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The mid-Holocene eastern hemlock [Tsuga canadensisL. (Carr.)] decline has been recently attributed to the activity of insect defoliators. N. Bihiry and L. Filion,Quaternary Research45,312–320 (1996). In this study, soil hydromorphic conditions were investigated for the period 6800–3200 yr B.P. using micromorphological data from a peat section from a swale in a paludified dunefield in southern Québec. After a short period of plant colonization in shallow pools between 6800 and 6400 yr B.P., mesic conditions predominated in the interdune before the decline (6400–4900 yr B.P.), as evidenced by strong bioturbation and abundance of excrements from the soil fauna. During the decline, a shift from mesic to wet conditions occurred (4900–4100 yr B.P.), although xeric to mesic conditions persisted on dune ridges until at least 4200 yr B.P. Wetness culminated when beaver occupied the site (4100–3750 yr B.P.). Hemlock needles with chewing damage typical of hemlock looper (Lambdina fiscellaria) feeding were identified at levels dated 4900, 4600, and 4200 yr B.P., respectively, implying that the hemlock decline was associated with at least three defoliation events. The ca. 400-yr interval between these events likely represents the time required for this late-sucessional tree species to recover.  相似文献   

Glaciofluvial De Geer moraines have rarely been described in detail in the literature. This study presents a model for the genesis of moraines of this type in the Chapais area, Québec. The model is based mainly on facies and deformatin structures analysis, and geomorphological data. Well-stratified glaciofluvial material is commonly found in the core of the moraines, whereas till or glacial diamicton may be present as surficial cover on their proximal side or as injected lenses in the sorted sediments. The paleocurrents are systematically directd downglacier. The moraines were built up in subglacial crevasses in areas where meltwater was channelized. Water flowed under pressure from small upglacier cavities, carrying a load of coars-grained material When flowing water entered crevasses already occupied by water, flow sparation occurred, reducing the capacity of the flow to carry the particles, and avalanching glaciofluvial material on the leeside of the piled sediments. The occurrence, in these sediments, of glaciotectonic deformation structures such as overturned to recumbent folds and thrust faults is evidence that the glacier was still active to some degree during and after the sedimentation phase.  相似文献   

This study combines different methods, including grain size, macrofossil, and pollen analyses, to reconstruct paleogeographical and paleoclimatological conditions for periods before, during, and after the isolation of a small lake (Lake Kachishayoot) in northern Québec. After the retreat of the Laurentide Ice Sheet around 8000 14C yr B.P., the area was submerged by the Tyrrell Sea. The transition from marine to lacustrine environment occurred about 5400 yr B.P. Two major periods of water-level fluctuations were inferred from organic and mineral sediments: a high water level that occurred after 3200 yr B.P. and a low water level that started before 2200 yr B.P. Our chronological data for the first period are consistent with those from nearby Lac des Pluviers and from other lakes in east central Canada and in the northeastern United States. During the low-water-level period, however, there is no evidence for minor fluctuations, whereas other lakes in northern Québec and east-central Canada underwent several brief lowerings. Long-term changes in atmospheric circulation caused by changing global boundary conditions likely explained long-term water-level fluctuations of Lake Kachishayoot.  相似文献   

LAVOIE  & ASSELIN 《Sedimentology》1998,45(5):817-832
Upper Ordovician (Caradocian) carbonates of eastern North America were deposited along the Iapetus continental margin and record a transition from warm- to cool-water settings despite this margin having been within the southern hemisphere tropical belt. This event has been documented from Virginia (USA) to southern Québec (Canada) although, not previously from areas close to the palaeoequator. Field, petrographic and major element geochemistry data have been gathered from the poorly-known Upper Ordovician carbonate succession outcropping in the Lac Saint-Jean outlier in central Québec. The succession consists of a lower siliciclastic formation (Tremblay) overlain by three limestone formations (Simard, Shipshaw and Galets) and capped by shales (Pointe-Bleue Shale). From macro- and microfaunal evidence, carbonate sedimentation occurred during the late Caradoc and is younger than the early- to mid-Caradoc carbonate succession present farther south. Relative sea level fluctuations recorded in the sediments suggest an overall sea level rise briefly halted by a minor end-Caradocian sea level fall. The lower limestone formation (Simard) consists of muddy sediments with algal-coral-stromatoporoid boundstones; green algae are abundant. This unit reflects low energy sedimentation on a shallow warm-water carbonate ramp colonized by a diverse chlorozoan fauna. The upper limestone formation (Galets) is typified by coarse-grained bioclastic sediments punctuated by numerous phosphate-rich hardgrounds with evidence for high energy shallow marine conditions. Faunas were dominated by crinoids and bryozoans. This unit represents high energy sedimentation on a cool shallow water carbonate ramp colonized by a brynoderm faunal association. Between both units, a deeper marine (outer shelf) limestone formation (Shipshaw) was developed. In the Lac Saint-Jean area, a transition from warm- to cool-water carbonate ramps occurred in latest Caradoc times and is litho- and biofacies-wise, similar to what is documented for lower Caradocian limestones present farther south. Upwelling of nutrient-rich cool bottom oceanic waters was a probable cause for this transition.  相似文献   

