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The margin of the Gulf of Cadiz is swept by the deep current formed by the Mediterranean Outflow Water (MOW) flowing from the Mediterranean to the Atlantic. On the northern margin of the Gulf (Algarve Margin, South Portugal), the MOW intensity is low and fine-grained contourite drifts are built up with an alongslope development. From new sedimentological data, this study emphasizes the presence of two types of contourite drifts separated only by a deep submarine canyon incising the slope with a north-south orientation (Portimão Canyon). High-resolution seismic and bathymetry interpretation shows that on the eastern side of the canyon, the MOW forms a thick and large detached drift (Albufeira Drift) prograding toward both north and west, as shown in seismic profiles, with a high sedimentation rate. On this side of the canyon, the MOW intensity is high enough to erode the slope forming a moat channel (Alvarez Cabral). On the western side of Portimão Canyon, the MOW energy is lower, preventing moat channel erosion. Only flat and thin drift develops (Portimão and Lagos Drifts) with slow aggradation and a low sedimentation rate. This difference in drift development is due to the presence of the canyon which generates an important change in hydrodynamic of the MOW, confirmed by temperature-density measurements showing that MOW flows down Portimão Canyon. The canyon is responsible for the deviation of the direction of the MOW as it partly catches the deep-sea current flowing westward (i.e. capture phenomenon). It creates, thus, a decrease of the flow energy, competency and capacity between the east and west sides of the canyon. Through this phenomenon of MOW deep-sea current capture, the canyon constitutes a morphologic feature generating an important change in the contourite deposition pattern.In addition to already known climatic and oceanographic influences, our results show the role of canyons on contourite drift building. This study provides new elements on autocyclic factors influencing the contourite sedimentation, which are important to consider in future sedimentary paleo-reconstruction interpretations.  相似文献   

Contourite deposits in the central sector of the middle slope of the Gulf of Cadiz have been studied using a comprehensive acoustic, seismic and core database. Buried, mounded, elongated and separated drifts developed under the influence of the lower core of the Mediterranean Outflow Water are preserved in the sedimentary record. These are characterised by depositional features in an area where strong tectonic and erosive processes are now dominant. The general stacking pattern of the depositional system is mainly influenced by climatic changes through the Quaternary, whereas changes in the depositional style observed in two, buried, mounded drifts, the Guadalquivir and Huelva Drifts, are evidence of a tectonic control. In the western Guadalquivir Drift, the onset of the sheeted drift construction (aggrading QII unit) above a mounded drift (prograding QI unit) resulted from a new Lower Mediterranean Core Water hydrodynamic regime. This change is correlated with a tectonic event coeval with the Mid Pleistocene Revolution (MPR) discontinuity that produced new irregularities of the seafloor during the Mid- to Late-Pleistocene. Changes in the Huelva Drift from a mounded to a sheeted drift geometry during the Late-Pleistocene, and from a prograding drift (QI and most part of QII) to an aggrading one (upper seismic unit of QII), highlight a new change in oceanographic conditions. This depositional and then oceanographic change is associated with a tectonic event, coeval with the Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 6 discontinuity, in which a redistribution of the diapiric ridges led to the development of new local gateways, three principal branches of the Mediterranean Lower Core Water, and associated contourite channels. As a result, these buried contourite drifts hold a key palaeoceanographic record of the evolution of Mediterranean Lower Core Water, influenced by both neotectonic activity and climatic changes during the Quaternary. This study is an example of how contourite deposits and erosive elements in the marine environment can provide evidence for the reconstruction of palaeoceanographic and recent tectonic changes.  相似文献   

