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Although ferns are able to colonize dry regions through specific adaptations, they are suggested to be rare in arid environments. By comparing recent observations in the South-Saharan Mountains with existing data from the whole Sahara, we re-evaluated the distribution of the understudied Saharan fern diversity. Observations in the Aïr Mountains (Niger) from 2003 to 2006 identified six ferns species, among which three were new records for the Aïr and for Niger. A total of 17 species are currently known from the Sahara. The desiccation tolerant Actiniopteris radiata and Cheilanthes coriacea were located in habitats with abiotic refuges providing shade, whereas the drought avoiding Ophioglossum polyphyllum was found in a sandy highland plain. All were growing in isolated populations at elevations above 1600 m. These results, combined with data from the Hoggar and the Tibesti mountains, indicate that ferns are more frequent than initially thought in arid environments thanks to efficient dispersal, elevation refuges, physiological adaptations, and the presence of local abiotic refuges. The three newly recorded species most likely radiated from the Ethiopian highlands. Their deep isolation, their rarity, and their successful adaptation to drought suggest that their conservation status might be particularly high.  相似文献   

西藏东南部泥石流堵塞坝的形成机理   总被引:18,自引:1,他引:17  
西藏东南部山高谷深,冰川发育,冰碛等松散堆积物厚度大,经常发生大型或特大型泥石流堵断主河,形成堵塞坝。针对西藏东南部4条典型泥石流沟所发生的7次大型或特大型泥石流中,有5次形成堵塞坝,来剖析泥石流堵塞坝形成的机理和主要因素,提出由于冰雪崩、冰湖溃决或大规模滑坡活动,所激发的首阵或前几阵大流量、高速度、多巨砾,并与主河正交的粘性泥石流,最容易形成堵塞坝。  相似文献   

Isoleg theory predicts that coexistence between two competing species can occur when the subordinate, generalist species uses alternative patches of resources as the density of the dominant specialist species increases. These models provide a framework to determine if a native species is subordinate to an introduced one, thus requires conservation considerations. We investigated habitat interactions between a wild neotropical camelid and domestic exotic ungulates in the Andean Puna semi-desert of South America. The Puna or Altiplano is an arid environment located in high altitudes, with cold and dry weather, and two main types of habitats, steppes and swamp areas. There was a high overlap of diets between species. Vicuñas were generalists in the use of habitat, but invested foraging effort in swamp habitats, while livestock were taken to swamp habitats by local people. Vicuñas and livestock were spatially segregated. Vicuñas used the preferred habitat less than expected from their foraging preference. We concluded that vicuñas and livestock coexist because vicuñas occupy sub-optimal habitats whilst livestock concentrate in the richest ones. Vicuñas can deal with poor habitats because they have several adaptations to live in deserts.  相似文献   

中国西部山区是我国的水源地及生态屏障,它们的合理开发与保护是西部大开发的基本内容。研究归纳出山地发展的“巴音布鲁克模式”:(1)天鹅及其生境的绝对保护(核心);(2)建立可持续牧业(主体);(3)规范和发展旅游业(突破口);(4)西蒙古土尔扈特传统文化的保护(文化多样性)。中国西部山区的发展模式都可以概括为一个核心(自然保护)三个圈层(与当地主要土地资源相适应的主导产业,与当地特有资源相联系的新兴产业,当地民族文化保护)。这种模式能够充分体现生态优先的思想,同时考虑到促进地区新老经济及文化的发展与保护,符合西部大开发的方针。  相似文献   

Non-crop habitats have been suggested to impact local biodiversity significantly in agricultural landscapes. However, there have been few studies of the effects of less-focused non-crop habitats(orchard, wetland, pit and ditch) on variation of spider abundance. In this study, spiders in 30 woodlands were captured using pitfall traps in Fengqiu County, China, and the effects of local and landscape variations at different scales(50 m, 100 m, 200 m, 350 m and 500 m) on spider abundance were analysed. The most important variation that influenced spider abundance at the 500 m scale was the less-focused non-crop habitat(LNH) cover, and 10% was an appropriate proportion of LNH cover to sustain high level of spider diversity in the investigated landscape. Non-metric multidimensional scaling analyses revealed that there were significant differences in the spider composition among the high, medium and low LNH coverage. Based on indicator species analysis, different spider species were associated with landscapes with different levels of LNH cover. Lycosidae, which accounted for 48% of the total specimens, preferred woodland habitats neighbouring areas with high LNH cover. Compared with woodland habitats, LNH provided more diverse food sources and habitat to sustain more spider species in the study area. Furthermore, linear elements composed of vegetation, such as pits and ditches, may prevent agricultural intensification by enhancing landscape connectivity and providing habitats for different spiders. Our findings may provide a theoretical basis for biodiversity conservation in agro-ecosystems and top-down control of pests.  相似文献   