The concentrations and the isotopic compositions of S, N and C were studied in soils and in the dominant plant species of three forested watersheds (Québec, Canada) located along a latitudinal and atmospheric deposition gradient. Large increases in S, N and C isotope ratios (up to 3.9‰, 10‰, 2.6‰, respectively) were observed with increasing soil depth at the three watersheds. These increases were accompanied by a strong decrease in elemental concentrations resulting in a strong negative relationship between these two variables. Both S and N concentrations throughout the soil profile and δ34S and δ15N in the mineral soil appeared to increase with increasing S and N deposition rates and decreasing latitude. A strong positive linear relationship was found between δ34S and δ15N (R2 = 0.72) values and between organic S and N concentrations (R2 = 0.96) in soils. The slope of the linear relationship between δ34S and δ15N (δ34S = f(δ15N)) indicated that isotopic fractionation was almost 4 times higher for S than for N during transformations that occurred in soil. However, this difference might reflect a higher degree of openness of the S cycle compared to the N cycle rather than an isotope effect per se. Overall, the results suggest that N and S inputs significantly impact the isotope ratios and the concentrations of N and S in the soils, and that S and N were closely associated and subject to similar processes with the same isotopic effects throughout the soil profile. Contrary to most studies, δ34S-SO4 in stream water of the most northerly site with the lowest S deposition rate was significantly higher than δ34S-SO4 in atmospheric depositions but similar to the δ34S of the bulk mineral soil. It suggests that the mineral soil actually contributes a large portion of the stream S-SO4 for this site.  相似文献   

Brines in Cambrian sandstones and Ordovician dolostones of the St-Lawrence Lowlands at Bécancour, Québec, Canada were sampled for analysis of all stable noble gases in order to trace their origin and migration path, in addition to quantifying their residence time. Major ion chemistry indicates that the brines are of Na-Ca-Cl type, possibly derived from halite dissolution. 87Sr/86Sr ratios and Ca excess indicate prolonged interactions with silicate rocks of the Proterozoic Grenville basement or the Cambrian Potsdam sandstone. The brines constrain a 2-3% contribution of mantle 3He and large amounts of nucleogenic 21Ne and 38Ar and radiogenic 4He and 40Ar. 4He/40Ar and 21Ne/40Ar ratios, corrected for mass fractionation during incomplete brine degassing, are identical to their production ratios in rocks. The source of salinity (halite dissolution), plus the occurrence of large amounts of 40Ar in brines constrain the residence time of Bécancour brines as being older than the Cretaceous. Evaporites in the St-Lawrence Lowlands likely existed only during Devonian-Silurian time. Brines might result from infiltration of Devonian water leaching halite, penetrating into or below the deeper Cambrian-Ordovician aquifers. During the Devonian, the basin reached temperatures higher than 250 °C, allowing for thermal maturation of local gas-prone source rocks (Utica shales) and possibly facilitating the release of radiogenic 40Ar into the brines. The last thermal event that could have facilitated the liberation of 40Ar into fluids and contributed to mantle 3He is the Cretaceous Monteregian Hills magmatic episode. For residence times younger than the Cretaceous, it is difficult to find an appropriate source of salinity and of nucleogenic/radiogenic gases to the Bécancour brines.  相似文献   

