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An international project is underway to design and build a radiotelescope with an effective collecting area two orders of magnitude greaterthan the largest existing instruments. One of the many scientific goals of thisinstrument will be the investigation of the extragalactic radio sourcepopulation at flux densities two to three orders of magnitude fainter thanthe limits of existing observations. We present simulations of the radiosky at 1.4 GHz down to a flux density limit of 0.1 Jy usingextrapolations of known radio luminosity functions for two differentpopulation scenarios. The resulting simulations confirm that a resolutionof 0' .1 is necessary to avoid formal confusion, but sourceblending may still dominate if the intrinsic size of such faint sourcesis larger than a few kiloparsecs.  相似文献   

We compare observations of the high-redshift galaxy population to the predictions of the galaxy formation model of Croton et al. and De Lucia & Blaizot. This model, implemented on the Millennium Simulation of the concordance Lambda cold dark matter cosmogony, introduces 'radio mode' feedback from the central galaxies of groups and clusters in order to obtain quantitative agreement with the luminosity, colour, morphology and clustering properties of the present-day galaxy population. Here we construct deep light cone surveys in order to compare model predictions to the observed counts and redshift distributions of distant galaxies, as well as to their inferred luminosity and mass functions out to redshift 5. With the exception of the mass functions, all these properties are sensitive to modelling of dust obscuration. A simple but plausible treatment agrees moderately well with most of the data. The predicted abundance of relatively massive  (∼ M *)  galaxies appears systematically high at high redshift, suggesting that such galaxies assemble earlier in this model than in the real Universe. An independent galaxy formation model implemented on the same simulation matches the observed mass functions slightly better, so the discrepancy probably reflects incomplete or inaccurate galaxy formation physics rather than problems with the underlying cosmogony.  相似文献   

The global star formation rate has decreased significantly since   z ∼ 1  , for reasons that are not well understood. Red-sequence galaxies, dominating in galaxy clusters, represent the population that have had their star formation shut off, and may therefore be the key to this problem. In this work, we select 127 rich galaxy clusters at  0.17 ≤ z ≤ 0.36  , from 119 deg2 of the Canada–France–Hawaii Telescope Legacy Survey (CFHTLS) optical imaging data, and construct the r '-band red-sequence luminosity functions (LFs). We show that the faint end of the LF is very sensitive to how red-sequence galaxies are selected, and an optimal way to minimize the contamination from the blue cloud is to mirror galaxies on the redder side of the colour–magnitude relation. The LFs of our sample have a significant inflexion centred at     , suggesting a mixture of two populations. Combining our survey with low-redshift samples constructed from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey, we show that there is no strong evolution of the faint end of the LF (or the red-sequence dwarf-to-giant ratio) over the redshift range  0.2 ≲ z ≲ 0.4  , but from   z ∼ 0.2  to ∼0 the relative number of red-sequence dwarf galaxies has increased by a factor of ∼3, implying a significant build-up of the faint end of the cluster red sequence over the last 2.5 Gyr.  相似文献   

We recover the luminosity distributions over a wide range of absolute magnitude (−24.5 <  M R  < −16.5) for a sample of seven rich southern galaxy clusters. We find a large variation in the ratio of dwarf to giant galaxies, DGR: 0.8 ≤ DGR ≤ 3.1. This variation is shown to be inconsistent with a ubiquitous cluster luminosity function. The DGR shows a smaller variation from cluster to cluster in the inner regions ( r  ≲ 0.56 Mpc). Outside these regions we find the DGR to be strongly anticorrelated with the mean local projected galaxy density, with the DGR increasing towards lower densities. In addition, the DGR in the outer regions shows some correlation with Bautz–Morgan type. Radial analysis of the clusters indicates that the dwarf galaxies are less centrally clustered than the giants, and they form a significant halo around clusters. We conclude that measurements of the total cluster luminosity distribution based on the inner core alone are likely to be severe underestimates of the dwarf component, the integrated cluster luminosity and the contribution of galaxy masses to the cluster's total mass. Further work is required to quantify this. The observational evidence that the unrelaxed, lower density outer regions of clusters are dwarf-rich adds credence to the recent evidence and conjecture that the field is a predominantly dwarf-rich environment, and that the dwarf galaxies are under-represented in measures of the local field luminosity function.  相似文献   

