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The ideas of ray tracing from geometrical optics and wave propagation in a slowly varying medium are applied to Rossby waves propagating in a barotropic atmosphere.The propagation of low-frequency Rossby waves in a zonally symmetric basic state is compared with that for stationary waves presented by Hoskins and Karoly (1981). These ideas are then used to study the propagation of Rossby waves in a basic state with zonally varying middle latitude or low latitude jets. Conditions which allow cross-equatorial wave propagation are presented. For a zonally varying middle latitude jet, there is weak wave convergence in regions of decreasing jet speed, However, this is not sufficient to explain the enhanced wave amplitude found in numerical-model experiments using a zonally varying basic state.  相似文献   

Under semi geostropical approximation, by means or phase angle function the non-linear ordinary differential equation is derived involving topography and zonal shear basic flow. Conditions for the existence of limited amplitude periodical and isolated wave solutions are directly obtained based on the qualitative theory of the ordinary differentical equation. Analysis is thus made of the influence of topography and zonal shear flow on the existence of wave solution. Finally, explicit wave solutions are determined by function approaching with the result that topogra-phy and zonal shear flow affect not only the existence but also the form of waves, indicating the non-linear features of waves and the effect of topography and shear basic flow on undulation.  相似文献   

In this paper, we using phase plane method have derived the stability criteria of linear and nonlinear Rossby waves under the conditions of semi-geostrophic approximation and have gotten the solutions and geostrophic vorticity of corresponding solitary Rossby waves. It is pointed out that the wave stability is connected with the distri-bution of zonal flow and when the zonal flow is different the solitary wave trough or ridge is formed.  相似文献   

In this paper, we investigate the meridional propagation of a forced Rossby wave packet towards a critical layer in a zonal shear flow by solving the linearized barotropic vorticity equation. The forcing is applied north of the critical layer. Two approaches are employed for solving this problem. First, an analytic solution valid for large time is derived, using Fourier and Laplace transform techniques and asymptotic approximations. This solution exhibits the modification due to the wave packet of the solution obtained by Warn and Warn (1976) [Warn, T., Warn H., 1976. On the development of a Rossby wave critical level. J. Atmos. Sci., 33, 2021–2024.] in the monochromatic case. A numerical investigation is then carried out using a finite difference scheme and a time-dependent radiation condition. It is found that the forced wave packet is absorbed at the critical layer and the total momentum transferred to the mean flow as a result of the absorption is observed to be proportional to the length scale of the wave packet. We also consider the case of a north–south mean flow with a longitudinally propagating wave packet forced to the east or west of the critical layer. The monochromatic version of this problem has been used before (Geisler, J.E., Dickinson, R.E., 1975. Critical level absorption of barotropic Rossby waves in a north–south flow. J. Geophys. Res., 80, 3805–3811.) to examine the interaction of western boundary currents and oceanic Rossby waves.  相似文献   

黄思训  张铭 《大气科学》1987,11(1):58-70
本文讨论了在特定外源的条件下正压无辐散大气中存在的非线性Rossby椭圆余弦波和孤立波解,并求出了非线性波动的波速公式及其振幅与其它波参数间的诊断关系.证明了当不考虑外源时非线性波动的波速公式在振幅趋于零时即退化为通常的线性化的Rossby长波公式.  相似文献   

Climate Dynamics - Investigation into the Pacific decadal oscillation’s (PDO’s) role in modulating the intra-basin frequency of North Atlantic Rossby wave breaking (RWB) is carried out...  相似文献   

In this paper, the coupling equations describing nonlinear three-wave interaction among Rossby waves including the forcing of an external vorticity source are obtained. Under certain conditions, the coupling equations with a constant amplitude forcing, the stability analysis indi-cates that when the amplitude of the external forcing increases to a certain extent, a pitchfork bifurcation occurs. Also, it is shown from numerical results that the bifurcation can lead to chaotic behavior of “strange” attractor. For the obtained three-variable equation, when the amplitude of modulated external forcing gradually increases, a period-doubling bifurcation is found to lead to chaotic behavior. Thus, in a nonlinear three-wave coupling model in the large-scale forced barotropic atmospheric flow, chaotic behavior can be observed. This chaotic behavior can explain in part 30-60-day low-frequency oscillations observed in mid-high latitudes.  相似文献   

