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讨论了 HeI 10830A的 Doppler和 Stark加宽机制以及各种加宽参数的计算,并 得到以下一些结论:辐射阻尼对 HeI 10830 A的加宽作用与 Doppler效应相比可以忽略; 在公认的耀斑电子密度(Ne=3.2 ×1013cm-3)的情况下,所有阻尼项均不可能产生可以 觉察的加宽;直到 Ne=1015cm-3,各种阻尼对线心半宽的增加都不起作用,其值最多 在10-3的量级,因此;线心都可以看作是Doppler加宽;当 Ne>1014 cm-3时,Stark 加宽,特别是电子碰撞的 Stark加宽将在 HeI 10830 A的加宽中起主要作用;如要 Stark 加宽谱线的线翼比纯Doppler加宽大1-2倍,则阻尼加宽半宽与。可以相比拟;如果 用 Stark加宽来解释 1989年边缘耀斑的观测轮廓,则电子密度将达10~(17)cm-3,与氦 原子的碰撞阻尼(γ3)造成的加宽对I12和I3两分量明显不同,它们对I12的影响比对I3 的影响大近一个量级,我们的观测显示I12和I3线翼的延伸基本一样,因而我们的观测 轮廓不可能是γ3造成的  相似文献   

本文介绍了1993年12月29日一个SF/C1.9耀斑过程的HeI10830 的二维光谱观测和资料的初步分析,主要结果如下:(1)在直接拼出的HeI10830 单色象上未发现有Rust提出的强度超过连续谱的耀斑亮点,但在剩余强度图上的确发现有四个小区相对周围变亮。其强度在耀斑爆发过程中有明显变化;(2)所有HeI10830 "亮区"均落在H_α耀斑亮区内。反之则不一定有对应;(3)HeI10830 "亮区"有两个位于黑子半影,一个伸入本影,另一个可能在一个小黑点处;(4)HeI10830 在所有亮区均有红移或不对称。表示有≤16km/sec的物质向下运动,速度随耀斑衰减而减小。这个亚耀斑"亮区"的特征与我们以前观测到的辐射超过连续谱的发射点极为相似,因而可认为它们具有同一物理起源。其强度小很可能是因为其激发源的X射线强度弱。  相似文献   

黎辉  樊忠玉 《天文学报》1995,36(3):288-294
本文介绍了1993年12月29日一个SF/C1.9耀斑过程的HeI10830A的二维光谱观测和资料的初步分析,主要结果如下:(1)在直接拼出的HeI 10830A单色象上未发现有Rust提出的强度超过连续谱的耀斑亮点,但在剩余强度图上的确发现有四个小区相对周围变亮,其强度在耀斑爆发过程中有明显变化;(2)所有HeI 10830A“亮区”均落在Hα耀斑亮区内,反之则不一定有对应;(3)HeI 108  相似文献   

耀斑氦线的观测和研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了耀斑各波区(从EUV到红外)氦线观测的进展,从中阐明氦线观测和研究在提供太阳耀斑物理参数,了解耀斑动力学过程,电场,能量平衡及高能粒子产生和传输方面的特殊意义,并分析了这个领域目前已经取犁研究结果和今后研究中在观测技术和理论分析两个方面尚需解决的关键问题。  相似文献   

太阳耀斑研究进展和展望   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
丁明德 《天文学进展》2001,19(2):141-145
简要回顾了近年来对太阳耀斑研究在某些方面所取得的进展,这些领域空间和地面观测,耀斑光谱研究,耀斑的动力学模型和MHD数值模拟等,并对耀斑研究的前景作一简短的展望。  相似文献   

耀斑谱线轮廓的不对称性是耀斑动力学过程的一个重要观测事实。本文在一定的耀斑半经验大气模型基础上,计算了不同速度模式和色球凝聚下的Ha和CaⅡK谱线轮廓,从半经验角度探讨了大气各个层次的速度对Hα和CaⅡK谱线轮廓的影响。结果表明:耀斑早期短时间的Hα蓝不对称性可由位于过渡区的色球凝聚引起;随后的红不对称性是上部色球物质向下运动的结果;而后来出现的CaⅡK不对称性特征则可由色球中、下部具有10—20km/s的向下速度来解释。  相似文献   

Hα谱线轮廓的不对称性是色球耀斑光谱观测中的重要特征,也是耀斑动力学过程的重要观测事实之一.以紫金山天文台太阳光谱仪的观测资料为依据,给出Hα谱线不对称性的典型轮廓.在考虑氢原子非热激发、电离的作用下,经验性地计算了不同大气模型下谱线的不对称性特征,并在此基础上,对观测谱线进行半经验的研究.结果表明, 色球区的向下运动能够产生Hα谱线的红、蓝不对称性,并可以再生具体耀斑的谱线不对称性特征.此外,不仅非热粒子的能流、谱指数大小以及速度场所处的高度对谱线轮廓有影响,耀斑大气的背景模型对谱线的轮廓也有一定的影响.  相似文献   

