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Radiocarbon and 230Th-234U dates of calcic horizons from calciorthid soil profiles in the Mojave Desert were used to calculate the rate of deposition of pedogenic CaCO3. A major period of CaCO3 deposition appears to have occurred about 20000 yBP forming calcic horizons below 100-cm depth during a climatic regime with greater effective rainfall than in the present. The overall rate of deposition has been 1.0 to 3.5 g CaCO3/m2/yr during soil formation. This rate is consistent with present-day rates, assuming that the atmospheric deposition of Ca limits the process. Stable isotope ratios in calcic horizons indicate that CaCO3 precipitated from a soil environment with CO2 of ? 15.5%. 13C12C (vs. PDB) and H2O of + 2.0%. 18O16O (vs. SMOW). These values suggest that CaCO3 precipitates when seasonal drought simultaneously lowers soil pore pCO2 and enriches soil water 18O by evaporation. The role of soil calcic horizons in the global geochemical cycle of carbon is discussed.  相似文献   

Middle to Late Jurassic plutonic rocks in the central Mojave Desert represent the continuation of the Sierran arc south of the Garlock fault. Rock types range from calc-alkaline gabbro to quartz monzonite. Chemical and isotopic data indicate that petrologic diversity is attributable to mixing of crustal components with mantle melts. Evidence for magma mixing is scarce in most plutons, but emplacement and injection of plutons into preexisting wallrocks (e.g. pendants of metasedimentary rocks) suggests that assimilation may be locally important. Field and petrographic evidence and major and trace element data indicate that the gabbros do not represent pure liquids but are, at least partly, cumulates. The cumulate nature of the gabbros coupled with field evidence for open-system contamination means that trace element contents of gabbros cannot be used to fingerprint the Jurassic mantle source, nor can isotopic data be unequivocally interpreted to reflect the isotopic composition of the mantle. Correlation of Sr and Nd isotropic composition with bulk composition allows some constraints to be placed on the mantle isotopic signature. Gabbros and mafic inclusions from localities north of Barstow, CA have the most depleted mantle-like isotopic signatures (Sr ( i )≈0.705 and ɛNd (t)=≈0 to +1). However, these rocks have likely seen some contamination as well, so the mantle source probably has an even more depleted character. Gabbros with the lowest Sr( i ) and highest ɛNd (t) are also characterized by the highest 207Pb/204Pb and 206Pb/204Pb in the entire data set. This may be a feature of the mantle component in the Jurassic arc indicative of minor source contamination with subducted sediment as has been observed in modern continental arcs. Locally exposed Precambrian basement and metasedimentary rocks have appropriate Sr, Nd and Pb isotopic signatures for the crustal end members and are possible contaminants. Incorporation of these components through combined anatexis and assimilation can explain the observed spread in isotopic composition. Evidence for a depleted mantle component in these gabbros contrasts with the enriched subcontinental mantle component in Jurassic arc plutons further to the east and suggests there may have been a major mantle lithosphere boundary between the two areas as far back as the Late Jurassic. Crustal boundaries and isotopic provinces defined on the basis of initial isotopic composition (Sr( i )=0.706 isopleth) are difficult to delineate because of the correlation of bulk composition with Sr and Nd isotopic composition and because values may differ depending on the age of the rocks sampled within a given area. Data from plutons intruded into rocks known or inferred to be Precambrian are, however, shifted dramatically (highest Sr( i ) and lowest ɛNd(t)) toward Precambrian values. The least isotopically evolved rocks (lowest Sr( i ) and highest ɛNd(t)) occur within the eugeoclinal belt of the Mojave Desert. This zone has been previously identified as a Precambrian rift zone but more likely represents a zone where mantle magmas have been intruded into isotopically similar crustal rocks of the eugeocline with minor input from old Precambrian crust. Received: 12 August 1993/Accepted: 8 July 1994  相似文献   

Small-scale late Holocene vegetation changes were determined from a series of 13 modern and fossil packrat middens collected from a site in the Greenwater Valley, northern Mojave Desert, California. Although the site is above the modern lower limit of Coleogyne ramosissima (black-brush), macrofossils of this shrub are only present in samples younger than 270 yr B.P. In order to measure changes more subtle than presence vs absence, macrofossil concentrations were quantified, and principal components and factor analyses were used to distinguish midden plant assemblages. Both the presence/absence data and the statistical analyses suggest a downward shift of 50 to 100 m for Coleogyne (blackbrush) communities between 1435 and 1795 A.D.  相似文献   

