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深地层注浆固化核废料场地的地应力变化趋势是评估其安全性的重要参考之一。作者介绍了为某深地层注浆固化处置中放核废液工程而进行的实孔法深层三向相对应力测量的有关情况。分析了封井介质与周围岩体介质性质差异对应力测量数据的影响。从分析的结果看,要得到比较真实的应力信息,考虑介质性质差异对测量数据的修正是非常必要的。  相似文献   

The Killari earthquake of September 29, 1993 (Mw=6.2) in peninsular India triggered several aftershocks that were recorded by a network of 21 stations. We computed the change in regional static stress caused by coseismic slip on the earthquake rupture and correlated it with the aftershocks with a view to constrain some of the rupture parameters of this earthquake. We evaluated the six available estimates of fault plane solutions for this earthquake and concluded that reverse slip on a 42° dipping, N112° trending fault, which extends up to the surface from a depth of 7 km, produces maximum correlation between the increased static stress and aftershock distribution. Our analysis suggests that the majority of coseismic slip occurred on the part of the rupture that lies in the depth range of 3–6.5 km.  相似文献   

Assuming a relation of “b” to stress state, the possibility of globe-wide stress variation and transmission was investigated. The NOAA earthquake data file served to determine the temporal change in “b” of log N = abM from 1963 to 1975.Periods of six to eight years are observed in the b-values (stress pattern) for most circum-Pacific areas (South America, Tonga, Kermadec, New Hebrides, Kamchatka and Eastern Aleutians).In the Kurils, fore- and aftershock sequences of large earthquakes seem to mask any characteristic global pattern that might exist. These sequences exhibit low b-values (high stress) through the time of foreshocks and early stages of aftershocks, followed by rapid increase in b-values (decrease in stress).Use of a worldwide earthquake data file clearly yields less resolution of the temporal “b” variation than the use of local network studies published by other authors.Incidental to the study, 1124 earthquakes of the NOAA data file yield the Msmb relations: Ms = 1.16mb − 0.835 for 4.5 mb 6 and: log10Ms = 0.1432mb − 0.0629 formb > 6 with correlative coefficients of 0.994 and 0.992 respectively.  相似文献   

We investigated space-time lithospheric stress patterns of the Baikal rift system according to the hierarchy of earthquakes using mechanisms of 265 KP  10 events recorded from 1950 to 1998 and seismic moments of 802 KP  11 events from 1968 to 1994. The lithosphere of the region was confirmed to undergo rifting with mostly normal-slip events, while local areas of frequent strike-slip and reverse motions may record stress heterogeneity. The dominance of rifting, although being evident in the stress dynamics, is unstable, which is indicated by increase in strike-slip and reverse motions to as many as normal slip events in the latest 1980s–earliest 1990s. The lithospheric stress patterns inferred from seismic-moment data are generally consistent with those derived from the classical focal mechanism method. The suggested approach of seismic zoning according to earthquake slip geometry may provide a more reliable background for successful mitigation of seismic hazard in the region.  相似文献   

The kinetics of coalification are still debatable; the role of time has not been conclusively assigned. If accepting the importance of time, we have not reached consensus in formulation of the kinetics.Here we show that estimation of burial depth is possible under some conditions using vitrinite reflectance neither with computation of a specific kinetic equation of organic metamorphism nor with postulating plausible geothermal gradients of the past. The present technique is based only on empirical linear relations between vitrinite reflectance and burial depth, and is demonstrated to be effective for investigation of syn-depositional tectonics. The authors applied the technique to Miocene coals of the Chichibu Basin, Central Japan, and this study indicates that the sedimentary basin was formed by tilting of the basement rocks.  相似文献   

