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Numerous caves and terraces with late Late Pleistocene (Upper Neopleistocene according to the Russian stratigraphic scale)–Holocene deposits are located in the Lemeza River valley in the surroundings of the Atysh waterfall, the native reserve territory of the Bashkortostan Republic. Lemeza River runs in the southern part of the western slope of the Urals and belongs to the Belaya River valley system (Russian Federation). A summary of the biostratigraphical investigations between 1992 and 2007 in this area is given. Deposits of cave and fluvial origin are characterized in the framework of the regional stratigraphy. The results of mammalian investigations and radiocarbon dating provide the basis for the stratigraphical subdivision. Palynology, mollusca, fishes, amphibian and reptiles are used for the reconstruction the palaeoenvironments. The Southern Urals stratigraphic subdivisions are correlated with Western European (Weichselian-Holocene), Eastern European (Russia) (Leningrad–Ostashkov–Shuvalov) and Uralian (Nevyansk–Polar Urals–Gorbunovsky) stratigraphic schemes.  相似文献   

The refined Quaternary stratigraphic scale of the Cisuralian and Bashkortostan regions, approved by the Commission on the Quaternary System of the Interdepartmental Stratigraphic Committee in 2007, includes the Eopleistocene (with three superhorizons and seven horizons), Neopleistocene (with three superhorizons and 13 horizons), and Holocene (one horizon and three subhorizons). The first defined Holocene Agidel Horizon with three subhorizons, the Middle Neopleistocene Klimovka, and the Upper Neopleistocene Kushnarenkovo Horizon are correlated with the Shuvalov, Gorka, and Mikulino horizons, respectively. New names and reference sections are proposed for all the Eopleistocene units. Local formations are proposed for the horizons, whose stratotypes are located in the northern Fore-Urals. The Quaternary stratigraphic scale is correlated with similar scales of the Urals, the East European Platform, and the Lower Volga region. The scale takes into account all the available data derived from the analysis of original (sediments, faunal and floral remains), published, and archival materials, which make it possible to trace in detail the main Quaternary events that occurred in the Fore-Urals.  相似文献   

The study compiles the current knowledge on the Neopleistocene stratigraphy and paleogeography of Central European Russia (including the limits of ice sheets in the first half of the Middle Neopleistocene and Late Neopleistocene) on the basis of new data and provides a draft of the revised regional stratigraphic scale adopted by the regional Interdepartmental Stratigraphic Committee on the Central and Southern Russian platform. The proposed scale incorporates a number of new horizons: the Setun’, Moiseevo, Navlya, and Ikorets horizons of the Lower Neopleistocene; Vologda and Gorki horizons of the Middle Neopleistocene; Chermenino Horizon of the Upper Neopleistocene; and Shuvalovo Horizon of the Holocene. The adopted scale is correlated with the oxygen-isotopic stages and substages identified in the Neopleistocene by the decision of the ISC of Russia, as well as with glacials and interglacials of Lithuania, Poland, Germany, and England. The study discusses the problem of a division of the Pleistocene with respect to duration of Pleistocene stages.  相似文献   

The materials on litho- and biostratigraphy (collared lemming, Dicrostonyx) of the Middle Neopleistocene of the northeast Russia were revised and litho- and biostratigraphic methods were mutually tested for determination of the age of geological bodies. The reasonable stratigraphic division and correlation of the Neopleistocene are especially topical because of the current preparation of a new common stratigraphic chart of Quaternary sediments. The petrographic composition of the coarse-clastic material and the orientation of clasts in moraines are regionally consistent lithostratigraphic criteria. In the Pechora (Dnieper) moraine, the elongated rock clasts are oriented in a sector of 20°–60° in contrast to an azimuth of 270°–360° of the Vychegda (Moscow) moraine, which, in addition to petrographic composition of rocks, indicates the contribution of terrigenous material from different glacial provenances during formation of moraines. Certain differences were revealed also in assemblages of heavy minerals. The Middle Neopleistocene rodent fauna was found between the Pechora and Vychegda moraines. The stratigraphic position of microtheriofauna is identified on the basis of evolution level of molars of collared lemmings. By proportion of simplicior and henseli morphotypes for M1 and M2, all fossils belong to three groups corresponding to three evolution stages of a tooth system: Late Pechora (Late Dnieper, MIS 8), Rodionovo (Shklov, MIS 7), and Early Vychegda (Early Moscow, MIS 6). They include D. simplicior morph 2 (Gavrilovka, Bol’shaya Sluda, Akis’, Laya-4 localities), D. simplicior morph 3 (Sercheiyu-1, Laya-3 localities), and D. ex gr. simplicior—gulielmi (Shapkina-4, Chuley, lower horizon of Kipievo localities) morphs. These evolution stages correspond to Late Pechora (Late Dnieper, MIS 8), Rodionovo (Shklov, MIS 7), and Early Vychegda (Early Moscow, MIS 6) intervals. Taking into account the paleoclimate data, the presence of the lemmings in the region during the Rodionovo time is rather plausible.  相似文献   

