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基于MODIS资料的宁夏LST反演方法新探索   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为快速、宏观、全面地获取陆面生态重要参数陆面温度(LST),避免分裂窗算法中诸多参数的估计和参数的适用范围限制,加快计算速度,更好地利用中国气象局三站四网的建设成果,利用宁夏2005-2007年13个时次过境晴空地表MODIS资料及对应过境时17个自动气象站观测数据,筛选、优化引入对LST影响较大的水汽通道、NDVI和EVI参数,建立基于MODIS遥感和地面自动气象站观测数据反演陆面温度(LST)的统计模式.研究结果表明:引入相关参数后,宁夏各季及全年模式的相关性和精度有较大提高,且水汽通道和EVI的参数组合最优.与分裂窗算法相比,省去了对大气透过率的估算以及对地表比辐射率估计的繁琐计算,与地面自动站观测真实值误差70.1%能够控制在4.0℃以内,计算速度快,能够满足一般业务的需求,易于推广使用.  相似文献   

安徽省植被和地表温度季节变化及空间分布特征   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
卫星遥感广泛应用于宏观、大范围、动态连续的植被和地表温度监测研究。利用2001—2008年MODIS卫星遥感资料, 分析了安徽省归一化植被指数 (NDVI) 和地表温度 (LST) 的季节、月变化和空间分布特征,探讨了代表城市区域的NDVI和LST时空分布及其相关性。结果表明:安徽省NDVI和LST季节变化显著,具有典型地域特征;受当地气候影响,植被、农作物类型地域差异较大,导致LST季节变化以及空间分布不同;城市中心向郊区过渡时,植被覆盖度在不断增加,伴随着NDVI的增加,LST下降;城市LST明显高于郊区值,呈现热岛效应。研究表明,当地气候和植被分布共同决定了LST的分布状况,这将为安徽省合理进行农业区划、科学监测生态环境以及有效评估土地利用与热岛效应提供重要参考依据。  相似文献   

利用ASTER数据反演南京城市地表温度   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
利用针对ASTER数据的分裂窗算法,反演了南京城市地表温度,并用实际观测资料和同步的MODIS数据对反演结果进行了验证,结果表明:基于ASTER数据的地表温度反演结果与实际观测资料相差0.9℃,与MODIS数据的反演结果具有较好的空间一致性;基于ASTER数据反演的当日南京地表温度在23~56℃范围内,城市地表温度普遍高于35℃,市内公园地表温度略低,多位于30~35℃,长江水体温度低于30℃,地表温度存在明显的空间差异;南京城市夏季白天存在明显"热岛效应",热岛强度的空间差异与南京城市发展、规划有关。  相似文献   

东太平洋冷舌区海表面温度日变化特征的模拟研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文通过分辨太阳辐射日变化, 利用中国科学院大气物理研究所大气科学和地球流体力学数值模拟国家重点实验室 (LASG/IAP) 气候系统海洋环流模式 (LICOM), 模拟了东太平洋冷舌区海表面温度 (SST) 的日变化特征并研究了弱混合对其影响。采用理想的太阳辐射日变化强迫上层垂向分辨率为10 m的海洋模式LICOM, 模拟出了SST日变化一些特征, 同时海洋的上层流场也产生明显日变化。模拟的SST日变化振幅水平分布与观测接近, 且受太阳辐射日变化振幅水平分布调制。在赤道中东太平洋区, 模拟的SST日变化振幅 (约为0.3~0.4℃) 比观测偏小约0.1~0.2℃。模拟的SST日变化峰值出现在15~16 时 (当地标准时间), 落后于太阳辐射峰值2~3个小时, 接近观测。进一步减弱混合后, 模拟的日变化振幅增加约0.1℃, 更接近观测。这说明在东太平洋冷舌区SST日变化主要受太阳辐射日变化和垂直混合影响。此外, 混合减小后, 在太阳辐射日变化调制下, 平均态 (如混合层、温度和流场) 也出现明显变化。在赤道东太平洋冷舌区北侧, 弱混合导致混合层变浅, 变浅使热量堆积进而使平均SST升高约0.3℃; 在赤道东太平洋冷舌南侧, 经向平流加强导致平均SST降低约0.2℃。  相似文献   

