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温室气体排放评价指标及其定量分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Anthropogenic greenhouse gases (GHG) emission and related global warming issues have been the focus of international communities for some time. The international communities have reached a consensus to reduce anthropogenic GHG emissions and restrain global warming. The quantitative assessment of anthropogenic GHG emissions is the scientific basis to find out the status of global GHG emission, identify the commitments of each country, and arrange the international efforts of GHG emission reduction. Currently the main assessment indicators for GHG emission include national indicator, per capita indicator, per GDP indicator, and international trade indicator etc. The introduction to the above indi- cators is put forward and their merits and demerits are analyzed. Based on the GHG emission data from the World Resource Institute (WRI), the US Energy Information Administration (EIA), and the Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center (CDIAC), the results of each indictor are calculated for the world, for the eight G8 industrialized countries (USA, UK, Canada, Japan, Germany, France, Italy and Russia), and the five major developing countries including China, Brazil, India, South Africa and Mexico. The paper points out that all these indicators have some limitations. The Indicator of Industrialized Accumulative Emission per Capita (IAEC) is put forward as the equitable indicator to evaluate the industrialized historical accumulative emission per capita of every country. IAEC indicator can reflect the economic achievement of GHG emission enjoyed by the current generations in every country and their commitments. The analysis of IAEC indicates that the historical accumulative emission per capita in indus- trialized countries such as UK and USA were typically higher than those of the world average and the developing countries. Emission indicator per capita per GDP, consumptive emission indicator and survival emission indicator are also put forward and discussed in the paper.  相似文献   

温室气体排放评价指标及其定量分析   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
温室气体排放的科学定量评价是建立国际温室气体减排框架、确定各国合理的减排责任、部署国际减排行动的基础。通过系统阐述目前国际上通行的温室气体排放的主要评价指标(国别排放指标、人均排放指标、GDP 排放指标和国际贸易排放指标等), 并通过定量评价剖析这些评价指标的优缺点及其局限性。讨论了发展科学、公平和易于广泛接受的新评价指 标的可能性。基于可持续发展的公平性原则, 提出了“工业化累积人均排放量” 的新指标, 以客观定量评价世界各国工业化以来温室气体历史累积排放量的当代人均量。新指标的结果显示, 英美等老牌工业化国家的工业化累积人均排放量远高于全球平均水平和发展中国家的 水平。还提出并讨论了人均单位GDP 排放量、消费排放量、生存排放量等潜在的评价指标。  相似文献   

温室气体减排与配额已经成为各国、各政治实体谈判与争论的焦点。小岛国联盟(AOSIS)由于地理位置因素,对气候变化有较高的脆弱性,在气候谈判中往往以最大受害者的身份出现,对国际气候谈判进程有着特别的影响。首先对小岛国联盟的地理位置、经济、人口、面积等基本情况进行了分析,并采用CDIAC 1950~2009年各国的碳排放数据以及Word Bank提供的人口和GDP数据,对小岛国联盟的排放总量、人均排放量、历史累计人均排放量、排放强度以及碳排放密度等指标进行了评估,并与全球以及美国、法国、日本、中国、印度和南非六国的排放情况进行了比较,在此基础上对小岛国联盟在气候变化行动格局中的地位进行了分析。  相似文献   

基于空间模型的全球粮食安全评价   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
This paper presents a scenario-based assessment of global future food security. To do that,the socio-economic and climate change scenarios were defined for the future and were linked to an integrated modeling framework. The crop yields simulated by the GIS-based Environmental Policy Integrated Climate (EPIC) model and crop areas simulated by the crop choice decision model were combined to calculate the total food production and per capita food availability,which was used to represent the status of food availability and stability. The per capita Gross Domestic Product (GDP) simulated by IFPSIM model was used to reflect the situation of food accessibility and affordability. Based on these two indicators,the future food security status was assessed at a global scale over a period of approximately 20 years,starting from the year 2000. The results show that certain regions such as South Asia and most African countries will likely remain hotspots of food insecurity in the future as both the per capita food availability and the capacity of being able to import food will decrease between 2000 and 2020. Low food production associated with poverty is the determining factor to starvation in these regions,and more efforts are needed to combat hunger in terms of future actions. Other regions such as China,most Eastern European countries and most South American countries where there is an increase in per capita food availability or an increase in the capacity to import food between 2000 and 2020 might be able to improve their food security situation.  相似文献   

