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热带太平洋-印度洋上层热含量年际变化的主模态   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
利用多种海洋资料,采用经验正交函数分解(EOF)与合成分析等方法研究了热带太平洋-印度洋热含量年际变化的主要模态及其对应的转换过程。结果表明其第一模态对应El Nino事件成熟位相时的空间分布,即热带西太平洋和东印度洋为一冷中心,西南印度洋和赤道东太平洋为暖中心;第二模态对应着El Nino事件过渡期的空间分布,太平洋10°N附近以及赤道带为变化中心,而印度洋的变化中心主要在苏门答腊岛西部的赤道东印度洋海区。这2个模态基本刻画了ENSO循环过程中热带两大洋热含量变化的关键海区。利用合成分析结果与EOF分解结果的相似性,探讨了EOF分解前两个模态之间的转换过程,发现第一模态可能主要是通过海洋波动的传播过程调整到第二模态的,而第二模态还可以作为El Nino或La Nina事件的预报因子。此外,分析结果还表明,El Nino事件与La Nina事件对应的热含量变化并不是反对称的。  相似文献   

对海洋中起伏运动(heaving)信号的时空分布研究能够帮助我们更好地了解气候系统中的年际和年代际变率。文章通过再分析资料和模式对太平洋区域的heaving主要模态进行了研究。研究结果表明:太平洋区域主要存在两种heaving模态:第一模态主要表现为赤道东西两侧的温跃层异常信号反位相;第二模态表现为赤道区域和副热带区域的温跃层异常信号呈现反位相变化的规律。本文对这两个主要heaving模态所涉及的物理过程进行详细讨论,结果表明:东西反位相模态主要是受赤道波动调节的结果;而经向结构模态则主要是由赤道地区的波动和副热带区域的风应力旋度异常作用共同导致。此外,我们还讨论了heaving模态可以通过海洋波动以及Ekman输送等过程对海盆尺度的热输送(振幅约为5×10~(14)W)以及海洋热含量(振幅约为1.5×10~(20)J)的再分配起到了关键的调制作用,进一步表明heaving模态对全球气候变化有着重要的作用。  相似文献   

本文分析美国国家大气研究中心(NCAR)的CCM3-ML耦合模式100 a积分模拟结果,依据对该模式结果中SSTA与海面风异常的最大协方差分析,证实的确存在北太平洋局地大气影响海洋和海洋"反馈"大气的主模态;指出通过局地海洋-大气的相互作用,冬季马蹄型海温异常可以持续到夏季,冬季大气对马蹄形暖海温异常可能的响应为高压异常,春夏季对马蹄形暖海温异常可能的响应为低压异常。  相似文献   

冬季北太平洋西部上层海洋的热量输送   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
用海气界面净热量收支和1950-1979年表层水温资料,计算了冬季北太平洋西部上层海洋热通量散度场,指出冬季北太平洋西部黑潮将大量低纬暖水输送到中高纬度海域,在30-35°N最大;亲潮将极地冷水沿千岛群岛向南输送,在45-50°N最大;两者在40°N附近相遇,混合减弱后沿纬向东传。同时用EOF分析方法对热通量散度距平场分型,前3个主要型分别为:黑潮亲潮偶合型、北太平洋海流型和冷平流优势型。最后还揭示了第一主要型与北太平洋副热带高压之间有意义的相关关系。  相似文献   

副热带模态水(Subtropical Mode Water;STMW)在气候变化中起着重要作用。本文利用全球高分辨率数值模拟结果,研究了北太平洋STMW核心层盐度(Core Layer Salinity;CLS)的年代际变化及其物理机制。结果表明,CLS存在显著的年代际变化,其空间分布则与背景流场分布特征有关。侵蚀区CLS滞后生成区CLS约1~2年,这主要是海流平流输运引起的。生成区内,STMW的季节循环一般可分为生成期(12-4月)、隔离期(5-6月)和侵蚀期(7-11月),生成期混合层盐度(Mixed Layer Salinity;MLS)决定着隔离期和侵蚀期的CLS,而MLS年代际变化则主要由同太平洋年代际涛动存在负相关性的海表面淡水通量的变化引起。  相似文献   

