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Daily mean outputs for 12 yr (1978-1989) from two general circulation models (SAMIL-R42L9 and CAM2.0.2) are analyzed and compared with the corresponding NCEP/NCAR reanalysis dataset, and results in two models show clearly that the root-mean square errors (RMSEs) from the simulation of intraseasonal oscillation can take 30-40 percent of the total RMSE, particularly, the distributions of the RMSE in simulating intraseasonal oscillation are almost identical with that of the total RMSE. The maximum RMSE of intraseasonal oscillation height at 500 hPa is shown in the middle latitude regions, but there are also large RMSEs of intraseasonal oscillation wind over the tropical western Pacific and tropical Indian Oceans. The simulated ISO energy in the tropic has very large difference from the result of the NCEP/NCAR reanalysis dataset which means the simulation of tropical atmospheric ISO still possesses serious insufficiency. Therefore, intraseasonal oscillation in the weather and climate numerical simulation is very important, and thus, how to improve the ability of the GCM to simulate the intraseasonal oscillation becomes very significant.  相似文献   

This study aims at assessing the relative impacts of four major components of the tropical Pacific Ocean observing system on assimilation of temperature and salinity fields. Observations were collected over a period between January 2001 through June 2003 including temperature data from the expendable bathythermographs (XBT), thermistor data from the Tropical Ocean Global Atmosphere Tropical Atmosphere-Ocean (TOGA-TAO) mooring array, sea level anomalies from the Topex/Poseidon and Jason-1 altimetry (T/P-J), and temperature and salinity profiles from the Array for Real-time Geostrophic Oceanography (ARGO) floats. An efficient three-dimensional variational analysis-based method was introduced to assimilate the above data into the tropical-Pacific circulation model. To evaluate the impact of the individual component of the observing system, four observation system experiments were carried out. The experiment that assimilated all four components of the observing system was taken as the reference. The other three experiments were implemented by withholding one of the four components. Results show that the spatial distribution of the data influences its relative contribution. XBT observations produce the most distinguished effects on temperature analyses in the off-equatorial region due to the large amount of measurements and high quality. Similarly, the impact of TAO is dominant in the equatorial region due to the focus of the spatial distribution. The Topex/Poseidon-Jason-1 can be highly complementary where the XBT and TAO observations are sparse. The contribution of XBT or TAO on the assimilated salinity is made by the model dynamics because no salinity observations from them are assimilated. Therefore, T/P-J, as a main source for providing salinity data, has been shown to have greater impacts than either XBT or TAO on the salinity analysis. Although ARGO includes the subsurface observations, the relatively smaller number of observation makes it have the smallest contribution to the assimilation syst  相似文献   

邹力  王云峰  姜勇强  吕梅  邹勋 《气象科学》2016,36(3):366-373
本文利用三维变分同化系统(WRFDA),设计了4个同化试验方案,将ATOVS卫星亮温资料直接同化到中尺度数值模式(WRF)中,研究同化ATOVS不同卫星亮温资料对2009年04号热带风暴“浪卡”数值模拟的影响。结果表明,直接同化卫星亮温资料能够改善初始场结构(大气流场、温度场),尤其是对西太平洋反气旋系统,进而提高对热带气旋路径的模拟精度。同化不同类型的ATOVS卫星亮温资料对于热带气旋的移动路径有着不同程度的改善,其中以HIRS3和HIRS4资料同化对热带气旋移动路径改善效果最好。  相似文献   

利用中尺度WRF模式及其3DVAR 同化系统对2014年3 月30 日发生在我国华南地区的一次飑线过程展开多普勒天气雷达资料的同化效果试验研究.首先对雷达资料进行去地物杂波、退速度模糊等预处理,后设计了基于不同雷达观测量的同化试验及同化频次的敏感性试验.结果表明:直接循环同化雷达径向风资料和雷达反射率因子能够增加数值模...  相似文献   

