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A study of the trace elements in the Singhbhum granite from its northern borders (Saraikela) and the central mass (Chaibasa) reveals that there are differences not only in the limit of concentration but also in their behaviour. It is found that while correlating with the petrographic and also the major elements behaviour, the trace elements always do not mark an increase or decrease during the various stages of the evolution of the Singhbhum granite. The behaviour of the trace-elements as revealed from the previous studies relating to both igneous and metamorphic rocks, is significant in working out the physico-chemical factors involved in the genesis of rocks. In the magmatic rocks, the trace elements obviously follow a trend and go in accordance withGoldschmidt's principles of camouflage, capture and admission. In the present study such uniformities are not found. The present study reveals firstly, the different nature of chemical gradients formed by these elements during different geological environments; secondly, the mutual relationships and the ratio of certain traceelements in the different associations, indicating the original heterogeneity of these rocks and their formation under different geological as well as physico-chemical conditions. It has been concluded (Roonwal, 1968) that the rocks studied here as representing parts of Singhbhum granite do not form one granite series as referred to byRead. In fact they represent rocks formed from material having originally different lithological composition.The trace elements determined for the present study are Va, Cr, Ga, Y, In, Sc, Co, Ni, Cu, Ba, Sr, Sn, Pb and Zr. Among these Ga, Y, In and Sc do not show the normal behaviour viz., Ga should be more in granites but is found to be more in the basic representatives. Y is also more in the basic parts than in the granites. The present granites are very poor in In. Similarly whilst the granites should not normally be rich in Sc, in the present case the distribution of Sc in basic representatives as well as the true granitic parts is more or less uniform. The behaviour of Cu limits the application ofGoldschmidt's rule to magmatic rocks. The behaviour of other elements is normal. Pb shows an antipathic relationship with K+ and Ca+2 and indicates that it has not changed the position due to granitization. An inverse relationship between Zr+4 and Si+4 is observed which indicates the formation of zircon and has been in conformity with mineralogy of the rocks.
Zusammenfassung Eine Untersuchung der Spurenelemente in Gesteinen aus den nördlichen Randgebieten (Saraikela) und der zentralen Masse (Chaibasa) des Singhbhum-Granites zeigte, daß Unterschiede nicht nur hinsichtlich der Konzentrationsgrenzen, sondern auch im Verhalten der Spurenelemente bestehen. Bei einer Korrelation des petrographischen Verhaltens mit dem der Hauptelemente wurde festgestellt, daß die Spurenelemente im allgemeinen keine Zu- oder Abnahme während der verschiedenen Evolutionsstadien aufweisen. Das Verhalten der Spurenelemente, ersichtlich aus früheren Untersuchungen von Intrusiv- und metamorphen Gesteinen, ist bedeutsam für die Feststellung der physiko-chemischen Faktoren, welche bei der Genese der Gesteine mitwirkten. In magmatischen Gesteinen folgen die Spurenelemente offensichtlich dem Trend vonGoldschmidts Regel der Camouflage, capture and admission. Bei der vorliegenden Untersuchung wurde eine solche Übereinstimmung nicht festgestellt. Die Untersuchung enthüllt erstens eine durch diese Elemente während verschiedener geologischer Umweltverhältnisse hervorgerufene verschiedene Natur der chemischen Gradienten und ließ zweitens ein gegenseitiges Verhältnis und das Verhältnis gewisser Spurenelemente in verschiedenen Gesteinsgesellschaften erkennen, was auf die ursprüngliche Heterogenität dieser Gesteine und deren Bildung unter verschiedenen geologischen sowie physiko-chemischen Bedingungen hinweist. Es wurde daraus geschlossen (Roonwal, 1968), daß die untersuchten Gesteine, welche den typischen Singhbhum-Granit repräsentieren sollen, nicht nachRead eine einzige Granitserie bilden, sondern daß sie Gesteine darstellen, welche ursprünglich aus Material verschiedener lithologischer Zusammensetzung stammen.Für diese Untersuchung wurden die folgenden Spurenelemente bestimmt: Va, Cr, Ga, Y, In, Sc, Co, Ni, Cu, Ba, Sr, Sn, Pb, Zr. Von diesen zeigen Ga, In und Sc nicht das normale Verhalten, da Ga eigentlich in größeren Mengen in Graniten auftreten sollte, was jedoch im vorliegenden Falle für die basischen Gesteinsvertreter zutrifft. Ebenfalls ist Y zahlreicher in den letzteren Vertretern vorhanden. Die vorliegenden Granite sind sehr arm an In, während sie andererseits normalerweise auch nicht reich an Sc sein sollten. Hier ist die Verteilung von Sc in den basischen Vertretern sowie auch in den wirklichen Granitanteilen mehr oder weniger gleichmäßig. Das Verhalten von Cu schränkt die Anwendung vonGoldchmidts Regel in bezug auf magmatische Gesteine ein. Das Verhalten anderer Elemente ist normal; Pb zeigt eine antipathische Beziehung zu K+1 und Ca+2, was darauf hinweist, daß es als Folge der Granitisation seine Position nicht geändert hat. Es wurde ein umgekehrtes Verhältnis zwischen Zr+4 und Sr+4 beobachtet, was auch die Bildung von Zirkon beweist und was durchaus der Mineralogie dieser Gesteine entspricht.

