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A sediment budget is constructed for the Lower Mississippi River prior to the introduction of most human modifications. Components of the budget are derived from historical data including Mississippi River Commission hydrographic survey maps for the period from 1877 to 1924. A quantitative estimate of major sediment sources, sinks and storage locations in the Lower Mississippi Valley suggest that the most important sediment source was from bank caving and that at least 50 per cent more sediment was deposited in short-term channel storage than in longer-term overbank storage. The budget indicates that the proportion of sediment transported as bedload was significantly greater than previously estimated. The magnitude and variability of these sediment budget components are discussed. The results of the study suggest that prior to modifications the river was aggrading over much of its length.  相似文献   

A sediment budget is constructed for the slope and narrow continental shelf off the Sepik River in order to estimate the relative importance of turbid plumes versus bottom gravity transport through a near-shore submarine canyon in the dispersal of sediment across this collision margin. 210Pb geochronology and inventories of Kasten cores are consistent with the northwestward dispersal of sediment from the river mouth via hypopycnal and possible isopycnal plumes. Sediment accumulation rates are 5 cm yr−1 on the upper slope just off of the Sepik mouth, decreasing gradually to 1 cm yr−1 toward the northwest, and decreasing abruptly offshore (<0.2 cm yr−1 at 1200 m water depth). A sediment budget indicates that only about 7–15% of the Sepik River sediment discharge accumulates on the adjacent open shelf and slope. The remainder presumably escapes offshore via gravity flows through a submarine canyon, the head of which extends into the river mouth. The divergent sediment pathways observed off the Sepik River (i.e., surface and subsurface plumes versus sediment gravity flows through a canyon) may be common along high-yield collision margins of the Indo–Pacific archipelago, and perhaps are analogous to most margins during Late Quaternary low sea-level conditions.  相似文献   

A sediment budget was developed for the 1.7 km2 Maluna Creek drainage basin located in the Hunter Valley, New South Wales, Australia, for the period 1971-86. the impact of viticulture, which commenced at Maluna in 1971, was studied using erosion plots, with caesium-137 as an indicator of both soil erosion and sedimentation. Two methods were used to estimate vineyard soil losses from caesium-137 measurements. Sediment output from the catchment was measured for three years, and extrapolated from readings taken at a nearby long-term stream flow gauging station for the remaining 13 years. Relative amounts of soil loss from forest (60 per cent basin area), grazing land (30 per cent) and vineyards (10 per cent) were calculated. Soil losses by rain splash detachment were ten times greater from bare/cultivated sufaces than from the forest. Erosion plots of area 2 m2 showed no significant differences in soil loss between forest and grassland but, under bare soil, losses were 100 times greater. the 137Cs method was employed to calculate net soil loss from all vineyard blocks using both a previously established calibration curve and a proportional model. the latter method gave estimates of soil loss which were 3-9 times greater than by the calibration curve, and indicated that average soil losses from the vineyard were equivalent to 62 t ha?1 y?1 (1971-86). It was estimated that the forest contributed 1-8 per cent, the grazing land 1.6 per cent, and the vineyard 96.6 per cent of the total soil loss during that period. Sediment storages within the fluvial system adjacent to the vineyard ws 9460 t for the period, whereas sediment output was equivalent to 215 t km?1 y?1. Independent measurements of soil erosion, storage, and output showed that 56 per cent of the eroded sediment remained in the catchment, and 34 per cent was transported out by Maluna Creek. the budget was able to be balanced to within 10 per cent.  相似文献   