本文运用经验正交分解和合成图分析方法,对1940-1990年印度-太平洋海温的气候模态及其年代际异常特点进行了研究。  相似文献   

介绍了为满足当今海洋环境监测和保护的需要而出现的调查新技术-水下起伏式拖体的发展情况,分析讨论了其代表性产品U-TOW的技术特点及其在我国近岸海洋地质环境与灾害调查评价中的应用,认为其适合我国近岸环境调查,具有发展前景广阔、数据采集高效快捷的特点.  相似文献   

北太平洋副热带海洋环流气候变化研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
北太平洋副热带环流的变化在全球气候变化和热量的经向输送中占重要地位。本文对近10年有关北太平洋副热带海洋环流气候变化的研究进行了综述。主要研究成果有:用卫星高度计首次观测到全球海洋Rossby波的传播特征;确定了气候意义下北太平洋副热带逆流为2支.揭示了其中一支与北太平洋模态水的存在有关,另一支是夏威夷群岛附近海洋.大气-陆地相互作用的结果;首次发现了台湾以东黑潮流量有显著的准100天振荡等。本文还提出了在北太平洋副热带环流研究中目前存在的新科学问题。  相似文献   

北太平洋副热带模态水形成区混合层热动力过程诊断分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用NCEP海洋数据和COADS海气通量资料,通过诊断分析,揭示了海表热力强迫、垂直夹卷、埃克曼平流和地转平流效应在北太平洋副热带模态水形成过程中的贡献。研究表明,在北太平洋副热带3个模态水形成海域冬季混合层降温过程中,海表热力强迫和垂直夹卷效应是主导因素,二者的相对贡献分别约为67%和19%(西部模态水)、53%和21%(中部模态水)、65%和30%(东部模态水);并且在东部模态水形成海域,埃克曼平流和地转平流皆是暖平流效应,而在西部和中部模态水形成海域,仅有地转平流是暖平流效应。进一步的分析表明,海洋平流(地转平流、埃克曼平流)对北太平洋副热带模态水形成海域秋、冬季混合层温度的年际、年代际异常有显著影响,在西部模态水形成海域,海表热力强迫(62%)和地转平流(32%)是导致混合层温度年际、年代际变化的主要因子;在中部模态水形成海域,混合层温度的年际、年代际变化是埃克曼平流(32%)、地转平流(30%)和海表热力强迫(25%)共同作用的结果;相对而言,东部模态水形成海域混合层温度的年际、年代际异常主要受海表热力强迫(67%)控制。  相似文献   

1964—1982年热带西北太平洋海洋上层热含量的变化特征   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
林传兰 《热带海洋》1990,9(2):78-85

Based mainly on TOGA COARE data, that is, the CI''D data from R/V Xiangyanghong No.5 (Pu et al.,1993),the temperature and current data from the Woods Hole mooring and other deep current data, the layered numerical profiles of buoyancy frequency and mean current components are figured out.A numerical method calculating internal wave dispersion relation without background shear current, used by Fliegel and Hunkins (1975),is improved to be fit for the internal wave equation with mean currents and their second derivatives.The dispersion relations and wave functions of the long crested internal wave progressing in any direction can be calculated inveniently by using the improved method.A comparison between the calculated dispersion relation in the paper and the dispersion relation in GM spectral model of ocean internal waves (Garret and Munk, 1972) is performed.It shows that the mean currents are important to the dispersion relation of internal waves in the western equatorial Pacific Ocean and that the currents make the wave progressing co-directional with (against) the currents stretched (shrink).The influence of the mean currents on dispersion relation is much stronger than that of their second derivatives, but that on wave function is less than that of their second derivatives.The influences on wave functions result in the change of vertical wavenumber, that is, making the wave function stretch or shrink.There exists obvious turning depth but no significant critical layer absorption is found.  相似文献   

INTRODUCFIONTheknowledgeoffinestructureandmicrostructureplaysamajorroleintheresearchofoceanicdiapycnalmixing.Sofarastheliteratureisconcerned,finestructuresareroughlydefinedassmallstructuresdistributedonverticalscalesfromImto100m(Munk,1981),whereasmicrostructureshavesmallerscales.Forsimplicity,thesetwofeatureswillbecalledfinestructures ThestudywassupportedbytheNationalNaturalaudienceFoundationofChinaundercontractsNo.49376257,No.4950/6071andNo.49676275,andtheResearchFundfortutorialPngr…  相似文献   