Résumé L'étude des éléments mineurs (traces) des roches de la région septentrionale aux environs de Saraikela et des massifs centraux de Chaibasa révèle une différence, non seulement dans le mode de concentration des éléments, mais également dans leurs caractères. Il apparaît, d'après la corrélation des études pétrographiques et les éléments principaux (major), que les éléments mineurs n'ont subit aucune augmentation ou diminution pendant les différentes phases de l'évolution.Le comportement des éléments mineurs, selon des études antérieurs de roches éruptives et de roches métamorphiques, est significatif dans la détermination des facteurs physico-chimiques qui contribuèrent à la génèse de ces gisements. Quant aux roches d'origine magmatique, les éléments mineurs suivent apparemment la tendance au principe deGoldschmidt « camouflage, envahissement et admission ». Mais l'étude actuelle n'a pas permis d'établir une telle conformité.L'étude de ces éléments révèle: premièrement, les différents caractères d'ordre chimique pendant les époques géologiques; deuxièmement les relations mutuelles et les rapports de certains éléments mineurs dans différentes associations; ceci indique l'hétérogénéité primordiale de ces roches et leur formation sous diverses conditions d'ordre géologique et physico-chimique.En conclusion (Roonwal, 1968), les roches étudiées figurant le granite-type de Singhbhum, ne forment pas la moindre série de granite — comme le ditRead — mais constituent des roches engendrées par les matériaux de différentes compositions lithologiques.De par ces études, il a été déterminé les éléments suivants: Va, Cr, Ga, Y, In, Sc, Co, Ni, Cu, Ba, Sr, Sn, Pb et Zr. Parmi ces éléments, Ga, In et Sc ne se rencontrent pas de façon normale puisque Ga devrait en réalité être plus répandu dans les roches granitiques ce qui pourtant s'avère dans le cas du substitut basique. De même, y se trouve en plus grande quantité dans les derniers substituts. Les granites de la région sont pauvres en In et riches en Sc — bien que le contraire soit attendu en ce qui concerne le Sc. Ici, la distribution de Sc, aussi bien dans les substituts basiques que dans les roches granitiques est plus ou moins régulière. Le comportement du Cu suit l'application de la loi deGoldschmidt sur les roches magnétiques; celui des autres éléments est normal; le plomb montre de l'antipathie pour les ions K+ et Ca+2, ceci indique qu'il n'a pas changé sa position par suite de la granitisation du magma. On observe une relation inverse entre Zr+4 et Sr+4, relation indiquant la formation de zircon en concordance avec la minéralogie de ces roches.

Sakaikela Chaibasa Singhbum , , . , , , . , , - , . : Camoflage, capture and admission. . , , -, , , , - , , , - . (Roonwal, 1968), , Singhbum, Read'a , , , . : V, Cr, Ga, Y, In, Sc, Co, Ni, Cu, Ba, Sr, Pb, Zr. Ga, In Sc. , Ga , . . In, , . , , . . — . Pb K Ca, , Pb . Zr4+ Sr4+, , .

