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Charged particle acceleration is considered by a radiation flux from a star or hot spot in X-ray pulsars. It is shown that for any distance from the star there exists the upper velocity limit up to which a particle can be accelerated by radiation. This critical velocity does not depend on the luminosity of the spot. Near the hot spot surface the critical velocityv0.65c. These results are applied to plasma acceleration inX-ray pulsars. The mechanism is advanced, of -ray generation in the course of plasma accretion, onto a neutron star. It is shown that in the presence of a large magnetic field and high luminosity of the spot the relativistic electron-position avalanche may appear. The optical depth of the electron-positron cloud achieves the value of order one. The X-ray quanta emitted by the spot are scattered by relativistic (2.6) electron-positron pairs and are transformed into -radiation. Hard quanta with energy 1 MeV leave the generation region in the narrow cone 0.25.  相似文献   

A common mechanism for both X-ray and-ray bursters is proposed on the basis that a window can be created transiently in the polar cap of a degenerate star, a white dwarf for X-ray bursts and a neutron star for-ray bursts. The window exposes transiently a hot degenerate sub-layer of the star at shallow depth, from which escapes blackbody flux for a source at temperature 3 kev with window radius 10 km in the case of X-ray bursts and for a source at temperature 300 kev with window radius 0.5 km in the case of-ray bursts.  相似文献   

The observations of the BATSE instrument on the Compton Gamma-Ray Observatory show that the spatial distribution of -ray burst sources is isotropic but radially non-uniform. As is well known, the spectral features, the time histories and the X-ray tails present in some -ray bursts suggest that they may arise from galactic neutron stars. But, low velocity neutron stars born in the Galactic disk would concentrate toward the galactic plane and center, and could not fit the BATSE results. However, the high velocity neutron stars with velocity 1000 km s–1 may escape from the Galactic gravitational field and form a nearly isotropic distribution. Here we calculate the three statistical values of V/V max, sin2 b and cos as functions of the intensitiesC max/C min and find that they could be fitted by the distribution of high velocity neutron stars under the assumption that the high velocity neutron stars should turn on as -ray burst sources only after some time (perhaps after they have ceased to be radio pulsars). Our calculation shows that the statistical value of cos is more sensitive than sin2 b to the angular distribution of high velocity neutron stars, i.e. the deviation of cos from 0 is more readily detected than the deviation of sin2 b from 1/3, so we expect that with the increasing sensitivity of instrument and the more exact value of cos , it is possible to determine whether this high velocity neutron star model is correct. Some results are discussed in the text.  相似文献   

The final nuclear composition of the matter expanding from the density of a neutron star is investigated. It is assumed that starquakes cause the cracks which penetrate the neutron star crust and that the neutron star fluid can flow out through the cracks into space. The change with time of the nuclear composition of this matter is calculated by use of the compressible nuclear mass formula, and the hydrodynamics of the system is followed by the effect of nuclear transformation with time of the second fission of heavy neutron-rich nuclei, which is followed by a rapid rise to above 109 K. If the value of the -strength function exceeds about 10–5.5 MeV–1 s–1, the system proceeds to a state of nuclear equilibrium in the later expansion stage and the nuclear composition is reshuffled, finally to be transformed into neutron-excess, stable nuclei within the atomic mass region 80A120. It also becomes clear that if the strength function has a value smaller than the above critical value, then the neutron-rich nuclides withA[200, 400] are copiously produced. These results will also be applied in the cases of a neutron-star-black-hole collision and the explosion of a neutron star associated with the catastrophic phase transition within the neutron star core. The astrophysical implications are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

The properties of the hydrogen burning shell in the envelope of an accreting neutron star have been studied for a range of mass accretion rates, neutron star radii, and metal abundances of the accreted matter. It is found that the hydrogen burning shells lie at densities ranging from 105–6×106 gm cm–3. For mass accretion rates in excess ofM c2 hydrogen and helium burn together. ForM c1MM c2, the hydrogen burning shell is stabilized by the limited CNO cycle. Implications of these results to the X-ray burst phenomena are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

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The stability of the stationary motions of a spin-stabilized satellite is investigated using the Lyapunov second method. The nutating motion of the satellite is damped by a special-purpose device. In case the damping device consists of several independent dampers with one degree of freedom little affecting the satellite motion, their optimal parameters ensuring a maximal rate of damping the nutating motion of the satellite are determined with the hypothesis of resonance adjustmentsof the dampers. The Krylov-Bogolyubov method is used to investigate the influence of external moments on the motion of the satellite rotation axis.