The Halloran Hills consist of Precambrian (?) metamorphites, Mesozoic igneous intrusive rocks, Tertiary volcanic and sedimentary breccias, and Quaternary alluvia. The Precambrian Halloran Complex has been subdivided into the following formations: (1) Silver Lake Peak Formation, mostly quartzofeldspathic gneisses; (2) Cree Camp Formation, quartzites and metarhyolites; (3) Riggs Formation, metamorphosed carbonate rocks. This complex is intruded by dioritic rocks. Regional metamorphism produced parageneses of the almandine amphibolite facies. Metablastesis was a major phenomenon, partial fusion was a local one. The rocks are, therefore, metatexites. Regional metamorphism was followed by diaphthoresis, accentuated in a zone of dislocation. A mesozonal pluton (Wander Mine Pluton) invaded the Halloran Complex during the Laramide (?) orogeny. The plutonic core consists of quartz monzonite, whereas the peripheral parts are more basic in composition. Contact relationships with the country rock are both concordant and discordant. Locally, a tectonic breccia marks marginal upthrusts. Foliation exists to various degrees in the periphery of the pluton. The sequence of the emplacement phases of the pluton is as follows: (1) metasomatism, (2) flow, and (3) movement of the dead body. All three phases overlapped each other, but at the present level of erosion the rocks in any one restricted area depict only two phases. Younger granitic rocks and various dike-swarm intrusions followed the emplacement of the pluton. During the Tertiary, autoclastic friction breccias of andesitebasalt composition intruded along faults. These intrusions were followed by the deposition of arkosic breccias (Halloran Spring Formation) and coarse sedimentary breccias (rubble). At the end of the Tertiary (Pliocene?), basalt flows buried much of the ancient land surface near Halloran Spring. The configuration of the Halloran complex indicates a domelike structure, partially bounded in the north by a fault zone (Cree Camp Fault Zone). Outlines of the Wander Mine Pluton indicate a phacolithic geometry modified by regional faults. The most important fault in the area is the Cree Camp Fault Zone, which has a general east-west trend. It was probably formed before the emplacement of the pluton, and was revived three times after its initiation. Faulting ceased after the outpouring of the basalt flows. Within the regional framework, the Halloran Hills lie east of the quartz-diorite line. There seems to be a trend for association of tonalites with sillimanite-cordierite-bearing metamorphites west of the quartz-diorite line, and of quartz monzonites with potassium-rich metamorphites east of it. If the plutonic rocks are anatexitic, or palingenetic, their compositional differences on either side of the line find a suitable explanation. Results of recent experiments agree with this assumption. “Anormal” rock suites are explained as ectectic mobilizates. The age of orogenies in California generally decreases from west to east, and the potassium-sodium ratio increases in the same direction. It is submitted that time determines the site of the orogeny and that the site determines the possible range in composition of the granitic magma. The spreading sea-floor hypothesis serves as the unifying framework for the above considerations.  相似文献   

《Applied Geochemistry》2004,19(7):1123-1135
About 200 samples from selected public supply, domestic, and observation wells completed in alluvial aquifers underlying the western Mojave Desert were analyzed for total dissolved Cr and Cr(VI). Because Cr(VI) is difficult to preserve, samples were analyzed by 3 methods. Chromium(VI) was determined in the field using both a direct colorimetric method and EPA method 218.6, and samples were speciated in the field for later analysis in the laboratory using a cation-exchange method developed for the study described in this paper. Comparison of the direct colorimetric method and EPA method 218.6 with the new cation-exchange method yielded r2 values of 0.9991 and 0.9992, respectively. Total dissolved Cr concentrations ranged from less than the 0.1 μg/l detection limit to 60 μg/l, and almost all the Cr present was Cr(VI). Near recharge areas along the mountain front pH values were near neutral, dissolved O2 concentrations were near saturation, and Cr(VI) concentrations were less than the 0.1 μg/l detection limit. Chromium(VI) concentrations and pH values increased downgradient as long as dissolved O2 was present. However, low Cr(VI) concentrations were associated with low dissolved O2 concentrations near ground-water discharge areas along dry lakes. Chromium(VI) concentrations as high as 60 μg/l occurred in ground water from the Sheep Creek fan alluvial deposits weathered from mafic rock derived from the San Gabriel Mountains, and Cr(VI) concentrations as high as about 36 μg/l were present in ground water from alluvial deposits weathered from less mafic granitic, metamorphic, and volcanic rocks. Chromium(III) was the predominant form of Cr only in areas where dissolved O2 concentrations were less than 1 mg/l and was detected at a median concentration of 0.1 μg/l, owing to its low solubility in water of near-neutral pH. Depending on local hydrogeologic conditions and the distribution of dissolved O2, Cr(VI) concentrations may vary considerably with depth. Samples collected under pumping conditions from different depths within wells show that Cr(VI) concentrations can range from less than the 0.1 μg/l detection limit to 36 μg/l in a single well and that dissolved O2 concentrations likely control the concentration and redox speciation of Cr in ground water.  相似文献   

