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分形几何与地球科学   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
陈颙 《华南地震》1994,14(3):85-92
分形几何与地球科学陈颙(国家地震局,北京100036)FRACTALGEOMETRYANDGEOSCIENCE¥ChenYong(StateSeismologicalBureau,Beijing100036)编者按:分形几何与非线性动力学是近年来国际...  相似文献   

陈颙 《华南地震》1994,14(4):78-83
分形几何与地球科学(续)陈颙(国家地震局,北京100036)·TopicalLecture·(2)FRACTALGEOMETRYANDGEOSCIENCE(CONTINUOUS)¥ChenYong(StateseimologicalBureau,Be...  相似文献   

陈Yong 《华南地震》1995,15(2):73-79
分形几何与地球科学(续)陈(国家地震局,北京100036)·TopicalLecture·(4)FRACTALGEOMETRYANDGEOSCIENCE(CONTINUOUS)¥ChenYong(StateseismologicalBureau,Be...  相似文献   

本文就地震预报中常用的分形几何中的几个数学概念做了简要的介绍,包括测度,豪斯道夫维数、计盒维数等,并介绍了有关维数的性质和估计方法。作者试图通过了这些数学概念的简要介绍,使读者对分维有更准确的理解。  相似文献   

本文首次把分形维技术应用到岩石激发极化时间谱资料的处理中,并建立了相应的分形分维弛豫模型,通过大量和系统的理论与实验研究,得出了一些有意义的结论和认识。  相似文献   

分形几何与地球科学(续)   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
陈Yong 《华南地震》1996,16(1):71-77
分形几何与地球科学(续)陈顒(国家地震局,北京100036)·TopicalLecture·(6)FRACTALGEOMETRYANDGEOSCIENCE(CONTINUOUS)¥ChenYong(StateseismologicalBureau,B...  相似文献   

本文利用box—Counting法讨论了新疆各主要断裂带的几何分形,得出了各断裂带的分维值。结合区域构造及地震活动性特点,分析讨论了断层分形几何学在判定强震危险区方面的应用前景。结果表明,相应于较大的断层分维数,则对应于较强的地震活动水平;相应于较小的断层分维值,则对应于较弱的地震活动水平。一方面,断裂分维值较高的断裂带,其构造也较复杂。因而,断层分维有可能作为判定活动断裂带地震活动水平的一种特征物理量。  相似文献   

陈Yong 《华南地震》1996,16(2):80-84
分形几何与地球科学(续完)陈颙(国家地震局,北京100036)·TopicalLecture·(7)FRACTALGEOMETRYANDGEOSCIENCE(END)¥ChenYong(StateseismologicalBureau,Beijing...  相似文献   

将有限单元和可变容差法相结合,将几何参数的反分析归结为一个带约条件的非线性优化问题应用此模型可反分析材料参数和边界荷载,两个算例表明了模型的良好性能。  相似文献   

地球物理学中的分形几何特征   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
应用分形理论和方法来研究地球物理中的实际现象,是近年来地球物理学研究的新方法和新思路。本文介绍了分形与分维的基本概念,并综述了这些方面的最新进展。  相似文献   

"5·12"汶川特大地震引发的次生山地灾害中以山体崩塌数量最多.本文在对国道213线都江堰至映秀段以及水磨支线公路边坡地震崩塌调查研究的基础上,分析总结了岩土体边坡的崩塌成灾模式、崩塌作用机理以及崩塌自组织临界(SOC)动力学特性.调查范围包括Ⅸ~Ⅺ度地震区,工点105个.对崩塌体方量、崩塌深度进行统计分析后发现,在Ⅸ度区崩塌体方量和崩塌深度都符合负幂律分布,呈现出明显的自组织临界动力学特性;而Ⅹ、Ⅺ度地震区不呈现该崩塌特性,其崩塌动力学性质受地震的强扰作用控制.  相似文献   

The measured profiles of laboratory fractured rocks should be self-affine fractal.The scaling properties of these profiles are described by two parameters-the fractal dimension D and the crossover length tc The D values of eight profiles are calculated by the ruler method and by the standard deviation method respectively.It is shown that if tc is far greater than the sampling step tc two methods yield the same results,although if it is far smaller than r,the D by the standard method will be about 1.20,while D by the ruler method will very close to 1.0,because two fractal dimensions,local and global,exist on two sides of tc In order to obtain the local fractal dimension which may be close to that of the standard deviation method,the ruler method must be modified.We propose a way to estimate the tc and to modify the ruler method.Finally,a profile having given D is generated in terms of the principle of non-integer order differential,through which the above two methods are verified and lead to the same res  相似文献   

Fractal analysis of faults network, tremor foci spatial distribution as well as the Gutenberg-Richter relationship could further explain whether the biggest seismic events are connected with recent tectonic activity. Fractality of fault systems geometry, as a first step of the analysis, was tested fro a part of the USCB embodying the main structural units. The cluster analysis and the box counting methods were employed.The calculated fractal dimension of fault network was 1.98 for the whole area yet for considered structural units it was close to 1.6. The results point to similarity of studied fault pattern to river network. Faults within selected tectonic units make separate sets which have a distinct geometry and origin. The value of 1.6 is an upper limit to the fracture geometry of rocks that can be explained on the basis of Griffith energy balance concept.  相似文献   

