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The characteristics of substorm-associated Pi2 pulsations observed by the SABRE coherent radar system during three separate case studies are presented. The SABRE field of view is well positioned to observe the differences between the auroral zone pulsation signature and that observed at mid-latitudes. During the first case study the SABRE field of view is initially in the eastward electrojet, equatorward and to the west of the substorm-enhanced electrojet current. As the interval progresses, the western, upward field-aligned current of the substorm current wedge moves westward across the longitudes of the radar field of view. The westward motion of the wedge is apparent in the spatial and temporal signatures of the associated Pi2 pulsation spectra and polarisation sense. During the second case study, the complex field-aligned and ionospheric currents associated with the pulsation generation region move equatorward into the SABRE field of view and then poleward out of it again after the third pulsation in the series. The spectral content of the four pulsations during the interval indicate different auroral zone and mid-latitude signatures. The final case study is from a period of low magnetic activity when SABRE observes a Pi2 pulsation signature from regions equatorward of the enhanced substorm currents. There is an apparent mode change between the signature observed by SABRE in the ionosphere and that on the ground by magnetometers at latitudes slightly equatorward of the radar field of view. The observations are discussed in terms of published theories of the generation mechanisms for this type of pulsation. Different signatures are observed by SABRE depending on the level of magnetic activity and the position of the SABRE field of view relative to the pulsation generation region. A twin source model for Pi2 pulsation generation provides the clearest explanation of the signatures observed.  相似文献   

We report multi-instrument observations during an isolated substorm on 17 October 1989. The EISCAT radar operated in the SP-UK-POLI mode measuring ionospheric convection at latitudes 71°-78°. SAMNET and the EISCAT Magnetometer Cross provide information on the timing of substorm expansion phase onset and subsequent intensifications, as well as the location of the field aligned and ionospheric currents associated with the substorm current wedge. IMP-8 magnetic field data are also included. Evidence of a substorm growth phase is provided by the equatorward motion of a flow reversal boundary across the EISCAT radar field of view at 2130 MLT, following a southward turning of the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF). We infer that the polar cap expanded as a result of the addition of open magnetic flux to the tail lobes during this interval. The flow reversal boundary, which is a lower limit to the polar cap boundary, reached an invariant latitude equatorward of 71° by the time of the expansion phase onset. A westward electrojet, centred at 65.4°, occurred at the onset of the expansion phase. This electrojet subsequently moved poleward to a maximum of 68.1° at 2000 UT and also widened. During the expansion phase, there is evidence of bursts of plasma flow which are spatially localised at longitudes within the substorm current wedge and which occurred well poleward of the westward electrojet. We conclude that the substorm onset region in the ionosphere, defined by the westward electrojet, mapped to a part of the tail radially earthward of the boundary between open and closed magnetic flux, the “distant” neutral line. Thus the substorm was not initiated at the distant neutral line, although there is evidence that it remained active during the expansion phase. It is not obvious whether the electrojet mapped to a near-Earth neutral line, but at its most poleward, the expanded electrojet does not reach the estimated latitude of the polar cap boundary.  相似文献   

On 7 December 1992, a moderate substorm was observed by a variety of satellites and ground-based instruments. Ionospheric flows were monitored near dusk by the Goose Bay HF radar and near midnight by the EISCAT radar. The observed flows are compared here with magnetometer observations by the IMAGE array in Scandinavia and the two Greenland chains, the auroral distribution observed by Freja and the substorm cycle observations by the SABRE radar, the SAMNET magnetometer array and LANL geosynchronous satellites. Data from Galileo Earth-encounter II are used to estimate the IMF Bz component. The data presented show that the substorm onset electrojet at midnight was confined to closed field lines equatorward of the pre-existing convection reversal boundaries observed in the dusk and midnight regions. No evidence of substantial closure of open flux was detected following this substorm onset. Indeed the convection reversal boundary on the duskside continued to expand equatorward after onset due to the continued presence of strong southward IMF, such that growth and expansion phase features were simultaneously present. Clear indications of closure of open flux were not observed until a subsequent substorm intensification 25 min after the initial onset. After this time, the substorm auroral bulge in the nightside hours propagated well poleward of the pre-existing convection reversal boundary, and strong flow perturbations were observed by the Goose Bay radar, indicative of flows driven by reconnection in the tail.  相似文献   

