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A Q-band two-beam cryogenic receiver for the Tianma Radio Telescope(TMRT)has been developed,and it uses the independently-developed key microwave and millimeter-wave components operating from 35 to 50 GHz with a fractional bandwidth of 35%.The Q-band receiver consists of three parts:optics,cold unit assembly and warm unit assembly,and it can receive simultaneously the lefthanded and right-handed circularly polarized waves.The cold unit assembly of each beam is composed of a feed horn,a noise injection coupler,a differential phase shifter,an orthomode transducer and two low-noise amplifiers,and it works at a temperature range near 20 K to greatly improve the detection sensitivity of the receiving system.The warm unit assembly includes four radio-frequency amplifiers,four radio-frequency high-pass filters,four waveguide biased mixers,four 4–12 GHz intermediate-frequency amplifiers and one 31–38 GHz frequency synthesizer.The measured Q-band four-channel receiver noise temperatures are roughly 30–40 K.In addition,the single-dish spectral line and international very long baseline interferometry(VLBI)observations between the TMRT and East Asia VLBI Network at the Q-band have been successfully carried out,demonstrating the advantages of the TMRT equipped with the state-of-the-art Q-band receiver.  相似文献   

1 IntroductionTheDepartmentofAstronomyatSeoulNationalUniversityiscarryingoutaprojecttobuildaradioobservatory ,theSeoulRadioAstronomicalObservatory (SRAO) .Theobservatorywilloperatea 6 mmillimeter wavetelescope .TheantennaisidenticaltothoseoftheBIMA (Berke le…  相似文献   

望远镜调度是望远镜运行中的关键组成部分, 用于辅助科研人员进行合理的观测计划安排, 提高望远镜的运行效率, 获取高质量的观测数据. 然而, 由于不同观测项目的科学需求不同, 望远镜的调度过程十分复杂. 针对短周期多目标的观测项目, 考虑望远镜换源时转动时长、观测高度角等因素进行建模, 采用贪心算法对中国科学院新疆天文台南山26m望远镜脉冲星到达时间观测列表进行调度. 通过模拟表明, 使用算法完成的观测列表可以有效地减少观测过程中的平均转动时长, 提升观测数据的质量, 提高望远镜时间利用率, 减少科研人员对观测列表编排的负担.  相似文献   

The paper describes the preamplification antenna system (PAS) ofthe decameter radio telescope UTR-2. The new PAS have the continuous frequency range 8 to 40 MHz. The dynamic range is: 54 dbm at low frequencies and 30 dbm at high frequencies. To extendthe dynamic range the signal spectrum is divided and summed up with the aid of frequency selective devices, each consisting oftwo identical antimetric bandpass filters of even order and twohybrid adders. Within each of the three bands, the signal is amplified in multistage amplifiers with a deep linear frequencyindependent negative feedback in each stage. Part One presents thegoals, underlying ideas and structure of the PAS. Part Twodescribes details of the design, specific parameters and some observational results.  相似文献   

建立了40 m口径射电望远镜天线结构有限元模型,依据模型分析结果,对40 m口径射电望远镜天线主面误差进行了分析和数值计算;从误差修正的角度,分别对主面误差的最佳拟合修正、安装角预调的工作仰角综合修正进行了分析与数值计算.误差修正后的计算结果表明,主面精度得到了大幅度的提高.分析结果为该望远镜天线的实际建造提供了参考.  相似文献   

天马望远镜是目前亚洲最大的全方位可转动的射电望远镜。连续谱观测对于天马望远镜具有重要意义。主要介绍天马望远镜连续谱观测系统的相关信息及其实现情况,包括:天马望远镜连续谱观测的过程、天马望远镜连续谱观测系统的硬件和软件系统的组成,以及连续谱观测系统的测试观测结果。在C波段6.5 GHz的观测结果表明:连续谱观测系统可实现单点观测和成图观测。修正后指向误差的平均值为2.2″,均方根误差为4.3″。目前该系统已用于天马望远镜的连续谱观测,取得了较好的结果,验证了系统的有效性。  相似文献   

