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三维土-结构动力相互作用的一种时域直接分析方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文提出了一种分析三维土-结构动力相互作用的时域直接方法。该方法采用集中质量显式有限元和透射人工边界模拟无限域地基,通过编制的FORTRAN程序实现;采用ANSYS软件对上部结构进行建模分析,并通过FORTRAN程序对ANSYS软件的调用,实现了土与结构系统在地震作用下的整体分析。该方法为显隐式相结合的方法,地基和上部结构可采用不同的时间步距进行分析,可大大提高效率。通过两算例,验证了该方法的可行性。  相似文献   

We propose an effective and reliable time-domain substructure technique which takes soil-structure interaction effects into account and uses the flexibility coefficients of unbounded soil obtained in the frequency domain. Compared with previous methods, the frequency points to calculate flexibility coefficients, and computational loads in the calculation of time-domain interaction forces, are reduced. In the formulation, we have assumed the flexibility coefficient to be a periodic function, obtained within the bandlimited frequency range, which also includes the predominant frequencies of the structure and incident wave. Then we simulate the periodic flexibility coefficients using discrete impulse responses in the time-domain analyses. However, the real and imaginary parts of the bandlimited flexibility coefficients do not form a Hilbert transform pair; the discrete impulse responses should be modified to be causal for the time-domain analyses. We present various discrete impulse responses which have been obtained from only the real part, only the imaginary part and from both the real and imaginary parts of the frequency-domain flexibility coefficients by FFT with causality conditions. Through a numerical example the relationship between the modified discrete impulse responses and the validity of the time-domain substructure method is presented.  相似文献   

土-结构动力相互作用研究综述   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
土与结构动力相互作用是当代力学领域的前沿性研究课题,具有很强的实践性。对土与结构动力相互作用的研究历史与现状进行了介绍,简要综述了当前土与结构动力相互作用的研究方法,重点介绍了目前关于土与结构动力相互作用问题中从无限域转化成有限域的人工边界研究进展问题,并对该领域今后的研究工作提出了建议。  相似文献   

考虑土-结构相互作用的高层建筑抗震分析   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
本文采用通用有限元程序ANSYS,针对上海地区一例土-箱基-高层建筑结构进行了三维有限元分析,计算中土体的本构模型采用等效线性模型,利用粘一弹性人工边界作为土体的侧向边界,并研究了土体边界位置、土性、基础埋深、基础形式以及上部结构刚度等参数对动力相互作用体系动力特性及地震反应的影响。  相似文献   

The three-dimensional thin layer element method is formulated for the dynamic response analysis of an axi-symmetric structure in submerged soil. Biot's wave equation for fluid-filled porous medium is used in the formulation. The three-dimensional thin layer element method computes the wave numbers and their associated mode shapes, for both Rayleigh waves and Love waves in submerged soil, which define the characteristics of the waves. The submerged condition affects the characteristics of the Rayleigh waves in soil. As a result, it alters substantially the soil-structure interaction stresses if the permeability of the soil is relatively large and, to less extent, the response of the structure. The thin layer element method is far more efficient than the finite element method for analyzing the fluid-filled porous medium, yet capable of taking into account a multi-layered inhomogeneous soil.  相似文献   

开展了土-结构动力相互作用的模型试验,探讨了框架结构的近似有效基本周期,并研究了考虑相互作用效应的界限.模型试验中分别进行了刚性地基和柔性地基条件下的结构基本周期测试,并通过与理论计算结果的比较,验证了FEMA450中建议的有效基本周期计算方法能够有效预测土-结构相互作用效应的影响.利用FEMA450中建议的刚性地基上普通钢筋混凝土框架结构基本周期近似值的计算式,分别建立了明置基础、埋置基础的框架结构有效基本周期近似值的计算式,并以此分析了框架结构考虑相互作用的界限问题,提出了考虑埋置深度影响的合理界限.  相似文献   

This paper presents a centrifuge model that is capable of realistically representing soil-structure systems subjected to earthquake-like excitation. The model is validated by performing (i) free field soil tests, (ii) dynamic soil-structure interaction tests and (iii) a numerical analysis of the experimental results. The free field experiments show that the simulated earthquake, which is generated by the hammer-exciter plate method, is similar in amplitude and frequency content to a real earthquake. The experiments also demonstrate that a confined soil sample can satisfactorily model a horizontal soil stratum of infinite lateral extent when the containment walls are lined with an absorptive material to attenuate wave reflections that would otherwise occur. Measurements of the acceleration at different locations on the free soil surface indicate that the surface motion is fairly uniform over a relatively large area. This is further confirmed by a comparison made between the measured free and scattered field motions for a surface foundation. Next, a series of soil-structure interaction tests are performed which examine the dependence of radiation damping on the natural frequencies of the structure relative to the fundamental frequency of the soil stratum. The experimental results are shown to be consistent with established theories. Finally, the experimental results are used to compute the stiffness and damping parameters of a two degree of freedom numerical model of the soil-structure system. The experimental parameters are shown to be in good agreement with calssical text book formulae. This study demonstrates that the centrifuge model consistently behaves as expected for simple, but realistic, dynamic soil and soil-structure systems, and can, therefore, be used with confidence to examine more complicated systems that are not yet fully understood.  相似文献   