We measure the relative evolution of the number of bright and faint (as faint as  0.05 L *)  red galaxies in a sample of 28 clusters, out of which 16 are at  0.50 ≤ z ≤ 1.27  , all observed through a pair of filters bracketing the 4000-Å break rest frame. The abundance of red galaxies, relative to bright ones, is constant over all the studied redshift range,  0 < z < 1.3  , and rules out a differential evolution between bright and faint red galaxies as large as claimed in some past works. Faint red galaxies are largely assembled and in place at   z = 1.3  and their abundance does not depend on cluster mass, parametrized by velocity dispersion or X-ray luminosity. Our analysis, with respect to the previous one, samples a wider redshift range, minimizes systematics and put a more attention to statistical issues, keeping at the same time a large number of clusters.  相似文献   

We present detailed simulations of long-exposure CCD images. The simulations are used to explore the validity of the statistical method for reconstructing the luminosity distribution of galaxies within a rich cluster, i.e., by the subtraction of field number-counts from those of a sight-line through the cluster. In particular, we use the simulations to establish the reliability of our observational data to be presented in Paper III. Based on our intended CCD field-of-view (6.5 × 6.5 arcmin2) and a 1σ detection limit of 26 mag arcsec−2, we conclude that the luminosity distribution can be robustly determined over a wide range of absolute magnitude (−23 <  M R  < −16) provided: (a) the cluster has an Abell richness 1.5 or greater; (b) the redshift of the cluster lies in the range 0.1 <  z  < 0.3; (c) the seeing is better than FWHM 1.25 arcsec, and (d) the photometric zero-points are accurate to within Δ m  = ± 0.12. If these conditions are not met, then the recovered luminosity distribution is unreliable. Finally, although the method clearly has limitations, within these limitations the technique represents an extremely promising probe of galaxy evolution and environmental dependences.  相似文献   

We show that binned differential luminosity functions constructed using the 1/ V a method have a significant systematic error for objects close to the flux limit(s) of their parent sample. This is particularly noticeable when luminosity functions are produced for a number of different redshift ranges as is common in the study of AGN or galaxy evolution. We present a simple method of constructing a binned luminosity function which overcomes this problem and has a number of other advantages over the traditional 1/ V a method. We also describe a practical method for comparing binned and model luminosity functions, by calculating the expectation values of the binned luminosity function from the model.
Binned luminosity functions produced by the two methods are compared for simulated data and for the Large Bright QSO Survey (LBQS). It is shown that the 1/ V a method produces a very misleading picture of evolution in the LBQS. The binned luminosity function of the LBQS is then compared with a model two-power-law luminosity function undergoing pure luminosity evolution from Boyle et al. The comparison is made using a model luminosity function averaged over each redshift shell, and using the expectation values for the binned luminosity function calculated from the model. The luminosity function averaged in each redshift shell gives a misleading impression that the model over predicts the number of QSOs at low luminosity even for 1.0< z <1.5, when model and data are consistent. The expectation values show that there are significant differences between model and data: the model overpredicts the number of low luminosity sources at both low and high redshift. The luminosity function does not appear to steepen relative to the model as redshift increases.  相似文献   

We present the results from a CCD survey of the B -band luminosity function of nine clusters of galaxies, and compare them to published photographic luminosity functions of nearby poor clusters like Virgo and Fornax, and also to the field luminosity function. We derive a composite luminosity function by taking the weighted mean of all the individual cluster luminosity functions; this composite luminosity function is steep at bright and faint magnitudes and is shallow in-between.
All clusters have luminosity functions consistent with this single composite function. This is true both for rich clusters like Coma and for poor clusters like Virgo.
This same composite function is also individually consistent with the deep field luminosity functions found by Cowie et al. and Ellis et al., and also with the faint end of the Las Campanas Redshift Survey R -band luminosity function, shifted by 1.5 mag. A comparison with the Loveday et al. field luminosity function, which is well determined at the bright end, shows that the composite function, which fits the field data well fainter than M B=−19, drops too steeply between M B=−19 and −22 to fit the field data there.  相似文献   