Land surface temperature(LST) is one of the most important factors in the land-atmosphere interaction process. Raw measured LSTs may contain biases due to instrument replacement, changes in recording procedures, and other non-climatic factors. This study attempts to reduce the above biases in raw daily measurements and achieves a homogenized daily LST dataset over China using 2360 stations from 1960 through 2017. The high-quality land surface air temperature(LSAT)dataset is used to correct the LST warming biases especially evident during cold months in regions north of 40°N due to the replacement of observation instruments around 2004. Subsequently, the Multiple Analysis of Series for Homogenization(MASH) method is adopted to detect and then adjust the daily observed LST records. In total, 3.68 × 103 effective breakpoints in 1.65 × 106 monthly records(about 20%) are detected. A large number of these effective breakpoints are located over large parts of the Sichuan Basin and southern China. After the MASH procedure, LSTs at more than 80% of the breakpoints are adjusted within +/– 0.5°C, and of the remaining breakpoints, only 10% are adjusted over 1.5°C.Compared to the raw LST dataset over the whole domain, the homogenization significantly reduces the mean LST magnitude and its interannual variability as well as its linear trend at most stations. Finally, we perform preliminary analysis upon the homogenized LST and find that the annual mean LST averaged across China shows a significant warming trend [0.22°C(10 yr)–1]. The homogenized LST dataset can be further adapted for a variety of applications(e.g.,model evaluation and extreme event characterization).  相似文献   

利用NCAR CAM4.0模式,针对潜在植被和当代植被两种典型土地覆盖类型,通过平衡态试验探讨土地利用/土地覆盖变化(land use/land cover change, LUCC)对气候的影响。结果表明,LUCC对气温日较差有明显影响。日较差的响应与LUCC变化的区域有紧密的联系。在中纬度,LUCC引起日较差减小,这主要由日最高气温的降低造成。在低纬度东亚地区,日较差的减小主要由日最高气温的降低造成;而在印度半岛,日较差的减小主要由日最低气温的升高决定。这种区域性的差异,主要是由于植被蒸腾和冠层蒸发的作用,LUCC能够显著调节气温日较差的变化。  相似文献   

北京市城市化对地表温度时空特征的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
曹广真  侯鹏  毛显强 《气象》2010,36(3):19-26
分别采用常规气象数据和遥感资料,结合城市化发展总体水平不同的三大板块,分析北京市城市化对地表温度时空变化特征的影响。(1)将北京市1978—2006年常规气象站点的陆表温度(Land Surface Temperature,LST)观测资料与三大板块结合,分析城市化对LST年、季、白天、夜间、最大值和最小值的影响。发现1978—2006年期间,北京市三大板块LST均值总体上均呈上升趋势,且大多数情况下,第一板块的第二板块的第三板块的。(2)采用北京市2001年和2006年全年的EOS MODIS MOD 13归一化植被指数(Normalized Difference Vegetation Index,NDVI)产品以及MOD11白天/夜间LST产品,分析城市化过程中下垫面变化对LST的影响。总体上,北京市2006年较2001年NDVI减少的比例为51.3%,白天LST升高的比例为73.74%,夜间LST升高的比例高达90.92%。(3)北京市2006年与2001年NDVI的差值以及白天、夜间LST的差值的联合分类结果表明,第一和第二板块均表现出2006年较2001年NDVI减少、白天LST增加的类别所占的百分比最大,分别占54.29%和40.95%,而且均大于其在第三板块中所占的比例34%,而三个板块中NDVI增加、白天LST减少的百分比与NDVI减少、白天LST增加的百分比之和均超过了50%。第一、第二和第三板块中2006年较2001年NDVI减少、夜间LST增加的类别所占百分比分别为51.67%、44.2%和42.46%。这些数据定量地说明了城市化过程中下垫面变化对白天、夜间LST的影响。  相似文献   

The mixing ratios of surface O3 were measured at St. John's College, Agra, an urban and traffic influenced area for the period of 2000–2002. The monthly averaged O3 mixing ratios ranged between 8 to 40 ppb with an annual average of 21 ppb. Strong diurnal and seasonal variations in O3 mixing ratios were observed throughout the year except for monsoon season. The mixing ratios of O3 follow the surface temperature cycle and solar radiation (r = 0.72 and r = 0.65 with temperature and solar radiation, respectively). Concentrations were higher with winds associated with NE and NW direction indicating the impact of pollution sources on surface O3 concentration. Exceedance of ozone critical level was calculated using the AOT 40 index and found to be 840 ppb.h and 2430 ppb.h for summer and winter seasons, respectively. The present O3 exposures are lower than the critical level of O3 and suggest that the present level of O3 does not have any impact on reduction in crop yields.  相似文献   

