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喀拉昆仑-嘉黎断裂带(KJFZ)是青藏高原中南部一条规模宏大断裂带,因其是青藏高原向东运移的南边界,其构造展布和活动性质与高原隆升、侧向挤出和东西向伸展等科学问题关系密切,也是研究高原变形机制和地球动力学重要场所.本文选取该断裂带中部NW向格仁错断裂(GRCF),对断裂沿线进行较详细地质地貌调查,对冲沟位错和断层陡坎等地貌单元进行测量,并进行探槽开挖,结合天然剖面揭示了断裂产状,详细研究断裂活动性质,发现断裂除前人认为的右旋走滑性质外,还具有明显的张性正断性质,断裂向北陡倾,且北盘相对南盘下降,全新世以来右旋走滑速率和正断速率分别为2.98 mm/a和0.2~0.5 mm/a之间.前人在共轭的北东向断裂研究中,也发现除左旋走滑性质外,同样具有正断分量,表明现今高原中南部上地壳除传统认为处东西向张性应力场环境外,南北向也具有明显张性特征.而受印度板块向北东向挤压作用,高原岩石圈总体应处于挤压应力状态.因此,推测现今该区域上下地壳处于应力解耦状态,并尝试建立区域张剪性地壳动力学模型:在南北向挤压应力场的作用下,中下地壳缩短凸起隆升,导致上地壳在各方向都表现为不同程度的张性特征.  相似文献   

<正>青藏高原的隆升和变形机制,一直以来是国内外地学工作者关注的热点问题之一。20世纪70年代,通过对美国Landsat卫星遥感影像的解译,奠定了青藏高原构造基本框架。但是大规模对青藏高原形成和演化进行详细研究还是在近30年,通过大量的地球物理深部探测资料,人们试图解开印度板块和欧亚板块的碰撞演化过程,并提出了相应的动力学模型,最终都归结为连续和非连续变形2种模式,这2种模式集中争论的焦点是青藏高原变形与断裂  相似文献   

杨攀新  任金卫  陈正位  张俊 《地震》2010,30(3):81-89
利用ETM遥感影像与30 m分辨率的ASTER DEM数据, 构建申扎—定结地堑系北段遥感影像三维数字高程模型, 结合野外地质地貌调查结果, 对地堑系地貌特征进行总体分析。并根据对主要断裂的产状和活动性野外调查与活动断裂展布的遥感解译结果, 认为地堑系由一条东倾的铲式主要断裂和一系列同倾向和反倾向的次级断裂组成的半地堑构造。基于半地堑系模式, 将地堑系简化成书斜式模型, 根据地堑的沉降量和地堑宽度值, 计算地堑系的滑脱面深度在3.6~9.7 km之间, 因此地堑中地震震源深度也多集中于滑脱面附近。最后探讨地堑的形成机制, 表明在印度板块的挤压作用下, 高原上地壳与下地壳发生应力解耦, 上地壳在重力作用下, 向南向东发生滑脱, 形成东倾的半地堑构造。  相似文献   

宁树正 《高原地震》2006,18(4):24-31
西藏崩错地区是青藏高原构造复杂而典型的地区,崩错断层带及其附近近南北向断层带近于垂直,地震资料和GPS资料都反映出本地区有较强烈的构造活动性。通过对地貌特征和构造活动性综合分析,得出崩错断层带形成晚于谷露断层带,进而对整个青藏高原地区的近东西向构造与近南北向构造关系做了初步探讨。  相似文献   

青海乌兰盆地东缘断裂带的新活动特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在青海乌兰盆地东缘山前冲洪积扇上新发现了一条长约 2 2km的逆冲断裂带 ,该断裂带是NNW向的鄂拉山右旋走滑断裂带北段西侧的次级挤压构造。其新活动受主断裂带的制约和影响 ,地貌上表现为明显的正向断层陡坎。晚更新世以来其垂直滑动速率为 0 11~ 0 17mm/a ,全新世晚期的垂直滑动速率为 0 35mm/a。综合探槽剖面及断层陡坎年代可以确定四次古地震事件 ,其年代分别为距今 2 4 6 5 0± 85 0a、 14 2 0 0± 70 0a、 5 2 0 0±5 2 0a和 2 2 5 0± 380a ,古地震活动具有不均匀性。  相似文献   