In this work we examine simultaneous observations from the two geosynchronous satellites GOES-5 and GOES-6 located at 282°E and 265°E respectively, and from middle and low latitude ground observatories located within 250°E and 294°E geographic longitude, during isolated substorms of moderate activity. The spatial distribution of our observation points allows us to make a detailed study of the azimuthal expansion of the substorm current wedge. The data analysis shows evidence that the substorm initiation and development mechanism include the cross-tail current diversion/disruption, the substorm current wedge formation and the azimuthal expansion of the inner plasma sheet. The triggering mechanism is initially confined in a longitudinally narrow sector, estimated to be less than 15° and located very close to local midnight to the east or to the west. The current disruption region expands both eastward and westward in the magnetotail, so that the location of major field-aligned currents flowing into the ionosphere shifts successively eastward, and the location of the currents flowing out of the ionosphere shifts successively westward. Evidence was found that the perturbation travels toward the west with velocities greater than those expanding the wedge eastward. The drastic decrease of the velocity with the azimuthal distance from the location of the disturbance initiation, i.e., the onset sector, indicates that the energy release is a very localized phenomenon. Finally, the transient D perturbation observed by the geosynchronous satellites suggests that the field-aligned currents forming the wedge have a longitudunally limited extent.  相似文献   

Observations are presented of data taken during a 3-h interval in which five clear substorm onsets/intensifications took place. During this interval ground-based data from the EISCAT incoherent scatter radar, a digital CCD all sky camera, and an extensive array of magnetometers were recorded. In addition data from the CRRES and DMSP spacecraft, whose footprints passed over Scandinavia very close to most of the ground-based instrumentation, are available. The locations and movements of the substorm current system in latitude and longitude, determined from ground and spacecraft magnetic field data, have been correlated with the locations and propagation of increased particle precipitation in the E-region at EISCAT, increased particle fluxes measured by CRRES and DMSP, with auroral luminosity and with ionospheric convection velocities. The onsets and propagation of the injection of magnetospheric particle populations and auroral luminosity have been compared. CRRES was within or very close to the substorm expansion phase onset sector during the interval. The onset region was observed at low latitudes on the ground, and has been confirmed to map back to within L=7 in the magnetotail. The active region was then observed to propagate tailward and poleward. Delays between the magnetic signature of the substorm field aligned currents and field dipolarisation have been measured. The observations support a near-Earth plasma instability mechanism for substorm expansion phase onset.  相似文献   

The spatial dynamics of geomagnetic variations and pulsations, auroras, and riometer absorption during the development of the main phase of the extremely strong magnetic storm of November 7–8, 2004, has been studied. It has been indicated that intense disturbances were observed in the early morning sector of auroral latitudes rather than in the nighttime sector, as usually takes place during magnetic storms. The unusual spatial dynamics was revealed at the beginning of the storm main phase. A rapid poleward expansion of disturbances from geomagnetic latitudes of 65°–66° to 74°–75° and the development of the so-called polar cap substorm with a negative bay amplitude of up to 2500 nT, accompanied by precipitation of energetic electrons (riometer absorption) and generation of Pi2–Pi3 pulsations, were observed when IMF B z was about ?45 nT. The geomagnetic activity maximum subsequently sharply shifted equatorward to 60°–61°. The spatial dynamics of the westward electrojet, Pi2–Pi3 geomagnetic pulsations, and riometer absorption was similar, which can indicate that the source of these phenomena is common.  相似文献   

This review is devoted to auroral fading before beginning of the substorm active phase. This initial stage of the active phase called breakup is accompanied by a sharp brightening of auroras and their rush toward the pole. Auroral fading before breakup was first detected in discrete auroras in the nightside sector and consisted in that a short-term decrease in brightness of an arc moving toward the equator below the level observed during the preliminary phase was observed during the substorm preliminary phase 2–3 min before breakup. During fading, the velocity of equatorward motion of auroral arcs decreased up to their complete stoppage. Auroral fading in the noon sector was registered simultaneously with fading on the Earth’s nightside before the beginning of the active phase. Short-term background fading was also observed both equatorward and poleward of an arc on the nightside. It was subsequently indicated that similar fading is observed in various geophysical phenomena. It was detected that a radar aurora signal fades before breakup, if auroral substorm is observed in a radar pattern and substorm source is located under good aspect conditions. Riometer absorption decreases simultaneously with auroral fading. Geomagnetic pulsations decay on dayside and nightside immediately before breakup. Such a multiform manifestation of fading in various geophysical phenomena indicates that fading is related to some global processes proceeding in the magnetosphere when energy accumulation in this region comes to the end before its explosive release into the polar ionosphere.  相似文献   

