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中国山地垂直带信息系统的设计与开发   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
本文收集了大量翔实的山地垂直带资料,建立了我国山地垂直带数据库,创建了山地垂直带谱"数字引擎".使垂直带谱数字化成为可能。采用ArcObject组件开发技术及Visual Basic,自主开发中国山地垂直带信息系统(1.0)。该系统是一个面向对象(山地垂直带谱)的地理信息系统;以山地垂直带"数字引擎"为系统内核,在功能上实现了山地垂直带分布与地理空间区域的联接,同时实现了大范围内选择多个区域进行数据分析的功能。系统界面友好,易操作,显示直观、明了,为自然地理和生态学家者提供了一个比较丰富的山地垂直带谱数据集和有效的分析工具。标志着山地垂直带谱研究进入了数字时代。  相似文献   

山地垂直带谱数字识别的技术实现和图谱构建   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
山地垂直带谱是地学信息图谱的一个重要组成部分。"带谱数字识别"就是利用现代数字方法和数据,对客观存在的山地垂直自然带谱进行提取,获取比较完备的山地垂直带连续图谱模式。这是从传统山地垂直带研究走向地学信息图谱研究的重要步骤,有助于使我们对山地垂直谱的认识上升到地学信息图谱的高度。本文探索MATLAB语言快速、准确地实现各种识别算法,结合VB.NET构建的用户操作界面,实现带谱的信息提取、分类集成和多样化表达。山地垂直自然带谱的数字识别分为3种不同的模式:山系单侧、山体单峰和山体多峰;依据各自不同的识别算法,可以得到山地连续的带谱模式。本文全面介绍了数字带谱、带谱数字识别的含义,以及数字识别模型的原理、算法和原型系统等实现过程。  相似文献   

山地垂直带谱信息系统应用分析与技术改进   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
山地垂直带信息系统虽实现了山地垂直带谱的首次数字集成,但系统中还存在标识不清、垂直带颜色不易变动、大量带谱显示时可视程度较差等问题。本文以山地垂直带谱空间可视化为研究对象,探讨系统的技术改进,包括山地垂直带谱图形数据的立体标识、翻转页面、颜色可定制、数据轴可操作等功能的实现。山地垂直带信息系统空间可视化功能的进一步完善,不仅可以有效地管理山地垂直带谱数据,而且可方便直观地显示山地垂直带谱数据,有效地集成山地垂直带谱数据并且充分地发掘山地垂直带谱空间变化规律,也为建立界面友好的世界山地垂直带信息系统奠定了基础。  相似文献   

本文基于Landsat影像数据获取天山博格达自然遗产地土地覆盖分类,结合归一化植被指数(NDVI)和数字高程模型(DEM)构建"DEM-NDVI-土地覆盖分类"散点图分析研究区植被受海拔和坡向的水热空间变化影响的分布特征,通过概率统计分析提取博格达遗产地山地垂直带,并结合研究区的气温、降水数据和NDVI变化特征分析垂直带变化的原因。研究结果表明:(1)本文利用"DEM-NDVI-土地覆盖分类"散点图,揭示了研究区1989年和2016年的NDVI值和分类类别随着海拔上升的变化特征,其中NDVI值随着海拔上升呈现"倒U形"变化,而不同分类类别在一定的海拔区间内呈现出聚集效应,且不同分类类别有明显的高程界限。(2) 1989年和2016年博格达遗产地山地垂直带分带上限分别为:1278 m和1185 m(温带荒漠草原带)、1784 m和1759 m(山地草原带)、2706 m和2730 m(山地针叶林带)、3272 m和3293 m(高山草甸带)、3636 m和3690 m(高山垫状植被带)。(3)博格达遗产地1989年和2016年山地垂直带受区域气温升高和降雨增加的影响有较为明显的改变,其中温带荒漠草原带最为敏感,其上限变化最大,向下收缩93 m;山地针叶林带的分布范围则向两侧扩张49 m;山地草甸带带宽基本保持不变,但整体上移了约20 m;冰雪带则受到全球气候变暖的影响向上退缩54 m。  相似文献   