Summary This study investigates the impact of lateral boundary conditions on the propagation and dispersion of locally excited Rossby waves in a zonally periodic, barotropic, quasigeostrophic channel model on the β-plane. We use basic flows with either a linear meridional shear or a jet-like profile. On the southern boundary of the channel we impose either a rigid wall or a radiation condition, whereas the northern sidewall is permeable for Rossby waves. We compare the numerical solutions found for a reflecting southern boundary in a weakly dissipative flow to the solutions obtained from a WKB-analysis for the corresponding unforced nondissipative situation. Furthermore, we compare the generalized Eliassen-Palm flux vectors to the ray paths of Rossby wave packets, obtained from WKB ray tracing. In particular, we focus our investigation on the two-dimensional structure of trapped modal waves and wavetrains in a simple linear numerical model. Summarizing our results, we find that along the reflective wall, trapped modal wave structures as well as reflected wavetrains occur with characteristics (e.g., wavenumbers, turning latitudes) similar to the ones computed using asymptotic methods. In a linear sheared flow wave packets are trapped for all zonal wave numbers in contrast to a jet-like mean flow which has a selective effect on the waves; i.e., a turning latitudes phenomenon between the coast and the flow maximum occurs for short waves, while long waves can propagate freely across the zonal mean flow. This comes out clearly when studying the stream lines of the Eliassen-Palm flux vectors of the numerical model simulations. Furthermore, due to the reflected wave activity, the dispersion of Rossby waves is influenced by the southern boundary condition not only in the vicinity of the border but also in regions away from the boundary. These results appear to be important on the one hand for the existence of trapped Rossby waves in large-scale oceanic shear flows along a zonally oriented coast. And, on the other hand for large-scale boundary waves in conceptional atmospheric channel models which can lead to unwanted resonance effects. Received July 18, 2000/Revised June 9, 2001  相似文献   

刘征宇 《大气科学》1989,13(2):166-177
本文讨论了正压大气中的一种地形性振荡,这种振荡是由地形对行星涡度的周期性强迫而产生的共振作用所引起的。它具有两个明显的特征,即能流方向与波尺度无关及振荡的周期为中长期天气尺度。  相似文献   

In this paper, we have investigated large scale disturbance in barotropic atmosphere on a sphere. It demonstrates that: considering nonlinear effects of interaction between waves in barotropic vorticity equation, the wave packet of the disturbance is governed by the famous equation-nonlinear Schrodinger equation. For the solitary wave, two fac-tors are very important: one is spherical effect of the disturbance and the other is meridional shear of blocking high. In comparison with the results of local Cartesian coordinates, the former factor is the individuality of spherical soliton.  相似文献   

As far as the author knows, the previous models of solitary Rossby wave have been restricted to the case of the east-west elongated one. However, now, it is shown by Yano and Tsujimura that the north-south elongated KdV-type solitary Rossby wave is also possible. In this note, a typical example of the north-south elongated elongated KdV-type solitary Rossby wave in the shallow water β-plane model is examined.The conventional east-west elongated solitary Rossby wave is governed by the KdV equation in the longitudinal direction at each latitude. The same is true for the case of the north-south elongated solitary Rossby wave. The main difference is that, however, the KdV-soliton defined at each latitude has drifted by the local phase velocity, which is different for each latitude. Hence, the wave pattern is deformed continuosly with time in the latitudinal direction, and the separable solution is not possible as is in the case of the east-west elongated solitary wave.  相似文献   

