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藏南沉错沉积物的粒度特征及其古环境意义   总被引:35,自引:2,他引:35  
通过对藏南沉错粒度参数的分析 ,并结合与其它环境代用指标的比较 ,可以将本地区约 1 40 0年来环境变化分为四个阶段 :约 5 93A.D.~ 82 1 A.D.是湖泊水位相对较高而且变化频繁的时期 ,反映了波动较大且比较湿润的气候状况 ;约 82 1 A.D.~ 1 343A.D.是一个较长的气候相对稳定时期 ,粒度指示该阶段湖泊扩张 ,湖面升高 ,反映了湿润的气候状况 ;约 1 343A.D.~ 1 892 A.D.是一个气候波动十分剧烈且频繁的时期 ,其中约 1 60 2 A.D.前后可能出现了一次短时间的流水突然增加 ,而在这前后各有一个浅水阶段 ( 1 343A.D.~ 1 5 1 2 A.D.和 1 670 A.D.~ 1 892 A.D.) ,反映了湖泊补给程度的减弱 ;1 892 A.D.~1 998A.D.是一个相对稳定的时期 ,湖面变化不太明显 ,而 1 892 A.D.前后具有一个明显的补给水动力减弱的变化。粒度参数所反映的湖面波动与环境变化得到了其他环境代用指标较好的支持。  相似文献   

兹格塘错是位于藏北高原腹地的一个封闭型湖泊,其湖泊变化过程可直接反映区域的气候变化.为了探讨该区域全新世的气候与环境变化过程,在湖泊中心水深30 m处钻取了一支深727 cm的沉积岩芯,对沉积岩芯的碳酸盐和可溶盐含量进行分析,其结果反映了全新世期间湖泊水体退缩与扩张、水质的浓缩与淡化的过程,揭示了区域气候的干湿变化;指出兹格塘错全新世以来一直处于碳酸盐演化阶段,碳酸盐含量共出现六次明显低值时期,分别为(1)9.3~9.0 cal.ks B.P.、(2)8.3~7.7 cal.ks B.P.、(3)6.0 ~5.8 cal.ks B.P、(4)4.7~4.2cal.ka B.P.、(5)3.1~2.9 cal.ka B.P.、(6)0.6~0.2 cal.ka B.P.;而氯离子和硫酸根含量总体很低,且变化趋势几乎一致.碳酸盐和可溶盐含量变化所反映出的湖面波动与环境变化得到了其他资料较好的支持,同时又显示了区域的差异性.  相似文献   

兹格塘错是位于藏北高原腹地的封闭型湖泊,其变化过程可直接反映区域气候变化。对一支深727 cm沉积岩芯中介形虫进行了壳体同位素分析,发现介形虫壳体氧同位素变化主要取决于壳体形成时的湖水氧同位素组成和湖水温度的变化;封闭湖泊湖水的氧同位素组成主要取决于降水和蒸发比值的变化。兹格塘错介形虫壳体碳、氧同位素变化特征表明两者可能受控于不同的环境因子。介形虫壳体同位素记录反映了全新世气候环境变化的整体特征,同时对晚第四纪特征气候事件都有明确记录,包括8.2 ka冷事件、Roman暖期、中世纪暖期以及小冰期等,在响应全球气候变化的过程中又记录了区域间的差异响应。  相似文献   

选择青藏高原腹地可可西里为研究区,通过对该区湖泊沉积物粒度参数的分析,并且与其他环境代用指标进行比较,探讨了中更新世以来可可西里地区的环境演变.结果表明:粒度参数的变化特征可以很好地指示湖泊水位的变化,能反映湖区气候的变化情况,粒度参数所指示的湖泊水位波动及环境变化得到了其他环境代用指标很好的支持,说明对沉积物粒度研究...  相似文献   

兹格塘错是位于藏北高原腹地的一个封闭型湖泊,流域内没有现代冰川和永久积雪存在,其湖泊的水量平衡主要是大气降水和蒸发之间的平衡,因此其湖泊的变化过程可直接反映区域的气候变化。为了探讨该区域全新世的气候与环境变化过程,在其湖泊中心水深30m处钻取了一支深727cm的沉积岩芯,对沉积岩芯进行了元素地球化学分析,利用主成分分析得出影响沉积物化学组成的三个主要因子,主要受控于流域侵蚀因子和径流因子,区域背景作用因子所占比重很小。结合Mg/Ca的变化,其结果反映了全新世期间湖泊水体退缩与扩张,水质的浓缩与淡化的过程,揭示了兹格塘错流域气候的干湿变化,呈现暖干/冷湿气候组合模式;元素地球化学所反映出的湖面波动与环境变化得到了其他资料较好的支持,同时又显示了区域的差异性。  相似文献   