本文基于Landsat影像数据获取天山博格达自然遗产地土地覆盖分类,结合归一化植被指数(NDVI)和数字高程模型(DEM)构建“DEM-NDVI-土地覆盖分类”散点图分析研究区植被受海拔和坡向的水热空间变化影响的分布特征,通过概率统计分析提取博格达遗产地山地垂直带,并结合研究区的气温、降水数据和NDVI变化特征分析垂直带变化的原因。研究结果表明:① 本文利用“DEM-NDVI-土地覆盖分类”散点图,揭示了研究区1989年和2016年的NDVI值和分类类别随着海拔上升的变化特征,其中NDVI值随着海拔上升呈现“倒U形”变化,而不同分类类别在一定的海拔区间内呈现出聚集效应,且不同分类类别有明显的高程界限。② 1989年和2016年博格达遗产地山地垂直带分带上限分别为:1278 m和1185 m(温带荒漠草原带)、1784 m和1759 m(山地草原带)、2706 m和2730 m(山地针叶林带)、3272 m和3293 m(高山草甸带)、3636 m和3690 m(高山垫状植被带)。③ 博格达遗产地1989年和2016年山地垂直带受区域气温升高和降雨增加的影响有较为明显的改变,其中温带荒漠草原带最为敏感,其上限变化最大,向下收缩93 m;山地针叶林带的分布范围则向两侧扩张49 m;山地草甸带带宽基本保持不变,但整体上移了约20 m;冰雪带则受到全球气候变暖的影响向上退缩54 m。  相似文献   

秦巴山地是中国的南北分界线,也是黄河和长江的分水岭,其山体效应的定量化影响秦巴山地山体垂直带的分布格局、非地带性因素的作用强度和机理,以及中国暖温带和北亚热带的具体位置的确定。山体基面高度是影响山体效应最重要和关键的地形因子,其定量化和数字化提取是秦巴山地山体效应定量化研究的重要内容。本研究针对秦巴山地山体效应的定量化研究,使用30 m分辨率的STRM-1数据,分别基于山体特征线和流域分区2种方法提取了秦巴山地的山体基面高度分区,并根据地形起伏度和坡度,确定基面范围,计算了山体基面高度值。结果表明:① 基于山体特征线的方法将秦巴山地分为93个基面高度分区,基于流域分区的方法将秦巴山地分为209个基面高度分区,根据2种分区结果提取的基面高度值相差不大且均体现了秦巴山地地势的特点;② 秦巴山地山体基面高度从东向西呈阶梯状递增的趋势;③ 从南到北,秦巴山地的东段和中段均呈先增高后降低的趋势,即从大巴山向北至汉江谷地降低,再向北至秦岭升高;④ 山地的不同侧翼的山体基面高度不同,秦岭南坡的基面高度(1000~1809 m)明显高于北坡(850~1300 m)。秦巴山地山体基面高度与其植被带分布上限联系密切,实现山体基面高度的数字化提取,为山体效应的定量化研究提供了重要的技术支持。  相似文献   

山体基面高度的提取方法 ——以台湾岛为例   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
 山体基面高度的差异影响山体自身对其水热条件的再分配,进而影响山地垂直带谱的结构和分布,是决定垂直带分布高度的重要因子之一。目前,山体基面高度还没有一个准确科学的定义,也缺乏一个有效的数字化、定量化提取方法。本文以台湾岛为例,使用30m分辨率的ASTER GDEM数据,提出了一种提取山体基面高度的方法。首先,以地形特征与水文特征提取方法获得主山脊线与主山谷线,然后,以地形地貌单元自动提取方法获得山体轮廓界线,再依据提取出的主山脊线、山体轮廓界线及主山谷线,划分山体基面高度分区,依据山体基面分布特征确定各分区的基面高度值,将台湾山地划分出6个不同的山体基面高度(0m、150m、 200m、 600m、630m和650m)。该方法为大范围山体基面高度的快速、准确提取,以及山体效应定量化研究提供了重要的技术支撑。  相似文献   

