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川滇地区地处我国南北地震带南段,近百年来地震活动性持续较高,该地区未来强震预测研究备受关注.本文根据该区域百年时间内发生的30次MS>6.5历史地震,结合区域地质背景及GPS观测数据等,建立区域有限元准三维弹性模型,通过反演给定区域特定时刻合理的初始应力场.在此基础上,综合考虑地震孕育阶段和震后调整阶段的动力学过程,以库仑-摩尔破裂准则作为判断地震发生的条件,模拟单次地震过程和历史地震序列的发展过程.同时,对于数值模拟中的不确定性成分,通过大量Monte Carlo随机试验得到5000种初始应力场模型,确保所有模型均能重现历史地震的发震过程,最终得到现今应力场状态,并据此计算地震危险性系数,将不同模型的计算结果进行概率统计,初步得到研究区域2017年九寨沟地震后的地震危险性概率分布.结果显示历史地震破裂区的危险性概率大幅降低,相对安全;而龙门山断裂带东北段发震概率高达30%,主要是受2008年汶川地震震后应力扰动的影响;龙门山断裂带西南段(包括汶川地震破裂区与芦山地震破裂区的中间区域)与鲜水河断裂带交界处发震概率约为15%~20%;另外滇西南龙陵瑞丽断裂带及澜沧江断裂带附近发震概率约为10%~15%,近年来滇西南地区小震频发,该地区地震危险性同样值得注意.


The distribution of earthquake magnitudes plays a crucial role in the estimation of seismic hazard parameters. Due to the complexity of earthquake magnitude distribution, non-parametric approaches are recommended over classical parametric methods. The main deficiency of the non-parametric approach is the lack of complete magnitude data in almost all cases. This study aims to introduce an imputation procedure for completing earthquake catalog data that will allow the catalog to be used for non-parametric density estimation. Using a Monte Carlo simulation, the efficiency of introduced approach is investigated. This study indicates that when a magnitude catalog is incomplete, the imputation procedure can provide an appropriate tool for seismic hazard assessment. As an illustration, the imputation procedure was applied to estimate earthquake magnitude distribution in Tehran, the capital city of Iran.  相似文献   

Deterministic and probabilistic seismic hazard analyses should be complementary, in the sense that probabilistic analysis may be used to identify the controlling deterministic design‐level earthquake events, and more sophisticated models of these events may then be developed to account for uncertainties that could not have been included directly in the probabilistic analysis. De‐aggregation of the tentative uniform hazard spectra (UHS) in Hong Kong resulting from a probabilistic seismic hazard assessment (PSHA) indicates that strong and major distant earthquakes, rather than moderate local earthquakes, make the largest contribution to the seismic hazard level within the natural‐period range longer than 0.3 s. Ground‐motion simulations of controlling events located 90 and 340 km from Hong Kong, taking into account uncertainties in the rupture process, reveal that the tentative UHS resulting from the PSHA may have significantly underestimated the mid‐to‐long period components. This is attributed mainly to the adoption of double‐corner source‐spectrum models in the attenuation relationships employed in the PSHA. The results of the simulations indicate clearly that rupture directivity and rupture velocity can significantly affect the characteristics of ground motions, even from such distant earthquakes. The rupture‐directivity effects have profound implications in elongating the second corner period where the constant velocity intersects the constant displacement, thus increasing the associated displacement demand. However, demands for acceleration and velocity are found to be not sensitive to the presence of the directivity pulses. Ground pulses resulting from forward rupture directivity of distant earthquakes have longer predominant periods than the usual near‐fault directivity pulses. These long‐period pulses may have profound implications for metropolises, such as Hong Kong and others in Southeast Asia, having large concentration of high‐rise buildings. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Seismic hazard analysis requires the estimation of the probabilities that earthquakes will take place within a region of interest, and the expected level of ground motion which will be received at a site during the nextt years. The earthquake magnitude has been used as a basic parameter, because it is available, under the assumption that the earthquake occurrence is a compound Poisson process with exponential or multinomial distribution of magnitude.For improving the hazard prediction, we used the seismic moment as a basic parameter to estimate the mean rate, , of occurrence of earthquakes in a function of seismic moment rate and slip rate released in a seismogenic region.As an illustration of the model, the seismic hazard analysis at different sites in and around the Gulf of Corinth, central Greece, is presented on the basis of the earthquake magnitude and the seismic moment. Comparison of the results shows that determination of the mean rate of earthquake occurrence, using the conventional Gutenberg-Richter recurrence model, underestimates the seismic hazard at a site.  相似文献   

