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文章利用2014年9月南海东北部附近海域的A、B两个相距约20km的潜标数据, 分析了台风“海鸥”在南海东北部激发的近惯性振荡的垂向分布特征。结果表明, 台风过境在两站点激发了强烈的近惯性振荡, 其能量由海表向海洋内部传播; 近惯性能量在表层随着深度增加而增大, 最大值出现在次表层, 此后随着深度增加迅速衰减。但是两个观测站点的近惯性振荡垂向分布特征有较大的差别: A站点的近惯性振荡在不同深度上存在三个不同的垂向相速度, 而B站点的垂向相速度没有变化; 两站点的最大近惯性动能的大小及其所在深度不同, B站点比A站点的最大近惯性动能大15%左右。台风过后两个站点均出现由近惯性波f和半日内潮波D2非线性相互作用产生的次级波动fD2, 但其强度存在差异。台风后A站点fD2在不同深度上有不同的变化, fD2相互作用较弱; 而B站点的fD2在整个近惯性振荡影响深度内都是增强, 其fD2f频带的动能和流速在时空分布以及变化趋势上有较好的相关性。两站点的近惯性振荡垂向相速度以及次级波动fD2的不同可能是水体层结的差异和涡旋的影响所导致的。  相似文献   

文章基于天气研究和预报(weather research and forecasting, WRF)模式中的FY-3D卫星微波湿度计Ⅱ(micro-wave humidity sounder 2, MWHS-2)辐射率资料的直接同化模块, 采用三维变分(three dimensional variation, 3DVar)方法在晴空条件下同化MWHS-2辐射率资料, 考察MWHS-2辐射率资料同化对台风“米娜”(2019)预报的影响。文中设计了4组试验, 第一组试验不同化任何资料, 第二组试验同化了单独的全球通信系统(global telecommunications system, GTS)常规资料, 第三组试验联合同化了GTS常规资料和MWHS-2辐射率资料, 第四组试验将MWHS-2辐射率资料换成先进技术微波探测计(advanced technology microwave sounder, ATMS)辐射率资料同化。研究结果表明: 偏差订正后各通道观测和背景场差值的均值趋于0, 同化后分析场相对观测的标准差与均方根误差较背景场显著减小, 同化过程是有效的。与仅同化GTS常规资料和同化ATMS资料的试验相比, 同化晴空MWHS-2辐射率资料后的增量场在台风中心附近有负的高度增量和正的温度增量, 从动力与热力上有助于台风的维持。在确定性预报最后的12h, 同化晴空MWHS-2辐射率资料的试验能够改进500hPa环流形势的模拟, 加强西南方向引导气流的强度, 从而最终减小台风路径预报的误差。  相似文献   

文章利用经验台风风场模型(TCWPM)和美国环境预测中心的气候预测系统再分析风场资料(NCEP/CFSR)对台风"康森(Conson)"进行数值模拟,并将模拟的台风带入平板模式(slab model)模拟台风产生的海洋近惯性流。对比实测数据表明,模拟结果与真实风场、近惯性流场均比较一致,台风"康森"在近海面的风场不对称结构非常明显,台风中心两侧的速度大小相差可达10m·s~(–1)。台风"康森"在台风中心后方产生强烈的海洋近惯性振荡,且持续时间超过4d。海洋近惯性动能沿着台风路径呈显著的不对称分布,表明台风"康森"在共振作用下主要在路径右侧激发强烈的近惯性振荡。研究不同强度的热带气旋产生的海洋近惯性能量,发现热带风暴产生的海洋近惯性能量较小,平均近惯性动能不超过35J·m~(–3)。随着气旋强度的增大,热带气旋激发的近惯性能量呈指数增长,而台风的影响面积与最大风速半径的变化相对比较一致,当最大风速半径(R0)增大一半(1.5R0)时,其产生的最大平均近惯性动能从81J·m~(–3)增大到631J·m~(–3),影响面积从大约600km~2增加到大于900km~2。  相似文献   