An aim for conservation in Norway is preserving the Svalbard archipelago as one of the least disturbed areas in the Arctic. Information on local distribution, population sizes and ecology is summarized for 20 thermophilous vascular plant species. The need for conservation of northern, marginal populations in Svalbard is reviewed, using World Conservation Union categories and criteria at a regional scale. Thirteen species reach their northernmost distribution in Svalbard, the remaining seven in the western Arctic. Nine species have 1-8 populations in Svalbard and are assigned to Red List categories endangered or critically endangered: Campanula rotundifolia, Euphrasia frigida, Juncus castaneus, Kobresia simpliciuscula, Rubus chamaemorus, Alchemilla glomerulans, Ranunculus wilanderi, Salix lanata and Vaccinium uliginosum , the last four species needing immediate protective measures. Five species are classified as vulnerable: Betula nana, Carex marina ssp. pseudolagopina, Luzula wahlenbergii, Ranunculus arcticus and Ranunculus pallasii . Six species are considered at lower risk: Calamagrostis stricta, Empetrum nigrum ssp. hermaphroditum, Hippuris vulgaris (only occurring on Bjørnøya), Juncus triglumis, Ranunculus lapponicus and Rhodiola rosea . The warmer Inner Arctic Fjord Zone of Spitsbergen supports most of the 20 target species and is of particular importance for conservation. Endangered or vulnerable species were found in a variety of edaphic conditions; thus, several kinds of habitats need protection.  相似文献   

本文以样地数据为基础,对黄土高原内11座山地森林群落的区系组成、联系、格局以及与气候因子的关系等方面进行了较为系统的分析,结果表明:(1) 研究区内森林群落物种丰富,353个样地共调查到维管植物108科473属1222种,其中被子植物93科447属1179种,裸子植物4科7属9种,蕨类植物11科19属34种。(2) 按区域和局地两个尺度统计显示,研究区内科、属分布区类型以“温带分布”特别是“北温带分布”为主,此特征在群落尺度上尤显突出。(3) 非度量多维度标度排序 (NMDS) 第一轴主要揭示各山地森林分布的典型海拔变化范围,第二轴则展示出各山地的地理纬度位置关系;系统聚类树同样体现出各山地间基于区系组成特征的地理空间联系与南北位置关系,并将各山地依区系组成特征划分为4组;经比较山地间最大Sørenson相似性系数知,贺兰山因地处区域西北边缘而与其他山地间区系联系最弱,反之太岳山与其他山地区系联系最强。(4) R/T值 (热带属与温带属比值) 线性回归模型解释了42.1%的数据变异,并揭示该值随年均温升高呈显著上升趋势,随着海拔升高则有显著下降趋势,但与年均降水量之间并无显著趋势。  相似文献   

Bjørnøya has a very thin cover of unconsolidated Quaternary sediments. Glacial erratics of local origin are spread throughout the lowland areas, and glacial striae indicate glacial movement which was centred middle of the island. No traces of the Barents Sea ice sheet have been observed on Bjørnøya, nor has there been any postglacial emergence of the island. Lake cores date the deglaciation of the lowlands to ca 10,000 BP, and peat deposits on high mountains show that these were deglaciated before 8700 bp.  相似文献   

次仁拉姆 《山地学报》2006,24(B10):240-244
泽错公路是西藏自治区主骨架公路网络“六大通道”之一,由于该区域独特而又脆弱的自然环境因素,泥石流灾害分布广泛,暴发频繁,活动强烈,类型众多,严重地影响公路的畅通。泽错公路全长217km,有泥石流沟71条,平均密度为3.27条/10km,其中,夏果沟泥石流危害比较严重,其发育特征及其危害方式在公路沿线非常典型。夏果沟是一条高频率亚粘性泥石流沟,每年平均暴发泥石流10次左右,泥石流体含有大量石块,比较粘稠,汇集到公路后发生强烈堆积成灾,形成路堑阻断交通。每次泥石流暴发其堆积厚度可达2m以上,长度65m左右,一般要2—3d或更长时间才能清除,严重地影响到公路畅通。根据夏果沟泥石流对该段公路及灌渠和农田的危害特点,防治工程的重点是将泥石流固体物质拦蓄在沟内,采取拦挡停淤的工程整治措施。工程实施后,该公路段泥石流灾害消除,保证公路畅通和灌渠及农田的安全,取得良好的效益。  相似文献   

