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Charge coupled devices (CCDs) are under active investigation as imaging detectors in future X-ray astronomy satellites. The exploitation of such detectors holds great promise because of their capability to perform simultaneous imaging and spectroscopy. Unfortunately, standard readout techniques give a temporal resolution insufficient to study X-ray sources showing variability on timescales less than few seconds. In this paper alternative, non-imaging readout modes are investigated, in order to achieve millisecond temporal resolution for point-like sources. Simulation results are presented for the EPIC camera, the focal plane instrument for ESA's mission XMM, showing that the required temporal capabilities can be reached without loss of energy resolution.Work performed in part at the IFC/CNR, Milan, supported by a special EPIC grant from LABEN S.p.A.  相似文献   

Teriaca  L.  Madjarska  M.S.  Doyle  J.G. 《Solar physics》2001,200(1-2):91-114
% High-resolution temporal observations performed with the SUMER spectrometer on SOHO provide an opportunity to investigate the electron density variations in the `quiet-Sun' solar transition region due to UV transient events. Two datasets obtained in the density sensitive lines belonging to the Oiv 1400 Å multiplet were searched for such events, leading to the identification of two explosive events, on 10 July 1996 and 31 May 1997. In both cases, the Oiv 1401.16/1404.81 density-sensitive line intensity ratio shows a clear variation, corresponding to enhancements in the electron density by factors of 3. This is fully consistent with recent 2.5D MHD simulations. The 10 July 1996 dataset also provided us with the opportunity to monitor the behavior of the electron density through an UV blinker. Despite an increase of a factor of two in the line intensities, no variation of the electron density was found. This suggests that the intensity enhancement is due to an increase in the filling factor.  相似文献   

The spectral measuring facility with a new Fourier analyzer for use with the radio telescope RATAN-600 is described and its experimental data are reported.  相似文献   

In order to obtain detailed information from multiple telescope observations a general blind super-resolution (SR) reconstruction approach for astronomical images is proposed in this paper. A pixel-reliability-based SR reconstruction algorithm is described and implemented, where the developed process incorporates flat field correction, automatic star searching and centering, iterative star matching, and sub-pixel image registration. Images captured by the 1-m telescope at Yunnan Observatory are used to test the proposed technique. The results of these experiments indicate that, following SR reconstruction, faint stars are more distinct, bright stars have sharper profiles, and the backgrounds have higher details; thus these results benefit from the high-precision star centering and image registration provided by the developed method. Application of the proposed approach not only provides more opportunities for new discoveries from astronomical image sequences, but will also contribute to enhancing the capabilities of most spatial or ground-based telescopes.  相似文献   

Because of its geographical location and (astronomically) excellent climate South Africa can make an unique contribution to international astronomical research. An assessment of recent developments in telescope technology has shown that an advanced technology telescope of 4m-class can be constructed which will out-perform most existing 4m-class telescopes. Detailed consideration is given to the construction of such a telescope for optical/infrared astronomy, the new science that this will enable and the selection of a site of sufficiently good quality to justify the erection of such a telescope. If a telescope of this nature is sited in southern Africa it would provide the premier astronomical facility in Africa for decades to come.  相似文献   

We present a detrending algorithm for the removal of trends in time series. Trends in time series could be caused by various systematic and random noise sources such as cloud passages, changes of airmass, telescope vibration, CCD noise or defects of photometry. Those trends undermine the intrinsic signals of stars and should be removed. We determine the trends from subsets of stars that are highly correlated among themselves. These subsets are selected based on a hierarchical tree clustering algorithm. A bottom-up merging algorithm based on the departure from normal distribution in the correlation is developed to identify subsets, which we call clusters. After identification of clusters, we determine a trend per cluster by weighted sum of normalized light curves. We then use quadratic programming to detrend all individual light curves based on these determined trends. Experimental results with synthetic light curves containing artificial trends and events are presented. Results from other detrending methods are also compared. The developed algorithm can be applied to time series for trend removal in both narrow and wide field astronomy.  相似文献   

