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土地利用变化及其生态响应综述   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
1 IntroductionLand use change,as one ofthe m ain driving forces ofglobalenvironm entalchange,is centraltothe sustainable developm ent debate (Figure 1).The types of land use are distinguished as landcover conversion,i.e.,the com plete replacem ent of one …  相似文献   

This paper reviews the research on land use change and its corresponding ecological responses. Patterns of land use changes in spatio-temporal level are produced by the interaction of biophysical and socio-economic processes. Nowadays, the studies derived from different socioeconomic conditions and scales show that at short-term scale, human activities, rather than natural forces, have become a major force in shaping the environment, while biophysical factors control the trends and processes of land use change under the macro environmental background. Providing a scientific understanding of the process of land use change, the impacts of different land use decisions, and the ways that decisions are affected by a changing environment and increasing ecological variability are the priority areas for research: (1) explanation of scale dependency of drivers of land use change; (2) quantification of driving factors of land use change; (3) incorporation of biophysical feedbacks in land use change models; and (4) underlying processes and mechanisms of ecological impacts of land use change.  相似文献   

Based on GIS and statistical methods, with the help of searching historical literatures andcalculating the landscape indices, the land use changes of Qian'an County in both spatial and temporalaspects from 1945 to 1996 has been analyzed in this paper. And the driving forces of land use changesand their ecological effects are discussed too. The main findings of this study are as follows:(1)Landuse changed greatly in Qian'an during 1945-1996, characterized by a decrease in grassland, wetlandand water bodies,and an increase in cultivated land, saline-alkali land, and the land for housing andother construction purposes. Grassland decreased by 175,828.66 ha, and cultivated land increased by  相似文献   

Based on GIS and statistical methods, with the help of searching historical literatures and calculating the landscape indices, the land use changes of Qian‘an County in both spatial and temporal aspects from 1945 to 1996 has been analyzed in this paper. And the driving forces of land use changes and their ecological effects are discussed too. The main findings of this study are as follows: (1) Land use changed greatly in Qian‘an during 1945-1996, characterized by a decrease in grassland, wetland and water bodies, and an increase in cultivated land, saline-alkali land, and the land for housing and other construction purposes. Grassland decreased by 175,828.66 ha, and cultivated land increased by 102,137.23 ha over the half century. Accordingly, the main landscape type changed from a steppe landscape to a managed agricultural ecosystem. (2) Results of correlation analysis show that the land use change in the study area was mainly driven by the socioeconomic factors. (3) The ecological effects of land use change in the area are characterized by serious salinization, degression of soil fertility and the weakening, of landscaoe suitability.  相似文献   

Based on GIS and statistical methods, with the help of searching historical literatures and calculating the landscape indices, the land use changes of Qian'an County in both spatial and temporal aspects from 1945 to 1996 has been analyzed in this paper. And the driving forces of land use changes and their ecological effects are discussed too. The main findings of this study are as follows: (1) Land use changed greatly in Qian'an during 1945-1996, characterized by a decrease in grassland, wetland and water bodies, and an increase in cultivated land, saline-alkali land, and the land for housing and other construction purposes. Grassland decreased by 175,828.66 ha, and cultivated land increased by 102,137.23 ha over the half century. Accordingly, the main landscape type changed from a steppe landscape to a managed agricultural ecosystem. (2) Results of correlation analysis show that the land use change in the study area was mainly driven by the socioeconomic factors. (3) The ecological effects of land use change in the area are characterized by serious salinization, degression of soil fertility and the weakening of landscape suitability.  相似文献   

