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中国水泥行业生产了全球水泥总产量的一半以上,能耗和CO2排放仅次于电力行业.通过国际比较和宏观经济驱动力分析,预估了水泥产量在2010-2030年间3种可能的发展趋势.采用基于工艺流程的自底向上核算方法,评估了每种产量趋势下中国水泥行业在2010-2030年间的节能潜力和CO2减排潜力.结果显示,相比基准情景,在最佳技术情景下,水泥行业存在13.4%~ 14.6%的节能潜力和15.3%~ 16.3%的CO2减排潜力,分别带来平均4.2亿t标煤的累积节能量和37.2亿t的累积CO2减排量.总体上,燃料和熟料替代措施的节能减排效应要优于能效提高措施.在3种CO2排放源中,过程减排约贡献了总减排量的42%,其次是燃烧减排(36%)和电力减排(22%).  相似文献   

全球长期减排目标与碳排放权分配原则   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
全球长期减排目标将对世界未来的碳排放形成严重制约,减排义务的分担原则涉及各国的发展空间,事关根本利益。部分发达国家倡导人均排放趋同原则,回避发达国家的历史责任,中国等发展中国家提出人均累积排放趋同原则,强调公平性。按人均累积排放量计算,发达国家自工业革命以来的CO2排放量已远超出其到2050年前应有的限额,其当前和今后相当长时期的高人均排放都将继续挤占发展中国家的排放空间。因此,发达国家在哥本哈根会议的中近期减排承诺中必须深度减排,以实现全球长期减排目标下的排放轨迹,并为发展中国家留有必要的发展空间。同时必须对发展中国家给予充足的资金和技术支持,作为对其过度挤占发展中国家发展空间的补偿,使发展中国家能够在可持续发展框架下,提高应对气候变化的能力。我国在对外坚持公平原则,努力争取合理的排放空间的同时,对内要加强向低碳经济转型,努力实现保护全球气候和国内可持续发展的双赢。  相似文献   

通过系统地比较各主要国家CO2排放总量、人均排放量及排放强度等,总结发达国家碳排放特点,分析中国碳排放历程及各阶段出现的原因。比较分析发达国家和发展中国家应对气候变化的相关政策,结合中外碳排放特征,总结中国碳排放及应对气候变化面临的主要问题。提出中国新常态下应对气候变化的建议,包括在国际层面上,积极参与气候谈判,推动国际社会低碳化发展,在中国层面上,切实改变经济增长方式,引领经济低碳发展等。  相似文献   

古田会 《贵州气象》2011,35(5):62-64
电力行业是对天气气候条件敏感度较高的行业,该文通过对几个电力行业典型单位的气象服务效益评估,主要从电力行业的电力生产、电力调度、电网维护和电力建设等4个环节入手,分析了电力行业各个环节对气象敏感度与需求度,调查了气象服务产品的应用现状和服务需求,为今后气象部门加强与电力行业沟通协作、提高电力气象服务能力提供了参考依据。  相似文献   

针对中国交通运输行业碳排放量核算边界、范围、方法不清的问题,采用自上而下和自下而上相结合的方法,通过运输方式分解,建立统计口径清晰、可与国际对标的交通碳排放测算模型,测算2019年中国交通运输业和各运输方式的CO2排放量,分析中国交通运输业的碳排放结构和不同运输方式的碳排放强度,为中国交通运输业制定碳减排路径提供理论基础。结果表明,2019年中国交通运输业的CO2排放量为12.74亿t,仅次于美国(17.88亿t),占全国CO2排放总量的比重为12.42%,占世界交通运输CO2排放总量的比重为14.82%。中国交通碳排放结构较分散,作为碳排放主体的道路运输排放占比(79.15%)低于德国、法国等欧洲国家(85.19%~96.69%),而航空、水路、轨道交通的碳排放占比则高出许多,分别为9.13%、7.06%、4.39%。碳排放强度由大到小排序为航空、公路、铁路、水运。  相似文献   