Tiwari  R. K.  Krishnaveni  P. 《Natural Hazards》2014,70(1):51-68
Risk reduction as an outcome only takes place if results of risk estimation studies are used to develop action plans for risk-management and risk-reduction strategies. This paper describes an automated model that uses the output of existing earthquake loss estimation methodologies to support decision makers in evaluating a set of competing seismic mitigation strategies and exploring their impact in reducing socio-economic losses of urban settlements. The proposed model is structured to quantify the monetary value of earthquake losses and to find an optimal budget allocation assigned to each mitigation strategy based on user input. The optimization method takes into account both pre- and post-earthquake expenditures, such as costs of building upgrades, critical facility enhancement, temporary shelter provisions, debris removal, hospitalization and human casualty. The system consists of five main modules: (1) building damage function; (2) mitigated damage function; (3) cost estimation function; (4) optimization function; and (5) user interface function. Whereas the optimization function provides the optimal values assigned to each mitigation alternative based on the estimated costs and a defined budget, the user interface allows the decision maker to interact with the software in each step and plan mitigation strategies that best suit the user’s socio-economic requirements and limitations. The outputs of the proposed model are presented with respect to an application in a pilot study area within a vulnerable city district of Tehran, Iran.  相似文献   

Analysis of over 1400 earthquakes in the North Island of New Zealand from 1955 to 1969, comprising all shocks with ml ? 4.3 for shallow, and ML ? 4.0 for deep events, reveals several empirical relationships between the depth and the equivalent radius of the area occupied by shocks, the number and density of the shocks, and the coefficient b and the maximum magnitude. The coefficient b increases linearly with depth from 1.0 for shallow earthquakes to 1.4 for those at a depth of 120 km, and then decreases to 0.75 at 300—350 km. The variation with depth shows clear inverse correlation with the distribution of maximum stress along the downgoing slab, calculated for several slab models by Smith and Toksöz. Similarly, the maximum magnitude at different depths correlates distinctly with the distribution of the principal stress. Time variations of the coefficient b and the rate of earthquake occurrence, for both shallow and deep earthquakes, have an oscillatory character, with a period of 7–8 years. These variations also imply that shallow and deep seismicity are mutually dependent.  相似文献   

The Geological Survey of India (GSI) established a twelve-station temporary microearthquake (MEQ) network to monitor the aftershocks in the epicenter area of the Bhuj earthquake (M w7.5) of 26th January 2001. The main shock occurred in the Kutch rift basin with the epicenter to the north of Bhachao village, at an estimated depth of 25 km (IMD). About 3000 aftershocks (M d ≥ 1.0), were recorded by the GSI network over a monitoring period of about two and half months from 29th January 2001 to 15th April 2001. About 800 aftershocks (M d ≥ 2.0) are located in this study. The epicenters are clustered in an area 60 km × 30 km, between 23.3‡N and 23.6‡N and 70‡E and 70.6‡E. The main shock epicenter is also located within this zone. Two major aftershock trends are observed; one in the NE direction and other in the NW direction. Out of these two trends, the NE trend was more pronounced with depth. The major NE-SW trend is parallel to the Anjar-Rapar lineament. The other trend along NW-SE is parallel to the Bhachao lineament. The aftershocks at a shallower depth (<10km) are aligned only along the NW-SE direction. The depth slice at 10 km to 20 km shows both the NE-SW trend and the NW-SE trend. At greater depth (20 km–38 km) the NE-SW trend becomes more predominant. This observation suggests that the major rupture of the main shock took place at a depth level more than 20 km; it propagated along the NE-SW direction, and a conjugate rupture followed the NW-SE direction. A N-S depth section of the aftershocks shows that some aftershocks are clustered at shallower depth ≤ 10 km, but intense activity is observed at 15–38 km depth. There is almost an aseismic layer at 10–15 km depth. The activity is sparse below 38 km. The estimated depth of the main shock at 25 km is consistent with the cluster of maximum number of the aftershocks at 20–38 km. A NW-SE depth section of the aftershocks, perpendicular to the major NE-SW trend, indicates a SE dipping plane and a NE-SW depth section across the NW-SE trend shows a SW dipping plane. The epicentral map of the stronger aftershocksM ≥ 4.0 shows a prominent NE trend. Stronger aftershocks have followed the major rupture trend of the main shock. The depth section of these stronger aftershocks reveals that it occurred in the depth range of 20 to 38 km, and corroborates with a south dipping seismogenic plane.  相似文献   