通过2008年和2009年布放在南海北部的声学多普勒流速剖面仪(ADCP)锚系潜标,本文观测到了三次由台风引起的近惯性振荡(NIO)事件,分别编号为2008a,2009a,2009b,并对其进行了比较研究.其中2008a在三次事件中强度最大,持续时间最长(15 d),而2009a和2009b仅分别持续了4 d和8 d.三次事件的垂直能量分布和位相传播有明显的区别.在频率偏移方面,2008a的峰值频率略低于局地科氏频率(红移),而2009a和2009b则体现出蓝移.不同的NIO事件的特征表现主要由台风扰动和背景流场环境共同决定,特别是背景流场通过平流和调制作用在其中起了重要的作用.本文的研究为不同背景流场中NIO的不同响应提供了观测的证据.通过分析数模提供的背景流场的涡度和有效科氏频率,2008a事件中较强的振幅和较长的持续时间是由于背景的剪切流场的波导效应造成,其改变了台风过后NIO的能量分布,将入射波能量集中于负涡度区域.而2009a和2009b事件中由于涡度不明显,因此没有类似效应.  相似文献   

台风Wayne过后南海北部陆架海域的近惯性振荡   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
1986年8月18日8616号台风维纳(Wayne)在南海中部生成,其后在南海北部迂回盘旋,前后3次穿越巴士海峡,9月4日在海南岛登陆。布放在海南岛东部陆架上的锚系浮标记录了台风中心过境前后风和近表层的海流响应。分析结果表明,台风中心过境造成海水强烈的近惯性运动,其影响大约持续了6—8d,近惯性振荡的频率为0.029 2周.h-1(周期约34.2h),高出当地的惯性振荡频率(0.028cph)4.3%。带通滤波所提取的惯性运动特征显示,台风过境后惯性振荡逐渐衰减,惯性圆逐渐向西南方向偏移。根据这一个例,探讨了台风条件下近表层流速与风速的关系以及台风尾迹中近惯性流流速衰减过程的经验描述,可为近海海洋工程设计提供参考。  相似文献   

基于2014年8-9月南海北部东沙群岛附近海域两个临近站位(站位A,20.736°N,117.745°E,水深1 249 m;站位B,20.835°N,117.56°E,水深848 m)的潜标数据,研究了台风过境所激发的近惯性振荡的特征,分析了中尺度暖涡对近惯性频率的调制及其对近惯性动能分布和传播的影响。站位A(B)142(175) m以浅,近惯性频率由0.710 1(0.713 3)周/d红移至0.659 2周/d,频率减小了7.2%(7.6%),观测结果与两个站位所处的背景涡度相吻合。中尺度暖涡改变了水体层结状态,两个站位的近惯性动能在不同层结中被改变了0.5~3倍。水体层结对能量的折射作用使得站位B的近惯性动能在深度158~223 m之间衰减较少,而站位A的近惯性动能则随着深度的增加快速减小。站位A和站位B近惯性内波的垂向群速度分别约为15.2 m/d和14.1 m/d。如果忽略近惯性动能的水平辐散,近惯性内波的垂向传播分别造成了两个站位垂向上约47%和38%的近惯性动能衰减。  相似文献   

选取了两例迅速增强的南海土台风“蝴蝶”(1321)与“银河”(1603), 分析了其增强时南海及周边海域的高低空环流形势、垂直风切变情况和海洋热状况, 并利用WRF (Weather Research and Forecasting Model, WRF)模式探究两者强度不同的环境原因。“银河”虽具有较有利的海洋下垫面条件, 但并未发展为台风, 是因为不利的高低空环流形势和垂直风切变条件。“蝴蝶”迅速增强为强台风是因为其发生时北方冷空气南下, 西南暖湿气流爆发等有利条件。WRF模式对海表面温度(SST)影响土台风强度的敏感性实验表明, 土台风强度对于SST的响应表现为非线性正相关, SST升高, 土台风增强的速率将减缓。7—9月的南海SST均高于28℃, 已满足土台风增强条件。因此, 在对于土台风的预报中, 需特别注意SST以外的其他环境因子。  相似文献   