青藏高原湖泊沉积物对古气候环境变化的响应   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
随着全球变化研究的不断深入,青藏高原湖泊沉积物的研究得到很大发展。作为高分辨率古环境变化的“记录仪”,湖泊沉积物在重建晚第四纪全球环境变化中具有特殊的地位和意义。湖泊沉积物中储存的各种信息反映了矿物学、同位素地球化学、生物学、沉积学等方面对气候环境变化的响应。在古环境变化研究中,湖泊沉积物已经从定性化研究逐渐过渡到定量化研究。  相似文献   

选择青藏高原腹地可可西里为研究区,通过对该区湖泊沉积物粒度参数的分析,并且与其他环境代用指标进行比较。探讨了中更新世以来可可西里地区的环境演变。结果表明:粒度参数的变化特征可以很好的指示湖泊水位的变化,能反映湖区气候的变化情况,而粒度参数所指示的湖泊水位波动及环境变化得到了其他环境代用指标很好的支持了。说明对沉积物粒度研究是恢复区域气候环境变化的一种有效途径。同时该区湖泊沉积物粒度参数的变化规律和深海氧同位素曲线在冰期-间冰期旋回尺度上有较好的一致性,但也出现不同的变化特征,说明本区既表现出全球一致的气候特征,但也受区域气候变化影响,这可能与青藏高原的抬升有一定关系,因此,本研究对研究区域气候与全球气候之间的关系有重要意义。  相似文献   

藏南沉错湖泊沉积多指标揭示的2万年以来环境变化   总被引:22,自引:1,他引:22  
通过对藏南沉错湖芯TC1孔的研究,分析了TC1孔的粒度、TOC、TN、C/N、Fe/Mn、Sr/Ba以及环境磁学参数等环境代用指标,基本上获得了这一地区2万年以来的环境变化记录。结果显示约19 800~18 000 Cal aBP的温度下降在各指标中具有明显的反映;约16 000 Cal aBP左右,温度在一次跃动上升之后,随即出现急剧下降;约15 200~12 000 Cal aBP,是降温之后的缓慢回升过程;约12 000~9 500 Cal aBP,各种指标均显示湖区环境处于不适宜阶段,特别是11 600~10 400 Cal aBP,湖区环境显著恶化。进入全新世后,湖区环境经历了3次明显的暖期(约9 500~7 600 Cal aBP、约6 800~5 800 Cal aBP、约4 800~3 800 Cal aBP) 和2次冷期(约7 600~6 800 Cal aBP、约5 800~4 800 Cal aBP),呈现出暖干/冷湿的交替规律,具有南亚季风(西南季风) 区气候变化的特征。沉错湖区2万年来的气候环境变化序列中的某些特征时段与格陵兰冰芯记录和青藏高原其他记录相比具有较好的一致性,反映了湖区及藏南地区的气候环境演变特征具有全球性特征。  相似文献   

青藏高原湖泊沉积与环境演变研究:现状与展望   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
从空间尺度、不同时间尺度、重大气候环境变化事件、与其他研究结果的对比以及代用指标与气候要素的定量关系研究等几个方面总结了近十余年来青藏高原湖泊沉积与环境演变研究的主要成果。目前在高原上开展的湖泊沉积与环境演变研究主要分布在三个较为集中的地区:高原东北边缘区、高原西部西昆仑山湖泊群和高原中南部湖泊群。已有的湖泊沉积记录主要是以中长时间尺度的研究为主,而短时间尺度高分辨率的研究稍显不足。与其他地区全球变化研究结果的对比表明,湖泊沉积所反映的高原气候环境变化既具有全球性,又具有区域性的特征。湖泊沉积重建的环境序列的定量化研究仍处于探索阶段。由于湖泊沉积的环境代用指标存在着相对多解性,因此在实际研究中多学科交叉、多指标分析的方法是必需的。当前和今后需要深入开展环境代用指标与气候要素之间定量关系的研究,进一步提高沉积物定年的精确性,发现新的更为敏感的环境代用指标,不断完善多学科多环境代用指标的综合分析,并注重填补不同区域不同时间尺度的研究空白,加强高原上不同区域之间的对比研究。  相似文献   

