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Water–rock–gas system is simulated using a technique based on the fundamental principles of modern hydrogeochemistry regarding the formation parameters of natural-water chemistry to show that groundwater pollution hazard at a gold-bearing placer is acute for any site of water exchange changing from passive to active. Under passive water exchange, the products of sulfide oxidation are accumulated; whereas under active water exchange, the oxidation products are leached out to form acid drainage flows. The treatment of acid drainage water and the neutralization of acid solutions are more effective under reduction or weakly alkaline conditions.  相似文献   

Residential areas in Kuwait City have witnessed a dramatic rise in subsurface water tables over the last three decades. This water rise phenomenon is attributed mainly to over irrigation practices of private gardens along with leakage from domestic and sewage networks. This paper presents a comprehensive study for urban drainage in two selected areas representing the two hydrogeological settings encountered in Kuwait City. In the first area, a vertical drainage scheme was applied successfully over an area of 1 km2. The system has been under continuous operation and monitoring for more than 4 years without problems, providing a permanent solution for the water rise problem in this area. The hydrogeological system has approached steady state conditions and the water levels have dropped to about 3·5 m below the ground surface. In the second area a dual drainage scheme, composing of horizontal and vertical elements, is proposed. Horizontal elements are suggested in the areas where the deep groundwater contains hazardous gases that may pose environmental problems. The proposed drainage scheme in the second area has not yet been implemented. Field tests were conducted to assess the aquifer parameters in both areas and a numerical model has been developed to predict the long‐term response of the hydrogeological system in the two areas under consideration. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Integrated uranium-isotopic and microhydrochemical studies were used to develop an indicator model of formation and circulation of drinking groundwater of Neogene-Quaternary deposit and to assess their current ecological state. The paths of subsurface flows of infiltration recharge are identified and traced, and the zones of deep-water inflow are identified and delimited. The total pollution index of groundwater from Neogene-Quaternary aquifer system was found to far in excess of the acceptable level because of an elevated concentrations of iron, manganese, and phosphorus of anthropogenic and deep-seated origin.  相似文献   

Since surface water and groundwater systems are fully coupled and integrated, increased groundwater withdrawal during drought may reduce groundwater discharges into the stream, thereby prolonging both systems’ recovery from drought. To analyze watershed response to basin-level groundwater pumping, we propose a modelling framework to understand the resiliency of surface water and groundwater systems using an integrated hydrologic model under transient pumping. The proposed framework incorporates uncertainties in initial conditions to develop robust estimates of restoration times of both surface water and groundwater and quantifies how pumping impacts state variables such as soil moisture. Groundwater pumping impacts over a watershed were also analyzed under different pumping volumes and different potential climate scenarios. Our analyses show that groundwater restoration time is more sensitive to variability in climate forcings as opposed to changes in pumping volumes. After the cessation of pumping, streamflow recovers quickly in comparison to groundwater, which has higher persistence. Pumping impacts on various hydrologic variables were also discussed. Potential for developing optimal conjunctive management plans using seasonal-to-interannual climate forecasts is also discussed.  相似文献   

Two high-resolution reflection seismic profiles were acquired in the Heby area of eastern Sweden over glacial deposits for the purpose of mapping groundwater resources. The majority of shot points were located in clay resulting in good quality data along most of the profiles. On stacked and migrated sections, the uppermost clay is about 20 m thick and is characterized by its subhorizontal reflectivity. Sand/gravel deposits below it contain more dipping interfaces and have a chaotic reflectivity pattern. Depth to bedrock is interpreted to be 90 and 65 m on the respective profiles and occurs in about a 100-m-wide trough on both profiles. Reflections from the tops of sandy gravel zones generally have higher amplitudes. Clear reflections from a thin silt layer (20 cm thick) at about 10-m depth are observed on one of the profiles. Elastic finite difference modeling and the observation of this reflection in shot gathers show that the reflection is not an artifact of the acquisition nor the processing. The modeling also shows that there is no marked low-velocity waveguide in the near surface, but that an effective low Q zone may be present. Comparison with refraction profiling on the other profile shows that there is better agreement between the reflection seismic results and penetration tests than the refraction results with these tests. Both profiles allow the thickness of the overlying clay layers to be determined, as well as the thickness of the underlying sand/gravel deposits. This is important for estimating the amount of groundwater resources in an area.  相似文献   

