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Summary Some results on ionospheric absorption measurements made at Genova-Monte Capellino in the years 1959 and 1960 are presented, deducing the behaviour of the mean diurnal variation. The abnormally high absorption during some days of January and February 1959 is then discussed, together with the treatment of data collected in various European and Asiatic stations; the geographical distribution of the phenomenon is studied, and the influence of meteors is also briefly considered.This paper has been read at the XII-Assembly of the I.G.G.U. in Helsinki (July–August 1960).  相似文献   

Summary The assymetry of the diurnal variation of radio-wave ionospheric absorption, measured by the A3 method on the 2775 kHz Kiel — Panská Ves circuit, is studied. Almost full symmetry of absorption is observed in winter and autumn. It is explained by electron concentration variations. A remarkable diurnal asymmetry of absorption is observed in spring and particularly in summer. The observed diurnal asymmetry of the electron concentration seems to be insufficient to account completely for the great absorption asymmetry observed.  相似文献   

Summary The nighttime and sunset LF radio wave absorption measured at Nagycenk, western Hungary over 1967–1991 is used to infer planetary wave activity and its long-term trend in the upper middle atmosphere (85 – 100 km). The very moderate positive and mostly statistically insignificant trends are consistent with the pattern provided by previous analyses of various day- and night-time absorption measurements. The trends could be of anthropogenic origin.  相似文献   

Summary An attempt is made to show possible ways of predicting radio wave absorption in the midlatitude lower ionosphere using relations between absorption and the intensity of solar ionizing radiation and/or common solar activity indices, and between absorption and f0F2.
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Summary The nighttime LF radio wave absorption in the lower ionosphere measured at two frequencies in central Europe over 1963–1985 is used to infer planetary wave activity and its long-term trend in the upper middle atmosphere (∼90–100 km). The observed positive trend is roughly consistent with results based on daytime absorption. Nighttime results are less pronounced and less statistically significant probably due to perturbing effects of geomagnetic activity. The observed trends, which are probably of anthropogenic origin, are together with the daytime results [3,4] the first evidence of long-term trends in planetary wave activity in the upper middle atmosphere.  相似文献   

Summary Calculations are carried out of upward propagation of a tropospherically forced 10-day planetary wave into the upper middle atmosphere with the use of the COMMA-R model of the University of Cologne, of its transformation into a wave in electron density by means of the model of the Comenius University, and of its final transformation into a wave in radio wave absorption in the lower ionosphere applying the computer code of the Geophysical Institute. The calculations show that the absorption may be used for investigating the planetary wave activity, particularly of its long-term trends. The possibility of propagation of planetary waves from the winter hemisphere to the summer hemisphere is illustrated, which could contribute to explanation of the occurrence of travelling planetary waves in the mesosphere in summer.Dedicated to the Memory of Professor Karel P  相似文献   

Gravity waves play a significant role in establishing the large-scale circulation and structure of the middle atmosphere. Through gravity wave saturation proc-esses, such motions are believed to cause turbulence, resulting in divergence of momentum flux and the diffusion of heat and constituents in the meso-sphere[1,2]. The mechanisms that contribute signifi-cantly to the gravity wave saturation are thought to be the dynamical and convective instabilities[3]. However, it is difficult to distin…  相似文献   

The continuous increase in concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere is expected to cool higher levels of the atmosphere. There is some direct and indirect experimental evidence of long-term trends in temperature and other parameters in the mesosphere and lower thermosphere (MLT). Here we look for long-term trends in the annual and semiannual variations of the radio wave absorption in the lower ionosphere, which corresponds to the MLT region heights. Data from central and southeastern Europe are used. A consistent tendency to a positive trend in the amplitude of the semiannual wave appears to be observed. The reality of a similar tendency in the amplitude of the annual wave is questionable in the sense that the trend in the amplitude of the annual wave is probably induced by the trend in the yearly average values of absorption. The phases of both the annual and semiannual waves display a forward tendency, i.e. shift to an earlier time in the year. A tentative interpretation of these results in terms of changes of the seasonal variation of temperature and wind at MLT heights does not contradict the trends observed in those parameters.  相似文献   