A pilot land surface processes experiment was conducted at Anand, Gujarat, situated in the western part of India, from April to July 1995. The diurnal variation of air and soil temperature with respect to solar radiation was studied in two selected periods, one in summer and the other during monsoon. It was observed that during summer, there was a considerable lag in the temperature maxima with respect to solar radiation, as compared to the monsoon period. Also, in summer, when there was an increase in wind speed from near zero values in the early morning hours, the soil surface as well as the air temperature minima were raised.  相似文献   

Variations of surface air temperature(SAT) are key in affecting the hydrological cycle,ecosystems and agriculture in western China in summer.This study assesses the seasonal forecast skill and reliability of SAT in western China,using the Glo Sea5 operational forecast system from the UK Met Office.Useful predictions are demonstrated,with considerable skill over most regions of western China.The temporal correlation coefficients of SAT between model predictions and observations are larger than 0.6,in both northwestern China and the Tibetan Plateau.There are two important sources of skill for these predictions in western China:interannual variation of SST in the western Pacific and the SST trend in the tropical Pacific.The tropical SST change in the recent two decades,with a warming in the western Pacific and cooling in the eastern Pacific,which is reproduced well by the forecast system,provides a large contribution to the skill of SAT in northwestern China.Additionally,the interannual variation of SST in the western Pacific gives rise to the reliable prediction of SAT around the Tibetan Plateau.It modulates convection around the Maritime Continent and further modulates the variation of SAT on the Tibetan Plateau via the surrounding circulation.This process is evident irrespective of detrending both in observations and the model predictions,and acts as a source of skill in predictions for the Tibetan Plateau.The predictability and reliability demonstrated in this study is potentially useful for climate services providing early warning of extreme climate events and could imply useful economic benefits.  相似文献   

In order to provide a long time-series, high spatial resolution, and high accuracy dataset of land surface temperature (LST) for climatic change research, a modified Becker and Li's split-window approach is pro- posed in this paper to retrieve LST from the measurements of Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) onboard National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)-7 to -18 and the Visible and InfraRed Radiometer (VIRR) onboard FY-3A. For this purpose, the Moderate Resolution Transmittance Model (MODTRAN) 4.1 was first employed to compute the spectral radiance at the top of atmosphere (TOA) under a variety of surface and atmosphere conditions. Then, a temperature dataset consists of boundary temperature Ts (which is one of the input parameters to MODTRAN), and channels 4 and 5 brightness temperatures (T4 and T5) were constructed. Note that channels 4 and 5 brightness tempera- tures were simulated from the MODTRAN output spectral radiance by convolving them with the spectral response functions (SRFs) of channels 4 and 5 of AVHRRs and VIRR. The coefficients of modified Becker and Li's split-window approach for various AVHRRs and VIRR were subsequently regressed based on this temperature dataset using the least square method. As an example of validation, one AVHRR satellite image over Beijing acquired at 0312 UTC 27 April 2008 by AVHRR onboard NOAA-17 was selected to retrieve the LST image using the modified Becker and Li's approach. The comparison between this LST image and that from the MODIS level-2 LST product provided by the University of Tokyo in Japan indicates that the correlation coefficient is 0.88, the bias is 0.6 K, and the root mean square deviation (RMSD) is 2.1 K. Furthermore, about 70% and 37% pixels in the LST difference image, which is the result of retrieved LST image from AVHRR minus the corresponding MODIS LST image, have the values within ±2 and ±1 K, respectively.  相似文献   

胡祖恒  徐忠峰  马柱国 《气象》2017,43(12):1453-1460
为了探究温室气体(greenhouse gas,GHG)和土地利用/覆盖变化(land use and land cover change,LULCC)对于地面气温日较差(diurnal temperature range,DTR)的影响及相对贡献作用,本文采用耦合地球系统模式(Community Earth System Model)进行了模拟研究。模拟结果表明:GHG浓度的增加导致北半球中高纬度地区年平均DTR显著降低,但GHG引起DTR变化存在显著的季节差异,在暖季和冷季,北美地区和西伯利亚地区呈现出相反的变化特征,GHG增加对于中高纬度地区年平均DTR的降低作用主要是由冷季贡献的。LULCC通过影响叶面积指数和地面反照率显著降低东亚、南亚、欧洲和北美东部地区的DTR。通过创建一种新的分析方式,本文研究了GHG和LULCC对DTR的相对贡献作用,在北半球高纬度地区,GHG在DTR的变化中扮演着主导作用,但在中纬度地区和南亚地区,无论是DTR变化数值的正负符号还是大小,LULCC都起着显著的影响作用。  相似文献   