A unified probabilistic seismic hazard assessment (PSHA) for the Pyrenean region has been performed by an international team composed of experts from Spain and France during the Interreg IIIA ISARD project. It is motivated by incoherencies between the seismic hazard zonations of the design codes of France and Spain and by the need for input data to be used to define earthquake scenarios. A great effort was invested in the homogenisation of the input data. All existing seismic data are collected in a database and lead to a unified catalogue using a local magnitude scale. PSHA has been performed using logic trees combined with Monte Carlo simulations to account for both epistemic and aleatory uncertainties. As an alternative to hazard calculation based on seismic sources zone models, a zoneless method is also used to produce a hazard map less dependant on zone boundaries. Two seismogenic source models were defined to take into account the different interpretations existing among specialists. A new regional ground-motion prediction equation based on regional data has been proposed. It was used in combination with published ground-motion prediction equations derived using European and Mediterranean data. The application of this methodology leads to the definition of seismic hazard maps for 475- and 1,975-year return periods for spectral accelerations at periods of 0 (corresponding to peak ground acceleration), 0.1, 0.3, 0.6, 1 and 2 s. Median and percentiles 15% and 85% acceleration contour lines are represented. Finally, the seismic catalogue is used to produce a map of the maximum acceleration expected for comparison with the probabilistic hazard maps. The hazard maps are produced using a grid of 0.1°. The results obtained may be useful for civil protection and risk prevention purposes in France, Spain and Andorra.  相似文献   

The paper discusses problems of seismic zoning of the Kaliningrad region, where a series of perceptible earthquakes occurred in 2004; the strongest event had a magnitude of M s = 4.3 and produced shakings of an intensity of 6 in the coastal zone of the Sambiiskii Peninsula, classified as a 5-intensity zone. The enhanced seismic effect is shown to be caused by bad ground conditions, long-term action of seismic effects, resonance phenomena, and other factors. To gain additional constraints on the seismic hazard degree in the Kaliningrad region, the paper discusses an improved version of the model of earthquake sources underlying the compilation of normative maps of seismic zoning (OSR-97). Modified fragments of OSR-97 probability maps of the Kaliningrad region are constructed at different levels of probability that the seismic effect indicated in the maps will be exceeded over 50 yr. It is shown that additional seismological investigations should be conducted in this region.  相似文献   

目前进行的地震危险性分析计算中, 潜在震源区范围和震级上限的确定过程中存在很大的不确定性。 采用二级划分和三级划分潜在震源区的方法, 对潜在震源区范围不确定性进行了研究; 用震级上限的单边正态分布模型代替固定的震级上限模型, 分析了这种改进对地震危险性分析结果的影响及其工程意义。 结果表明, 用三级划分潜源的方法代替二级划分潜在震源方法可降低局部地区的地震危险性, 对于在潜在震源区附近选址和降低工程成本有重要意义。 震级上限的改进, 使得地震危险性降低, 这对百年使用年限的工程更具有实用性。  相似文献   

经现场考察, 1998 年11 月19 日云南宁蒗6-2 级地震给毗邻的四川省盐源县盐塘乡、黄草镇等乡镇造成了较为严重的破坏, 最高地震烈度为Ⅶ度, 面积约150 平方千米; Ⅵ度区面积约380 平方千米。四川震区内的经济损失评估结果约5011 万元。  相似文献   

