步判断承载本底、承载状态等级,而后利用地下水背景质量等级对承载本底初步结果进行修正,根据区域实际情况选取地下水污染程度、地面沉降程度、海水入侵程度、土壤盐渍化程度等一项或多项指标作为承载状态的修正指标,对承载状态初步结果进行修正;综合承载本底、承载状态评价结果,确定区域地下水资源承载能力。应用此方法研究了京津冀地区的地下水资源承载能力,结果发现京津冀地区地下水资源承载能力水平整体偏弱,202个县级行政区中承载能力强的有18个,较强的有72个,中等的有19个,较弱的有36个,弱的有57个。承载能力强、较强的县级行政区几乎全部位于冀南丘陵山区、冀中山前冲积平原;承载能力弱、较弱的县级行政区主要分布在冀北山地丘陵区、冀东滨海冲积海积平原。京津冀地区地下水资源承载能力研究实例表明该方法具备可操作性,评价结果合理。  相似文献   

刘宁 《水科学进展》2006,17(6):859-864
探讨了基于水基系统概念的区域水资源水环境保护治理思路,定义了具有持续性、随律性和变化性的定尺度水基系统演进的符点目标,从水资源承载力和水环境承载力的角度建立了区域水资源水环境取排水控制关系,用BP人工神经网络智能方法提出了对水量水质耦合过程以及水价调节作用进行学习、训练的架构,从而为推求区域水资源水环境保护治理的符点目标进行了步骤与方法的探索.  相似文献   

In order to evaluate groundwater regional resources, a mathematical model of the Gdansk hydrogeological system (Poland) was developed. The research area covers about 2,800 km2. Groundwater occurs in Cretaceous, Paleogene and Neogene formations. The recharge zone is situated in the glacial upland of the Kashubian Lake District. The discharge zone spreads over the lowlands of Gdansk and beneath the Bay of Gdansk (Baltic Sea). The MODFLOW program was used to develop a three-dimensional steady-state model on the basis of data from over 1,700 boreholes. The research area was digitalized as a square network of sides 200 m in length. Simplification of groundwater occurrence allowed four aquifers to be distinguished: upper Pleistocene, Pleistocene-Miocene, Oligocene-Eocene, and Cretaceous and also four intervening aquitards. The mathematical model calculations showed that the system is recharged mainly by precipitation (infiltration recharge is 136 mm/year). The precipitation recharge amounts to 1,045,440 m3/day. The other part of the inflow constitutes lateral flows from beyond the area of research and also to some extent from losing rivers and lakes. The runoff from the system takes place mainly through gaining streams and through lateral outflow including under-sea and lake discharge.  相似文献   

1∶5万区矿调地球化学样品的分析质量监控   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从改变溶样方式和改进分析方法入手,结合样品特性,对西南天山哈拉齐地区地球化学样品中19种元素的分析方法配套方案进行了优化;建立健全包括“人、机、料、法、环、测”6个方面的质量管理系统;开发建设了包含7个模块的实验室信息管理系统(LIMS),使质量管理走向信息化、规范化;通过准确度、精密度、重复性检验、异常点、外部监控样等内外部控制方法,采取多种手段,形成原因查找及改进的监控体系图,建成完善的1∶5万区矿调地球化学样品分析质量监控体系,为西南天山哈拉齐地区地球化学找矿和基础研究提供准确的地球化学信息。  相似文献   

从改变溶样方式和改进分析方法入手,结合样品特性,对西南天山哈拉齐地区地球化学样品中19种元素的分析方法配套方案进行了优化;建立健全包括“人、机、料、法、环、测”6个方面的质量管理系统;开发建设了包含7个模块的实验室信息管理系统(LIMS),使质量管理走向信息化、规范化;通过准确度、精密度、重复性检验、异常点、外部监控样等内外部控制方法,采取多种手段,形成原因查找及改进的监控体系图,建成完善的1∶5万区矿调地球化学样品分析质量监控体系,为西南天山哈拉齐地区地球化学找矿和基础研究提供准确的地球化学信息。  相似文献   

基于免疫禁忌算法的区域水资源可持续利用Logistic模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过模拟区域水资源的自然变化过程,提出用于区域水资源可持续发展评价的Logistic曲线模型,耦合后的免疫禁忌搜索算法用于模型的参数优化.优化好的Logistic模型适用于区域水资源可持续利用的多项指标的评价,形式简单,方便实用.通过对中国淮河片区域水资源可持续利用实例分析,表明了此方法的正确性和实用性,并具有较好的通用性.  相似文献   

Both increasing aridity and population growth strongly stress freshwater resources in semi-arid areas such as Jordan. The country’s second largest governorate, Irbid, with over 1 million inhabitants, is already suffering from an annual water deficit of 25 million cubic meters (MCM). The population is expected to double within the next 20 years. Even without the large number of refugees from Syria, the deficit will likely increase to more then 50 MCM per year by 2035 The Governorate’s exclusive resource is groundwater, abstracted by the extensive Al Arab and Kufr Asad well fields. This study presents the first three-dimensional transient regional groundwater flow model of the entire Wadi al Arab to answer important questions regarding the dynamic quality and availability of water within the catchment. Emphasis is given to the calculation and validation of the dynamic groundwater recharge, derived from a multi-proxy approach, including (1) a hydrological model covering a 30-years dataset, (2) groundwater level measurements and (3) information about springs. The model enables evaluation of the impact of abstraction on the flow regime and the groundwater budget of the resource. Sensitivity analyses of controlling parameters indicate that intense abstraction in the southern part of the Wadi al Arab system can result in critical water-level drops of 10 m at a distance of 16 km from the production wells. Moreover, modelling results suggest that observed head fluctuations are strongly controlled by anthropogenic abstraction rather than variable recharge rates due to climate changes.  相似文献   

Two-dimensional systematic sampling of small plots followed by the kriging of those plots may be employed to obtain regional estimates of coal resources and measures of the accuracy of the estimates. The use of sampling makes large savings in computation possible. Two case studies involving the estimation of coal tonnage are discussed.  相似文献   

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