The sedimentary structure in the Gulf of Cadiz has been extensively studied by oil exploration companies. However, up to now little is known about its deep crustal structure. Moreover, the total thickness of the sedimentary layers remains unknown in large areas. The purpose of this paper is the crustal-scale interpretation of deep seismic near-vertical reflection and refraction/wide-angle reflection data obtained during the IAM (Iberian Atlantic Margins) project, carried out in 1993. Our results indicate that a continental type crust is underlying the entire Gulf of Cadiz, with progressive thinning from east to west. The sedimentary cover shows a great thickness, reaching 8 km in the center of the Gulf. Three main sedimentary units can be recognized: Jurassic-Cretaceous calcareous rocks, continuation of Algarve outcrops; the Allochthonous Units of Guadalquivir/Gulf of Cadiz, the offshore continuation of the inland Carmona nappe; and sub-horizontal post-Miocene marine sediments. The crystalline crust is divided into three main layers: the upper crust is characterized by P-wave velocity values of 5.7–6.1 km/s; the middle crust shows values of 6.3–6.4 km/s; the lower crust has a mean vertical velocity gradient of 0.02 km/s/km, with velocities between 6.9 to 7.1 km/s. The total crustal thickness varies from 27 km for the eastern part of the studied area, to 20 km for the westernmost part. The crustal thinning is more pronounced in a N-S direction than in an E-W direction. No major structures related with a defined Iberia-Africa plate boundary could be found. This revised version was published online in November 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

A multidisciplinary study in the Gulf of Cadiz is revisited, using additional diagnostic modelling tools. The dissolved trace metal (Cu, Ni, Zn, Co) distributions in the Gulf of Cadiz are analysed using modelled tracer evolutions, field observations and the concept of tracer ages. This study shows that a significant part of the observed metal distributions can be explained by the metal inputs of three river systems (Guadiana, Rio Tinto and Odiel, Guadalquivir) discharging into the Gulf of Cadiz, while the remainder of the signal is most likely associated with the benthic metal remobilisation along the shelf of this coastal region.  相似文献   

Heat flow anomalies provide critical information in active tectonic environments. The Gulf of Cadiz and adjacent areas are affected by the plate convergence between Africa and Europe, causing widespread deformation and faulting. Active thrust faults cause lateral movement and advection of heat that produces systematic variations in surface heat flow. In December 2003 new heat flow data were collected during the research vessel Sonne cruise SO175 in the Gulf of Cadiz over two sites of recent focused research activity: (i) the Gulf of Cadiz sedimentary prism and (ii) the Marques de Pombal escarpment. Both features have also been discussed as potential source areas of the Great Lisbon earthquake and tsunami of 1755. Background heat flow at the eastern terminus of the Horseshoe abyssal plain is about 52–59 mW/m2. Over the Gulf of Cadiz prism, heat flow decreases from ∼57 mW/m2 to unusually low values of 45 mW/m2 roughly 120 km eastward. Such low values and the heat flow trend are typical for active thrusting, supporting the idea of an east-dipping thrust fault. Slip rates are 10 ± 5 mm per year, assuming that the fault dips at 2°. A fault dipping at 5°, however, would result into slip rates of 1.5–5 mm per year, suggesting that subduction has largely ceased. Based on seismic data, the Marques de Pombal fault is interpreted as part of an active fault system located ∼100 km westward of Cape San Vincente. Heat flow over the fault is affected by refraction of heat caused by the 1 km high escarpment. Thermal models suggest that the slip rate along the fault must either be small or shear stresses acting on the fault are rather high. With respect to other fault zones, however, it is reasonable to assume that the fault's slip rate is small.  相似文献   

This paper presents a computational model for mapping the regional 3D distribution in which seafloor gas hydrates would be stable, that is carried out in a Geographical Information System (GIS) environment. The construction of the model is comprised of three primary steps, namely: (1) the construction of surfaces for the various variables based on available 3D data (seafloor temperature, geothermal gradient and depth-pressure); (2) the calculation of the gas function equilibrium functions for the various hydrocarbon compositions reported from hydrate and sediment samples; and (3) the calculation of the thickness of the hydrate stability zone. The solution is based on a transcendental function, which is solved iteratively in a GIS environment.The model has been applied in the northernmost continental slope of the Gulf of Cadiz, an area where an abundant supply for hydrate formation, such as extensive hydrocarbon seeps, diapirs and fault structures, is combined with deep undercurrents and a complex seafloor morphology. In the Gulf of Cadiz, the model depicts the distribution of the base of the gas hydrate stability zone for both biogenic and thermogenic gas compositions, and explains the geometry and distribution of geological structures derived from gas venting in the Tasyo Field (Gulf of Cadiz) and the generation of BSR levels on the upper continental slope.  相似文献   