青藏高原对全球气候变暖响应敏感,研究青藏高原近千年来环境演化过程、规律与驱动机制对预测其未来气候可能发生的变化有重要参照意义。通过位于青藏高原东部的苦海沉积物总有机质相关指标[总有机碳(TOC)、总氮(TN)、总有机碳与总氮比值(TOC/TN)和总有机碳同位素(δ13Corg)]的研究重建了该区域过去840年来的环境演化过程。研究结果表明,苦海沉积物中的有机质主要来自于湖泊内源水生植物。由于暖期(冷期)时黄河上游径流量较高(低),苦海水位随之升高(降低),湖泊水动力增强(减弱),浅水区沉水植物对研究岩芯中有机质的贡献率提高(降低),导致沉积物TOC、TN、TOC/TN升高,δ13Corg值正(负)偏。人类活动导致的青藏高原近50年气候异常变暖可能是~1950 AD之后δ13Corg反映的黄河上游径流量变化与重建的中国温度记录之间的关系发生转变的原因。苦海沉积物δ13Corg记录与万象洞石笋δ18  相似文献   

Gao  Xing  Kang  Shichang  Liu  Qingsong  Chen  Pengfei  Duan  Zongqi 《地理学报(英文版)》2020,30(9):1481-1494
Heavy metals,one of the most toxic classes of pollutants,are resistant to degradation and harmful to the biological environment.The lakes that have developed on the Tibetan Plateau are ideal regions to investigate historic heavy metal pollution,particularly through the use of the reliable 210 Pb dating technique.Environmental magnetism has been successfully applied to estimate heavy metal pollution in different environmental systems due to its characteristics of simple processing steps,good sensitivity,and non-destructibility.However,it has not yet been applied to assess heavy metal pollution in lake sediments on the Tibetan Plateau.A series of environmental magnetic investigations of Qiangyong Co Lake sediments(southern Tibetan Plateau) was therefore conducted to explore the relationship between magnetic minerals and mercury(Hg) concentrations.The results showed that the magnetic mineral species in lake sediments remained stable,with similar levels of four different components from 1899 to 2011.However,the proportion of component 1(C1,hematite) increased continuously with the corresponding decrease in the proportion of C2(goethite),while the proportions of C3 and C4(magnetite) did not change significantly.As a result,the bulk magnetic signals(e.g.,SIRM and clf) were unsuitable for the evaluation of the Hg concentration;however,the proportion of hematite had a strong positive correlation with the Hg concentration.It is possible that the Qiangyong Glacier(the main water supply for Qiangyong Co Lake) has experienced faster melting with global and local warming,and the Hg trapped in cryoconite and ice was released.Hematite,with a large specific surface area,has a strong capacity for absorbing Hg,and both materials are ultimately transported to Qiangyong Co Lake.The proportion of hematite in a sample is therefore a suitable semi-quantitative proxy that can be used to evaluate the Hg concentration in Qiangyong Co Lake sediments.This study confirmed that the variation of magnetic minerals can provide a new method to estimate the variation of Hg concentrations and to study the process of Hg deposition in lakes in the southern Tibetan Plateau on the basis of a detailed environmental magnetic analysis.  相似文献   

1 IntroductionPast Global Changes (PAGES) is one of the important IGBP (International Geo-Biosphere Program) core programs, of which the objectives are to obtain and interpret all kinds of palaeoclimate records, understand the history of environment and ecological change, and provide basic material and necessary test for the establishment and improvement of climate forecasting models. Because the research of climatic and environmental changes on short time scale is the key connection bet…  相似文献   

1 Introduction Gaoyou Lake is the third largest lake in Jiangsu Province. It lies in central Jiangsu Province, lower reaches of the Huaihe River, and west of the Jing–Hang (Beijing–Hangzhou) Grand Canal. Previous research on environmental changes of the…  相似文献   

Based on analysis of parameters of cores taken from Gaoyou Lake, including magnetic susceptibility, grain-size characteristics and sedimentary rate, environmental changes during the modern period were examined with the assistance of historical records and Gaoyou Lake water level materials. It is concluded that during the modern period a higher value of magnetic susceptibility and a lower sediment grain size coincided with a wet climate, while a lower value of magnetic susceptibility and a higher grain size were related with a dry climate. The results indicate that the climate in the 123 years period from 1880 to 2003AD can be divided into four stages: two low water level stages (1880-1915AD, 1948-1981AD) and two high water level stages (1915-1948AD, 1981-2003AD). It appears that the regional climate generally underwent a dry-wet-dry-wet pattern in 30-year cycles. At present, it is at the end of a wet period, so the regional climate is expected to become dry in the near future. This conclusion corresponds with the climate records in the historical literature of the Gaoyou area, and it also matches with the climatic changes in North Jiangsu area.  相似文献   

