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黄思训  张铭 《大气科学》1987,11(1):58-70
本文讨论了在特定外源的条件下正压无辐散大气中存在的非线性Rossby椭圆余弦波和孤立波解,并求出了非线性波动的波速公式及其振幅与其它波参数间的诊断关系.证明了当不考虑外源时非线性波动的波速公式在振幅趋于零时即退化为通常的线性化的Rossby长波公式.  相似文献   

The model for baroclinic solitary waves previously described by Flierl is developed to include effects of bottom variations.Topographic disturbances are shown to act, through their first and second derivatives, on both the phase speed correction and the maximum horizontal amplitude.The combined effects of mean shear flow steepening and bottom variations are considered; an equation is derived, showing the relative importance of each effect.  相似文献   

The linear Rossby wave frequency expression is expanded at higher accuracy based on the scale difference char?acteristics of atmospheric long waves in the and directions. That the nature of the waves represented by the expan?sion is identical to that of the original ones is demonstrated both in phase velocity and wave energy dispersion speed , followed by the derivation of the nonlinear expression describing atmospheric long wave behaviors with the associated approximate analytic solution obtained. Then, for the first time atmospheric’ oscillatory Rossby solitary wave’ with its dispersion relation is obtained by numerical calculation with the aid of physical parameters of the real atmosphere. The solitary wave is found to be very close to such longwave systems as blocking highs and cut-off de?pressions in the actual atmosphere.  相似文献   

吕克利 《大气科学》1991,15(6):53-62
文中导得了N层模式的KdV方程,作为例子计算了三层模式的孤立Rossby波流型。基本气流的垂直切变、水平切变和Froude数对孤波流型都有重要影响;不同模态的孤波具有不同流型,不同高度位面上的孤波流型一般是不同的。  相似文献   

Variability patterns of Rossby wave source   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Rossby waves (RW) propagation due to a local forcing is one of the mechanisms responsible for wave trains configurations known as teleconnections. The term teleconnection refers to anomalies patterns that are correlated in several regions of the world, causing large-scale changes in atmospheric waves patterns and temperature and precipitation regimes. The aim of teleconnections studies is to provide a better understanding of atmospheric variability and their mechanisms of action in order to identify patterns that can be tracked and predicted. The purpose of this study was to characterize seasonal and spatial variability of atmospheric RW sources. The RW source at 200?hPa was calculated for the four seasons with reanalysis data of zonal and meridional wind. In the Northern Hemisphere (NH), the RW sources were located on East Asia, North America, North Atlantic and Pacific. The main RW sources in the Southern Hemisphere (SH) were located over Intertropical, South Pacific, South Atlantic and South Indian Convergence Zones. Extratropical regions were also identified, mainly to the south of Australia. The vortex stretching term (S1) and the advection of absolute vorticity by the divergent wind (S2) were analyzed to discuss the physical mechanisms for RW generation. In the NH, the source at East Asia in DJF changed to a sink in JJA, related to the dominance of S1 term in DJF and S2 term in JJA. In the SH, the vortex stretching term had the dominant contribution for RW source located to the south of Australia. The main forcing for RW sources at east of Australia was the advection of absolute vorticity by divergent flow. Over South America, both terms contributed to the source in DJF. The main modes of RW source variability were discussed by using empirical orthogonal functions analysis. RW variability was characterized by wave trains configurations in both hemispheres over regions of jet streams and storm tracks, associated with favorable and unfavorable areas for RW generation.  相似文献   

The ideas of ray tracing from geometrical optics and wave propagation in a slowly varying medium are applied to Rossby waves propagating in a barotropic atmosphere.The propagation of low-frequency Rossby waves in a zonally symmetric basic state is compared with that for stationary waves presented by Hoskins and Karoly (1981). These ideas are then used to study the propagation of Rossby waves in a basic state with zonally varying middle latitude or low latitude jets. Conditions which allow cross-equatorial wave propagation are presented. For a zonally varying middle latitude jet, there is weak wave convergence in regions of decreasing jet speed, However, this is not sufficient to explain the enhanced wave amplitude found in numerical-model experiments using a zonally varying basic state.  相似文献   

A three-dimensional spectral analysis of Topex altimeter data reveals a large meridional component ky of the wavevector k for baroclinic Rossby waves of all timescales. Its existence necessitates some refinements in our estimates of certain basic properties of the Rossby wave field. In particular, by taking into account an actual off-zonal direction of k (often exceeding 70°), one finds that the wavelength, phase speed, and group velocity of mid-latitude Rossby waves (with periods less than 2 years) are much smaller than they appear to be on the assumption of a purely zonal wavenumber vector. Because of a shorter wavelength (yielding kL as high as 0.6, where L is the Rossby radius of deformation), these waves are essentially dispersive. Their group velocity vector may depart from zonal by more than 30°. An important intrinsic feature of the wave spectrum confirmed by our analysis is a broad-band distribution with respect to ky. Some of the dynamical implications of the large ky/kx ratio are discussed.  相似文献   

