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Sediments are depositories of toxic substances such as organochlorine pesticides and there is a global need for their removal in contaminated environments. Studies that combine contaminated sediments and phytoremediation are relatively recent and their number has been increasing. This work aimed to investigate whether salt marsh plants (sea club-rush Scirpus maritimus, sea rush Juncus maritimus and sea purslane Halimione portulacoides) can favor DDT and metabolites remediation in estuarine environment. For this purpose the levels of DDT, DDE and DDD were compared in vegetated and non-vegetated sediments from an estuary in the North of Portugal (in-situ study) and from another in the South of Portugal (ex-situ study). Results obtained both in the in-situ study, involving S. maritimus and J. maritimus, and in the ex-situ study, involving H. portulacoides, indicated that these plants did not have a significant role in DDTs removal and/or degradation. Therefore, it seems that the tested plants cannot influence levels and distribution of DDTs in estuarine areas.  相似文献   

Salt marshes are potentially threatened by sea level rise if sediment supply is unable to balance the rising sea. A rapid sea level rise is one of the pronounced effects of global warming and global sea level is at present rising at an elevated rate of about 3.4 mm y? 1 on average. This increasing rate of sea level rise should make it possible to study the effect of rapidly rising sea level on salt marsh accumulation. However, such an understanding is generally hampered by lack of available data with sufficient precision. Here we present a high-precision dataset based on detailed radiometric measurements of 137Cs in 10 sediment cores retrieved at a natural and unmanaged micro tidal salt marsh. Two distinct 137Cs-peaks were found in all cores, one peak corresponding to the 1963-maximum caused by testing of nuclear weapons in the atmosphere and the other to the Chernobyl accident in 1986. Salt marsh accretion has generally kept pace with sea level rise since 1963 but comparison of the accumulation rates of minerogenic material in the period 1963–1986 and 1986–2003 revealed a slight decrease in accumulation with time in spite of an observed increase in inundation frequency. The observed decrease in sediment deposition is significant and gives reason for concern as it may be the first sign of a sedimentation deficiency which could be threatening this and other salt marshes in the case of a rapidly rising sea level. Our work demonstrates that the assumption of a constant relationship between salt marsh inundation and sediment deposition is not necessarily valid, even for a salt marsh that receives most of its allocthonous sediment from the adjacent sea. The apparent decrease in sediment deposition indicates that the basic assumption of sufficient sediment supply used in contemporary models dealing with salt marsh accretion is most probably not valid in the present case study and it may well be that this is also the case for many other salt marshes, especially if sea level continues to rise rapidly as indicated by some climate change scenarios.  相似文献   

Crustacea experience periods of starvation during moulting or when limited food availability occurs. The effects of starvation on Crustacea physiological responses have been demonstrated, whereas the effects of starvation on Crustacea immune parameters remain to be more fully studied. In the present study the effects of starvation on immune parameters and antioxidant enzyme activities of the crab Carcinus aestuarii were evaluated for the first time. Treated crabs were starved for 7 days, whereas control crabs were fed daily with mussels. Total haemocyte count (THC), haemocyte diameter and volume, haemocyte proliferation, cell-free haemolymph (CFH) glucose and total protein levels, and phenoloxidase (PO) activity in both haemocyte lysate (HL) and CFH were measured in crabs. In addition, superoxide dismutase (SOD) and catalase (CAT) activities were evaluated in both gills and digestive gland from crabs, in order to evaluate whether starvation induced oxidative stress in C. aestuarii. THC increased significantly in starved crabs, with respect to controls, whereas no significant variations were observed in haemocyte diameter, volume and proliferation. In CFH of starved animals glucose concentration significantly increased, whereas total protein concentration significantly reduced. A significantly higher PO activity was recorded in HL from starved crabs, than in control crabs. Conversely, PO activity did not vary significantly in CFH. Starvation did not cause significant alterations in antioxidant enzyme activities in both gills and digestive gland. Results obtained demonstrated that starvation influenced crab immune parameters, but did not induce oxidative stress. Results also indicated that C. aestuarii can modulate its cellular and biochemical parameters in order to cope with starvation.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to understand the extent to which the start-up motives can influence social-ecological resilience in community-based entrepreneurship setting. The case study approach was used to study five coastal communities in northwestern Sri Lanka. Shrimp farmers’ start-up motives include both the desire to capitalize on opportunities to utilize their resources and skills (opportunity-driven) and the need to establish satisfactory sources of income (necessity-driven). They have come up with diverse entrepreneurial responses to face various stressors and shocks by using their existing capital types and their willingness for collaboration. Farmers’ coping capacity is demonstrated through their individual responses whereas adaptive and transformative capacities are demonstrated mostly through their community cooperative work. Findings also reveal that the start-up motives of small-scale shrimp farmers are less influential on their social-ecological resilience in the community setting. Instead, the key to social-ecological resilience lies with the understanding of the nature of stressors and their commitment for collective action.  相似文献   