王铁  穆穆 《气象学报》2008,66(6):955-967
Regional-Eta-Coordinate-Model(REM)中尺度模式对中国区域性降水显示出公认的较高预报能力,建立其四维变分资料同化系统是完善该模式,进一步提高其预报效果的重要工作。本研究编写了REM模式的切线性模式和伴随模式,介绍了建立REM模式伴随系统的过程,并利用实际天气个例资料,分别对REM模式的切线性模式、伴随模式及定义的目标函数梯度进行了正确性检验,检验结果表明对REM模式的切线性模式及伴随模式编写是成功的。利用REM模式的伴随系统,对1998年06月08日00时到09日00时和2000年08月01日00时到02日00时两个实际天气个例进行了四维变分资料同化试验。从数值试验的结果分析可以看到,进行四维变分资料同化后,两个天气个例在预报结束时刻其预报结果对风场和湿度场的预报都有明显改善,对温度场和高度场的预报也有所改善。对于累积降水的预报,两个个例利用四维变分资料同化后得到的初始场进行的预报结果则有较大不同,在个例1中,变分同化后对降水中心的位置和降水强度的预报都有明显改善,预报结果更接近于观测场;个例2中,变分同化后对降水中心位置和强度的预报则没有改善,产生这种现象的原因可能是由于定义的目标函数中没有加进背景场项,也可能是由于采用的观测资料时次比较少,还需要进一步进行研究和试验。  相似文献   

游婷  吴钲  翟丹华  高松  叶茂 《暴雨灾害》2023,46(2):188-199

针对2019年6月5日重庆地区发生的一次飑线天气过程,利用中尺度WRF (Weather Research and Forecasting)模式和ARPS (The Advanced Regional Prediction System)的3DVAR三维变分同化系统及其ADAS (ARPS Data Assimilation System)云分析系统,探究了不同模式水平分辨率下雷达资料同化对该飑线系统的模拟改进效果。结果表明:(1) 未同化雷达资料时,模式水平分辨率从900 m提高到300 m,模式模拟结果无明显改进。(2) 不同模式水平分辨率下,同化试验的模拟效果相比同化前,对于雷达回波的形状、强度和落区都有一定改善。(3) 使用雷达资料同化的情况下,同时提高模式水平分辨率,能进一步优化调整模式的动力、热力及水汽条件,使得对本次飑线系统的发生发展和组织结构特征的模拟与实况更接近。


本文基于中尺度区域模式WRF,开展模式层顶高度变化对高空气象要素,特别是高空风场数值模拟影响的研究。通过设计模式顶高45、5 hPa两个试验,同化来源于NOAA-15、NOAA-18、NOAA-19和METOP-2的AMSU-A辐射计高通道数据,表明提高模式层顶能够使卫星更多的高通道样本数量进入同化系统,达到减小背景场误差,同时减小高于层顶通道辐射能量对低层通道影响的目的,一定程度上改进了同化效果,从而改善高空气象要素,特别是风场的模拟效果,与观测值的均方根误差减小了约0.4~0.5 m·s-1。  相似文献   

The radar ray path equations are used to determine the physical location of each radar measurement. These equations are necessary for mapping radar data to computational grids for diagnosis, display and numerical weather prediction (NWP). They are also used to determine the forward operators for assimilation of radar data into forecast models. In this paper, a stepwise ray tracing method is developed. The influence of the atmospheric refractive index on the ray path equations at different locations related to an intense cold front is examined against the ray path derived from the new tracing method. It is shown that the radar ray path is not very sensitive to sharp vertical gradients of refractive index caused by the strong temperature inversion and large moisture gradient in this case. In the paper, the errors caused by using the simplified straight ray path equations are also examined. It is found that there will be significant errors in the physical location of radar measurements if the earth’s curvature is not considered, especially at lower elevation angles. A reduced form of the equation for beam height calculation is derived using Taylor series expansion. It is computationally more efficient and also avoids the need to use double precision variables to mitigate the small difference between two large terms in the original form. The accuracy of this reduced form is found to be sufficient for modeling use.  相似文献   