Summary One hundred and fifty samples of recent Na-alkalic lavas from the south-eastern flank of Mt. Etna, dating from about 5,000 years B.P. to 1886 were analyzed. They grade in time from more acid to more basic lavas, and show an overall range of variation much larger toward the more felsic end than previously known. Chondrite-normalized REE patterns of the least differentiated samples show LREE enrichment and HREE depletion; trace element compositions suggest that Etnean products are similar to WPB, with a weak CAB signature. Sr-isotope ratios ranging from 0.70332 to 0.70355, vary even within samples from the same eruption, and generally tend to increase with time in historic lavas.Our data suggest that processes other than simple crystal fractionation are, in part, responsible for the variation of the analyzed sequence. In fact, RTF processes with successive influxes of mafic melts, each having distinct, slightly different geochemical and isotopic features, into reservoirs of variously differentiated magmas, may explain the overall observed data.The source region for Recent Mongibello lavas is located in the mantle, isotopically zoned, and Rb-depleted with respect to the Bulk Earth composition. Model and experimental data conform well with a low degree (< 5%) modal melting of a garnet Iherzolite source, depleted by an earlier melting event with respect to primitive mantle composition.
Herkunft und Differentiation von rezenten basaltischen Magmen des Berges Ätna
Zusammenfassung Es wurden 150 Proben von rezenten, Na-alkalischen Laven von der Südflanke des Ätna, die mit 5000 Jahren vor Christus bis 1886 datieren, analysiert. Die Laven zeigen mit der Zeit einen graduellen Übergang von sauer zu zunehmend basisch und weisen generell eine größere Variationsbreite in Richtung sauer auf als bisher angenommen. Chondrit-normalisierte REE Verteilungskurven der am geringsten differentierten Proben zeigen LREE Anreicherung und eine Verarmung der HREE. Die Spurenelement-Zusammensetzungen deuten an, daß die Ätna-Produkte Ähnlichkeit mit WPB mit einer schwachen CAB-Signatur aufweisen. Die Sr-Isotopenverhältnisse reichen von 0.70332 bis 0.70355, variieren sogar innerhalb Proben aus ein und derselben Eruption und tendieren generell zu ansteigenden Werten mit der Zeit.Unsere Daten weisen darauf hin, daß andere Prozesse als einfache Kristallfraktionierung, zumindest teilweise, für die Variation der analysierten Sequenz verantwortlich sind. In der Tat können RTF Prozesse mit sukzessiver Zufuhr von mafischen Schmelzen, jede mit leicht unterschiedlicher Geochemie und definierten Isotopenverhältnissen, in Reservoirs von unterschiedlich differentiierten Magmen, die vorliegenden Daten erklären.Die Herkunftsregion der rezenten Mongibello Laven ist im Mantel angesiedelt, der bezüglich der Isotopenzusammensetzung zoniert und, verglichen mit der Erdzusammensetzung, an Rb verarmt ist. Die Modell- und experimentellen Daten stehen in guter Übereinstimmung mit einem niedrigen Grad ( < 5%) der Aufschmelzung eines Granat-Lherzolites als Ausgangsmaterial, das, im Vergleich zum primitiven Mantel, durch einen früheren Aufschmelzungsvorgang verarmt ist.

With 9 Figures  相似文献   

Accurate reconstruction of the paleo-Mojave River and pluvial lake (Harper, Manix, Cronese, and Mojave) system of southern California is critical to understanding paleoclimate and the North American polar jet stream position over the last 500 ka. Previous studies inferred a polar jet stream south of 35°N at 18 ka and at ~ 40°N at 17–14 ka. Highstand sediments of Harper Lake, the upstream-most pluvial lake along the Mojave River, have yielded uncalibrated radiocarbon ages ranging from 24,000 to > 30,000 14C yr BP. Based on geologic mapping, radiocarbon and optically stimulated luminescence dating, we infer a ~ 45–40 ka age for the Harper Lake highstand sediments. Combining the Harper Lake highstand with other Great Basin pluvial lake/spring and marine climate records, we infer that the North American polar jet stream was south of 35°N about 45–40 ka, but shifted to 40°N by ~ 35 ka. Ostracodes (Limnocythere ceriotuberosa) from Harper Lake highstand sediments are consistent with an alkaline lake environment that received seasonal inflow from the Mojave River, thus confirming the lake was fed by the Mojave River. The ~ 45–40 ka highstand at Harper Lake coincides with a shallowing interval at downstream Lake Manix.  相似文献   