This short survey presents several research and operational developments of ocean data assimilation in the tropical Pacific, primarily for climate-scale phenomena. Aspects of theoretical error estimations, diagnostics and practical reduced space techniques are also briefly reported. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

热带太平洋海洋大气耦合系统对全球变暖的响应是气候变化的热点问题.前人研究发现,气候模式的模拟偏差对于全球变暖响应结果有重要影响.本文利用美国大气研究中心(National Center for Atmospheric Research,NCAR)的地球系统模式(The Community Earth System Model,CESM)中的大气模式(Community Atmosphere Model version 5,CAM5)设计数值试验,在相同的SST(Sea Surface Temperature)增暖强迫下,通过改变海洋SST的年际变化振幅,来分析热带海洋年际变化强度的模拟对未来热带海区降水和大气环流场未来变化的影响.试验结果表明,随着SST年际变化强度的增加,全球变暖后热带太平洋降水变化的东西不对称性,以及向暖池区域辐合的风场变化等特征都逐渐减弱.进一步的分析发现,不同年际变化信号导致的大气场变化差异主要发生在冬季,是由于热带太平洋SST年际变化主模态ENSO(El Nino Southern Oscillation)的不对称性造成的:在厄尔尼诺年,强(弱)的年际变化信号会造成降水在东太平洋产生较大(小)的变化;而在拉尼娜年和正常年份,年际变化信号的强弱对热带降水变化的影响则不大.当热带海温的年际变化较大时,厄尔尼诺年的海温异常更强,造成的降水和风场的变化特征也会更加显著.  相似文献   

Decadal-Scale Climate and Ecosystem Interactions in the North Pacific Ocean   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Decadal-scale climate variations in the Pacific Ocean wield a strong influence on the oceanic ecosystem. Two dominant patterns of large-scale SST variability and one dominant pattern of large-scale thermocline variability can be explained as a forced oceanic response to large-scale changes in the Aleutian Low. The physical mechanisms that generate this decadal variability are still unclear, but stochastic atmospheric forcing of the ocean combined with atmospheric teleconnections from the tropics to the midlatitudes and some weak ocean-atmosphere feedbacks processes are the most plausible explanation. These observed physical variations organize the oceanic ecosystem response through large-scale basin-wide forcings that exert distinct local influences through many different processes. The regional ecosystem impacts of these local processes are discussed for the Tropical Pacific, the Central North Pacific, the Kuroshio-Oyashio Extension, the Bering Sea, the Gulf of Alaska, and the California Current System regions in the context of the observed decadal climate variability. The physical ocean-atmosphere system and the oceanic ecosystem interact through many different processes. These include physical forcing of the ecosystem by changes in solar fluxes, ocean temperature, horizontal current advection, vertical mixing and upwelling, freshwater fluxes, and sea ice. These also include oceanic ecosystem forcing of the climate by attenuation of solar energy by phytoplankton absorption and atmospheric aerosol production by phytoplankton DMS fluxes. A more complete understanding of the complicated feedback processes controlling decadal variability, ocean ecosystems, and biogeochemical cycling requires a concerted and organized long-term observational and modeling effort. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The Pacific Island Regional Ocean Policy (PIROP), which was released in 2002, provided the framework for ocean governance in the Pacific region. Since then there have been a myriad of policy documents and institutional arrangements that have been developed to address ocean governance issues, however, little progress has occurred with regard to the actual implementation of PIROP. This paper examines the region's progress in establishing integrated oceans management, and how this fits with the use of marine spatial planning and area based management tools, such as marine protected areas. It argues that policy making in this region encounters the usual difficulties with integrated policy approaches experienced elsewhere but that these difficulties are further accentuated when applied to developing nations that are highly dependent on external support. It suggests a way forward for the future with development of action plans, implementation and the practical application of those plans including a regional contextualisation/analysis of progress against regional objectives.  相似文献   