黑土耕作区侵蚀沟治理紧迫度空间分布特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
综合把握侵蚀沟发育状态及其治理紧迫程度可为有效判断区域侵蚀沟防控方向与治理重点提供重要参考.论文结合侵蚀沟形态数据,构建区域侵蚀沟治理紧迫度评价指标体系,从乡镇与网格尺度揭示区域侵蚀沟侵蚀程度及其空间分布规律.结果表明:①从数量特征看,海伦黑土耕作区侵蚀沟分布呈非均衡状态,沟道长度以微/小型(≤500 m)为主,沟道面...  相似文献   

中国地貌区划新论   总被引:12,自引:3,他引:9  
地貌区划是研究自然环境空间分异的基础,在区域地貌研究中具有十分重要的地位.本文分析总结了国内外地貌区划的相关研究成果,系统探讨了地貌区划的具体步骤与方法、地貌区划的原则、各级地貌区划的依据和标准,提出地貌类型组合和地貌成因类型的基本异同是各级地貌区划的依据.本文以中国1:400 万地貌图等新资料为基础,应用GIS 方法,结合中国三大地貌阶梯及其内部地貌格局的特点,通过分析我国各地基本地貌类型组合的差异及其形成原因,将中国地貌区划分为东部低山平原大区、东南低中山地大区、中北中山高原大区、西北高中山盆地大区、西南亚高山地大区和青藏高原大区6 个地貌大区,并分别简要论述了各大区的地貌特征.各大区内部又据次级基本地貌类型和地貌成因类型及其组合差异进一步分区,全国共划分了38个地貌区.  相似文献   

Temperate and semi-arid regions of Argentina are undergoing rapid habitat conversion as a result of several human activities (i.e. grazing, logging, agriculture, etc.). These arid ecosystems contain many endemic species and have played an important role in the evolution of South American biota. The Man and Biosphere Reserve of Ñacuñán (12,800 ha) is located in the central region of the lowland Monte Desert. The reserve is a stand within a highly disturbed matrix characterized by deforestation (i.e. mesquite,Prosopis)and overgrazing. Major vegetational and animal communities recovered after the reserve was fenced in 1972, and Ñacuñán thus provides critical data describing the recovery of biotic and abiotic components of the Monte Desert when anthropogenic assaults are minimized. Indeed, the Reserve of Ñacuñán protects many distinctive habitats of the Monte Desert, including mesquite forest, or algarrobal, and several representative animals of the South American biota (i.e. tinamous, rhea, marsupials, edentates and caviomorph rodents). Several research projects on community ecology, herbivory, disturbances, ecology and ecophysiology have been or are being developed in the reserve. Although the town of Ñacuñán lies within the reserve, the link between the research community and the local people has not been strong, persistent or effective. The reserve is the most important site in Argentina for monitoring the ecological health of the Monte Desert and for developing indicators of desertification. Its potential is great for long-term ecological research and for strengthening the infrastructure of science. Sustainable development in the next millennium requires integrating the activities of the research, local people, ranch landowners and governmental sectors so as to infuse science-based proposals into management and conservation initiatives.  相似文献   

辛未冬  殷秀琴  宋博 《地理研究》2013,32(3):413-420
松嫩草原土壤动物的分布格局受多种因素的综合影响,地形通过影响其他环境因素进而能够影响土壤动物的分布格局。本研究分别在松嫩草原固定沙丘和草甸选取5个生境,进行为期一年的土壤动物群落调查,分析土壤动物生态分布特征和多样性特征,探讨地形和时间对土壤动物分布格局的影响。结果显示,研究期间获得土壤动物密度为5144.62 ind·m-2,所获土壤动物隶属于4门8纲24类;不同生境土壤动物多样性指数随时间变化规律存在一定的差异性,方差分析发现,时间和地形对土壤动物数量特征和多样性特征具有明显的作用,但是地形和时间对土壤动物群落的交互作用不是十分明显。因此,地形分异能够显著地影响松嫩草原土壤动物的分布格局,这可能主要与生境的生物和非生物特征有关。  相似文献   