This paper presents a scenario-based assessment of global future food security. To do that, the socio-economic and climate change scenarios were defined for the future and were linked to an integrated modeling framework. The crop yields simulated by the GIS-based Environmental Policy Integrated Climate (EPIC) model and crop areas simulated by the crop choice decision model were combined to calculate the total food production and per capita food availability, which was used to represent the status of food availability and stability. The per capita Gross Domestic Product (GDP) simulated by IFPSIM model was used to reflect the situation of food accessibility and affordability. Based on these two indicators, the future food security status was assessed at a global scale over a period of approximately 20 years, starting from the year 2000. The results show that certain regions such as South Asia and most African countries will likely remain hotspots of food insecurity in the future as both the per capita food availability and the capacity of being able to import food will decrease between 2000 and 2020. Low food production associated with poverty is the determining factor to starvation in these regions, and more efforts are needed to combat hunger in terms of future actions. Other regions such as China, most Eastern European countries and most South American countries where there is an increase in per capita food availability or an increase in the capacity to import food between 2000 and 2020 might be able to improve their food security situation.  相似文献   

最优增长路径下的中国碳排放估计   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
王铮  朱永彬  刘昌新  马晓哲 《地理学报》2010,65(12):1559-1568
从能源消费、水泥生产和森林碳汇3 个方面对中国未来的碳排放进行了较为全面的估计。其中,能源消费碳排放是在能源-经济框架下利用经济动力学模型对最优经济增长路径下的能源需求进行预测得到的,同时考虑了能源结构的演化及不同能源品种在碳排放系数上存在的差异;水泥生产碳排放则是在对水泥产量预测的基础上进行的,认为水泥产量与城市化进程存在一定的联系,而城市化进程遵循“S曲线”发展规律;森林碳汇是通过引入CO2FIX模型,分别对原有森林与新增可造林的固碳能力进行估算,最终合成了中国未来的净碳排放曲线。结果发现,能源消费碳排放在2031 年达到高峰,为2637 MtC,对应的人均GDP低于OECD国家的实证经验;人均排放高峰出现在2030 年,为1.73 tC/人,远低于美国欧盟和日本2006 年水平;水泥生产碳排放增长放缓,2050 年控制在254 MtC左右,占工业总排放的12%;森林碳汇至2050 年可累计吸收6806.2 MtC,年吸收量逐渐下降;净排放也于2033 年达到峰值,为2748 MtC。  相似文献   

合理有序推进城镇化进程和发展低碳经济是当前全球许多国家面临的重要难题。研究基于2009—2016年全球118个国家的面板数据,利用STIRPAT模型探究了整体样本及不同等级城镇化水平国家城镇化发展对碳排放效率的影响机理。研究表明:(1)2009—2016年,研究样本碳排放效率的空间分异特征较为明显,碳排放效率较高的国家主要集中在拉丁美洲、欧洲西部及非洲,碳排放效率较低的国家基本位于北美、亚洲及大洋洲;(2)从整体来看,科技创新水平、人均GDP及信息化水平均对碳排放效率提升具有显著促进作用,促进作用大小为人均GDP>科技创新水平>信息化水平,城镇化水平、工业占比及对外开放度均对碳排放效率提升具有显著抑制作用,抑制作用大小为城镇化水平>对外开放度>工业占比;(3)分区域来看,不同等级城镇化水平国家各影响因素对碳排放效率的作用效应呈现明显的异质性。基于实证分析结果,研究提出推进绿色城镇化建设、重视科技创新生态价值、优化对外出口贸易结构等政策建议。  相似文献   

朱潜挺  吴静  王铮 《地理研究》2012,31(9):1547-1558
碳交易是未来全球应对气候变化的重要组成部分之一。基于Agent建模技术,开发了一个包含中国、美国、日本、欧盟、前苏联地区以及世界其他地区的全球碳交易模拟系统,并且根据人均累积排放权均等和减排目标控制原则,设置了"丁标准"情景和"2℃目标"情景,对全球碳交易行为展开了模拟研究。研究发现:(1)随着碳排放权的逐年减少,未来碳交易价格将呈上升趋势;(2)碳交易将有助于资金从发达国家向发展中国家转移;(3)由于碳交易允许配额缺口区域向配额盈余区域购买碳排放权,未来发达国家的人均碳排放量仍将高于发展中国家;(4)虽然碳交易能提高全球累计拉姆齐效用,但无论从中国在未来碳市场中的收支情况,还是全球福利水平的改善程度来看,"2℃目标"情景均将优于"丁标准"情景。  相似文献   