The possibility and expediency of the use of groundwater from the Upper Permian aquifers of the right-bank area of the Volga River as an alternative to the Cheboksary aquifer are shown on the basis of multipurpose studies using uranium-isotope and microelement hydrogeochemical methods. Currently, the Cheboksary aquifer is under exploration in Quaternary deposits of the left-bank area and is meant for centralized environmentally most safe supply of drinking water to the population of the towns of Cheboksary and Novocheboksarsk.  相似文献   

Sampling frequency for monitoring the actual state of groundwater systems   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Sampling frequency is a very important variable in the design of a groundwater monitoring network. Given the objective of sampling as monitoring the actual state of groundwater systems, criteria for the determination of sampling frequency can be based on the trend detectability, the accuracy of estimation of periodic fluctuations and the accuracy of estimation of the mean values of the stationary component of the state variables (such as groundwater heads, temperature, and concentration of hydrochemical constituents). The' criteria are applied to the determination of sampling frequency for monitoring groundwater levels around the Spannenburg pumping station. The analysis and verification of the sampling frequency indicate that the most appropriate sampling frequency is once a month.  相似文献   

The magnitude of groundwater resources is poorly correlated with surface catchment area in a group of wadi bottom alluvial aquifers in Northern Oman. It is suggested that this is due to progressive water gap captures across a limestone ridge.  相似文献   


Field-scale water balance is difficult to characterize because controls exerted by soils and vegetation are mostly inferred from local-scale measurements with relatively small support volumes. Eddy covariance flux and lysimeters have been used to infer and evaluate field-scale water balances because they have larger footprint areas than local soil moisture measurements. This study quantifies heterogeneity of soil deep drainage (D) in four 12.5-m2 repacked lysimeters, compares evapotranspiration from eddy covariance (ETEC) and mass balance residuals of lysimeters (ETwbLys), and models D to estimate groundwater recharge. Variation in measured D was attributed to redirection of snowmelt infiltration and differences in lysimeter hydraulic properties caused by surface soil treatment. During the growing seasons of 2010, 2011 and 2012, ETwbLys (278, 289 and 269 mm, respectively) was in good agreement with ETEC (298, 301 and 335 mm). Annual recharge estimated from modelled D was 486, 624 and 613 mm for three calendar years 2010, 2011 and 2012, respectively. In summary, lysimeter D and ETEC can be integrated to estimate and model groundwater recharge.
Editor D. Koutsoyiannis  相似文献   

Three-dimensional numerical simulations using a detailed synthetic hydraulic conductivity field developed from geological considerations provide insight into the scaling of subsurface flow and transport processes. Flow and advective transport in the highly resolved heterogeneous field were modeled using massively parallel computers, providing a realistic baseline for evaluation of the impacts of parameter scaling. Upscaling of hydraulic conductivity was performed at a variety of scales using a flexible power law averaging technique. A series of tests were performed to determine the effects of varying the scaling exponent on a number of metrics of flow and transport behavior. Flow and transport simulation on high-performance computers and three-dimensional scientific visualization combine to form a powerful tool for gaining insight into the behavior of complex heterogeneous systems.Many quantitative groundwater models utilize upscaled hydraulic conductivity parameters, either implicitly or explicitly. These parameters are designed to reproduce the bulk flow characteristics at the grid or field scale while not requiring detailed quantification of local-scale conductivity variations. An example from applied groundwater modeling is the common practice of calibrating grid-scale model hydraulic conductivity or transmissivity parameters so as to approximate observed hydraulic head and boundary flux values. Such parameterizations, perhaps with a bulk dispersivity imposed, are then sometimes used to predict transport of reactive or non-reactive solutes. However, this work demonstrates that those parameters that lead to the best upscaling for hydraulic conductivity and head do not necessarily correspond to the best upscaling for prediction of a variety of transport behaviors. This result reflects the fact that transport is strongly impacted by the existence and connectedness of extreme-valued hydraulic conductivities, in contrast to bulk flow which depends more strongly on mean values. It provides motivation for continued research into upscaling methods for transport that directly address advection in heterogeneous porous media.An electronic version of this article is available online at the journal's homepage at http://www.elsevier.nl/locate/advwatres or http://www.elsevier.com/locate/advwatres (see “Special section on vizualization”. The online version contains additional supporting information, graphics, and a 3D animation of simulated particle movement.©1998 Elsevier Science Limited. All rights reserved  相似文献   