Non-climate variables shape vulnerability and adaptive capacity to climate change. Here, we describe how recent environmental and socio-economic developments have transformed reindeer herding and perceptions of weather on the Seward Peninsula, Alaska. The reindeer industry has shrunk considerably since the early 1990s, when the winter range of the Western Arctic Caribou Herd expanded, and over 17 000 reindeer mixed with migrating caribou and left the region. Socio-economic and environmental repercussions make the continuation of herding tenuous, and erode the ability of herders to cope with weather variability, among other perturbations. We present a case study of one herder's annual cycle, and juxtapose physical drivers of herding activities, including weather-station and herder observations of local weather variability, with socio-economic factors. There is an increased urgency to access and monitor reindeer with caribou present, but herding plans are constrained by lower economic returns and the need to spend more time in non-herding jobs. Although weather is a greater concern now for immediate herd access, standard weather data are largely irrelevant to the mechanics of herding, whereas variables pertaining to the timing of biotic events (e.g., synchrony of spring break-up and calving) and visibility are attributed to lost herding opportunities. Short-term responses to weather conditions stem from more long-term vulnerability associated with caribou presence, reduced herd size, difficulties affording snowmobile maintenance or crew assistance, and dwindling market opportunities. We emphasize the environmental and socio-economic interactions that affect vulnerability and adaptive capacity for modern herding.  相似文献   

Sediment supply and climate change: implications for basin stratigraphy   总被引:8,自引:3,他引:5  
The rate of sediment supply from erosional catchment to depositional basin depends primarily upon climate, relief, catchment slope and lithology. It varies in both time and space. Spatial changes in erosion rates due to variations in lithology are illustrated by contrasting rates of drainage divide migration away from faults of known ages. Time variations in relative sediment supply are extremely complex and vary widely according to the direction and magnitude of climate change. In many parts of the Great Basin and south-western USA, glacial maximum climates were characterized by higher effective moisture and the altitudinal downward spread of woods and forests. Sparse data from alluvial fans indicate reduced sediment supply, despite the increased runoff evident from higher lake levels. The situation in Mediterranean areas is less clear, with rival climatic scenarios for vegetation ecotypes predicting contrasting runoff. In order to test these latter we run Cumulative Seasonal Erosion Potential [CSEP] experiments for present-day and a variety of full-glacial Mediterranean candidate climates. The results indicate the likelihood of enhanced sediment supply and runoff compared to the present day during full-glacial times for a cool wet winter climate and a reduction in sediment supply and runoff for a full-glacial cool dry winter climate. We then explore the consequences of such phase differences in sediment supply, and sea and lake levels for the stratigraphy of sedimentary basins. Highstands and lowstands of sea or lake may be accompanied by greater or lesser sediment and water supply, as determined by the regional climate and the direction of climatic change. Thus marine lowstands are not necessarily periods of great transfer of coarse clastic sediments to shelves and deep water basinal environments. Unsteady sediment supply has greatest implications for alluvial systems, in particular the effect that changing relative supplies of water and sediment have upon river and fan channel incision.  相似文献   

中国气候变化的植物信号和生态证据   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
袁婧薇  倪健 《干旱区地理》2007,30(4):65-473
全球平均气温上升、降水格局变化、极端天气事件发生的频率和强度增大等气候变化现象已经对陆地生态系统产生了影响,物种、群落和生态系统响应于气候变化而发生的改变,可以作为气候变化的间接生物学和生态学证据,对未来气候变化的影响评价有重要的价值,尤其是对减缓和适应全球气候变化的"地球系统科学"研究以及可持续生态系统管理与发展对策的制订,具有重要的意义。在国际气候变化的生物学证据研究的大背景下,总结了中国陆地生态系统响应过去气候变化的植物学信号和生态学证据:(1)物种水平:气候变暖导致中国33°N以北大部分地区植物春季物候期包括萌芽、展叶、开花期等显著提前,植被生长季延长;(2)群落水平:群落物种组成和分布发生改变,主要表现在长白山等高山群落交错带物种组成和林线位置的变化以及青藏高原高寒草甸的退化;(3)生态系统水平:全国总体植被盖度增加,植被活动加强,生产力增加;北方和西部地区农业植被的耕作制度、种植结构、耕种面积和产量发生变化,东北地区水稻种植面积和产量增加,但全国大部分地区农作物产量和温度呈负相关,这将威胁到未来的粮食安全。  相似文献   

