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Sediment cores from Lake Tahoe permit the discrimination of turbidites initiated by seismic-induced debris flows from those generated by severe storms and associated hyperpycnal currents over the last 7000 years using integrated textural, magnetic, and geochemical signatures. Relative to fine-grained ‘background’ sediments, the majority of Tahoe turbidites exhibit coincident trends of increased mean grain size, increased magnetic susceptibility, decreased TOC, higher δ13Corg and variable C/N. We interpret these characteristics to record the rapid influx of terrigenous sediments within runoff from the watershed triggered by high-intensity storms. Correlation of multiple, individual turbidites between cores suggests a synchronicity of occurrence, supporting the model of extreme hydrologic events as the trigger for most turbidity currents into Lake Tahoe. In contrast, turbidites generated by seismic collapse of steep lake margins would have textural, magnetic and geochemical signatures that would reflect a homogenized mix of autochthonous biogenic debris and multiple older turbidites. Only one of the turbidites in the cores appears to be seismically generated. A second component of this study tested the hypothesis that turbidite clustering reflects phases of increased storminess, paleoprecipitation and lake level. We correlated broad patterns of turbidite frequency in the Tahoe cores with climate proxies from (1) elsewhere in the Tahoe watershed, (2) the western Great Basin (primarily Pyramid Lake) and (3) the San Francisco bay estuary. The reasonable degree of temporal overlap suggests that apparent trends in severe storm frequency recorded by clusters of turbidites provides a measure of long-term regional paleoprecipitation and lake level. A key finding is an extended phase of dryness and a near absence of major storms between ~3000 and ~900 cal yr B.P. in the Tahoe watershed.  相似文献   

The Arcellacean (Thecamoebian) fauna was assessed in five Holocene sediment cores obtained from James and Granite lakes in the Temagami region of northeastern Ontario. In addition, palynological analysis was carried out on two of these cores, one each from James and Granite lakes. The first indication of postglacial colonization by plants was the appearance of rare Cupressaceae pollen, dated to 10,800 yr BP. Plant diversity began to increase by 10,770 yr BP when Pinus spp. and Larix migrated into the area. The first appearance of arcellaceans occurred after 9650 yr BP in assemblages dominated by Centropyxis constricta and opportunistic Centropyxis aculeata. High abundances of charophytes in the cores until 8800 yr BP indicated that macroalgae were proliferating at this time. This deposition is interpreted to have occurred during the draining of an ice-marginal lake following the retreat of the Laurentide Ice Sheet. Based on pollen analysis, warmer conditions associated with the Holocene Hypsithermal prevailed in the area from 6250 to 4115 yr BP. The stable, open Great Lakes – St. Lawrence type forest that developed here at the beginning of the Hypsithermal continues to prevail to the present. The periodic colonization of the lake by beavers (Castor canadensis) acted as a control on water-level and eutrophication through the Holocene. Evidence of eutrophication was indicated in the core samples by the abundance of high levels of the alga Pediastrum and the arcellacean Cucurbitella tricuspis. Eutrophication periodically developed when beavers dammed a site, causing the rate of flow in drainage streams to slow and stagnant conditions occurred. When the site became depleted of the nearby trees, which were preferred by beaver (Betula, Alnus and Populus), the dam would be abandoned, causing the water-level to drop. Stagnant conditions were reduced as flow levels increased, reducing eutrophication and resulting in recovering forest stands. In addition, the lowering water levels would result in encroachment of the forest along the lake shore. This cycle occurred many times in the history of this lake as indicated by fluctuations in the size of arcellacean populations.  相似文献   

The Hunshandake Desert is located at the northern edge of the East Asian monsoon region,and its natural environment is sensitive to monsoonal changes.Geologic records suggest that desert evolution corresponding to climate change had experienced several cycles in the Holocene,and the evolutionary process can be distinguished by four dominant stages according to changing trends of the environment and climate.(1) Holocene Ameliorative Period(11.0-8.7 cal ka B.P.),when the desert area gradually shrank following an approaching warm-wet climate and strengthening summer monsoon.(2) Holocene Optimum(8.7-6.0 cal ka B.P.),when the majority of moving sand dunes were stabilized and vegetation coverage quickly expanded in a suitable warm-wet climate and a strong summer monsoon.(3) Holocene Multivariate Period(6.0-3.5 cal ka B.P.),during a low-amplitude desert transformed between moving and stabilized types under alternating functions of cold-dry with warm-wet climate,and winter monsoon with summer monsoon.(4) Holocene Decay Period(since 3.5 cal ka B.P.),when the desert area tended to expand along with a weakened summer monsoon and a dry climate.  相似文献   