For a preliminary account, seeRoonwal (1968). The details of petrology and the major elements are being published elsewhere.  相似文献   

Uneconomic tungsten mineralization associated with the Mariktikan granite pluton of the Transbaikalian igneous province, eastern Siberia, is confined to a marginal part of the pluton referred to as the Andreyevsky body. This is composed of rocks similar to those of the main pluton, but is likely to be an autonomous, although kindred, body. On the basis of cross-cutting relationships between rock varieties, and their textural features, the crystallization history is subdivided into three stages of unequal duration. Melt and fluid inclusions related to each of them have been studied using microthermometric and micro-analytical procedures, including a technique for atomic emission spectroscopy of individual fluid inclusions opened by a laser microprobe. During the main crystallization stage (1045–1012 °C) more than 70% of the parental magma is believed to have crystallized (at the level studied), resulting in the formation of a crystalline framework rigid enough for the appearance of fractures within which some portion of the intercrystalline melt accumulated, giving rise to thin aplite veins. Almost complete crystallization of intercrystalline and fracture-hosted melt occurred during the late stage (1012–990 °C), whereas during the final stage only small bunches of schlieric, sometimes miarolitic pegmatite were formed from a few pockets of residual melt (990–917 °C). In spite of the low water content of the melt (about 1 wt.%), fluid separation took place from the onset of crystallization. During the main crystallization stage, the exsolved fluid divided into two immiscible phases, CO2-rich gas and salt-rich liquid (brine). However, it was homogeneous thereafter. Major ore components of the brine (Mn, Fe, W) displayed different behaviour as crystallization progressed. W concentration was below 0.1 wt.% at the main stage, attained 1 wt.% during the late stage and increased to 1.8 wt.% at the final stage. Comparison of these data with calculations carried out using estimated parameters for the parental magma enables us to infer that obtained concentration values are reasonable for the special case studied here. However, they are unlikely to be attainable if the magma is H2O enriched and lacks an anomalously high W content. In the Andreyevsky body of the Mariktikan pluton, the following features of the parental magma made possible the generation of W-rich solutions: (1) high liquidus temperature (1045 °C) and elevated Cl content (c.0.15 wt.%) that resulted in enlargement of the fluid/melt distribution coefficient (c.10), (2) low water content (c.1%) and elevated W content (c.0.001 wt.%) that provided a relatively high W/H2O ratio within the system. At the same time, because of the low water content of the magma, the total mass of W-bearing solutions has proved to be insufficient for the production of large-scale mineralization (a reduced W content of the great bulk of the exsolved brine may have had an unfavourable effect as well). Received: 2 May 1996 / Accepted: 29 January 1997  相似文献   

地幔热柱的多级演化及其成矿作用——以冀北地区为例   总被引:14,自引:5,他引:14  
冀北地区金、银金金属成矿作用研究表明,金、银等成矿元素除部分萃取自含矿围岩外,主要来自深源。幔枝构造是重要的热源释放体系,控制着深源含矿流 体的迁移,聚集和成矿,从而构成了以幔枝构为中心,内带为金、外带为银金金属的构造-岩浆成矿系列,并据此归纳出幔枝构造成矿模式。  相似文献   

The first data on trace-element geochemistry, REEs included, of the Devonian clastic and volcanosedimentary complexes in the Magnitogorsk Megazone have been obtained with ICP-MS. The correlation links and the character of distribution indicate that many elements, including those readily passing into solutions during weathering, were transferred as mechanical suspensions. Therefore, minerals concentrating these elements were largely preserved, as also were the distribution and concentrations of elements inherent to the source rocks. Both accessory minerals (apatite, zircon, Ti-minerals, and magnetite) and rock-forming minerals (pyroxene, amphibole, biotite, serpentine, chlorite, and plagioclase) were found among mineral concentrators. Clay minerals also seem to have participated in the processes. The typical elements of various complexes were identified. The distribution of trace elements is correlated with the stratigraphic position of rocks and depends on the character of the petrographic provinces.  相似文献   