Seven mesas (i.e. flat-topped, isolated mountains) and the Grootberg mountain in arid north-west Namibia were investigated with regard to floristic relationships in relation to environmental gradients. Relationships between mesas and their surrounding, species richness and number of mesa specialists were used as measures to explore the influence of elevation on these floristic parameters. Also soil properties were investigated along these elevation gradients. The overall questions were designed to investigate the importance, i.e. ‘special status’, of these mesas in terms of contributing to species diversity and to elucidating ecological processes in this arid landscape.With regard to special floristic status, the tops of mesas supported different plant communities than their surrounding plains, while slopes indicated various levels of intermingling with plain vegetation. Differences between mesas and plains became more pronounced with increasing elevation. There were, however, no clear vegetation belts related to elevation. Plant species richness and number of mesa specialists showed a trend of increasing numbers with elevation, but these trends were statistically poorly supported, largely due to high variability between samples.Do soil gradients and elevation, as two important environmental variables, affect this ‘special’ status? Pronounced soil gradients were evident for many soil properties. These in combination with altitudinal effects of increased moisture and lower temperatures were believed to directly influence plant species composition and richness. The soil gradients may also indicate nutrient flow from the mesas to the surrounding lowlands, a process of ecological importance, particularly should degradation due to over grazing become a problem in the lowland areas.  相似文献   

川西北高原地貌垂直地带性明显:现在流水地貌带海拔高度<3800m;冰缘地貌带为38004200m;冰川地貌带>4200m;相应的主导地貌过程分别是流水侵蚀、冻融侵蚀和冰川侵蚀。川西北高原是大面积构造隆升背景下冻融侵蚀形成的夷平地貌,花岗岩和石灰岩等结晶岩抗寒冻风化能力强,三叠系砂板岩,抗寒冻风化能力差,前者可以形成冰川发育的高山,后者为融冻地貌等发育的丘状起伏的高原面。南水北调西线一期工程主要位于流水地貌带与冰缘地貌带的交界地带,滑坡、崩塌、融冻土流是工程沿线的主要斜坡灾害,规模多为中小型。工程沿线地区泥石流沟数量多、规模小,但流水地貌带内的部分沟谷可能有大型泥石流发生。融冻土流是该区河流泥沙的主要来源,侵蚀产沙对水库淤积的影响应引起重视。冰缘地貌和流水地貌的交错带部位,地貌过程对气候变化的响应相当敏感。  相似文献   

目前很少见到关于气候变化影响亚洲北山羊物种栖息地的研究。通过调查气候变化对塔吉克斯坦东部亚洲北山羊(Capra sibirica)分布的影响,并采用生态位建模比较了亚洲北山羊的适宜栖息地的当前与未来分布情况。预计到2070年,现有适宜栖息地的18%(2689 km^2)将变得不适宜亚洲北山羊的生存,损失的区域主要位于研究区域的东南部和西北部地区。新的适宜栖息地可能会扩展到当前亚洲北山羊范围之外:到2070年将扩展30%(4595 km^2)的范围,这些区域与亚洲北山羊现有的分布有很强的相关性。东南部的损失与该地区当前大多数的亚洲北山羊栖息地重叠,主要出现在比研究区域海拔低得多的区域(3500–4000 m)。当同时考虑损失和收益时,亚洲北山羊可能会净扩展到新的适宜栖息地。到2070年,亚洲北山羊的平均栖息地增加量约为30%(1379 km^2),表明适宜栖息地已向北部低温栖息地转移。研究结果有助于规划气候变化情景下塔吉克斯坦东部山区对生物多样性保护的潜在影响。应该特别注意东南地区的高地山羊种群,那里的栖息地可能由于气候对山区生态系统的影响而变得不适合该物种继续生存。  相似文献   