The determination of sediment storage is a critical parameter in sediment budget analyses. But, in many sediment budget studies the quantification of magnitude and time‐scale of sediment storage is still the weakest part and often relies on crude estimations only, especially in large drainage basins (>100 km2). We present a new approach to storage quantification in a meso‐scale alpine catchment of the Swiss Alps (Turtmann Valley, 110 km2). The quantification of depositional volumes was performed by combining geophysical surveys and geographic information system (GIS) modelling techniques. Mean thickness values of each landform type calculated from these data was used to estimate the sediment volume in the hanging valleys and the trough slopes. Sediment volume of the remaining subsystems was determined by modelling an assumed parabolic bedrock surface using digital elevation model (DEM) data. A total sediment volume of 781·3×106–1005·7×106 m3 is deposited in the Turtmann Valley. Over 60% of this volume is stored in the 13 hanging valleys. Moraine landforms contain over 60% of the deposits in the hanging valleys followed by sediment stored on slopes (20%) and rock glaciers (15%). For the first time, a detailed quantification of different storage types was achieved in a catchment of this size. Sediment volumes have been used to calculate mean denudation rates for the different processes ranging from 0·1 to 2·6 mm/a based on a time span of 10 ka. As the quantification approach includes a number of assumptions and various sources of error the values given represent the order of magnitude of sediment storage that has to be expected in a catchment of this size. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A metal-contaminated overbank deposit in west-central South Dakota resulted from the discharge of a large volume of mine tailings into a river system between the late 1800s and 1977. The deposit along the Belle Fourche River is typically up to 2 m thick and extends about 90 m away from the channel along the insides of meander bends. The sediments contain above-background levels of copper, iron, manganese, zinc, and particularly arsenic, which is commonly two orders of magnitude above background level in the contaminated sediments. Carbonate minerals in the deposit limit the desorption of arsenic by preventing acid formation. Arsenic concentrations provide a measure of the dilution of mine tailings by uncontaminated sediment. The arsenic appears to have been transported and deposited as arsenopyrite, but is now at least partially associated with iron oxides and hydroxides. Within individual samples, arsenic concentration has an inverse relation with grain size that results from the more efficient accumulation of arsenic on the greater surface area of the smaller particles. Arsenic concentration is inversely related to the sample weight percent finer than 16 μm, however, as a consequence of the dilution of the contaminated sediments by uncontaminated sediment with a finer grain-size distribution. Dilution by uncontaminated sediment from tributaries cause arsenic concentrations to decrease by a factor of 3 along 100 km of floodplain. An influx at high streamflow of uncontaminated sediment from terraces and the premining floodplain as well as from tributaries causes arsenic concentrations in parts of the contaminated deposit that are farthest away from the channel to be two to three times less than arsenic concentrations in overbank sediment that is immediately adjacent to the channel.  相似文献   

Sediment in urban stormwater systems creates a significant maintenance burden, while a lack of coarse-grained bed sediment in streams limits their ecological value and geomorphic resilience. Gravel substrates, for example, provide benthic habitat yet are often scoured from the channel bed only to end up in a detention basin or treatment wetland. This dual problem of both ‘too much’ and ‘too little’ coarse-grained sediment reflects a watershed sediment budget that is profoundly altered. We developed a conceptual urban coarse-grained (>0.5 mm) sediment budget across three domains: hillslopes (urban land surfaces), the built stormwater network and stream channels. We then quantified key sources, sinks and storages for a suburban case study, using a combination of hillslope and in-channel monitoring, and interrogation of local government records. Around 36% of the sediment supplied to the stormwater network reached the catchment outlet, a level of sediment delivery much higher than observed in similar-sized natural catchments. The remainder was deposited in the sediment cascade and either stored, or extracted and removed from the catchment (e.g. material deposited in sediment ponds and gross pollutant traps). Conventional urban drainage networks are characterized by high hillslope sediment supply and low storage, resulting in efficient sediment delivery. Channel erosion, deposition in (and extraction from) pipes and channels, and floodplain deposition are small compared to sediment transport through the cascade. An understanding of the sediment budget of urban headwater catchments can provide stormwater and waterway managers with the information they need to address specific sediment problems such as sedimentation in stormwater assets and geomorphic recovery of urban streams. © 2019 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. © 2019 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Burrowing into riverbanks by animals transfers sediment directly into river channels and has been hypothesised to accelerate bank erosion and promote mass failure. A field monitoring study on two UK rivers invaded by signal crayfish (Pacifastacus leniusculus) assessed the impact of burrowing on bank erosion processes. Erosion pins were installed in 17 riverbanks across a gradient of crayfish burrow densities and monitored for 22 months. Bank retreat increased significantly with crayfish burrow density. At the bank scale (<6 m river length), high crayfish burrow densities were associated with accelerated bank retreat of up to 253% and more than a doubling of the area of bank collapse compared with banks without burrows. Direct sediment supply by burrowing activity contributed 0.2% and 0.6% of total sediment at the reach (1.1 km) and local bank (<6 m) scales. However, accelerated bank retreat caused by burrows contributed 12.2% and 29.8% of the total sediment supply at the reach and bank scales. Together, burrowing and the associated acceleration of retreat and collapse supplied an additional 25.4 t km−1 a−1 of floodplain sediments at one site, demonstrating the substantial impact that signal crayfish can have on fine sediment supply. For the first time, an empirical relation linking animal burrow characteristics to riverbank retreat is presented. The study adds to a small number of sediment budget studies that compare sediment fluxes driven by biotic and abiotic energy but is unique in isolating and measuring the substantial interactive effect of the acceleration of abiotic bank erosion facilitated by biotic activity. Biotic energy expended through burrowing represents an energy surcharge to the river system that can augment sediment erosion by geophysical mechanisms.  相似文献   