根据详细的野外调查和剖面测绘成果,结合区域第四系测年结果等资料,对龙蟠—乔后断裂带桃源段新发现的桃源断裂、刀郭断裂、合江村断裂及已知的龙蟠—乔后断裂等4条主要断裂的晚第四纪活动特征进行研究。成果表明,龙蟠—乔后断裂带桃源段在晚第四纪的活动特征明显,活动强度中等,龙蟠—乔后断裂和合江村断裂属全新世活动断裂,桃源断裂和刀郭断裂属晚更新世断裂;晚更新世以来,龙蟠—乔后断裂和刀郭断裂以左旋走滑运动为主,而桃源断裂和合江村断裂则表现为正断走滑为主。这些断裂的活动性都不同程度地影响着研究区及附近区域的地震风险和构造稳定性。新的调查研究成果为深入认识龙蟠—乔后断裂带桃源段的晚第四纪活动性提供了新的资料,并可为深入理解该区的地震地质特征以及工程建设地震安全性评价等提供基础地质资料。  相似文献   

阐述了通过走滑活动断裂断错冲沟形成变形角研究冲沟形成年代,进而探讨断裂活动特征的方法。并以天桥沟-黄羊川断裂东段为例,对变形角大小和冲沟形成年代及冲沟水平断错距之间的关系进行了探讨,结果表明它们之间关系密切。最后论述了变形角用于走滑活动断裂研究的可能性及意义。  相似文献   

热水—日月山断裂带在遥感影像上具有明显的线性构造特征,通过解译认为该断裂带由6条不连续的断裂段右阶羽列组成,活动特征很明显,造成一系列水系断错,最大水平位错940 m,并沿断裂带形成一系列小拉分盆地,认为该断裂带具有较强的右旋走滑特征。其中牧场部—大崖根段北西西向沿湟水河河谷发育,除其本身具有发生强震的构造能力外,其延伸是否与西宁市区中的沿湟水河谷地附近的地表断层相连,对西宁盆地的构造活动形式及地震构造特征有十分重要的意义。历史地震表明曾在热水煤矿与大通山构造复合部位于1927年连续发生多次M4.5~5.5级中强地震。  相似文献   

基于遥感技术研究依兰-伊通断裂带   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
郯庐断裂带是中国东部的大型走滑断裂, 在沈阳以北由一支分为两支: 依兰—伊通断裂带和敦化-密山断裂带。 利用遥感数据并结合DEM (数字高程模型)数据对郯庐断裂带北段的依兰-伊通断裂带进行了分析研究。 根据该断裂带的形态特征将其划分成三段(沈阳—开原段、 开原—依兰段、 依兰—萝北段)。 沈阳—开原段为单条断裂, 它分隔了下辽河平原和辽东山地; 开原—依兰段为双边不对称断裂, 两支断裂相向内倾形成地堑, 隔大黑山分隔了松辽盆地和那丹哈达岭; 依兰-萝北段断裂较为隐伏, 该段是小兴安岭和三江盆地的分界。 通过分析依兰—伊通断裂带对河流和其他断裂的错动情况, 进一步揭示了郯庐断裂带曾经历了早期左旋走滑和后期右旋走滑的历史。 另外还对伊通地堑进行了较为详细的描述及说明, 通过对其DEM作横向和纵向的剖面分析证实了其西北边界为主要控盆断裂。  相似文献   

DeterminationofthedirectionandmagnitudeofrecenttectonicstressintheXianshuihefaultzoneusingfaultslipdata谢富仁,李宏Fu-RenXIEandHong...  相似文献   

The Anninghe fault is one of the significant earthquake-generating fault zones in the Southwest China. Local his-torical record shows that a M≥7 strong earthquake occurred in the year of 1536. On the basis of the detailed air-photographic interpretation and field investigation, we have acquired the following knowledge: 1 The average sinistral strike-slip rate since the Late Pleistocene is about 3~7 mm/a; 2 There is important reverse faulting along the fault zone besides the main left-lateral strike-slip motion, and the shortening rate across the Anninghe fault zone due to the reverse faulting is about 1.7~4.0 mm/a. If the Xianshuihe fault zone is simply partitioned into the Anninghe and Daliangshan faults, we can also get a slip rate of 3~7 mm/a along the Daliangshan fault zone, which is the same as that on the Anninghe fault zone. Moreover, on the basis of our field investigation and the latest knowledge concerning the active tectonics of Tibetan crust, we create a dynamic model for the Anninghe fault zone.  相似文献   