In order to evaluate the mobility of trace elements during subduction metamorphism, the geochemistry of blueschists of the Dzhebash Group from the Kurtushibinsky Range of the Western Sayan (basins of the Koyard and Oresh rivers) was studied, and the chemical compositions of high-pressure rocks were compared with weakly altered basalts from the same region. The protoliths of the blueschists were probably metabasalts of similar age from the ophiolitic dike complex, the pillow lavas of the Verkhnekoyardsky Formation crowning them, and the pillow basalts of the Kurtushibinsky Formation. The spatial association of the blueschists with the Kurtushibinsky Formation basalts and identical trace element patterns in these rocks allow us to suppose the cogenetic character of their protoliths. Geological and geochemical data suggest their formation in an oceanic plateau setting, whereas the mafic rocks of the dike complex and the Verkhnekoyardsky Formation show island-arc affinity. A comparison of the Dzhebash Group blueschists with the chemically equivalent Kurtushibinsky basalts showed that high-pressure metamorphism caused only minor changes in their compositions. These rocks are almost indistinguishable with respect to such fluid-immobile components as Ti, P, Zr, Hf, Y, and middle and heavy rare earth elements. On the other hand, the blueschists are strongly depleted in potassium. The selective removal of Rb and Ba during blueschist metamorphism was observed only in those samples that showed the most extensive removal of potassium.  相似文献   

The living circumstances of human beings are closely related to the geological environment. As exemplified by the Zhangjiakou-West Beijing region, this paper describes the intensive mantle-crust uplift, which led to anomalous element background values for regional rocks(ores) and soils. As a result, some agricultural crops, and forests and fruits are of “superquality and high yield“ or of “poor quality and low yield“. The anomalous elements can find their way into grains, fruits, vegetables and drinking water and then will be taken by human beings, constituting a food chain, which would directly impact human health and lead to the spread of some endemic diseases. Studies have shown that the geomorphological features in the Zhangjiakou-West Beijing region are the outcome of geotectonic evolution since the Mesozoic.Mantle-crust movement is the key factor leading to the evolution and change of the regionally geological environment.  相似文献   

The trace-element signature that cordierite (Crd) imparts to silicic magmas was evaluated by experiment using metapelite mineral mixtures to produce cordierite-bearing peraluminous granitic melts at 200 MPa (PH2O), from 700 to 850 °C. Most elemental partition coefficients vary with T. Beryllium is strongly compatible, with DBeCrd/melt values decreasing linearly from 202.0 to 6.7 as T rises from 700 to 850 °C. Manganese is compatible (DMnCrd/melt=7.67 to 1.92 over the same range of T), and shows similar values to those reported for biotite in silicic melts. Incompatible components include Li, Rb, B, F and P, although Cs is nearly compatible in cordierite, especially at higher T (DCsCrd/melt=~0.19 to 0.60) where the large alkalis are better accommodated structurally. Cordierite appears to be the most effective crystalline reservoir of Be and Cs in metapelites and their anatectic melts. Natural data support the hypothesis that Crd, when present in granitic melts, sequesters Be, Cs and, in the absence of garnet, Mn. S-type granitic rocks containing Crd show consistently low Be contents (mean=0.8 ppm Be with an average range of <1 to 1.20) whereas Crd-free granites (e.g., containing accessory garnet) exhibit distinctly higher Be contents (mean=6 ppm Be with an average range of 3 to 12). These values increase further in evolved facies (mean=69 ppm Be with a an average range of 11 to 145) which commonly give rise to beryl-bearing pegmatites. Whole-rock signatures of Be discriminate source environments of silicic magmas at a resolution equal to the boundaries of the cordierite stability field - e.g., at the P-T-X conditions where cordierite gives rise to garnet+aluminum silicate. Cordierite-bearing granitic rocks contain low Cs contents (mean=1.8 ppm Cs) compared to the Crd-free equivalents (mean=18 ppm Cs). Mn contents also correlate with the presence (mean=0.01 wt% MnO) or absence of Crd (mean=0.09 wt% MnO). Depending on its contribution to anatexis, cordierite may either give or take S-type chemical character from granitic liquids, resulting in a distinctive Crd-associated group of S-type elements. This signature is different from that of micas (high Li, F and, to a lesser degree, Be and Mn). Whole-rock compositions of granites, coupled with notable absences of beryl in their associated pegmatites, indicate that a sizable population of S-type granites originated from Crd-bearing sources. The normative Crd component of silicic peraluminous melts is Д wt% to 850 °C. Higher modal contents of cordierite reflect either restite entrainment or peritectic reactions which produce Crd after magma ascent to shallow depths. The distinctive trace-element signature of cordierite now provides improved resolution of the source mineralogy for S-type magmas.  相似文献   