Oxygen and water vapor absorption of radio waves in the atmosphere   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary Calculated values of the gaseous atmospheric absorption are presented for the frequency range 100 to 50,000 Mc at elevations above ground up to at least 130,000 feet, for average conditions during February and August at Bismarck, N. D. and Washington, D. C. Total radio path absorptionsare presented for tropospheric forward scatter communication links for distances of 100, 300 and 1000 miles. The total path absorptions were calculated by summing the absorption contributed by each portion of the atmosphere traversed by a radio ray passing from a 60 foot parabolic antenna resting on the ground to the scattering center and then to a similar receiving antenna. A correlation of total path absorption with the surface value of absolute humidity is developed, thus providing estimates of the range of absorption values in different geographic areas. Maps of average absolute humidity for the world are presented. Previous work on rain absorption is then combined with the present study to provide estimates of the radio power loss due to absorption expected to be exceeded 1 per cent of the time.Portions of this paper were presented in preliminary form at the Symposium on Communication by Scatter Techniques-George Washington University, Washington, D. C., November 14 and 15, 1955.  相似文献   

The wave disturbances in the troposphere over north and central India during winter when the subtropical westerlies prevail in the upper air over the area have been investigated by power-and cross-spectrum analysis. The power-spectrum study revealed the existence of basically two systems of periods 10.0–12.5 days and 4.5–5.5 days in the middle and upper troposphere. Both the long-and short-period systems have been found to be propagating eastwards at rates 5° and 10° long./day respectively. In both the cases lower temperatures are found to the east of the troughs. It is also noted that these systems build up the meridional temperature gradient and hence strengthen the upper tropospheric westerlies. Synoptic study of the transient systems is presented.  相似文献   

Summary Relatively good correlation between such remote phenomena as microseisms, geomagnetic activity and ionospheric absorption of radio waves has been observed. These phenomena are probably connected by a considerably increased penetration of energetic particles into the atmosphere under conditions of geomagnetic activity.  相似文献   

地面VLF波穿透电离层的能量衰减变化   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
地面VLF人工源可以导致辐射带高能粒子沉降.为研究辐射带粒子加速和沉降机制,乃至实现对辐射带电子"人工控制"的设想,需要在精确计算得到VLF人工源在电离层激发电磁场能量分布的基础上,计算哨声波对辐射带电子的调制作用.以往计算VLF人工源在电离层中激发的电磁场能量分布多基于Cary给出的波导中VLF波衰减率和Helliwell提出的经典电离层吸收曲线,但近期研究表明,这些模型结果存在较为明显的误差.本研究建立了地面VLF信号穿透电离层传播的全波计算模型,将计算结果与DEMETER卫星记录的NWC通讯台激发的电磁响应进行对比.虽然模型没有考虑电离层参数水平不均匀性,但模型计算结果与卫星观测值也有较好的一致性.利用经过验证的全波模型计算了不同地磁参数、电离层参数情况下,不同辐射特性的地面VLF辐射在波导中的衰减和穿透电离层时D/E区的吸收值,探讨了上述参数对电磁波能量在波导和D/E区中衰减的影响规律.  相似文献   

The two leading modes of winter surface air temperature(SAT) over China during 1961–2017 are a spatially consistent pattern and a north-south dipole pattern. Based on the two leading modes, the characteristics of the extreme cold and warm days in the two patterns, defined by the standard deviation larger than 1.28 or smaller than-1.28 in the time series of the two leading modes, are analyzed. With the increase of winter SAT during 1961–2017, the number of spatially consistent extreme cold days decreased and their occurrence was restricted to late December to early January, whereas the number of spatially consistent extreme warm days increased significantly in January and February. Global warming is associated with an increase in the spatially consistent extreme warm days and a decrease in spatially consistent extreme cold days, but has little relation to the sum of extreme cold and warm days of either the spatially consistent or north-south dipole pattern. The Siberian High(SH) is the main factor controlling the sum of spatially consistent extreme warm and cold days. The strong(weak) SH before(after) the1990 s corresponds to an increase(decrease) in the sum of the spatially consistent extreme warm and cold days. The occurrences of extreme south-cold-north-warm and extreme south-warm-north-cold days are related to the north-south difference of the SH.When the center of the SH is in mid-high latitudes, the extreme south-warm-north-cold(south-cold-north-warm) days occur more(less) often. During the winters of 1961–2017, the total number of extreme cold and warm days of the north-south dipole pattern changes negligibly. The North Atlantic meridional overturning circulation(AMOC) may be the main factor affecting the sum of the extreme cold and warm days of the two types of SAT pattern in China.  相似文献   