The catchment of the river Adour (SW France) has been examined in order to analyse spatio-temporal variations in a number of key variables (flow, suspended matter, nitrate and dissolved orthophosphate concentrations) over a 25-year period (1972–1996).

Within the catchment area, it has been possible to discern how hydroclimatic fluctuations have affected the watershed, with dry periods in 1972–1976 and 1983–1993 alternating with wetter phases in 1977–1982 and 1994–1995. The anthropogenic activity, primarily, involving the use of water for agricultural purposes, has also had a major impact during this period, particularly in the downstream areas of the catchment.

Suspended matter fluxes display regular downstream increases with significant erosion being evident in the mountainous region contrasting with retention in the floodplains area downstream. These fluxes exhibit temporal and spatial variations with peaks occurring every 3–5 years, 1975–1977, 1979, 1982, 1985, 1987 and 1992. Some of these peaks are suggested to be related to anthropogenic activity involving river management, including the cutting of meanders and the construction of dykes for flood prevention.

Nitrate concentrations evince a similar pattern to the suspended matter fluxes with enhanced levels of downstream. The confluence of the Adour with the Midouze appears not to have any major impact on the nitrate concentration. In the downstream areas, an uptake of nitrate is registered indicating the activity of the riparian vegetation. For the entire catchment, maximal nitrate concentrations are observed in 1979, 1982, 1987, 1991–1992 and 1995.  相似文献   

Effects of coarse woody debris (CWD) on channel morphology and sediment storage were investigated at five sites, representative of first-order to fifth-order streams. In the steep and bedrock-confined stream (first-second order), interaction between the channel and CWD was limited, except where breakage upon falling produced CWD pieces shorter than channel width. Channel widening, steepening and sediment storage associated with CWD were observed predominantly in third- to fifth-order streams. Variation in channel width and gradient was regulated by CWD. In the fifth-order stream, most of the CWD pieces derived from the riparian forest interacted directly with the channel without being suspended by sideslopes. In this system CWD promoted lateral channel migration, but sediment storage was temporary, with annual release and capture.  相似文献   

Many of the world's beaches have recently been eroding, even on progradational landforms. This study uses the sediment budget approach to identify and rank the causes of the hazard along Sandy Hook spit where the primary recreational beach has been eroding at about 10 m/yr since 1953 and 23 m/yr in the 1970s. Large spatial variations in longshore sediment transport are found to result from differences in refracted wave energies and intersegmental sediment transport. Erosion results from a 60 per cent deficit (-270,000 m3/yr) in the sediment budget that is primarily caused by (1) refraction induced locally high waves that increase the transport rate by 100,000 m3, and (2) shore protection structures that have lessened the longshore sediment inputs by an additional 100,000 m3/yr. A storm index is presented to analyse secular climatic variation. It suggests that the annual sediment transport rate may vary by as much as ±50 per cent about the mean and that recently, above normal storm wave energies are responsible for about 60,000 m3/yr of the budget deficit. Rising sea levels and storm overwash each account for only about one per cent of the sediment loss. Pulses of sediment, induced by accelerated erosion at the feeder beach locale of spit segments, are found to move downdrift. They alter the geomorphology of the spit through episodic extensions of the spit segments with lag times exceeding one year per segment.  相似文献   