Charcoal particles are widespread in terrestrial and lake environments of the northern temperate and boreal biomes where they are used to reconstruct past fire events and regimes. In this study, we used botanically identified and radiocarbon-dated charcoal macrofossils in mineral soils as a paleoecological tool to reconstruct past fire activity at the stand scale. Charcoal macrofossils buried in podzolic soils by tree uprooting were analyzed to reconstruct the long-term fire history of an old-growth deciduous forest in southern Québec. Charcoal fragments were sampled from the uppermost mineral soil horizons and identified based on anatomical characters. Spruce (Picea spp.) fragments dominated the charcoal assemblage, along with relatively abundant wood fragments of sugar maple (Acer saccharum) and birch (Betula spp.), and rare fragments of pine (Pinus cf. strobus) and white cedar (Thuja canadensis). AMS radiocarbon dates from 16 charcoal fragments indicated that forest fires were widespread during the early Holocene, whereas no fires were recorded from the mid-Holocene to present. The paucity of charcoal data during this period, however, does not preclude that a fire event of lower severity may have occurred. At least eight forest fires occurred at the study site between 10,400 and 6300 cal yr B.P., with a dominance of burned conifer trees between 10,400 and 9000 cal yr B.P. and burned conifer and deciduous trees between 9000 and 6300 cal yr B.P. Based on the charcoal record, the climate at the study site was relatively dry during the early Holocene, and more humid from 6300 cal yr B.P. to present. However, it is also possible that the predominance of conifer trees in the charcoal record between 10,400 and 6300 cal yr B.P. created propitious conditions for fire spreading. The charcoal record supports inferences based on pollen influx data (Labelle, C., Richard, P.J.H. 1981. Végétation tardiglaciaire et postglaciaire au sud-est du Parc des Laurentides, Québec. Géographie Physique et Quaternaire 35, 345-359) of the early arrival of spruce and sugar maple in the study area shortly after deglaciation. We conclude that macroscopic charcoal analysis of mineral soils subjected to disturbance by tree uprooting may be a useful paleoecological tool to reconstruct long-term forest fire history at the stand scale.  相似文献   