Systematic inversion of double couple focal mechanisms of shallow earthquakes in the northern Andes reveals relatively homogeneous patterns of crustal stress in three main regions. The first region, presently under the influence of the Caribbean plate, includes the northern segment of the Eastern Cordillera of Colombia and the western flank of the Central Cordillera (north of 4°N). It is characterized by WNW–ESE compression of dominantly reverse type that deflects to NW–SE in the Merida Andes of Venezuela, where it becomes mainly strike–slip in type. A major bend of the Eastern thrust front of the Eastern Cordillera, near its junction with the Merida Andes, coincides with a local deflection of the stress regime (SW–NE compression), suggesting local accommodation of the thrust belt to a rigid indenter in this area. The second region includes the SW Pacific coast of Colombia and Ecuador, currently under the influence of the Nazca plate. In this area, approximately E–W compression is mainly reverse in type. It deflects to WSW–ENE in the northern Andes south of 4°N, where it is accommodated by right-lateral displacement of the Romeral fault complex and the Eastern front of the northern Andes. The third, and most complex, region is the area of the triple junction between the South American, Nazca and Caribbean plates. It reveals two major stress regimes, both mainly strike–slip in type. The first regime involves SW–NE compression related to the interaction between the Nazca and Caribbean plates and the Panama micro-plate, typically accommodated in an E–W left-lateral shear zone. The second regime involves NW–SE compression, mainly related to the interaction between the Caribbean plate and the North Andes block which induces left-lateral displacement on the Uramita and Romeral faults north of 4°N.Deep seismicity (about 150–170 km) concentrates in the Bucaramanga nest and Cauca Valley areas. The inversion reveals a rather homogeneous attitude of the minimum stress axis, which dips towards the E. This extension is consistent with the present plunge of the Nazca and Caribbean slabs, suggesting that a broken slab may be torn under gravitational stresses in the Bucaramanga nest. This model is compatible with current blocking of the subduction in the western northern Andes, inhibiting the eastward displacement of slabs, which are forced to break and sink in to the asthenosphere under their own weight.  相似文献   

Sediments from Guanabara Bay and two rivers were analyzed for Pb isotope composition. The results define linear groups interpreted as different sources of Pb. The samples from Iriri and Surui rivers present different Pb compositions probably resulting from two active pollutants which are transported in the waters to the Guanabara Bay, where they are mixed. The 206Pb/207Pb values of 1.151 and 1.091 presented here are in the range of Brazilian galena ore signature.  相似文献   

为了进一步了解扎鲁特盆地晚古生界林西组的空间发育状况,评价林西组的油气资源前景,在扎鲁特盆地部署完成了多条大地电磁测深(MT)剖面和音频大地电磁测深(AMT)剖面.根据大地电磁测深结果分析了扎鲁特盆地林西组的残留厚度、埋藏深度及平面展布状况,表明扎鲁特盆地深部林西组十分发育.依据其残留厚度可进一步划分为“三坳两隆”5个次级分区,即:北部坳陷区、中部隆起区、中部坳陷区、南部隆起区和南部坳陷区.林西组在3个坳陷区的发育规模较大,中部坳陷区的面积最大.超过300km2.坳陷区内残留厚度普遍超过1000m,底界埋深平均超过1200m,并被早中生界地层所覆盖.结合其它资料综合分析认为,扎鲁特盆地林西组具有寻找页岩气等非常规油气资源的潜力.  相似文献   

The enhancement of dissolution of quartz under the influence of clays has been recognized in sandstones for many years. It is well known that a grain of quartz in contact with a clay flake dissolves faster than when in contact with another grain of quartz. This phenomenon promotes silica transfer during the diagenesis of sandstones and is responsible of deformation and porosity variations. Here we make an attempt to explain the process of this rock deformation using a pressure solution mechanism.

