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The upper atmospheric layer of Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, and earth contains an aerosol layer. The meteorites, rings, and removal of small planetary particles may be responsible for its appearance. The observations from 1979–1992 have shown that the optical aerosol thickness over the earth’s polar regions varies from τ ≈ 0.0002 to 0.1 to λ = 1 μm. The highest τ value was in 1984 and 1992 and was preceded by intense activity of the El Chichon (1982) and Pinatubo (1991) volcanoes. We have shown that increase in τ of the stratospheric aerosol may lead to decrease in ozone layer registered in the 1970s. The nature of the stratospheric aerosol (a real part of the refraction index), effective size particles r, and latitudinal variation τ remain unknown. The analysis of phase dependence of the degree of polarization is effective among the distal methods of determination of n r and r. The observation value of intensity and degree of polarization in the visible light are caused by the optical surface properties and optical atmospheric thickness, whose values varied with latitude, longitude, and in time. Thus, it is impossible to correctly distinguish the contribution of the stratospheric aerosol. In UV-rays (λ < 300 nm), the ozone layer stops the influence of the surface and earth’s atmosphere up to height of 20–25 km. In this spectrum area, the negative factors are emission of various depolarizating gases, horizontal heterogeneity of the effective optical height of the ozone layer, and oriented particles indicated by variation of the polarization plane.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes data on thermal explosions of large meteoroids in the earth’s atmosphere. The cumulative function of flux of space bodies is corrected with regard to the explosion height, which is determined, according to our approach, by maximum braking. As a result, the integral function of flux in the work [Brown, P., Spalding, R.E., ReVelle, D.O., et al., The Flux of Small Near-Earth Objects Colliding with the Earth, Nature, 2002, vol. 420, pp. 314–316] is consistent with the one we derived earlier. It is found that at least one phenomenon of those discussed in the paper by Brown et al. is a result of explosion of a comet nucleus fragment. It is shown that the Tunguska phenomenon cannot be explained within a monolithic body model.  相似文献   

We consider the history of discovery and justify the existence in the Solar system of a new class of bodies—minicomets, i.e., bodies of cometary nature and composition but of low mass. Two classes of minicomets are distinguished: icy ones similar to the Tunguska meteorite, and snow ones, which break up at high altitudes.  相似文献   

The infinite medium Green’s function is used to solve the half-space albedo, slab albedo and Milne problems for the unpolarized Rayleigh scattering case; these problems are the most classical problems of radiative transfer theory. The numerical results are obtained and are compared with previous ones.  相似文献   

An explanation is offered for the impulsive increase in the concentration of cosmogenic radiocarbon in annual tree rings (Δ14C ~ 12‰) from AD ?775. A possible cause of such an increase could be the high-energy emission from a Galactic gamma-ray burst. It is shown that such an event should not lead to an increase in the total production of 10Be in the atmosphere, as distinct from the effect of cosmic-ray fluxes on the atmosphere. At the same time, the production of an appreciable amount of 36Cl, which can be detected in Greenland and Antarctica ice samples of the corresponding age, should be expected. This allows the effects caused by a gamma-ray burst and anomalously powerful proton events to be distinguished.  相似文献   

When analyzing the pressure dependences of the aerosol volume scattering coefficient calculated from the measurement data on the geometric albedo of Jupiter obtained in 1993 in the methane absorption bands at 619, 727, and 842 nm, the signs of probable changes in the parameters of aerosol particles in the deep atmospheric layers were detected and the first estimates of the magnitude of these changes were obtained. It has been found that, in the pressure interval from 4 to 14 bar, the effective radius of particles may increase twofold and more (larger than 0.73 μm) and the real part of the refractive index may grow by 10% (from 1.44 and higher) relative to the values of these parameters in the upper atmosphere. If we take into account these changes, we find no signs of aerosol deep in the atmosphere of Jupiter.  相似文献   

In the framework of future space missions to Ganymede, a pre-study of this satellite is a necessary step to constrain instrument performances according to the mission objectives. This work aims at characterizing the impact of the solar UV flux on Ganymede’s atmosphere and especially at deriving some key physical parameters that are measurable by an orbiter. Another objective is to test several models for reconstructing the solar flux in the Extreme-UV (EUV) in order to give recommendations for future space missions.Using a Beer–Lambert approach, we compute the primary production of excited and ionized states due to photoabsorption, neglecting the secondary production that is due to photoelectron impacts as well as to precipitated suprathermal electrons. Ions sputtered from the surface are also neglected. Computations are performed at the equator and close to the pole, in the same conditions as during the Galileo flyby. From the excitations, we compute the radiative relaxation leading to the atmospheric emissions. We also propose a simple chemical model to retrieve the stationary electron density. There are two main results: (i) the modelled electron density and the one measured by Galileo are in good agreement. The main atmospheric visible emission is the atomic oxygen red line at 630 nm, both in equatorial and in polar conditions, in spite of the different atmospheric compositions. This emission is measurable from space, especially for limb viewing conditions. The OH emission (continuum between 260 and 410 nm) is also probably measurable from space. (ii) The input EUV solar flux may be directly measured or reconstructed from only two passbands solar observing diodes with no degradation of the modelled response of the Ganymede’s atmosphere. With respect to these results, there are two main conclusions: (i) future missions to Ganymede should include the measurement of the red line as well as the measurement of OH emissions in order to constrain the atmospheric model. (ii) None of the common solar proxies satisfactorily describes the level of variability of the solar EUV irradiance. For future atmospheric planetary space missions, it would be more appropriate to derive the EUV flux from a small radiometer rather than from a full-fledged spectrometer.  相似文献   