Fluvial erosion processes are driven by water discharge on the land surface, which is produced by surface runoff and groundwater discharge. Although groundwater is often neglected in long‐term landscape evolution problems, water table levels control patterns of Dunne runoff production, and groundwater discharge can contribute significantly to storm flows. In this analysis, we investigate the role that groundwater movement plays in long‐term drainage basin evolution by modifying a widely used landscape evolution model to include a more detailed representation of basin hydrology. Precipitation is generated by a stochastic process, and the precipitation is partitioned between surface runoff and groundwater recharge using a specified infiltration capacity. Groundwater flow is simulated by a dynamic two‐dimensional Dupuit equation for an unconfined aquifer with an irregular underlying impervious layer. The model is applied to the WE‐38 basin, an experimental catchment in Pennsylvania, because 60–80 per cent of the discharge is derived from groundwater and substantial hydrologic and geomorphic information is available. The hydrologic model is first calibrated to match the observed streamflows, and then the combined hydrologic/geomorphic model is used to simulate scenarios with different infiltration capacities. The results of this modelling exercise indicate that the basin can be divided into three zones with distinct streamflow‐generating characteristics, and different parts of the basin can have different geomorphic effective events. Over long periods of time, scenarios in which groundwater discharge is large tend to modify the topography in a way that promotes groundwater discharge and inhibits Dunne runoff. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Mesoscalic estimation of nitrogen discharge via drainage systems   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A complex approach has been developed for estimating mesoscalic nitrogen discharges via drainage systems using spatial information about land use, drainage areas, nitrogen balances and soil and site characteristics. Determining the total drainage area involves certain difficulties for larger areas, as on the one hand, the available databases are incomplete, and on the other hand the localisation and digitalisation of large subsurface drainage areas is a very time-consuming process. Knowledge of the history and causes of drainage systems in landscapes is required. To solve this problem a method has been developed to calculate the drainage areas for large catchments. In order to obtain a complete data set of subsurface drainage areas, representative areas were selected to enable the proportion of subsurface drainage area to be determined for various soil and site characteristics. These proportions were extrapolated to the entire area and the approach tested in the Mulde River Catchment Area in Germany.The rate of drained arable land is about 25.2% of the total area, which can be broken down into grassland (19.0%) and arable land (27.4%). The results differ for sandy soils with up to 8% drained areas and 57.8% for stagnant soils. This shows that the proportion of drained land is highly dependent on the nature of the soil in the catchment area, which has profound implications for approaches to nitrogen modelling.Average nitrogen discharge for the whole catchment area via drainage water was 33 kg ha−1 yr−1 in the 1980s and 10 kg ha−1 yr−1 in the 1990s. The nitrogen discharge varies from one soil type to another: in regions with sandy substrate (11,900 ha) discharge was 34 kg ha−1 yr−1 in the 1980s (14 kg ha−1 yr−1 in the 1990s), while in areas with loess lessivé soils (89,200 ha) it was about 26 kg ha−1 yr−1 in the 1980s (9 kg ha−1 yr−1 in the 1990s). The reduction can be explained by the complete change in farming strategy since the demise of the former German Democratic Republic (GDR).The approach shown is well suited to future model approaches on a regional scale. By creating and integrating new data sets derived from modern GIS operations the approach reduces the uncertainty of water and nitrogen modelling. This gives us a better understanding of nitrogen discharges into surface and groundwater and temporal discharge dynamics. The discharge data are highly valuable to predict environmental protection measurements for streams, lakes, coastal waters and groundwaters.  相似文献   

Variations of bromide in potable ground water in the United States   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Concentrations of bromide in potable ground water that has <10 mg/L chloride range from 0.0032 to 0.058 mg/L with a median value of 0.016 mg/L. The chloride/bromide mass ratio for the same water ranges from 43 to 285 with a median value of 101. The ratios, which resulted from screening approximately 165 analyses of water from 32 locations in 24 states in the United States, show a distinct geographic variation with highest values near the coast and trending toward a value of approximately 50 in the continental interior.  相似文献   

Surface water and groundwater are normally closely connected in areas with shallow aquifer systems. Stream systems can thus be considered as the outcrops of associated groundwater flows in areas with a shallow groundwater table and a previous subsurface. This situation prevails in sandy lowland areas where almost all rainfall percolates into the subsurface so that the surplus over evapotranspiration becomes part of a groundwater drainage system before it reappears at the surface in a stream. The stream network, being the interface with the groundwater system, must have the capacity to release the seasonally dependent precipitation surplus through the continuum of ground and surface waters. A river network therefore consists of a hierarchical system of different order and incision depth, of which the discharge-contributing component contracts and expands with the seasonal fluctuation in recharge and water table depth.

