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随着地理信息产业的飞速发展,测量型GNSS接收机在近几年有了进一步发展,从起初的只能接收GPS信号发展到现在能接收多种GNSS信号,接收机工作模式也从起初的仅能做静态测量到现在可以满足不同测量要求的多种测量模式,接收机变得越来越智能化、通讯方法越来越多样化、使用越来越便捷。现主要从通讯方式入手,梳理GNSS接收机的发展历程和时期特点,对接收机的进一步发展提出一些建议。  相似文献   

随着卫星导航技术的不断进步,GNSS全球卫星导航系统得到了快速发展和广泛应用。概述了GNSS系统的发展历程及研究现状,介绍了目前全球四大卫星导航系统GPS、GLONASS、Galileo和COMPASS的概况与最新进展,讨论了GNSS系统未来的发展方向。  相似文献   

以我国西南地区44个GNSS站在ITRF2008框架下约6年的高精度GNSS坐标时间序列为例,研究CME对高精度GNSS坐标时间序列的影响。用PCA方法提取序列中的CME并分析其对高精度GNSS坐标时间序列特征参数的影响。研究结果表明,CME对高精度GNSS时间序列的振幅、相位、噪声类型及测站速率均有不同程度的影响,主要体现在滤波后44个测站N、E、U方向序列标准差分别提高75%、70%、57%;滤波前后测站U方向约50%的测站速率有1~2 mm的差异。可见,在高精度时间序列建模、地壳蠕动形变分析、毫米级参考框架建立等高精度GNSS数据应用领域中CME的影响不容忽视。  相似文献   

针对GNSS服务中如何获取高精度的大地高以及GNSS气象中对流层湿延迟项,文中采用3种试验方案,利用对流层变化复杂的香港区域CORS,分析不同映射函数存不同高度角时对精密服务的影响。结果表明:存高度角为15°时VMFl、GMF、NMF映射函数获取基线重复性相当,天顶延迟变化规律一致;在低高度角为10°时,基于VMFl映射函数的基线重复率更好,对大气变化的敏感性更强,GMF映射函数获取的天顶延迟精度较好,NMF映射函数获取的精度较弱。  相似文献   

通过对不同长度GNSS导线实测数据的处理比较,分析了GNSS基线走向变化对点位精度的影响。结果表明,GNSS支导线中各控制点在经度、纬度和高程方向的误差累积与基线走向有关,并随点位经纬度的变化呈现一定的规律。   相似文献   

GNSS观测数据质量对坐标解算精度的影响分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对陆态网络流动GNSS观测环境的变化易引起观测质量下降的问题,该文对其不同观测质量数据解算坐标误差进行分析,以便于根据不同研究区域选择不同质量的观测数据。以华北地区450个流动GNSS站为研究对象,统计结果表明,单天坐标精度总体上随着数据有效率的增大而升高,随M1和M2增大而降低,多路径效应对测站垂向的影响大于水平向;在影响测站观测环境的诸多因素中,树木遮挡影响最大。最后提出了提高数据质量的建议措施。  相似文献   

海潮对GNSS高精度测量影响的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着GNSS技术与数据处理方法的快速发展,GNSS技术已被广泛应用.其中,GNSS技术应用于地壳运动监测与高精度重点工程变形监测均已达到毫米级的精度,而海潮对GNSS测站坐标、基线解算和天顶延迟的影响不可忽略.基于全球海潮模型和GAMIT软件分析,顾及中国近海海潮,主要研讨海潮对测站位移改正、基线向量解算的影响,并提出...  相似文献   

GNSS科学发展与前景   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
GNSS早已成为多学科研究的强大工具。着重介绍了近几年来GNSS系统及其观测技术,特别是数据处理方法和技术的重大发展,阐述了数据格式标准化的进展、全球与区域参考框架现状、参考框架对地壳运动研究的影响和IGS的产品等。同时对利用GNSS观测研究成果,主要是地壳运动的研究成果也作了较为详细的介绍。  相似文献   

针对当前Klobuchar与GIM两种常用电离层延迟改正模型对GNSS伪距单点定位精度的影响,采用自编软件进行了两种模型对GPS、BDS、Galileo各两个频率伪距单点定位精度的影响分析。实验结果表明,整体而言GPS和BDS采用GIM模型解算得到的伪距单点定位精度要优于Klobuchar模型,Galileo采用两种模型解算得到的伪距单点定位精度相当。  相似文献   

