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This paper reviews recent studies of Holocene coastal uplift in tectonically active areas near the plate boundaries of the western Pacific Rim. Emergent Holocene terraces exist along the coast of North Island of New Zealand, the Huon Peninsula of Papua New Guinea, the Japanese Islands, and Taiwan. These terraces have several features in common. All comprise series of subdivided terraces. The highest terrace is a constructional terrace, underlain by estuarine or marine deposits, and the lower terraces are erosional, cutting into transgressive deposits or bedrock. The highest terrace records the culmination of Holocene sea-level rise at ca. 6–6.5 ka BP. Lower terraces were coseismically uplifted. Repeated major earthquakes have usually occurred at ka intervals and meter-scale uplift. The maximum uplift rate and number of terraces are surprisingly similar, about 4 m/ka and seven to four major steps in North Island, Huon Peninsula, and Japan. Taiwan, especially along the east coast of the Coastal Range, is different, reaching a maximum uplift rate of 15 m/ka with 10 subdivided steps. They record a very rapid uplift. Comparison between short-term (Holocene) and long-term since the last interglacial maximum (sub-stage 5e) uplift rates demonstrates that a steady uplift rate (Huon Peninsula) or accelerated uplift toward the present (several areas of Japan and North Island) has continued at least since isotope sub-stage 5e. Rapid uplift in eastern Taiwan probably started only in the early Holocene, judging from the absence of any older marine terraces. Most of the causative faults for the coastal uplift may be offshore reverse faults, branched from the main plate boundary fault, but some of them are onshore faults, which deformed progressively with time.  相似文献   

Quaternary alluvial fans in the tectonically active Pinjaur Dun, an intramontane valley in the Sub‐Himalaya, were deposited in front of the Nalagarh Thrust and were influenced both by tectonics and glacial climate fluctuations. The surface morphology indicates that an earlier set of first‐order fans (Qf1) became entrenched and onlapped by a series of second‐order fans (Qf2). The younger fan segments were then cut by a pair of terraces (T1 and T2). Quartz optically stimulated luminescence dating establishes that the Qf1 aggradational phase was initiated before 96·5 ± 25·3 ka and terminated after 83·7 ± 16·3 ka. This was followed by a period of incision, before Qf2 fan deposition started at 72·4 ± 13·4 ka and continued until 24·5 ± 4·9 ka. Sediment was deposited on the T1 (upper) and T2 (lower) terraces at 16·3 ± 2·1 and 4·5 ka, respectively, recording a return to overall degradation punctuated by minor deposition on terraces. The period of incision separating the younger and older fan deposits coincided with enhanced SW monsoon precipitation. The subsequent development of the Qf2 fans and their progradation until 20 ka suggest erosional unloading of the thrust hangingwall during a tectonically quiescent phase. Toe cutting, deposition of axial river and lacustrine facies, and retreat of Qf2 around 45 ka, indicate fanward shift of the axial river due to tilting of the valley towards the NE in response to reactivation of the Nalagarh Thrust. The cessation of Qf2 deposition around 20 ka and the onset of through‐fan entrenchment suggest reduced sediment supply but relatively high stream power during the last glacial maxima (LGM). The prolonged stream incision since the cessation of Qf2 deposition, with only minor depositional phases at 16·3 ± 2·1 and 4·5 ka, resulted from high water discharge and low sediment input during intensification of the SW monsoon and vegetation changes in the hinterland.  相似文献   

Dun structures are common in the Sub-Himalayan zone of the Himalaya bounded by the Main Boundary Thrust (MBT) and the Himalayan Frontal Thrust (HFT). They are broad synclinal longitudinal valleys formed as a consequence of the exhumation of the range front of the Himalaya. In the Garhwal Sub-Himalaya, these structures have grown since 0.5 Ma, with the peak activity postdating ∼100 ka. A series of out-of-sequence deformation structures have been identified within the MBT-HFT-bounded Dun structures. They are identified on the basis of geomorphic, post-100 ka stratigraphic, and structural expressions, with activity as young as the early Holocene. To the south of the range front of the Himalaya, uplift has been observed in the Piedmont Zone, with peculiar active tectonic geomorphic expressions. Piedmont sediments of 15–5 ka, determined by Optically Simulated Luminescence (OSL), have been affected by the above uplift. The complete tectonic scenario has been analyzed and an attempt has been made to delineate the sequential evolution of these structures during the post-100 ka period (Late Quaternary–Holocene) in the Himalayan range front.  相似文献   