本文利用2001年至2005年间CHAMP卫星及DMSP(F13,F15)卫星观测数据,对亚暴发生前后,亚暴初始位置所在磁地方时(Magnetic Local Time,MLT)东侧2h(+2h,MLT)至西侧4h(-4h,MLT)范围内等离子体对流速度(Vy)及热层纬向风速度(Uy)的变化进行了统计学分析.研究发现在亚暴发生后的1.5h内,所有MLT区间的Vy均明显增大,且峰值位置的地磁纬度向赤道侧移动,1.5h后,Vy减小,峰值的纬度向极区移动,表明亚暴的发生能显著增强等离子体对流速度;在亚暴发生位置的西侧0~2h内,Vy增幅最大,这表明亚暴对热层的影响主要在西侧,影响最大的区域是西侧0~2hMLT区间;Uy在亚暴发生后3h持续增大,其对亚暴的响应相较于Vy有1.5h的延迟.  相似文献   

A discussion is given of plasma flows in the dawn and nightside high-latitude ionospheric regions during substorms occurring on a contracted auroral oval, as observed using the EISCAT CP-4-A experiment. Supporting data from the PACE radar, Greenland magnetometer chain, SAMNET magnetometers and geostationary satellites are compared to the EISCAT observations. On 4 October 1989 a weak substorm with initial expansion phase onset signatures at 0030 UT, resulted in the convection reversal boundary observed by EISCAT (at \sim0415 MLT) contracting rapidly poleward, causing a band of elevated ionospheric ion temperatures and a localised plasma density depletion. This polar cap contraction event is shown to be associated with various substorm signatures; Pi2 pulsations at mid-latitudes, magnetic bays in the midnight sector and particle injections at geosynchronous orbit. A similar event was observed on the following day around 0230 UT (\sim0515 MLT) with the unusual and significant difference that two convection reversals were observed, both contracting poleward. We show that this feature is not an ionospheric signature of two active reconnection neutral lines as predicted by the near-Earth neutral model before the plasmoid is “pinched off”, and present two alternative explanations in terms of (1) viscous and lobe circulation cells and (2) polar cap contraction during northward IMF. The voltage associated with the anti-sunward flow between the reversals reaches a maximum of 13 kV during the substorm expansion phase. This suggests it to be associated with the polar cap contraction and caused by the reconnection of open flux in the geomagnetic tail which has mimicked “viscous-like” momentum transfer across the magnetopause.  相似文献   

A statistical investigation of the relationship between VHF radar auroral backscatter intensity and Doppler velocity has been undertaken with data collected from 8 years operation of the Wick site of the Sweden And Britain Radar-auroral Experiment (SABRE). The results indicate three different regimes within the statistical data set; firstly, for Doppler velocities <200 m s−1, the backscatter intensity (measured in decibels) remains relatively constant. Secondly, a linear relationship is observed between the backscatter intensity (in decibels) and Doppler velocity for velocities between 200 m s−1 and 700 m s−1. At velocities greater than 700 m s−1 the backscatter intensity saturates at a maximum value as the Doppler velocity increases. There are three possible geophysical mechanisms for the saturation in the backscatter intensity at high phase speeds: a saturation in the irregularity turbulence level, a maximisation of the scattering volume, and a modification of the local ambient electron density. There is also a difference in the dependence of the backscatter intensity on Doppler velocity for the flow towards and away from the radar. The results for flow towards the radar exhibit a consistent relationship between backscatter intensity and measured velocities throughout the solar cycle. For flow away from the radar, however, the relationship between backscatter intensity and Doppler velocity varies during the solar cycle. The geometry of the SABRE system ensures that flow towards the radar is predominantly associated with the eastward electrojet, and flow away is associated with the westward electrojet. The difference in the backscatter intensity variation as a function of Doppler velocity is attributed to asymmetries between the eastward and westward electrojets and the geophysical parameters controlling the backscatter amplitude.  相似文献   

During the last few years, the study of both temporal and spatial variations of substorm fields has rapidly expanded, mainly because of the relationships which exist between polar magnetic substorms and magnetospheric phenomena. Also during these years, proposed current systems believed to be responsible for substorm variations have evolved into complex three-dimensional systems with field-aligned and magnetospheric currents coupled to the eastward and westward electrojets. Recent model studies show that substorm variations in and near the auroral zone can easily be modelled using both two and three-dimensional current systems. In these studies, induction effects were simulated by assuming the Earth to be infinitely conducting at some depth below the surface.The use of magnetometers distributed along magnetic meridians has resulted in a better understanding of the complex current patterns making up the electrojets. For example, during the expansive phase of substorms, the westward and poleward progression of the overall westward electrojet was discovered to take place through the sequential development of a series of westward electrojets.  相似文献   