Coupling the mathematical expressions for groundwater drainage and stream flow enables development of a conjunctive model which relates the properties of a seasonally contracting and expanding stream network and related groundwater level fluctuation to the seasonal rainfall character for given geological and geomorphological conditions. This model further allows for assessment of drainage network response to a changing environment.  相似文献   

INTAE  LEE & YUJIRO  OGAWA 《Island Arc》1998,7(3):315-329
Sedimentary structures in the middle–late Miocene to early Pliocene Misaki Formation, Miura Group, Miura Peninsula, Central Japan, were studied, and paleocurrent data were interpreted as the result of deep-sea bottom-current flow. These current data were further compared with present-day bottom currents in the northwestern Pacific region. The Misaki Formation is thought to be a forearc deposit within the Izu oceanic arc, and is composed of thick volcaniclastic beds interbedded with siliceous biogenic clayey sediments. Sedimentary structures showing paleocurrent directions are involved in the upper part of the volcaniclastic beds, in the pumiceous beds just above the volcaniclastic beds, and in the pelagic sediments. Based on paleomagnetic data suggesting considerable rotation of the beds, all the current directions were reconstructed to their original orientation. The paleocurrents are summarized into the following three groups. The first group in the volcaniclastic beds indicates southeast-directed paleocurrent directions. The second group in the upper parts of volcaniclastic beds and in some pumiceous beds exhibits a southwest- and northeast-directed paleoflow. The third group usually observed in the pumiceous beds with parallel lamination displays a northwest- or southeast-directed paleocurrent. The origin of each group's paleoflow direction is attributed to turbidity current, internal tidal current, and contour current influences, respectively. Present-day observations of the deep-sea northwest Pacific suggest that most of the bottom-current indicators in the Misaki Formation are related to North Pacific Deep Water, possibly Antarctic Bottom Water as well as a combination of tidal and local effects. It is concluded that the beds of the Misaki Formation were deposited in the proto-Sagami basin ca 9 Ma and were formed under weak bottom currents in a wide and flat basin during colder climatic conditions, whereas the beds dated at ca 6 Ma were deposited under strong bottom-current flow, and were then accreted to the Honshu arc.  相似文献   

Based on the theory of gravity‐driven groundwater flow systems, we have developed a complex Flow System Sand‐Box Model (FSM). It enables the visual observations of the development and characteristics and temporal evolution of complex Tóthian flow systems in the laboratory. The configuration of the regional, intermediate and local flow systems can be controlled and observed; hydraulic head, flow direction and travel time can be measured; and the scale and shape of the sub‐flow systems as well as the path lines and flow lines can be observed directly. The experiments demonstrate the Tóthian flow systems in a small basin with multiple sources and sinks. Greater local topographic (water table) undulation will lead to larger local flow systems. Greater regional and less local topographic undulation will enhance the development of intermediate and regional flow systems. In homogeneous media, increasing fluid‐potential differences between source and sink increase the spatial scale of the generated flow systems. The FSM is a useful teaching aid and experimental device to study and develop an intuitive insight into gravity‐driven groundwater flow systems. It helps to visualize and understand the hydraulic properties and controlling factors of Tóthian flow systems and may be used to study problems related to the chemical and temperature characteristics of the flow systems as well. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We have combined tensor radio magnetotelluric- (RMT, 15–250 kHz) and controlled source tensor magnetotelluric (CSTMT, 1–12 kHz) data for the mapping of aquifers in gravel formations lying in between crystalline bedrock and clay rich sediments in the Heby area some 40 km west of Uppsala in Sweden. The estimated transfer functions, the impedance tensor and the tipper vector generally satisfy 1D or 2D necessary conditions except for the lowest CSTMT frequencies where near field effects become more dominant.The data measured from 8 profiles were inverted with the Rebocc code of Siripunvaraporn and Egbert (2000) assuming plane wave conditions. This meant that only 12 frequencies in the range of 4–180 kHz could be used. The four lowest frequencies of CSTMT in the range of 1–2.8 kHz were excluded because of source effects. Data from all profiles were inverted with a starting model of 100 Ω-m and a relative error floor of 0.02 on apparent resistivity, corresponding to less than 1° on phase. Tipper vectors are generally small except when source effects become dominant in the lowest frequencies of CSTMT and were therefore not used for inversion. Comparing with models derived from vertical electrical soundings, refraction and reflection seismic data as well as ground truth from exploration wells assessed the reliability of the deep part of the models. Furthermore we carried out a non-linear resolution analysis to better quantify the depth extent of the aquifers.The inverted models from the Heby area show well the thickness variations of glacial deposits overlying crystalline bedrock. Generally, the upper 20 m of the models have resistivities below 40 Ω-m, taken to represent clay rich formations. Below the clay layer resistivities increase to about 40–400 Ω-m, interpreted to represent sand/gravel formations with a maximum thickness of about 40 m and a width of several hundred metres. This is a potential aquifer that extends in approximately N–S direction for some kilometres.  相似文献   