Regional-scale mapping of index-mineral isograds in mafic units of the early Proterozoic Cape Smith Thrust Belt (northern Québec) has revealed contrasting pressure-temperature regimes associated with two distinct structural domains. In the southern domain, crustal thickening was accomplished by early, piggy-back thrust faults. Isograds cross-cut the thrusts, indicating that thermal-peak mineral growth outlasted deformation associated with early imbrication. Mineral zones are: (1) actinolite (Act) + albite (Alb); (2) hornblende (Hbl) + Act + Alb; (3) Hbl + Act + oligoclase (Oli); (4) Hbl + Oli; and (5) garnet (Grt) or clinopyroxene + Hbl + Oli-andesine. The oligoclase isograd occurs at higher grade than the hornblende isograd, a sequence typical of medium-pressure terranes (5–7 kbar). An Hbl-Alb bathograd. calibrated from mixed-volatile equilibria in the NCMASH-CO2 model system, suggests minimum pressures of about 5.4 kbar. Metamorphism in the northern domain was a consequence of re-imbrication, by means of out-of-sequence thrust faults active during and after peak metamorphic conditions. Mineral growth was coeval with thrusting, as documented by the syn-kinematic garnet porphyroblasts. Compared to the southern domain, a different sequence of isograds in mafic rocks shows that the albite-oligoclase transition takes place in the garnet zone. Based on thermobarometry in garnet-hornblende rocks, the oligoclase isograd occurs in a temperature range of 525–600°C, typical of high-pressure terranes (7–10 kbar). Calibrated bathograds for the Hbl-Ms-Alb and Grt-Alb bathozonal assemblages, respectively in the KNCMASH-CO2 and NCMASH model systems, indicate minimum pressures in the northern domain of 6.7 and 8.5 kbar. Higher-pressure series for this domain are explained by out-of-sequence thrusts exposing deeper crustal levels. For similar structural levels, only minor amounts of syn-deformational uplift (1–2 kbar and 50–75°C) are recorded in metabasites of this domain, compared to results in adjacent metapelites of the area (essentially isothermal uplift of 3–5 kbar). RESUME La bande du Cap Smith (nord du Québec) est une ceinture de chevauchement d'ǎge protérozoique inférieur, dominée par des roches mafiques. La cartographie d'isogrades à minéraux indicateurs dans les unités mafiques de la ceinture a révelé deux régimes contrastes de pression–température, chacun associéà des épisodes distincts d'épaississement crustal. Dans le domaine sud, des failles de chevauchement en-série sont responsables pour l'empilement tectonique. Les isogrades recoupent les failles, indiquant que l'apogée thermale a suivi l'emplacement initial des nappes de charriage. Les zones minérales sont: (1) actinote (Act) + albite (Alb); 2) hornblende (Hbl) + Act + Alb; (3) Hbl + Act + oligoclase (Oli); 4) Hbl + Oli; et (5) grenat (Grt) où clinopyroxene + Hbl + Oli-andésine. L'isograde d'oligoclase apparaǐt à plus haute température que l'isograde d'hornblende, une séquence typique des terrains de pressions moyennes. Un bathograde Hbl–Alb, calibréà partir d'équilibre mixte de volatiles dans le système NCMASH–CO2, suggère des pressions minimales d'environ 5.4 kbar. Le métamorphisme dans le domaine nord de la ceinture a été le résultat d'une réimbrication, causé par des chevauchements hors-série actifs pendant et après l'apogée thermale. La croissance minérale fǔt synchrone au chevauchement, documentée par des porphyroblastes de grenat syn-cinénatique. Comparé au domaine sud, une différente séquence d'isogrades dans les métabasaltes montre que la transition albite–oligoclase se situé dans la zone à grenat. Par la thermobarométrie dans les roches à grenat–hornblende l'isograde d'oligoclase se situe dans un écart de température de 525–600°C, typique des terrains de hautes pressions (7–10 kbar). Des bathogrades calibrés pour les assemblages bathozonales Hbl–Ms–Alb et Grt–Alb, rcspectivement dans les systèmes KNCMASH–CO2 et NCMASH, indique des pression minimales pour le domaine nord de 6.7 et 8.5 kbar. Une zonégraphie à plus haute pression pour ce domaine est expliquée par des chevauchements hors-série exposant des niveaux plus inférieurs de la croǔte imbriqué. Pour des niveaux structuraux similaries, des soulèvements syn-métamorphiques mineurs sont enregistrés dans les métabasaltes (1–2 kbar et 50–75°C), comparés aux métapélites adjacentes avec un soulèvement (essentially isothermal uplift of 3–5 kbar.  相似文献   

A 12km long terrace along the estuary of the Grande Rivière de la Baleine, northern Québec (5517'N, 7747'W), has been locally modified by seven large landslides during the last 3,20014 C years. The oldest undated landslide occurred between 3,200 B.P(formation of the upper terrace) and 2,200B.P., i.e. the radio carbon age of the second oldest landslide. The third one occurred around 900B.P. sometime before peat started to accumulate on the flowbowl floor. The more recent landslides were dendrochronologically dated. They were formed in less than 30 years, i.e. in 1818 (2 synchronous landslides), 1839 and 1846 A.D. These 19th-century landslides were dated through a comparative analysis of growth curves derived from buried trees found in the flowing sediments or from tilted and cut trees, with the regional master chronologies and the northern Québec light-ring chronology, using more specifically the 1816 and 1817 light-ring years. The 1818 landslides occurred during the growing season (July), whereas the 1839 and 1846 landslides were formed during spring. The occurrence of numerous landslides during this short period seems to be related to sustained cool and humid climatic conditions that may have enhanced the subsoil water content.  相似文献   