遥感数据因其全覆盖的优势被广泛应用于山地植被信息的调查和研究。为了实现山区植被类型的高精度提取,本文以太白山区为实验区,结合山地植被的垂直地带性分布规律,利用太白山植被垂直带谱、高分辨率遥感影像(GF1/GF2/ZY3)和1:1万的数字表面模型(Digital Surface Model, DSM)数据,进行了多层次、多尺度的影像分割,构建了具有植被垂直带谱信息的地形约束因子,并据此进行样本选择和面向对象的分类,分类总精度达92.9%,kappa系数达到0.9160。该方法相比于未辅以垂直带谱信息的分类,总精度提高了10%。研究结果表明,分类过程中加入具有垂直带谱信息的地形约束因子,能显著地提高样本选择的效率和准确率,为后续的植被分类提供了精度的保证。通过人机交互的方式,将垂直带谱知识应用到分类中,可以有效地提高山地植被分类的精度。  相似文献   

本文通过陕西省城囿县山地实际考察资料的分析,旨在找出冬季山地逆温及暖带的分布规律,并为提高坡地柑桔种植上限高度提供依据,研究指出:当地逆温暖带高度为650—750米,坡地柑桔种植上限高度可达800米左右。  相似文献   

辽东太子河流域是华北中石炭世地层典型发育地区,其地层学、古生物学研究已达到相当高的水平,并具备建阶条件,将中石炭世地层自下而上建立两个地方性阶:刘家哨阶和辽宁阶。刘家哨阶以Ovatia of.tenuistriata, Linoproductus tenuistriatus等腕足动物的消失为下限划分的生物标志,以Staffella subsolana,Profusulinella parva(类动物群的消失为上限划分的生物标志;辽宁阶下限层型即为刘家哨阶上限的界线层型,辽宁阶以Fusulina cylindrica-F.quasicylindrica类动物群的消失为上限划分的生物标志。刘家哨阶可与华南(黔南)罗苏阶和威宁阶下部Pseudostaffella时带、Profusulinella时带之和,与东殴Serpukhovian阶上部-Moscovian阶Verei层(组)、Kashir层下部之和大体相当;辽宁阶与华南威宁阶上部Fusulina-Fusulinella时带,与东殴Moscovian阶Kashir层上部,podol层,Mjachkov层之和大体相当。刘家哨阶在华北地层区东部分布广泛,辽宁阶除华北地层区南部部分地区外,其余地区都有分布。  相似文献   

Based on the framework of the geo-info spectra of montane altitudinal belts, this paper firstly reviews six classification systems for the spectra of mountain altitudinal belts in China and considers that detailed regional study of altitudinal belts is the key for reaching standardization and systemization of mountain altitudinal belts. Only can this further identify and resolve problems with the study of altitudinal belts. The factors forming the spectra of altitudinal belts are analyzed in the Tianshan Mountains of China, and a digital altitudinal belt system is constructed for the northern flank, southern flank, the heartland, and Ili valley in the west. The characteristics of each belt are revealed with a summarization of the pattern of areal differentiation of altitudinal belts.  相似文献   

In this paper, a digital identification method for the extraction of altitudinal belt spectra of montane natural belts is presented. Acquiring the sequential spectra of digital altitudinal belts in mountains at an acceptable temporal frequency and over a large area requires extensive time and work if traditional methods of field investigation are to be used. Such being the case, often the altitudinal belts of a whole mountain or the belts at a regional scale are represented by single points. However, single points obviously cannot accurately reflect the spatial variety of altitudinal belts. In this context, a digital method was developed to extract the spectra of altitudinal belts from remote sensing data and SRTM DEM in the West Kunlun Mountains. By means of the 1km resolution SPOT-4 vegetation 10-day composite NDVI, the horizontal distribution of altitudinal belts were extracted through supervised classification, with a total classification accuracy of 72.23%. Then, a way of twice-scan was used to realize the automatic transition of horizontal maps to vertical belts. The classification results of remote-sensing data could thus be transformed automatically to sequential spectra of digital altitudinal belts. The upper and lower lines of the altitudinal belts were then extracted by vertical scanning of the belts. Relationships between the altitudinal belts based on the montane natural zones concerning vegetation types and the geomorphological altitudinal belts were also discussed. As a tentative method, the digital extraction method presented here is effective at digitally identifying altitudinal belts, and could be helpful in rapid information extraction over large-scale areas.  相似文献   