A Quaternary stratigraphic stacking pattern on the Faro-Albufeira drift system has been determined by analysing a dense network of high-resolution single-channel seismic reflection profiles. In the northern sector of the system an upslope migrating depositional sequence (elongate separated mounded drift) parallel to the margin has been observed associated with a flanking boundary channel (Alvarez Cabral moat) that depicts the zone of Mediterranean Outflow Water (MOW) acceleration and/or focussing. A consequent erosion along the right hand border and deposition on the left hand flank is produced in this sector. The sheeted aggrading drift is the basinward prolongation of the elongate separated mounded drift, and developed where the MOW is more widely spread out. The overall sheeted contourite system is separated into two sectors due to the Diego Cao deep. This is a recent erosional deep that has steep erosional walls cut into Quaternary sediments. Two major high-order depositional sequences have been recognised in the Quaternary sedimentary record, Q-I and Q-II, composed of eight minor high-order depositional sequences (from A to H). The same trend in every major and minor depositional sequence is observed, especially in the elongate mounded drift within Q-II formed of: A) Transparent units at the base; B) Smooth, parallel reflectors of moderate-high amplitude units in the upper part; and C) An erosional continuous surface of high amplitude on the top of reflective units. This cyclicity in the acoustic response most likely represents cyclic lithological changes showing coarsening- upward sequences. A total of ten minor units has been distinguished within Q-II where the more representative facies in volume are always the more reflective and are prograding upslope with respect to the transparent ones. There is an important change in the overall architectural stacking of the mounded contourite deposits from a more aggrading depositional sequence (Q-I) to a clear progradational body (Q-II). We suggest that Q-I and Q-II constitute high-order depositional sequences related to a 3rd-order cycle at 800 ky separated by the most prominent sea-level fall at the Mid Pleistocene Revolution (MPR), 900–920 ky ago. In more detail the major high-order depositional sequences (from A to H) can be associated with asymmetric 4th-order climatic and sea-level cycles. In the middle slope, the contourite system has a syn-tectonic development with diapiric intrusions and the Guadalquivir Bank uplift. This syn-tectonic evolution affected the overall southern sheeted drift from the A to F depositional sequences, but G and H are not affected. These last two depositional sequences are less affected by these structures with an aggrading stacking pattern that overlaps the older depositional sequences of the Guadalquivir Bank uplift and diapiric intrusions.  相似文献   

Four profiles of estuarine sediments obtained from boreholes drilled in the Algarve, Southern Portugal were studied in order to reconstruct the process of sediment accumulation driven by the postglacial sea level rise. In addition to the sedimentological analysis, the Foraminifera Index of Marine Influence (FIMI) permitted assessment of the nature and organization of sedimentary facies in the Beliche–Guadiana and Gilão–Almargem estuaries. The Beliche–Guadiana CM5 and Almargem G2 profiles accumulated in a sheltered environment, with the former presenting an almost continuous record of the sea level rise since ca 13?000 cal yr BP. The G1 and G3 profiles from the Gilão–Almargem area represent a more discontinuous record of the last 8000 years, which accumulated in the more dynamic environment of an outer estuary. The integration of all radiocarbon ages of dated levels, led to an estimate of sediment accumulation rates. Assuming a constant position of the sediment surface with respect to the tidal range and a negligible compaction of sediment, the sea level rose at the rate of 7 mm yr−1 in the period from 13?000 to 7500 cal yr BP. This process slowed down to ca 0.9 mm yr−1 from 7500 cal yr BP until the present. The marked historical change in the rate of sediment accumulation in these estuaries also occurred with the accumulation of organic matter and is, therefore, important data for global biogeochemical models of carbon. The main obstacle to obtain higher temporal resolution of the sedimentary processes was the intense anaerobic respiration of organic matter via sulphate reduction, which did not allow any accumulation of peat and, furthermore, led to erasure of the palaeontological record by acid formed from the subsequent oxidation of sulphides.  相似文献   