基于空间模型的全球粮食安全评价   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
在综合考虑自然、社会和经济等因子对粮食安全影响的基础上,选择了人均粮食占有量和人均GDP两个指标空间显性评价全球粮食安全状况。为此,本研究构建了3个模型,即空间EPIC模型、作物选择模型和IFPSIM模型,分别模拟作物单产、作物播种面积和作物价格。利用构建的评价框架和模型,以网格大小为6分弧度的地理单元为评价对象,选择水稻、玉米、小麦和大豆等4类全球主要作物类型,以2000年为初始年份,对未来2020年的全球粮食安全状况进行了评价。结果表明,到2020年,多数南亚国家和非洲国家,由于其人均粮食占有量和人均GDP两个指标值都显著降低,粮食供应不足和贫困一起将可能导致该区域存在粮食危机和饥饿风险。对于其他区域,日益增长的粮食需求可以通过本区域的粮食生产自给予以满足,或通过外部购买或粮食进口得到满足,总体上不存在粮食安全问题。为保障未来粮食安全,一方面要保护耕地数量和质量、防止土壤退化、增加资本投入、进行技术创新和升级,提高粮食综合生产能力,保障粮食的有效供给;另一方面加大农业补贴,切实提高农民收入,保障农民利益,增强农业购买力。同时,大力改善粮食流通和农产品贸易体制,通过外部市场来调节粮食供给;积极应对气候变化,提高农业生产对气候变化的适应能力,保证粮食生产的稳定。  相似文献   

黄丽  王武林  龚姣 《干旱区地理》2022,45(3):986-997
梳理1992—2018年中亚五国碳排放变化过程,运用碳排放库兹涅茨曲线模拟人均碳排放与人均国内生产总值(GDP)的关系,基于中亚五国人均GDP、工业增加值、研发投入、自华进口中间品和资本品的技术溢出存量等指标,构建面板数据固定效应模型以探究碳排放影响机制。结果表明:(1) 中亚五国碳排放先降后升,各国碳排放的变化率波动较大,其中哈萨克斯坦碳排放占中亚五国碳排放比重最大。(2) 就人均碳排放与人均GDP拟合的碳排放库兹涅茨曲线关系而言,哈萨克斯坦和土库曼斯坦表现为倒N型,乌兹别克斯坦、塔吉克斯坦、吉尔吉斯斯坦和中亚五国表现为N型。(3) 中亚五国自华进口额呈现较快的增长趋势,其中自华进口的中间品和资本品合计约占自华进口总额的3.920%~10.976%,中亚五国整体及各国中间品技术溢出存量均明显大于资本品技术溢出存量。(4) 在影响中亚五国碳排放的诸多因素中,人均GDP和工业增加值占GDP比重的回归系数显著为正,人均GDP、工业增加值占GDP比重每上升1%,碳排放分别增加0.337%和0.343%,研发投入、交互项LnZJit×LnSit(中间品技术溢出存量的自然对数×工业增加值占GDP比重的自然对数)的回归系数显著为负,研发投入每增加1%,碳排放可减少约0.432%,在降低因工业增加值占GDP比重上升导致的碳排放方面,中间品技术溢出存量的影响极小。  相似文献   

城市标度律及应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
龚健雅  许刚  焦利民  秦昆 《地理学报》2021,76(2):251-260
城市标度律刻画了城市系统某一指标和人口规模的幂函数缩放关系,包括超线性(社会交互类指标)、次线性(基础设施类指标)和线性(个人需求类指标)3种标度关系.本文从城市标度律的验证、解释、应用和质疑4个方面总结梳理了2007-2020年间的研究进展,重点分析了城市标度律和城市时序发展的异速增长律的明显差异,单个城市时序发展不...  相似文献   

本文采用IPCC推荐的表观消费量法计算了中国大陆30省区1991到2010年化石能源消费产生的CO2排放,发现:(1)排放总量由 2293.01Mt 增长到 7467.77Mt;(2)煤炭消费的排放比重最高达到79.98%;(3)人均排放量由 1.98t 增长至 5.57t;(4)CO2排放强度显著降低,由6.66 kg USD-1降至1.07kg USD-1,近年来趋于稳定;(5)区域发展不平衡始终存在,根据省际数据,在一些落后地区经济增长过度依赖于化石能源消费。关于CO2高排放,中国已经做出承诺并采取了行动。基于对可持续发展和全球气候变化不确定性的综合考虑,健康的产业结构、化石能源集约利用,以及区域发展平衡应更加受到重视。  相似文献   