Two key issues distinguish probabilistic seismic risk analysis of a lifeline or portfolio of structures from that of a single structure. Regional analysis must consider the correlation among lifeline components or structures in the portfolio, and the larger scope makes it much more computationally demanding. In this paper, we systematically identify and compare alternative methods for regional hazard analysis that can be used as the first part of a computationally efficient regional probabilistic seismic risk analysis that properly considers spatial correlation. Specifically, each method results in a set of probabilistic ground motion maps with associated hazard‐consistent annual occurrence probabilities that together represent the regional hazard. The methods are compared according to how replicable and computationally tractable they are and the extent to which the resulting maps are physically realistic, consistent with the regional hazard and regional spatial correlation, and few in number. On the basis of a conceptual comparison and an empirical comparison for Los Angeles, we recommend a combination of simulation and optimization approaches: (i) Monte Carlo simulation with importance sampling of the earthquake magnitudes to generate a set of probabilistic earthquake scenarios (defined by source and magnitude); (ii) the optimization‐based probabilistic scenario method, a mixed‐integer linear program, to reduce the size of that set; (iii) Monte Carlo simulation to generate a set of probabilistic ground motion maps, varying the number of maps sampled from each earthquake scenario so as to minimize the sampling variance; and (iv) the optimization‐based probabilistic scenario again to reduce the set of probabilistic ground motion maps. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This study presents a time-dependent approach for seismic hazard in Tehran and surrounding areas. Hazard is evaluated by combining background seismic activity, and larger earthquakes may emanate from fault segments. Using available historical and paleoseismological data or empirical relation, the recurrence time and maximum magnitude of characteristic earthquakes for the major faults have been explored. The Brownian passage time (BPT) distribution has been used to calculate equivalent fictitious seismicity rate for major faults in the region. To include ground motion uncertainty, a logic tree and five ground motion prediction equations have been selected based on their applicability in the region. Finally, hazard maps have been presented.  相似文献   

Probabilistic seismic hazard analysis in Nepal   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The seismic ground motion hazard for Nepal has been estimated using a probabilistic approach. A catalogue of earthquakes has been compiled for Nepal and the surrounding region (latitude 26% N and 31.7% N and longitude 79° E and 90° E) from 1255 to 2011. The distribution of catalogued earthquakes, together with available geological and tectonic information were used to delineate twenty-three seismic source seismic source information and probabilistic earthquake hazard prediction relationship, peak ground accelerations (PGAs) have zones in Nepal and the surrounding region. By using the parameters in conjunction with a selected ground motion been calculated at bedrock level with 63%, 10%, and 2% probability of exceedance in 50 years. The estimated PGA values are in the range of 0.07-0.16 g, 0.21 0.62 g, and 0.38-1.1 g for 63%, 10%, and 2% probability of exceedance in 50 years, respectively. The resulting ground motion maps show different characteristics of PGA distribution, i.e., high hazard in the far-western and eastern sections, and low hazard in southern Nepal. The quantified PGA values at bedrock level provide information for microzonation studies in different parts of the country.  相似文献   

Various chemometric methods were used to analyze data sets of marine water quality for 19 parameters measured at 16 different sites of southern Hong Kong from 2000 to 2004 (18,240 observations), to determine temporal and spatial variations in marine water quality and identify pollution sources. Hierarchical cluster analysis (CA) grouped the 12 months into three periods (January-April, May-August and September-December) and the 16 sampling sites into two groups (A and B) based on similarities in marine water-quality characteristics. Discriminant analysis (DA) was important in data reduction because it used only eight parameters (TEMP, TURB, Si, NO(3)(-)-N, NH(4)(+)-N, NO(2)(-)-N, DO, and Chl-a) to correctly assign about 86% of the cases, and five parameters (SD, NH(4)(+)-N, TP, NO(2)(-)-N, and BOD(5)) to correctly assign >81.15% of the cases. In addition, principal component analysis (PCA) identified four latent pollution sources for groups A and B: organic/eutrophication pollution, natural pollution, mineral pollution, and nutrient/fecal pollution. Furthermore, during the second and third periods, all sites received more organic/eutrophication pollution and natural pollution than in the first period. SM5, SM6, SM17, SM10, SM11, SM12, and SM13 (second period) were affected by organic and eutrophication pollution, whereas SM3 (third period) and SM9 (second period) were influenced by natural pollution. However, differences between mineral pollution and nutrient/fecal pollution were not significant among the three periods. SM17 and SM10 were affected by mineral pollution, whereas SM4 and SM9 were highly polluted by nitrogenous nutrient/fecal pollution.  相似文献   

The WebGis development represents a natural answer to the growing requests for dissemination and use of geographical information data. WebGis originates from a combination of web technology and the Geographical Information System, which is a recognised technology that is mainly composed of data handling tools for storage, recovery, management and analysis of spatial data. Here, we illustrate two examples of seismic hazard and risk analysis through the WebGis system in terms of architecture and content. The first presents ground shaking scenarios associated with the repetition of the earthquake that struck the Lake of Garda area (northern Italy) in 2004. The second shows data and results of a more extensive analysis of seismic risk in the western part of the Liguria region (north-western Italy) for residential buildings, strategic structures and historic architecture. The adoption of a freeware application (ALOV Map) assures easy exportability of the WebGis structures for projects dealing with natural hazard evaluation.  相似文献   