Observations and modelling are presented which illustrate the ability of the Finland CUTLASS HF radar to monitor the afternoon-evening equatorward auroral boundary during weak geomagnetic activity. The subsequent substorm growth phase development was also observed in the late evening sector as a natural continuation of the preceding auroral oval dynamics. Over an 8 h period the CUTLASS Finland radar observed a narrow (in range) and persistent region of auroral F- and (later) E-layer echoes which gradually moved equatorward, consistent with the auroral oval diurnal rotation. This echo region corresponds to the subvisual equatorward edge of the diffuse luminosity belt (SEEL) and the ionospheric footprint of the inner boundary of the electron plasma sheet. The capability of the Finland CUTLASS radar to monitor the E-layer SEEL-echoes is a consequence of the nearly zero E-layer rectilinear aspect angles in a region 5/10° poleward of the radar site. The F-layer echoes are probably the boundary blob echoes. The UHF EISCAT radar was in operation and observed a similar subvisual auroral arc and an F-layer electron density enhancement when it appeared in its antenna beam.  相似文献   

On August 21st 1998, a sharp southward turning of the IMF, following on from a 20 h period of northward directed magnetic field, resulted in an isolated substorm over northern Scandinavia and Svalbard. A combination of high time resolution and large spatial scale measurements from an array of coherent scatter and incoherent scatter ionospheric radars, ground magnetometers and the Polar UVI imager has allowed the electrodynamics of the impulsive substorm electrojet region during its first few minutes of evolution at the expansion phase onset to be studied in great detail. At the expansion phase onset the substorm onset region is characterised by a strong enhancement of the electron temperature and UV aurora. This poleward expanding auroral structure moves initially at 0.9 km s-1 poleward, finally reaching a latitude of 72.5°. The optical signature expands rapidly westwards at ~6 km s-1, whilst the eastward edge also expands eastward at ~0.6 km s-1. Typical flows of 600 m s-1 and conductances of 2 S were measured before the auroral activation, which rapidly changed to ~100 m s-1 and 10–20 S respectively at activation. The initial flow response to the substorm expansion phase onset is a flow suppression, observed up to some 300 km poleward of the initial region of auroral luminosity, imposed over a time scale of less than 10 s. The high conductivity region of the electrojet acts as an obstacle to the flow, resulting in a region of low-electric field, but also low conductivity poleward of the high-conductivity region. Rapid flows are observed at the edge of the high-conductivity region, and subsequently the high flow region develops, flowing around the expanding auroral feature in a direction determined by the flow pattern prevailing before the substorm intensification. The enhanced electron temperatures associated with the substorm-disturbed region extended some 2° further poleward than the UV auroral signature associated with it.  相似文献   

The drift velocity of an auroral arc is compared with the component of F-region plasma velocity in the same direction for ten cases where the arc is seen to move steadily equatorward for several minutes without any major change in appearance or orientation. In most cases the two velocities are close, but on two occasions the drift velocity of the arc is much higher than the plasma velocity. From the cases studied it appears that during the growth and recovery phase of the substorm cycle the arc moves with a velocity close to the convection velocity, but during the expansion phase this is not the case.  相似文献   

Radar observations of auroral zone flows during a multiple-onset substorm   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We present an analysis of ground magnetic field, ionospheric flow, geosynchronous particle, and interplanetary data during a multiple-onset substorm on 12 April 1988. Our principal results concern the modulations of the ionospheric flow which occur during the impulsive electrojet activations associated with each onset. During the first hour of the disturbance these take place every \sim12.5 min and involve the formation of a new intense westward current filament in the premidnight sector, just poleward of the preexisting extended current system driven by the large-scale flow. These filaments are \sim1 h MLT wide (\sim600 km), and initially expand poleward to a width of \sim300 km before contracting equatorward and coalescing with the preexisting current, generally leaving the latter enhanced in magnitude and/or expanded in latitude. Within the impulsive electrojets the flow is found to be suppressed to values 50–100 m s−1 or less during the first few minutes, before surging equatorward at 0.5-1.0 km s−1 during the phase of rapid coalescence. The implication is that the precipitation-induced Hall conductivity within the impulsive electrojet initially rises to exceed \sim100 mho, before decaying over a few minutes. This value compares with Hall conductivities of \sim20 mho in the quasi-steady current regions, and a few mho or less in the regions poleward of the electrojets and in the preonset ionosphere. Preliminary evidence has also been found that the flow surges propagate from midnight to the morning sector where they are associated with arrested equatorward motion or poleward contractions of the current system. These observations are discussed in terms of present theoretical paradigms of the global behaviour of fields and flows which occur during substorms.  相似文献   