Garnet-rich xenoliths in a Tertiary dike in the eastern MojaveDesert, California, preserve information about the nature andhistory of the lower crust. These xenoliths record pressuresof 10–12 kbar and temperatures of 750–800C. Approximately25% have mafic compositions and bear hornblende + plagioclase+ clinopyroxene + quartz in addition to garnet. The remainder,all of which contain quartz, include quartzose, quartzofeldspathic,and aluminous (kyanitesillimanite-bearing) varieties. Mostxenoliths have identifiable protoliths—mafic from intermediateor mafic igneous rocks, quartzose from quartz-rich sedimentaryrocks, aluminous from Al-rich graywackes or pelites, and quartzofeldspathicfrom feldspathic sediments and/or intermediate to felsic igneousrocks. However, many have unusual chemical compositions characterizedby high FeO(t), FeO(t)/MgO, Al2O3, and Al2O3/CaO, which correspondto high garnet abundance. The mineralogy and major-and trace-elementcompositions are consistent with the interpretation that thexenoliths are the garnet-rich residues of high-pressure crustalmelting, from which granitic melt was extracted. High 87Sr/86Srand low 143Nd/144Nd, together with highly discordant zirconsfrom a single sample with Pb/Pb ages of 1.7 Ga, demonstratethat the crustal material represented by the xenoliths is atleast as old as Early Proterozoic. This supracrustal-bearinglithologic assemblage may have been emplaced in the lower crustduring either Proterozoic or Mesozoic orogenesis, but Sr andNd model ages> 4 Ga require late Phanerozoic modificationof parent/daughter ratios, presumably during the anatectic event.Pressures of equilibration indicate that peak metamorphism andmelting occurred before the Mojave crust had thinned to itscurrent thickness of <30 km. The compositions of the xenolithssuggest that the lower crust here is grossly similar to estimatedworld-wide lower-crustal compositions in terms of silica andmafic content; however, it is considerably more peraluminous,has a lower mg-number, and is distinctive in some trace elementconcentrations, reflecting its strong metasedimentary and restiticheritage. * Author to whom correspondence should be addressed. Present address: Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Troy, New York 12180, USA. Fax: 518–276–8627; email: hanchj{at}rpi.edu.  相似文献   

Rock varnish coatings tend to become thicker, darker, and more continuous over time, leading to the use of changes in overall varnish color and the percentage of clast surfaces covered by varnish as relative-age indicators. Manganese is the most characteristic element of subaerial rock varnishes, and the progressive development of varnish coats can be quantified by measuring the amount of Mn accumulated on a given area of rock surface. Manganese oxides were dissolved off varnished clasts collected from alluvial surfaces on the Soda Mountains piedmont in the Mojave Desert, California, and the amount of Mn was measured using inductively coupled plasma emission spectroscopy. On the distal piedmont, maximum varnish development increases from a mid- to late-Holocene surface, typically containing up to 0.15 mg/cm2 of accumulated Mn, to an early- to mid-Holocene surface with up to 0.21 mg/cm2. However, varnish is less developed on a nearby late Pleistocene surface, suggesting extensive abrasion of clasts on the Pleistocene desert pavements or disturbance of the clasts. Varnish is better developed on the proximal piedmont, typically containing up to 0.30 mg/cm2 of Mn, although varnish from a Pleistocene surface is again no better developed than from a nearby early- to mid-Holocene surface. These data demonstrate that rock varnish can show significant spatial variation in degree of development on geomorphic surfaces of similar age, and imply that collecting varnish as old as a geomorphic surface may be difficult on surfaces as young as late Pleistocene.  相似文献   

