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This paper investigates two aspect of the direct simple shear (DSS) using three-dimensional finite element analysis. Firstly, the different total stress paths followed by DDS devices that impose constant cross-sectional area using a stiff external boundary, and those that use a constant total stress lateral boundary condition are explored. This is done by conducting finite element analysis of a single cubic element. It is shown that this element may be subjected to perfect simple shear using four different boundary condition types. Each boundary condition type results in the same effective stress path, but different total stress paths and excess pore pressures. The boundary condition types are related to DSS devices in use. The second aspect investigated is the fact that no DSS device can impose true simple shear conditions, as they are unable to generate the required complementary shear stress on the vertical boundaries. Full three-dimensional finite element analysis of a UWA/Berkeley type simple shear device, which has a constant total stress lateral boundary, is then presented. The results are compared to the ideal solution and effects of stress non-homogeneity on the friction angle and undrained shear strength, deduced from a standard interpretation, are established.  相似文献   

Discrete element modeling of direct shear tests for a granular material   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A succinct 3D discrete element model, with clumps to resemble the real shapes of granular materials, is developed. The quaternion method is introduced to transform the motion and force of a clump between local and global coordinates. The Hertz–Mindlin elastic contact force model, incorporated with the nonlinear normal viscous force and the Mohr–Coulomb friction law, is used to describe the interactions between particles. The proposed discrete element model is used to simulate direct shear tests of the irregular limestone rubbles. The simulation results of vertical displacements and shear stresses with a mixture of clumps are compared well with that of laboratory tests. The bulk friction coefficients are calculated and discussed under different contact friction coefficients and normal stresses. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this paper a typical soil–structure interaction problem is considered, the case of a vertical pile installed in sand and submitted to an axial compression loading. Results from two full scale pile tests are analysed and the tests are reproduced by numerical simulations via finite elements method (FEM). The choice of the mechanical parameters for the soil and the sand–pile interface and the modelling approach are first described. A new numerical strategy is outlined to account for pile installation effects due to jacking and driving via FEM. The proposed approach is based on the application of existing empirical correlations available for the quantification of residual radial and shear stresses along the pile shaft as well as residual pressures around the pile base after the installation. This approach is proposed as an alternative to more complex methods based on the numerical modelling of the pile penetration problem. The role of the constitutive modelling of the interface is also discussed. Finally, comparative analyses of pile loading tests using FEM are provided and the comparisons between numerical and experimental results are presented and discussed.  相似文献   

We examine the small-strain behavior of Taipei clays in braced excavation through a detailed analysis of a well-documented case history. Specifically, we analyze the case of the Taipei National Enterprise Center (TNEC) excavation using two soil models, the Modified Cam-clay model (MCC) and the three-Surface Kinematic Hardening model (3-SKH). Our finite element analysis includes a consideration of the over-consolidated stress state and the high initial shear modulus of the clay. Results show that the observed wall deflection and surface settlement can be satisfactorily predicted simultaneously using the 3-SKH model. This is an improvement on the MCC model, for which only wall deflection, not ground settlement, can be accurately predicted. This study re-confirms the importance of considering small-strain non-linear behavior for the over-consolidated stress state in finite element analyses of braced excavation responses.  相似文献   

曹日红  曹平  林杭  张科  谭希文 《岩土力学》2013,34(Z2):456-463
利用二维颗粒流程序生成5种不同粗糙程度的节理模型,并对5种节理模型进行了5种不同法向恒定荷载作用下的直剪试验,从细观角度分析了不同粗糙程度的节理模型在法向荷载下的形貌损伤情况和裂纹演化机制。与此同时,分析了节理JRC值和节理面颗粒摩擦系数对节理抗剪强度影响,并反推出了节理面抗剪强度参数Cj与?j与JRC值的关系。结果为:法向恒定荷载越大时,节理峰值抗剪应力越大,剪胀现象越小,节理形貌损伤范围越大。随着剪切的进行,上下节理面接触范围减小,微裂纹开始主要沿节理面产生,随着剪切位移的继续增加微裂纹数量显著增加,并且不局限于节理面附近而深入到模型内部。随着节理粗糙程度(JRC值)和节理面颗粒摩擦系数的增加节理峰值抗剪应力也增大。节理抗剪强度参数Cj与?j随着JRC值的增大而增大。所得结果可以为室内试验和工程应用提供参考和依据。  相似文献   