Data from Equator-S and Geotail are used to study the dynamics of the plasma sheet observed during a substorm with multiple intensifications on 25 April 1998, when both spacecraft were located in the early morning sector (03–04 MLT) at a radial distance of 10–11 RE. In association with the onset of a poleward expansion of the aurora and the westward electrojet in the premidnight and midnight sector, both satellites in the morning sector observed plasma sheet thinning and changes toward a more tail-like field configuration. During the subsequent poleward expansion in a wider local time sector (20−04 MLT), on the other hand, the magnetic field configuration at both satellites changed into a more dipolar configuration and both satellites encountered again the hot plasma sheet. High-speed plasma flows with velocities of up to 600 km/s and lasting 2–5 min were observed in the plasma sheet and near its boundary during this plasma sheet expansion. These high-speed flows included significant dawn-dusk flows and had a shear structure. They may have been produced by an induced electric field at the local dipolarization region and/or by an enhanced pressure gradient associated with the injection in the midnight plasma sheet.  相似文献   

极光亚暴期间的南极中山站地磁共轭点位置研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
通过对北极斯瓦尔巴特( Svalbard )岛Longyearbyen台站的 极光扫描光度计和地磁 观测数据在地磁亚暴膨胀相期间的对比分析,发现扫描光度计记录中的极光边缘的快速极向 运动和地磁数据x分量的陡峭负弯之间有着良好的对应关系,地磁数据可用来研究两极 高纬 地区极光亚暴的地磁共轭特征. 对南极中山站、挪威Troms Svalbard台链和东格陵兰岛 地 区共15个地磁台站在7个典型极光亚暴事件中的地磁数据进行对比分析后发现, 中山站的地 磁共轭点位置存在明显的漂移特征,漂移的范围在斯瓦尔巴特岛与东格陵兰岛之间,纬度值 与CGM模型值近似.  相似文献   

We examined the temporal variations of the geomagnetic field and energetic ions at geosynchronous altitudes associated with substorms during the nighttime using a superposed epoch analysis timed by Pi2 onset. We focused on the first 10 min intervals of Pi2 onset and on subsequent intervals to study the substorm expansion. We conclude that the first 10 min interval of Pi2 onset is a transitional state of the substorm dominated by MHD processes associated with earthward flow and its bifurcation. Intervals of field line variations following the first 10 min were well organized by dipolarization (substorm current wedge) due to the reduced cross-tail current. We also show that energetic ion regions localized in the local time sector from 2000 to 0000 LT in the first 10 min intervals of Pi2 onset expanded to the post-midnight sector, reaching 0400 LT within 20 min after Pi2 onset. We conclude that the expansion of the energetic plasma regions can be attributed to the inflation of the inner magnetosphere during dipolarization.  相似文献   

The dynamics of the system of field-aligned currents (FACs) and closing ionospheric Pedersen currents is considered with the use of original processing methods and the data from four substorms of different types. The total current system comprises of two parts. One is the well-known substorm current wedge (SCW) system, in which the zonal (westward ) current closes FACs in the R1 zone (region). The component 2 consists of two pairs of meridional currents flowing equatorward and poleward in the R1 region and creating regions R0 and R2 (according to the classification of Iijima and Potemra). It is shown that the total FAC of the disturbed magnetosphere–ionosphere system is dominated by the contribution of component 2, which contradicts the original version of the SCW model but is consistent with new data. The quantitative characteristics of the dawn–dusk asymmetry are determined for the FAC distribution in the ionosphere for each substorm. It is shown that the ratio of the average intensities of FACs in the regions R0 and R2 was IR0/IR2 ≥ 0.4, which contradicts the popular opinion that there are no FACs in the polar cap. In addition, a relatively rare event of the simultaneous start of the substorm explosive phase and the SSC caused by the dynamic impact of the solar wind when the polar cap expands (rather than compresses as usual) is considered.  相似文献   

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