针对大口径、高性能射电望远镜天线受到的随机及时变风扰的问题, 利用自回归滑动平均模型预测望远镜周围风速, 提前计算风致结构变形量, 同时为望远镜伺服控制系统提供足够执行时间来降低风扰影响. 基于新疆奇台110m口径全向可动射电望远镜(QiTai Telescope, QTT)台址风场数据特征, 通过赤池信息准则和贝叶斯信息准则辨识模型阶次, 利用最大似然法估计模型参数, 分析模型残差特性以检验自回归滑动平均模型的有效性. 通过计算不同季度预测数据与测试数据偏差得到预测模型的精度, 夏季平均绝对误差为0.133mcdots-1, 秋季平均绝对误差为0.162mcdots-1, 冬季平均绝对误差为0.287mcdots-1. 整体来看, 基于QTT台址不同季度风速数据建立的自回归滑动平均模型预测误差较小, 满足射电望远镜风扰控制系统的需求, 能为大口径射电望远镜风扰控制提供必要数据支撑.  相似文献   

刘奇 《天文学报》2021,62(4):46
电磁兼容性是设备或系统的重要性能指标, 也是保障系统的工作效能和提高系统可靠性的重要因素. 大口径射电望远镜运行阶段, 台址周围无线电业务及内部潜在的电磁干扰会降低观测系统灵敏度、影响天文观测的质量. 本论文针对拟建的新疆110 m全向可动射电望远镜(Qi Tai raido Telescope, QTT)开展了系统电磁兼容评估技术及控制方法研究, 具有重要的工程应用价值. 首先, 依据现有电波环境测量方法的不足, 深入分析了仪器设备的关键参数配置方法及测量时间计算方法, 采用Y因子法校准测量数据, 提出一种准实时电波环境测量方法. 面向高重复性宽带频谱, 分析了宽带频谱信号和噪声特征, 结合标准差理论, 提出一种基于邻值比较的信噪分离方法, 并采用邻值统计方法优化关键参数, 提高信噪分离精度. 针对QTT台址, 开发了自动化电波环境监测系统, 该系统6 GHz以下频段系统增益大于40 dB, 系统噪声系数小于2 dB, 测量不确定度小于1.49 dB, 具有极高的系统灵敏度和测量精度; 分析了频谱监测数据流, 设计了基于HDF5 (Hierarchical Data Format version 5)的数据存储格式, 开发了自动化电波环境测量和监控软件及数据处理软件. 依据QTT台址长期监测数据, 评估分析了台址电磁环境、主要干扰源特征及其影响. 其次, 提出大口径射电望远镜馈源口面干扰电平限值量化方法, 建立了基于台址地形的电波传播模型, 分析了现有电波传播模型的优缺点及适应性, 结合QTT台址实际地形及地质特征, 采用Longley-Rice和Two-Ray电波传播模型, 预测分析了QTT台址潜在干扰区域电磁干扰达到射电望远镜的电波路径衰减, 结合大口径射电望远镜天线增益量化方法, 提出设备所在位置干扰电平限值量化方法, 运用该方法对QTT台址潜在干扰区域的干扰电平限值进行量化. 依据设备所在位置干扰电平限值, 调研分析了国内外军用、民用电磁兼容测量标准, 结合电磁干扰对射电天文观测的影响, 提出一种大口径射电望远镜电磁兼容控制方法, 解决了现有电波暗室测量系统无法直接测量评估电子设备电磁兼容的问题, 该电磁兼容控制方法计划应用于QTT建设及运行阶段, 确保系统拥有良好的电磁兼容性. 最后, 依据QTT台址潜在干扰区域干扰电平限值, 结合典型电子设备电磁辐射频谱, 分析了QTT电磁兼容设计需求, 提出电磁兼容设计初步方案. 另外, 针对台址建筑设施内的中低电磁辐射干扰源, 提出一种低成本建筑屏蔽方法, 应用于QTT台址现有建筑.  相似文献   