As a result of complex investigation in the Central Russian Loessal Province, detailed lithologic, geochemical, paleopedological, and paleontological characteristics of the young deposits of the stratotype section Mikhailovka are obtained. They provide the basis for facies genetic differentiation, stratification, and correlation of particular horizons chronologically coordinated by paleopedological and paleontological data with the geological scale of the Neopleistocene. The loess–soil sequences corresponding to climatolites of the Lower, Middle, and Upper Neopleistocene are established and characterized. In dynamical history of the Central Russian Periglacial Loessal Province, thirteen paleogeographical stages of natural–climatic changes (seven warm interglacial and interstadial epochs, six cold epochs alternating with them) are revealed. A rhythmic climatic substantiation for the stratigraphical division of recent sediments in the investigated region is provided.  相似文献   

The first results of U–Pb dating of detrital zircons from Upper Ordovician sandstones of the Bashkir uplift in the Southern Urals and U–Pb isotopic ages available for detrital zircons from six stratigraphic levels of the Riphean–Paleozoic section of this region are discussed. It is established that the long (approximately 1.5 Ga) depositional history of sedimentary sequences of the Bashkir uplift includes a peculiar period lasting from the Late Vendian to the Emsian Age of the Early Devonian (0.55–0.41 Ga). This period is characterized by the following features: (1) prevalence of material from eroded Mesoproterozoic and Early Neoproterozoic crystalline complexes among clastics with ages atypical of the Volga–Urals segment of the East European Platform basement; (2) similarity of age spectra obtained for detrital zircons from different rocks of the period: Upper Vendian–Lower Cambrian lithic sandstones and Middle Ordovician substantially quartzose sandstones.  相似文献   

Results of the study of noble metal specialization of Lower and Middle Riphean terrigenous rocks in the Bashkir Anticlinorium (South Urals) are reported. The study revealed their genetic differences in the relatively unaltered, i.e., “background” terrigenous rocks in type sections of the Burzyan and Yurmatau groups and in sedimentary rocks of the same stratigraphic levels from tectonic zones subjected to local dynamothermal metamorphism of the greenschist facies and intruded by mafic rocks. It has been established that Ru serves as a geochemical marker of the impact of magmatic processes on sedimentary rocks and the redistribution of noble metals during metamorphism and local metasomatism. A generalized model is proposed for the formation of noble metal geochemical specialization of Lower and Middle Riphean terrigenous rocks in the South Urals.  相似文献   

The geological structure and faunal content of one of the principal localities for Quaternary mammal remains in Western Siberia, Krasniy Yar (Tomsk region, Russia) are considered. This locality contains 3 layers of bone remains: lower (Middle Neopleistocene), middle (the end of Late Neopleistocene) and upper (end of Neopleistocene—beginning of Holocene). The richest horizon in number of species and the quantity of remains is the middle horizon, which contains the mammoth fauna.  相似文献   

From the viewpoint of precision and reliability of radioisotopic dating, deposits whose quantitative age can be determined through several methods of geochronometry are of special interest. The mutually conforming finite 14C and 230Th/U dates of buried Neopleistocene organic deposits, taken from the Tolokonka section by the North Dvina River (100 km downstream from the city of Kotlas), have been obtained for the first time in Russia. The stratigraphical reference of these results to those obtained via the optically induced luminescence for upper and lower bedding layers has been established. The presented geochronometric data have allowed us to consider the age of oxbow lake organic deposits completely reliable and refer the time of their formation to the Tyrbei warming within the MIS-3. The applicability of the new version of the 230Th/U method for dating of interglacial and interstadial deposits, for the purpose of solving the Middle and Late Neopleistocene chronostratigraphy issues, is confirmed.  相似文献   