我国是全球二氟一氯甲烷(HCFC-22)的主要生产国,在HCFC-22的生产过程中,会产生大量的温室气体--三氟甲烷(HFC-23)。通过分析我国11个HFC-23减排清洁发展机制(CDM)项目的监测数据,确定HFC-23的排放因子,估算我国2000-2010年HFC-23的排放量,并预测了2011-2020年HFC-23的排放量和减排潜力。预计到2020年,我国HFC-23的排放量将达到2.3亿t CO2当量。如果HCFC-22企业能够实现自主减排,那么将为我国2020年CO2排放强度下降40%~45%的减排目标贡献3.2%~3.6%。  相似文献   

采用燃料生命周期方法,选取能耗、CO2、NOx和SO2排放等关键节能减排指标,对我国纯电动汽车、汽油汽车和混合动力汽车进行比较分析。通过对2010年和2020年两个时间点的考察,发现推广纯电动汽车并不一定有利于节能减排:在2010年技术水平和能源结构下,纯电动汽车的燃料周期能耗和CO2排放低于燃油汽车(包括汽油汽车和混合动力汽车),但NOx和SO2排放要高出燃油汽车50%以上;到2020年,若国家相关规划目标得以实现,纯电动汽车的燃料周期能耗和CO2排放将比2010年下降30%左右,NOx和SO2排放将比2010年下降80%以上,但由于发动机技术迅速改进等原因,届时纯电动汽车的燃料周期CO2、NOx和SO2排放等都高于混合动力汽车。在此基础上,进一步分析了纯电动汽车节能减排效益的不确定性,并提出改善纯电动汽车节能减排效益的政策建议,如将纯电动汽车的推广与电力系统改造行动结合起来、基于能耗水平对纯电动汽车和燃油汽车进行分类管理等。  相似文献   

2012年,中国房间空气调节器(空调器)保有量约为3.57亿台,依据抽样调查数据计算得到保有量装机容量,采用各省市夏季平均温度估算超过26℃的时间作为运行时间计算得出年电力消耗约3.28×1011 kW?h,折合碳排放约为318 Mt CO2当量。由于空调器国内需求量将进一步增长,预计到2030年保有量将达到当前的4~5倍。在电力结构不变情景下,空调器总体能效提高1倍,2030年空调器电力消耗产生的温室气体排放约为603 Mt CO2当量。假设空调器总体能效提高1倍、高能效产品消费比例进一步提高并伴随中国能源结构调整,如水电、核电、太阳能等低碳能源比例不断提高,在满足中国空调器需求的前提下,2030年中国空调器电力消耗产生的温室气体排放可以争取控制在当前的水平。  相似文献   

废弃物处理温室气体排放的主要排放源之一为废水(生活污水和工业废水)处理CH4排放。根据统计资料和IPCC提供的方法,选择适合中国的排放因子,分析了中国废水处理2005-2010年的CH4排放特征和2000-2010年CH4产生的各驱动因子。并且根据中国的实际情况预测和分析了中国废水处理CH4排放趋势和排放潜力。结果显示:2010年中国生活污水处理CH4排放量为61.10万t,工业废水处理的CH4排放量为162.37万t,造纸等八大行业CH4排放量达到总CH4排放量的92%以上,2005-2010年的CH4排放量逐年增加;到2020年在减排情景下,生活污水处理CH4排放量为101.36万t,减排潜力为7.63万t,比2010年排放量增加了66%;工业废水处理CH4排放量233.93万t,减排潜力为25.99万t,比2010年排放量增加了44%。  相似文献   

基于全生命周期评价理论,建立了建筑全生命周期碳排放计算模型,以严寒地区某近零能耗建筑为例,开展了建筑全生命周期碳排放核算.同时,选取了建筑保温材料类型、保温材料厚度、窗户类型、窗墙面积比、供暖系统形式以及建筑使用寿命等影响因素,开展了建筑碳排放影响因素研究.结果表明:近零能耗建筑全生命周期内建材生产运输、建筑施工、建筑...  相似文献   

