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Short-term changes in the general circulation of the atmosphere, which may lead to prolonged periods of drought, are catalysts for producing accelerated desertification. In southern Africa the northeastward thrust of desertification from the western and central arid and semi-arid areas (the Karoo) has long been recognised, but up til 1970 research failed to demonstrate a clear-cut relationship between the process of desertification and long term rainfall data. The application of sophisticated analytical techniques to regional rainfall data showed, however, that spatial and temporal variations in the Southern African rainfall pattern have a striking degree of organization. The summer rainfall region of the northeastern part of the subcontinent experiences 16–20 year fluctuations, in contrast with 10–12 year fluctuations in the all-season rainfall region along the southern Cape coast. Concentrating on regionally averaged data for the summer rainfall region, the author used Fourier analysis to confirm the persistence of the quasi 20-year fluctuations since 1840. The wet spell of the late 1970s is expected to die out by 1982 and may be followed by a dry spell running from 1983 to 1992. Policy and management practices should be geared to prevent further desertification during this period.  相似文献   



Symposium on the Geomorphology of Southern Africa  相似文献   

Keith Smith 《GeoJournal》1988,17(2):308-308


International/National Conference on Advances in Ground-Water Hydrology, dedicated to the memory of Dr. C. V. Theis, will be held Nov. 16–18, 1988 Tampa, Florida, USA  相似文献   

The tectono-stratigraphic setting of mineral deposits in southern Africa is reviewed with reference to 5 outline maps portraying stages in the evolution of the subcontinent.The Early and Middle Archaean Eras are characterized by deposits of Cr, Au and Fe; the Late Archaean by Au, U and Ni. In the Early Proterozoic the intrusion of vast mafic complexes supplied Cr, Ni, Pt, Cu and V-Fe ore, while sedimentary basins received Fe, Mn, Cu, Pb and Zn in marginal seas. The Middle Proterozoic was a singularly poor metallogenic Era, producing only pegmatite minerals and a variety of Cu deposits. The Late Proterozoic is typified by widespread occurrence of Cu, Pb, Zn and local U in geosynclinal belts; pegmatite minerals formed on a large scale in rejuvenated basement. Carbon is the most important element of Phanerozoic deposits, accounting for the fossil fuels besides appearing as diamond in kimberlite. It also contributed to the precipitation of sandstone-type U. Post-Gondwana morphology and climate effected further surface concentration and dispersal of minerals.  相似文献   

Numerous tornadoes have traversed southern Apulia in the course of the last five centuries, causing severe damage and a significant loss of life. Historical chronicles and newspaper articles allowed more than 30 tornadic events to be identified; in particular, 26 of these have occurred during the last two centuries. In all, 24 small towns and villages of southern Apulia suffered on at least one occasion the disastrous effects of being hit by a tornado.Collated data reveals that tornadoes generally form from May to December, with the most powerful events taking place in the month of September, followed by October and November. Tornadoes generally cluster in the southernmost area of the region and typically follow a path leading from the south-west to the north-east. Path length were observed to vary from 8 to 73km, and widths ranging from 60 to 850m.The metereological analysis carried out for the events occurred after 1950, even if based on a limited data set, reveals a few typical meteorological scenarios associated with the development of tornadoes over Salento.In southern Apulia tornadoes can be classified from levels A2 to A4 in accordance with the Damage Area Scale.  相似文献   

Basaltic compositions from the Onverwacht, Great Dyke, Ventersdorp and Karroo eruptive sequences are compared in terms of the CMAS system with magma compositions and trends predicted from experimental work. Each of the abovementioned eruptive sequences include high magnesia members having compositions consistent with derivation from partial melts of garnet lherzolite at elevated pressures followed by rapid eruption from depths of ca 90 km. Less magnesian compositions in each igneous sequence appear to be related to their more basic associates mainly by polybaric olivine and to a lesser extent orthopyroxene fractionation. The high magnesia eruptives associated with the Ventersdorp and Karroo igneous activity include those with composition closely similar to the komatiites of the Barberton Mountain Land; komatiite type volcanics have, therefore, appeared more than once during the geological evolution of Southern Africa.  相似文献   

The notion that Transboundary Protected Areas (TBPAs) will act as `Peace Parks' has become an important argument in their promotion in post-Apartheid Southern Africa. This `Peace Parks Concept' is implicitly based upon the assumption that national sovereignty will not become a constraining factor in the creation and management of TBPAs. However, this assumption is problematic. TBPAs introduce various changes in the landscape with consequences for the ways in which a state can exercise its sovereignty over its borderland and citizens. This situation might evoke state action that could endanger the various environmental, socio-economic and political objectives of TBPAs. A state's behaviour with regard to TBPAs is not just informed by its interests in TBPAs, but also by its strategic and other interests in the wider borderland area. These are not necessarily compatible with the environmental and economic objectives of TBPAs. The ways in which these interests are mediated are highly complex and non-linear. Because of the inter-dependency that TBPAs create, the extent to which a state can pursue certain interests by means of TBPAs will be (partially) constrained by the wishes of the other states involved. In addition, power has to be shared with a wide range of non-state actors. The operation of sovereignty in TBPAs is therefore highly unpredictable and cannot be captured in static zero-sum terms. Actor Network Theory is identified as a possible starting-point to unravel and evaluate these complex political processes in TBPAs and their subsequent outcomes for state sovereignty.  相似文献   