The palynological analysis of the reliably dated core section of bottom sediments from Tavatui Lake revealed consistency between the chronology and succession of Late Pleistocene and Early Pliocene events (GI-a/b, CS-1, GH-11.2) in the Middle Urals and the North Atlantic region. It is established that the Holocene thermal maximum (5.3–8.0 cal. ka ago) in the Middle Urals was characterized by high temperatures and humidity. The initial stage of the Subboreal cooling was reffered to the interval of 4.5–5.3 cal. ka ago. The data obtained provided grounds for the conclusion that the palynological record in the Tavatui Lake section reflects in detail global and regional climate oscillations, which allows it to be used as a Holocene and late glacial reference section, as well as for predicting the behavior of the natural system of the Middle Urals in response to future climate change.  相似文献   

New finds of fossils including bivalves, ammonoids, brachiopods and palynomorphs from the Middle Triassic Reifling Formation significantly improve the age assignment for this unit in Liechtenstein and Vorarlberg. The lower part of the Reifling Formation is tentatively referred to the Late Anisian Paraceratites trinodosus Zone and somewhat older levels, whereas the uppermost part reaches the Ladinian Protrachyceras archelaus Zone (ammonoid zonation). The Middle Triassic successions of the study area are correlated with the coeval South Alpine reference section at Bagolino (Brescian Prealps), which also bears the Ladinian GSSP. The comparison shows that the Reifling Formation in the study area is age-equivalent with the South Alpine Prezzo Limestone and the Buchenstein Formation. A volcanoclastic layer in the upper part of the Reifling Formation at Flexenpass yields a U-Pb zircon age of 239.3 +/- 0.2 Ma. This value is slightly older than previously published minimum ages from equivalent horizons in the Southern Alps; the difference is thought to be mainly due to improved pre-treatment of zircons (annealing/chemical abrasion), which significantly reduces the effects of Pb loss. The new radio-isotope age further constrains the stratigraphical age of the Reifling Formation and supports the proposed biostratigraphy-based correlation of Middle Triassic successions in the Eastern and Southern Alps. Editorial handling: E. Erba & J.-P. Billon-Bruyat  相似文献   

Data on Middle and Upper Devonian deposits studied in southeastern flank of the Siberian platform are considered. A scheme of stratigraphic zoning in the study region is presented. Nineteen sedimentological and biotic events, which are recorded in the studied sections, are of the regional, interregional and global ranks. Their connection with eustatic sea-level fluctuations is established. Sections of the formation and regional horizon stratotypes and parastratotypes are described. The revision of species Mucrospirifer novosibiricus (Toll) is carried out.  相似文献   

Zircons were separated from syenites of the Avashla intrusion in the Kurgass anticline of the Bashkir megaanticlinorium in the Southern Urals. The obtained samples were dated using the U–Pb procedure by means of a SHRIMP II ion microprobe. The integrated mineralogical, geochemical, and isotope studies of zircons resulted in primary data on the origin and current conditions of zircons in syenites of the Avashla intrusion. The relics of early zircon generations (1320–1340 Ma) allowed us to specify the geological position of syenites along with the stratigraphic location of the enclosing sedimentary rocks. The time of the transformation (metamorphism) of the zircons at the Middle–Upper Riphean boundary is represented by a dating of 1097±20 Ma, which is of importance for specifying the boundary age and for revealing a geological event that started a new development stage of the stratoregion in the Upper Riphean.  相似文献   

The Rb–Sr and K–Ar characteristics of whole-rock argillite samples from the Middle Riphean Yurmatinian Group have been studied. The timing of final rock alteration was estimated at 525 ± 30 Ma by the Rb–Sr geochronometer. In the section near the Bol'shoi Avzhyan Settlement, the rocks experienced alteration up to the stage of deep epigenesis. The K–Ar data indicate that rock alterations continued after the Rb–Sr system conservation and was accompanied by a gradual gain of K. The great temporal gap between alterations of Middle and Lower Riphean rocks was established in the southern Urals. This gap may be explained either by the affiliation of sampled rocks to different tectonic units or by principal errors in stratigraphic correlations.  相似文献   