利用2000年和2010年两期TM影像,应用遥感和GIS技术获取关中-天水经济区2000-2010年土地利用变化数据,对研究区土地利用时空状态进行分析,并借助CA-Markov模型对该地区土地利用变化趋势进行情景模拟,深入分析了10 a来和2020年研究区土地利用变化的数量和空间特征以及由此所引起的一系列生态环境效应,主要表现在:过去10 a来城镇建设用地面积增加迅速,耕地和草地面积则减少,城镇建设用地的扩展是通过占用大量城郊的农田来实现的,通过这10 a间的快速城市化进程看出,研究区的城市扩张和基本农田保护之间已经开始产生矛盾;研究区土地利用实际变迁面积约占全区总面积的24.39%,也就是说全区约1/4的土地在这10 a间都发生了变化,从而反映出人类活动之强烈;未来10 a耕地和草地面积将持续下降,耕地面积的减少速度变快,城镇建设用地面积仍然迅速增加,且主要有耕地和草地转化而来,未来10 a研究区土地利用实际变迁面积约占全区总面积的11.43%。景观指数的分析结果表明了研究区内的景观趋向破碎化、复杂化和均匀化发展,景观的稳定性和抗干扰性减小。  相似文献   

论文基于2000-2019年秦岭—淮河南北MODIS-NDVI植被覆盖数据,对中国南北过渡带植被时空变化进行分析,并探讨植被动态变化驱动因素.结果 表明:①在趋势变化上,2000-2019年秦岭—淮河南北植被显著恢复.其中,秦巴山区植被恢复面积占比最高,其次是巫山山区和关中平原;植被退化区面积占比仅为6.4%,主要分布...  相似文献   

利用阿尔泰山中东部两个样点(AYS、SYK)的西伯利亚落叶松(Larix sibirica)树轮资料,采用新疆西伯利亚落叶松一元材积式获得1969-2011年材积生长量序列。利用相关分析和回归分析等方法对生长量数据和气象资料进行分析,研究气温要素与生长量的关系及树木生长对气温和降水变化的响应。结果表明:近50 a来,西伯利亚落叶松材积生长量表现出显著增加趋势,且与生长季气温有较好的相关性;与当年6月降水量呈负相关趋势,8月降水量呈正相关趋势;生长季平均气温在19~20.9℃时,西伯利亚落叶松生长量最大;SYK样点西伯利亚落叶松生长对气温变化的敏感性高,气温每升高1℃生长量增加0.936 mm3·棵-1;AYS样点西伯利亚落叶松生长对气温变化的敏感性较低,气温每升高1℃生长量增加0.661 mm3·棵-1。  相似文献   

Combined with recent historical climate data and two periods of land use data sets from remote sensing data, we test the net primary productivity (NPP) data sets in North China modelled by the satellite data-driven Global Production Efficiency Model (GLO-PEM) for detecting the widespread spatial and temporal characteristics of the impacts of climate and land use change on the regional NPP. Our results show that over the past 20 years, the mean annual temperature in the study region has remarkably increased by more than 0.064 oC, but over the same period, there has been a 1.49 mm decrease in annual precipitation and decrease in NPP by an annual rate of 6.9 TgC. The NPP changes in the study region were greatly affected by the average temperature and precipitation by ten-day periods as well as the seasonal temperature and precipitation in the study region. The correlation between seasonal NPP and seasonal precipitation and temperature is highly consistent with land cover spatially, and the correlation coefficient changes with the changes of vegetation types. The analysis reveals that the related areas in land use change only take up 5.45% of the whole studied region, so the climate changes dominate the impacts on the NPP in the whole study region (90% of the total). However, land use plays an absolute dominative role in areas with land cover changes, accounting for 97% of the total. From 1981 to 2000, the NPP in the whole study region remarkably reduced due to obvious precipitation decrease and temperature rise. Between two periods of land use (about 10 years), the changes in climate are predicted to promote a decrease in NPP by 78 (±0.6) TgC, and integrated impacts of climate changes and land use to promote a decrease in NPP by 87(±0.8) TgC.  相似文献   

土地利用和气候变化对区域净初级生产力影响   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
1IntroductionThe global change caused by the continuous increasing concentration of atmospheric greenhouse gases has threatened the existence of human beings, and the importance of carbon dioxide emissions as a major environmental issue of international concern has grown substantially in the world (IPCC, 2000). At the same time, the Kyoto Protocol, the first and only realistic plan for achieving a worldwide reduction in greenhouse gas emissions, has been passed. Since there are many uncertai…  相似文献   