Summary The paper deals with a new testing procedure aimed at determining the failure envelopes for peak and residual strength in direct shear tests. In a continuous failure state direct shear test the specimen is maintained in a state of permanent sliding while the shear and normal stress are being steadily changed. First of all, the specimen is brought to a state of failure in the conventional manner at a chosen constant normal stress. Then under monotonously increasing shear displacement the normal stress is continuously adjusted so that a straight line is produced in the shear stress-displacement plane. Both an increase in the stresses and a decrease is possible. The proper selection of the inclination of the straight line may involve a stress path which corresponds closely to the failure envelope of the specimen. In the case of smooth joint surfaces or in the residual strength state of rough surfaces it is possible to determine exactly the failure envelope with the aid of a single test specimen. The paper also describes a newly developed shear test apparatus suitable for combination with sophisticated servo-controlled loading machines generally available in rock mechanics laboratories.  相似文献   

This paper deals with a new strategy for initial stress identification by stress relaxation methods, coupled with finite element calculation, and applied to the overcoring test. The back-analysis of such a test uses an inversion method which consists in the minimisation, with a gradient-based algorithm, of a cost functional of least-squares type, which quantizes the difference between measured and computed strains. The computed strains are assessed by three-dimensional finite element modellings of the overcoring test. The inversion methodology is applied to a recent in situ overcoring test performed at Mont Terri laboratory, Switzerland. The inversion gave good results and allows us to validate the inversion methodology. The constitutive law considered for this application is transverse isotropic elasticity but the inversion method developed is applicable to most constitutive laws and every kind of in situ test.  相似文献   

月壤双轴试验的剪切带离散元数值分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
蒋明镜  郑敏  王闯 《岩土力学》2012,33(12):3801-3809
土体的破坏问题一般都是从其剪切带入手进行研究的。针对真实月壤所处的环境(无水、低重力场、低气压等)和内摩擦角较大的特点,采用最近提出的1种考虑粒间抗转动作用与粒间范德华力2个因素的月壤散粒体力学接触模型,用离散单元法模拟了柔性边界条件下月球环境(含范德华力)与地球环境(不含范德华力)2种试样的双轴压缩试验,通过试样局部变形、速度场、孔隙比及转动场的变化情况研究了2种试样剪切带形成与发展。研究结果表明,剪切带的形成是试样内部应变局部化的结果,同时也伴随着试样内部颗粒相对转动的局部化,月面环境对试样的破坏形式与性状(剪切带的倾角及厚度)有显著的影响,探月工程中必须考虑到月面环境对月壤力学性质的影响。  相似文献   

Summary Residual soils are known to be bonded. The mechanical behaviour of undisturbed residual soils depends, therefore, not just on initial porosity and stress history but mainly on these bonds. This paper compares the stress-strain behaviour obtained from sets of drained triaxial compression tests and direct shear tests, both from undisturbed samples of residual soil. It shows how the same undisturbed bonded structure behaves differently when tested using the two different procedures.  相似文献   

How to evaluate debris slope stability reasonably is yet an urgent problem. The paper presents an applied method evaluating debris slope stability, using three-dimensional (3D) finite element contact algorithm based on the maximum shear stress theory. The Guanjia debris slope is located between K9 + 940 and K10 + 200 of Longli First-class Highway in Zhejiang, China. On its left slope, some cracks appeared at the end of 2002 and these were immediately backfilled, overlying a plastic membrane. However, many new cracks appeared on the slope during the rainfall in April 2003. Meanwhile, some small collapses and springs occurred in the front of the slope, and many cracks appeared on the middle part. The stability of the Guanjia debris slope was analyzed using the method proposed in the paper, the strength reduction finite element method, the imbalance thrust force method, Fellenius method, Janbu simplified method, Spencer’s method, Morgenstern–Price method and generalized limit equilibrium (GLE) method. The results show that: (1) the safety factors of the debris slope obtained using the imbalance thrust force method is the minimum in all limit equilibrium methods; (2) 1.07 and 1.06 are the safety factors of Section CC′ and DD′ (the middle part of this slope) of the Guanjia debris slope obtained using the method proposed (FEM with shear strength reduction technique based on the maximum shear stress theory) in this study, respectively, which reflect the slope actual condition in critical failure status; (3) the method proposed in this study may take into account the spatial effect of the debris slope, which makes the results of slope stability analysis more reasonable and reliable than other methods that can be used as a reference for the evaluation of stability of the same type of debris slope; and (3) further study should be done to confirm whether the proposed method in this study is suitable for other types of slopes.  相似文献   