The Charlevoix region, in southeastern Québec, is characterized by a dramatic landscape formed by the junction of the Laurentian Highlands, the Charlevoix Astrobleme and the St Lawrence Estuary. At the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM), the region was completely covered by the Laurentide Ice Sheet (LIS). The complex topography of the region was the stage of many of the major deglacial events of southern Quebec (e.g. Goldthwait Sea Invasion, St Lawrence Ice‐Stream, Saint‐Narcisse Episode). We present a detailed reconstruction of the pattern of retreat of the LIS in the Charlevoix region based on the interpretation of ice‐marginal features (e.g. moraines, fans) and glaciolacustrine landforms and deposits, two extensive field campaigns, and the interpretation of high‐resolution 3D digital aerial photographs and LiDAR data. Our results indicate five moraine complexes in the region: the Rochette, the Brûlée, the Sainte‐Anne, the Saint‐Narcisse and the Mars‐Batiscan complexes. Deltas, fans, fine‐grained sediments, littoral deposits, drainage breaches and deposits were used to identify 91 palaeo‐proglacial lakes. The identification of these lakes and their relation to moraine complexes enabled the reconstruction of six stages of lake development during the Charlevoix deglaciation. The development of proglacial lakes occurred in all types of terrain (highlands, lowlands, transitory levels above marine limit). We conclude that local topography had a decisive effect on promoting both moraine deposition and lake development. We suggest that similar topographical regions (hilly‐mountainous) that were affected by major ice‐margin stabilizations during glacial retreat should have experience small lakes dominating valleys and topographical lows.  相似文献   

Dispersal patterns of indicator rocks in central Gaspésie reveal that glacial debris is entrained in a basal debris-rich zone of shearing where clast diffusion takes place. The Grand-Volume Till forms a thin till sheet over the high plateaus of Gaspésie Peninsula and resulted from a succession of two Wisconsinan ice flows of distinct orientations (SSE and NE). The lithological composition of this till determined by pebble counts and the three-dimensional dispersal patterns of indicator rocks in it suggest that debris transport occurred principally by simple shear deformation of glacial debris. In addition, the intermixing of clasts at the intersection of two lithologically distinct dispersal trains of SSE and NE orientations, respectively, suggests that extensive mixing takes place during shearing. Physical interactions among the clasts lead to both upward and downward movements which cause the clasts to diffuse across the zone of shearing. This process of shear-diffusion results in continuous incorporation and mixing of the newly encountered rock types during glacial transport.  相似文献   

Ar/Ar thermochronology on 24 hornblendes, 3 biotites, 2 muscovites and 2 K-feldspars, collected along a 400 km-long NW-SE geotraverse through the Grenville Province in western Québec, is employed to provide time constraints on the intermediate and low temperature stages of cooling of part of the Grenville orogen. In the Grenville Front zone, the c. 1000 Ma time of exhumation previously established from thermobarometric and isotopic studies, is supported by the hornblende age data presented here. From 60 km to 160 km SE of the Front, reworked Archaean migmatites of the parautochthonous Réservoir Dozois terrane (RDT; 1004 Ma-old metamorphic monazites) contain hornblendes with 972– 950 Ma cooling ages. Assuming metamorphic geotherms between 25 and 30 °C km?1, calculated cooling and unroofing rates are about 6 °C Ma?1 and 0.33 km Ma?1 in the P–T range 725 °C–800 MPa and 450 °C–400 MPa. Hornblendes from monocyclic rocks of the Mont-Laurier and Morin terranes (MLT and MT; monazite ages c. 1165 Ma) give ages of about 1040 and 1010 Ma, respectively. Calculation of cooling-unroofing rates from peak metamorphic conditions in this area is hampered by thermal perturbations associated with the still poorly dated Grenville collision which took place approximately between 1060 and 1020 Ma. Cooling ages of c. 900 Ma for muscovite and biotite and 860–810 Ma for K-feldspar, show that cooling rates decreased to around 1.5 °C Ma?1 under retrograde greenschist facies conditions in the MLT. On a time vs. distance diagram, the hornblende data define several distinct age ranges, suggesting that each terrane had a characteristic thermal history. Thus, cooling was diachronous and probably non-homogeneous throughout this segment of the Grenville orogen. The time-lag between the cooling history of the parautochthon (972–950 Ma) and the allochthons (1040–1010 Ma) is compatible with an earlier (pre-1040 Ma) peak of metamorphism in the allochthons. The Réservoir Cabonga allochthon was transported toward the NNW from its probable root zone in the MLT during the 1060–1020 Ma Grenvillian collision as a partially cooled slab. The remobilization of the Archaean parautochthon is attributed to this collision. In the Grenville Front zone, slightly older cooling ages and cooling rates initially faster than in the remaining part of the parautochthon are probably as a result of rapid (tectonic?) exhumation shortly after collision. The minor delay (20–30 Ma) in unroofing of the MT compared to the adjacent MLT is most likely related to post-1040 Ma extensional displacement along the Labelle shear zone. In terranes like those described above where metamorphism is diachronous, determination of cooling rates and the history of exhumation may be meaningless without a firm control on the regional structure. However, identification of contrasting cooling histories contributes to unravelling the independent movement of terranes.  相似文献   