The model of water film diffusion assumes that matter is dissolved inside the contact between two grains. The resulting solutes are transported to the pore fluid through diffusion along an adsorbed water film. Between two micas, this trapped film is thicker than between two grains of quartz. As a consequence diffusion is easier and the rate of pressure solution faster.

Experiments on pressure solution show that diffusion controls the mechanism at great depth whereas a model based on natural mica indentation indicates that kinetics is the limiting process through the precipitation rate of quartz at low depth, thus temperature is a crucial parameter. There should be a transition between thermally controlled rate and diffusion limited evolution.  相似文献   

Holocene beachrocks of Northeast Brazil are composed predominantly of quartz (90%) with minor carbonate fragments (6% algal detritus) and feldspars (4%). The cement shows three textural varieties: (1) calciferous, surrounding siliciclastic grains; (2) micritic, with an acicular fringe; and (3) cryptocrystalline calcite in pores. Sandstone structures and composition show evidence of submerged and low-energy beaches. Cement is formed by ~20 mol% MgCO3; the δ13C in cement ranges from ?1.3‰ to +3.5‰ PDB and δ18O varies from ?2.1 to +1.2‰PDB. The cement was precipitated under high CO2 pressure, as a result of the interaction of CaCO3? saturated seawater and nonsaturated groundwater, in a beach environment.  相似文献   

Neoproterozoic to Cambrian ultrapotassic (K2O up to 13 wt%) peralkalic alkali-feldspar-rich syenitic plutons were emplaced along the boundary between the Cachoeirinha-Salgueiro and Alto Pajeu tectonostratigraphic terranes of the Borborema structural province, northeastern Brazil. Syenite and alkalic pyroxenitic magmas coexisted in these plutons, which locally carry mica pyroxenite xenoliths. In the Triunfo batholith, the largest peralkalic pluton in the region, syenites and alkalic pyroxenites have high pyroxene-corrected δ18O values (+8.1 to + 8.5‰SMOW in the syenite and +7.6 to + 7.7‰ in the alkalic pyroxenite), high δ34S (+12.3‰CDT in syenite and + 11.2‰CDT in alkalic pyroxenite), high initial 87Sr/86Sr ratios (0.7098, syenite and alkalic pyroxenite data lying on the same Rb-Sr isochron), and low εNd (?15.3 to ?17.2 in syenite and ?16.1 in pyroxenite). Whole-rock δ18OSMOW for mica pyroxenite xenoliths varies from +7.5 to +8.0‰SMOW. Syenite, alkalic pyroxenite, and xenoliths all are enriched in large-ion lithophile elements (LILE). These geochemical and isotopic signatures suggest that the magmas were derived from an incompatible-element-enriched mantle source; this protolith probably resulted from hybridization by addition of crustal material via subduction at ~2.4 Ga, as estimated from Nd model ages. Partial melting of metasomatized material and magma emplacement at a late stage of the Brasiliano Orogeny (566 Ma) were controlled by mantle-deep shear zones during the amalgamation of the Cachoeirinha-Salgueiro and Alto Pajeu terranes.  相似文献   

赵红 《地球科学进展》2011,26(11):1233-1233
《科学》杂志网络版新近发表(9月15日)的一项有关地球碳循环地学证据的研究结果表明地球碳循环的广度和深度超过此前的预期,碳循环过程不仅覆盖地球表面,而且可以深入地球深部。  相似文献   

Greek intermediate‐depth earthquakes, occurring in the subducted plate of the Hellenic Arc, are felt at greater distances than expected, reaching Italy in some cases. We study in detail macroseismic intensity data from intermediate‐depth Italian and Greek earthquakes collected from Internet users who felt the shaking in Italy. The huge amount of data allowed us to outline the felt/not‐felt limit and to find a correspondence between attenuation areas and the presence of asthenospheric material at shallow depths. We show that plate boundaries, known to produce the majority of earthquakes, are, in some specific cases, the boundaries of areas in which earthquakes are felt. The Ionian subducted lithosphere propagates seismic waves with low attenuation over large distances, whereas high‐attenuation zones in Italy, linked to asthenospheric upwelling, limit the propagation, as evidenced also by PGA values. We identify a typical pattern that can be used to recognize intermediate‐depth earthquakes, and to properly locate historical events.  相似文献   