A central part of the GRB 790613 field is investigated, which contains about 1/3 of the area of 99% confidence of the GRB localization. Up to V 25 no blue optical counterparts were found. This can be interpreted as the absence in the field of single compact objects of the neutron star type as a possible potential source of -burst, up to a distance of 30 pc.  相似文献   

A static relativistic theory of the stability of the equilibrium of an isentropic spherically-symmetric star is deduced from the properties of a functionu which is solution of a second-order differential equation, and which is related to the model by means of the formulau = m(v, c)/c, wherem is the mass-energy inside the coordinate volumev and c is the central mass-energy density.Work done in the Laboratorio Astrofisico di Frascati, Roma.  相似文献   

We investigate the dynamics and evolution of coalescing neutron stars. The three-dimensional Newtonian equations of hydrodynamics are integrated by the Piecewise Parabolic Method on an equidistant Cartesian grid. The code is purely Newtonian, but does include the emission of gravitational waves and their back-reaction. The properties of neutron star matter are described by the equation of state of Lattimer and Swesty (1991). Energy loss by all types of neutrinos and changes of the electron fraction due to the emission of electron neutrinos and antineutrinos are taken into account by an elaborate neutrino leakage scheme. We simulate the coalescence of two identical, cool neutron stars with a baryonic mass of 1.6M and a radius of 15 km and with an initial center-to-center distance of 42 km. The initial distributions of density and electron concentration are given from a model of a cold neutron star in hydrostatic equilibrium. We investigate three cases which differ by the initial velocity distribution in the neutron stars. The orbit decays due to gravitational-wave emission and after one revolution the stars are so close that dynamical instability sets in. Within 1 ms the neutron stars merge into a rapidly spinning (P 1 ms), high-density body ( 1014 g/cm3) with a surrounding thick disk of material with densities 1010 – 1012 g/cm3 and orbital velocities of 0.3-0.5 c. The peak emission of gravitational waves has a maximum luminosity of a few times 1055 erg/s and is reached for about 1 ms. The amplitudes of the gravitational waves are close to 3 10–23 at a distance of 1 Gpc and the typical frequency is near the dynamical value of the orbital motion of the merging neutron stars of 2 KHz. In a post-processing step, the rate of neutrino-antineutrino annihilation is calculated from the neutrino luminosities generated during the hydrodynamical simulations. We find the integral annihilation rate to be a few 1050 erg/s during the phase of strongest neutrino emission, which is too small to generate the observed bursts considering the fact that the merged object of about 3M will most likely collapse to a black hole within milliseconds.  相似文献   

Some particular solutions of the restricted three-body problem which determine outgoing or incoming orbits near libration points are considered. The solutions are obtained in the form of absolutely convergent Liapounov series. It is proved that these asymptotic solutions are plane curves situated in the orbital plane of the primaries. Each family of asymptotic solutions for every collinear point consists of four solutions which are the separatrices of a saddle point. The angles of inclination of the separatrices are determined.
aaa a a aa , a. a a a. a, a . . aa, a a aaa. . a . a a , aaa a. . aa aa a .

It is shown that the observed color diagrams(U-B) f (B-V) f for pure flare emission of UV Cet type flare stars may be explained within the framework of a fast electron hypothesis. We point out the essential influence on these color indices of the two following factors: (a) the deviations of the normal radiation capability of the star in the infrared region of spectra (on 3.6 m, 4.4 m, and 5.5 m) from the Planckian distribution; (b) the location of the cloud (source) of fast electrons around the star (flare geometry effect). Under the real conditions of the generation of flares around the star the frequency transformation law at the photon-electron interaction has a view =n20, wheren may take the different values-from 0.15 up to 4; it depends on the cloud-star-observer geometry. By the observed colors of the flare emission may be understood, in principle, the location of flare source around the star. A possible role of reflection effect at the generation of stellar flares is outlined.  相似文献   

