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It has been suggested by some that warm El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) events have become stronger and more frequent as a result of global warming. This study aims to investigate whether there is any evidence for changes in the behavior of the ENSO phenomenon that may be attributed to global warming. Cluster analysis is carried out to group warm and cold events by various characteristics using the U.K. Climatic Research Unit air-temperature anomaly data set for the period 1856-1999. Analysis of the resulting groups of events and their relation to global temperature changes gives rise to various conclusions. First, the cold (La Niña) phase of the ENSO phenomenon has been more stable in the period of study than the warm (El Niño) one. Second, average strength warm events seem to be more frequent immediately preceding and during periods of steep global temperature rise, supporting the idea (Hunt, 1999) that more frequent El Niños are a short-term response in ocean-atmosphere coupling to rising global temperature.  相似文献   

Military training activities reduce vegetation cover, disturb crusts, and degrade soil aggregates, making the land more vulnerable to wind erosion. The objective of this study was to quantify wind erosion rates for typical conditions at the Marine Corps Air Ground Combat Center, Twentynine Palms, CA, U.S.A. Five Big Spring Number Eight (BSNE) sampler stations were installed at each of five sites. Each BSNE station consisted of five BSNE samplers with the lowest sampler at 0·05 m and the highest sampler at 1·0 m above the soil surface. Once a month, sediment was collected from the samplers for analysis. Occurrence of saltating soil aggregates was recorded every hour using Sensits, one at each site. The site with the most erosion had a sediment discharge of 311 kg m−1 over a period of 17 months. Other sites eroded much less because of significant rock cover or the presence of a crust. Hourly sediment discharge was estimated combining hourly Sensit count and monthly sediment discharge measured using BSNE samplers. More simultaneously measured data are needed to better characterize the relationship between these two and reconstruct a detailed time-series of wind erosion. This measured time-series can then be used for comparison with simulation results from process-based wind erosion models such as the Wind Erosion Prediction System (WEPS), once it has been adapted to the unique aspects of military lands.  相似文献   

One of the greatest challenges to the U.S. Department of Defense is maintaining the sustainability of military lands while maximizing their use for training activities. Restoration of disturbed lands in the Mojave Desert has proven to be a challenge, particularly revegetation from seed. This study presents soil moisture dynamics from three restoration sites at the National Training Center, Ft. Irwin, CA. The soil microclimate (matric potential, water balance, and temperature) was monitored beneath various surface treatments to better assess their effects on seed germination and establishment. Results show that under the typically hot and dry climatic conditions that prevail, the soil microclimate is a hostile environment. Irrigation had the most positive effect on the seedbed. Surface mulches including gravel, straw, emulsion, and bark had limited benefits often detrimental. Although seedlings germinated, survival after three months was negligible. Results presented here suggest that successful seeding with broadcast sprinkler irrigation in the central Mojave Desert is not possible unless the seedbed area is limited or advantageous environmental conditions prevail. Improved knowledge of the germination requirements and applied numerical modeling would result in more successful seedbed management.  相似文献   

Tanzhuo Liu   《Geomorphology》2003,53(3-4):209-234
Rock varnish is a manganiferous dark coating ubiquitous in desert landscapes. To test the validity of varnish microstratigraphy as a chronometric indicator, varnish samples were collected from radiometrically dated and undated late Quaternary lava flows in Amboy, Cima, and Pisgah volcanic fields (AVF, CVF, PVF) in the Mojave Desert of California, western United States. Varnish microstratigraphies show a replicable layering sequence that appears to record regional climate changes that likely correspond in time to the Younger Dryas and Heinrich events in the North Atlantic region. Microstratigraphic patterns on these volcanic fields match patterns found in varnishes from other western US sites with available radiometric age constraints. Based on this regional chronology, varnishes from the A flow, H flow, and a stone pavement surface in the Cima volcanic field were estimated to be 16.5–24, 74–85, and 74–85 ka, respectively; these ages are consistent with previously published cosmogenic 3He ages of 18–20, 72–74, and 80–85 ka for these geomorphic surfaces. Varnishes from the I flow at Cima yielded a puzzling age estimate of 39 ka, which is consistent with an older 3He age of 37±6 ka reported for the I flow, but inconsistent with a younger 3He age of 31±7 ka and a cosmogenic 36Cl age of 27±1.3 ka for the same flow. Reinterpretation of the original varnish age data, with knowledge of then available field mapping results of the I flow, suggests that the I cone is polycyclic and different flow units were probably unintentionally sampled in the field. The revised varnish ages of 30 and 39 ka for the I flow thus may be in good agreement with their corresponding 3He and 36Cl ages. In a blind test of the method, varnishes from the Phase 1 flow at Pisgah, an unnamed flow (called here the I′ flow) at Cima, and the Amboy flow were estimated to be 24–30, 46–60, and 74–85 ka, respectively; these ages agree well with 36Cl ages of 22.5±1.3, 46±2, and 79±5 ka reported for the same flows by Phillips [Geomorphology (2002).]. These test results provide convincing evidence that varnish microstratigraphy, once radiometrically calibrated, can be used as a valid dating tool to estimate surface exposure ages of desert landforms in the western US drylands.  相似文献   