深入开展乡村地域土地利用变化和聚落发展规律的研究对于探究乡村地域系统优化、推进城乡融合与乡村可持续发展具有重要意义。论文以延安市碾庄流域为例,基于ENVI和GIS等软件技术,结合Landsat卫星影像、马尔科夫链模型和实地调查,从土地利用转移与交换变化、建筑用地空间转移、社会响应等角度探讨了黄土丘陵沟壑区典型村域土地利用变化特征以及对区域乡村发展转型的影响。研究表明:① 在一系列生态工程措施作用下,碾庄流域生态覆被发生明显改观,主要表现为大量的坡耕地及稀疏生态用地转化为林地,其中,林地面积占比由32.34%(2009年)增加至50.88%(2018年);② 在社会经济发展和延安新城“边缘效应”的影响下,碾庄建设用地呈现向流域的东南和西南方向拓展的趋势,10 a间建设用地面积增加了近75%;③ 在人类活动的主导作用下,黄土丘陵沟壑区的乡村正在朝着生态化和集约化的方向转型发展。研究结果有望为深入理解黄土丘陵沟壑区乡村地域系统结构和优化提供新参考。  相似文献   

Based on four phases of TM images acquired in 1990, 1995, 2000 and 2005, this paper took Kitakyushu in Japan as a case study to analyze spatial change of land use landscape and corresponding effects on environmental issues guided by landscape ecology theory in virtue of combining technology of Remote Sensing with GIS. Firstly, land use types were divided into 6 classes (farmland, mountain, forestland, water body, urban land and unused land) according to national classification standard of land use, comprehensible ability of TM image and purpose of this study. Secondly, following the theory of landscape ecology analysis, 11 typical landscape indices were abstracted to evaluate the environmental effects and spatial feature changes of land use. Research results indicated that land use has grown more and more diversified and unbalanced, human activities have disturbed the landscape more seriously. Finally, transfer matrix of Markov was applied to forecast change process of land use in the future different periods, and then potential land use changes were also simulated from 2010 to 2050. Results showed that conversion tendency for all types of land use in Kitakyushu into urban construction land were enhanced. The study was anticipated to help local authorities better understand and address a complex land use system, and develop improved land use management strategies that could better balance urban expansion and ecological conservation.  相似文献   

Based on four phases of TM images acquired in 1990, 1995, 2000 and 2005, this paper took Kitakyushu in Japan as a case study to analyze spatial change of land use landscape and corresponding effects on environmental issues guided by landscape ecology theory in virtue of combining technology of Remote Sensing with GIS. Firstly, land use types were divided into 6 classes (farmland, mountain, forestland, water body, urban land and unused land) according to national classification standard of land use, comprehensible ability of TM image and purpose of this study. Secondly, following the theory of landscape ecology analysis, 11 typical landscape indices were abstracted to evaluate the environmental effects and spatial feature changes of land use. Research results indicated that land use has grown more and more diversified and unbalanced, human activities have disturbed the landscape more seriously. Finally, transfer matrix of Markov was applied to forecast change process of land use in the future different periods, and then potential land use changes were also simulated from 2010 to 2050. Results showed that conversion tendency for all types of land use in Kitakyushu into urban construction land were enhanced. The study was anticipated to help local authorities better understand and address a complex land use system, and develop improved land use management strategies that could better balance urban expansion and ecological conservation.  相似文献   