In September 2011, Typhoon Nesat passed over a moored array of instruments recording current and temperature in the northern South China Sea(SCS). A wake of baroclinic near-inertial waves(NIWs) commenced after Nesat passed the array. The associated near-inertial currents are surface-intensified and clockwise-polarized. The vertical range of NIWs reached 300 m, where the vertical range is defined as the maximum depth of the horizontal near-inertial velocity 5 cm/s. The current oscillations have a frequency of 0.709 9 cycles per day(cpd), which is 0.025 f higher than the local inertial frequency. The NIWs have an e-folding time-scale of 10 d based on the evolution of the near-inertial kinetic energy. The depth-leading phase of near-inertial currents indicates downward group velocity and energy flux. The estimated vertical phase velocity and group velocity are 0.27 and 0.08 cm/s respectively, corresponding to a vertical wavelength of 329 m. A spectral analysis reveals that NIWs act as a crucial process to redistribute the energy injected by Typhoon Nesat. A normal mode and an empirical orthogonal function analysis indicate that the second mode has a dominant variance contribution of 81%, and the corresponding horizontal phase velocity and wavelength are 3.50 m/s and 420 km respectively. The remarkable large horizontal phase velocity is relevant to the rotation of the earth, and a quantitative analysis suggests that the phase velocity of the NIWs with a blue-shift of 0.025 f overwhelms that of internal gravity waves by a factor of 4.6.  相似文献   

利用中国气象局整编的CMA-STI热带气旋最佳路径数据集和NCEP/NCAR再分析资料,对2006年超强台风桑美(Saomai)在我国近海的突然增强过程进行诊断分析,结果表明:在Saomai突然增强过程中,总涡度收支在高层首先开始增加,接着中层涡度开始增加并逐渐向低层伸展,当高层涡度由增大转为减小,中低层涡度都转为增大时,Saomai趋于突然增强。在Saomai突然增强过程中,在对流层中低层,涡度平流项贡献最大,这与同期活动在西太平洋洋面上Saomai西侧的热带气旋宝霞(Bopha)有密切联系。进而利用中尺度模式WRF_ARW V 3.3进行数值模拟,结果表明:在Saomai西侧,Bopha的气旋性环流并入Saomai后,Bopha减弱而Saomai突然增强,Bopha残涡(remnant)正涡度带的卷入是Saomai在我国近海突然增强的重要原因。  相似文献   

一次受台风影响的大气波导过程分析和数值模拟   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
利用NCEP再分析资料及实况探空资料,对2002年8月31日台风"鹿莎"靠近和进入韩国期间,在我国东部地区大气波导的发生情况,以及相对应物理量场进行分析发现:湿度递减以及辐散下沉运动与大气波导的发生有很好的对应关系.运用中尺度预报模式ARPS对这次大气波导过程进行了两种方案的数值模拟试验,结果表明:对大气波导进行数值模拟时,初始场非常重要.在初始时刻同化了探空资料后的初始场更接近真实大气状况,同化探空资料初始场的模拟结果比没有同化探空资料初始场的模拟结果更接近于实际探空资料.  相似文献   

After validated by the in-situ observation, the slab model is used to study the wind-generated near-inertial energy flux(NIEF) in the South China Sea(SCS) based on satellite-observed wind data, and its dependence on calculation methods and threshold criteria of the mixed layer depth(MLD) is investigated. Results illustrate that the total amount of NIEF in the SCS could be doubled if different threshold criteria of MLD are adopted. The NIEF calculated by the iteration and spectral solutions can lead to a discrepancy of 2.5 GW(1 GW=1×109 W). Results also indicate that the NIEF exhibits spatial and temporal variations, which are significant in the boreal autumn,and in the southern part of the SCS. Typhoons are an important generator of NIEF in the SCS, which could account for approximately 30% of the annual mean NIEF. In addition, deepening of the MLD due to strong winds could lead to a decrease of NIEF by approximately by 10%. We re-estimate the annual mean NIEF in the SCS,which is(10±4) GW and much larger than those reported in previous studies.  相似文献   

南海北部陆架区两个台风过境时近惯性运动的若干特征   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
Features of near-inertial motions on the shelf(60 m deep) of the northern South China Sea were observed under the passage of two typhoons during the summer of 2009. There are two peaks in spectra at both sub-inertial and super-inertial frequencies. The super-inertial energy maximizes near the surface, while the sub-inertial energy maximizes at a deeper layer of 15 m. The sub-inertial shift of frequency is induced by the negative background vorticity. The super-inertial shift is probably attributed to the near-inertial wave propagating from higher latitudes. The near-inertial currents exhibit a two-layer pattern being separated at mid-depth(25–30 m), with the phase in the upper layer being nearly opposite to that in the lower layer. The vertical propagation of phase implies that the near-inertial energy is not dominantly downward. The upward flux of the near-inertial energy is more evident at the surface layer(17 m). There exist two boundaries at 17 and 40 m, where the near-inertial energy is reflected upward and downward. The near-inertial motion is intermittent and can reach a peak of as much as 30 cm/s. The passage of Typhoon Nangka generates an intensive near-inertial event, but Typhoon Linfa does not. This difference is attributed to the relative mooring locations, which is on the right hand side of Nangka's path(leading to a wind pattern rotating clockwise with time) and is on the left hand side of Linfa's path(leading to a wind pattern rotating anti-clockwise with time).  相似文献   