New data on the Vendian age of the volcanogenic–sedimentary sequence of the Uraltau zone (Southern Urals) were obtained. The U/Pb (SHRIMP-II) isotope age obtained for zircons from rhyolite tuffs is 591.5 ± 3.5 Ma. The sequence under consideration is intruded by Vendian granites and overlain unconformably by Ordovician terrigenous and volcanogenic deposits. The composition of Vendian volcanics and granites testifies that they were formed in a suprasubduction setting at the continental margin, complexes of which are known in the Middle and Northern Urals.  相似文献   

We consider the general and specific features of the evolution of the composition of fine-grained terrigenous rocks in the Riphean sedimentary megasequences of the Southern Urals, Uchur-Maya region, and Yenisei Ridge. It has been established that the crust on the southwestern (in the modern frame of references) periphery of the Siberian craton was geochemically the most mature segment of the Riphean continental crust. For example, the fine-grained clastic rocks and metapelites of all Riphean lithostratigraphic units of the Yenisei Ridge have higher median contents of Th than the most mature Paleoproterozoic crust, and in median contents of Y and Cr/Th values they are the most similar to it. In the Southern Urals and Uchur-Maya region, some units of the Riphean sedimentary sequences show median contents of Y and Th and Cr/Th values close to those of primitive Archean crust. Analysis of Cr/Th variations in the fine-grained terrigenous rocks of all three megasequences shows that the minimum Cr/Th values, evidencing a predominance or the abundance of felsic rocks in provenances, are typical of the Riphean argillaceous shales and metapelites of the Yenisei Ridge. The distinct Cr/Th and Cr/Sc increase in the fine-grained clastic rocks of the Chingasan Group of the ridge reflects the large-scale destruction of continental crust during the formation of rift troughs as a result of the Rodinia breakup in the second half of the Late Riphean. The Cr/Th variations in the Lower and Middle Riphean argillaceous shales and mudstones of the Bashkirian mega-anticlinorium and Uchur-Maya region are in agreement, which evidences the subglobal occurrence of rifting in the early Middle Riphean (so-called “Mashak rifting”).  相似文献   

The data obtained from investigation of the Middle and Late Neopleistocene lake sediments in the European Subarctic Region of Russia are reported. Chirva, Rodionovo (Scklov), Sula (Mikulino), and Byzovaya (Leningrad) sediments were subject to palynological analysis and investigation of particle size distribution and mineral composition. The spore–pollen spectra of the Chirva sediments demonstrate two climatic optima: the lower optimum is dominated by the pollen of Pinus sylvestris and broad-leaved species (up to 10%); the upper optimum is dominated by Picea sp. and Pinus sylvestris, while the pollen of Picea sect. Omorica and broad-leaved species are sporadic. The Rodionovo flora is characterized by a more xerophilous composition relative to the Chirva flora and a higher pollen content of pine, birch, wormseed plants, and wormwood. The climatic optimum of the Sula interglacial is distinguished by boreal vegetation, including spruce, birch, and birch–spruce forests with sparse broad-leaved species. The Byzovaya interstadial is marked by seven stages of changes in the vegetation: from tundra and forest-tundra communities to taiga forests with some broad-leaved species. The natural climatic sedimentation conditions in the Middle and Late Neopleistocene interglacial periods are reconstructed. The mineral composition of sediments was largely formed owing to underlying deposits.  相似文献   

This work presents a clarified stratigraphic scheme of the Miocene sediments of the Fore-Urals and the territory of Bashkortostan. As a result of the work carried out, the regional stratigraphic divisions of the Miocene of the Fore-Urals were described and stratotypes and reference sections were established for the first time. The stratigraphic scheme of the Miocene sediments includes the sequences of the Lower (the upper part of the Tyulganskian Formation, Kuyurgazinskian and Voroshilovskian formations), the Middle-Upper (Ushkatlinskian Formation) and the Upper (the lower sub-formation of the Tchebenkovskian Formation) Miocene. In addition, the stratigraphic scheme developed was correlated with those of the Urals, the Russian Plain and the Lower Volga Region. The scheme is based on the data obtained from study of sediments, analysis of paleontological and lithological data, and summary of literary and library materials, which allowed us to elucidate in detail the Miocene events in the Fore-Urals.  相似文献   

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