现代信息化战争要求后勤保障准确、快速、安全、可控,而GPS正是能够帮助后勤保障满足这些要求的有力手段之一。GPS在军事后勤保障中有着广泛的应用前景,既能够提高后勤运输保障效能,又能保持运输保障与作战部队的保障需求协调一致,它必将成为未来信息化战争的关键性技术。本文着重从GPS在军事后勤保障的应用入手,首先介绍GPS的组成和特点,然后分析GPS对军事后勤保障的影响作用、具体应用和主要特点,最后指出GPS目前在我国军事领域应用的局限性,并提出相应的几点建议。  相似文献   

卫星导航系统差分增强技术发展研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
高为广  楼益栋  刘杨  张婷 《测绘科学》2013,38(1):51-53,67
随着用户对卫星导航系统需求的日趋膨胀,高精度差分技术已呈现出新的特征与发展趋势。本文从差分原理、技术、系统几个层面综合分析了现有差分系统的优缺点及发展趋势,在此基础上,探讨了我国卫星导航系统后续差分增强系统发展应关注的重点问题,并给出了几点建议。  相似文献   

基于GNSS的电离层模型研究进展   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
在利用全球导航卫星系统GNSS进行精密定位和导航时,电离层延迟误差是影响其精度和准确度的主要误差源之一,故对电离层模型研究至关重要。本文将电离层模型分成了经典电离层模型和现代电离层模型,并对经典电离层模型进行了比较,重点介绍了目前全世界电离层模型的研究热点、存在问题及研究方向。  相似文献   

The timing error between global navigation satellite system (GNSS) and inertial navigation system (INS) processes limits the integration performance in GNSS/INS integrated systems. In a deeply coupled system, this timing error affects not only the integrated navigation solution, but also the GNSS signal tracking. We propose a time-domain model of INS-aided second-order phase-locked loops (PLLs) in consideration of the INS aiding delay, and analyze the effect of INS aiding delay on the tracking errors in details. In addition, an integrated hardware deeply coupled system platform was developed to verify the impact of time delay on INS-aided PLLs. Simulation and field vehicles testing results demonstrate that the tracking error of the INS-aided PLL caused by aiding delay increases with the lengthening of the delay time, the compression of the bandwidth, and the increase in the acceleration. Testing results verify the proposed model.  相似文献   

低轨导航增强GNSS发展综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张小红  马福建 《测绘学报》2019,48(9):1073-1087
低轨星座具有地面接收信号强度高、几何图形变化快的优势,能够与中高轨GNSS星座形成互补,对增强GNSS的精度、完好性、连续性和可用性具有显著优势,已成为当前卫星导航领域的关注热点。本文首先简要介绍了现有的GNSS增强系统;总结了国内外低轨导航增强星座发展现状;针对低轨导航增强,对比分析了高中低轨导航星座的优缺点;重点讨论了低轨导航增强在联合定轨、快速精密定位、空间天气监测和室内定位等方面带来的机遇;分析指出了低轨导航增强的空间段、地面段和用户段所面临的挑战。  相似文献   

In recent years, several studies have demonstrated the sensitivity of Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) station time series to displacements caused by atmospheric pressure loading (APL). Different methods to take the APL effect into account are used in these studies: applying the corrections from a geophysical model on weekly mean estimates of station coordinates, using observation-level corrections during data analysis, or solving for regression factors between the station displacement and the local pressure. The Center for Orbit Determination in Europe (CODE) is one of the global analysis centers of the International GNSS Service (IGS). The current quality of the IGS products urgently asks to consider this effect in the regular processing scheme. However, the resulting requirements for an APL model are demanding with respect to quality, latency, and—regarding the reprocessing activities—availability over a long time interval (at least from 1994 onward). The APL model of Petrov and Boy (J Geophys Res 109:B03405, 2004) is widely used within the VLBI community and is evaluated in this study with respect to these criteria. The reprocessing effort of CODE provides the basis for validating the APL model. The data set is used to solve for scaling factors for each station to evaluate the geophysical atmospheric non-tidal loading model. A consistent long-term validation of the model over 15 years, from 1994 to 2008, is thus possible. The time series of 15 years allows to study seasonal variations of the scaling factors using the dense GNSS tracking network of the IGS. By interpreting the scaling factors for the stations of the IGS network, the model by (2004) is shown to meet the expectations concerning the order of magnitude of the effect at individual stations within the uncertainty given by the GNSS data processing and within the limitations due to the model itself. The repeatability of station coordinates improves by 20% when applying the effect directly on the data analysis and by 10% when applying a post-processing correction to the resulting weekly coordinates compared with a solution without taking APL into account.  相似文献   