Limitations in sea surface salinity (SSS) observations and timescale separation methods have led to an incomplete picture of the mechanisms of SSS decadal variability in the tropical Pacific Ocean, where the El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) dominates. Little is known regarding the roles of the North Pacific Gyre Oscillation (NPGO) and the Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO) in the large-scale SSS variability over the tropical basin. A self-organizing map (SOM) clustering analysis is performed on the intrinsic mode function (IMF) maps, which are decomposed from SSS and other hydrological fields by ensemble empirical mode decomposition (EEMD), to extract their asymmetric features on decadal timescales over the tropical Pacific. For SSS, an anomalous pattern appeared during 1997 to 2004, a period referred to as the anomalous late 1990s, when strong freshening prevailed in large areas over the southwestern basin and moderate salinization occurred in the western equatorial Pacific. During this period, the precipitation and surface currents were simultaneously subjected to anomalous fluctuations: the precipitation dipole and zonal current divergence along the equator coincided with the SSS increase in the far western equatorial Pacific, while the weak zonal current convergence in the southwestern basin and large-scale southward meridional currents tended to induce SSS decreases there. The dominant decadal modes of SSS and sea surface temperature (SST) in the tropical Pacific both resemble the NPGO but occur predominantly during the negative and positive NPGO phases, respectively. The similarities between the NPGO and Central Pacific ENSO (CP-ENSO) in their power spectra and associated spatial patterns in the tropics imply their dynamical links; the correspondence between the NPGO-like patterns during negative (positive) phases and the CP La Niña (CP El Niño) patterns for SSS is also discussed.  相似文献   

使用1992年IO月到1998年12月连续共75个月、230个重复周期的Topex/Poseidon卫星高度计有效波高资料,对南、北太平洋波高熵的空间分布特征和时间变化规律进行了研究。统计分析了太平洋波高熵的多年的空间分布特征和多年各月的时间变化规律。结果表明,太平洋波高熵呈现出中间低、南北高的马鞍形空间分布特征和明显季节变化的规律,与太平洋的平均有效波高和气候分布特征和变化规律相一致。给出了南北太平洋模拟波高熵的计算公式及计算稳定性检验。  相似文献   

This study quantifies uncertainties in closing the seasonal cycle of diabatic heat storage (DHS) over the Pacific Ocean from 20°S to 60°N through the synthesis of World Ocean Circulation Experiment (WOCE) reanalysis products from 1993 to 1999. These products are DHS from Scripps Institution of Oceanography (SIO); near-surface geostrophic and Ekman currents from Earth and Space Research (ESR); and air-sea heat fluxes from Comprehensive Ocean-Atmosphere Data Set (COADS), National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP), and European Center for Mid-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF). With these products, we compute residual heat budget components by differencing long-term monthly means from the long-term annual mean. This allows the seasonal cycle of the DHS tendency to be modeled. Everywhere latent heat flux residuals dominate sensible heat flux residuals, shortwave heat flux residuals dominate longwave heat flux residuals, and residual Ekman heat advection dominates residual geostrophic heat advection, with residual dissipation significant only in the Kuroshio-Oyashio current extension. The root-mean-square (RMS) of the differences between observed and model residual DHS tendencies (averaged over 10° latitude-by-20° longitude boxes) is <20 W m−2 in the interior ocean and <100 W m−2 in the Kuroshio-Oyashio current extension. This reveals that the residual DHS tendency is driven everywhere by some mix of residual latent heat flux, shortwave heat flux, and Ekman heat advection. Suppressing bias errors in residual air-sea turbulent heat fluxes and Ekman heat advection through minimization of the RMS differences reduces the latter to <10 W m−2 over the interior ocean and <25 W m−2 in the Kuroshio-Oyashio current extension. This reveals air-sea temperature and specific humidity differences from in situ surface marine weather observations to be a principal source of bias error, overestimated over most of ocean but underestimated near the Intertropical Convergence Zone.  相似文献   

热带太平洋5月份上层洋流的动力统计诊断   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
利用复EOF分析,将热带太平洋5月份的上层洋流看作一个整体,对其作了动力统计诊断,用以考察热带太平洋5月份上层流场的年际和年代际变化,并揭示其与长江流域梅雨异常的关系.结果表明,热带太平洋5月份上层偏差流的前三模态均为赤道所俘获;其第一、二模态具有明显的年际变化;第一模态与长江流域梅雨异常密切相关;第二模态与ENSO密切相关;第一模态其模的振幅有由小到大的年代际周期变化,且从1994年起模有越变越大的趋势,这表明这段时期长江流域梅雨降水量的异常有所增大.  相似文献   

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