Asian dustfall in the St. Elias Mountains, Yukon, Canada   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In April 2001, a major atmospheric dustfall event occurred in the St. Elias Mountains, Yukon Territory, Canada. Field samples were collected and analyzed for particle size, mineralogy, chemical composition and Sr, Nd and Pb isotopes. Dusts found above ∼3000 m had their source in the Gobi desert region of northern China and Inner Mongolia, and were transported to the Yukon following a series of major dust storms that took place in early April. Dusts found below 3000 m had local (Yukon) or mixed source(s). The Asian dusts had a modal volume diameter of ∼4 μm typical of far-traveled mineral aerosols. However larger (>10 μm) particles were also found at ∼5000 m, suggesting a very rapid trans-Pacific transport in the mid-troposphere. We estimate that the April 2001 event deposited from 5500 to 6335 tons of dust over an area of 21,000 km2 in the southwestern Yukon, most of which probably fell within a week. Our findings are consistent with instrumental observations and model simulations of the April 2001 event. While the dust cloud was reportedly mixed with volatile pollutants from Asia, we found no evidence of metal pollution associated with the dustfall in the Yukon. Our findings contribute to clarify the dynamics and the geochemical impact of Asian dust long-range transport events, and to better estimate eolian fluxes of dustborne elements (e.g., Fe) to the Ocean associated with such events. They may also assist in identifying past Asian dust events in ice cores drilled from the St. Elias Mountains icefields, to develop a long-term record of their frequency, magnitude and source(s).  相似文献   

Morphological and vegetation mapping and stratigraphic studies were carried out on a 60 by 250 m low–centered polygon field on a flood–plain of the Riviére Deception in the continuous permafrost zone of northernmost Ungava. Analyses of grain size, water and ice content, deformation structures, and macrorests were carried out on drill–core samples, up to a maximum depth of 3.19 m, and radiocarbon dates were obtained from several peat horizons. Five different vegetational habits were identified: uplifted banks, ice–wedge fissures, hummocky centres, wet polygon centres, and water ponds. The stratigraphic analyses revealed many sand layers and organic layers, alternating with a few layers of segregated ice. In the raises banks, brown fen peats represent former wet conditions prior to bank uplift. Total ice volumes of the core samples from polygon centres and banks averaged 60%, and were generally in the form of pore ice. Segregated ice was concentrated in ice wedges. The Low gradient of the polygon field and the shallow active layer are responsible for impded drainage. The origins of this isolated low–centred polygon field are discussed in terms of special local terrain conditions. River flooding since glacio–isostatic emergence at 6000 BP repeatedly spread alluvial sands onto the low flood–plain, which thus became progressively built up to its present elevation. Peat layers buried by these alluvial sands have permitted the changing local drainage conditions to be radiocarbon–dated for the last 2600 years for the core sites. Impeded drainage, low winter temperatures, probable thin snow cover, rapid sedimentation of flood–plain sands, and high volumetric ice contents have created the critical thermal regime necessary for repeated frost cracking in a polygonal pattern, with concomitant ice–wedge dev–elopment. Ice wedges developed at least as early as 2200 BP, causing the formation of low banks. Further growth of ice wedges deformed the peat and sand layers on the bank margins and led to the rise of the latter to heights of 0.5 to 1 m above the intervening low wet polygon centres. More water was then collected in the depressions, leading to a transformations of the vegetation cover from mossy heath to sphagnum bog, wet fen, sedge-covered ponds, and eventually in some cases to open-water pools. The stratigraphic evidence suggests that several generations of high banks formed and disappeared and that their position has changed. Deformation by continued ice–wedge growth has been insignificant since 1000 BP, However. A relatively thick surface peat layer also indicates that sand layers have not been contributed to the polygon field by flooding since ? 500 BP.  相似文献   