We present a new determination of the optical luminosity function (OLF) of active galactic nuclei (AGN) at low redshifts ( z <0.15) based on Hubble Space Telescope ( HST ) observations of X-ray-selected AGN. The HST observations have allowed us to derive a true nuclear luminosity function for these AGN. The resulting OLF illustrates a two power-law form similar to that derived for quasi‐stellar objects (QSOs) at higher redshifts. At bright magnitudes, M B <−20, the OLF derived here exhibits good agreement with that derived from the Hamburg/European Southern Observatory (ESO) QSO survey. However, the single power-law form for the OLF derived from the Hamburg/ESO survey is strongly ruled out by our data at M B >−20. Although the estimate of the OLF is best fitted by a power-law slope at M B <−20.5 that is flatter than the slope of the OLF derived at z >0.35, the binned estimate of the low-redshift OLF is still consistent with an extrapolation of the z >0.35 OLF based on pure luminosity evolution.  相似文献   

An analysis of the environments around a sample of 28 3CR radio galaxies with redshifts 0.6< z <1.8 is presented, based primarily upon K -band images down to K ∼20 taken using the UK Infrared Telescope (UKIRT). A net overdensity of K -band galaxies is found in the fields of the radio galaxies, with the mean excess counts being comparable to that expected for clusters of Abell Class 0 richness. A sharp peak is found in the angular cross-correlation amplitude centred on the radio galaxies that, for reasonable assumptions about the luminosity function of the galaxies, corresponds to a spatial cross-correlation amplitude between those determined for low-redshift Abell Class 0 and 1 clusters.
These data are complemented by J -band images also from UKIRT, and by optical images from the Hubble Space Telescope . The fields of the lower redshift ( z ≲0.9) radio galaxies in the sample generally show well-defined near-infrared colour–magnitude relations with little scatter, indicating a significant number of galaxies at the redshift of the radio galaxy; the relations involving colours at shorter wavelengths than the 4000 Å break show considerably greater scatter, suggesting that many of the cluster galaxies have low levels of recent or on-going star formation. At higher redshifts the colour–magnitude sequences are less prominent owing to the increased field galaxy contribution at faint magnitudes, but there is a statistical excess of galaxies with the very red infrared colours ( J − K ≳1.75) expected of old cluster galaxies at these redshifts.
Although these results are appropriate for the mean of all of the radio galaxy fields, there exist large field-to-field variations in the richness of the environments. Many, but certainly not all, powerful z ∼1 radio galaxies lie in (proto)cluster environments.  相似文献   

In this paper, we study the variations of group galaxy properties according to the assembly history in Sloan Digital Sky Survey Data Release 6 (SDSS-DR6) selected groups. Using mock SDSS group catalogues, we find two suitable indicators of group formation time: (i) the isolation of the group, defined as the distance to the nearest neighbour in terms of its virial radius and (ii) the concentration, measured as the group inner density calculated using the fifth nearest bright galaxy to the group centre. Groups within narrow ranges of mass in the mock catalogue show increasing group age with isolation and concentration. However, in the observational data the stellar age, as indicated by the spectral type, only shows a correlation with concentration.
We study groups of similar mass and different assembly history, finding important differences in their galaxy population. Particularly, in high-mass SDSS groups, the number of members, mass-to-light ratios, red galaxy fractions and the magnitude difference between the brightest and second-brightest group galaxies, show different trends as a function of isolation and concentration, even when it is expected that the latter two quantities correlate with group age. Conversely, low-mass SDSS groups appear to be less sensitive to their assembly history.
The correlations detected in the SDSS are not consistent with the trends measured in the mock catalogues. However, discrepancies can be explained in terms of the disagreement found in the age-isolation trends, suggesting that the model might be overestimating the effects of environment. We discuss how the modelling of the cold gas in satellite galaxies could be responsible for this problem. These results can be used to improve our understanding of the evolution of galaxies in high-density environments.  相似文献   

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