Upper respiratory tract disease (URTD) has been implicated as a cause of decline of wild populations of desert tortoises, Gopherus agassizii, in the western Mojave Desert. One explanation for outbreaks of disease may be the release or escape of diseased captive tortoises into naïve wild populations. Because Mycoplasma agassizii and tortoise herpesvirus have surfaced as important pathogens, 179 captive tortoises were evaluated in the greater community of Barstow, San Bernardino County, California during 2000 and 2001 to determine pathogen exposure. An indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) was performed to detect antibodies against Mycoplasma agassizii (n=179) and tortoise herpesvirus (n=109). Anti-mycoplasma antibodies were present in 82.7% of the tortoises while anti-herpesvirus antibodies were detected in 26.6%. A positive association was found between tortoises with anti-mycoplasma antibodies and severity of clinical signs of URTD (p=0.001) and with age categories, with adults being more likely to be positive (p<0.001). Neither association was found with herpesvirus exposure. No association was found between gender and pathogen exposure or between being positive for exposure to both pathogens. Findings suggest that captive tortoises can be a source of infection for free ranging desert tortoises.  相似文献   

This paper reviews the nature of moisture at Gobabeb, Namibia with emphasis on rainfall, and fog. It introduces the observational record produced by the Gobabeb Training and Research Centre and examines nature and cause of the rainfall record from October 1st 1962 to May 30th 2011. Over this period of 17749 days only 381 rainy days produced a total of 1213 mm of rain with an annual average of 25 mm. 2011 has been the wettest year on record also featuring the two most wettest days (March 12th and May the 6th). 1992 has been the driest year with no rain at all. Over the last 3 decades (1979–2009) the number of decadal rain days has decreased from 77 to 56 to 54 days, while total decadal rain amount has increased from 130 mm to 149 mm up to 300 mm. 193 Individual rain events between 1979 and 2009 were linked to synoptic conditions present in the region including the Zaire Air Boundary (ZAB), Tropical Temperate Troughs (TTT), the Angola Low, temperate cold fronts and cut-off lows (850 hgt geopotential height). Cluster analyses in the form of Self Organising Maps (SOMs), suggests that all synoptic states have the potential to produce rain but that the Angolan low dominates with an increase in TTT activity being evident. Fog collection techniques have evolved through time and suggest a range of possible event types, including advected fog, coastal stratus cloud, high stratus cloud, radiation fog and fog drizzle. While each of these has their own meso- and micro-scale synoptic control and may even vary in their bulk and isotopic chemistry, they collectively make a significant moisture contribution to the flora and fauna of the Namib. Additional sources of moisture are gaining appreciation and include the widespread occurrence of hypersaline springs on the Namib gravel plains as well as micro-scale moisture including vapour in desert soils and regolith.  相似文献   