首先综述了射电望远镜指向误差校正的原理并对软件校准的两种方法进行了比较。其次阐述了利用软件校准的方法对云南天文台40m射电望远镜进行指向校正的过程,并给出其指向校正结果。结果是经过指向校正后该射电望远镜的指向精度达到观测要求。  相似文献   

脉冲星脉冲到达时间观测系统建立在25m射电天线的18cm波段上,消色散采用了2x128x2.5MHz多通过滤波器和数字化器,数据采集系统由PC机完成.1999年5月至6月间建立了基于常温接收机的到达时间观测系统.观测到的最弱源的平均流量密度为4mJy.  相似文献   

We propose a spatial three-degree-of-freedom (DOF) parallel mechanism combining two degrees of rotations and one degree of translation to support the active reflector units of a large spherical radio telescope. The kinematics, workspace and accuracy of the mechanism are analyzed. One-dimensional and two-dimensional fitting errors to the working region of active reflector are investigated. Dimensional parameters of the mechanism and active reflector unit are examined with respect to the requirement of fitting accuracy. The result of accuracy analysis shows the effectiveness and feasibility of the proposed mechanism, and gives a design rule to guarantee the highest working frequency required by large radio telescope.  相似文献   

The MRT survey will be by far one of the most extensive survey at low frequencies. This survey will provide a moderately deep radio catalog reaching a source density of about 2 × 104 sr-1over the southern sky with an angular resolution of 4' × 4' and a limiting flux density of 70 mJy (1 σ) at 151 MHz. The availability of zero spacing and short baselines in the MRT array will make it sensitive to the background temperature and to large scale features in the sky. In addition to this feature, the low frequency operation makes a study of continuum emission from large radio sources by MRT to have several interesting and important implications in the study of radio galaxies. This paper discusses the parameter space of radio galaxies which can be explored using the MRT. Images of a few extended radio galaxies are also presented. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

A subreflector adjustment system for the Tianma 65 m radio telescope, administered by Shanghai Astronomical Observatory, has been installed to compensate for gravitational deformation of the main reflector and the structure supporting the subreflector. The position and attitude of the subreflector are variable in order to improve the efficiency at different elevations. The subreflector model has the goal of improving the antenna's performance. A new fitting formulation which is different from the traditional formulation is proposed to reduce the fitting error in the Y direction. The only difference in the subreflector models of the 65 m radio telescope is the bias of a constant term in the Z direction. We have investigated the effect of movements of the subreflector on the pointing of the antenna. The results of these performance measurements made by moving the antenna in elevation show that the subreflector model can effectively improve the efficiency of the 65 m radio telescope at each elevation. An antenna efficiency of about 60% at the K u band is reached in the whole angular range of elevation.  相似文献   

The Tian-ma Radio Telescope(TMRT) applies an Active Surface System(ASFS), which corrects for large-scale deformations due to gravity and thermal on the primary reflector. The centralized and automated management of the ASFS using software has become a challenge, for which we have developed the TMRT Active Surface System Control Software(TASCS). This paper describes the design and implementation of TASCS for device control,status monitoring, human-computer interaction, and data management functio...  相似文献   

随着毫米波天文学和空间通信的重要性日益提高, 对天线性能提出了越来越高的要求, 而天线性能往往受到其反射器表面精度的限制. 微波全息技术是一种快速有效的检测反射面天线表面轮廓的测量技术. 通过微波全息测量得到天线口径场, 计算天马65m射电望远镜反射面与理想抛物面的偏差. 天马65m射电望远镜的主反射面板是放射状的, 有14圈. 面板的每个角都固定在面板下方促动器的螺栓上进行上下移动, 且相邻面板交点处的拐角共用一个促动器. 采用平面拟合的方法可以计算各块面板拐角处的调整值, 但是同一个促动器会得到4个不同的调整量. 通过平面拟合, 同时以天线照明函数为权重的平差计算方法得到相邻面板拐角的一个平差值, 即天马65m射电望远镜1104个促动器的最佳调整值. 通过多次调整和新算法的应用, 天马65m射电望远镜反射面的面形精度逐渐提高到了0.24mm.  相似文献   