We performed a series of piston-cylinder experiments on a synthetic pelite starting material over a pressure and temperature range of 3.0–5.0 GPa and 1,100–1,600°C, respectively, to examine the melting behaviour and phase relations of sedimentary rocks at upper mantle conditions. The anhydrous pelite solidus is between 1,150 and 1,200°C at 3.0 GPa and close to 1,250°C at 5.0 GPa, whereas the liquidus is likely to be at 1,600°C or higher at all investigated pressures, giving a large melting interval of over 400°C. The subsolidus paragenesis consists of quartz/coesite, feldspar, garnet, kyanite, rutile, ±clinopyroxene ±apatite. Feldspar, rutile and apatite are rapidly melted out above the solidus, whereas garnet and kyanite are stable to high melt fractions (>70%). Clinopyroxene stability increases with increasing pressure, and quartz/coesite is the sole liquidus phase at all pressures. Feldspars are relatively Na-rich [K/(K + Na) = 0.4–0.5] at 3.0 GPa, but are nearly pure K-feldspar at 5.0 GPa. Clinopyroxenes are jadeite and Ca-eskolaite rich, with jadeite contents increasing with pressure. All supersolidus experiments produced alkaline dacitic melts with relatively constant SiO2 and Al2O3 contents. At 3.0 GPa, initial melting is controlled almost exclusively by feldspar and quartz, giving melts with K2O/Na2O ~1. At 4.0 and 5.0 GPa, low-fraction melting is controlled by jadeite-rich clinopyroxene and K-rich feldspar, which leads to compatible behaviour of Na and melts with K2O/Na2O ≫ 1. Our results indicate that sedimentary protoliths entrained in upwelling heterogeneous mantle domains may undergo melting at greater depths than mafic lithologies to produce ultrapotassic dacitic melts. Such melts are expected to react with and metasomatise the surrounding peridotite, which may subsequently undergo melting at shallower levels to produce compositionally distinct magma types. This scenario may account for many of the distinctive geochemical characteristics of EM-type ocean island magma suites. Moreover, unmelted or partially melted sedimentary rocks in the mantle may contribute to some seismic discontinuities that have been observed beneath intraplate and island-arc volcanic regions.  相似文献   

Migmatitic granulites and arc-related felsic intrusives of Pan-Africanage form the bedrock in the Rio de Janeiro area, SE Brazil.These rocks preserve a partial record of three parageneses.The earliest assemblage (M1) grew during fabric formation inthe rocks (D1) and is characterized by the mineral assemblagePl + Bt + Sil + Kfs + Qtz. Peak metamorphic conditions (M2)are characterized by the assemblage Bt + Crd + Kfs + Pl + Grt+ liq + Qtz and are inferred to have developed during D2 foldingof the rocks at T = 750–800°C and P = 7 kbar. M3 reactiontextures overprint the M2 assemblage and comprise symplectiticintergrowth of cordierite(II) and quartz that formed after garnet,whereas secondary biotite formed as a result of reactions betweengarnet and K-feldspar. By comparing the observed modal abundanceswith modal contours of garnet, cordierite and quartz on therelevant pseudosection a post M2 PT vector indicatingcontemporaneous cooling and decompression can be deduced. Theinferred equilibrium assemblage and reaction textures are interpretedto reflect a clockwise PT path involving heating followedby post-peak decompression and associated cooling. We inferthat metamorphism occurred in response to advective heatingby the abundant syn-collisional (arc-related) I-type granitoidsin the region, consistent with the unusually high peak T/P ratio. KEY WORDS: advective heating; Ribeira belt; granulite; partial melting; PT pseudosection  相似文献   

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