The standard toxicity test organism, Corophium volutator, exhibits a behavioural response to contaminated sediments that causes increased turbidity of overlying water. We quantify the effects of this response to an estuarine sediment spiked with copper and hydrocarbon contaminated sediments from an oil installation in the North Sea. Turbidity measured 24 h after the start of a toxicity test shows a strong relationship with contaminant concentrations and with mortality after 10 days. Turbidity measurements can therefore give a rapid indication of sediment toxicity, permitting a reduction in storage time of sediments to be used in dilution series and toxicity identification evaluation (TIE) tests, reducing the likelihood of contaminants degrading prior to testing.  相似文献   

Similarities in the marine fauna found off the coasts of southern Madagascar and KwaZulu-Natal Province (KZN), South Africa, led to the development of the ‘suitcase project,’ with the aim of establishing whether eddies that form off southern Madagascar may package and transport biological material across the Mozambique Channel, facilitating connectivity and gene flow. Meroplankton (larval stages of fishes and benthic invertebrates) were collected on the Madagascan shelf and along a transect through a cyclonic eddy in the Mozambique Channel. The samples were analysed using microscopy and DNA barcoding, seeking to identify species known to be common to both the southeast coast of Madagascar and the east coast of South Africa and thereby to reveal potential indicators of connectivity between these regions. The greatest zooplankton biovolume in the upper 200 m occurred on the shelf, followed by in the western part of the eddy and in the region outside the eddy to the west, and was lowest in the region outside the eddy to the east. The meroplankton were dominated by taxa of coastal origin and these were also most abundant on the shelf and in the western part of the eddy, with the lowest abundances in the region outside the eddy to the east. The findings show greater zooplankton biovolumes and larval abundances and the presence of reef-associated larval assemblages on the Madagascan shelf and along the transect through the cyclonic eddy, providing support for the suitcase hypothesis that planktonic organisms are entrained within eddies as they propagate south-westwards of the Madagascan shelf.  相似文献   

This study evaluated the effect of environmental stimuli and selective pressures in different geographical areas along a latitudinal gradient, on the juvenile recruitment, population structure, and sex ratio of the speckled swimming crab Arenaeus cribrarius. Samples were collected monthly during 1 year in three locations along the Brazilian coast: Macaé, state of Rio de Janeiro (MAC, 22°47′ S, 41°45′ W); Ubatuba, São Paulo (UBA, 23°27′ S, 44°58′ W); and São Francisco do Sul, Santa Catarina (SFS, 26°08′ S, 48°34′ W). The specimens of A. cribrarius were identified, counted, sexed, and measured for maximum carapace width (CW). The largest juvenile found was in UBA (47.7 ± 1.36 mm); and the largest adult females and males in MAC (74.26 ± 0.93 and 77.04 ± 0.79 mm, respectively). Recruitment in MAC was continuous, whereas in UBA and SFS, recruitment showed seasonal characteristics. The sex ratio was skewed toward females only in UBA; in MAC and SFS, males and females were present in equal proportions. These results indicate that geographical variations can cause differences in the recruitment and population structure of A. cribrarius. These regional differences call attention to the necessity for improved management plans and control of shrimp fishing, which can affect population patterns such as juvenile recruitment, population structure and life history of the target species and species that are caught in bycatch from shrimping, such as the swimming crab A. cribrarius.  相似文献   

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