Leaching through subsurface drainage systems has been widely adopted to ameliorate saline soils. The application of this method to remove salt from reclaimed lands in the coastal zone, however, may be impacted by macro-pores such as crab burrows, which are commonly distributed in the soils. We developed a three-dimensional model to investigate water flow in subsurface drainage systems affected by macro-pores distributed deterministically and randomly through Monte Carlo simulations. The results showed that, for subsurface drainage systems under the condition of continuous surface ponding, macro-pores increased the hydraulic head in the deep soil, which in turn reduced the hydraulic gradient between the surface and deep soil. As a consequence, water infiltration across the soil surface was inhibited. Since salt transport in the soil is dominated by advection, the flow simulation results indicated that macro-pores decreased the efficiency of salt leaching by one order of magnitude, in terms of both the elapsed time and the amount of water required to remove salt over the designed soil leaching depth (0.6 m). The reduction of the leaching efficiency was even greater in drainage systems with a layered soil stratigraphy. Sensitivity analyses demonstrated that with an increased penetration depth or density of macro-pores, the leaching efficiency decreased further. The revealed impact of macro-pores on water flow represents a significant shortcoming of the salt leaching technique when applied to coastal saline soils. Future designs of soil amelioration schemes in the coastal zone should consider and aim to minimize the bypassing effect caused by macro-pores.  相似文献   

Hydraulic properties of deeply weathered basement rocks and variably weathered sedimentary materials were measured by pumping and slug-test methods. Results from over 200 bores in 13 catchments, and eight pumping-test sites across the eastern and central wheatbelt of Western Australia were analysed. Measurements were made in each of the major lithological units, and emphasis placed on a ubiquitous basal saprolite aquifer. Comparisons were made between alternative drilling and analytical procedures to determine the most appropriate methods of investigation.

Aquifers with an average hydraulic conductivity of 0.55 m day−1 occur in variably weathered Cainozoic sediments and poorly weathered saprolite grits (0.57 m day−1). These aquifers are separated by an aquitard (0.065 m day−1) comprising the mottled and pallid zones of the deeply weathered profile. Locally higher values of hydraulic conductivity occur in the saprolite aquifer, although after prolonged periods of pumping the values decrease until they are similar to those obtained from the slug-test methods. Hydraulic conductivities measured in bores drilled with rotary auger rigs were approximately an order of magnitude lower than those measured in the same material with bores drilled by the rotary air-blast method.

Wheatbelt aquifers range from predominantly unconfined (Cainozoic sediments), to confined (saprolite grit aquifer). The poorly weathered saprolite grit aquifer has moderate to high transmissivities (4–50 m2 day−1) and is capable of producing from less than 5 to over 230 kl day−1 of ground water, which is often of a quality suitable for livestock. Yields are influenced by the variability in the permeability of isovolumetrically weathered materials from which the aquifer is derived.

The overlying aquitard has a low transmissivity (< 1 m2 day−1), especially when deeply weathered, indurated and silicified. The transmissivity of the variably weathered sedimentary materials ranges from less than 0.5 m2 day−1 to over 10 m2 day−1, depending on the texture of the materials and their position within the landscape. Higher transmissivity zones may occur as discrete layers of coarser textured materials. The salinity of the saprolite and sedimentary aquifers ranges from less than 2000 mgl−1 to greater than 250000 mgl−1 (total dissolved solids; TDS), depending on position within the landscape. Secondary soil salinization develops when groundwater discharge occurs from either saprolite or sedimentary aquifers.  相似文献   

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