新疆维吾尔自治区能源消耗与经济增长关系的实证研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
根据新疆维吾尔自治区1952~2007年主要年份能源消耗的统计数据以及相应年份人均GDP统计数据,分析了单位GDP能源消耗与人均GDP之间的相关关系,选取相关能耗指标(煤炭消耗量、石油消耗量、天然气消耗量、电力消耗量),建立两者之间的计量模型,并在此基础上分析单位GDP能源消耗与人均GDP增长的关系。经研究发现,新疆单位GDP能源消耗与人均GDP增长呈类似于EKC的倒U型曲线,且当今曲线已过转折点,单位GDP能源消耗随人均GDP增长将持续下降。因此,有必要采取有力措施进一步降低单位GDP能源消耗,倡导"循环经济"、"绿色GDP"等,使曲线走势向良性方向发展。  相似文献   

缩小区域发展差异、促进区域协调发展是我国经济发展的紧迫任务。目前,区域差异研究普遍采用人均GDP指标,容易忽视大量流动人口的影响。基于此,构建了一个耦合人口和空间因素的新指标——人.地均GDP。从广东省的实证研究得出,新指标不仅能更客观地描述区域发展差异的动态演变过程,而且能避免地方政府在现有考核指标下容易出现的各类政策偏差。最后,提出区域经济发展战略应以环境承载力为基础,实现人口和空间双协调的政策建议。  相似文献   

国际制造业区位变迁的碳排放效应研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
姜宛贝  韩梦瑶  唐志鹏  刘卫东 《地理科学》2019,39(10):1553-1560
选取与制造业区位转移相关的主要国家和地区,采用LMDI分解方法定量分析制造业区位转移对国际制造业CO2排放总量的作用机制,并进一步测算其对各国制造业CO2排放的贡献。研究发现,2000~2014年,制造业区位转移促进了国际制造业CO2排放总量增长,且其对各国和地区制造业CO2排放变化具有一定影响,不同程度上增加中国大陆、印度等新兴工业体的CO2排放,而减少了美日英德发达工业体的CO2排放。  相似文献   

吴殿廷  吴昊  姜晔 《地理研究》2011,30(4):579-589
经济发展和环境破坏的双重挑战使碳排放成为社会关注的焦点.以世界112个独立经济体截面数据为依据,利用统计分析和计量经济学方法,建立人均碳排放、单位GDP碳排放与人均收入、城市化率、工业化率和服务业比例等影响因素之间关系的优选模型,概括总结出经济社会发展与碳排放强度关系的四阶段、五类型模式.随着人均收入水平的提高,碳排放...  相似文献   

中国三大地带经济增长差异的系统分析   总被引:24,自引:2,他引:24  
中国的城乡差异是独特的,以人均GDP作为衡量标准来描述区域差异和进行国际比较不甚确切,文章以统计数据为基础 ,在考察了三大地带农民人均纯收入和城市居民可支配收入差异的基础上,对1978-1998年20年间三大地带经济不平衡发展作了系统分析,通过定量计算得结论;三大地带之间的差距虽然明显,但不可怕,造成三大地带经济增长差异的原因,除了历史基础和自然条件以外,首先是投入强度(尤其是人均外商直接投资额),其次是出口能力和经济体制(所有制结构),产业结构和社会文化因素也有一定影响。为缓解三大地带的差距,并保证国家整体经济实力的持续增强,近期的投资重点应放在中部地带,尤其是中部城市。  相似文献   

This paper analyses the features and dynamic changes of the spatial layout of air transportation utilization among different provinces in China. It makes use of data for the airport throughput and socio-economic development of every province throughout the country in the years 2006 and 2015, and employs airport passenger and cargo throughput per capita and per unit of GDP as measures of regional air transportation utilization, which is significant for refining indicators of regional air transportation scale and comparing against them. It also analyzes the spatial differences of coupling between the regional air transportation utilization indicators and the key influencing factors on regional air transportation demand and utilization, which include per capita GDP, urbanization rate, and population density. Based on these key influencing factors, it establishes a multiple linear regression model to conduct forecasting of each province’s future airport passenger and cargo throughput as well as throughput growth rates. The findings of the study are as follows: (1) Between 2006 and 2015, every province throughout the country showed a trend of year on year growth in their airport passenger and cargo throughput per capita. Throughput per capita grew fastest in Hebei, with a rise of 780%, and slowest in Beijing, with a rise of 38%. Throughput per capita was relatively high in western and southeastern coastal regions, and relatively low in northern and central regions. Airport passenger and cargo throughput per unit of GDP showed growth in provinces with relatively slow economic development, and showed negative growth in provinces with relatively rapid economic development. Throughput per unit of GDP grew fastest in Hebei, rising 265% between 2006 and 2015, and Hunan had the fastest negative growth, with a fall of 44% in the same period. Southwestern regions had relatively high throughput per unit of GDP, while in central, northern, and northeastern regions it was relatively low. (2) Strong correlation exists between airport passenger and cargo throughput per capita and per capita GDP, urbanization rate, and population density. Throughput per capita has positive correlation with per capita GDP and urbanization rate in all regions, and positive correlation with population density in most regions. Meanwhile, there is weak correlation between airport passenger and cargo throughput per unit of GDP and per capita GDP, urbanization rate, and population density, with positive correlation in some regions and negative correlation in others. (3) Between 2015 and 2025, it is estimated that all provinces experience a trend of rapid growth in their airport passenger and cargo throughput. Inner Mongolia and Hebei will see the fastest growth, rising 221% and 155%, respectively, while Yunnan, Sichuan, and Hubei will see the slowest growth, with increases of 62%, 63%, and 65%, respectively.  相似文献   