The genesis of basaltic magmas   总被引:29,自引:2,他引:29  
This paper reports the results of a detailed experimental investigation of fractionation of natural basaltic compositions under conditions of high pressure and high temperature. A single stage, piston-cylinder apparatus has been used in the pressure range up to 27 kb and at temperatures up to 1500° C to study the melting behaviour of several basaltic compositions. The compositions chosen are olivine-rich (20% or more normative olivine) and include olivine tholeiite (12% normative hypersthene), olivine basalt (1% normative hypersthene) alkali olivine basalt (2% normative nepheline) and picrite (3% normative hypersthene). The liquidus phases of the olivine tholeiite and olivine basalt are olivine at 1 Atmosphere, 4.5 kb and 9 kb, orthopyroxene at 13.5 and 18 kb, clinopyroxene at 22.5 kb and garnet at 27 kb. In the alkali olivine basalt composition, the liquidus phases are olivine at 1 Atmosphere and 9 kb, orthopyroxene with clinopyroxene at 13.5 kb, clinopyroxene at 18 kb and garnet at 27 kb. The sequence of appearance of phases below the liquidus has also been studied in detail. The electron probe micro-analyser has been used to make partial quantitative analyses of olivines, orthopyroxenes, clinopyroxenes and garnets which have crystallized at high pressure.These experimental and analytical results are used to determine the directions of fractionation of basaltic magmas during crystallization over a wide range of pressures. At pressures corresponding to depths of 35–70 km separation of aluminous enstatite from olivine tholeiite magma produces a direct fractionation trend from olivine tholeiites through olivine basalts to alkali olivine basalts. Co-precipitation of sub-calcic, aluminous clinopyroxene with the orthopyroxene in the more undersaturated compositions of this sequence produces derivative liquids of basanite type. Magmas of alkali olivine basalt and basanite type represent the lower temperature liquids derived by approximately 30% crystallization of olivine-rich tholeiite at 35–70 km depth. At depths of about 30 km, fractionation of olivine-rich tholeiite with separation of both olivine and low-alumina enstatite, joined at lower temperatures by sub-calcic clinopyroxene, leads to derivative liquids with relatively constant SiO2 (48 to 50%) increasingly high Al2O3 (15–17%) contents and retaining olivine + hypersthene normative chemistry (5–15% normative olivine). These have the composition of typical high-alumina olivine tholeiites. The effects of low pressure fractionation may be superimposed on magma compositions derived from various depths within the mantle. These lead to divergence of the alkali olivine basalt and tholeiitic series but convergence of both the low-alumina and high-alumina tholeiites towards quartz tholeiite derivative liquids.The general problem of derivation of basaltic magmas from a mantle of peridotitic composition is discussed in some detail. Magmas are considered to be a consequence of partial melting but the composition of a magma is determined not by the depth of partial melting but by the depth at which magma segregation from residual crystals occurs. Magma generation from parental peridotite (pyrolite) at depths up to 100 km involves liquid-crystal equilibria between basaltic liquids and olivine + aluminous pyroxenes and does not involve garnet. At 35–70 km depth, basaltic liquids segregating from a pyrolite mantle will be of alkali olivine basalt type with about 20% partial melting but with increasing degrees of partial melting, liquids will change to olivine-rich tholeiite type with about 30% melting. If the depth of magma segregation is about 30 km, then magmas produced by 20–25% partial melting will be of high-alumina olivine tholeiite type, similar to the oceanic tholeiites occurring on the sea floor along the mid-oceanic ridges.Hypotheses of magma fractionation and generation by partial melting are considered in relation to the abundances and ratios of trace elements and in relation to isotopic abundance data on natural basalts. It is shown that there is a group of elements (including K, Ti, P, U, Th, Ba, Rb, Sr, Cs, Zr, Hf and the rare-earth elements) which show enrichment factors in alkali olivine basalts and in some tholeiites, which are inconsistent with simple crystal fractionation relationships between the magma types. This group of elements has been called incompatible elements referring to their inability to substitute to any appreciable extent in the major minerals of the upper mantle (olivine, aluminous pyroxenes). Because of the lack of temperature contrast between magma and wall-rock for a body of magma near to its depth of segregation in the mantle, cooling of the magma involves complementary processes of reaction with the wall-rook, including selective melting and extraction of the lowest melting fraction. The incompatible elements are probably highly concentrated in the lowest melting fraction of the pyrolite. The production of large overall enrichments in incompatible elements in a magma by reaction with and highly selective sampling of large volumes of mantle wall-rock during slow ascent of a magma is considered to be a normal, complementary process to crystal fractionation in the mantle. This process has been called wall-rock reaction. Magma generation in the mantle is rarely a simple, closed-system partial melting process and the isotopic abundances and incompatible element abundances of a basalt as observed at the earth's surface may be largely determined by the degree of reaction with the mantle or lower crustal wall-rocks and bear little relation to the abundances and ratios of the original parental mantle material (pyrolite).Occurrences of cognate xenoliths and xenocrysts in basalts are considered in relation to the experimental data on liquid-crystal equilibria at high pressure. It is inferred that the lherzolite nodules largely represent residual material after extraction of alkali olivine basalt from mantle pyrolite or pyrolite which has been selectively depleted in incompatible elements by wall-rock reaction processes. Lherzolite nodules included in tholeiitic magmas would melt to a relatively large extent and disintegrate, but would have a largely refractory character if included in alkali olivine basalt magma. Other examples of xenocrystal material in basalts are shown to be probable liquidus crystals or accumulates at high pressure from basaltic magma and provide a useful link between the experimental study and natural processes.  相似文献   