海表温度和地表温度与中国东部夏季异常降水   总被引:16,自引:2,他引:16  
主要研究太平洋与印度洋海表温度和地表温度场与中国东部夏季降水的相关关系,以及异常大降水产生的下垫面条件.研究结果表明:(1)夏季黑潮区海温与同期长江流域的降水存在明显正相关,北方地区夏季降水与靠近非洲东岸的印度洋海域存在明显负相关.(2)夏季海温异常与同期中国降水异常场之间的相关分析(SVDI)表明,20世纪70年代后期当海温由La Nina多发期向El Nino多发期转变后,长江流域向异常多雨转变,而其北方和南方地区则向异常少雨方向发展.(3)中国东部区域降水与陆面温度的明显相关区有:(a)春,夏季热带非洲和夏季亚洲大陆部分地区地表温度与当年长江流域夏季降水存在显著正相关;(b)春季4、5月份部分亚洲大陆地表温度与当年华北地区夏季降水有明显负相关.(4)通过对比分析发现:长江(1954,1998和1999年)或江淮(1991年)流域几次特大异常降水的下垫面条件是黑潮区为海温正距平,同期欧亚大陆主要为正地表温度距平场.  相似文献   

利用北京地区14个观测站1990~2007年逐日和2004~2007年逐时的2 m气温观测资料,分析了北京城区、郊区、南部山区以及北部山区4个区域表面气温的年变化、季节变化以及春、夏、秋、冬4个季节的日变化特征,指出4个区域的气温变化特征具有明显的差异.在所有时间尺度上城区气温受城市热岛效应影响最大,表现为温度最高,郊区次之,南部山区较低,北部山区最低.1990~2007年4个区域的气温都表现出增温趋势,其中城区增温最明显,增温率明显大于其他区域.城区与其他区域气温的差异有明显的季节变化,城区与郊区、城区与北部山区气温的差异在冬季最大,夏季最小;城区与南部山区气温的差异在夏季最大,春季最小.在气温的日变化方面,城区气温在各个季节的日较差都是最小的,南部山区最大.通过比较作为北京代表站的北京市观象台的气温与4个区域的差异,发现观象台与城区气温在各个时间尺度上的差异都最小,与其他区域存在显著差异,北京市观象台气温主要代表了城区,对其他区域的代表性较差.  相似文献   

基于MODIS的祁连山地区陆面温度空间分布研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用Becker-Li的算法,获取了祁连山地区不同时相的陆面温度空间分布规律。研究发现:瞬时陆面温度的空间分布与同步气温数据的宏观变化规律基本一致。多样的地形地貌和不同的下垫面地表覆盖类型,决定了其陆面温度的空间分布格局。进而讨论了陆面温度随海拔高度的垂直分异规律。祁连山地区区域陆面温度垂直递减率的变化范围为5.42~6.56℃/km,正北、正东、正南和正西方位上陆面温度的垂直递减率分别为6.56、5.73、5.42和5.84℃/km。其中朝向太阳方向的南、东坡梯度值最小,而背向太阳方向的西、北坡值最大。高海拔地区地表温度的垂直递减率要高于低海拔地区。  相似文献   

邢台市气温日较差的变化   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
利用1954—2011年邢台市逐日平均气温、最高气温和最低气温资料,对邢台市气温日较差的变化特征及其影响因子进行了分析。结果表明:(1)近58a来,邢台市年平均气温日较差为10.9℃,呈明显下降趋势,变化速率为-0.683℃/lOa;四季平均气温日较差中,春季最大,夏季最小,且均呈下降趋势,其中冬季下降幅度最大,夏季最小;1—12月气温日较差中,5月最大,8月最小,均呈显著下降趋势,1月气温日较差下降幅度最大。(2)年气温日较差在近58a存在15a的低频振荡周期和4~7a的高频振荡周期,并在1972、1981、1995年发生突变,在突变点前后,年平均气温日较差均表现为增加珲仃减少趋势,且年气温日较差在突变年呈阶梯下降趋势。(3)最低、最高气温非对称的变化是气温日较差下降的直接原因。另外,年气温日较差与日照时数和平均风速呈显著正相关,与总云量、水汽压呈显著负相关,与降水量几乎不相关。邢台市气温日较差显著减小,对各类作物的产量、品质有不利影响,但冬季气温日较差的下降减少了果树冻害发生。  相似文献   