Geomorphological processes in the Thar Desert of India are largely climate driven. In the lower reaches of the River Luni (the only major drainage system in the Thar Desert) a fluvio‐aeolian sequence was located at a site called Khudala. Sediments of this sequence represented a variety of depositional environments, namely aeolian, fluvially reworked aeolian, overbank deposits, gravels, and occasional evidence of pedogenesis. This provided a good opportunity to study aeolian–fluvial interaction in the region and for deducing climatic records. From the luminescence dating standpoint these sequences offered a good opportunity for a comparative study of thermoluminescence (TL), blue‐green light stimulated luminescence (BGSL) and infrared light stimulated luminescence (IRSL) on different mineral separates of identical provenance but deposited under different environments. Broadly, within experimental errors, the TL ages agreed with BGSL and IRSL ages on aeolian sands, but differed substantially in the case of fluvially reworked and proximally deposited sands and silts. The sequence provided a record spanning more than 100 ka, with an aeolian phase at > 100 ka, a channel activation phase between 70 and 30 ka and a phase of climate instability between 13 and 8 ka. This appears consistent with the records of monsoon performance during this period, which includes the Younger Dryas. It is also inferred that during the Last Glacial epoch, geomorphological processes in the Thar (both aeolian and fluvial) were dormant largely on account of their relationship with the southwest monsoon. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Pedogenic calcretes commonly exhibit clotted micrite, circum-granular calcite (grain coats) and microspar/spar veins. The three calcite-types with different dimensions were analyzed for their magnesium content to determine the relationship between crystal elongation and magnesium incorporation. The results show a very low MgO content for grain coats and microspars and high values for clotted micrite indicating that the ideal kinetic model does not hold true and several variables govern the end composition of calcites. The magnesium concentrations of meteoric calcites are genetically linked to the evolutionary history of the soil and climate. Grain coats, which are elongated calcites, contain the least amount of Mg and is related to the initial stages of pedogenesis wherein the limiting factor is the Mg/Ca ratio of the parent fluid. Lower magnesium contents arise due to smaller quantities of Mg being released during incipient weathering. Micrite morphology and composition is controlled by the greater availability of Mg ions through weathering, higher pCO2 in soil due to increased time-dependent soil respiration, which causes a rise in calcite precipitation rates and clay authigenesis. This in turn exerts a physical control on morphology by occluding pore space and providing numerous nuclei for calcite precipitation. The wide variability in spar cements is inherently controlled by inhomogeneties in parent fluid compositions with lower-than-micrite values on account of slower precipitation rates.  相似文献   

Pedogenic calcretes commonly exhibit clotted micrite, circum-granular calcite (grain coats) and microspar/spar veins. The three calcite-types with different dimensions were analyzed for their magnesium content to determine the relationship between crystal elongation and magnesium incorporation. The results show a very low MgO content for grain coats and microspars and high values for clotted micrite indicating that the ideal kinetic model does not hold true and several variables govern the end composition of calcites. The magnesium concentrations of meteoric calcites are genetically linked to the evolutionary history of the soil and climate. Grain coats, which are elongated calcites, contain the least amount of Mg and is related to the initial stages of pedogenesis wherein the limiting factor is the Mg/Ca ratio of the parent fluid. Lower magnesium contents arise due to smaller quantities of Mg being released during incipient weathering. Micrite morphology and composition is controlled by the greater availability of Mg ions through weathering, higher pCO2 in soil due to increased time-dependent soil respiration, which causes a rise in calcite precipitation rates and clay authigenesis. This in turn exerts a physical control on morphology by occluding pore space and providing numerous nuclei for calcite precipitation. The wide variability in spar cements is inherently controlled by inhomogeneties in parent fluid compositions with lower-than-micrite values on account of slower precipitation rates.  相似文献   

