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High signal-to-noise ratio spectra are presented of the 10-μm silicate absorption feature in lines of sight towards Elias 16 and 18 in the Taurus dark cloud, and towards the heavily reddened supergiant Cyg OB2 no. 12. The observations are fitted with laboratory and astronomical spectra to produce intrinsic absorption profiles. These features, which represent molecular-cloud and diffuse ISM dust respectively, are better fitted with emissivity spectra of the Trapezium and μ Cephei than they are with those of laboratory, terrestrial, or other observations of circumstellar silicates. The difference in width between the silicate band in the two environments can be almost entirely ascribed to a broad excess absorption in the long-wavelength wing of the profiles, which is much stronger in the molecular-cloud lines of sight, and possibly reflects grain growth in the denser environment. Limits are placed on the strength of fine spectral structure; if there is a crystalline silicate component in these spectra, it is most likely to be serpentine. Column-density upper limits for methanol and the photolysis product hexamethylenetetramine (HMT) are less than a few per cent of those of water ice and silicates.  相似文献   

We present new absorbance spectra of the 3-, 6- and 12-μm features of amorphous and crystalline H2O ice obtained between 10 and 140 K. Three sets of measurements have been made. In series I, the ice film was initially deposited on to a CsI substrate at 10 K and successive spectra were then obtained at intermediate temperatures as the ice was warmed up to 140 K. The second set, series II, comprises spectra for ice films deposited and measured at temperatures between 10 and 140 K. In the third set of measurements, series III, spectra were obtained for an ice film deposited at 140 K and then at intermediate temperatures as the film was cooled down to 10 K. The series I and II results show that the ice undergoes an amorphous-to-crystalline phase transition in the 110–120 K range. The 3- and 12-μm bands have similar trends in full width at half-maximum (FWHM) and opposite peak wavelength shifts. The temperature behaviour of the 6-μm band is different, as no clear phase transition temperature can be discerned from its FWHM and peak wavelength position data. In the series III spectra the peak wavelength positions and FWHM of the three bands remain relatively constant, thus demonstrating the stability of the crystalline phase against thermal cycling. A comparison between the laboratory results and astronomical spectra suggests that the identification of the librational band of H2O ice in OH 231.8 + 4.2 may be incorrect.  相似文献   

A full radiative transfer model is presented for the ultraviolet (UV) radiation impinging on an interstellar cloud of spherical or finite plane-parallel slab geometry containing gas and dust. The penetration of the UV photons is coupled to detailed chemical processes. Photodestruction rates of atomic and molecular species are calculated from the corresponding cross-sections. We show that CO line intensities are quite sensitive to geometrical effects and to the extinction curve in the far-UV.  相似文献   

We study the rotation rates and electric dipole emission of hydrogenated icosahedral fullerenes under the physical conditions of the dark cloud (DC) LDN 1622. The abundance of fullerenes is estimated by fitting theoretical photoabsorption spectra to the characteristics of the ultraviolet (UV) bump extinction in DCs. The UV bump appears to be well reproduced by a mixture of fullerenes following a size-distribution power law, which gives progressively lower abundances as the radius of the fullerene increases. We infer abundances of the order of  0.2 × 10−6  n (H 2)  for C60. A significant fraction of these molecules are expected to be hydrogenated. We compute the electric dipole rotational emission from these fullerene hydrides, taking into account rotational excitation and damping processes. The recent detection of anomalous microwave emission (5–60 GHz) in LDN 1622 by Casassus et al. can be explained as the result of electric dipole radiation from hydrogenated fullerenes. The bulk of the emission (10–30 GHz) appears to be associated with 60–80 carbon atom fulleranes with a degree of hydrogenation of C:H ≈ 3:1. A small contribution (∼10 per cent) of these molecules residing in the surrounding cold neutral medium and/or photodissociation region of the cloud is required to fit the high-frequency tail (40–60 GHz) of the emission.  相似文献   

A sample of 25 infrared-bright planetary nebulae (PNe) towards the Galactic bulge is analysed through 8–13 μm spectroscopy. The classification of the warm dust emission features provides a measure of the C/O chemical balance, and represents the first C/O estimates for bulge PNe. Out of 13 PNe with identified dust types, four PNe have emission features associated with C-based grains, while the remaining 9 have O-rich dust signatures. The low fraction of C-rich PNe, ≲ 30 per cent, contrasts with that for local PNe, around ∼ 80 per cent, although it follows the trend for a decreasing frequency of C-rich PNe with galactocentric radius (Paper I). We investigate whether the PNe discussed here are linked to the bulge stellar population (similar to type IV, or halo, PNe) or the inner Galactic disc (a young and super-metal-rich population). Although 60 per cent of the PNe with warm dust are convincing bulge members, none of the C-rich PNe satisfies our criteria, and they are probably linked to the inner Galactic disc. In the framework of single star evolution, the available information on bulge PNe points towards a progenitor population similar in age to that of local PNe (type I PNe are found in similar proportions), but super-metal-rich (to account for the scarcity of C-rich objects). Yet the metallicities of bulge PNe, as inferred from [O/H], fail to reach the required values – except for the C-rich objects. It is likely that the sample discussed here is derived from a mixed disc/bulge progenitor population and dominated by type IV PNe, as suggested by Peimbert. The much higher fraction of O-rich PNe in this sample than in the solar neighbourhood should result in a proportionally greater injection of silicate grains into the inner Galactic medium.  相似文献   