A radiocarbon-dated core, NC, taken in the alpine Blue Lake in the Snowy Mountains of southeastern Australia provides a Holocene record of sedimentation that consists mainly of organic clays. Two types of quartz grains are recovered from 81 samples from the core. One type consists of angular grains, with frequently shattered faces, which originates from granitic lithologies present within the small catchment area of the lake. The other type is characteristically rounded to subrounded, often textured with frequent silica coating and is considered to have been deposited within the lake and its catchment by aeolian processes. These aeolian grains are thought to have been transported along the main dust path that ferries aeolian dust from the Mallee region, west of the Snowy Mountains, as far as the southeastern Tasman Sea. Aeolian grains with the largest size occur over approximately the last 1.6 ka of the Holocene and this indicates an increase of climatic instability, with arid phases that commenced about 3.5 ka. At 2 ka, a wet period in southeastern Australia coincided with low aeolian input at Blue Lake. The period of consistent reduced aeolian activity spans the 7.6 to 5.5 ka interval at Blue Lake.  相似文献   

The temporal-spatial distribution features of prehistoric cultures since the Holocene in Zhejiang region were comparatively analyzed based on GIS spatial analysis. Results show that the prehistoric cultures expanded gradually in this region before 4000 cal. a BP. The notable expansions occurred twice, one in the Majiabang-Hemudu cultural period, the other in the Liangzhu cultural period. Meanwhile, the prehistoric cultures were disseminated from west to east coast along river valleys. After 4000 cal. a BP, as represented by the Maqiao Culture, the distributed area of each prehistoric culture contracted. This is obviously due to the termination of spreading trends to east coast, which was simultaneously accompanied by two different modes of production and economic transitions in the north and south Zhejiang region respectively. The distribution of prehistoric cultures was closely related with Holocene sea-level fluctuations, especially on the banks of Hangzhou Bay, where the distribution changes of prehistoric cultural sites were greatly affected by sea-level changes, with the closest relationships between them. After 7000 cal. a BP, the process of lowered sea-level and regression-epeirogenesis provided wider terrestrial living spaces for prehistoric inhabitants. Based on the comparative analyses of the changes of prehistoric cultures and the environmental evolution information recorded in the Qianmutian subalpine peat of Mt. Tianmu and muddy area on the inner shelf of the East China Sea, it is indicated that the changes of prehistoric cultures were synchronized with environmental changes in Zhejiang region. Before 4000 cal. a BP, the eastward expansion of prehistoric cultures in Zhejiang occurred under the background of the Holocene Optimum, and was the expansion and extension under the joint influences of agricultural civilization and maritime civilization. However, after 4000 cal. a BP, the geographical contraction of prehistoric cultures in Zhejiang occurred under the background of dry-cold climate trend and deterioration of coastal marine environment. It is evidenced from the above fact that the development, expansion and contraction of prehistoric cultures are positively correlated to environmental change. The change of the climatic environment is just the underlying reason for these changes and transitions of production modes and economic forms. Therefore, the climatic environment is the dominant factor of prehistoric culture vicissitudes in Zhejiang region, which has exerted great influence on distribution, dissemination, expansion and transmutation of the culture.  相似文献   