Calculations confirm that the uplift of Barbados during the past 130,000 yr has been at nearly constant relative rates in the Clermont and Christ Church standard traverses, and that sea levels responsible for Barbados terraces I (82,000 yr B.P.) and II (105,000 yr B.P.) attained approximately the same level which was 20–25 m below the level represented by Barbados III (125,000 yr B.P.).Preference for the correlation of Barbados III with the prominent first interglacial 18O peak in stage 5 is stated once again. Further, correlation with Eemian and Pangaion of the European pollen record is suggested.  相似文献   

Geomorphic expression of land-sea interaction is preserved in the form of abandoned cliffs, marine terraces, shore platforms and marine notches along the southern Saurashtra coast. These features have been used to ascertain the magnitude of sea level changes during late Quaternary. Notch morphology and associated biological encrustation have been used to estimate the magnitude and duration of palaeo-sea strands. Marine notches and other erosive features occurring between 12 and 15 m above the present Biological Mean Sea Level (BMSL) are attributed to the last interglacial corresponding to the Marine Isotopic Stage 5 (MIS-5). However, 6 to 9 m upliftment of the coastal fringe is attributed to this sea level. The second major high sea strand was identified during the mid-Holocene when the sea rose 2 m above the present level. Notches corresponding to this high sea level are recorded 4 to 5 m above the present BMSL.  相似文献   

Sangla valley is situated at an altitude of ~ 3500 m above mean sea level and lies in the Kinnaur district of Himachal Pradesh. It is fed by river Baspa, a tributary of river Sutlej, that entrenches through the Quaternary glaciogenic deposits before emerging out of the valley and joining the river Sutlej at Karcham. The unstratified to stratified glaciogenic deposits consist of large boulders to fine silt and are classified into four major depositional facies on the basis of sedimentary texture and depositional environment. The facies — basal conglomerates, debris flow, water/sheet flow and laminites — represents the change in the environment of deposition from glaciofluvial to lacustrine and also the extent of the glacier to the valley floor during late Quaternary.  相似文献   

In the present paper an attempt has been made to describe the geology of the area around Dharmsala, Kangra District, Himachal Pradesh. The stratigraphic position of the problematic horizons, i. e., Dharmkot Limestone and Dharmsala Traps is discussed in detail.  相似文献   

BOREAS Harland, R., Gregory, Diane M., Hughes, M. J. & Wilkinson, I. P. 1978 06 01: A late Quaternary bio- and climatostratigraphy for marine sediments in the north-central part of the North Sea. Boreas, Vol. 7, pp. 91–96. Oslo. ISSN 0300–9483.
Micropalaeontological studies of three boreholes in the north-central North Sea have led to the erection of a bio- and climatostratigraphy for the area. Palaeoenvironmental interpretations have depended largely upon oceanographic concepts and changes in the micropalaeontological assemblages have been related to postulated alterations in water mass regimes. The biostratigraphy can then be utilized as a climatostratigraphy since such water mass changes are most probably linked to alterations in the circulation of the North Atlantic, and in particular to the positions of the climatically important North Atlantic Current and Polar Front. The North Sea sequences are compared to similar sections in Europe and related to the commonly accepted standard chronostratigraphy.  相似文献   