Mitigating the impact of ionospheric cycle slips in GNSS observations   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Processing of data from global navigation satellite systems (GNSS), such as GPS, GLONASS and Galileo, can be considerably impeded by disturbances in the ionosphere. Cycle-slip detection and correction thus becomes a crucial component of robust software. Still, dealing with ionospheric cycle slips is not trivial due to scintillation effects in both the phase and the amplitude of the signals. In this contribution, a geometry-based approach with rigorous handling of the ionosphere is presented. A detailed analysis of the cycle-slip correction process is also tackled by examining its dependence on phase and code noise, non-dispersive effects and, of course, the ionosphere. The importance of stochastic modeling in validating the integer cycle-slip candidates is emphasized and illustrated through simulations. By examining the relationship between ionospheric bias and ionospheric constraint, it is shown that there is a limit in the magnitude of ionospheric delay variation that can be handled by the cycle-slip correction process. Those concepts are applied to GNSS data collected by stations in northern Canada, and show that enhanced cycle-slip detection can lead to decimeter-level improvements in the accuracy of kinematic PPP solutions with a 30-s sampling interval. Cycle-slip correction associated with ionospheric delay variations exceeding 50 cm is also demonstrated, although there are risks with such a procedure and these are pointed out.  相似文献   

层析模型在GNSS探测电离层中的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
蒋廷臣  王秀萍 《测绘科学》2009,34(6):102-104,130
在利用全球导航卫星系统GNSS(GPS、GLONASS、Galileo等卫星定位系统)进行精密定位和导航时,电离层延迟误差是影响其精度和准确度的主要误差源之一,故对电离层模型研究至关重要。本文介绍了传统电离层模型的缺点,重点阐述了不同的电离层层析方法,同时分析了现在电离层层析方法所存在的主要问题,最后介绍了目前全世界电离层层析模型的研究展望。  相似文献   

GNSS satellite transmit power and its impact on orbit determination   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Antenna thrust is a small acceleration acting on Global Navigation Satellite System satellites caused by the transmission of radio navigation signals. Knowledge about the transmit power and the mass of the satellites is required for the computation of this effect. The actual transmit power can be obtained from measurements with a high-gain antenna and knowledge about the properties of the transmit and receive antennas as well as losses along the propagation path. Transmit power measurements for different types of GPS, GLONASS, Galileo, and BeiDou-2 satellites were taken with a 30-m dish antenna of the German Aerospace Center (DLR) located at its ground station in Weilheim. For GPS, total L-band transmit power levels of 50–240 W were obtained, 20–135 W for GLONASS, 95–265 W for Galileo, and 130–185 W for BeiDou-2. The transmit power differs usually only slightly for individual spacecraft within one satellite block. An exception are the GLONASS-M satellites where six subgroups with different transmit power levels could be identified. Considering the antenna thrust in precise orbit determination of GNSS satellites decreases the orbital radius by 1–27 mm depending on the transmit power, the satellite mass, and the orbital period.  相似文献   

针对GNSS定位结果总是存在点位误差,由此导出的长度测量值为点位误差的非线性映射,对于长距离定位量测,其非线性影响较小,线性化近似一般可以满足精度要求,但对于短距离量测,其非线性影响不容忽略的问题。该文探讨了GNSS长度测量不确定性来源,通过单点定位和差分定位试验验证了长度测量不确定性与定位精度、点间距离的关系,测试不同偏差和方差估计公式的适用性。试验表明,对于GNSS高精度、长基线测量,其长度统计偏差可以忽略,且方差为基线向量的方向方差;现有不确定性评估公式在超短基线情形适用性会变差,在这种情形下,试验表明二阶偏差和方差估计更为精确。通过消除长度统计偏差得到无偏估计量,可以有效提高距离量测的可靠性,为提高用户距离量测精度提供有益帮助。  相似文献   

太阳风暴将对北斗卫星导航系统的正常运行产生影响。对即将到来的第24个太阳活动高年期间,北斗系统可能受到的影响进行了分析。电离层延迟误差将使北斗系统用户定位精度进一步降低。电离层闪烁发生更为频繁,对北斗系统性能产生影响,闪烁严重时用户甚至失去定位功能。太阳风暴引起的电离层扰动,如电离层暴,也将对北斗系统性能产生影响。针对北斗系统建设,提出了应采用的应对措施。  相似文献   

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