During the South China Sea monsoon experiment (SCSMEX),three autonomous temperature line acquisition system (ATLAS) buoys with acoustic Doppler current profiler (ADCP) were moored in the South China Sea to measure temperature,salinity and current velocity.Typhoon Faith passed through about 250 km south to one of the mooring buoys located at 12 58.5 N,114 24.5 E from December 11 to 14,1998.The data analysis indicates that the typhoon winds induce a great increase in the kinetic energy at near-inertial frequencies with two maxima in the mixed layer and thermocline.The near-inertial oscillations were observed at the upper 270 m in the wake of Typhoon Faith.The oscillations were originally excited in the sea surface layer and propagated downward.The amplitudes of the oscillations decrease with depth except in the thermocline.The near-inertial oscillation signals are also remarkable in temperature and salinity fields.  相似文献   

南海混合层近惯性能通量的时空变化   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
On the basis of the QSCAT/NCEP blended wind data and simple ocean data assimilation(SODA), the wind-induced near-inertial energy flux(NIEF) in the mixed layer of the South China Sea(SCS) is estimated by a slab model, and the model results are verified by observational data near the Xisha Islands in the SCS. Then, the spatial and temporal variations of the NIEF in the SCS are analyzed. It is found that, the monthly mean NIEF exhibits obvious spatial and temporal variabilities, i.e., it is large west of Luzon Island all the year, east of the Indo-China Peninsula all the year except in spring, and in the northern SCS from May to September. The large monthly mean NIEF in the first two zones may be affected by the large local wind stress curl whilst that in the last zone is probably due to the shallow mixed layer depth. Moreover, the monthly mean NIEF is relatively large in summer and autumn due to the passage of typhoons. The spatial mean NIEF in the mixed layer of the SCS is estimated to be about 1.25 m W/m2 and the total wind energy input from wind is approximately 4.4 GW. Furthermore, the interannual variability of the spatial monthly mean NIEF and the Ni?o3.4 index are negatively correlated.  相似文献   

梁辉  郑洁  田纪伟 《海洋学报》2016,38(11):32-42
通过对2006年南海西北部海域近3个月的全水深流速观测资料的分析,研究了该海区正压潮、内潮及近惯性内波的时空分布特征。结果表明,全日内潮明显强于半日内潮,且最大潮流均出现在海洋上层;内潮的主轴方向基本沿东南-西北方向,近似与局地等深线垂直;内潮能量显示出明显的时间长度约为半月的大小潮调制周期;全日内潮的coherent部分占全日内潮能量的70%,而半日内潮的coherent部分占半日内潮能量的53%;进一步研究发现半日内潮主要由第一模态主导,而全日内潮第三模态能量占总能量的比例仅次于第一模态且量值上与之相当;强风过程可激发出强的近惯性运动,暖涡使得近惯性内波能量更有效地向海洋深层传播,冷涡则不利于近惯性内波能量向下传播。  相似文献   

台风Maggie(9903)的数值预报试验   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
台风Maggie(9903)的移动路径属于历史上罕见的疑难路径之一,在1999年6月6日0时(UTC,下同),台风位于22.3°N,119.8°E附近,它向西北方向移动,于6月6日12时抵达广东汕尾附近海面,然后沿海岸线折向西南行,于6月7日下午到达阳江附近海面,经历一次360°的打转后再折向北行在阳江登陆,澳门地球物理暨气象局以MM5为基础的台风数值预报试验系统在6月6日0时相当准确地报出Maggie的未来48h移动路径和降水,敏感性试验说明,华南大陆的海岸线走向和地形对Maggie的移动路径无明显的影响,它之所以沿海岸线折向西南行应是其环境场改变的结果,把华南陆地变为海洋后,Maggie在向西南移动过程中继续发展,这说明,当台风接近陆地或登陆后,陆面摩擦和下垫面水气供应的减少是引起台风减弱的主要因子。  相似文献   

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