张帆  宣鑫  金贵  吴锋 《地理学报》2023,78(1):35-53
控制农业源非二氧化碳温室气体排放对中国落实温室气体减缓政策具有现实意义,对于推动农业绿色转型、实现乡村振兴具有指导价值。本文基于IPCC系数法核算了2000—2019年中国省际农业源非二氧化碳温室气体排放,刻画了农业源非二氧化碳温室气体排放强度时空演化规律;基于STRIPAT模型,解析了各地区农业源非二氧化碳温室气体的影响机理,模拟了不同情景组合下农业源非二氧化碳温室气体排放未来演变趋势。结果表明:(1)动物肠道发酵甲烷排放是中国农业源非二氧化碳温室气体最主要的来源,中国农业源非二氧化碳温室气体排放逐渐由东部沿海向西部内陆地区转移。(2)“胡焕庸线”是单位农业增加值排放强度与单位农地面积排放强度高值区的分水岭,农牧交错带是中国单位农业增加值排放强度的高值区。(3)中国农业源非二氧化碳温室气体排放与人均GDP之间存在倒“N”型的EKC曲线关系,华北、东北和华中地区仍面临一定的减排压力,各区域农业源非二氧化碳温室气体排放影响机理存在显著差异。有效减少动物肠道发酵CH4排放,根据区域发展特征制定因地制宜的减排政策是未来中国农业源非二氧化碳温室气体减排的关键。  相似文献   

This paper analyses the features and dynamic changes of the spatial layout of air transportation utilization among different provinces in China. It makes use of data for the airport throughput and socio-economic development of every province throughout the country in the years 2006 and 2015, and employs airport passenger and cargo throughput per capita and per unit of GDP as measures of regional air transportation utilization, which is significant for refining indicators of regional air transportation scale and comparing against them. It also analyzes the spatial differences of coupling between the regional air transportation utilization indicators and the key influencing factors on regional air transportation demand and utilization, which include per capita GDP, urbanization rate, and population density. Based on these key influencing factors, it establishes a multiple linear regression model to conduct forecasting of each province's future airport passenger and cargo throughput as well as throughput growth rates. The findings of the study are as follows:(1) Between 2006 and 2015, every province throughout the country showed a trend of year on year growth in their airport passenger and cargo throughput per capita. Throughput per capita grew fastest in Hebei, with a rise of 780%, and slowest in Beijing, with a rise of 38%. Throughput per capita was relatively high in western and southeastern coastal regions, and relatively low in northern and central regions. Airport passenger and cargo throughput per unit of GDP showed growth in provinces with relatively slow economic development, and showed negative growth in provinces with relatively rapid economic development. Throughput per unit of GDP grew fastest in Hebei, rising 265% between 2006 and 2015, and Hunan had the fastest negative growth, with a fall of 44% in the same period. Southwestern regions had relatively high throughput per unit of GDP, while in central, northern, and northeastern regions it was relatively low.(2) Strong correlation exists between airport passenger and cargo throughput per capita and per capita GDP, urbanization rate, and population density. Throughput per capita has positive correlation with per capita GDP and urbanization rate in all regions, and positive correlation with population density in most regions. Meanwhile, there is weak correlation between airport passenger and cargo throughput per unit of GDP and per capita GDP, urbanization rate, and population density, with positive correlation in some regions and negative correlation in others.(3) Between 2015 and 2025, it is estimated that all provinces experience a trend of rapid growth in their airport passenger and cargo throughput. Inner Mongolia and Hebei will see the fastest growth, rising221% and 155%, respectively, while Yunnan, Sichuan, and Hubei will see the slowest growth, with increases of 62%, 63%, and 65%, respectively.  相似文献   

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