Extensive storage of upper-basin Piedmont sediment and apparent low sediment supply to streams in lower-basin Coastal Plain areas generates questions as to the source of alluvium in lower reaches of rivers of the U.S. Atlantic drainage. This was investigated on the Neuse River, North Carolina, using a mineralogical indicator of sediment source areas. The utility of mica flakes for discriminating between Piedmont and non-Piedmont sources of sediment in the lower Coastal Plain reaches of the Neuse was established on the basis of an examination of the U.S. National Soils Database and of 26 soil surveys of the North Carolina Coastal Plain. From the Neuse River estuary to 48 km upstream there are no mica flakes in floodplain soils or in river bank and channel shelf sediments. Mica flakes become more common upstream. This suggests that a very small proportion of the sediment eroded in the Piedmont portion of the watershed is delivered to the river mouth. The small amounts which presumably do reach the lower Coastal Plain are so diluted by Coastal Plain-derived alluvium that no Piedmont origin can be discerned. This demonstrates a dominantly Coastal Plain source and underscores the importance of storage and discontinuous transport in fluvial sediment systems. More importantly, results suggest that upper- and lower-basin sediment dynamics are not only non-linearly related, but may be virtually decoupled.  相似文献   

Management of sediment in river basins and waterways has been an important issue for water managers throughout history. The changing nature of sediment issues has meant that water managers today face many complex technical and environmental challenges in relation to sediment management. UNESCO's International Hydrological Programme(IHP) launched the International Sediment Initiative(ISI) in 2002.ISI aims to further advance sustainable sediment management on a global scale. This is achieved through the delivery of a decision support framework for sediment management that provides guidance on legislative and institutional solutions, applicable across a range of socio-economic and physiographic settings in the context of global change. ISI mobilizes international experience on sediment problems and their management through the compilation of a series of case studies representative of a broad range of physiographic and socio-economic conditions, which are made available as guidance for policy makers dealing with water and river basin management. Case studies prepared to date include the basins of the Nile, Mississippi, Rhine, Volga, Yellow, and Haihe and Liaohe rivers. Available in full from the ISI website,these detailed case studies are briefly introduced in this review articles.  相似文献   