Explicitly identifying the spatial distribution of ecological transition zones(ETZs) and simulating their response to climate scenarios is of significance in understanding the response and feedback of ecosystems to global climate change. In this study, a quantitative spatial identification method was developed to assess ETZ distribution in terms of the improved Holdridge life zone(iHLZ) model. Based on climate observations collected from 782 weather stations in China in the T0(1981–2010) period, and the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Coupled Model Intercomparison Project(IPCC CMIP5) RCP2.6, RCP4.5, and RCP8.5 climate scenario data in the T1(2011–2040), T2(2041–2070), and T3(2071–2100) periods, the spatial distribution of ETZs and their response to climate scenarios in China were simulated in the four periods of T0, T1, T2, and T3. Additionally, a spatial shift of mean center model was developed to quantitatively calculate the shift direction and distance of each ETZ type during the periods from T0 to T3. The simulated results revealed 41 ETZ types in China, accounting for 18% of the whole land area. Cold temperate grassland/humid forest and warm temperate arid forest(564,238.5 km~2), cold temperate humid forest and warm temperate arid/humid forest(566,549.75 km~2), and north humid/humid forest and cold temperate humid forest(525,750.25 km~2) were the main ETZ types, accounting for 35% of the total ETZ area in China. Between 2010 and 2100, the area of cold temperate desert shrub and warm temperate desert shrub/thorn steppe ETZs were projected to increase at a rate of 4% per decade, which represented an increase of 3604.2, 10063.1, and 17,242 km~2 per decade under the RCP2.6, RCP4.5, and RCP8.5 scenarios, respectively. The cold ETZ was projected to transform to the warm humid ETZ in the future. The average shift distance of the mean center in the north wet forest and cold temperate desert shrub/thorn grassland ETZs was generally larger than that of other ETZs, with the mean center moving to the northeast and the shift distance being more than 150 km during the periods from T0 to T3.In addition, with a gradual increase of temperature and precipitation, the ETZs in northern China displayed a shifting northward trend, while the area of ETZs in southern China decreased gradually, and their mean center moved to high-altitude areas. The effects of climate change on ETZs presented an increasing trend in China, especially in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau.  相似文献   

The results of development of Siberia and the influence of severity of its climate on contemporary economic efficiency are examined. A critical analysis is made of the relevan t conclusions and recommendations of American politilogists which have hazardous consequences for Russia. The invalidity of these conclusions and recommendations was ascertained through quantitative assessments to show the real state of affairs as regards industrialization of Siberia, its economic efficiency and profitableness, and resettlement processes in the post-Soviet era.  相似文献   

Based on digital land use data from 1995 to 2000 and road data, the land use and landscape changes of Golmud, Qumaleb and Zhidoi are studied on a macro-scale. Land use and landscape changes in highway buffer zones and city expansion are special subjects. A new formula is used to define the exact degree of dynamic land use. To adequately define land use and landscape pattern changes, the buffer zones, illustrating the changes at different distances from the road, are recognized with ArcGIS 8.1 software. Prominent changes took place in land use and landscape patterns from 1995 to 2000, and the area of built-up land increased by 323.8%. The comprehensive degree of dynamic land use is 2.25, and the degree of dynamic land use of built-up land is the highest, followed by cultivated land. Woodland has the lowest value. The used degree index of land resources declined by 38.8 from 1995 to 2000. Landscape changed dramatically which influenced ecological processes immensely. Different from the corridor effect of other traffic routes, the corridor effect of this section of road is not obvious and its “point” radiation effect can be easily seen. The expanding range of Golmud City is confined to a 3 km buffer, while for Wudaoliang, it is 1 km. No land use change happened in the Nanshankou buffer.  相似文献   

Based on digital land use data from 1995 to 2000 and road data, the land use and landscape changes of Golmud, Qumaleb and Zhidoi are studied on a macro-scale. Land use and landscape changes in highway buffer zones and city expansion are special subjects. A new formula is used to define the exact degree of dynamic land use. To adequately define land use and landscape pattern changes, the buffer zones, illustrating the changes at different distances from the road, are recognized with ArcGIS 8.1 software. Prominent changes took place in land use and landscape patterns from 1995 to 2000, and the area of built-up land increased by 323.8%. The comprehensive degree of dynamic land use is 2.25, and the degree of dynamic land use of built-up land is the highest, followed by cultivated land. Woodland has the lowest value. The used degree index of land resources declined by 38.8 from 1995 to 2000. Landscape changed dramatically which influenced ecological processes immensely. Different from the corridor effect of other traffic routes, the corridor effect of this section of road is not obvious and its "point" radiation effect can be easily seen. The expanding range of Golmud City is confined to a 3 km buffer, while for Wudaoliang, it is 1 km. No land use change happened in the Nanshankou buffer.  相似文献   

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