A. Yu. Ozerov 《Petrology》2009,17(7):653-668
Processes in the feeders of basaltic volcanoes during Strombolian-type eruptions were examined with the use of a complex apparatus for modeling basaltic eruptions (CAMBE), which was designed and manufactured by the authors for this purpose. The experimental setup consists of modeling and registering units and has a height of 18 m. It was designed with regard for the geometric dimensions of a natural feeding volcanic system: the ratio of the inner diameter of the feeder to its height is approximately 1: 1000. CAMBE was the first modeling equipment making possible passing a flow of gas-saturated liquid through the conduit, which allowed us to study the nucleation of gas bubbles, their growth, coalescence, transformations of the gas structures, and the kinetics of the gas phase. The experiments were carried out in a manner that made it possible to eliminate effects of structural barriers and fluctuations in the liquid flow velocity. As a result of the experiments, a new (previously unknown) regime in the flow of two-phase systems through a vertical conduit was discovered: the cluster regime, which is characterized by systematically alternating dense accumulations of gas bubbles (bubble clusters) and liquid devoid of a free gas phase. It is demonstrated that the liquid, bubbly, cluster, and slug regimes systematically grade into one another and are polymorphic modifications of gas-saturated liquids moving through vertical conduits. Our data led us to propose a new model for the gas-hydrodynamic movement of magmatic melt through the conduit of a basaltic volcano: depending on the gas-hydrodynamic regime in the volcanic vent, various types of eruptive activity (up to explosions) may take place. The analyses of basaltic magma explosions allowed us to describe them from a new standpoint and recognize the following four major modes of their manifestations at the surface: (1) weak ash explosions early during the cluster regime, (2) strong ash explosions during the mature cluster regime, (3) bomb explosions during the slug regime, (4) bomb grading to ash explosions during the slug regime associated with trains of small bubbles.  相似文献   

A comparison between the variation trend of alkaline basaltic magmas within the CaO-MgO-Al2O3-SiO2 system and experimentally estimated phase relations for this system at high pressures, suggests an olivine reaction relationship, which may explain the transition from primary magmas in equilibrium with olivine to alkaline basaltic magmas in which olivine does not form at high pressures. This reaction relationship is considered to be due to a transition from positive to negative crystallization with respect to olivine along the four phase curve where olivine, diopside, pyrope garnet and liquid are initially in equilibrium. The bimineralic, eclogitic character of alkaline basaltic compositions at high pressures is interpreted as being due to the presence of a thermal minimum on the three phase surface, where dioside and pyrope garnet are in equilibrium with liquid.  相似文献   

The Lower Miocene Clews Formation at Alvord Mountain, Mojave Desert, California, comprises an upward coarsening sequence of synextensional continental deposits of variable thickness; this sequence pinches out to the west against the Alvord Mountain pre-Tertiary basement complex and thickens eastward to c.300 m over a distance of 7 km. Two stages of sedimentation are recognized in the formation. During the initial stage of sedimentation, the depocentre was delineated by a lacustrine system that was bounded to the west by small, sheetflood-dominated alluvial fans and to the north by a southerly flowing fluvial braidplain. Lacustrine mudstone, siltstone and carbonate suggest an initially closed basin. Conglomerate to the west represents small, sheetflood-dominated fans. Igneous clasts and a south-east palaeoflow direction suggest a proximal, low-relief source in the western Alvord Mountain area. Pebbly sandstone of the southward-prograding braidplain has a metasedimentary provenance in the Paradise Range to the north. The second stage of deposition was dominated by coarse conglomerate and breccia. West to southwest palaeotransport indicators and a distinctive metaigneous petrofacies indicate a provenance in the Cronese Hills, 8 km to the east. These strata reflect rapid westward progradation of sheetflood- and debris flow-dominated alluvial fans that advanced across the axial braidplain and lacustrine system. Basin development is interpreted to have been controlled by regional NE-directed extension on a detachment fault associated with the central Mojave metamorphic core complex. 30 km to the west. The Alvord Mountain - Cronese Hills region was initially transported as a single hangingwall block on the E-dipping detachment. Initial lacustrine sedimentation reflects the development of a flexural or sag basin in the hangingwall. Subsequent westward progradation of alluvial fans out of the Cronese Hills is believed to record the propagation of a NW-striking, SW-dipping normal fault antithetic to the low-angle E-dipping detachment fault.  相似文献   