River floodplains constitute an important element in the terrestrial sediment and organic carbon cycle and store variable amounts of carbon and sediment depending on a complex interplay of internal and external driving forces. Quantifying the storage in floodplains is crucial to understand their role in the sediment and carbon cascades. Unfortunately, quantitative data on floodplain storage are limited, especially at larger spatial scales. Rivers in the Scottish Highlands can provide a special case to study alluvial sediment and carbon dynamics because of the dominance of peatlands throughout the landscape, but the alluvial history of the region remains poorly understood. In this study, the floodplain sediment and soil organic carbon storage is quantified for the mountainous headwaters of the River Dee in eastern Scotland (663 km2), based on a coring dataset of 78 floodplain cross-sections. Whereas the mineral sediment storage is dominated by wandering gravel-bed river sections, most of the soil organic carbon storage can be found in anastomosing and meandering sections. The total storage for the Upper Dee catchment can be estimated at 5.2 Mt or 2306.5 Mg ha-1 of mineral sediment and 0.7 Mt or 323.3 Mg C ha-1 of soil organic carbon, which is in line with other studies on temperate river systems. Statistical analysis indicates that the storage is mostly related to the floodplain slope and the geomorphic floodplain type, which incorporates the characteristic stream power, channel morphology and the deposit type. Mapping of the geomorphic floodplain type using a simple classification scheme shows to be a powerful tool in studying the total storage and local variability of mineral sediment and soil organic carbon in floodplains. © 2019 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This study proposes a sediment‐budget model to predict the temporal variation of debris volume stored in a debris‐flow prone watershed. The sediment‐budget is dominated by shallow landslides and debris outflow. The basin topography and the debris volume stored in the source area of the debris‐flow prone watershed help evaluating its debris‐flow susceptibility. The susceptibility model is applied to the Tungshih area of central western Taiwan. The importance of the debris volume in predicting debris‐flow susceptibility is reflected in the standardized coefficients of the proposed statistical discriminant model. The high prediction rate (0·874) for the occurrence of debris flows justifies the capability of the proposed susceptibility models to predict the occurrence of debris flows. This model is then used to evaluate the temporal evolution of the debris‐flow susceptibility index. The analysis results show that the numbers of watershed which are classified as a debris‐flow group correspond well to storage of sediment at different time periods. These numbers are 10 before the occurrence of Chi‐Chi earthquake, 13 after the occurrence of Chi‐Chi earthquake, 16 after the occurrence of landslides induced by Typhoon Mindulle (Typhoon M), and 14 after the occurrence of debris flows induced by Typhoon M. It indicates that the occurrence of 7·6 Chi‐Chi earthquake had significant impact on the debris flow occurrence during subsequent typhoons. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Sediment constitutes an interesting and valuable material for observation of human impact on the environment.Based on the sediment core samples in two Tatra Mountains lakes,determination of the selected elements(including cesium 137 radionuclide activity and heavy metals' concentrations) and dating of the obtained layers by the lead 210 method,chemometric analysis of the resulting data set was done.It was established,as a result of Cluster Analysis,that the variability of the determined parameters was distinct in the lakes with much higher concentrations of heavy metals in Smreczynski staw lake.Also,the influence of human activity(long distance transport of contaminants) is notable on the north slopes of the Tatras(Smreczynski staw lake) comparing to Popradske pleso lake.The examined elements can be divided into two groups-natural to the site origin(iron,manganese,and magnesium),and elements whose accumulation in the sediments can be related(at least in part) to human activity(~(137)Cs,zinc,copper,cadmium,lead,and chromium).The results confirm the existence of the so called "screen effect",meaning that the Tatra Mountains' crest delimits to a considerable extent further transport of pollutants to the south side of the Tatra Mountains slopes.  相似文献   

The deltas of large rivers have become the focus of many research studies due to their vulnerability in times of expected sea level rise. One major delta in peril is the Ganges-Brahmaputra Delta (Bangladesh) due to its low elevation and high subsidence rate. In this study, high-resolution seismic and sediment echosounder data of the subaqueous part of the delta are analyzed by an integrated seismo-acoustic stratigraphic approach.Transparent Units (TUs) are the most prominent, continuously traceable architectural elements within the sigmoidal clinoform. TUs consist of homogenized sediments and are interpreted to be formed by liquefaction flows generated by subduction-related earthquakes of the nearby plate-boundary. The uppermost TUs are related to the historical well known major earthquakes which occurred in 1762, 1897 and 1950. Using the TUs as time marks the mean annual storage rates for the intervals could be assessed. A direct comparison of echosounder data gathered in 1994, 1997 and 2006 is used as another method to estimate the last decade mean annual storage rate.In general, the averaged decadal to centennial mean annual storage rates in the foreset beds have significantly decreased within the last ∼300 years from 22% to 18% and down to 13.8% of the present total annual fluviatile suspension supply to the delta (109 t a−1). This decrease, however, is not evenly distributed along the foreset beds. In the western clinoform mean annual storage rates slightly decreased during the last ∼300 years, whereas in the eastern clinoform the mean annual storage rate of the last decade is one-third of the initial value in the late eighteenth century.The variation of clinoform slope angles generally coincides with the local accumulation rates but a variable degree of asymmetry gives some new insights in the future trend of the subaqueous delta development. The sink of sediment in the western clinoform depocentre landward of the inflection point, where shape changes from convex to concave, is producing an increase in concavity.The decline in monsoon precipitation over the last centuries is assumed to have significantly contributed to the decreased mean annual storage rate in the eastern clinoform where the convexity of the clinoform increases seaward of the inflection point. It is very likely that the whole depocentre of the fluvial sediment load is shifting toward the western subaqueous delta and to the Swatch of No Ground Canyon and, thereby, increasing the export to the deep-sea fan.  相似文献   