岳中琦 《华南地震》2011,31(2):14-20
在2008年汶川地震灾害凋查和认识的基础上,研究了与香港地区地震危险性相关的五点认识.香港地区虽然有较大断裂,但是它的断裂处于较为完整的花岗岩和火山岩岩体中,深部不具备产储大型高压人然气囊,因此,它不具备发生中强地震的充分条件.香港地区的岩石类型、周边和内部海水体、周边岛屿和建筑楼顶水体的均有利于抗震减灾.  相似文献   

陈龙生  陈棋福 《中国地震》1997,13(4):311-320
地震活动性中心Gutenberg-Richter关系(logN=a-bM)在确定地震发生率时起着重要作用,实际分析中存在的对G-R关系的偏离主要是由于地震目录的不完全性引起:即在低震级端因地震的监测能力有限,在高震级端因大震的稀少导致的统计涨落。  相似文献   

A reliable and homogenized earthquake catalogue is essential for seismic hazard assessment in any area. This article describes the compilation and processing of an updated earthquake catalogue for Pakistan. The earthquake catalogue compiled in this study for the region (quadrangle bounded by the geographical limits 40–83° N and 20–40° E) includes 36,563 earthquake events, which are reported as 4.0–8.3 moment magnitude (MW) and span from 25 AD to 2016. Relationships are developed between the moment magnitude and body, and surface wave magnitude scales to unify the catalogue in terms of magnitude MW. The catalogue includes earthquakes from Pakistan and neighbouring countries to minimize the effects of geopolitical boundaries in seismic hazard assessment studies. Earthquakes reported by local and international agencies as well as individual catalogues are included. The proposed catalogue is further used to obtain magnitude of completeness after removal of dependent events by using four different algorithms. Finally, seismicity parameters of the seismic sources are reported, and recommendations are made for seismic hazard assessment studies in Pakistan.  相似文献   

Seismic hazard assessment for Quetta is carried out using probabilistic seismic hazard analysis technique based on area sources and augmented by line source used for the first time in Pakistan. Seismic data has been collected and analyzed in spatial and temporal domains. Five Seismic Zones have been modeled in line with tectonics of the region with b-value of 1.14 using regression. The b-value is slightly higher, which is attributed to the fact that aftershocks were not removed as it distorted the dataset. Five fault sources are modeled, with three as reverse and two as strike-slip with 7.8 as maximum magnitude. Mach Structure is included in the tectonics for the first time. The attenuation relation used in the present study is recommended by various researchers. The expected Peak Ground Acceleration for 500-year return period is 4.79 m/s2 for rock outcrop and characterized as very high. Furthermore, variation in spectral acceleration within Quetta city is observed, for which spectral curves are developed for four different places.  相似文献   

In engineering seismic hazard probabilistic analysis, physical constraints are generally overlooked. We formulate such constraints for the general case of a site within an annular seismogenic zone. This configuration provides a first approximation of seismic hazard analysis within a broad zone undergoing crustal deformation; such zones are a common expression of continental tectonics. Applications are restricted to medium size earthquakes (Ms < 7). The formulation is applied to two cases reflecting the mid-plate (case I) and plate boundary (case II) seismotectonic environments. It is found that, for a given strain rate and for an upper bound magnitude of 6 3/4, the extreme hazard in both the environments is the same but of different character. In the plate boundary example, it is associated with widespread ground deformation while in the mid-plate example, it involves more intense ground motion. On the other hand, if the upper bound magnitude is 5 3/4, the extreme hazard is likely to be an order of magnitude less in case I than in case II. Moreover, when the extreme hazard is associated with singular conditions generated by a single fault, the assumption of a Poissonian process may not be safe for earthquake resistant design decisions.  相似文献   

Probabilistic seismic hazard analysis: Early history   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Probabilistic seismic hazard analysis (PSHA) is the evaluation of annual frequencies of exceedence of ground motion levels (typically designated by peak ground acceleration or by spectral accelerations) at a site. The result of a PSHA is a seismic hazard curve (annual frequency of exceedence vs ground motion amplitude) or a uniform hazard spectrum (spectral amplitude vs structural period, for a fixed annual frequency of exceedence). Analyses of this type were first conceived in the 1960s and have become the basis for the seismic design of engineered facilities ranging from common buildings designed according to building codes to critical facilities such as nuclear power plants. This Historical Note traces the early history of PSHA. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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