分别对1989年5月8日太阳西南边缘爆发了一个SN级的圆形耀斑部分和柱状物质抛射部分的运动情况进行分析讨论。耀斑圆形直径增大过程的膨胀速度较大,最大为110km/s,时间非常快,从开始产生至膨胀到最大直径15500km仅用了4min时间;减小收缩的过程速度缓慢,为-20~-10km/s,时间过程相对长,从最大直径开始减小到完全消失用了17min时间。柱状物质抛射部分的直径从开始膨胀到最大9060kin用了7min时间,最大速度为35kin/s;收缩过程用了14min时间,收缩速度在-15~-5km/s左右。柱状物质抛射部分的升降速度,在耀斑极大以后的时间仍在上升,并仍以很高的速度向上喷射,到耀斑极大后3min才开始下降。柱状物质抛射部分到达最大高度22000km的时间与其直径膨胀到最大的时间同时,上升的速度100~130km/s,下降的速度在-20~-5km/s,抛射物质下降到16000~15000km的高度缓慢消失。  相似文献   

1974年10月11日耀斑的光谱分析表明,连续发射和微波爆发几乎同时达到极大。在连续辐射极大时刻出现了高项巴耳末发射线和微弱的巴耳末跳跃,所有这些说明这个耀斑是I型白光耀斑。我们发现,在这个耀斑连续发射的极大时刻,CaIIK线的K1处强度大大增强,约达到连续辐射强度的一半,对应的辐射温度达到5716K。这个反常增强的持续时间小于4分钟。现有的半经验模型似不能给出这样的结果。色球压缩区也不能给出解释  相似文献   

The line profiles of Hα in a limb flare on 1998 November 11 appear to be unusually broadened. It is considered that macro-turbulence (or macroscopic mass motions) may be one of the main causes. We use an inversion technique to extract the probability distribution of the line-of-sight velocity in the flare. There exist some differences between the velocity distributions deduced from Hα and from CaⅡ λ8542, which may be because the two lines depend differently on the temperature and velocity. Since the loop density is high, we obtain a rather short cooling time (several tens of seconds) from the hot X-ray loops to the cool loops visible in Hα. Possible origins of the large scale motions are discussed.  相似文献   

Jianqi  You  Chuanjin  Wang  Zhongyu  Fan  Hui  Li 《Solar physics》1998,182(2):431-446
We obtained simultaneously He i 10830 Å spectra, H filtergrams and microwave data of a large limb flare (2N/X20) in 1989. In this paper we characterize He i 10830 spectra in relation to the impulsive phase. All the He i 10830 spectra, except those of the surge, show blue shift or blue asymmetry. The velocities inferred from the spectra range from a few to 160 km s–1, implying that the horizontal motion is very likely present in the structure of this flare at different heights. The He i 10830 profiles of a flare are relatively broad and cannot be simulated by the Doppler broadening mechanism with a uniform flare model atmosphere. It is most likely that these characteristics are related to rapid and localized heating in the low and middle chromosphere. Comparing the SXR and microwave data with the optical data leads to the following scenario: the corona was already heated to some extent before the flare onset, and in the first 2 minutes of the impulsive phase, heat conduction was the main source or, at least, a competitive source, for chromospheric heating. However, the impulsive event, associated with the unusually broadened He i 10830 line (f>20 Å) and temporally correlated with a microwave burst, is probably caused by electron-beam heating.  相似文献   

We study the properties of the He I 10830 (A) line in nine selected solar flares, using spectral data obtained with the Multi-channel Infrared Solar Spectrograph (MISS) at Purple Mountain Observatory (PMO) and photospheric images from the Michelson Doppler Imager (MD1) onboard the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO). Our results indicate that, over an area of 3"- 8", the He I 10830 (A) line shows emission exceeding the continuum in nearby quiet region when the Geostationary Operations Environmental Satellite (GOES) X-ray class of the flare reaches a threshold value (C4.5). The He I 10830A line emission is detected only in the kernels of the Hα brightenings, but is not associated with the size of the flare. It is found that, whenever the He I 10830(A) line shows excess emission over the nearby continuum both the Hα and the Ca II 8542 (A) lines display enhanced intensities exceeding their preflare intensities. The He I 10830(A) line emission can occasionally extend into the umbra of the involved sunspot, which is inconsistent with previous studies. The weak com-ponent of He I 10830(A) line changes from emission to absorption earlier than does the main component. Our results favor the photoionization-reconnection mechanism for the excitation of the He I 10830(A) line.  相似文献   