With the assumption, the physical 3-spacet = constant in a superdense star is spheroidal and the matter-density on the boundary surface of the configurationa = 2 × 1014 g cm–3( the average matter density in a neutron star) Vaidya and Tikekar (1982) proposed an exact relativistic model for a neutron star. They suggested that their model can describe the hydrostatic equilibrium conditions in such a superdense star with densities in the range of 1014-1016 g cm–3. Based on this model Parui and Sarma (1991) estimated the maximum limit of the density variation parameter for a stable neutron star (both for charged and uncharged) which is equal to 0.68, i.e. max = 0.68.In this paper we have shown variation of central density per unit equilibrium radius (0/a), variation of mass, upper limit of density variation parameter both for charged and uncharged neutron stars at densities 1015 and 1016 g cm–3, respectively. We have obtained max = 0.68, i.e. the same as before. The important is that the duration of stability among the neutron star's constituents around max will be shorter and shorter at higher densities as we proceed near the centre of the neutron star. In case of a charged neutron star, once stability among the constituents has been established, then unstability appears gradually maintaining linear relation between change in central density per unit equilibrium radius and change in mass whereas in case of uncharged neutron star, linear relation does not maintain.  相似文献   

Part I gives a survey of the drastic revision of cosmic plasma physics which is precipitated by the exploration of the magnetosphere throughin situ measurements. The pseudo-plasma formalism, which until now has almost completely dominated theoretical astrophysics, must be replaced by an experimentally based approach involving the introduction of a number of neglected plasma phenomena, such as electric double layers, critical velocity, and pinch effect. The general belief that star light is the main ionizer is shown to be doubtful; hydromagnetic conversion of gravitational and kinetic energy may often be much more important.In Part II the revised plasma physics is applied to dark clouds and star formation. Magnetic fields do not necessarily counteract the contraction of a cloud; they may just as well pinch the cloud. Magnetic compression may be the main mechanism for forming interstellar clouds and keeping them together.Part III treats the formation of stars in a dusty cosmic plasma cloud. Star formation is due to an instability, but it is very unlikely that it has anything to do with the Jeans instability. A reasonable mechanism is that the sedimentation of dust (including solid bodies of different size) is triggering off a gravitationally assisted accretion. A stellesimal accretion analogous to the planetesimal accretion leads to the formation of a star surrounded by a very low density hollow in the cloud. Matter falling in from the cloud towards the star is the raw material for the formation of planets and satellites.The study of the evolution of a dark cloud leads to a scenario of planet formation which is reconcilable with the results obtained from studies based on solar system data. This means that the new approach to cosmical plasma physics discussed in Part I logically leads to a consistent picture of the evolution of dark clouds and the formation of solar systems.  相似文献   

The phenomenon of pulsars is considered as the evidence for existence of black holes in neutron and quark stars. Within the framework of the degenerated star model with black-hole interior the existence of millisecond pulsars withP<0.5 ms and single pulsars with negative derivative of the period were predicted. The anisotropic accretion of neutron (or quark) star matter on to a rotating black hole leads to the formation of directed radiation (projector), which makes heat spots at surface (volcanos), that explains the nature of pulsating radiation and the complicated structure of impulses. This model gives both the mechanism of self-acceleration of degenerated star rotation (mass accretion on to the internal black hole) producing millisecond pulsars and also the mechanism of significant deceleration of rotation (ejection of neutral mass through a volcanic crater), leading to long-periodic X-ray pulsars. The black hole produces high densities and temperatures of the degenerated star mass that transforms gradually the neutron star into quark star (Cygnus X-3).  相似文献   

Spectral observations of the Herbig Ae star MWC 480 are reported. Observations were made on the 2.6 m telescope at the Crimean Astrophysical Observatory and the 6 m telescope at the Special Astrophysical Observatory in the neighborhoods of the sodium resonance doublet, the He I 5876 line, the oxygen O I 7774 line, the H line, and some others. The H line has a P Cyg-type profile which is typical of anisotropic decelerated material outflows. The parameters of the line profile vary on a time scale on the order of days or longer. The blue wing of the line profile, in which noticeable changes are detectable over times of a few hours, is subject to the greatest variation. An unusual line shape is observed in the sodium lines. Their profiles resemble type P Cyg profiles with discrete absorption components can be seen in the blue wing. The number, shape, and radial velocities of the components change with time. The maximum radial velocity is -330 km/s and the minimum, about -50 km/s. The high velocity components are subject to the greatest variability. An analysis of the spectral variability yields the following conclusions: (1) the inner layers of the accretion disk of MWC 480 reach right to the star. The maximum rotation velocity of the circumstellar gas derived from the oxygen OI 7774 line shape is close to 400-500 km/s, which corresponds roughly to the radius of the last Keplerian orbit. (2) A highly nonuniform, high velocity component of the disk wind, which contains dense fragments (microjets), develops in this region. They appear to form as a result of the unstable structure of the magnetic field in the layers of the accretion disk closest to the star. (3) The maximum velocities of the microjets are only slightly higher than the escape velocity at the star's surface. Thus, the bulk of the momentum which they acquire is expended in overcoming the star's gravity and this causes a deceleration in the radial motion of the gas. This kind of structure for the radiating region is consistent with magneto-centrifugal models of the disk wind in which the intrinsic magnetic field of the accretion disk plays a dominant role in the acceleration of the gas.  相似文献   