We present status and results of AstroGrid-D, a joint effort of astrophysicists and computer scientists to employ grid technology for scientific applications. AstroGrid-D provides access to a network of distributed machines with a set of commands as well as software interfaces. It allows simple use of computer and storage facilities and to schedule or monitor compute tasks and data management. It is based on the Globus Toolkit middleware (GT4).Chapter 1 describes the context which led to the demand for advanced software solutions in Astrophysics, and we state the goals of the project.We then present characteristic astrophysical applications that have been implemented on AstroGrid-D in chapter 2. We describe simulations of different complexity, compute-intensive calculations running on multiple sites (Section 2.1), and advanced applications for specific scientific purposes (Section 2.2), such as a connection to robotic telescopes (Section 2.2.3). We can show from these examples how grid execution improves e.g. the scientific workflow.Chapter 3 explains the software tools and services that we adapted or newly developed. Section 3.1 is focused on the administrative aspects of the infrastructure, to manage users and monitor activity. Section 3.2 characterises the central components of our architecture: The AstroGrid-D information service to collect and store metadata, a file management system, the data management system, and a job manager for automatic submission of compute tasks.We summarise the successfully established infrastructure in chapter 4, concluding with our future plans to establish AstroGrid-D as a platform of modern e-Astronomy.  相似文献   

An automatic mirror guide has been designed and made for the Raduga fiber-optic echelle spectrograph. The new device was built into one of the parts of the spectrograph and allows the work of observers to be facilitated significantly. The automatic guide efficiently removes stellar image oscillations at frequencies of 0–2 Hz, which compensates almost completely for errors in setting the polar axis of a telescope and in its clockwork drive. The guide can be used on any telescope with a focal length of more than 5 m and has operated on two different telescopes. Over two observing seasons, several hundred stellar spectra were taken with the Raduga spectrograph using the automatic guide.  相似文献   

The advanced null Maksutov test for concave aspherical mirrors using single reflection from the concave spherical reference mirror is proposed. The test is free of the disadvantages of the original Maksutov test and is preferable for high-precision testing of mirrors using bulky testing equipment.  相似文献   

We describe here a scanning piezo-electric Fabry-Pérot spectrometer operating in the photoncounting mode whose plate spacing and parallelism are maintained by a servo-controlled system, ensuring high accuracy, for the study of emission lines from extended astronomical objects in the spectral range 4500–7000 Å. Details of the optical set-up and the Data Acquisition System (DAS) are described. Its performance at the Cassegrain focus of the 1 m telescope at Kavalur is discussed. Some line profiles on planetary nebulae studied with the above spectrometer are also presented.  相似文献   

In this paper I describe a simple numerical procedure to compute synthetic horizon altitude profiles for any given site. The method makes use of a simplified model of local Earth's curvature, and it is based on the availability of digital elevation models describing the topography of the area surrounding the site under study. Examples constructed using the Shuttle Radar Topographic Mission (SRTM) data (with 90 m horizontal resolution) are illustrated, and compared to direct theodolite measurements. The proposed method appears to be reliable and applicable in all cases when the distance to the local horizon is larger than ∼10 km, yielding a rms accuracy of ∼0.1 degrees (both in azimuth and elevation). Higher accuracies can be achieved with higher resolution digital elevation models, like those produced by many modern national geodetic surveys (© 2011 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

Focal-ratio degradation (FRD) of light launched into high-numerical aperture (NA) single-annulus all-silica undoped air-clad fibres at an NA of 0.54 is reported. The measured annular light distribution remained Gaussian after 30 m of propagation, but the angular FWHM of the output annulus doubled from 4° after 1 m propagation to 8.5° after 30 m, which is significantly larger than that reported of standard doped-silica fibres (NA < 0.22). No significant diffractive effects were observed. The design of air-clad fibres for broad-band, high-NA astrophotonics applications is discussed.  相似文献   

