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Interactions between surface and groundwater are a key component of the hydrologic budget on the watershed scale. Models that honor these interactions are commonly based on the conductance concept that presumes a distinct interface at the land surface, separating the surface from the subsurface domain. These types of models link the subsurface and surface domains via an exchange flux that depends upon the magnitude and direction of the hydraulic gradient across the interface and a proportionality constant (a measure of the hydraulic connectivity). Because experimental evidence of such a distinct interface is often lacking in field systems, there is a need for a more general coupled modeling approach.  相似文献   

The contribution of throughflow to storm runoff is examined using a chemical mixing model. The results predict that throughflow is an important component of storm runoff particularly during the period of stream recession. Supporting hydrological data suggests that a major throughflow input occurs coincident with the stream discharge peak. The two sets of results therefore conflict in the predicted timing of the throughflow response.  相似文献   

We present a numerical, catchment-scale model that solves flow equations of surface and subsurface flow in a three-dimensional domain. Surface flow is described by the two-dimensional parabolic approximation of the St. Venant equation, using Manning’s equation of motion; subsurface flow is described by the three-dimensional Richards’ equation for the unsaturated zone and by three-dimensional Darcy’s law for the saturated zone, using an integrated finite difference formulation. The hydrological component is a dynamic link library implemented within a comprehensive model which simulates surface energy, radiation budget, snow melt, potential evapotranspiration, plant development and plant water uptake. We tested the model by comparing distributed and integrated three-dimensional simulated and observed perched water depth (PWD), stream flow data, and soil water contents for a small catchment. Additional tests were performed for the snow melting algorithm as well as the different hydrological processes involved. The model successfully described the water balance and its components as evidenced by good agreement between measured and modelled data.  相似文献   

A small stream in the Great Plains of USA was sampled to understand the streamflow components following intense precipitation and the influence of water storage structures in the drainage basin. Precipitation, stream, ponds, ground-water and soil moisture were sampled for determination of isotopic (D, 18O) and chemical (Cl, SO4) composition before and after two intense rain events. Following the first storm event, flow at the downstream locations was generated primarily through shallow subsurface flow and runoff whereas in the headwaters region – where a pond is located in the stream channel – shallow ground-water and pond outflow contributed to the flow. The distinct isotopic signatures of precipitation and the evaporated pond water allowed separation of the event water from the other sources that contributed to the flow. Similarly, variations in the Cl and SO4 concentrations helped identify the relative contributions of ground-water and soil moisture to the streamflow. The relationship between deuterium excess and Cl or SO4 content reveals that the early contributions from a rain event to streamflow depend upon the antecedent climatic conditions and the position along the stream channel within the watershed. The design of this study, in which data from several locations within a watershed were collected, shows that in small streams changes in relative contributions from ground water and soil moisture complicate hydrograph separation, with surface-water bodies providing additional complexity. It also demonstrates the usefulness of combined chemical and isotopic methods in hydrologic investigations, especially the utility of the deuterium excess parameter in quantifying the relative contributions of various source components to the stream flow.  相似文献   

Hortonian runoff was measured in the laboratory from uniform slopes of lengths of 1·5, 3·0, and 6·0 m for steady, high‐intensity rainstorms with durations of 1·0 to 7·5 min. A clear reduction in runoff per unit slope length was found as slope lengths were increased. This effect becomes more pronounced with decreasing storm duration. The runoff data were used to validate a simple process‐based model that combines the Philip‐two‐term infiltration equation with the kinematic wave overland flow principle. The predicted and experimental results agreed well. Laboratory findings were extrapolated with the aid of the model to slopes and rainfall durations similar to those found under West African conditions. The calculated reduction of runoff per unit length is similar to reported observations. Thus, this process‐based model can largely explain the phenomenon of runoff reduction with increasing slope length. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Quantifying the relative contributions of different sources of water to a stream hydrograph is important for understanding the hydrology and water quality dynamics of a given watershed. To compare the performance of two methods of hydrograph separation, a graphical program [baseflow index (BFI)] and an end‐member mixing analysis that used high‐resolution specific conductance measurements (SC‐EMMA) were used to estimate daily and average long‐term slowflow additions of water to four small, primarily agricultural streams with different dominant sources of water (natural groundwater, overland flow, subsurface drain outflow, and groundwater from irrigation). Because the result of hydrograph separation by SC‐EMMA is strongly related to the choice of slowflow and fastflow end‐member values, a sensitivity analysis was conducted based on the various approaches reported in the literature to inform the selection of end‐members. There were substantial discrepancies among the BFI and SC‐EMMA, and neither method produced reasonable results for all four streams. Streams that had a small difference in the SC of slowflow compared with fastflow or did not have a monotonic relationship between streamflow and stream SC posed a challenge to the SC‐EMMA method. The utility of the graphical BFI program was limited in the stream that had only gradual changes in streamflow. The results of this comparison suggest that the two methods may be quantifying different sources of water. Even though both methods are easy to apply, they should be applied with consideration of the streamflow and/or SC characteristics of a stream, especially where anthropogenic water sources (irrigation and subsurface drainage) are present. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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