Formation of the spectra of X-ray pulsars and gamma bursters is investigated. Interpretation of a hard X-ray spectrum of pulsars containing cyclotron lines is feasible on the basis of an isothermal model of a polar spot heated due to accretion to a neutron star. It has been ascertained that in the regions responsible for the formation of continuum radiation and lines the mode polarization is determined by a magnetized vacuum rather than by a plasma. Bearing this in mind, the influence of the magnetic field of a star on the wide wings of the cyclotron line and on its depth is discussed. The part played by the accreting column in the case of strong accretion (1019 el cm–3) needed for long sustaining of the high level of X-rays from a neutron star-pulsar is studied. There occur the gaps in spectrum at frequencies close to the electron gyro-frequency and its harmonics due to the screening of the hot spot by the opaque gyro-resonant layers located within the accreting column. These gaps ensure the formation of cyclotron lines in absorption irrespective of the presence of such lines in the X-ray spectrum of a polar hot spot.The spectra of gamma-bursters recorded by Venus 11 and Venus 12 are interpreted in terms of a two-layer model of a polar hot spot. The estimates are given of the distance to some of the bursters, of the emission measure from a high-temperature layer responsible for continuum radiation and of the dispersion measure of a colder layer forming cyclotron lines in absorption. It is noted that the action of an accreting column leads generally to the radiation depression at frequencies below cyclotron lines. By the observed depression for one of the bursters the electron density of near-star accreting plasma during the burst has been directly estimated (4×10–14 el cm–3). Possible appearance of false cyclotron lines associated with cyclotron scattering in accreting column has been revealed.The problem of measuring the magnetic fields of neutron stars taking account of the gravitational redshift and the quantum recoil effect in emission and in absorption is discussed. Possibilty for a more precise measurement of the magnetic fields of those bursters whose spectrum contains both a cyclotron and an annihilation lines is noted.  相似文献   

The distortions of the relict radiation spectrum in the region of the wavelength <120 are considered. These distortions are due to the emission of photons under the formation of molecular hydrogen in the expanding universe in the cosmological epoch 40z200. It is shown that the real intensity of the relict radiation in the region of the wavelength under consideration must significantly exceed Planck's intensity, with a radiation temperature amounting to 2.8 K.  相似文献   

We calculate the effects of hyperons and resonance particles on the vibrations of neutron stars. Vibrating neutron stars can store large amounts of energy in their vibrations; the interaction of the vibrations with the atmosphere would produce electromagnetic radiation. If any process damps out the vibrations rapidly on an astronomical time scale ( 1000 years) then vibrating neutron stars are not likely to be found. Previous work indicates that radiation by a neutrino URCA process (N+NP+N+e + ) does not rapidly damp many of the neutron star models. Some neutron stars are predicted to contain massive baryons; here we study thermal damping by nonequilibrium reactions involving these baryons.During vibrations the thermodynamic equilibrium state is changed and particle reactions attempt to restore equilibrium. If the reaction rates per particle are very rapid or slow compared to the frequency of vibration the system follows almost the same pressure-volume curve through both parts of the gas cycle, and very little work is done. In the intermediate case, when reaction rates are comparable to the frequency, damping is rapid.We find that the reaction rates for weak interactions such asN+NP+ (the is the first hyperon to appear with increasing density in degenerate neutron star matter) are of the right magnitude to cause rapid damping. If there is a hyperon region in the star then it cannot sustain vibrations. We also consider the much faster (and hence less important) processN+NP+.  相似文献   

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