The transport sector is one of the major sources of greenhouse gas emissions. The proposal of “dual-carbon” targets puts forward higher requirements for carbon emission reduction in the transport sector. The statistical data base for energy consumption statistics and greenhouse gas emission measurement in China’s transport sector is relatively weak. There is no precise data on greenhouse gas emission of transport sector. The boundary, scope, and methodology of greenhouse gas emission accounting need to be further clarified. At present, the accounting method for greenhouse gases has not been unified in the transport sector at the national level. Drawing on the experience and practice of domestic and overseas greenhouse gas emissions accounting boundaries and calculating methods for the transport sector, this paper puts forward the greenhouse gas emissions accounting methods applicable to different modes of transportation in China. Aiming at the existing problems in the transport greenhouse gas accounting, corresponding policy recommendations in establishing energy consumption and emissions accounting method system, setting up the transport energy consumption and carbon emissions data sharing mechanism, strengthening transportation energy consumption emissions accounting methods training, improving data quality management are proposed in this study, to provide a reference for the continuous development of greenhouse gas emissions accounting in China’s transport sector. © 2023 BULLETIN OF THE CHINESE CERAMIC SOCIETY. All rights reserved.  相似文献   

《Climate Policy》2013,13(2-3):247-254

Continued growth and the privatisation of Brazil's electricity system, which is largely based upon hydropower, is projected to lead to big expansion mainly of natural gas but also coal power stations with a resulting huge growth in greenhouse gases (GHG) emissions unless steps are taken to avoid this. The Brazilian National Program of Power Conservation and Efficient Use of Electrical Energy in terms of avoided GHG emissions (PROCEL), originally created in 1985, is a multi-stakeholder program coordinated by Eletrobrás aimed to reduce the waste of electrical power on both supply and demand side. Initially crippled by lack of funds, a new finance structure introduced in 1994 has greatly increased PROCEL's impact. Here we develop scenarios that suggest that continued expansion of PROCEL's programme, including resources that might be drawn through clean development mechanism (CDM) projects, to meet projected PROCEL targets over the next two decades could avoid approximately one-third of the GHG emissions from the Brazilian power sector. This contribution demonstrates the significant global environmental benefits of PROCEL in addition to national benefits of this innovative programme.  相似文献   

The Government of Botswana has pledged a nationally determined contribution (NDC) as a commitment to the Paris Agreement. For the power sector, the NDC states that the government expects renewable energy (RE) to meet 25% of peak electricity demand by 2030. However, due to high initial cost of RE technologies, the government plans to maintain a coal-based power system in the future. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to examine Botswana’s national plan from an economic perspective, using scenario and cost analysis, to explore the possibility of the power sector’s low carbon transition in the light of Botswana’s NDC. Five scenarios are designed to reflect a range of investment cost changes of RE technologies. While most scenarios only achieve 19% (P3, P4 and P5) and 54% (P6) of the NDC’s power sector target, the P7 scenario far exceeds the goal by achieving 188% of the NDC target. Furthermore, as the difference of levelized cost of electricity among the scenarios is minimal, the P7 scenario is the most attractive pathway for the government. Even for other scenarios, the government should still deploy the suggested capacity of solar photovoltaic (PV) as it is both economically and socially beneficial in the long term. However, in these cases, the government’s political will to meet the NDC’s power sector target and to promote the solar PV industry will be critical in designing future power sector policies.

Key policy insights

  • Model results show coal as the cheapest resource for electricity generation in Botswana up to 2030, but the cost competitiveness of solar photovoltaic (PV) against coal will continue to increase over time.

  • It is economically and socially beneficial to adjust the current national plan and substitute some share of coal with solar PV in the future energy mix.

  • Government support is critical in achieving the power sector’s NDC target, as cost reduction of solar PV alone does not guarantee success.

  • Encouraging independent power producers (IPP) with financial support mechanisms would be a suitable business model for developing the renewable energy industry.