Based on analysis of parameters of cores taken from Gaoyou Lake, including magnetic susceptibility, grain-size characteristics and sedimentary rate, environmental changes during the modern period were examined with the assistance of historical records and Gaoyou Lake water level materials. It is concluded that during the modern period a higher value of magnetic susceptibility and a lower sediment grain size coincided with a wet climate, while a lower value of magnetic susceptibility and a higher grain size were related with a dry climate. The results indicate that the climate in the 123 years period from 1880 to 2003AD can be divided into four stages: two low water level stages (1880–1915AD, 1948–1981AD) and two high water level stages (1915–1948AD, 1981–2003AD). It appears that the regional cli-mate generally underwent a dry–wet–dry–wet pattern in 30-year cycles. At present, it is at the end of a wet period, so the regional climate is expected to become dry in the near future. This conclusion corresponds with the climate records in the historical literature of the Gaoyou area, and it also matches with the climatic changes in North Jiangsu area.  相似文献   

对青藏高原中南部纳木错长332cm的NMLC1孔湖芯研究发现,沉积物的介形类动物群计有6属15种。介形类属种生态特征和组合变化分析表明这些介形类对环境条件具有敏感性,其组合能够很好地反映过去环境变化的特征。结果表明,8.4ka以来具有三个不同的环境变化时期:早期在8400~6800aBP,湖泊由浅向深发展,环境具有相对冷湿的特征:中期在6800~2500aBP,湖泊深度逐渐加大,环境经历了暖湿-冷湿-冷干的变化.其中由冷湿向冷干的转化奠定了纳木错现今环境条件的基础:晚期在2500--9aBP,湖泊深度继续增加,这个时期的较早阶段,继续保持了前一时期的冷干特点,但湖水盐度可能开始增加.较晚阶段的冷干化加剧,陆面流水的活跃性大大降低。研究发现,纳木错NMLC1钻孔介形类黑色壳体的高峰值与介形类的最大生产量相一致,并且与沉积水动力条件增强相适应.指示了这些黑壳的产生与介形类的大量繁殖处于同一阶段.并且主要为异地搬运为主。钻孔中出现大量Candona幼虫壳体.其原因可能与沉积环境的水动力条件迅速改变有关。  相似文献   

纳木错流域近30年来湖泊-冰川变化对气候的响应   总被引:19,自引:1,他引:19  
Based upon the 1970 aero-photo topographic map, and TM/ETM satellite images taken in 1991 and 2000, the authors artificially interpreted boundaries of lake and glaciers in Nam Co Catchment, and quantified lake-glacier area variations in different stages by "inte-grated method" with the support of GIS. Results show that from 1970 to 2000, lake area in-creased from 1942.34 km2 to 1979.79 km2 at a rate of 1.27 km2/a, while glacier area de-creased from 167.62 km2 to 141.88 km2 at a rate of 0.86 km2/a. The increasing rate of lake in 1991-2000 was 1.76 km2/a that was faster than 1.03 km2/a in 1970-1991, while in the same period of time, the shrinking rates of glaciers were 0.97 km2/a and 0.80 km2/a respectively.Important factors, relevant to lake and glacier response to the climate, such as air tempera-ture, precipitation, potential evapotranspiration and their values in warm and cold seasons,were discussed. The result suggests that temperature increasing is the main reason for the accelerated melting of glaciers. Lake expansion is mainly induced by the increase of the gla-cier melting water, increase of precipitation and obvious decrease of potential evapotranspi-ration. Precipitation, evaporation and their linkages with lake enlargement on regional scale need to be thoroughly studied under the background of global warming and glacier retreating.  相似文献   

A 332-cm long lacustrine core was drilled in the Nam Co in the central-southern part of the Tibetan Plateau. From the core, 15 species of ostracods (Crustacea: Ostracoda), which belong to 6 genera have been identified. According to the variations of the ostracod assemblages and the ostracods ecological features, which are sensitive to the changing environment, three main stages can be distinguished as follows: Stage I was from 8400 to 6800 a BP, during which the climate was cold-humid, and the lake depth changed from shallow to deep. Stage II was from 6400 to 2500 a BP, during which the climate changed from warm-humid to cold-humid, and then to cold-dry. The lake depth gradually became deep. The shifting of climate, from wet-cold to dry-cold during this period, had constructed the basis of present environment in the Nam Co. Stage III was from 2500 a BP to the present, which showed a trait of lake depth increasing. At the earlier period of this stage, the climate kept as cold-dry as that in the former stage, but the salinity of the lake increased. At the later period of this stage, the degree of cold-dry was enhanced, and the activities of land surface runoff tended to be weakened. Our research also found that the peak values of ostracods with black shell was coherent with the maximum production of the ostracods, and agreed with the increasing sedimentary water dynamics. This indicated that the ostracods with black shell was simultaneous with the high prolificacy of ostracod, and transported from other places. The abundance of Candona juvenile shells reflected the high mortality of that kind of ostracods under an unfavorable condition. This was probably a result of the rapid change of water dynamics of sedimentary environment.  相似文献   

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