In the past 20 a, the gulf-scale circulation in the Beibu Gulf has been commonly accepted to be driven by a wind stress or density gradient. However, using three sensitive experiments based on a three-dimensional baroclinic model that was verified by observations, the formation mechanisms were revealed: the circula- tion in the northern Beibu Gulf was triggered by the monsoon wind throughout a year; whereas the southern gulf circulation was driven by the monsoon wind and South China Sea (SCS) circulation in winter and sum- mer, respectively. The force of heat flux and tidal harmonics had a strong effect on the circulation strength and range, as well as the local circulation structures, but these factors did not influence the major circulation structure in the Beibu Gulf. On the other hand, the Beibu Gulf Cold Water Mass (BGCWM) would disappear without the force of heat flux because the seasonal thermocline layer was generated by the input of heat so that the vertical mixing between the upper hot water and lower cold water was blocked. In addition, the wind-induced cyclonic gyre in the northern gulf was favorable to the existence of the BGCWM. However, the coverage area of the BGCWM was increased slightly without the force of the tidal harmonics. When the model was driven by the monthly averaged surface forcing, the circulation structure was changed to some extent, and the coverage area of the BGCWM almost extended outwards 100%, implying the circulation and water mass in the Beibu Gulf had strong responses to the temporal resolution of the surface forces.  相似文献   

Abstract. Thirteen sampling cruises were conducted at weekly intervals in the inner part of the Gulf of Naples in the summer of 1983 to investigate the effects of excess nutrient inputs on phytoplankton communities. High surface phytoplankton concentrations (up to 1.15 ×108 cells 1-1) were recorded, particularly near Naples harbour and along the eastern coast, two locations that receive most of the area's sewage and industrial discharge. Phytoplankton populations were generally dominated by small species, mainly diatoms, which were associated with small phytoflagcllatcs. Species diversity values were relatively high (H'≤ 3.62) in most samples. Throughout the sampling period a high spatial and temporal variability for phytoplankton abundances and species composition was observed.  相似文献   

北部湾潮波数值研究   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
利用普林斯顿海洋模式(POM08)建立了北部湾及其临近海区潮汐潮流数值模式,模拟了K1,O1,M2和S2这4个主要分潮,分析了模拟的潮汐和潮流分布特征,从潮波能量的角度讨论了琼州海峡对北部湾潮波系统的影响,并给出北部湾潮能的耗散情况。研究表明,北部湾是典型的全日潮海区,K1和O1分潮在南部湾口形成半个旋转潮波系统,无潮点位于越南顺安附近岸边。琼州海峡中的欧拉潮汐余流为西向流,潮余流造成的水通量约为0.034×106m3/s;余流出海峡西口后,先折向北,然后转向南流出湾外。研究海区中两个强潮流区分别位于琼州海峡和海南岛的西侧,同时这也是两个潮能的高耗散区。北部湾的潮能自南部湾口由外海传入,通过西口涌入琼州海峡,到达海峡东口时日潮波的能量已基本耗散殆尽,在海峡内耗散的4个分潮的潮能约为3.33 GW,相当于北部湾潮能耗散量的35%左右。数值试验表明,琼州海峡作为潮能耗散的重要海区,其存在对于北部湾潮波系统的形成具有较大影响。计算了底边界潮能耗散,结果表明在北部湾和琼州海峡,底边界耗散的潮能分别占该海区总耗散的83%和80%。  相似文献   