The temporal-spatial distribution features of prehistoric cultures since the Holocene in Zhejiang region were comparatively analyzed based on GIS spatial analysis. Results show that the prehistoric cultures expanded gradually in this region before 4000 cal. a BP. The notable expansions occurred twice, one in the Majiabang-Hemudu cultural period, the other in the Liangzhu cultural period. Meanwhile, the prehistoric cultures were disseminated from west to east coast along river valleys. After 4000 cal. a BP, as represented by the Maqiao Culture, the distributed area of each prehistoric culture contracted. This is obviously due to the termination of spreading trends to east coast, which was simultaneously accompanied by two different modes of production and economic transitions in the north and south Zhejiang region respectively. The distribution of prehistoric cultures was closely related with Holocene sea-level fluctuations, especially on the banks of Hangzhou Bay, where the distribution changes of prehistoric cultural sites were greatly affected by sea-level changes, with the closest relationships between them. After 7000 cal. a BP, the process of lowered sea-level and regression-epeirogenesis provided wider terrestrial living spaces for prehistoric inhabitants. Based on the comparative analyses of the changes of prehistoric cultures and the environmental evolution information recorded in the Qianmutian subalpine peat of Mt. Tianmu and muddy area on the inner shelf of the East China Sea, it is indicated that the changes of prehistoric cultures were synchronized with environmental changes in Zhejiang region. Before 4000 cal. a BP, the eastward expansion of prehistoric cultures in Zhejiang occurred under the background of the Holocene Optimum, and was the expansion and extension under the joint influences of agricultural civilization and maritime civilization. However, after 4000 cal. a BP, the geographical contraction of prehistoric cultures in Zhejiang occurred under the back ground of dry-cold climate trend and deterioration of coastal marine environment. It is evidenced from the above fact that the development, expansion and contraction of prehistoric cultures are positively correlated to environmental change. The change of the climatic environment is just the underlying reason for these changes and transitions of production modes and economic forms. Therefore, the climatic environment is the dominant factor of prehistoric culture vicissitudes in Zhejiang region, which has exerted great influence on distribution, dissemination, expansion and transmutation of the culture.  相似文献   

Lago do Pires (17° 57 S, 42° 13 W) is situated at 390 m a.s.l. in the foothills of the Serra do Espinhaço, 250 km from the Brazilian Atlantic coast. The original vegetation of the study area has been almost destroyed by pastoral activity. Relicts of a dense 20–30 m tall tropical semidciduous forest are present only on a few hill tops. The dry season of the Lago do Pires region lasts for 4 months and the annual precipitation is 1250 mm. A high resolution pollen record from a 16 m long sediment core, composed of 77 samples, subdivided in 7 zones and 4 subzones, allows a reconstruction of Holocene paleoenvironments. For the early Holocene (9720-8810 B.P.), the results indicate that the region surrounding the lake was dominated by a herb savanna (campo cerrado) withCuratella americana (cerrado tree) and high fire frequency. Species ofCecropia, Urticales and a few others, form small gallery forests along the water courses. This vegetation pattern is consistent with a long dry season (perhaps 6 months) and a low annual precipitation. Between 8810 and 7500 years B.P. gallery forests expanded in the valleys and suggest a period of higher rainfall with shortened dry season (perhaps 5 months). Fire was less frequent. Reduction of gallery forests followed (7500-5530 B.P.), probably related to a return of drier climatic conditions (5–6 months dry season, lower precipitation). Fires were more frequent. Between 5530 and 2780 years B.P. in the vallyes were forests and on the hills still an open cerrado. The dry season probably was about 5 months and the rainfall was higher than in the previous period. Later (2780-970 B.P.) the more open cerrado on the hills changed to more closed cerrado. A dense and closed semideciduous forest existed in the region only in the latest Holocene period (since 970 B.P.) under the current climatic conditions. The vegetation was no longer influenced by fire. A very strong human impact by deforestation and use of fire occurred in the last decades. Today cerrado vegetation is generally restricted to central Brazil and exists in several small isolated Islands (Hueck, 1956) in the area of semideciduous forest in SE Brazil which were more widespread during the drier periods of the Holocene. The wettest period of Holocene occurs in the present millenium.This is the 4th in a series of papers published in this special AMQUA issue. These papers were presented at the 1994 meeting of the American Quaternary Association held 19–22 June, 1994, at the University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA. Dr Linda C. K. Shane served as guest editor for these papers.  相似文献   