利用热带测雨卫星(TRMM)搭载的微波成像仪(TMI)探测结果,在像元分辨率上同步反演的10年海表温度(SST)和海表风速(SSW)资料,研究了热带地区非降水条件下SSW变化对SST日变化的影响。结果表明热带地区SST日变化显著,SST日最小值多出现在早晨03:00(当地时间,下同)至06:00,日最大值多出现在午后17:00至19:00,SST日绝对振幅为1.9~3.4℃,日相对振幅为5%~7%。SSW变化对SST日最小值和日最大值的出现时间及SST日振幅均有明显的影响,且均呈现出区域性差异。热带地区SST日绝对振幅随SSW增大而减小,当SSW增加至9 m/s之后,SST日绝对振幅变化不再明显;二者符合特定的正弦函数关系。在风速小的情况下,暖池区域平均SST日绝对振幅异常减小了0.16℃;在风速大的情况下,秘鲁沿岸区域平均SST日绝对振幅异常增大了0.17℃,且SST随时间变化波动较大。上述研究结果为下一步研究海表感热和潜热日变化打下了基础。  相似文献   

The seasonal and diurnal variations of cloud systems are profoundly affected by the large-scale and local environments. In this study, a one-year-long simulation was conducted using a two-dimensional cloud-resolving model over the Eastern Tibetan Plateau (ETP) and two subregions of Eastern China: Southern East China and Central East China. Deep convective clouds (DCCs) rarely occur in the cold season over ETP, whereas DCCs appear in Eastern China throughout the year, and the ETP DCCs are approximately 20%?30% shallower than those over Eastern China. Most strong rainfall events (precipitation intensity, PI> 2.5 mm h?1) in Eastern China are related to warm-season DCCs with ice cloud processes. Because of the high elevation of the ETP, the warm-season freezing level is lower than in Eastern China, providing favorable conditions for ice cloud processes. DCCs are responsible for the diurnal variations of warm-season rainfall in all three regions. Warm-season DCCs over the ETP have the greatest total cloud water content and frequency in the afternoon, resulting in an afternoon rainfall peak. In addition, rainfall events in the ETP also exhibit a nocturnal peak in spring, summer, and autumn due to DCCs. Strong surface heat fluxes around noon can trigger or promote DCCs in spring, summer, and autumn over the ETP but produce only cumulus clouds in winter due to the cold and dry environment.  相似文献   

北京气温日变化特征的城郊差异及其季节变化分析   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
杨萍  肖子牛  刘伟东 《大气科学》2013,37(1):101-112
本文利用北京地区近4年67个自动气象站的逐小时气温观测资料,基于北京地区气温的日变化特征,通过分析日最高、最低气温出现时间的概率分布,研究了城区、郊区气温的日变化差异及季节特征.此外,进一步分析研究了不同单位时间间隔变温的日变化特征,及最大变温出现时间的概率分布情况.研究结果表明:平均而言,城区最高温度出现的时间偏晚,而最低温度出现的时间城区偏早于郊区,与郊区相比,北京城区站点温度的日变化特征更为一致,最高(低)温度出现的时间更加集中;温度日变化的特征随季节有明显的变化,最高温度出现时间在秋、冬两季最为集中,在春季和夏季较为分散;而最低温度出现时间在春、夏两季最为集中,在秋季和冬季最为分散.一天中正、负变温过程具有非对称特征,正变温是比较急剧的过程,负变温相对比较缓慢,北京城区站点的变温幅度小于郊区,春、秋和冬季变温幅度较大,夏季变温幅度最小.不同单位时间内变温速率的分析表明,最强的变温过程一般在3小时以内;最大变温出现时间的概率分布分析表明,最大正变温出现时间在冬季最为集中,夏季最为分散;而最大负变温在秋季最为集中,在春季最为分散.最高(低)温度、变温的城、郊特征差异主要是由于城市热容量比郊区大,且具有更多变化的复杂性而形成的.温度日变化的特征和其区域、季节差异性的揭示,不仅有助于更好地认识和理解区域气候特征和城市化对气温的影响,也可以为做好精细化的天气预报提供气候背景参考.  相似文献   

中国北方不同气候区晴天陆面过程区域特征差异   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
曾剑  张强  王胜 《大气科学》2011,35(3):483-494
采用2008年7~9月份观测的中国干旱-半干旱区实验观测协同与集成研究资料,将我国北方干旱一半干旱区根据气候类型和地理位置划分为西北干旱区、黄土高原区和东北冷区三个区域,分析了干旱-半干旱区陆面热量平衡和辐射平衡日变化的区域差异.结果显示:不同气候区域的地表辐射和能量过程差异明显,而这种差异主要源于大气和土壤中可利用水...  相似文献   

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