The present study describes the temporal variability of the water fCO2 as well as the different driving forces controlling this variability, on time scales from daily to seasonal, in the Rio San Pedro, a tidal creek located in a salt marsh area in the Bay of Cadiz (SW Iberian Peninsula). This shallow tidal creek system is affected by effluents of organic matter and nutrients from the surrounding marine fish farms. Continuous pCO2, salinity and temperature were recorded for four periods of approximately one month, between February and September in 2004.Major processes controlling the CO2 variability are related to three different time scales. Daily variations in fCO2 are controlled by tidal advection and mixing of the water from within the creek and the seawater that enters from the Bay of Cadiz. Significant cyclical variations of the fCO2 have been observed with the maximum values occurring at low tide. On a fortnightly time scale, the amplitude of the daily variability of fCO2 is modulated by the variations in the residence time of the water within the creek, which are related to the spring–neap tide sequence.On a third time scale, high seasonal variability is observed for the temperature, salinity and fCO2. Maximum and minimum values for fCO2 were 380 µatm and 3760 µatm for February and July respectively. Data suggest that seasonal variability is related to the seasonal variability in discharges from the fish farm and to the increase with temperature of organic matter respiratory processes in the tidal creek. The fCO2 values observed are in the same range as several highly polluted European estuaries or waters surrounding mangrove forests. From the air–water CO2 flux computed, it can be concluded that the Rio San Pedro acts as a source of CO2 to the atmosphere throughout the year, with the summer accounting for the higher average monthly flux.  相似文献   

本文采用"初值方法"研究了芬迪湾、缅因湾和圣劳伦斯湾的潮汐共振情况。结果表明,缅因-芬迪湾系统共振是由陆架共振造成的,最强共振周期约为13.0h。芬迪湾次强共振周期约为9.2h,是由该海湾本身的四分之一波长共振引起的。圣劳伦斯湾共振现象主要体现在其东北海区,共振周期约为9.2h,可能是由半波长共振引起的。  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the analyses of the clastic sedimentary infill of the Coastal Plain of Eastern Mexico, which initiated synchronously with the Laramide orogeny in the vicinity of the Golden Lane. Results of these analyses are used as boundary conditions for calibrating/interpreting seismic profiles across more distal depocenters in the offshore of the Gulf of Mexico, from the sea shore and continental slope in the west to the abyssal plain in the east. The objective of the study is to better predict the reservoir distribution in the Deep offshore Basin of the Gulf of Mexico (DBGM), in order to explore for petroleum.  相似文献   

Sea-floor sediment distribution in the Gulf of Mexico   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Carbonate content, smear-slide analysis and diffuse reflectance spectrophotometry were utilized to determine modern sediment composition and distribution throughout the Gulf of Mexico. In all, 186 core top and grab samples distributed throughout the Gulf were analyzed. Reflectance spectra were taken from thick smear slides from the near ultraviolet, through the visible, and into the near infrared. The first derivatives of the percent reflectance data were subjected to factor analysis producing factors that grouped covarying first-derivative wavelengths. Factors were interpreted by comparison to first-derivative curves for known sediment components and minerals. Interpretation was aided by the mapping of both calcium carbonate content and smear-slide sediment classes. The most easily interpreted factor solution was produced by analyzing only the visible region of the spectrum and extracting seven factors which explained 98% of the cumulative variance. These factors, in order of their relative importance, are interpreted as (1) marl and calcareous clay, (2) glauconite, (3) kaolinite, (4) organic matter, (5) phosphorite, (6) hematite, and (7) goethite. Some factor maps are consistent with known sources of fluvial sediment input; for example, kaolinite is deposited off rivers draining the southeastern US. Other factor maps are related to the origin of the material in the factor, glauconite, for example, being confined to low sedimentation regions of the outer shelf. The most unusual observation concerns the distribution of hematite, which appears to be transported from the rivers of south Texas, primarily the Rio Grande, across the shelf then eastward downslope along the base of the Sigsbee Escarpment. This eastward transport seems to be explainable only by transport in bottom currents flowing along the base of the Sigsbee Escarpment.  相似文献   