Late Holocene pollen and sediment records from the Lake Tauanui catchment, northern New Zealand, indicate that the lake formed about 5500 years ago following a series of volcanic events in the Tauanui Volcanic Centre. These volcanic events initiated a volcanosere resulting in a mixed conifer-hardwood forest. Dacrydium cupressinum was the dominant tree. Agathis australis was always present. Changes similar to those registered in other Northland pollen diagrams are apparent. At ca 4000 yr B.P., when the climate became cooler and drier than before, a fire occurred in the catchment area causing erosion of the surrounding slopes and some destruction of forest. Fluctuations in abundance of many forest species, including Ascarina lucida, A. australis and D. cupressinum, from ca 3500 yr B.P. indicate repeated disturbance, increasingly so after 1600 yr B.P. Summer droughts and increased frequency of cyclonic winds are suggested as the cause. Major anthropogenic deforestation events defined by palynology occurred across many parts of the New Zealand landscape at ca 700 yr B.P. At Lake Tauanui anthropogenic forest disturbance, radiocarbon dated to ca 1000 yr B.P., is indicated by significant decline in all tree and shrub elements with concomitant increase in pteridophytes, especially Pteridium esculentum. Charcoal concentration increases steadily from the onset of disturbance, and in the final phase after the arrival of Europeans, major clearance of vegetation is indicated. Herbs increase markedly in this period, in diversity and abundance.  相似文献   

Holocene paleoenvironments of Harris Lake, southwestern Saskatchewan, are reconstructed from the ostracode stratigraphy of a 10.4 m sediment core. Twenty three taxa, representing nine genera, were identified and counted from 113 samples. At each depth, a theoretical faunal assemblage was derived from the raw counts. The mean and variance of chemical, climatic and physical variables were inferred from modern analogues of the fossil assemblages, using existing autecological data from 6720 sites, mostly in western Canada. These data suggest four paleoenvironments: an early-Holocene (9240–6400 years BP) variable climate supporting aspen parkland vegetation; the warm dry hypsithermal (6400–4500 years BP); a short transitional period of ameliorating climate and expanding subboreal forest (4500–3600 years BP); and the present environment since 3600 years BP. A change in regional climate with the draining of Glacial Lake Agassiz (ca. 8500 years BP) and landsliding in the watershed (ca. 4000 years BP) caused relatively rapid environmental change. The ostracode record generally corroborates the interpretations of other proxy data previously published for Harris Lake. Most of the discrepancy involves the timing and severity of maximum Holocene warmth and aridity. Peak aridity interpreted from the pollen data is earlier than in the other proxy records. Both the diatoms and ostracodes indicate highest paleosalinity between ca. 6500 and 5000 years BP, but maximum salinity in the diatom record occurs between ca. 6000–5700 years BP, whereas the ostracode-inferred salinity is relatively low at this time and peaks later at ca. 5000 years. Neither of these reconstructions suggests the short episodes of hypersalinity interpreted from the mineralogy.  相似文献   

Morphological analysis of the Fortore River coastal plain and the Lesina Lake coastal barrier integrated with radiocarbon age data indicates that the evolution of the coastal landscape has been strongly affected by a number of strong earthquakes and related tsunamis which occurred during the last 3000 years. The first seismic event struck this coastal area in the V century BC. It produced strong erosion of the Fortore River coastal plain and significant emersion of Punta delle Pietre Nere, as well as the large tsunami responsible for the development of the Sant'Andrea washover fan. The second event occurred in 493 AD; it induced severe erosion of the Fortore River coastal plain and triggered the large tsunami that hit the Lesina Lake coastal barrier, producing the Foce Cauto washover fan. Then later in 1627, an earthquake was responsible for the further coseismic uplift of Punta delle Pietre Nere, the subsidence of Lesina village area and the development of a tsunami which produced two washover fans.Morphological analysis points out that seismic events strong enough to control the morphological evolution of local coastal landscapes show a statistical return period of about 1000 years. These major events produced important coseismic vertical movements and large tsunamis. However, the correct identification of the tectonic structure responsible for the generation of these strong earthquakes is still an unsolved problem.  相似文献   

