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I discuss recent observational results on the X-ray properties of young stellar objects, based mostly on Chandra and XMM-Newton observations. The sensitive X-ray data on large, well characterized samples of T Tauri stars (and a number of protostars) allow to study in detail the dependence of magnetic activity on the bulk properties of the young objects and to draw important clues towards the origin of the X-ray emission. The absence of a relation between X-ray activity and rotation for T Tauri stars clearly suggests that their magnetic activity cannot be simply explained by the action of a scaled-up solar-like dynamo. I discuss alternative models for the generation of magnetic fields and also consider the long standing question whether the X-ray properties of the T Tauri stars are related to the presence/absence of circumstellar disks or active accretion.  相似文献   

ζAur双星系统是一类特殊双星系统 ,由一颗晚型红巨星和一颗早型热星组成。红巨星有强大的星风物质损失 ,并在双星系统外部形成一向外膨胀的气壳 ;热星在星风气壳内作轨道运动。由于热星的紫外辐射可以激发星风物质而发光 ,星风物质的向外运动和双星的轨道运动使得ζAur型双星系统的光谱产生特殊周期性变化的PCyg谱线。近十多年来发展起来的、利用运动大气理论计算ζAur型双星系统的PCyg谱线形成 ,以确定这类双星系统中红巨星的星风物质损失率的方法是目前测定物质损失率方法中较为精确的方法。  相似文献   

A very well-known property of close binary stars is that they usually rotate slowly than a similar type single star. Massive stars in close binary systems are supposed to experience an exchange of mass and angular momentum via mass transfer and tidal interaction, and thus the evolution of binary stars becomes more complex than that of individual stars. In recent times, it has become clear that a large number of massive stars interact with binary companions before they die. The observation also reveals that in close pairs the rotation tends to be synchronized with the orbital motion and the companions are naturally tempted to invoke tidal friction. We here introduce the effect of tidal angular momentum in the model of wind driven non-conservative mass transfer taking mass accretion rate as uniform with respect to time. To model the angular momentum evolution of a low mass main sequence companion star can be a challenging task. So, to make the present study more interesting, we have considered initial masses of the donor and gainer stars at the proximity of bottom-line main sequence stars and they are taken with lower angular momentum. We have produced a graphical profile of the rate of change of tidal angular momentum and the variation of tidal angular momentum with respect to time under the present consideration.  相似文献   

Analytical and numerical analysis of the interaction between the magnetosphere of the Pre-Main-Sequence (PMS) stars and accretion disks are converging to a robust, fundamental mechanism for jet formation. They provide a reasonably solid base-line to explain the current observations on the formation of solar-like stars. In this summary, the connection between observations and this paradigm are reviewed critically and some observational tests proposed.  相似文献   

Three new star cluster models containing 250 members and one case with 500 particles have been studied by numerical methods of direct integration. The evolution is dominated by one central binary in all systems with a realistic mass spectrum and more than 50% of the total energy is absorbed by one heavy pair after only 6–18 mean crossing times. General conditions for binary formation and disruption are discussed and a qualitative explanation is given for the energy sink behaviour. Strong interactions with close binaries lead to increased relaxation and the ejection of energetic escapers. At the same time the corresponding recoil kinetic energy is transferred to the other central members by two-body encounters which prevent a secondary phase of central contraction.  相似文献   

本文利用变质量二体问题讨论了由于星风造成的质量减少对双星HD698的轨道的影响。  相似文献   

The history of hydrodynamic numerical simulations for accretion disks in close binary systems is reviewed, in which emphasis is placed, in particular, on the facts that spiral shock waves were numerically found in 1986 by researchers including one of the present authors and that spiral structure was discovered in IP Pegasi in 1997 by Steeghs et al. The results of our two and three-dimensional numerical simulations in recent years are then summarized, with comparison being made with observations. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Various aspects of mass loss associated with Young Stellar Objects are reviewed. The classification of the driving sources of the outflows is presented, and the properties of the youngest sources, the Class 0 protostars, are given. The observed properties of the molecular, atomic, and neutral components of the bipolar flows are discussed and critically compared with the most recent theoretical models. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

We report on early results of magnetic field measurements towards a sample of young stellar objects. The results show a variety of field configurations, some of which can be explained by conventional models, while others cannot. We find that the field in some cases is curved over large scales and influenced by the gas kinematics in the local environment. This implies that, at these scales at least, the magnetic field plays a passive rôle in the star formation process.  相似文献   

质量是恒星最基本、最重要的物理量之一,它在恒星形成和演化过程中起着至关重要的作用.年轻星天体的形成机制以及早期演化过程是彻底解决恒星形成问题的关键所在,而年轻星天体形成过程中的物质下落、质量吸积以及外流等物理过程都与年轻星天体的质量密切相关.该文介绍了确定年轻星天体质量的一些常用方法,包括利用开普勒定律的动力学方法、赫罗图方法、年轻星天体脉动方法和磁层吸积方法等.并对这些方法的适用范围及测量精度进行了评述,还综述了各种方法的研究进展及未来可能的发展.  相似文献   