This paper analyses the diversity and spatial pattern of the altitudinal belts in the Hengduan Mountains in China. A total of 7 types of base belts and 26 types of altitudinal belts are identified in the study region. The main altitudinal belt lines, such as forest line, the upper limit of dark coniferous forest and snow line, have similar latitudinal and longitudinal spatial patterns, namely, arched quadratic curve model with latitudes and concave quadratic curve model along longitudinal direction. These patterns can be together called as “Hyperbolic-paraboloid model”, revealing the complexity and speciality of the environment and ecology in the study region. This result further validates the hypnosis of a common quadratic model for spatial pattern of mountain altitudinal belts proposed by the authors. The spatial pattern of altitudinal belts is closely related with moisture-related exposure effect in the Hengduan Mountains. Different combinations (spectra) of altitudinal belts and different base belt types appear in windward and leeward flanks and even in the same flanks of different ranges. This is closely related with the parallel mountain ranges of the Hengduan Mountains, which, at nearly right angle with the moving direction of prevailing moisture-laden air masses from west and east, hold up the warm and humid monsoon wind from moving into the core region and result in different moisture conditions in windward and leeward flanks. However, how to quantitatively describe the moisture-related exposure effect needs further study. In addition, the data quality and data accuracy at present also affect to some extent the result of quantitative modeling and should be improved with RS/GIS in the future.  相似文献   

The altitudinal pattern of vegetation is usually identified by field surveys,however,these can only provide discrete data on a local mountain.Few studies identifying and analyzing the altitudinal vegetation pattern on a regional scale are available.This study selected central Inner Mongolia as the study area,presented a method for extracting vegetation patterns in altitudinal and horizontal directions.The data included a vegetation map at a 1∶1 000 000 scale and a digital elevation model at a 1∶250 000 scale.The three-dimensional vegetation pattern indicated the distribution probability for each vegetation type and the transition zones between different vegetation landscapes.From low to high elevations,there were five vegetation types in the southern mountain flanks,including the montane steppe,broad-leaved forest,coniferous mixed forest,montane dwarf-scrub and sub-alpine shrub-meadow.Correspondingly,only four vegetation types were found in the northern flanks,except for the montane steppe.This study could provide a general model for understanding the complexity and diversity of mountain environment and landscape.  相似文献   

Alpine treeline, as a prominent ecological boundary between forested mountain slopes and alpine meadow/shrub, is highly complex in altitudinal distribution and sensitive to warming climate. Great efforts have been made to explore their distribution patterns and ecological mechanisms that determine these patterns for more than 100 years, and quite a number of geographical and ecophysiological models have been developed to correlate treeline altitude with latitude or a latitude related temperature. However,on a global scale, all of these models have great difficulties to accurately predict treeline elevation due to the extreme diversity of treeline site conditions.One of the major reasons is that "mass elevation effect"(MEE) has not been quantified globally and related with global treeline elevations although it has been observed and its effect on treeline elevations in the Eurasian continent and Northern Hemisphere recognized. In this study, we collected and compiled a total of 594 treeline sites all over the world from literatures, and explored how MEE affects globaltreeline elevation by developing a ternary linear regression model with intra-mountain base elevation(IMBE, as a proxy of MEE), latitude and continentality as independent variables. The results indicated that IMBE, latitude and continentality together could explain 92% of global treeline elevation variability, and that IMBE contributes the most(52.2%), latitude the second(40%) and continentality the least(7.8%) to the altitudinal distribution of global treelines. In the Northern Hemisphere, the three factors’ contributions amount to 50.4%, 45.9% and 3.7% respectively; in the south hemisphere, their contributions are 38.3%, 53%, and 8.7%, respectively. This indicates that MEE, virtually the heating effect of macro-landforms, is actually the most significant factor for the altitudinal distribution of treelines across the globe, and that latitude is relatively more significant for treeline elevation in the Southern Hemisphere probably due to fewer macro-landforms there.  相似文献   

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