Diatom analysis of a varved sediment core from Elk Lake, Minnesotadocuments important natural and human-caused shifts in primary productivity atdecadal scales for the past 1500 years. Interpretations from a perspective ofplanktic diatom seasonal dynamics and from total phosphorus inferences based ona 111-lake training set of freshwater Canadian lakes reveal a major change tomore productive environments after 1000 years ago probably caused by earlierice-out and stronger, longer periods of lake circulation during the spring.European impacts in the region, principally logging in the Elk Lake drainage,during the past 100 years increased nutrient fluxes and turbulence during theopen water season to promote blooms of Aulacoseiraambigua. High resolution (semi-decadal) diatom analyses suggestsunspot cycle periodicities that may reflect short-term changes in thecharacter of irradiance and (or) sun-climate interactions. Total epilimneticphosphorus inferences from the Canadian training set applied to the Elk Lakediatom record document both long-term and short-term variations inproductivity and reconstruct past phosphorus values consistent with somepresent-day measured values at Elk Lake. The Elk Lake study underscores theneed for neolimnological monitoring of both training set and target lakes aswell as for the application of a multiple proxy protocol to documentpaleo-productivity that approaches neolimnological resolution.  相似文献   

近50年来气候变化背景下中国大豆生产潜力时空演变特征   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
大豆是中国最重要的粮食兼油料作物之一,随着人口的增长和人们生活水平的提高,中国对大豆产品的消费需求不断增加.全球气候变化给大豆生产带来了一定影响,其中有负面的,也有正面的.本文以2010年中国耕地空间分布遥感监测数据为基础,在1961-2010年的长时间序列气象数据、土壤数据等数据基础上,采用GAEZ模型,综合考虑光、温、水、CO2浓度、病虫害、农业气候限制、土壤、地形等因素,估算了中国大豆生产潜力,进而分析了近50年来气候变化导致的中国大豆生产潜力的时空格局特征.研究表明:①中国大豆生产潜力呈现由南向北、由西向东增加的趋势.东北平原区、长江中下游地区和黄淮海平原区是大豆高产区.②近50年来,中国大豆适宜种植面积持续增加,而大豆平均生产潜力却持续下降,大豆生产潜力总量先降后增.③中国大豆生产潜力的变化区域差异明显.东北平原区大豆生产潜力总量居全国第一,长江中下游地区和黄淮海平原区分别居第二、三位.本文揭示了近50年来气候变化背景下中国大豆生产潜力的时空格局演变特征,对合理安排大豆种植布局,高效利用气候和土地资源,实现大豆稳产高产具有指导意义.  相似文献   

A sediment core from a high-elevation bog on Maui in the Hawaiian Islands contains evidence for drier conditions between 9.4–5.8 kyr BP, followed by a wetter interval between 5.8–2.2 kyr BP, and a variable late Holocene. These precipitation changes may be a reflection of vertical displacements of the upper boundary of the mid-Pacific Trade Wind Inversion (TWI) cloud layer. Fires, probably volcanically ignited, occurred in the forests prior to human arrival. Polynesian activity in this high-elevation, remote site was apparently limited, with no pollen, charcoal, or sedimentological evidence for local anthropogenic disturbance. After European contact, grass fires increased and introduced plant species invaded the site. Values for Cd, Cu, Pb, and Zn in sediments throughout the Holocene indicate low trace-metal deposition from atmospheric particulates at the site, even in the twentieth century.This paper is one of a series of papers guest edited by Dr. Mark Brenner on tropical paleolimnology  相似文献   

气候变化下的祁连山地区近40 年多年冻土分布变化模拟   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
冻土是一种对气候变化极为敏感的土体介质,故气候的变化过程能反映和模拟冻土的分布及变化趋势。基于高程-响应模型,运用高分辨率的高程数据(DEM)、经度数据(Longitude)、纬度数据(Latitude)、年平均气温数据(MAAT)和气温垂直递减率数据(VLRT)对祁连山地区近40 年的多年冻土分布状况进行了数值模拟。分析表明:① 该高程-响应模型模拟的冻土范围和变化趋势与相关研究所引入逻辑回归模型的模拟结果基本一致。② 该模型模拟的1970s、1980s、1990s,2000s 的祁连山地区冻土分布面积分别为9.75×104 km2、9.35×104 km2、8.85×104 km2、7.66×104 km2。在这40 年中,冻土的分布范围呈现出明显减少的趋势。③ 从1970s 到1980s、1980s 到1990s、1990s 到2000s 三个时间段内,冻土分布范围的退缩速率分别为4.1%、5.3%、13.4%,其呈现逐渐增速的趋势,1990s 到2000s 出现了跳跃式增长。本研究可为分析长时间序列祁连山地区的多年冻土变化提供科学参考依据。  相似文献   