The aim of the paper is to understand the geological control of groundwater, the recharge sources, the relative age of groundwater and the interaction between surface water and groundwater of the southwestern part of North Bengal Plain in the alluvium filled gap between the Rajmahal hills on the west and the Garo hills on the east. The area is covered by Quaternary alluvia of two different ages, viz. the Older Alluvium and the Newer Alluvium. The Older Alluvium of Pleistocene age is made up of argillaceous bed reddish brown in color and interspread with ‘kankar’ and laterite debris and the Newer Alluvium is dark, loosely compacted and has a high moisture content. A hydrostarigraphic model of the top 120 m geological column has been built by direct field observation, constructing Fence diagram, lithofacies and isotope analyses. The model indicates an oscillating environment of deposition of sediments from bottom to top with oxidizing at the bottom followed by reducing and then oxidizing environment at the top. The hydrogeochemistry of groundwater also suggests a predominantly reducing condition of the aquifer with high HCO3 , low SO4 2− and NO3 concentrations. The shallow groundwater at places contains heavy metals such as copper, cadmium, manganese, iron, chromium and arsenic. The δ18O and tritium values of groundwater are within the range of monsoon precipitation composition which indicates that groundwater is probably recharged primarily from precipitation. The plots of δ18O and δD show slight deviation from the Local Mean Water Lines suggesting that some evaporation of rainfall occurs prior to or during infiltration. Therefore groundwater occurs under unconfined condition. Lithofacies analysis indicates that the sediments below the depth of 40 m are the potential water bearing formation. Depletion or enrichment of δ18O and δD with depth was not observed and tritium content is also similar at various depths indicating possibility of mixing of groundwater from various depths due to pumping which may lead to contamination of the deeper aquifer by heavy metals and arsenic.  相似文献   

This paper presents a revised glacial chronology for the Lahul Himalaya and provides the most detailed reconstruction of former glacier extents in the western Himalayas published to date. On the basis of detailed geomorphological mapping, morphostratigraphy, and absolute and relative dating, three glaciations and two glacial advances are constrained. The oldest glaciation (Chandra glacial stage) is represented by glacially eroded benches and drumlins (the first to be described from the Himalaya) at altitudes of >4300 m and indicates glaciation on a landscape of broad valleys that had minimal fluvial incision. The second glaciation (Batal glacial stage) is represented by highly weathered and disssected lateral moraines and drumlins representing two phases of glaciation within the Batal glacial stage (Batal I and Batal II). The Batal stage was an extensive valley glaciation interrupted by a readvance that produced superimposed bedforms. Optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating, indicates that glaciers probably started to retreat between 43400 ± 10300 and 36900 ± 8400 yr ago during the Batal stage. The Batal stage may be equivalent to marine Oxygen Isotope Stage 4 and early Oxygen Isotope Stage 3. The third glaciation (Kulti glacial stage), is represented by well-preserved moraines in the main tributary valleys that formed due to a less-extensive valley glaciation when ice advanced no more than 12 km from present ice margins. On the basis of an OSL age for deltaic sands and gravels that underlie tills of Kulti age, the Kulti glaciation is younger than 36900 ± 8400 yr ago. The development of peat bogs, having a basal age of 9160 ± 70 14C yr BP possibly represents a phase of climatic amelioration coincident with post-Kulti deglaciation. The Kulti glaciation, therefore, is probably equivalent to all or parts of late Oxygen Isotope Stage 3, Stage 2 and early Stage 1. Two minor advances (Sonapani I and II) are represented by small sharp-crested moraines within a few kilometres of glacier termini. On the basis of relative weathering, the Sonapani advance is possibly of early mid-Holocene age, whereas the Sonapani II advance is historical. The change in style and extent of glaciation is attributed to topographic controls produced by fluvial incision and by increasing aridity during the Quaternary. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

温泉盆地西缘断裂在晚第四纪期间经历了多期活动。沿断层至少可以识别出高度分别为0.33~0.62m、4.3~5.2m、6.8~8.3m、10~11.8m、约16m、20-28m、45-50m和65-80m的8套断层崖或断层陡坎,以及与各级断层崖大致对应的河流阶地、洪积扇和泉华台地。地质地貌体的相对时代分析和泉华、河流沉积物中的砾石钙膜、钙质胶结物的U系、ESR测年结果表明,高45~50m、20-28m、约16m、10~11.8m、6.8~8.3m和4.3~5.2m的断层崖可能分别形成于约127kaBP、54kaBP、25kaBP、18kaBP、11kaBP和4kaBP以来或更早。综合分析断裂不同地点的断层崖的高度和时代发现,不同时期的断裂活动强度可能是不同的。其中在约127-25kaBP、25~4kaBP期间,断裂平均的垂直活动速率分别为0.3-0.23mm/a、0.8-0.36mm/a,而约4~1.1kaBP期间的断层最大垂直活动速率可能达1.65mm/a。  相似文献   