The downstream influence of a Rossby wave on weather conditions in the Mediterranean and North Africa is studied. The objective is to gain a better understanding of the atmospheric processes in these regions and to improve their quantification. The emphasis is placed on high-impact weather events to improve numerical forecasts and warnings about these hazardous weather phenomena. For this purpose, 4 days from 5 to 8 February 1997 are used to investigate both a Mediterranean low and a subtropical African convective situation. Sensitivity studies, using a potential vorticity inversion tool associated with the French atmospheric model ARPEGE, are presented. The Mediterranean surface low under study is shown to be associated with the mid-latitude upper level potential vorticity anomaly, itself associated with a Rossby wave. A subtropical convective cell is shown to be related to upward vertical motions associated with a cut-off low; this cut-off low coming from a mid-latitude Rossby wave.  相似文献   

The direction of Rossby wave breaking at the onset of large-scale atmospheric blocking events is shown to relate closely to its position relative to the location of the climatological storm tracks. Using ERA-Interim reanalysis data from October 1989 to March 2009 and a dynamically-based blocking index, Rossby wave breaking is shown to occur preferentially cyclonically to the north, and anticyclonically to the south of the average storm tracks location. Therefore the results support existing theory on the relation between Rossby wave breaking direction and barotropic shear of the background wind. The further away from the storm tracks the breaking occurs, the stronger this preference in breaking direction. Regional differences can also be explained. For the European region on average 70?% of the detected blocking took place after anticyclonic Rossby wave breaking event that occurred on average 6° south of the climatological storm tracks position. Over Western Pacific wave breaking prior to blocking occurs predominantly cyclonically and on average 6° north of the storm tracks. Differences in blocking duration and intensity are found to be within estimated error margins at most longitudes, except for the Atlantic-Europe sector where the blocking events following anticyclonic blocking are also the strongest.  相似文献   

In this paper, we have investigated large scale disturbance in barotropic atmosphere on a sphere. It demonstrates that: considering nonlinear effects of interaction between waves in barotropic vorticity equation, the wave packet of the disturbance is governed by the famous equation-nonlinear Schrodinger equation. For the solitary wave, two fac-tors are very important: one is spherical effect of the disturbance and the other is meridional shear of blocking high. In comparison with the results of local Cartesian coordinates, the former factor is the individuality of spherical soliton.  相似文献   

Climate Dynamics - Investigation into the Pacific decadal oscillation’s (PDO’s) role in modulating the intra-basin frequency of North Atlantic Rossby wave breaking (RWB) is carried out...  相似文献   

In this paper, we investigate the meridional propagation of a forced Rossby wave packet towards a critical layer in a zonal shear flow by solving the linearized barotropic vorticity equation. The forcing is applied north of the critical layer. Two approaches are employed for solving this problem. First, an analytic solution valid for large time is derived, using Fourier and Laplace transform techniques and asymptotic approximations. This solution exhibits the modification due to the wave packet of the solution obtained by Warn and Warn (1976) [Warn, T., Warn H., 1976. On the development of a Rossby wave critical level. J. Atmos. Sci., 33, 2021–2024.] in the monochromatic case. A numerical investigation is then carried out using a finite difference scheme and a time-dependent radiation condition. It is found that the forced wave packet is absorbed at the critical layer and the total momentum transferred to the mean flow as a result of the absorption is observed to be proportional to the length scale of the wave packet. We also consider the case of a north–south mean flow with a longitudinally propagating wave packet forced to the east or west of the critical layer. The monochromatic version of this problem has been used before (Geisler, J.E., Dickinson, R.E., 1975. Critical level absorption of barotropic Rossby waves in a north–south flow. J. Geophys. Res., 80, 3805–3811.) to examine the interaction of western boundary currents and oceanic Rossby waves.  相似文献   

During the northern winter the eastern Pacific is characterized by upper level westerly flow extending from the equator into the midlatitudes of both hemispheres. Theoretical and simple modeling studies suggest that such a region should favor the penetration of Rossby waves into the tropics from higher latitudes. Observational results by Kiladis and Weickmann using 200 mb data indicate that Rossby waves do indeed propagate freely into the tropical eastern Pacific during the northern winter from the Asian jet exit region. They also confirmed that cross-equatorial dispersion of energy from the Northern into the Southern Hemisphere occurs frequently. The present study examines these interactions in climatological runs of two GFDL GCMs. The northern wintertime mean states of these models are characterized by a rather realistically simulated upper level westerly regime in the tropical Pacific. Despite the relative weakness of the Asian jet and wave activity with respect to observations, propagation of Rossby waves into the tropics is present in both models, and these waves are strongly positively tilted as seen in the observations. A momentum budget of the zonal wind and E vector diagnostics over the tropical Pacific indicate that these transients are an important component of the momentum balance of the equatorial westerlies in both the observations and in the models.This paper was presented at the Second International Conference on Modelling of Global Climate Variability, held in Hamburg 7–11 September 1992 under the auspices of the Max Planck Institute for Meteorology. Guest Editor for these papers is L. Dümenil  相似文献   