选取3个三江源的典型降水个例(2018年6月30日、7月5日、8月24日),利用NCEP FNL再分析数据,并加入ATOVS湿度探测器MHS资料同化,基于WRF模式及其三维变分同化系统对三江源区域3次降水过程进行循环同化试验,分析3次事件的模拟状况,并定量分析降水结果。结果表明,3次降水事件在加入MHS资料同化后,1)模拟的水汽增大,在中层体现最明显且更符合实际情况,高空水汽和风模拟较好,地面温度预报欠佳;2)MHS资料对降水预报的影响主要体现在降水区面积和降水量的增大,提高了降水预报水平,但也带来较多空报区域;3)从TS、ETS、POD评分结果来看,有两个降水试验的提升较为明显,其中“0630”试验TS评分结果在0.5~10 mm之间提升了0.05~0.1,ETS在5 mm提升超过0.08,在10~20 mm之间也有少量提升,POD检验在0.5~20 mm之间均有提升,在0.5~10 mm之间提升最为明显,提升了0.1~0.25,“0824”试验TS与ETS在10~20 mm之间提升超过0.1,POD检验在6~20 mm之间提升了0.1~0.4,同化后降水预报有所改善,且在大阈值降水尤为明显;4)MHS资料同化对“0705”试验降水预报改善不明显,说明同化并不是每次都能给结果带来正效应,因此在使用MHS资料时不能过于信赖它,但总体上,同化MHS资料能够提升预报质量。  相似文献   

宋佳琨  陈耀登  陈丹 《气象学报》2021,79(3):477-491
相比冬季大范围静稳条件下的污染堆积过程,秋季气象条件更加复杂和局地化,气象条件模拟不确定性给秋季气溶胶模拟带来了更大难度,且目前研究较少考虑气象-气溶胶因素在线模拟和联合同化。使用WRF/Chem模式和格点统计差值(GSI)三维变分同化系统,2015年10月进行了为期1个月的气象-气溶胶资料联合同化及模拟试验,并基于此讨论了气象-气溶胶资料联合同化对秋季PM2.5浓度模拟的影响。结果表明,WRF/Chem模式可以模拟出秋季污染天气过程,但对华北平原和中东部地区存在高估、西北部存在低估现象;同化地面PM2.5浓度观测资料可以改进对PM2.5浓度的模拟,上述两个地区的偏差均得到订正,6 h预报偏差均降低至6 μg/m3以内;重点针对华北地区的分析表明,秋季PM2.5污染过程与特殊气象条件(湿度升高、风场辐合、区域输送)密切相关,因此在地面PM2.5观测资料同化基础上增加常规气象资料同化,能进一步提高对华北平原气象-污染过程的表达,PM2.5浓度预报相关系数从0.86提高至0.89。气象-气溶胶联合资料同化能更加准确地模拟秋季气溶胶污染过程,为更好地开展污染成因和在气象预报框架下开展气象-气溶胶相互影响研究提供了基础。   相似文献   

基于WRF(Weather Research and Forecasting)模式及其3DVAR(3-Dimentional Variational)资料同化系统,采用36 km、12 km 、4 km三层嵌套网格进行逐3 h资料同化和快速更新循环预报,对2011年5月8日鲁中一次局地大暴雨过程进行了资料同化敏感性试验。试验结果表明,地面观测资料同化和快速更新循环对本次降水的预报起到了关键性作用。在快速更新循环预报时不同化地面观测资料,或同化全部观测资料进行冷启动预报,模式均不能预报出山东的降水。同化地面观测资料后,显著改进了模式降水落区预报。地面观测资料同化可以影响到700 hPa高度以上温压湿风要素的变化,从而改变了大气初始场的温湿结构,导致模式预报的700 hPa附近高空大气湿度和热力不稳定增强,700 hPa以下低层风场更强,850 hPa鲁中以南风速较无观测资料同化的偏强2~4 m·s-1,低层风场的动力作用触发高空的不稳定大气,降水出现在山东。  相似文献   

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