Liu  Jingbo  Tan  Hui  Bao  Xin  Wang  Dongyang  Li  Shutao 《地震工程与工程振动(英文版)》2019,18(4):747-758
Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration - The method of inputting the seismic wave determines the accuracy of the simulation of soil-structure dynamic interaction. The wave method is a...  相似文献   

本文研究了土-结构动力相互作用对采取不同控制措施的结构控制效果的影响。文中首先建立了主动调谐质量阻尼器(ATMD)、半主动磁流变阻尼器(MR)和被动多重调谐质量阻尼器(MTMD)等三种结构控制措施在时域中的控制算法和控制律,然后基于子结构法,采用间接边界元方法,通过傅里叶变换,推导了分别安装三种结构控制措施的受控结构在频域中的运动方程,数值仿真分析了某36层高层建筑的地震反应及其控制效果。结果表明,当采用ATMD或MTMD控制时,考虑土-结构动力相互作用后结构地震反应有所减小;当采用MR控制时,考虑土-结构动力相互作用后结构地震反应有很大程度的减小。由此看来,在设计软土地基上高层结构的结构控制措施时,不考虑土-结构动力相互作用对结构控制效果的影响是偏于安全的。  相似文献   

土-结构动力相互作用对基础隔震的影响   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
本文研究土-结构动力相互作用对基础隔震的影响。文中根据间接边界元方法,推导了空间域中的格林函数公式,并建立了地基土的动力刚度矩阵;进而在频域内采用子结构法,建立了考虑土-结构动力相互作用的隔震结构的运动方程;通过数值仿真某具有埋置刚性基础的剪切型基础隔震结构的地震反应,分析了地基土的刚度对隔震效果以及结构地震反应的影响,得到了一些有意义的结论。  相似文献   

结构-地基动力相互作用时域数值计算模型研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
完全在时域数值分析范畴内,本文对结构一地基动力相互作用系统运动方程进行了深入推导,给出了统一的基本表达形式,简化可获得目前应用的各类主要时域模型。其中,基于结构一地基交界面的位移协调条件及作用力与反作用力平衡方程,推导了动力相互作用分析子结构法模式的时域基本方程。从结构的一般动力平衡方程出发,推导了相互作用直接法模式的基本平衡方程,并基于有限元模型对两类模式间的等价性条件进行了理论验证。  相似文献   

结构-地基相互作用体系的动力相似关系研究   总被引:3,自引:4,他引:3  
模型试验的动力相似理论是结构试验技术中的一个重要的基础性研究课题。本文设计实现了缩比为1/20和1/10的结构-地基相互作用体系的振动台模型试验,通过对两个模型的试验结果的对比研究。对结构-地基相互作用体系的动力相似关系进行了初步探讨。按照本文的动力模型的设计施工及试验原则进行的模型体系的振动台试验,在结构-地基动力相互作用体系的主要特征和规律方面有较好的相似性。在激励较小阶段和激励较大阶段,两个缩尺模型在动力特性、加速度反应时程以及上部结构的应变反应等方面具有较好的相似关系;但在试验的中间阶段,两者存在明显的差异,影响两个缩尺模型在试验中间阶段的相似性的主要原因是土体在模拟地震激励下的非线性发展程度的差异。  相似文献   

考虑相邻结构影响的土-结构动力相互作用研究综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对相邻结构动力相互作用(DCI)的研究历史与现状作了回顾和介绍,将其发展过程分为三个阶段,并对各时期发展的主要内容和特点进行了概述,最后对该领域今后的研究趋势作了分析。  相似文献   

桩-土动力相互作用对桩基变形特性和受力性能的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本文研究水平地震作用下桩-土体系中桩基的地震反应,为桩基的抗震设计提供依据。以单桩为研究对象,建立有限元分析模型并加以验证,再根据场地条件选取输入波,分析了桩、桩-均匀土体、桩-分层土体3种模型处于弹性和弹塑性状态下的桩基的变形特性和受力性能。研究表明,桩动力分析时必须考虑桩周土的影响,若按静力法的桩-弹簧模型进行桩的设计会使桩身不安全。  相似文献   

用ANSYS模拟结构-地基动力相互作用振动台试验的建模方法   总被引:37,自引:6,他引:37  
本文以结构-地基动力相互作用振动台模型试验为基础,结合通用有限元软件ANSYS,对结构-地基动力相互作用体系进行有限元计算建模的一些问题作了研究,主要包括柔性土容器的模拟、土体动力本构模型的选用、土体与结构交界面上的状态非线性模型、网格划分、重力的考虑、结构中钢筋的处理以及对称性的应用等。文中给出了利用上述建模方法对结构-地基动力相互作用体系进行计算的一些加速度时程结果,并与试验结果相对照,吻合较好。通过计算分析,验证了简化处理方法的合理性和计算模型的可行性。  相似文献   