The sulfur concentration at pyrrhotite- and anhydrite-saturation in primitive hydrous basaltic melt of the 2001-2002 eruption of Mt. Etna was determined at 200 MPa, T = 1050-1250 °C and at log fO2 from FMQ to FMQ+2.2 (FMQ is Fayalite-Magnetite-Quartz oxygen buffer). At 1050 °C Au sample containers were used. A double-capsule technique, using a single crystal olivine sample container closed with an olivine piston, embedded in a sealed Au80Pd20 capsule, was developed to perform experiments in S-bearing hydrous basaltic systems at T > 1050 °C. Pyrrhotite is found to be a stable phase coexisting with melt at FMQ-FMQ+0.3, whereas anhydrite is stable at FMQ+1.4-FMQ+2.2. The S concentration in the melt increases almost linearly from 0.12 ± 0.01 to 0.39 ± 0.02 wt.% S at FeS-saturation and from 0.74 ± 0.01 to 1.08 ± 0.04 wt.% S at anhydrite-saturation with T ranging from 1050-1250 °C. The relationships between S concentration at pyrrhotite and/or anhydrite saturation, MgO content of the olivine-saturated melt, T, and log fO2 observed in this study and from previous data are used to develop an empirical model for estimating the magmatic T and fO2 from the S and MgO concentrations of H2O-bearing olivine-saturated basaltic melts. The model can also be used to determine maximum S concentrations, if fO2 and MgO content of the melt are known. The application of the model to compositions of melt inclusions in olivines from Mt. Etna indicates that the most primitive magmas trapped in inclusions might have been stored at log fO2 slightly higher than FMQ+1 and at T = 1100-1150 °C, whereas more evolved melts could have been trapped at T ? 1100 °C. These values are in a good agreement with the estimates obtained by other independent methods reported in the literature.  相似文献   

The orange coating (varnish) that forms on the undersides (ventral sides) of clasts in desert pavements constitutes a potential relative-age indicator. Using Munsell color notation, we semiquantified the color of the orange, ventral varnish on the undersides of clasts from 15 different alluvial fan and terrace surfaces of various ages ranging from less than 500 to about 25,000 yr. All of the surfaces studied are located along the central portion of the left-lateral Garlock fault, in the Mojave Desert of southern California. The amount of left-lateral offset may be used to determine the relative ages of the surfaces. The previously published slip rate of the fault may also be used to estimate the absolute age of each surface. The color of the ventral varnish is strongly correlated with surface age and appears to be a more reliable age-indicator than the percentage coverage of dorsal varnish. Soil development indices also were not as strongly correlated with age, as were the colors of the ventral varnish. In particular, rubification appears to be more useful than soils for distinguishing relative ages among Holocene surfaces. Humidity sensors indicated that the undersides of clasts condensed moisture nightly for a period of several days to over a week after each rain. These frequent wet-dry cycles may be responsible for the rapid development of clast rubification on Holocene surfaces.  相似文献   

The rheology of crystal-bearing basaltic magmas from Stromboli and Etna   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Our ability to forecast volcanic hazards at active volcanoes stems from our knowledge of parameters affecting eruption dynamics. Persistent activity displayed by basaltic volcanic systems, such as Etna and Stromboli, is governed mainly by the textural evolution and rheological properties of eruptive products. Here, we investigate the high temperature (1131 °C < T < 1187 °C) rheological behavior and textural evolution of remelted natural basaltic magmas from Stromboli and Etna volcanic systems upon cooling and crystallization at atmospheric conditions. The pure liquid and subliquidus isothermal viscosities are investigated using a concentric cylinder apparatus by varying strain rate applied to the investigated materials. Detailed textural analysis has been performed in order to evaluate the effect of crystal distribution on the rheological evolution of magmas. At subliquidus conditions, the mineralogical assemblage is dominated by the presence of spinel and plagioclase with the occurrence of stable clinopyroxene only at the lowest temperatures (1157 and 1131 °C for the Stromboli and the Etna samples, respectively). The overall crystal fraction (?) varies between 0.06 and 0.27. In the high T regime the viscous response to applied stress and strain rate is strongly affected by the presence of even small amounts of crystals. Large discrepancies between measured and predicted viscosities obtained using the Einstein-Roscoe (ER) equation are also found at low crystal fractions. We find here that, at the investigated conditions, the physical effect caused by the presence of elongated crystals is orders of magnitude higher than that predicted by existing models which only account for spherical particles. It also appears that a weak shear thinning behavior occurs at the lowest temperatures investigated. Crystal shape and, with it, the strain-rate dependence of the rheological properties appear to play primary roles in influencing the transport properties of these basaltic magmas.  相似文献   