Unexpectedly high pollen concentrations characterize the basal, silty part of the postglacial sediments accumulated in two lakes from the Cratère du Nouveau-Quebéc area, Ungava. These lacustrine silts and their pollen content result from early postglacial washing of a pollen bearing till. The till must therefore ahve incorporated pollen that relates to events prior to the last glacial event. The matrix of the till deposits surrounding the lakes shows outstandingly high pollen concentrations. It is hypothesized that because of the proximity of the ice divide during the last (and earlier) ice advance(s) in Ungava, the previously depoisited till and the pollen that haad accumulated in its matrix during the interglacial interval(s) were preserved in relict till plains or recycled into the till of teh last glaciation. The crater's age has been established at 1.4 Ma and holds a minimum thickness of 95 m of sediments. It is very likely filled with successive tills or related glacigenic deposits perhaps representing the whole length of time since the crater was formed. Alike the most recent till, these deposits should pollen. there is thus the prospect ofr a 1.4 Ma old pollen record for Ungava.  相似文献   

In the central Minto Block of northern Québec, the Lake Minto and Goudalie domains are dominated, respectively, by orthopyroxene-bearing plutonic suites (granite-granodiorite and diatexite) and a tonalitic gneiss complex, both of which contain scattered remnant paragneisses. Two main granulite-grade mineral assemblages are observed in the paragneiss: garnet (Grt)-orthopyroxene (Opx)-plagioclase-quartz (GOPQ) and garnet (Grt)-cordierite (Crd)-sillimanite-plagioclase-quartz (GCSPQ). These show distinct lithological associations, with the GCSPQ assemblages occurring exclusively within the diatexite in the Lake Minto domain. Petrogenetic grid considerations demonstrate that the GOPQ rocks are higher grade than the GCSPQ rocks. Maximum temperatures for GOPQ rocks, obtained from equilibria based on Al solubility in orthopyroxene in equilibrium with garnet, range from 950 to 1000d? C, significantly higher than garnet-orthopyroxene Fe-Mg exchange temperatures of 700 ± 50d? C, the latter probably representing a closure temperature below peak conditions. The Al temperatures were corrected for late cation exchange by adjusting the Fe/(Fe + Mg) ratios in garnet and orthopyroxene, to achieve internal consistency between the GOPQ thermometers and barometers. Grt-Crd thermometry records temperatures of 750±50d? C. Peak P-T conditions range from 5-6 kbar and 750-800d? C in the Goudalie and eastern Lake Minto domains, to 7-10 kbar and 950-1000d? C in the western and central Lake Minto domain. This variability contrasts with the uniform crustal pressures of 5 ± 1 kbar recorded by the GCSPQ assemblages in the diatexites and the hornblende granodiorites (c. 4-5 kbar) across the same area. The GOPQ rocks are inferred to record earlier P-T conditions that prevailed before the formation of GCSPQ assemblages and the intrusion of the granodiorites. Partial P-T paths in GOPQ rocks from both domains, based on net transfer equilibria corrected for Fe-Mg resetting, document cooling of 100-250d? C from thermal-peak conditions, concomitant with a modest pressure decrease of 2-3 kbar. Although textures diagnostic of isobaric cooling are not developed, the paths are consistent with a tectonic model in which granulite metamorphism and crustal thickening in the Minto Block were consequences of magmatic underplating. The progression from higher P-T conditions recorded by GOPQ assemblages to lower P-T conditions recorded by GCSPQ assemblages is attributed to variable amounts of synmagmatic uplift and cooling in a single, continuous thermal event in the Minto crust, associated with protracted crustal magmatism. In the Goudalie and eastern Lake Minto domains, where GOPQ and GCSPQ rocks and Hbl granodiorites have similar P-T conditions of equilibration, the crust may not have been thickened as much as further west, where GOPQ P-T conditions are significantly higher than those of the hornblende granodiorites and the GCSPQ rocks.  相似文献   