结构-地基动力相互作用体系振动台模型试验研究   总被引:61,自引:20,他引:61  
本文设计实现了结构-地基动力相互作用体系的振动台试验,通过试验研究了动力相互作用体系的地震动反应的主要规律,由于动力相互作用的影响,软土地基中相互作用体系的频率远小于刚性地基上不考虑结构-地基相互作用的结构频率,而阻尼比例则远大于结构材料阻尼比,软上地基对地震动走滤波和隔震作用,由于上部结构的振动反馈,基底地震动与自由场地震动不相同,上部结构柱顶加速度反应主要由基础转动引起的摆动分量组成,平均分量次之,而弹性变形分量很小,桩身应变幅值呈桩顶大,桩尖小的倒三角形分布,桩上接触压力幅值呈桩顶小,桩尖大的三角形分布,试验表明,结构-地基动力相互作用对体系地震反应的影响是很是显著的,本试验为验证理论与计算分析的研究成果,改进或提出合理的计算模型和分析方法,提出了丰富的试验数据,为进一步研究奠定的基础。  相似文献   

The direct finite element method is a type commonly used for nonlinear seismic soil-structure interaction(SSI) analysis. This method introduces a truncated boundary referred to as an artificial boundary meant to divide the soilstructure system into finite and infinite domains. An artificial boundary condition is used on a truncated boundary to achieve seismic input and simulate the wave radiation effect of infinite domain. When the soil layer is particularly thick, especially for a three-dimensional problem, the computational efficiency of seismic SSI analysis is very low due to the large size of the finite element model, which contains an whole thick soil layer. In this paper, an accurate and efficient scheme is developed to solve the nonlinear seismic SSI problem regarding thick soil layers. The process consists of nonlinear site response and SSI analysis. The nonlinear site response analysis is still performed for the whole thick soil layer. The artificial boundary at the bottom of the SSI analysis model is subsequently relocated upward from the bottom of the soil layer(bedrock surface) to the location nearest to the structure as possible. Finally, three types of typical sites and underground structures are adopted with seismic SSI analysis to evaluate the accuracy and efficiency of the proposed efficient analysis scheme.  相似文献   

In the damping-solvent extraction method, to calculate the dynamic-stiffness matrix of an unbounded medium, a finite region of the medium, adjacent to the structure is analysed in the first step, whereby hysteretic material damping is introduced artificially as a solvent. This leads to the dynamic-stiffness matrix of the damped bounded medium, which is assumed in the second step to be equal to that of the damped unbounded medium. In the third step, the effect of the material damping on the dynamic-stiffness matrix is eliminated, i.e. the damping solvent is extracted, resulting in the dynamic-stiffness matrix of the unbounded medium. The damping-solvent extraction method permits an efficient calculation of the dynamic-stiffness matrix of an unbounded medium by analysing the adjacent bounded medium only, which exhibits the same dynamic characteristics as the (bounded) structure. The familiar standard finite-element method is sufficient for the analysis and the hysteretic damping is introduced by multiplying the elastic moduli by 1 + 2i£. The introduced hysteretic material damping, the solvent, is extracted at the end of the analysis for each coefficient of the dynamic-stiffness matrix and for each frequency independently of the others by a very concise equation based on a Taylor expansion. The method is evaluated thoroughly for dynamic soil-structure interaction and for seismic reservoir-dam interaction using stringent simple cases with analytical solutions available and is also applied to practical examples, by calculating the dynamic-stiffness matrix of a semi-infinite wedge and an embedded foundation.  相似文献   

现有的基础隔震理论大多沿用刚性地基假定,忽略土-结构相互作用。由于地基土的柔性和无限性,土-结构相互作用会对基础隔震体系的隔震机理产生直接影响。因此,考虑土-结构动力相互作用对隔震结构体系隔震效果影响的研究十分必要。本文把地基土视为匀质、各向同性的黏弹性半空间,用等效双线型恢复力模型模拟铅芯橡胶支座的非线性,建立基础隔震体系单质点力学模型和运动方程。通过ANSYS软件进行数值模拟,用D-P材料考虑土的材料非线性,用接触单元模拟土与结构的接触非线性,分析土-结构动力相互作用对铅芯橡胶支座隔震效果的影响。  相似文献   

土与结构动力相互作用体系振动台模型试验研究   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
设计并完成了土与结构动力相互作用体系的大型振动台模型试验,通过将同种加载条件下的刚性地基和柔性地基上结构地震反应进行对比,分析了SSI效应对一幢十层框架结构地震反应的影响。由试验结果可知:在SSI效应作用下,基底输入地震动的强度和频谱特性发生了显著的变化;由于SSI效应的作用,刚性地基和柔性地基上的结构地震反应存在较大差别,且在一定条件下,SSI效应对结构地震反应能起到减震作用。  相似文献   

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