By the example of the Orlovka massif of Li-F granites in Eastern Transbaikalia, the major- and trace-element (Li, Be, B, Ta, Nb, W, REE, Y, Zr, and Hf) compositions of the parental melt and the character of its variations during the formation of the differentiated rock series were quantitatively estimated for the first time on the basis of electron and ion microprobe analysis and Raman spectroscopy of rehomogenized glasses of melt inclusions in quartz. It was shown that the composition of the Orlovka melt corresponded to a strongly evolved alumina-saturated granitoid magma (A/CNK = 1.12–1.55) rich in normative albite, poor in normative quartz, and similar to ongonite melts. This magma was strongly enriched in water (up to 9.9 ± 1.1 wt %) and fluorine (up to 2.8 wt %). Most importantly, this massif provided the first evidence for high B2O3 contents in melts (up to 2.09 wt %). The highest contents of trace elements were observed in the melt from pegmatoid bodies in the amazonite granites of the border zone: up to 5077 ppm Li, 6397 ppm Rb, 313 ppm Cs, 62 ppm Ta, 116 ppm Nb, and 62 ppm W. Compared with the daughter rock, the Orlovka melt was depleted at all stages of formation in SiO2 (by up to 6 wt %), Na2O (by up to 2.5 wt %), and, to a smaller extent, in Ti, Fe, Mg, Sr, and Ba, but was enriched in Mn, Rb, F, B, and H2O.  相似文献   

Many points of evidence, especially igneous microstructures and structures resulting from solid-state deformation, indicate that K-feldspar megacrysts in deformed granites of the Papoose Flat pluton are residual phenocrysts, not porphyroblasts. Evidence of an igneous origin includes features such as crystal shapes, simple twinning, zonally arranged euhedral plagioclase inclusions, oscillatory compositional zoning, and local occurrence in microgranitoid enclaves. Evidence of solid-state deformation of the megacrysts (which is consistent with their existence prior to the mylonitic deformation) includes marginal recrystallization and neocrystallization, microcline twinning, marginal replacement by myrmekite, and recrystallized/neocrystallized “tails”. Evidence of porphyroblastic growth, such as overgrown inclusion trails, is absent. This appears to be the situation in most felsic augen gneisses and mylonites.  相似文献   

This paper reports the results of numerical simulation for the behavior of rare earth elements (REE) during decompression degassing of H2O- and Cl-bearing granite melts at pressures decreasing from 3 to 0.5–0.3 kbar under near isothermal conditions (800 ± 25°C). Fluid phase in equilibrium with the melt contains mainly chloride REE complexes, and their behavior during magma degassing is, therefore, intimately related to the behavior of chlorine. It was shown that the contents and distribution patterns of REE in the aqueous chloride fluid phase formed during decompression vary considerably depending on (1) the contents of volatiles (Cl and H2O) in the initial melt, (2) the redox state of the magma, and (3) the dynamics of fluid phase separation from magmas during their ascent toward the Earth’s surface. During decompressiondriven degassing, the contents of both Cl and REE in the fluid decrease, especially dramatically under opensystem conditions. The REE patterns of the fluid phase compared with those of the melt are characterized by a higher degree of light to heavy REE fractionation. A weak negative Eu anomaly may be present in the REE patterns of Cl-rich fluids formed during the early stages of degassing at relatively high pressures. At a further decrease in pressure and Cl content in the fluid, it is transformed into a positive Eu anomaly increasing during decompression degassing. Such an anomalous behavior of Eu during degassing is related to its occurrence in magmatic melts in two valence states, Eu3+ and Eu2+, whereas the other REE occur in melts mainly as (REE)3+. The Eu3+/Eu2+ ratio of melt is controlled by the redox state of the magmatic system. The higher the degree of melt reduction, the more pronounced the anomalous behavior of Eu during decompression degassing. The amount of REE extracted by fluid from melt during various stages of degassing does not significantly influence the content and distribution patterns of REE in the melt.  相似文献   