近50年气候驱动下东北地区玉米生产潜力时空演变分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
利用GAEZ模型,综合考虑气象、土壤、地形等因素,估算1961-2010年东北玉米生产潜力,分析50年来气候变化导致的东北玉米生产潜力时空格局演变特征。研究发现:① 1961-2010年,东北玉米平均生产潜力波动较大,整体上以每10年80 kg/hm2的线性倾向率增加;② 由于气候变化,20世纪末、21世纪初玉米生产潜力变化较为频繁;③ 玉米生产潜力总值黑龙江省始终处于最高,近50年间增长幅度黑龙江省>吉林省>辽宁省;④ 近50年来,黑龙江省玉米生产潜力的波动较为剧烈,吉林省和辽宁省相对稳定;⑤ 近50年东北玉米适宜种植区有所增加,主要集中在黑龙江省西北地区,高生产潜力区域增加明显,呈现北移趋势。研究可为东北地区高效利用气候和土地资源,优化玉米生产布局提供依据。  相似文献   

Source-bordering dunefields have been reported in some drylands of the planet, but scarcely in China where there are extensive drylands. This article reports them in China for the first time, and presents a model for their active origin and development on a semiarid fluvial plain by means of satellite image analyses and field investigations. Local- and regional-scale examples are chosen to analyze the spatial patterns of dunefields, as well as the relationships with the fluvial systems in the central part of Naiman Banner where the Jiaolai River runs, and the lower Laoha River, and the middle and lower Ulijimulun River (principal tributaries of the Xiliaohe River). The active origin and development of source-bordering dunefields can be divided into four stages in terms of the spatial patterns of dunefields and channel dynamics: Stage I — individual dunes on the downwind margins of river valleys where running water constantly erodes the steep slopes of valley and where the downwind slopes orient to local dominant winds; Stage II — individual local-scale dunefields formed by deflation of the steep valley slopes and extending antecedent dunes downwind, together with the downstream displacement of meanders; Stage III — individual large-scale dunefield belts along the downwind margins of river valleys formed through frequent lateral migrations of channel; Stage IV — regional-scale dunefields formed mainly by river diversions due to climatic changes or tectonic movements. On the one hand, it is the running water's lateral migration, especially meandering, that prepares suitable places for aeolian systems in terms of both wind flow fields and sand sources, and subsequently it can further cause separate local-scale source-bordering dunefields to link together as a regional-scale dunefield belt given sufficient time. On the other hand, diversions of the river are bound to occur following changing hydrologic regimes resulting from tectonic movements or significant climate change (at regional and millennium scales). As a result, when some dunefield belts as well as the adjacent channels are abandoned, new channels work elsewhere in the same way to actively form new source-bordering dunefields and even dunefield belts at a regional scale.  相似文献   