We report multi-wavelength observations towards IRAS 16547–4247, a luminous infrared source with a bolometric luminosity of 6.2 × 104 L . Dust continuum observations at 1.2-mm indicate that this object is associated with a dust cloud with a size of about 0.4 pc in diameter and a mass of about 1.3 × 103 M . Radio continuum observations show the presence of a triple radio source consisting of a compact central object and two outer lobes, separated by about 0.3 pc, symmetrically located from the central source. Molecular hydrogen line observations show a chain of knots that trace a collimated flow extending over 1.5 pc. We suggest that IRAS 16547–4247 corresponds to a dense massive core which hosts near its central region a high-mass star in an early stage of evolution. This massive YSO is undergoing the ejection of a collimated stellar wind which drives the H2 flow. The radio emission from the lobes arises in shocks resulting from the interaction of the collimated wind with the surrounding medium. We conclude that the thermal jets found in the formation of low-mass stars are also produced in high-mass stars.  相似文献   

We report on early results of submillimetre polarimetric measurements towards a sample of young stellar objects. The results allow us to infer the magnetic field structure and show a variety of configurations, providing evidence for axial, helical and pinched (i.e. ‘hourglass’) magnetic field configurations. We find that in some cases the field is curved over large scales, implying that it is influenced by the gas kinematics in the local environment, and that at these scales at least, the magnetic field plays a passive rôle in the star formation process.  相似文献   

Modern concepts of the influence of supernovae and stellar winds on the interstellar gas are briefly summarized. Preliminary observational data for two unique objects in the galaxy IC1613 are presented by means of illustration: a nebula associated with a rare W0 star and a supernova remnant.  相似文献   

We consider the ejection of one stellar system from the centre of another stellar system, representing both by Plummer models. Using the impulsive appoximation, we derive analytically the overall and differential energy changes and also the mass escape from the systems. We compare the results with those obtained for colliding systems.We find that the disruptive effects are considerably less in the case of ejection. If the ejected system is compact, it escapes with negligible disruptive effects.In the case of ejections, stars are also accelerated in the direction of motion of the system. Using a dimensionless parameter λ defined as the ratio of the squares of the stellar velocity perturbations in the direction of motion of the system and perpendicular to it, we find a significant difference between ejecting systems and colliding systems. In fast head-on collisions of spherical stellar systems, the systems become elongated in the direction perpendicular to the direction of motion whereas in the case of ejecting systems, they also become elongated in the direction of motion. These effects are more pronounced in the outer regions of the smaller system and the innner regions of the bigger system. These effects are enhanced if the ejected system is compact.  相似文献   

Based on the survey of emission-line stars in a wide field of the Orion star forming region, surface distributions of young stellar populations and gaseous clouds are compared as a whole in an attempt to make a speculation on the star formation process in this region. Existence of a primeval molecular cloud is suggested as the birth site of older members of emission-line stars and probably of X-ray detected pre-main sequence stars. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

本文对36颗不同质量、不同演化阶段的年轻星体进行了J,H,K波段测光,并结合其它光学、近红外、IRAS、亚毫米、毫米波段的观测结果,计算了它们的红外色指数、能谱分布指数、红外光度等参量,得到近红外和远红外双色图,比较了不同类别源的参量分布.最后,在前人工作的基础上,改进了低质量主序前星的辐射模型,对一些源进行了计算并分析其星周状况.  相似文献   

We determined the relative stellar ages and metallicities of about 80 elliptical galaxies in both low and high density environments using the latest binary stellar population (BSP) synthesis model and tested the predictions of a recent hierarchical formation model that adopted the new ACDM cosmology. The stellar ages and metallicities were estimated from two high-quality published spectra line indices, the Hβand [MgFe] indices. The results show that the stellar populations of elliptical galaxies are older than 3.9 Gyr and more metal rich than 0.02. Most of our results are in agreement with the model predictions: (1) elliptical galaxies in denser environment are redder and have older populations than field galaxies; (2) elliptical galaxies with more massive stellar components are redder and have older and more metal rich populations than less massive ones; (3) the most massive galaxies have the oldest and most metal rich stars. However, some of our results differ from the model predictions on the metallicity distributions of low- and high-density elliptical galaxies and the dependence on the distance to the cluster center.  相似文献   

使用德国Th(u|¨)ringer Landessternwarte Tautenburg(TLS)的2 m望远镜对Aquila Rift的16个区域进行了Hα、R和I共3个波段的成像观测.这些观测区域大约覆盖了Aquila Rift 7平方度的天区.除去3个数据质量不高的天区,对其余的13个区域进行了测光分析,从中证认出点源,并利用双色图的方法最终证认出7颗Hα发射线星候选体.这7个候选体是从5个观测区域中选出的,其中3颗位于银道面区域,4颗位于银纬高于4°的区域.对于这5个天区,证认了其中点源的2MASS对应体,并利用双色图的方法进一步分析了7个Hα发射线星候选体的性质.这些Hα发射线星候选体的近红外辐射并没有明显的红外超现象,有一颗还落在了主序分支上.这也说明有Hα发射的年轻星并不都伴随有红外超现象.Hα发射线观测和红外超观测的结果是相互补充的.如果将这7颗Hα发射线星候选体作为年轻星候选体,则Aquila Rift区域的年轻星数目是较少的.对于这些候选体的进一步证认还需要后续的光谱观测.  相似文献   

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