This is the second in a series of papers presenting results from the SCUBA Local Universe Galaxy Survey. In our first paper we provided 850-μm flux densities for 104 galaxies selected from the IRAS Bright Galaxy Sample and we found that the 60-, 100-μm ( IRAS ) and 850-μm (SCUBA) fluxes could be adequately fitted by emission from dust at a single temperature. In this paper we present 450-μm data for the galaxies. With the new data, the spectral energy distributions of the galaxies can no longer be fitted with an isothermal dust model – two temperature components are now required. Using our 450-μm data and fluxes from the literature, we find that the 450/850-μm flux ratio for the galaxies is remarkably constant, and this holds from objects in which the star formation rate is similar to our own Galaxy, to ultraluminous infrared galaxies (ULIRGs) such as Arp 220. The only possible explanation for this is if the dust emissivity index for all of the galaxies is ∼2 and the cold dust component has a similar temperature in all galaxies     . The 60-μm luminosities of the galaxies were found to depend on both the dust mass and the relative amount of energy in the warm component, with a tendency for the temperature effects to dominate at the highest L 60. The dust masses estimated using the new temperatures are higher by a factor of ∼2 than those determined previously using a single temperature. This brings the gas-to-dust ratios of the IRAS galaxies into agreement with those of the Milky Way and other spiral galaxies which have been intensively studied in the submm.  相似文献   

We present ISOPHOT observations of eight interstellar regions in the 60–200 μm wavelength range. The regions belong to mostly quiescent high-latitude clouds and have optical extinction peaks from   AV ∼1–6 mag  . From the 150- and 200-μm emission, we derived colour temperatures for the classical big grain component which show a clear trend of decreasing temperature with increasing 200-μm emission. The 200-μm emission per unit   AV   , however, does not drop at lower temperatures. This fact can be interpreted in terms of an increased far-infrared (FIR) emissivity of the big grains. We developed a two-component model including warm dust with the temperature of the diffuse interstellar medium (ISM) of   T = 17.5 K  , and cold dust with   T = 13.5 K  and FIR emissivity increased by a factor of >4. A mixture of the two components can reproduce the observed colour variations and the ratios   I 200/ AV   and  τ200/ AV   . The relative abundance of small grains with respect to the big grains shows significant variations from region to region at low column densities. However, in lines of sight of higher column density, our data indicate the disappearance of small grains, perhaps a signature of adsorption/coagulation of dust. The larger size and porous structure could also explain the increased FIR emissivity. Our results from eight independent regions suggest that these grains might be ubiquitous in the galactic ISM.  相似文献   

The reliability of modelling the far-infrared continuum to  13CO  J = 1 → 0  spectral line ratios applied to the Orion clouds (see previous paper in the series) on the scales of several parsecs (i.e. ∼7 pc) is tested by applying the models to simulated data. The two-component models are found to give the dust–gas temperature difference,  Δ T   , to within 1 or 2 K. However, other parameters like the column density per velocity interval and the gas density can be wrong by an order of magnitude or more. In particular, the density can be systematically underestimated by an order of magnitude or more. The overall mass of the clouds is estimated correctly to within a few per cent.
These results may permit us to reliably constrain estimates of the Orion clouds' physical parameters, based on the real observations of the far-infrared continuum and  13CO  J = 1 → 0  spectral line. Nevertheless, other systematics must be treated first. These include the effects of background/foreground subtraction, effects of the H  i component of the interstellar medium, and others. These will be discussed in a future paper.  相似文献   

We analyse spectra of slightly reddened, early-type stars in which the major diffuse interstellar bands at 5870 and 5797 Å are either strong or weak in relation to E(B – V) . It is demonstrated that among the low E(B – V) objects one can find stars obscured by 'sigma' as well as 'zeta' type clouds. The profiles of the diffuse bands seem not to be dependent on the total opacities of the interstellar clouds. We also discuss the physical conditions leading to the formation of the diffuse band carriers in low-opacity interstellar clouds; the carriers are apparently formed in media in which one can observe complex velocity fields.  相似文献   

We have retrieved Spitzer archive data of pre-stellar cores taken with the Multiband Imaging Photometer for Spitzer (MIPS) at a wavelength of 160 μm. Seventeen images, containing 18 cores, were constructed. Flux densities were measured for each core, and background estimates were made. Mean off-source backgrounds were found to be 48 ± 10 MJy sr−1 in Taurus and 140 ± 55 MJy sr−1 in Ophiuchus. Consistency was found between the MIPS 170-μm and ISOPHOT 160-μm calibrations. Fourteen cores were detected both by MIPS and by our previous submillimetre surveys. Spectral energy distributions were made for each core, using additional 24- and 70-μm data from the Spitzer data archive, as well as previous infrared and submillimetre data. Previous temperature estimates were refined, and new temperature estimates were made where no Infrared Space Observatory ( ISO ) data exist. A temperature range of 8–18 K was found for the cores, with most lying in the range 10–13 K. We discount recent claims that a large number of pre-stellar cores may have been misclassified and in fact contain low-luminosity protostars detectable only by Spitzer . We find no new protostars in our sample other than that previously reported in L1521F. It is shown that this has a negligible effect on pre-stellar lifetime estimates.  相似文献   

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