We quantified soil nutrients and biological crust cover (bryophytes and lichens) under the canopies of three species of Mojave Desert shrubs and in interspaces between shrubs at three elevations to determine the effects of shrub species, soil crust, and elevation on islands of soil fertility. Means of pH, organic matter, total Kjeldahl nitrogen, nitrogen mineralization, and gravimetric soil moisture are significantly greater in soils under Ambrosia dumosa (Gray) Payne, Larrea tridentata Cov., and Coleogyne ramosissima Torr. than soils from adjacent interspace microhabitats. Although soil moisture and soil organic matter increase by a factor of 1.5 from the low elevation to the high elevation site, the ratio of shrub to interspace concentrations, or the difference in mean soil variables between shrubs and interspaces, is effectively constant and independent of elevation. Total bryophyte and lichen cover is relatively low (24.5%), however, there are 11 species of bryophytes and two species of lichens distributed across three elevations with the highest species richness and cover at the low-elevation site. Bryophyte and lichen cover is correlated with silt but is not related, consistently, to soil nutrients. Overall, the balance of processes controlling spatial aggregation of soil nutrients under shrubs is remarkably insensitive to potential differences in organic inputs among elevations, shrub species, and soil crust surfaces.  相似文献   

Although arid environments are often considered among the least invaded terrestrial biomes, the impacts of exotic plant species can be severe and long lasting. Bromus rubens (red brome) is an exotic annual grass species in the Mojave Desert known to outcompete native plant species, alter habitat, and promote accumulation of fuel that contributes to increasing fire frequency and severity. We assessed longevity of the exotic B. rubens seeds in the soil by burying seeds at four depths (0, 2, 5, and 10 cm) and recovering seeds 6, 12, 18, and 24 months after burial. Seed viability was reduced with greater burial depth and greater time since burial. A relatively small proportion of seeds retained viability for two years, suggesting that while the B. rubens seed bank can be large, it is relatively short-lived. Although B. rubens apparently relies more on the annual production, dispersal, and germination of seeds than on a long-lived seed bank for its annual recruitment, the numerous seeds produced by individual plants indicate that even a small proportion of seeds remaining viable for more than a year can aid recruitment from the seed bank and is an important factor in understanding population dynamics.  相似文献   

The macro-habitat preferences of three conspicuous and widely distributed species of lizards (Aspidoscelis tigris, Callisaurus draconoides, and Uta stansburiana) were examined across four geomorphic landforms (sandy wash, rocky wash, alluvial plain, and alluvial deposit) in the southern Mojave Desert, California. All three species were non-randomly distributed across the four geomorphic landforms. The goal of this study was to develop less ecologically generalized habitat models (LizLand) than the vegetation-based wildlife–habitat relationship models in the California Gap Analysis Program (CA-GAP). Conceptually, LizLand is a geomorphological approach to habitat modeling in arid environments. Specifically, LizLand is a series of spatially explicit habitat models that define and predict habitat for A. tigris, C. draconoides, and U. stansburiana in Joshua Tree National Park and the Marine Air Ground Task Force Training Command, Marine Corp Air Ground Combat Center. LizLand models resulted in higher resolution habitat models with minimal reduction in model accuracy. These models more accurately captured the complexity of the Mojave Desert ecosystem and offered greater ecological resolution in identifying habitat in contrast to the CA-GAP models.  相似文献   

Recent drought has led to unprecedented levels of plant mortality across the Southwestern US. An unaddressed feature of this drought's impact is how soil characteristics and soil hydrological behavior affect desert plant canopy die-back and mortality. Here, we present a multi-year study in the Mojave Desert assessing canopy die-back and whole-plant mortality of white bursage (Ambrosia dumosa) and creosotebush (Larrea tridentata) in soils varying in surface and sub-surface horizon development, and topographic (hillslope vs. channel) positions. Canopy die-back and mortality was more widespread A. dumosa than in L. tridentata, and dead plants tended to be smaller than surviving plants, especially in channel and hillslope locations. This suggests that juveniles were particularly vulnerable where plants depended heavily on augmentation of incident precipitation by runoff. Canopy die-back was greater in young, weakly developed soils that fostered extensive plant growth, while plants growing in older, well-developed soils showed markedly lower branch and plant mortality, especially in A. dumosa. We attributed these differences in plant response in part to variation in distributions of large rocks within soil profiles, which might affect soil hydrological heterogeneity and intensity of plant competition for water.  相似文献   