Recharge rates determined at diverse study sites in a shallow, unconfined aquifer differed from one another depending on the analytical method used and on each method’s applicability and limitations. Total recharge was quantified with saturated-zone methods using water-table fluctuations at seven sites in North Carolina, USA and using groundwater-age dating at three of the seven sites; at two of the sites, potential recharge was quantified with an unsaturated-zone method using Darcy’s law; and at five of the sites, net recharge was quantified with a stream hydrograph-separation method using streamflow-recession curves. Historical mean net recharge was 25 to 69% of the historical total recharge rates. The large disparity is attributed to groundwater losses between recharge and discharge areas, primarily by evapotranspiration and seepage to underlying aquifers. The spatial distribution of historical mean annual total recharge did not vary between landscape units, as suggested in a previous study. Similarly, total recharge did not correlate significantly with mean annual rainfall, mean annual water table depth, or the surficial soil properties of percent clay and bulk density. Total recharge did correlate significantly with the surficial soil properties of percent sand and percent silt.
Résumé Les taux de recharge déterminés sur divers sites d’études dans un aquifère phréatique libre, varient les uns par rapport aux autres selon la méthode analytique utilisée et les limites et l’applicabilité de chaque méthode. La recharge totale a été quantifiée avec des méthodes en zone saturée utilisant les fluctuations des nappes sur sept sites de la Caroline du Nord, USA, et en utilisant les datations des eaux souterraines sur trois des sept sites ; sur deux des sites, la recharge potentielle a été quantifiée avec une méthode en zone non-saturée utilisant la loi de Darcy, et sur deux sites, la recharge nette a été quantifiée suivant une méthode de séparation des hydrographes de cours d’eau utilisant les courbes de récession du débit. La moyenne historique de la recharge nette est comprise entre 25 et 69% des taux historiques de recharge totale. L’importante disparité est attribuée aux pertes en eaux souterraines entre les zones de recharge et les zones d’exutoire, d’abord par évapotranspiration et ensuite par infiltration vers les aquifères sous-jacents. La distribution spatiale de la recharge historique moyenne annuelle et totale ne varie pas selon les unités paysagères, comme cela était suggéré dans une étude antérieure. De même, la recharge totale n’est pas corrélée significativement avec la moyenne annuelle des précipitations, la moyenne annuelle de la profondeur de la nappe, ou les propriétés de surface des sols que sont le pourcentage d’argile ou la densité apparente. La recharge totale est corrélée significativement avec les propriétés de surface du sol et les teneurs en sable et en silt.

Resumen Las tasas de recarga determinadas en diversos sitios de estudio en un acuífero somero no confinado difieren entre sí dependiendo del método analítico usado y de las limitaciones y aplicabilidad de cada método. Se cuantificó la recarga total con métodos de zona saturada usando fluctuaciones del nivel freático en siete sitios en Carolina del Norte, Estados Unidos, y usando datación de edades de agua subterránea en tres de los siete sitios; en dos de los sitios se cuantificó la recarga potencial con un método de zona no saturada usando la Ley de Darcy y en cinco de los sitios se cuantificó la recarga neta con el método de separación hidrográfica usando curvas de recesión de flujo en arroyos. La recarga neta media histórica varió entre 25 y 69% de las tasas de recarga total histórica. La diferencia tan grande se atribuye a pérdidas de agua subterránea entre áreas de descarga y recarga, principalmente por evapotranspiración y escurrimiento hacia acuíferos subyacentes. La distribución espacial de la recarga total anual media histórica no varió entre las unidades de paisaje, como ya se había sugerido en un estudio previo. De modo similar, la recarga total no guarda correlación significativa con la lluvia media anual, la profundidad media anual del nivel freático, o las propiedades superficiales del suelo, particularmente porcentaje de arcilla y densidad volumétrica. La recarga total si tuvo una correlación significativa con las propiedades superficiales del suelo tal como porcentaje de arena y porcentaje de limo.