We describe the development of the tools and methods of 4.7-GHz band observations on RATAN-600 radio telescope and present a new design solution—a radiometric unit, and the development of an uncooled tuned receiver based on this unit and meant for operating in the “total power” radiometer mode.We discuss the design of the radio unit and the specificities of the radiometer design.We demonstrate the possibility of conducting observations in the total power radiometer mode at the theoretical sensitivity on time scales up to 10 seconds. The sensitivity of such a radiometer remains higher than that of a Dicke radiometer on time scales up to 100 seconds.  相似文献   

We are pursuing a project to build a database of phase calibration sources suitable for Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope (GMRT). Here we present the first release of 45 low frequency calibration sources at 235 MHz and 610 MHz. These calibration sources are broadly divided into quasars, radio galaxies and unidentified sources. We provide their flux densities, models for calibration sources, (u,v) plots, final deconvolved restored maps and clean-component lists/files for use in the Astronomical Image Processing System (aips) and the Common Astronomy Software Applications (casa). We also assign a quality factor to each of the calibration sources. These data products are made available online through the GMRT observatory website. In addition we find that (i) these 45 low frequency calibration sources are uniformly distributed in the sky and future efforts to increase the size of the database should populate the sky further, (ii) spectra of these calibration sources are about equally divided between straight, curved and complex shapes, (iii) quasars tend to exhibit flatter radio spectra as compared to the radio galaxies or the unidentified sources, (iv) quasars are also known to be radio variable and hence possibly show complex spectra more frequently, and (v) radio galaxies tend to have steeper spectra, which are possibly due to the large redshifts of distant galaxies causing the shift of spectrum to lower frequencies.  相似文献   

太阳和月球射电辐射对40m天线数据接收影响分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用标准射电源和标准噪声源,对宁静太阳和月球射电辐射的噪声温度进行了测量,估计它们对40m天线接收绕月卫星信号的影响,结论是:(1)40m天线指向偏离太阳超过2°时,能够满足正常数据接收要求;(2)40m天线指向月球时,系统接收的噪声温度增加值为87.1K, 此时系统的总噪声温度能够满足正常数据接收要求.  相似文献   

一种扩大FAST视场的方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
所有的大口径射电望远镜都存在这样一个问题:在其分辨率和灵敏度提高的同时,视场变小.而且口径越大,视场越小.这成为大口径望远镜不可回避的矛盾.要解决这个矛盾,可以在望远镜的焦平面上放置Ⅳ个分立馈源.让它们同时工作,这样可以看作把视场扩大了Ⅳ倍.望远镜的工作效率提高Ⅳ倍.但是这样做的缺点是——视场不连续.且馈源数目Ⅳ受到望远镜焦比(F/D)的限制.采用致密焦面阵(dense focal plane array)就可以很好地解决这个问题.致密焦面阵的单元不是喇叭口天线,而是无方向性的Vivaldi天线(Vivaldi antenna).要把Vivaldi阵列应用到望远镜上,需要对单个Vivaldi天线和Vivaldi阵列的电性能有清楚的认识,并能根据需要来设计照明方向图.还要知道大望远镜的焦面上电磁场的分布情况,借此判断能否应用Vivaldi阵列,以及给出Vivaldi单元的分路赋权网络.主要给出了FAST的焦面场的分布情况.并说明应用Vivaldi阵列的可能性.  相似文献   

为了在云南天文台40 m天线上开展射电天文研究,使用它进行了河外射电源流量试观测。通过对河外致密源进行ON/OFF跟踪观测,得到射电源的流量变化曲线。但数据质量并不理想,说明系统存在一些问题。随后,根据对该望远镜系统的稳定性及其无线电环境干扰现状的考察,以及对现存问题的分析,提出了相应的解决方法。  相似文献   

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