In 1995, mapping and classification of riparian vegetation along the Mojave River in southern California revealed an 8-km reach in which riparian cottonwoods (Populus fremontii Wats.) were stressed or dying. We tested a set of predictions based on the inference that cottonwood decline was an indirect result of lowered water-table levels following flood-related channel incision. Comparisons of topographic cross-sections from 1963 and 1997, indicated a net change in channel elevation between −0·71 and −3·6 m within zones of cottonwood stress and mortality. Ages of young cottonwood and willow stems adjacent to the present channel and radial stem growth of surviving cottonwoods were consistent with the inference that channel incision, associated with sustained flooding in January and February of 1993, lowered channel elevations throughout the affected reach. Well records and soil redoximorphic features indicate that channel incision caused net water-table declines 1·5 m on portions of the adjacent flood plain where cottonwood stand mortality ranged between 58 and 93%. In areas where water-table declines were estimated to be <1·0 m, stand mortality was 7–13%.  相似文献   

Although highly branched from the base, all shrubs have short main axes linking canopies to root systems. Main axes become increasingly segmented into independent canopy/stem/root segments as aridity increases across continents. The resulting hydraulic modularity has been proposed as an adaption to low soil moisture that prevents runaway embolism and minimizes risk of hydraulic failure. Here we test the hypotheses that (1) at a regional scale, the importance of axis-splitting species in communities declines with increasing elevation, as a proxy for precipitation, and (2) that this decline is explained by lower occurrence of low-elevation dominant species. We evaluated all species for axis splitting and determined importance values in plots along an elevational transect in the Mojave Desert. As predicted, as elevation increased, the total importance of axis-splitting species declined from 100% at low-elevation sites to 75% at the highest elevation site. However, this decline was not due solely to the decline of the lower elevation dominant species. At the high elevation site, the influx of new species resulted in a six-fold increase in species richness and almost all of the new high elevation woody eudicotyledonous species exhibited axis splitting; non-splitting species were represented by other growth forms.  相似文献   

A major theme in physical geography and biogeography is understanding how vegetation changes across geographic gradients during climate change. We assess shifts in distributions of fifteen Mojave Desert plant species based on a 2008 resurvey of 103 vegetation transects that were established in 1979. We model changes in species distributions using Maximum Entropy (Maxent) with environmental and climate variables to predict probability of species’ occurrences. Climate during the ten-year period preceding the 2008 vegetation survey was 1.5°C warmer and 3 cm per year of precipitation drier than the ten years preceding 1979. Species inhabiting the highest elevations and strongly correlated with precipitation displayed areal reductions from 1979 through 2008.  相似文献   

Summary. Seismic refraction data collected in the northern Appalachians provide an unusual opportunity to use wide-angle reflections to examine the lower crust and upper mantle. The PmP phase, clearly identified on several hundred records, has been used to construct an isopach map of the crust which shows a stepwise regional thickening of the crust beneath the axis of the Appalachians. The data have been examined to times of up to 40 s two-way travel time to investigate the possibility of coherent upper-mantle reflections such as those recently observed by BIRPS on near-vertical data northwest of Britain. Although substantial coherent energy appears after the PmP phase, synthetic seismogram modelling shows that all of these arrivals are explicable by S-phases, converted phases and multiples from within the crust. We conclude that in this region of the northern Appalachians we have not detected any significant regionally extensive reflecting horizons within the upper mantle.  相似文献   

We evaluated nest site selection at two spatial scales (microsite, territory) and reproductive success of Western Burrowing Owls (Athene cunicularia hypugaea) at three spatial scales (microsite, territory, landscape) in the eastern Mojave Desert. We used binary logistic regression within an information-theoretic approach to assess factors influencing nest site choice and nesting success. Microsite-scale variables favored by owls included burrows excavated by desert tortoise (Gopherus agassizii), burrows with a large mound of excavated soil at the entrance, and a greater number of satellite burrows within 5 m of the nest burrow. At the territory scale, owls preferred patches with greater cover of creosote bush (Larrea tridentata) within 50 m of the nest burrow. An interaction between the presence or absence of a calcic soil horizon layer over the top of the burrow (microsite) and the number of burrows within 50 m (territory) influenced nest site choice. Nesting success was influenced by a greater number of burrows within 5 m of the nest burrow. Total cool season precipitation was a predictor of nesting success at the landscape scale. Conservation strategies can rely on management of habitat for favored and productive nesting sites for this declining species.  相似文献   