Climate change in the northeastern United States has been inferred for the last deglaciation to middle Holocene (∼16,600 to 6000 calendar years ago) using multi-proxy data (total organic matter, total carbonate content, δ18 O calcite and δ13 C calcite) from a 5 m long sediment core from Seneca Lake, New York. Much of the regional postglacial warming occurred during the well-known Bolling and Allerod warm periods (∼14.5 to 13.0 ka), but climate amelioration in the northeastern United States preceded that in Greenland by ∼2000 years. An Oldest Dryas climate event (∼15.1 to 14.7 ka) is recognized in Seneca Lake as is a brief Older Dryas (∼14.1 ka) cold event. This latter cold event correlates with the regional expansion of glacial Lake Iroquois and global meltwater pulse IA. An increase in winter precipitation and a shorter growing season likely characterized the northeastern United States at this time. The Intra-Allerod Cold Period (∼13.2 ka) is also evident supporting an “Amphi-Atlantic Oscillation” at this time. The well-known Younger Dryas cold interval occurred in the northeastern United States between 12.9 and 11.6 ka, consistent with ice core data from Greenland. In the Seneca Lake record, however, the Younger Dryas appears as an asymmetric event characterized by an abrupt, high-amplitude beginning followed by a more gradual recovery. Compared to European records, the Younger Dryas in the northeastern United States was a relatively low-amplitude event. The largest amplitude and longest duration anomaly in the Seneca Lake record occurs after the Younger Dryas, between ∼11.6 and 10.3 ka. This “post-Younger Dryas climate interval” represents the last deglacial climate event prior to the start of the Holocene in the northeastern United States, but has not been recognized in Greenland or Europe. The early to middle Holocene in the northeastern United States was characterized by low-amplitude climate variability. A general warming trend during the Holocene Hypsithermal peaked at ∼9 ka coincident with maximum summer insolation controlled by orbital parameters. Millennial- to century-scale variability is also evident in the Holocene Seneca Lake record, including the well-known 8.2 ka cold event (as well as events at ∼7.1 and 6.6 ka). Hemispherical cooling during the Holocene Neoglacial in the northeastern United States began ∼5.5 ka in response to decreasing summer insolation.  相似文献   

To reconstruct the pattern of past climate change in central Japan during the last 140 kyr, total planktonic diatom valve concentrations (valves g–1) and fluxes (valves cm–2 year–1) of total planktonic diatoms flux (PVF) and individual species were examined using a 140-m core taken from Lake Biwa, Shiga Prefecture. Most records had a sample resolution between approximately 150 and 300 yr. Based on characteristics of past and modern diatom responses to possible climate variables, we interpreted changes in Stephanodiscus suzukii flux (SVF) to reflect changes in phosphorus levels, which reflect, in turn, summer precipitation levels; changes in Aulacoseiva nipponica flux (AVF) reflect winter vertical lake-water mixing induced by winter temperatures and snowfall levels. Thus, changes in total planktonic diatom flux reflect a combination of summer precipitation, winter temperature, and snowfall values. During the 140–101 ka interval, changes in S. suzukii productivity at a millennial timescale may correspond to changes in summer rainfall in central Japan. The disappearance of A. nipponica during the same period could indicate weaker vertical mixing, possibly caused by increased temperatures and decreased snowfall levels in winter. During the 101–70 ka interval, the AVF record shows levels near or above those observed in present times, indicating that winter water temperatures fell within the optimal range for A. nipponica to prosper. Generally low AVF values during the 70–7 ka interval indicate weak winter vertical mixing and cold winters. The many intervals with low PVF values during the same period suggest decreased summer precipitation levels. Between 7 and 0 ka, PVF, SVF, and AVF records show levels near or above those of the present, suggesting winter temperatures favorable for A. nipponica growth, and snowfall and summer precipitation levels probably similar to or above those currently recorded.  相似文献   

Diatom-based paleolimnological studies are being increasingly used to track anthropogenic change in estuaries. Little is known, however, about the direction and nature of long-term environmental changes in Australian estuaries. In this study, shifts in diatom assemblages preserved in a 210Pb and C14 AMS dated sediment core from Tuckean Swamp were analysed to determine environmental changes that had taken place as a result of changing land-use practices. Prior to European impact, the diatom assemblage remained relatively stable and was dominated by Actinocyclus normanii and Diploneis smithii. An increasing dominance of Cyclotella meneghiniana correlates well with changed land use activities in the catchment area and indicates an increase of freshwater influence in the swamp’s environment. A major shift in species composition began ∼1970, Eunotia flexuosa becoming dominant. The assemblage shifts recorded at this site appear to be consistent with environmental changes triggered by human activities such as vegetation clearance, drainage and the construction of a barrage. This study demonstrates the use of paleolimnoology in an estuarine environment to provide pre-impact data necessary for management of the aquatic environment.  相似文献   

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