Differentiating between forced regressive deposits from deglacial periods in high latitude domains and forced regressive deposits from the onset of glacial periods in low latitude domains is fundamental for the accurate interpretation of glacial cycles within the geological record and then for the reconstruction of palaeogeography and palaeo‐climate. A forced regressive deglacial sequence is documented from the Lake Saint‐Jean basin (Québec, Canada). In this area, the Late Pleistocene to Holocene sediments have recorded the Laurentide ice sheet retreat accompanied by the invasion of marine waters (Laflamme Gulf) from ca 12·9 cal kyr bp . Subsequently, fluvio‐deltaic and coastal prograding wedges were deposited; they followed the base‐level fall due to glacio‐isostatic rebound. This succession, representing a transition from glacial to post‐glacial periods within a previously glaciated area, was investigated through recent mapping, preserved landforms, facies analysis, and new optical stimulated luminescence and radiocarbon dates. Three basin‐scale geological sections share a common lower part made of isolated ice‐contact fan deposits overlying bedrock. Throughout the entire basin, ice‐contact fans are capped by glacimarine muds. Above, fluvial and coastal prograding systems were deposited and evolved through four steps: (i) deltaic systems progressively increased in width; (ii) coastal influence on sedimentation increased; (iii) hydrographic drainage systems became more organised; and (iv) deltas graded from steep (Gilbert delta) to low‐angle foresets (mouth‐bar delta). Deposited during the base‐level fall from glacio‐isostatic rebound, the complete succession has been designated as a single falling stage system tract referred to as a deglacial falling stage system tract. It is representative of a deglaciation sequence in areas previously covered by ice during glacial periods (i.e. medium to high latitude domains). Diagnostic criteria are provided to identify such a deglacial falling stage system tract in the geological record, which may aid identification of previously unknown glacial cycles.  相似文献   

Wetlands are valued for their high biodiversity and for their ecosystem services. However, we still do have a poor understanding of their role in the redox transformation of contaminants such as mercury, particularly in fluvial settings. Seasonal and spatial variations in dissolved gaseous mercury (DGM) distribution and production were studied in the Bay St. François, a wetland in the St. Pierre Lake, a fluvial lake of the St. Lawrence River, in Quebec, Canada. A high spatial resolution for DGM, with samples taken every 10-cm depth, was used in field measurements. Through a series of parallel field and incubation experiments, we assessed the main factors determining Hg(0) transformations as a function of depth, seasons, and presence/absence of macrophyte beds. Besides light penetration in the water column and water temperature, iron and dissolved organic carbon likely stimulated Hg(II) reduction. Inversely, chloride favored Hg(0) oxidation. Macrophytes and associated epiphytes appeared to be important sites of adsorption/absorption of Hg(II) and likely of DGM. It seems however that the effects of macrophytes were restricted to immediately adjacent waters. Near the bottom, under anoxic conditions, the reduction of Hg(II) was highly promoted. In addition, sediments and decomposing macrophytes seemed to release DGM and/or reducible Hg to bottom waters. Overall, differences in DGM between surface and bottom waters tended to be more accentuated than observed differences in DGM between macrophyte beds and sites devoid of plant.  相似文献   

Garnet–biotite–(sillimanite) gneiss (~700 °C, 7 kbar) of the Otter Lake area in the Western Grenville Province (Canadian Shield) occurs as granitic gneiss (group 4) that forms a large part of the Otter Complex, and as widely distributed, more heterogenous metasedimentary gneiss (group 2). In one sample of group 4 gneiss (Qtz25 Pl34 Kfs28 Bt10 Grt2.5 Sil1) the true diameter (determined by serial grinding) of subhedral garnet crystals ranges from 0.2 to 3.0 mm, with a mode at 1.0 mm. Nearest‐neighbour measurements in this sample, and in surfaces of nine additional samples (all <5% garnet) confirm that garnet crystals are distributed mainly at random; slight clustering was detected in two samples. In one sample of group 4 gneiss, microprobe analyses on sections through crystal centres (obtained by serial slicing), reveal that small crystals and margins to large crystals contain more Fe and Mn and less Mg than the broad central regions of large crystals. Based on these and previous results, together with theoretical considerations, a crystallization model is proposed, in which, (i) garnet was produced by the continuous reaction, Ms + Bt + Qtz → Grt + Kfs + H2O, (ii) nucleation occurred by the random selection of randomly distributed Ms–Bt–Qtz triple junctions, (iii) the rate of linear growth remained constant, and (iv) as temperature increased, the rate of nucleation first increased slowly, then remained nearly constant, and finally declined. Within‐population compositional homogenization was followed, on cooling, by local Fe–Mg–Mn exchange with biotite.  相似文献   

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