Two landsliding episodes between late 1973 and early 1975 delivered about 60000 m3 of sediment to six small deeply incised streams draining a 2·7 km2 area. About 4700 m3 of logs in the landslide debris formed major log jams in five streams, which impounded large volumes of landslide-derived sediment. Five years after the landsliding, 42 per cent (25000 m3) of sediment was still in storage behind 35 log jams ranging from 1·4–8·2 m high. The landsliding episodes have produced multi-stepped stream profiles, aggradation of channel reaches up to 150 m long to mean depths between 1·2 and 4·1 m, reductions in gradient, fining of bed material size, and related changes in bedforms and channel width:depth ratios that seem likely to persist for at least several decades. Sediment presently stored behind log jams is equivalent to between 50 and 220 years normal supply of sediment from hillslopes to stream channels. Long-delayed, large magnitude impacts on higher-order channels may occur if sudden failure of log jams is induced by a large storm at some future date.  相似文献   

Sugarcane is grown on the floodplains of northern Queensland adjacent to the Great Barrier Reef lagoon. Sediment and nutrient loss from these sugarcane areas is considered a potential threat to coastal and marine ecosystems. To enable sugarcane cultivation, farmers have structured the landscape into different elements, comprising fields, water furrows, ‘headlands’ and drains. In order to apply appropriate management of the landscape and reduce export of sediment, it is important to identify which of these elements act as sediment sources or sinks. In this study erosion and deposition rates were measured for the different landscape elements in a subcatchment of the Herbert River and used to create a sediment budget. Despite large uncertainties, the budget shows that the floodplain area is a net source of sediment. Estimated sediment export varies between 2 and 5 t ha?1 y?1. The relative importance of the landscape elements as sediment sources could also be determined. Plant cane is identified as the most important sediment source. Water furrows generate most sediment, but are a less important source of exported sediment due to their low connectivity. Headlands and minor drains act as sediment traps. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Lowland permeable catchments in the UK are particularly prone to sedimentation problems, on account of the increased fine sediment loadings generated by recent land‐use change and their stable seasonal hydrological regimes, which are frequently depleted by groundwater abstraction. Fine‐grained sediment storage on the bed of the main channel systems of the Frome (437 km2) and Piddle (183 km2) catchments, Dorset, UK, has been examined at 29 sites using a sediment remobilization technique. Measurements encompassed the period February 2003–July 2004. At individual sites in the Frome, average values ranged between 410 and 2630 g m?2, with an overall mean of 918 g m?2. In the Piddle, the average values for individual sites varied between 260 and 4340 g m?2, with an overall mean of 1580 g m?2. Temporal variations in fine bed sediment storage at each site were appreciable, with the coefficients of variation ranging between 43 and 155% in the Frome and between 33 and 160% in the Piddle. Average reach‐scale specific bed sediment storage increased markedly downstream along each main stem from 2 to 29 t km?1 (Frome) and from 4 to 19 t km?1 (Piddle). Total fine sediment storage on the channel bed of the Frome varied between 479 t (5 t km?1) and 1694 t (17 t km?1), with a mean of 795 t (7 t km?1), compared with between 371 t (5 t km?1) and 1238 t (14 t km?1) with a mean of 730 t (9 t km?1) in the Piddle. During the study period, fine bed sediment storage was typically equivalent to 18% (Frome) and 57% (Piddle) of the mean annual suspended sediment flux at the study catchment outlets. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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