Beds of sedimentary barytes are found in late Paleozoic sediments in the northeasternmost part of South Africa and adjoining parts of Rhodesia. The baryte horizon consists of 2 beds of composite thickness of up to 50 cm within a sequence of partly porcellaneous shales. It is dark gray to redbrown in colour, in places also black, and then contains traces of H2S. It usually consists of fine-grained subrounded tabular grains of detrital origin. This horizon frequently contains aggregates of upward diverging acicular baryte which formed diagenetically within the detrital baryte. The deposit was formed through reworking of semiconsolidated clays containing baryte concretions. Such shales are known to occur to the west of the baryte deposit in contemporaneous sediments.
Zusammenfassung In spätpaläozoischen Sedimenten im Nordosten Südafrikas und dem angrenzenden Bereich Rhodesiens treten sedimentäre Barytlagen auf. Die Barytzone besteht aus zwei Lagen mit einer gemeinsamen größten Mächtigkeit von 50 cm, innerhalb einer Abfolge teilweise verkieselter Tonschiefer. Der Baryt ist dunkelgrau bis rotbraun, stellenweise auch schwarz, und enthält dann Spuren von H2S. Er besteht meist aus feinkörnigen kantengerundeten schwach plattigen Kristallen detritischer Herkunft. Die Zone enthält häufig Aggregate aus nach oben divergierenden nadeligen Barytkristallen, die sich frühdiagenetisch im detritischen Baryt bildeten. Das Vorkommen entstand durch Aufarbeitung von Barytkonkretionen in schwach verfestigten Tonen. Entsprechende Tonschiefer treten in gleichaltrigen Sedimenten westlich des Barytvorkommens auf.

Kalahari dry ‘fossil’ valleys (mekgacha) have been little used in palaeoenvironmental reconstruction, partly because the origins and functions of the valleys are a subject of debate, and partly because they contain few datable sediments. In the Middle Kalahari the valleys are endoreic, and, following a decline in ground-water tables owing to human interference over the past 150 years, rarely contain water. Evidence from three sites suggests that the valleys contained standing water between 15000 and 12000 yr BP, and that the main Okwa-Mmone system flowed into palaeolake Makgadikgadi at 920 m a.s.l. during this period. The Southern Kalahari contains the exoreic Molopo network which is hydrologically more active, being prone to surface flows in response to extreme rainfall events. The spring—fed Kuruman valley has two terraces, the lower composed of a series of flood deposits of late Holocene age. The flood of February 1988 provides a useful analogue for the conditions under which these deposits were formed, and of the temporal regime of the Kuruman River. Comparison with adjacent sites suggests that evidence put forward to indicate cycles of climatic amelioration in the last 4000 yr may, in part, represents the effect of extreme precipitation events. Historical floods show a strong correlation to Southern Oscillation high-phase (cold event) episodes, suggesting possibilities for extension of the Southern Oscillation record through palaeoflood studies.  相似文献   

Doklady Earth Sciences -  相似文献   

Dr. J. S. Crush 《GeoJournal》1986,12(2):129-136
Frontier studies continue to be compromised by a double inadequacy. While geographers mistakenly cling to obsolete models of frontier process, those who have adopted a more progressive interactionist definition have difficulty conceptualizing the components and dimensions of interaction. The conceptual framework suggested by the literature on the articulation of modes of production is proposed as a partial resolution of the problem. Discarding the abstract and problematical notion of the mode of production as a useful tool for concrete analysis, attention is focused on the concepts and hypotheses suggested by the notion of articulation. It is proposed that in southern Africa, at least, this concept offers geographers a way forward which will circumvent the difficulties currently being experienced by the predominantly liberal interactionist school.  相似文献   

The flora of Gondwanan southern Africa is represented in the rock record by micro-fossils, macro-fossils and petrified woods. All these types of fossils are seldom preserved together in any one particular facies because of taphonomic and preservational biases. In order to obtain as accurate a picture as possible of the woody vegetation, both the fossil woods and other macroplant fossils, such as leaf impressions, fructifications and cuticle, of woody plants, have been correlated. This was done for each Formation in the Karoo Supergroup in order to illustrate the changes in diversity of woody vegetation over time. Sediments of the Karoo Supergroup represent the terrestrial fossil record of the period Upper Carboniferous to the Lower Cretaceous when Africa finally separated from South America. In the Upper Carboniferous to Lower Permian (Dwyka Formation) there are at least five described genera of woods from South Africa and Namibia. Early to Middle Permian woods (Ecca Group) are a little more diverse with six genera, representing the glossopterids, cordaitaleans and possibly other seed fern groups. Late Permian to Early Triassic (Beaufort Group) woods show very little change in diversity in spite of the major floral and biotic turnover evident from the rest of the fossil record. Although the Late Triassic (Molteno Formation) macro-flora has been shown to be an example of explosive diversification, the generally poorly preserved woods do not reflect this. Lower Jurassic fossils (Clarens Formation) are also poorly preserved but have araucarian characteristics. Early Cretaceous woods represent the Araucariaceae, Cheirolepidiaceae and Podocarpaceae with a number of species. The diversity of the woods has not changed as much as the rest of the floral components in southern Africa from the Late Carboniferous to the Early Cretaceous. Possible reasons for this apparent stasis are the conservative nature of wood, functional restrictions, limitations of suitable conditions for petrifications and the fact that very little research has been done on southern African woods.  相似文献   

Southern Africa provides many fascinating opportunities for critical research, and some exciting material has been emerging in several subject areas. However, very little of this has been the work of geographers or of those engaged in ‘development studies’. This paper explores some of the reasons why the two disciplines have lagged behind their rivals, and suggests a progressive blueprint for the future. It concludes with a brief introduction to the papers brought together for this special issue of Geoforum.  相似文献   

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