Summary This study investigates the impact of lateral boundary conditions on the propagation and dispersion of locally excited Rossby waves in a zonally periodic, barotropic, quasigeostrophic channel model on the β-plane. We use basic flows with either a linear meridional shear or a jet-like profile. On the southern boundary of the channel we impose either a rigid wall or a radiation condition, whereas the northern sidewall is permeable for Rossby waves. We compare the numerical solutions found for a reflecting southern boundary in a weakly dissipative flow to the solutions obtained from a WKB-analysis for the corresponding unforced nondissipative situation. Furthermore, we compare the generalized Eliassen-Palm flux vectors to the ray paths of Rossby wave packets, obtained from WKB ray tracing. In particular, we focus our investigation on the two-dimensional structure of trapped modal waves and wavetrains in a simple linear numerical model. Summarizing our results, we find that along the reflective wall, trapped modal wave structures as well as reflected wavetrains occur with characteristics (e.g., wavenumbers, turning latitudes) similar to the ones computed using asymptotic methods. In a linear sheared flow wave packets are trapped for all zonal wave numbers in contrast to a jet-like mean flow which has a selective effect on the waves; i.e., a turning latitudes phenomenon between the coast and the flow maximum occurs for short waves, while long waves can propagate freely across the zonal mean flow. This comes out clearly when studying the stream lines of the Eliassen-Palm flux vectors of the numerical model simulations. Furthermore, due to the reflected wave activity, the dispersion of Rossby waves is influenced by the southern boundary condition not only in the vicinity of the border but also in regions away from the boundary. These results appear to be important on the one hand for the existence of trapped Rossby waves in large-scale oceanic shear flows along a zonally oriented coast. And, on the other hand for large-scale boundary waves in conceptional atmospheric channel models which can lead to unwanted resonance effects. Received July 18, 2000/Revised June 9, 2001  相似文献   

Convectively coupled equatorial Rossby (ER) waves display maximum varability over the northern hemisphere during boreal summer and over the southern hemisphere during boreal winter. It suggests that the seasonal variation of ER waves is significantly affected by the annual cycle of basic state. However, which specific environmental factor plays a determining role remains obscure. This study investigates the background influence on the seasonal variation of ER wave by employing an intermediate anomaly atmospheric model. By prescribing boreal summer/winter seasonal mean state as the model’s basic state, the authors found that the model is able to simulate the trapping of the ER wave purtrubation over the northern/southern hemisphere as in observation. Further sensitivity experiments suggest that the moisture distribution plays a major role in modulating the ER wave structure while the mosoonal flows play a minor role.  相似文献   

陶建军  胡向辉  李朝奎 《气象学报》2012,70(6):1200-1206
通常将台风中的螺旋云带看成是一种称为涡旋罗斯贝波的波动,双臂对应的切向波数为2,单臂对应的切向波数为1,目前这种波动发生发展的物理机制仍不很清楚,值得进一步研究.利用柱坐标下的正压流体涡度方程,研究了台风中涡旋罗斯贝波1波扰动的正压不稳定性及发展变化问题.结果表明,当基本流径向涡度梯度小于0时,由于涡度扰动的速度场对于基本涡度场的平流效应,1波(m=1)扰动可从基本流吸取能量而出现不稳定快速增长.但由于扰动旋臂的缠卷作用,径向速度将很快变小,因此,不稳定增长将受到一定的时间限制;波动的发展速度与半径有关,中心附近的波动先发展且向外传播,距中心较远的波动稍后发展.整体上看,波动由中心向外扩展,大尺度台风的螺旋云带比小尺度台风的螺旋云带发展更快.  相似文献   

Under semi geostropical approximation, by means or phase angle function the non-linear ordinary differential equation is derived involving topography and zonal shear basic flow. Conditions for the existence of limited amplitude periodical and isolated wave solutions are directly obtained based on the qualitative theory of the ordinary differentical equation. Analysis is thus made of the influence of topography and zonal shear flow on the existence of wave solution. Finally, explicit wave solutions are determined by function approaching with the result that topogra-phy and zonal shear flow affect not only the existence but also the form of waves, indicating the non-linear features of waves and the effect of topography and shear basic flow on undulation.  相似文献   

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