Population density and species diversity of microfungal communities were investigated in the rhizosphere soil of the halophytic plant Zygophyllum qatarense inhabiting saline and nonsaline habitats of the arid desert environment of Bahrain. Unlike the nonsaline habitat which is situated in the physiographic zone of multiple escarpment and backslopes, the saline site is located in the coastal lowlands and is featured by high chloride content, electrical conductivity, total soluble salts and low organic matter. Soils of both habitats are sandy, slightly alkaline, poor in nutrient sources, low in water-holding capacity and mainly dominated by a salt-tolerant flora. Quantification of data for the recovery of fungi were based on colony identification and counts by a series of ten-fold dilutions plate method, using various natural, synthetic and selective media. A total of 2780 isolates, fluctuating between 25 and 1109 per sample, were recovered during the present study among all habitats, seasons and plant sizes. Grouping of these isolates has resulted in a maximum of 28 fungal taxa varied between 5 and 15 species, of which 24 were hyphomycetes, 3 ascomycetes and one was an unknown species. All the recorded species in this study, excluding the genus Fusarium, are newly reported from the arid terrestrial habitats of Bahrain. Of the encountered fungi,Cladosporium sphaerospermum was the most dominant and frequent genus, among all plant sizes, followed by Penicillium citrinam and Aspergillus fumigatus, a finding with consistent documented data from similar arid Sahara ecosystems. Examination of data, supported by analysis of relative density values, percentage recovery rates, polar ordination and diversity indices revealed that the nonsaline habitat during the dry period yielded the highest isolate frequency, species abundance, and diversity when compared with the saline habitat. Moreover, a progressive increase in colony occurrence and species diversity was equivalently associated with increment in plant size in the nonsaline habitat. Apparently, the vast majority (moderate to low occurrence class) of the reported species are rhizosphere indigenous saprophytic cellulose-decomposers, whilst the sparse taxa (high occurrence class), e.g. C. sphaerospermum, are regarded as thermo-osmotolerant. Comparison of species richness among samples suggests that small plants inhabiting nonsaline habitats during the wet and dry season were richest in species composition. It is proposed that inter- and intra-specific variation in fungal community between the above habitats reflect not only the influence of plant age and season but also extends to critical multi-soil edaphic and biotic factors involving essentially soil moisture, salinity and root growth dynamic and exudates.  相似文献   

湿地景观变化对水禽生境影响研究进展   总被引:10,自引:4,他引:10  
湿地是自然界重要的生态系统和景观类型,具有巨大的资源潜力和环境功能,是水禽赖以生存的重要繁殖地和越冬地。几十年来,由于人类活动影响造成的湿地景观巨大变化,不仅改变了湿地景观原有的功能,而且在景观或区域水平对水禽的生存环境产生重要影响。湿地景观变化主要在湿地大面积丧失、湿地景观异质性变化和湿地景观破碎化等方面对水禽需求的生境类型和生境要素产生重要影响。我们从湿地景观变化的特征出发,概述了国内外湿地景观变化对水禽生境的影响。发现该方面的研究在研究思路方面发生了方向性的变化。随着对水禽保护的重视,研究和保护战略从过去的研究和保护物种途径转到保护物种所生存的生态系统和景观——即水禽生境的研究和保护受到高度重视;另一方面的变化是研究方法的进步。主要表现为结合野外调查,利用遥感和GIS技术研究水禽生境时空变化及其对水禽种类和种群数量的影响。最后应用累积效应的原理和方法,对深入研究的科学问题进行了展望,提出一些需要深入探讨的问题。  相似文献   

Land uses such as cattle ranching require important decisions concerning the protection of habitats and species. This is especially true in arid lands and typically involves habitat regrowth as well as the establishment of protected areas. However, the manner in which species respond to the protected area or to the surrounding matrix may vary depending on their ecology, particularly habitat requirements. The objective of this study was to evaluate the role of one such protected dryland area (MaB Reserve of Ñacuñán) and adjacent rangelands in the central Monte Desert of Argentina. More specifically, how effective it is in ensuring the conservation of small and medium-sized mammals. Mammal richness and abundance estimated from both trapping and indirect signs were compared in different habitats inside and outside the Reserve. After over 50 years of livestock exclusion in Ñacuñán, our results showed significant changes in habitat structure and mammal diversity between protected and unprotected areas. Species associated with high plant cover were found inside the Reserve, while the surrounding areas were occupied by those adapted to open habitats. The presence of the endangered Dolichotis patagonum in rangelands outside the Reserve demonstrates that unprotected areas play a major role in conserving species diversity.  相似文献   

This paper examines the relevance of a perception-based regional level mapping tool in rural Niger. Two regions in Niger are examined. Results permit to assume that such a tool helped to fill several gaps: (i) a scale gap between local and nation wide studies; (ii) a scientific gap between biophysical and socio-anthropological sciences; and (iii) a methodological gap of integration between data sources. Moreover, this method is fast, cheap and action-oriented. Data are easily understandable and usable both by rural communities and development agencies. It provides information about human dynamics at a regional level, which cannot be achieved by other methods.  相似文献   

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