We suggest the method for determining the imaginary part n i of the complex refractive index of aerosol particles forming a cloud layer at a specified altitude in the atmosphere of a giant planet. From the data of spectral measurements of the geometric albedo of Jupiter (carried out in 1993), the value of n i was calculated for the whole atmospheric column and the pressure range of 0.52 to 0.78 bar in the cloud layer presumably composed of ammon i um hydrosulfides. The values of n i obtained for the cloud layer and the whole atmospheric column substantially differ and amount to 0.00098 and 0.00012, respectively.  相似文献   

Conditions for the realization of ULF waves with different polarization are formulated and verified with the use of observational data from the spacecrafts which performed measurements in the earth’s magnetosphere. It is shown that the conditions formulated are in good agreement with observed wave parameters.  相似文献   

Rogue wave in a collisionless, unmagnetized electronegative plasma is investigated. For this purpose, the basic set of fluid equations is reduced to the Korteweg-de Vries (KdV) equation. However, when the frequency of the carrier wave is much smaller than the ion plasma frequency then the KdV equation is also used to study the nonlinear evolution of modulationally unstable modified ion-acoustic wavepackets through the derivation of the nonlinear Schr?dinger (NLS) equation. In order to show that the characteristics of the rogue wave is influenced by the plasma parameters, the relevant numerical analysis of the NLS equation is presented. The relevance of our investigation to the Titan’s atmosphere is discussed.  相似文献   

The paper presents results of optical observations and analysis of dynamics of effects on the earth’s lower atmosphere of the partial solar eclipse (of magnitude 42%) of August 1, 2008, near Kharkov. This is compared with the effects induced by the partial solar eclipses on August 11, 1999, and October 3, 2005. All three eclipses occurred around midday. The standard deviation of the solar-limb displacement σ S during the eclipses on October 3, 2005, August 1, 2008, and August 11, 1999, was established to decrease by 0.13, 0.30, and 0.68″ at the maximum of the solar obscuration function 0.13, 0.31, and 0.73, respectively, so that the temperature drop in the earth’s lower atmosphere t a was 1.3, 2.0, and 7.3 K. The time lags of decreases of σ S and t a was found to be 15 and 5 minutes.  相似文献   

We have investigated the resonances in the earth-moon system around the sun including earth’s equatorial ellipticity. The resonance resulting from the commensurability between the mean motion of the moon and Γ (angle measured from the minor axis of the earth’s equatorial ellipse to the projection of the moon on the plane of the equator) is analyzed. The amplitude and the time period of the oscillation have been determined by using the procedure of Brown and Shook. We have shown the effects of Γ on the amplitude and the time period of the resonance oscillation using the data of the moon. It is observed that the amplitude decreases and the time period also decreases as Γ increases from 0° to 45°.  相似文献   

The ray trajectories of waves in the very low frequency (VLF) range in the case of nonducted propagation in the earth’s inner magnetosphere are studied as functions of location of their source region, frequency, and initial angle between the vector of wave normal and intensity vector of external magnetic field. Simulation is performed on the basis of geometric ray tracing approach in multicomponent plasma. The parameters of the magnetospheric medium were calculated using a diffusion model of the concentration distribution of plasma components and the International Geomagnetic Reference Field (IGRF) model. It is shown that the magnetospheric wave reflection can occur if the lower hybrid resonance frequency is greater than its own wave frequency (ω LHF > ω), i.e., at the latitudes λ ≈ 50°. The simulation results confirm that the quasi-longitudinal approximation cannot be used to describe the magnetospheric whistler propagation. We present simulations of propagation of chorus-type wave magnetospheric emissions that were performed using realistic wave distributions over initial parameters. In particular, we present distributions of chorus waves over directions of wave vector as functions of geomagnetic latitude; these distributions are required to study the particle scattering and acceleration processes in the radiation belts. Our results well agree with CLUSTER satellite measurements.  相似文献   