Kozlova  L. M.  Somov  B. V. 《Solar System Research》2003,37(3):227-237
The behavior of the He I 10830 Å infrared triplet parameters in active and quiet solar regions was traced from 1976 until 2000. We analyze the correlation between the central depth of the main He I line component and other solar activity indices: the Wolf number, the radiation flux at a frequency of 2800 MHz, the mean number of flares in sunspot groups, and the mean solar magnetic field. We show that the strong correlation between the He I 10830 Å line depth and the phase of the 11-year solar cycle allows this depth to be effectively used as a new solar activity index both on long time scales (years) and on times scales of the order of a month or even days. The suggested new activity index is shown to have advantages over the universally accepted indices. The depth of the He I 10830 Å line in quiet regions was found to increase from the phase of minimum solar activity to the phase of maximum by a factor of about 2. In active regions, this increase is less than 30%. The differences between the cyclic variations of the chromospheric He I 10830 Å line radiation in active and quiet structures on the solar disk are indicative of the probable differences in the nature of cyclicity and its manifestations in magnetic fields of different spatial scales. The background magnetic fields appear to vary during the solar cycle more strongly than do the local fields associated with sunspots, faculae, and activity complexes. We suggest using regular observations in the He I 10830 Å line to predict solar activity.  相似文献   

We show that the He i 10830 A line gives reliable Doppler shift measurements in the upper chromosphere above active regions. Persistent flow patterns in active regions observed near the solar limb show features previously noted in Dopplergrams using the Civ transition region ultraviolet emission line. Unlike the Civ measurements, however, the He i absorption shows a strong correlation with the line-of-sight velocity images in certain regions of some active regions.Operated by the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy, Inc., under contract AST 78-17292 with the United States National Science Foundation.The National Center for Atmospheric Research is operated by the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research under sponsorship of the National Science Foundation.Visiting Astronomers, Sacramento Peak Observatory.  相似文献   

We analyze the spectral line broadening of those magneto-sensitive lines in solar magnetized atmospheres. The broadening at the line wings is due to the increase of the effective width of energy levels involved in Zeeman splitting, and the broadening at the line core also originated in Zeeman splitting under the condition that the Zeeman components are mixed. Therefore, the magnetoinduced or Zeeman broadening take effects on the whole line. The observed Stokes parameter data in a sunspot and outside it acquired by Solar Stokes Spectrum Telescope (S3T) are analyzed for the demonstration of this mechanism, and the Zeeman broadening rates are calculated for FeI6302.5 under some assumptions. Our result shows that the broadening is increased as the magnetic field strength becomes stronger, but the rate of increase at the line core is decreased as the field strength increases, while the rate at the wing does not show such an obvious regularity. The broadening is more effective in the line core than in the wings.  相似文献   

The equivalent width, line depth, line width, and Doppler shift of the He i 10830 Å line were extracted from two time series of spectra. Scatter plots of time-averaged line depth, line width, and Doppler shifts, as well as the root mean square temporal fluctuation of these quantities against the time-averaged equivalent width at a few hundred spatial locations were obtained. The statistical behaviour of these line parameters and their fluctuations was used to infer plausible reasons for the fluctuations. Examination of these results showed that the line parameter fluctuations could be caused by fluctuations in the coronal UV radiation (which could drive the spicules) or by the appearance of density inhomogeneities such as spicules within the line forming domain. In either case, the data can be interpreted as representing the initial phases of spicules.  相似文献   

Solar flare sympathy is the triggering of a flare in one active region by a flare in another. Statistical tests for flare sympathy have returned varying results. However, existing tests have relied on flaring rates in active regions being constant in time, or else have attempted to model the rate variation, which is a difficult task. A simple test is described which is independent of flaring rates. The test generalizes the approach of L. Fritzová-Švestkova, R.C. Chase, and Z. Švestka [Solar Phys. 48, 275, 1976], and examines the distribution of flare coincidences in pairs of active regions as a function of coincidence interval τ. The test is applied to available soft X-ray and Hα flare event listings. The soft X-ray events exhibit a deficit of flare coincidences for τ≤;20 min, which is most likely due to an event-selection effect whereby the increased soft X-ray emission due to one flare prevents a second flare being identified. The Hα events show an excess of flare coincidences for τ≤; 10 min, suggesting flare sympathy. The number of Hα event pairs occurring within 10 min of one another is higher than that expected on the basis of random coincidence by a fraction 0.12± 0.02. Nearby active regions (spatial separation <50˚) show a greater excess of coincidences for τ≤; 10 min than do active regions which are far apart (spatial separation ≥50˚). However, the active regions which are far apart still show some evidence for an excess of coincidences at very short coincidence intervals (τ≤; 2 min), which appears to exclude the possibility of a coronal disturbance propagating from one region to another.  相似文献   

We conduct a detailed analysis of an M1.3 limb flare occurring on 2017 July 3,which have the X-ray observations recorded by multiple hard X-ray telescopes,including Hard X-ray Modulation Telescope(Insight-HXMT),Ramaty High Energy Solar Spectroscopic Imager(RHESSI),and the Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope(Fermi).Joint analysis has also used the extreme ultraviolet(EUV) imaging data from the Atmospheric Imaging Assembly(AIA)aboard the Solar Dynamic Observatory.The hard X-ray spectral and imaging ev...  相似文献   

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