近30年来太湖流域湖泊岸线形态动态变化   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
李新国  江南  王红娟  刘新 《湖泊科学》2005,17(4):294-298
湖泊的岸线特征是表征湖泊形态特征的一项重要内容.本文应用分形理论中的计盒维数,基于岸线长度与面积 关系的分形维数及岸线发育系数,对太湖流域主要湖泊的湖泊岸线变化进行了研究.结果表明,分形维数可以更好的对 湖泊岸线进行量化描述,太湖流域主要湖泊的岸线具有自相似性;近30年来,太湖流域湖泊的岸线曲折度降低,岸线长度 减少,岸线结构趋于单调.  相似文献   

True Triaxial Stresses and the Brittle Fracture of Rock   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
This paper reviews the efforts made in the last 100 years to characterize the effect of the intermediate principal stress σ 2 on brittle fracture of rocks, and on their strength criteria. The most common theories of failure in geomechanics, such as those of Coulomb, and Mohr, disregard σ 2 and are typically based on triaxial testing of cylindrical rock samples subjected to equal minimum and intermediate principal stresses (σ 3=σ 2). However, as early as 1915 Böker conducted conventional triaxial extension tests (σ 1=σ 2) on the same Carrara marble tested earlier in conventional triaxial compression by von Kármán that showed a different strength behavior. Efforts to incorporate the effect of σ 2 on rock strength continued in the second half of the last century through the work of Nadai, Drucker and Prager, Murrell, Handin, Wiebols and Cook, and others. In 1971 Mogi designed a high-capacity true triaxial testing machine, and was the first to obtain complete true triaxial strength criteria for several rocks based on experimental data. Following his pioneering work, several other laboratories developed equipment and conducted true triaxial tests revealing the extent of σ 2 effect on rock strength (e.g., Takahashi and Koide, Michelis, Smart, Wawersik). Testing equipment emulating Mogi's but considerably more compact was developed at the University of Wisconsin and used for true triaxial testing of some very strong crystalline rocks. Test results revealed three distinct compressive failure mechanisms, depending on loading mode and rock type: shear faulting resulting from extensile microcrack localization, multiple splitting along the σ 1 axis, and nondilatant shear failure. The true triaxial strength criterion for the KTB amphibolite derived from such tests was used in conjunction with logged breakout dimensions to estimate the maximum horizontal in situ stress in the KTB ultra deep scientific hole.  相似文献   

Ash Kumar Rai 《湖泊科学》1998,10(S1):181-201
Harnessing the natural resources is one of the basis of natural economy in developing countries. The wise use of such resources is very important to sustain the balance between immediate benefits and maintenance of the ecosystem. In Phewa, Begnas and Rupa lakes of Pokhara Valley, plankton feeding fish farming in net cage,enclosure and open water stocking is one of the effective example of natural resources utilisation which sustains a number of households in surrounding lakes for economic activities. These lakes are also used for drinking water, hydroelectricity, irrigation and recreation etc. However, the understanding of trophic status of the lakes is very important for long term sustainable use of the lakes in harmony with human activities. Here, we present the trophic status of three lakes of Pokhara Valley and discuss the impacts of human and natural activities on the trophic status of the lake. The study shows that heavy rain fall in the valley during monsoon is one of the strongest natural forces which flush out the accumulated nutrients from the lakes and migrate the eutrophication processes. Recommendations for sustainable use of lake water have also been discussed.  相似文献   

Geometry,kinematics and evolution of the Tongbai orogenic belt   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
1 Introduction spectively[2,3]. Several tectonic units such as the Bei- The Qinling-Dabie orogenic belt has attracted huaiyang, north Dabie, south Dabie and Susong belts worldwide attention by its very complex and abundant have been recognized in eastern Dabie[4]. Nine tec- geological characters, and has been a “hot point” of tonic units have been recognized in western Dabie and international geological research[1]. A vast amount of a more detailed division has been suggested especially …  相似文献   

A large devastating earthquake with a magnitude of 7.6 struck in Kashmir on Oct. 8, 2005. The largest city influenced by the earthquake was Muzaffarabad. Balakot town was the nearest settlement to the epicenter, and it was the most heavily damaged. The earthquake caused extensive damage to housing and structures founded on loose deposits or weathered/sheared rock masses. Furthermore, extensive slope failures occurred along Neelum and Jhelum valleys, which obstructed both river flow and roadways. In this article, failures of natural and cut slopes as well as other ground failures induced by the earthquake and their geotechnical evaluation are presented, and their implications on civil infrastructures and site selection for reconstruction and rehabilitation are discussed. It is suggested that if housing and constructions on soil slopes containing boulders as observed in Balakot and Muzaffarabad are allowed, there should be a safety zone between the slope crest and allowable construction boundary.  相似文献   

以典型城市土岩复合地层中的某地铁CRD(交叉中隔壁法)隧道为依托,通过分析洞内、外变形监测数据,总结变形规律,对该隧道风险进行有效控制。研究结果表明:洞内、外变形量的60%以上是由上2层导洞开挖引起的;隧道开挖引起的地表沉降槽特征较为明显,地表最大沉降点位于隧道中心线上方偏左;隧道掌子面开挖的横向影响明显,范围约为60m。洞内变形监测的分析指标以拱顶沉降为主,水平收敛为辅;拱顶下沉曲线分段组成,总体呈台阶状下降。综合变形监测分析和施工经验认为:施工中应着重控制上2层导洞初期支护结构的及时闭合;相邻导洞掌子面间距控制在15~20m;台阶长度控制在5m以内,及时封闭仰拱,闭合成环,可有效地控制洞内、外变形和保证初期支护结构稳定性。  相似文献   

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