《Applied Geochemistry》1987,2(3):347-354
In desert areas, salts are known to accumulate in surface layers. Among the highly soluble salts, nitrate is the least studied. In the Zin area of the Negev Desert (southern Israel), the Quaternary veneer and the underlying phosphorite-bearing formation are characterized by high concentrations of soluble nitrate, chloride and sulphate. The heavy pollution of groundwater by these components is caused by the dressing of phosphorite ores mined in the area. Nitrate deposits discovered in Pleistocene and underlying Cretaceous formations of the Negev, reflect climatic changes from humid to dry conditions that prevailed during the Pleistocene. During the humid periods, soils were formed and soluble salts which had previously permeated the sediments, were flushed out. With onset of desertification of the Negev, nitrate was released from oxidized organic matter in the soil and accumulated in the sediments together with exogenous chlorides and sulphates.  相似文献   

Numerical and calibrated age determinations of the late Quaternary alluvial fan deposits of the Soda Mountains piedmont in the Mojave Desert provide an opportunity to study the utility of the multiparameter relative-age (RA) method for distinguishing and mapping geomorphic surfaces on a desert piedmont. Most RA parameters could not discriminate between deposits of Holocene age, although pavements have formed over locally significant parts of surfaces as young as middle Holocene. Several parameters, including lithologic composition, particle size, soil development, and varnish cover, permit distinguishing between Holocene surfaces and late Pleistocene surfaces. Statistically significant differences in initial particle size and lithology of the deposits, inferred to be the result of complex interaction among hillslope, alluvial fan, and eolian processes and climatic change, create conditions unfavorable for use of most RA techniques. In contrast, soil-profile development and varnish cover data are successful in discrimination among deposits of Holocene and Pleistocene age. This is attributed to the development of pedogenic features and varnish that are strongly dependent on dust influx and to the relatively minor dependence of these features on differences in the depositional character of the fan.  相似文献   

Iron enrichment and clinopyroxene composition are considered to be good indicators of the magmatic parentage of volcanic series produced by fractionation of basaltic magma. Tholeiitic series are in fact believed to be constantly more iron enriched than alkalic series and systematic differences in the clinopyroxene mineralogy of the two suites seem also to be well established. The aim of this paper is to demonstrate that such generalization cannot be accepted, as natural conditions can be realized under which the fractionation of alkalic or mildly alkalic basalts may produce series with strong iron enrichment and with clinopyroxene mineralogy atypical for basalts of alkaline affinity.In the Erta'Ale volcanic range (Northern Danakil Depression, Ethiopia), an example of such a serie is found, with a mildly alkalic basaltic magma fractionating under low and falling oxygen fugacity and giving rise to a series with some tholeiitic chemical and mineralogical features.  相似文献   

The paper reports data on the geology and tectono-magmatic reactivation of the Norilsk area and on the stratigraphy and geochemistry of its volcanic sequence, with the discussion of the sources and genesis of the ore magmas and the scale of the ore-forming process. According to the geochemistry of the lavas and intrusive rocks (Ti concentration and the La/Sm and Gd/Yb ratios), two types of the parental magmas are recognized: high-Ti magmas of the OIB type (from bottom to top, suites iv, sv, and gd of phase 1) and low-Ti magmas (suites hk, tk, and nd of phase 2 and suites mr-mk of phase 3), which were derived from the lithospheric mantle. The magmatic differentiation of the parental low-Ti magma of the tk type into a magma of the nd type was associated with the derivation of an evolved magma of the nd type, which was depleted in ore elements, and an ore magma, which was a mixture of silicate and sulfide melts, protocrysts of silicate minerals, and chromite. Judging from their geochemical parameters, the intrusions of the lower Norilsk type were comagmatic with the lavas of the upper part of the nd suite, and the ore-bearing intrusions of the upper Norilsk type were comagmatic with the lavas of the mr-mk suites. When the ore-bearing intrusions were emplaced, their magmas entrained droplets of sulfide melt and protocrysts of olivine and chromite and brought them to the modern magmatic chamber. These protocrysts are xenogenic with respect to the magma that formed the intrusions. In certain instances (Talnakh and Kharaelakh intrusions), the moving magma entrained single portions of sulfide magma, which were emplaced as individual subphases. The experimental study of the peridotite-basalt-fluid system shows that mantle reservoirs with protoliths of subducted oceanic crustal material could serve as sources of relatively low-temperature (1250–1350°C) high-Ti magnesian magmas of the rifting stage from an olivine-free source.  相似文献   

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