We present here the French balloon-borne experiment named AROME. This astronomical instrument is specifically designed for the detection of near infrared emission bands (=3–12m) from extended sources of low surface brightness with an angular resolution of 0.5°. The rms sensitivity achieved is of the order of 10-8 Wm-2sr-1, in terms of the power radiated in the 3.3m band. We recall that this program led to the first detection of the 3.3m feature in the spectrum of the diffuse galactic emission. The scientific results were presented and interpreted in Paper I, Giard et al., 1989. Future work will include both the observation of fainter objects at 3.3m and the detection of other emission bands at 6.2 and 11.3m.  相似文献   

The 2.5 m wide-field and high-resolution solar telescope(WeHoST) is currently under developing for solar observations. WeHoST aims to achieve high-resolution observations over a super-wide field of view(FOV) of5′ × 5′, and a desired resolution of 0.3″. To meet the scientific requirements of WeHoST, the ground-layer adaptive optics(GLAO) with a specially designed wave front sensing system is as the primary consideration. We introduce the GLAO configuration, particularly the wave front sensing sch...  相似文献   

SAINT-PÉ  O.  PUGET  P.  ROUAN  D.  EPSTEIN  G.  COMBES  M. 《Experimental Astronomy》1994,4(3-4):195-211
The imager of the infrared satellite ISO will allow spectral imaging under very low flux conditions in the two to-eighteen-microns range, close to the fundamental limit of the zodiacal background photon noise. To optimize the performance of the imager, we must use an internal calibration device, mainly to track changes in the responsivity of the pixels of the detectors arrays, the limit of detection greatly depending upon the quality of the flat field corrections in certain cases.The first section introduces ISO and its infrared imager and emphasizes the necessity of in-flight calibration. The following chapter presents the specifications for the internal calibration device. The chosen design for the flight model which consists of an infrared emitter and two integrating spheres, is presented in the third chapter. The last part describes the cryogenic bench dedicated to relative photometric tests, the absolute calibration is made in the camera. Endly we present the results obtained with this facility and final tests to achieve the qualification of the device.  相似文献   

The paper discusses an investigation of linear polarization produced by the transmission of light through an astronomical spectrograph slit. An experimental apparatus was designed and set up to carry out this work. The parallel beam of plane polarized light was rotated in the measuring system, by optically active of half-wave plate. The intensity of normally incident of polarized light of wavelength 0.436 μm transmitted by various slit was measured as a function of slit width. The results indicate:
  1. That the degree of polarization increased as thedepth of the narrow slit was increased.
  2. That the degree of polarization increased as thewidth of the narrow slit was decreased.
  3. That when the width of slit was widened the degree of polarization tended to approach a constant value asymptotically.
  4. That the theoretical calculation of Slater (1942) predicts the measured experimental values more accurately than Thiessen (1947) and Jones and Richards (1954).
It is shown that the existence and order of magnitude of all these effects may be predicted from the propagation losses of the electromagnetic theory of light in metallic wave guide. The paper brings out the salient points related to the degree of polarization of light by a dielectric slit of finite depth. The polarization effects from one such slit have been investigated and the results were compared with those for metallic slits.  相似文献   

We are completing the construction of GIANO, a high resolution near-infrared cryogenic spectrograph for the Telescopio Nazionale Galileo (TNG). Most of the optics are made of aluminium and operate at cryogenic temperature. We evaluated the optical degradation due to mis-matches between the thermal expansion coefficients of the different aluminium parts of the instrument. We performed accurate measurements of the relative thermal expansion coefficients (CTE) of Al-6061 and Al-6082 over the 300–77 K temperatures range. We find that the two alloys have identical thermal expansion coefficient within a maximum (3σ) uncertainty of Δα/α?<?0.28%. Our results show that it is possible to overcome the problem of the alignment of a cryogenic instrument, manufacturing the curved optics, the optics’ holders and the optical bench with different metallic alloys with small CTE mismatch (Al-6061 and Al-6082). This conclusion has also been confirmed by the results of the optical tests with the instrument cooled in the laboratory, showing no significant image quality degradation.  相似文献   

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