If the free vertical movement of the upper rigid part of the shear box is hindered during shearing, a frictional force is mobilized between the specimen and the vertical walls of the shear box. This causes either unloading (for contractant soils) or additional loading (for dilatant soils) of the specimen during shearing. If no correction of the applied vertical load with respect to the wall friction is taken into account, the resulting shear strength can be either underestimated (for contractant soils) or overestimated (for dilatant soils). For example, in a particular investigation of a normally consolidated soil, the measured friction angle from a direct shear test was almost 8° smaller than the angle from a triaxial test. This paper, therefore, presents a method for direct measurement of the frictional force at the contact between the vertical walls of the box and a fine-grained soil. If the wall friction is taken into account, the friction angle from the shear box coincides well with the angle from triaxial tests. If the wall friction cannot be measured during the test, a sufficiently large vertical gap should be adjusted in case of soft soils, in order to enable non-restrained settlement of the upper part of the box during specimen contraction.  相似文献   

土体先期固结压力是判断土体应力历史的关键性指标。依据Wroth在一维固结条件下提出的不排水强度与超固结比(OCR)的关系式,利用快速直剪的剪切强度计算临界状态孔隙水压力系数Λ0,从而计算出OCR以及先期固结压力。对南京某黏土的重塑饱和黏土的试验分析结果表明,快剪试验确定的超固结比与设计超固结比基本一致,因此可作为求解土体先期固结压力的一个途径。  相似文献   

黄曼  杜时贵  罗战友  倪骁慧 《岩土力学》2013,34(11):3180-3186
开展岩石模型结构面抗剪强度特征的多尺度(尤其大尺寸)直剪试验研究对于理解岩石结构面力学特性具有重要的理论价值和实践意义。首先,基于多尺度直剪试验仪(MSJ-DST),对20 cm×20 cm、40 cm×40 cm、60 cm×60 cm、80 cm×80 cm和100 cm×100 cm的岩石模型结构面试样采用法向应力分别为200~1 000 kPa进行直接剪切试验;然后,研究不同尺寸岩石模型结构面抗剪强度的特征。结果表明:不同法向荷载作用下模型的受力变形特点相近,峰值剪切位移总体上随着某一数值附近上下浮动;在同一法向应力作用下,不同尺寸结构面试样的峰值抗剪强度表现出在某一数值附近上下浮动的特征,残余抗剪强度则表现出随尺寸的增加有小幅度增加;5级法向应力作用下,不同尺寸的峰值抗剪强度和残余抗剪强度随着法向应力的变化规律均近似相同,抗剪强度残余值与峰值的比值随着法向应力的增大逐渐增大并趋于稳定。  相似文献   

王军  林旭  刘飞禹  潘涛  符洪涛 《岩土力学》2014,35(Z1):113-120
筋材与土体接触面的相互作用较为复杂,它是加筋土工程设计中的关键所在。为了研究筋土界面的作用机制,采用福建标准砂与玻璃纤维土工格栅进行了一系列室内大型直剪试验,较为系统地分析了格栅横肋与纵肋及格栅几何尺寸对于筋土界面强度特性的影响。试验结果表明,格栅的横肋与纵肋在界面强度中均发挥了较大的作用,两者表现为不同的作用机制,当剪切位移较小时格栅横肋的被动阻力和纵肋的摩阻力起到共同承担荷载的作用;随着剪切位移的增大,横肋的被动阻力进一步提升,纵肋发挥了较为显著的提高筋材刚度的框架作用。因此,格栅的纵横肋需要按合理比例搭配才能发挥出较大的筋土界面强度。  相似文献   

A novel finite element method has been proposed in this paper for the solution of seepage problems economically and accurately. In this method the governing equation and the prescribed boundary conditions are transformed so that they refer to a suitable logarithmically condensed ‘image’ space; the physical problem domain is also mapped into the image space. The transformed equation is then solved in the image space using standard finite elements, subject to the transformed boundary conditions. Because physical space is logarithmically condensed in the image space, the proposed method is capable of dealing with large or very large aspect ratio seepage problems economically and accurately. The validity of the method has been demonstrated by means of a number of examples including anisotropy and non-linearity. In all cases an excellent degree of accuracy was achieved, efficiently and economically.  相似文献   