The Litang fault zone (LFZ) is an important active fault within the northwestern Sichuan sub-block. To-gether with the Garzê-Yushu, Xianshuihe, and An-ninghe fault zones on its northern, eastern and south-eastern sides, the LFZ constitutes the lateral extrusion tectonic system in the southeastern part of the Qing-hai-Tibetan Plateau[1,2] (Fig. 1). According to instru-mental records, historical recordings and field investi- gation, an earthquake (Ms7.3) occurred on its middle to south se…  相似文献   

Tectonically, the large-scale right-lateral strike-slip movement along the Red River fault zone is char-acterized at its late phase with the southeastward extension and deformation of the Northwestern Yunnan normal fault depression on its northern segment, and the dextral shear displacement on its central-southern segment. Research of the relations between stratum deformation and fault movement on the typical fault segments, such as Jianchuan, southeast Midu, Yuanjiang River, Yuanyang, etc. since the Miocene Epoch shows that there are two times dextral faulting dominated by normal shearing occurring along the Red River fault zone since the Miocene Epoch. The fission track dating (abbrevi-ated to FT dating, the same below) is conducted on apatite samples collected from the above fault segments and relating to these movements. Based on the measured single grain’s age and the con-fined track length, we choose the Laslet annealing model to retrieve the thermal history of the samples, and the results show that the fault zone experienced two times obvious shear displacement, one in 5.5 ± 1.5 MaBP and the other in 2.1± 0.8 MaBP. The central-southern segment sees two intensive uplifts of mountain mass in the Yuanjiang River-Yuanyang region at 3.6―3.8 MaBP and 1.6―2.3 MaBP, which correspond to the above-mentioned two dextral normal displacement events since the late Miocene Epoch.  相似文献   

Tectonically,the large-scale right-lateral strike-slip movement along the Red River fault zone is characterized at its late phase with the southeastward extension and deformation of the Northwestern Yunnan normal fault depression on its northern segment,and the dextral shear displacement on its central-southern segment.Research of the relations between stratum deformation and fault movement on the typical fault segments,such as Jianchuan,southeast Midu,Yuanjiang River,Yuanyang,etc.since the Miocene Epoch shows that there are two times dextral faulting dominated by normal shearing occurring along the Red River fault zone since the Miocene Epoch.The fission track dating (abbreviated to FT dating,the same below) is conducted on apatite samples collected from the above fault segments and relating to these movements.Based on the measured single grain's age and the confined track length,we choose the Laslet annealing model to retrieve the thermal history of the samples,and the results show that the fault zone experienced two times obvious shear displacement,one in 5.5 ±1.5 MaBP and the other in 2.1±0.8 MaBP.The central-southern segment sees two intensive uplifts of mountain mass in the Yuanjiang River-Yuanyang region at 3.6-3.8 MaBP and 1.6-2.3 MaBP,which correspond to the above-mentioned two dextral normal displacement events since the late Miocene Epoch.  相似文献   

2 Conclusion Fenghuangshan-Tianshui fault is a Holocene active fault. It laterally slips at the average rate of 1.1 mm/a during 6.4 ka and vertically slips at the average rate of 0.37 mm/a and 0.16 mm/a since the time 16.6 ka and 6.4 ka before respectively. Diaogoumeng-Dongjiawan segment has occurred an abrupt event in the period of 6.4 ka BP, which is assumed to be related to the 734 Tianshui M=7 earthquake, but further work is still necessary. Foundation item: Chinese Joint Seismological Science Foundation (198023).  相似文献   

鲜水河断裂带跨断层变形分析和数值模拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
鲜水河断裂带积累了20多年的跨断层变形资料, 如何解释这种变形是一个重要的问题。 该文采用了弹性上地壳覆盖在粘弹性Maxwell体之上的模型。 炉霍1973年MS7.6地震按该粘弹性模型计算的震后形变曲线能够在很大程度上解释实测观测结果, 显示与一些断层(如圣安德烈斯断层某些段落)存在缓慢蠕滑而无大地震发生不同, 鲜水河断裂带观测到的跨断层变形, 有相当一部分可以用大地震后的粘弹性变形来解释。 当然, 计算得到的震后粘弹性形变幅度同跨断层短基线和短水准的实测形变幅度比较还存在一些差异, 不能完全解释, 表明了大陆断层活动的复杂性, 并值得进一步深入研究。  相似文献   

通过对1971年以来福建政和-海丰断裂地震活动特征分析,认为政和-海丰断裂的地震活动是:在主体北东向政和-海丰断裂带和次级北西向永安-晋江断裂带相互交汇的构造格局下,形成了4~5级中强地震反复发生的潜在震源区.  相似文献   

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