基于FVCOM模式建立一个三维数值模型,对2011年“纳沙”台风登陆北部湾前后水位与流场变化进行了分析,并探究了风暴射流的生成机制。结果表明,广西近岸风暴射流的产生是对台风到来造成的水位起伏变化的一种正压响应;台风进入到北部湾期间,造成北部湾近岸水位先降低后升高,所导致的水位梯度差产生了驱动力,促使海水向西运动增强,从而导致在广西近海风暴射流的产生;台风登陆期间琼州海峡西向流流量增大到0.4 Sv以上,最大可达0.7 Sv;台风进入到北部湾后,促使琼州海峡西向流更多进入到北部湾,造成湾内正位涡输入增大,产生了气旋式环流来维持位涡平衡,同时气旋式环流也有利于向西运动的风暴射流增强;流经广西沿岸的风暴射流引起向西的水体输运可达0.2 Sv,对北部湾内营养盐以及污染物运移将产生重要影响。  相似文献   

The absorption coefficient of chromophoric dissolved organic matter (aCDOM) has been found to be correlated with fluorescence emission (excitation at 355 nm). In the coastal European Atlantic area and in the Western Mediterranean Sea (Gulf of Lions), a significant statistical dependence has been found between aCDOM and fluorescence with dissolved organic carbon (DOC) concentration. The relationship shows that, in the river plume areas (Rhine in the North Sea and Rhône in the Gulf of Lions), a consistent fraction of DOC (from 40% to 60% of the average of the DOC measured) is non-absorbing in visible light range, where the dissolved organic matter (DOM) is typically absorbent. In comparison, in the open sea, apparently not affected by the continental inputs, the entire DOC belongs to the chromophoric DOM whose specific absorption is lower (5 to 10 times) than that found in the river plume areas.  相似文献   

渤海湾西岸潮间带现代沉积速率研究   总被引:8,自引:3,他引:8  
利用渤海湾西岸潮间带柱状沉积物的210Pbex和137Cs活度测定结果,计算了潮间带现代沉积物的平均沉积速率,结果表明,渤海湾西岸潮间带砂质区(道沟子至独流减河)1955~1963年的沉积速率为3.43~4.06cm/a,1963年以来的平均沉积速率为0.65~1.59cm/a;泥质区(歧口附近)的平均沉积速率约为1.81cm/a.上述结果说明潮间带砂质区在20世纪50~60年代发生快速沉积作用,60年代之后沉积作用变缓.这可能是由于华北地区在该时段具有丰沛的降水和入海水沙,为潮间带沉积物提供了丰富的物源.60年代以后沉积作用变缓可能是自然和人类活动引起的入海水量减少和由此导致的物源减少的结果.  相似文献   

We studied the seasonal distribution of the ciliate community coupled with environmental factors along the coast at three stations sampled (from March 2006 to February 2007) in the Gulf of Gabes (Tunisia, Eastern Mediterranean Sea). A total of 56 species belonging to 11 orders, were identified. Harbor of Gabes station was more diversified (45 species) than both Tabia (26 species) and Karboub (31 species) stations. The ciliate assemblage was numerically dominated by Spirotrichea in Tabia (82% of the total abundance), in the Harbor of Gabes (86% of the total abundance), whereas, in Karboub, Spirotrichea represented only 40% of the total abundance. The unexpected lower quantitative importance of Spirotrichea in Karboub station was apparently the result of the high salt concentration found in water samples throughout the study, probably originating from the saline area surrounding Karboub station, known as Sabkha. The distribution of species in the nearshore of the Gulf of Gabes seemed most likely influenced by the combined effects of temperature, salinity and hydrographic conditions.  相似文献   

The barotropic, wind-induced circulation, which develops in the Gulf of Patras in Western Greece during the winter, is studied using three-dimensional numerical simulations. The simulations are performed using the numerical code MIKE 3 FM (HD). The Gulf's basin is bracketed between two sills, one on the west at the opening with the Ionian Sea and the other on the east at the Straits of Rio-Antirio at the opening with the Gulf of Corinth. The simulations show that the wind-induced flow creates strong currents near the coasts, which determine the sense of rotation of the gyres that develop in the Gulf. Strong currents are also created at the Rio-Antirio Straits. The wind-induced, barotropic currents do not seem to contribute to the direct replenishment of bottom waters, which recirculate between the two sills. Depending on the wind-speed forcing of the flow, the residence time of the waters in the Gulf of Patras is estimated to range from one week to one month.  相似文献   

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