In this paper,modified Korteweg-de Vries (mKdV) equations for the amplitude of solitary Rossby waves in stratified fluids with a zonal shear flow are derived by using a weakly nonlinear method.It is found that the coefficients of mKdV equations depend not only on the β effect and the Visl-Brunt frequency,but also on the basic shear flow.  相似文献   

40—50天的纬向基流低频振荡及其失稳效应   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:10  
张可苏 《大气科学》1987,11(3):227-236
初步的资料分析表明,大气运动的40—50天的低频振荡不仅存在于热带对流层,而且也存在于中高纬对流层及平流层.在温度及高度场的功率谱中,40—50天的振荡比双周振荡更为显著. 用球面二层模型对对流层冬季纬向振荡基流所作的稳定性分析表明,小扰动的增长随基流振荡而加强,经向温度梯度40—50天的振荡对波数3—8的波动能产生相当可观的失稳效应。对更长周期的基流振荡,增长率的频率响应出现“饱和”现象. 对平流层的分析表明,平流层定态纬向基流是动力稳定的,而纬向流的振荡分量及非纬向定态扰动则是两个可引起基态失稳的因子.  相似文献   

Through numerical integration, we show that equatorial Rossby waves, like their midlatitude counterparts, decay algebraically in the limit t → ∞ in a linear shear flow. For small times, the growth expected for some components does not translate into any growth of the wave disturbance as a whole when the initial conditions has a broad Fourier spectrum. The conclusion is that Rossby waves will amplify with time only when the mean flow has an inflection point or when the initial eddy field is strongly concentrated in long waves tilted against the shear.  相似文献   

切变基流中赤道Rossby包络孤立波   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A simple shallow-water model on an equatorialβ-plane is employed to investigate the nonlinear equatorial Rossby solitons in a mean zonal flow with meridional shear by the asymptotic method of multiple scales. The cubic nonlinear Schrodinger (NLS, for short) equation, satisfied for large amplitude equatorial envelope Rossby solitons in shear basic flow, is derived. The effects of basic flow shear on the nonlinear equatorial Rossby solitons are also analyzed.  相似文献   

The ray method is used to study quasi-geostrophic waves in a thin layer of incompressible, inviscid fluid of constant density both in a rotating spheroidal shell and on a rotating spheroid bounded above by a free surface. Asymptotic approximations to solutions of both the time-dependent and time-reduced problems are found; the dispersion relation obtained has the form of the Rossby-Haurwitz formula when the shell is spherical, and is asymptotically equivalent to that found by Longuet-Higgins (1965) for the free surface problem on a sphere. The approximation is first applied to free oscillations in a rotating spherical shell and Longuet-Higgins' (1964) results are rederived. Spheroidal shells in which the shell thickness depends only upon the latitude are studied next and a necessary and sufficient condition for oscillations to occur is obtained.  相似文献   

A kind of technique of computer extension of perturbation series is presented and used in seeking for the second-order approximation to a large-scale travelling wave solution of the barotropic primitive equations. Numerical experiments show that the second-order approximation keeps major characters of the travelling wave solution and is indeed more exact than the zero-order and the first order approximations.  相似文献   

Interaction of a zonal jet and small-amplitude Rossby-wave turbulence is studied within the framework of the barotropic β-plane model. It is demonstrated that turbulent-laminar interaction in this case transfers energy from the wave turbulence to the laminar flow (the effect of negative friction). We derive a conclusion that, as the geophysical turbulence is determined partly by wave turbulence and none of the traditional heuristic models can adequately describe the effect of negative friction associated with wave turbulence, the application of these models to the ‘real’ ocean and atmosphere is unreliable.It is also demonstrated that, as they are affected by the turbulence, all westward jets slowly expand without strengthening. Each jet has a core, within the limits of which the velocity of the fluid is constant. In some cases, the core expands faster than the jet periphery, resulting in jumps on the profile of the flow. All eastward jets are steady irrespective of their profiles.  相似文献   

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