碳市场和电力市场将共同发挥市场对资源优化配置的决定性作用,对共同市场主体发电企业带来经营和发展挑战.在考虑碳成本的基础上,采用发电机组经济性影响模型,定量分析了碳市场不同发展阶段对发电机组发电成本的影响,定量评价不同能源结构投资收益经济性,以及对集中竞价市场出清顺序的影响.结果表明,随着有偿配额比例和碳价增加,碳成本占...  相似文献   

全国碳市场将在电力行业启动交易,配额分配方法是其核心。通过试点经验对比分析,将对全国起到借鉴作用。研究结果表明,八试点共纳入电力企业202家,在覆盖范围、信息披露、分配方法、抵消机制等方面存在共性和差异,但普遍存在基准线法基础薄弱、间接排放处理不科学、热电联产供电和供热分摊困难等问题。建议在制定全国碳市场电力部门配额分配方案时应考虑循序渐进、协调推进、稳定性、科学与实用、激励和灵活、公开透明等基本原则。  相似文献   

《Climate Policy》2013,13(1):56-70
Oregon's governor has proposed a load-based cap and trade programme that limits carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions to 10% below 1990 levels by 2020. A load-based programme is different from the source-based European Union Emissions Trading Scheme (EU ETS), as it regulates emissions sources, located outside the state, that serve Oregon's electricity load. This article describes the stakeholder process that developed the legislative proposal for the load-based cap. The Oregon Clean Energy Planning Model©, a modified capacity expansion model of annual load resource balances, is used to estimate programme costs. The net present value of the climate policy to Oregon ranges from a $518 million benefit to a $414 million cost under various load growth scenarios. Programme benefits are possible under low and medium load growth because the societal returns of energy efficiency exceed its cost over the life of the programme. CO2 allowance prices in 2017–2020 are estimated in the medium case at approximately $21 per tonne. Low energy efficiency deployment could raise allowance costs to $36, while an aggressive efficiency programme could reduce them to $13.50. Competition for Northwest renewable resources could increase allowance prices in final phase to $37, indicating the interdependence in programme design among state climate policies.  相似文献   

Forests have an important role to play in climate change mitigation through carbon sequestration and wood supply. However, the lower albedo of mature forests compared to bare land implies that focusing only on GHG accounting may lead to biased estimates of forestry's total climatic impacts. An economic model with a high degree of detail of the Norwegian forestry and forest industries is used to simulate GHG fluxes and albedo impacts for the next decades. Albedo is incorporated in a carbon tax/subsidy scheme in the Norwegian forest sector using a partial, spatial equilibrium model. While a price of EU€100/tCO2e that targets GHG fluxes only results in reduced harvests, the same price including albedo leads to harvest levels that are five times higher in the first five years, with 39% of the national productive forest land base being cleared. The results suggest that policies that only consider GHG fluxes and ignore changes in albedo will not lead to an optimal use of the forest sector for climate change mitigation.

Policy relevance

Bare land reflects a larger share of incoming solar energy than dense forest and thus has higher albedo. Earlier research has suggested that changes in albedo caused by management of boreal forest may be as important as carbon fluxes for the forest's overall global warming impacts. The presented analysis is the first attempt to link albedo to national-scale forest climate policies. A policy with subsidies to forest owners that generate carbon sequestration and taxes levied on carbon emissions leads to a reduced forest harvest. However, including albedo in the policy alongside carbon fluxes yields very different results, causing initial harvest levels to increase substantially. The inclusion of albedo impacts will make harvests more beneficial for climate change mitigation as compared to a carbon-only policy. Hence, it is likely that carbon policies that ignore albedo will not lead to optimal forest management for climate change mitigation.  相似文献   