A regional Magnetotelluric (MT) study, was carried out with 55 MT soundings, distributed along five traverses, across the Kutch Mainland Unit (KMU), on the west coast of India, a region characterized by a series of successive uplifts and intervening depressions in the form of half graben, bounded by master faults. We obtain the deeper electrical structure of the crust beneath Kutch, from 2-D modelling of MT data along the 5 traverses, in order to evaluate the geo-electrical signatures, if any, of the known primary tectonic structures in this region. The results show that the deeper electrical structure in the Kutch region presents a mosaic of high resistive crustal blocks separated by deep-rooted conductive features. Two such crustal conductive features spatially correlate with the known tectonic features, viz., the Kutch Mainland Fault (KMF), and the Katrol Hill Fault (KHF).
An impressive feature of the geo-electrical sections is an additional, well-defined conductive feature, running between Jakhau and Mundra, located at the southern end of each of the five MT traverses and interpreted to be the electrical signature of yet another hidden fault at the southern margin of the KMU. This new feature is named as Jakhau–Mundra Fault (JMF). It is inferred that the presence of JMF together with the Kathiawar Fault (NKF), further south, located at the northern boundary of the Saurashtra Horst, would enhance the possibility of occurrence of a thick sedimentary column in the Gulf of Kutch. The region between the newly delineated fault (JMF) and the Kathiawar fault (NKF) could thus be significant for Hydrocarbon Exploration.  相似文献   

Changes in plant community structure and composition of the Mojave Desert in response to greater fire intensity and extent are likely to have strong bottom-up effects on the biological community. The objective of this study was to determine how expansive fire in Mojave Desert impacts small mammal communities across seasons. We sampled small mammals in paired burned (4–5 years post-fire) and unburned areas of Beaver Dam Wash in southwestern Utah. Fire reduced total abundance of small mammals, and species richness and species diversity of the small mammal community. Merriam’s kangaroo rat (Dipodomys merriami) responded positively to fire (15% greater in burned areas). Long-tailed pocket mouse (Chaetodipus formosus) and canyon mouse (Peromyscus crinitus) were 91% and 98% less abundant in burned versus unburned areas. The positive response of Merriam’s kangaroo rat to fire is most likely correlated with their preference for open foraging microhabitat while other species captured prefer greater and more diverse cover. Because the small mammal community has been dramatically affected by fire, it is likely that top-down control of vegetation structure will be dominated by Merriam’s kangaroo rat in burned areas, which may promote more open habitat by limiting the growth of annual and perennial grasses.  相似文献   

Sediment yield from small arid basins, particularly in the Mojave Desert, is largely unknown owing to the ephemeral nature of these fluvial systems and long recurrence interval of flow events. We examined 27 reservoirs in the northern and eastern Mojave Desert that trapped sediment from small (< 1 km2) drainage basins on alluvial fans over the past 100 yr, calculated annual sediment yield, and estimated the average recurrence interval (RI) of sediment-depositing flow events. These reservoirs formed where railbeds crossed and blocked channels, causing sediment to be trapped and stored upslope. Deposits are temporally constrained by the date of railway construction (1906–1910), the presence of 137Cs in the reservoir profile (post-1952 sediment), and either 1993, when some basins breached during regional flooding, or 2000–2001, when stratigraphic analyses were performed. Reservoir deposits are well stratified at most sites and have distinct fining-upward couplets indicative of discrete episodes of sediment-bearing runoff. Average RI of runoff events for these basins ranges from 2.6 to 7.3 yr and reflects the incidence of either intense or prolonged rainfall; more than half the runoff events occurred before 1963. A period of above-normal precipitation, from 1905 to 1941, may have increased runoff frequency in these basins. Mean sediment yield (9 to 48 tons km− 2 yr− 1) is an order of magnitude smaller than sediment yields calculated elsewhere and may be limited by reduced storm intensity, the presence of desert pavement, and shallow gradient of fan surfaces. Sediment yield decreases as drainage area increases, a trend typical of much larger drainage basins where sediment-transport processes constrain sediment yield. Coarse substrate and low-angle slopes of these alluvial fan surfaces likely limit sediment transport capacity through transmission losses and channel storage.  相似文献   

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