Calculation results on the possible influence of the hot oxygen fraction on the satellite drag in the Earth’s upper atmosphere on the basis of the previously developed theoretical model of the hot oxygen geocorona are presented. Calculations have shown that for satellites with orbits above 500 km, the contribution from the corona is extremely important. Even for the energy flux Q 0 = 1 erg cm−2 s−1, the contribution of the hot oxygen can reach tens of percent; and considering that real energy fluxes are usually higher, one can suggest that for extreme solar events, the contribution of hot oxygen to the atmospheric drag of the satellite will be dominant. For lower altitudes, the contribution of hot oxygen is, to a considerable degree, defined by the solar activity level. The calculations imply that for the daytime polar atmosphere, the change of the solar activity level from F 10.7 ∼ 200 to F 10.7 ∼ 70 leads to an increase in the ratio of the hot oxygen partial pressure to the thermal oxygen partial pressure by a factor of almost 30, from 0.85 to 25%. The transition from daytime conditions to nighttime conditions almost does not change the contribution from suprathermal particles. The decrease of the characteristic energy of precipitating particles, i.e., for the case of charged particles with a softer energy spectrum, leads to a noticeable increase of the contribution of the suprathermal fraction, by a factor of 1.5–2. It has been ascertained that electrons make the main contribution to the formation of the suprathermal fraction; and with the increase of the energy of precipitating electrons, the contribution of hot oxygen to the satellite drag also increases proportionally. Thus, for a typical burst, the contribution of the suprathermal fraction is 30% even at relatively high solar activity F 10.7 = 135.  相似文献   

The general-relativistic Ohm’s law for a two-component plasma which includes the gravitomagnetic force terms even in the case of quasi-neutrality has been derived. The equations that describe the electromagnetic processes in a plasma surrounding a neutron star are obtained by using the general relativistic form of Maxwell equations in a geometry of slow rotating gravitational object. In addition to the general-relativistic effect first discussed by Khanna and Camenzind (Astron. Astrophys. 307:665, 1996) we predict a mechanism of the generation of azimuthal current under the general relativistic effect of dragging of inertial frames on radial current in a plasma around neutron star. The azimuthal current being proportional to the angular velocity ω of the dragging of inertial frames can give valuable contribution on the evolution of the stellar magnetic field if ω exceeds 2.7×1017(n/σ) s−1 (n is the number density of the charged particles, σ is the conductivity of plasma). Thus in general relativity a rotating neutron star, embedded in plasma, can in principle generate axial-symmetric magnetic fields even in axisymmetry. However, classical Cowling’s antidynamo theorem, according to which a stationary axial-symmetric magnetic field can not be sustained against ohmic diffusion, has to be hold in the general-relativistic case for the typical plasma being responsible for the rotating neutron star.  相似文献   

The thermal histories of two geologically active satellites of Saturn—Titan and Enceladus—are discussed. During the Cassini mission, it was found that there are both nitrogen-containing compounds—NH3 and N2-and CO2 and CH4 in the water plumes of Enceladus; at that, ammonia is the prevailing form. This may testify that during evolution, the material of the satellite was warmed up to T ∼ 500–600 K, when NH3 (the form of nitrogen capable of being accreted) could only be partly converted into N2. Contrary to Enceladus, the temperature inside Titan probably reached values higher than 800 K or even higher than 1000 K, since the process of the chemical dissociation of ammonia was completely finished on this satellite and its atmosphere contains only molecular nitrogen. While the internal heating of Titan up to high temperatures can be explained by its large mass, the heating source for Enceladus’ interior is far from evident. Such traditional heating sources as the energy of gravitational differentiation and the radiogenic heating due to shortliving 26Al and 60Fe could not be effective. The first one is because of the small size of Enceladus (RE ≈ 250 km), and the inefficiency of the second one is caused by the fact that the satellite was formed not earlier than 8–10 Myr after the formation of calcium and aluminum-enriched inclusions in carbonaceous chondrites (CAI), i.e., after 26Al had completely decayed. In the present paper, we propose other heating mechanisms-the heat of long-living radioactive elements and tidal heat, which could provide the observed chemical composition of the water plumes of Enceladus rather than only the differentiation of its protomatter into the ironstone core and the ice mantle.  相似文献   

A possible mechanism for the generation of a reverse fast shock in the magnetosheath in the solar wind flow around the Earth’s magnetosphere is considered. It is shown that such a shock can emerge through the breaking of a nonlinear fast magnetosonic compression wave reflected from the magnetopause toward the bow shock rear. In this case, the magnetopause is represented as a tangential discontinuity with a zero normal magnetic field component at it and the mechanism under consideration is assumed to be secondary with respect to the sudden disturbance of the bow shock-Earth’s magnetosphere system by a nonstationary solar wind shock. A possible confirmation of the process under study by in-situ SC3 experimental observations of the bow shock front motion on the Cluster spacecraft is pointed out.  相似文献   

In the present paper the equations of the orbital motion of the major planets and the Moon and the equations of the three–axial rigid Earth’s rotation in Euler parameters are reduced to the secular system describing the evolution of the planetary and lunar orbits (independent of the Earth’s rotation) and the evolution of the Earth’s rotation (depending on the planetary and lunar evolution). Hence, the theory of the Earth’s rotation can be presented by means of the series in powers of the evolutionary variables with quasi-periodic coefficients with respect to the planetary–lunar mean longitudes. This form of the Earth’s rotation problem is compatible with the general planetary theory involving the separation of the short–period and long–period variables and avoiding the appearance of the non–physical secular terms.  相似文献   

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