Studies of oxygen isotopes in foraminifers from deepsea sediments yield information about rates of change of sea level, for hundreds of thousands of years with a resolution of roughly 1,000 years. The statistics regarding fluctuations for the late Quaternary (the last 900,000 years) suggest that a rise of 10 m per 1,000 years (1 m per century) is not unusual, even when the system resides within a warm stage, as now. Values near 2 m per century, while rare, are well within the range of a warm system, beyond the 5-percentile of the overall range. Once sea level is near +10 m, further rise becomes highly unlikely within the conditions of the late Quaternary, suggesting the presence of some kind of natural barrier; that is, lack of vulnerable ice. The present volume of ice generally considered vulnerable (Greenland and West-Antarctic ice sheet) adds up (roughly) to the observed limit.  相似文献   

 The Qinghai–Tibet Plateau uplifted >3000 m in the Quaternary period. The average rate of uplift was 1–1.1 mm/year. The uplifting has remolded the geomorphology of China. The landform in China was changed from west-low and east-high to west-high and east-low in three steps. The Qinghai-Tibet Plateau uplift is an important factor that affected the climate and the environment of China in the Quaternary period. It controls atmospheric circulation and climatic change in Asia and even the northern hemisphere, by dividing the westerlies into two branches: south and north. The plateau gradually became a heat source in summer and a cold source in winter. The uplift had a decisive effect on the formation of the East-Asia monsoon, which increased the climatic differences between the glacial period and the interglacial period. The climate and environment of China are characterized by the influences of the plateau uplift. The east of China became the south-east monsoon area, whereas the south-west became the south-west monsoon area and the north-west turned into an arid inland region. The Gobi and large-scale deserts that formed in the inland basins are ceaselessly extending. The climate of northern China became more arid as the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau continued to uplift. The Plateau uplift affected glacial evolvement and loess formation, and propelled the migration of cold- and warm-blooded animals, which differed from other regions of the world at the same latitude. Received: 30 August 1999 · Accepted: 18 April 2000  相似文献   

Investigations indicate that the Iceland Ice Sheet was reduced in size during MIS 3 but readvanced to the shelf break at the LGM. Retreat occurred very rapidly around 15 k–16 k cal. yr BP. By contrast, the margin of the ice sheet on the East Greenland shelf, north of the Denmark Strait, was at or close to the shelf break during MIS 3 and 2 and retreat starting ~17 k cal. yr BP. Quantitative X‐ray diffraction analysis of the <2 mm sediment fraction was undertaken on 161 samples from Iceland and East Greenland diamictons, and from cores on the slopes and margins of the Denmark Strait. Weight% mineralogical data are used in a principal component analysis to differentiate sediments derived from the two margins. The first two PC axes explain 52% of the variance. These associations are used to characterise sediments as being affiliated with (a) Iceland, (b) East Greenland or (c) mixed. The contribution from Iceland becomes prominent during MIS 2. The extensive outcrop of early Tertiary basalts on East Greenland between 68° and 71° N is an alternative source for basaltic clasts and North Atlantic sediments with εNd(0) values close to ±0. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Seismic intensity information of historical earthquake of NW Himalayas has been utilized for evaluating the attenuation of the intensity with the epicentral distance. Purposefully, the observed intensity of big historical earthquake may implicitly incorporate some site effects arising due to the near surface geology or deposited soil. The isoseismal map of the 1905 Kangra earthquake yields an area of perceptibility defined by the intensity VII (RF Scale), which is mainly elongated in the NNW-SSE direction. However, the higher isoseismals of intensity VIII and IX are more symmetrical and elongated in the SE direction. These isoseismals are more compressed in the northeast and northwest direction indicating fast attenuation characteristics, which may be either due to the presence of any transverse geotectonic feature or change in lithology. In the present study the regression relation has been derived to incorporate the attenuation of intensity with variable magnitudes at different epicentral distances. The derived attenuation relation is useful for assessing damage of a potential future earthquake (earthquake scenario-based planning purposes) for the Kangra region, Northwest Himalaya. The derived relation is mentioned below:
I(R,Ms) = 2.856 + 1.31*Ms - 0.0017 * R - 0.9598*ln(R)I(R,Ms) = 2.856 + 1.31*Ms - 0.0017 * R - 0.9598*\ln (R)  相似文献   

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