赵仕威  周小文  刘文辉  刘攀 《岩土力学》2015,36(Z1):602-608
为了研究颗粒棱角对颗粒材料力学行为的影响,建立了具有不同棱角度的对称多面体颗粒,采用了一种简单并适合任意颗粒形状的接触本构模型,对三维离散元开源程序YADE进行了修改,研究了颗粒棱角度在模拟直剪试验中的影响以及接触力各向异性在剪切过程中的演化规律。研究结果表明,颗粒棱角度越小,颗粒间相互咬合自锁的作用越小,颗粒受剪更易转动,致使颗粒体系的剪切强度和剪胀性下降;竖向加载力越大,颗粒棱角度的影响越明显;法向接触力的各向异性在剪切过程中表现为先增后减最后趋向稳定的趋势;法向接触力的各向异性变化程度随颗粒棱角度的增大而增大。  相似文献   

施建勇  曹秋荣  周璐翡 《岩土力学》2013,34(Z2):237-241
现有的有限元强度折减法用于边坡稳定性分析,在土体变形特性的认识和失稳判据上有缺陷。基于土体的应力-应变曲线和邓肯-张非线性弹性模型进行有限元强度折减法计算分析,在现有方法仅对强度参数--黏聚力c和内摩擦角φ进行折减的基础上,提出了切线弹性模量Et的折减算法,更全面地体现折减的内涵;提出了以潜在滑动区域的能量积分变化作为判据,根据能量积分与折减系数关系曲线的特征,将其拟合成两段直线,以其交点所对应的折减系数作为边坡的安全系数。比较分析了修正Duncan有限元强度折减法、失稳判据与文献的计算结果,同时分析了边坡滑动区能量积分计算范围对结果的影响,并用于南水北调东线实际工程计算分析。结果表明:修正Duncan有限元强度折减法能较全面考虑土体的变形和强度特性,新的边坡滑动失稳判据可行且具有较好的计算稳定性,能保证工程建设的安全。  相似文献   

砂石混合体由力学性质以及结构相差极大的材料组成,其组成的重塑地层易发生塌陷等问题,因此对砂石混合体力学特性的研究具有重要的工程意义。砾石形状是砂砾石力学特性研究的重要属性参数,但采用规则图形对砾石进行描述不能反映出其真实的力学性质,采用数字图像处理技术构建的砾石数据库能反映砾石真实形状并可对特定形状参数进行具体分析。由于砂石混合体的粒径分布较广,采用特征粒径等无法描述整体粒度分布,故本文结合分形理论构建砂石混合体的二重分形结构模型,通过粒度分维值反演出完整的级配分布曲线。考虑到砂石混合体离散型的特点,采用离散元软件进行直剪试验数值模拟并对细观结构进行分析,研究结果表明,砂石混合体一般具有2个粒度分维值:砂粒度分维值和砾石粒度分维值,砂、砾石粒度分维值越接近,抗剪强度和内摩擦角越大;当两者相等时,砂石混合体具有一重分维,此时均一性最好,抗剪强度和内摩擦角最大;轴向系数是形容砾石形状的一个重要参数,随着轴向系数的增加,砾石显示出明显的条状性,在直剪试验中抗转动能力增强、周围接触数量增加,导致抗剪强度和内摩擦角不断增加。  相似文献   

单粒组密砂剪切带的直剪试验离散元数值分析   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
为分析砂土的剪切力学特性,采用离散元商业软件PFC2D对单粒组密砂在直剪试验中出现的剪切带进行了数值分析。改进传统的分条带观察方式,采用矩形格分割法观察试样内部不同区域的变形特性。对离散元商业软件进行了二次开发,实现了大小主应力及其应力主方向角的可视化,分析了试样内部的应力偏转情况。同时,以纯转动率和颗粒速度等微观变量为中心,观察了试样内部颗粒的运动状态,解析了直剪试验中砂土剪切带形成的微观机制。研究表明,直剪试验中应变局部化区域集中在剪切面附近的一个条带内。通过转动场和速度场的分析可知,剪切带宽度约为10~15倍的砂土平均粒径,带内颗粒转动明显,带边缘出现大的速度和转动变化梯度。对组构和接触力分布的分析可知,剪切过程中粒间接触点和接触力的主轴方向发生了相一致的偏转,偏转后的主轴方向为60°左右。  相似文献   

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