China is exploring the total volume control system of carbon emissions to speed up its progress of carbon peaking and carbon neutrality. Allocation of provincial carbon emission allowances (CEA) is the key to China’s implementation of the total volume goal of carbon emissions. This paper reviews the research on allocating China’s provincial CEA from three aspects: allocation criteria, methods, and results. The results show that taking both principles of fairness and efficiency into account is the consensus of many types of research. However, there are still disputes on the interpretation and measurement of the principle of fairness. The index and optimization methods are most widely used in allocating China’s provincial CEA. The former can take into account the interests of multiple parties, while the latter can improve allocation efficiency. The hybrid method has great potential for development due to its multi-method advantages. The game method is rare due to its’ lack of transparency. There is still a gap between the emission reduction responsibilities of each province in previous allocation results and the actual situation of each province. In addition, previous allocation results only focus on a specific year’s CEA allocation or a specific period’s cumulative CEA allocation. They lack attention to the year-by-year CEA allocation. It is suggested that follow-up research should pay more attention to the construction process of intertemporal dynamic allocation methodology, which takes into account both fairness and efficiency, considers regional heterogeneity and consumer emission responsibility, adopts a multi-method combination, and is compatible with the particularity of individual cases. © 2023 Tomsk Polytechnic University, Publishing House. All rights reserved.  相似文献   

The energy sector is the main contributor to GHG emissions in Saudi Arabia. The tremendous growth of GHG emissions poses serious challenges for the Kingdom in terms of their reduction targets, and also the mitigation of the associated climate changes. The rising trend of population and urbanization affects the energy demand, which results in a faster rate of increase in GHG emissions. The major energy sector sources that contribute to GHG emissions include the electricity generation, road transport, desalination plants, petroleum refining, petrochemical, cement, iron and steel, and fertilizer industries. In recent years, the energy sector has become the major source, accounting for more than 90% of national CO2 emissions. Although a substantial amount of research has been conducted on renewable energy resources, a sustainable shift from petroleum resources is yet to be achieved. Public awareness, access to energy-efficient technology, and the development and implementation of a legislative framework, energy pricing policies, and renewable and alternative energy policies are not mature enough to ensure a significant reduction in GHG emissions from the energy sector. An innovative and integrated solution that best serves the Kingdom's long-term needs and exploits potential indigenous, renewable, and alternative energy resources while maintaining its sustainable development stride is essential.

Policy relevance

The main contributor to GHG emissions in Saudi Arabia is the energy sector that accounts for more than 90% of the national CO2 emissions. Tremendous growth of GHG emissions poses serious challenges for the Kingdom in their reduction and mitigating the associated climate changes. This study examines the changing patterns of different activities associated with energy sector, the pertinent challenges, and the opportunities that promise reduction of GHG emissions while providing national energy and economic security. The importance of achieving timely, sustained, and increasing reductions in GHG emissions means that a combination of policies may be needed. This study points to the long-term importance of making near- and medium-term policy choices on a well-informed, strategic basis. This analytical paper is expected to provide useful information to the national policy makers and other decision makers. It may also contribute to the GHG emission inventories and the climate change negotiations.  相似文献   

《Climate Policy》2013,13(5):467-493
An oligopoly competition model is described and used to illustrate the potential effect of EU emissions trading and transport issues on the production decisions and profitability of cement producers in a typical western European country market. The role of geography is introduced from three viewpoints: the existence of regional markets, the fact that EU producers may operate multiple plants across these regions, and the possibility of production capacity constraints. A typical EU state is divided into a coastal region which is initially exposed to international competition, and an inland region which is initially protected. Assuming pure auctioning of EU Allowances and a range of CO2 prices up to €50/t, our model predicts a large increase of imports into the coastal region. Consequences for the inland producers include reduced attractiveness of the coastal market, as well as increased competition from coastal producers and from non-EU imports. The model includes a number of simplifications and therefore does not claim to offer definitive predictions, but our results do suggest that an increase in non-EU imports could feasibly offset more than 70% of the decrease in EU cement sector emissions. The likely impact on producer profits is considered for each region, and the advantages and disadvantages of potential mitigating policy measures are reviewed for either the EU Allowance allocation process or border adjustments on cement products.  相似文献   

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