Variations of HF probe radio wave parameters caused by the influence on the ionosphere of oblique powerful HF radiowaves are analysed. The analysis is made on the data obtained from the original experiments carried out on single-hop paths in the middle and subauroral latitudes. Powerful and probe waves with some difference in frequency were chosen near MUF and were transmitted in the same direction. The polar diagrams of both transmitting systems overlapped in both the horizontal and vertical planes. The results obtained indicate that the ionospheric plasma parameters can be varied by powerful oblique HF radiowaves under certain geophysical conditions.  相似文献   

Utilising fifteen (1990–2005) years of ground-based magnetometer data from four magnetometer stations, we characterise the statistical dependence of the Pc5 ULF wave power spectra on variations in F10.7 solar radio flux and on solar cycle phase. We show that the median Pc5 ULF wave power spectra can be characterised as a power-law with a localised Gaussian centred at a specific frequency superimposed on the power-law spectrum. Further, we demonstrate that the location of the Gaussian in frequency systematically varies with both solar cycle phase and F10.7 and is more pronounced during high-speed solar wind intervals. We postulate that the localised power spectrum enhancement (or Gaussian) is a manifestation of the local eigenfrequency of field line resonances in the Earth's magnetosphere and that the variation in the location of the Gaussian occurs as a result of increased ionospheric outflow during periods of enhanced F10.7 and active solar activity.  相似文献   

The problem of radio wave propagation allowing for 3D localized lower ionosphere irregularity appears in accordance with the necessity of the theoretical interpretation of VLF remote sensing data. The various processes in the Earth's crust and in space (earthquakes, magnetic storms, sporadic E-layers, lightning induced electron precipitations, rocket launches, artificial ionosphere heating, nuclear explosions, etc.) may cause different power and size ionospheric disturbances. This paper presents a further development of the numerical–analytical method for 3D problem solving. We consider a vector problem of VLF vertical electric dipole field in a plane Earth-ionosphere waveguide with a localized anisotropic ionosphere irregularity. The possibility of lowering (elevating) of the local region of the upper waveguide wall is taken into account. The field components on the boundary surfaces obey the Leontovich impedance conditions. The problem is reduced to a system of 2D integral equations taking into account the depolarization of the field scattered by the irregularity. Using asymptotic (kr⪢1) integration along the direction perpendicular to the propagation path, we transform this system to a system of 1D integral equations. The system is solved in the diagonal approximation, combining direct inversion of the Volterra integral operator and the subsequent iterations. The proposed method is useful for study of both small-scale and large-scale irregularities. We obtained estimates of the TE field components that originate entirely from field scattering by a 3D irregularity.  相似文献   

2017年8月8日四川省九寨沟县发生MS7.0地震,成都地震基准台距此次地震震中约255km,震前该台地磁谐波振幅比出现趋势性异常。对成都台GM4磁通门磁力仪秒数据进行谐波振幅比计算,结果显示,谐波振幅比在九寨沟MS7.0地震前表现出下降—转折—恢复上升的异常变化形态,地震发生在异常恢复期,同时,异常表现出由长周期向短周期迁移、SN向与EW向变化不同步的特征,芦山MS7.0地震前成都台地磁谐波振幅比亦呈现了相似的异常变化特征。  相似文献   

分析了新乡市1996年8月重大地下水异常特征及异常形成的原因,结果表明:地下水气异常的分布与活动断裂构造具有明显的不一致性。井孔排出的气体近似于空气是来源于大气的土壤空气未显示出来自于地壳深部的特点,因此不是地震前兆异常。  相似文献   

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