Detailed melt and fluid inclusion studies in quartz hosts from the Variscan Ehrenfriedersdorf complex revealed that ongoing fractional crystallization of the highly evolved H2O-, B-, and F-rich granite magma produced a pegmatite melt, which started to separate into two immiscible phases at about 720°C, 100 MPa. With cooling and further chemical evolution, the immiscibilty field expanded. Two conjugate melts, a peraluminous one and a peralkaline one, coexisted down to temperatures of about 490°C. Additionally, high-salinity brine exsolved throughout the pegmatitic stage, along with low-density vapor. Towards lower temperatures, a hydrothermal system gradually developed. Boiling processes occurred between 450 and 400°C, increasing the salinities of hydrothermal fluids at this stage. Below, the late hydrothermal stage is dominated by low-salinity fluids. Using a combination of synchrotron radiation-induced X-ray fluorescence analysis and Raman spectroscopy, the concentration of trace elements (Mn, Fe, Zn, As, Sb, Rb, Cs, Sr, Zr, Nb, Ta, Ag, Sn, Ta, W, rare earth elements (REE), and Cu) was determined in 52 melt and 8 fluid inclusions that are representative of distinct stages from 720°C down to 380°C. Homogenization temperatures and water contents of both melt and fluid inclusions are used to estimate trapping temperatures, thus revealing the evolutionary stage during the process. Trace elements are partitioned in different proportions between the two pegmatite melts, high-salinity brines and exsolving vapors. Concentrations are strongly shifted by co ncomitant crystallization and precipitation of ore-forming minerals. For example, pegmatite melts at the initial stage (700°C) have about 1,600 ppm of Sn. Concentrations in both melts decrease towards lower temperatures due to the crystallization of cassiterite between 650 and 550°C. Tin is preferentially fractionated into the peralkaline melt by a factor of 2–3. While the last pegmatite melts are low in Sn (64 ppm at 500°C), early hydrothermal fluids become again enriched with about 800 ppm of Sn at the boiling stage. A sudden drop in late hydrothermal fluids (23 ppm of Sn at 370°C) results from precipitation of another cassiterite generation between 400 and 370°C. Zinc concentrations in peraluminous melts are low (some tens of parts per million) and are not correlated with temperature. In coexisting peralkaline melts and high-T brines, they are higher by a factor of 2–3. Zinc continuously increases in hydrothermal fluids (3,000 ppm at 400°C), where the precipitation of sphalerite starts. The main removal of Zn from the fluid system occurs at lower temperatures. Similarly, melt and fluid inclusion concentrations of many other trace elements directly reflect the crystallization and precipitation history of minerals at distinctive temperatures or temperature windows.  相似文献   

湘南癞子岭花岗岩体分异演化和成岩成矿   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
湘南癞子岭花岗岩岩株侵位于燕山早期,其锆石U-Pb年龄为154~155Ma,以富含Li,Rb,Sn,W,Nb,Ta等稀有金属元素,Pb,Zn等贱金属元素以及H2O,F等挥发份为主要特征,具有明显的垂直分带。自下而上,在450~500m的垂直距离范围内,从黑鳞云母花岗岩带,经浅色花岗岩(二云母花岗岩和锂白云母花岗岩)带、钠长石花岗岩带、云英岩带、到块状石英和黄玉伟晶岩带,各带岩石的常量元素和微量元素组成都发生有规律的变化。高度发育的岩浆分异和热液演化,是稀有金属和贱金属元素及挥发份逐步富集并成矿的关键机制。虽然大多数癞子岭花岗岩的样品都具有过铝的特征,但由于该岩体特别是其较深部位的黑鳞云母花岗岩中Zr,REE,Y,Nb,Th,U等高场强元素含量高,锆石的εHf值偏高(在-5.9和-1.9之间,平均-4.2),Hf模式年龄tDM值偏低(在1.32Ga~1.58Ga之间,平均1.47Ga),都显示有地幔物质的明显参与,推测癞子岭花岗岩的原始岩浆,可能来源于深部铝质A型骑田岭花岗岩基,或者是与骑田岭岩基相类似的铝质A型花岗质岩浆体的分离结晶作用。  相似文献   

湘南姑婆山岩体北西侧侵入接触带构造控矿研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
位于湖南南部的姑婆山岩体北西侧侵入接触带受断裂构造控制明显,表现复杂多样,是该区钨、锡多金属矿床的主要控矿构造.根据接触带不同成矿区段的空间展布特点、构造变形和矿化蚀变特征,认为该区接触带构造是岩体侵位和区域应力双重作用的结果,并首次将该侵入接触带构造划分为3种类型,即侵入接触-断裂复合型、双侵入接触-断裂复合型以及捕虏体接触-断裂复合型.明确提出了侵入接触带构造控矿的观点,从而为进一步研究其成矿及控矿作用提供必要的理论依据.  相似文献   

Two-mica granite is the most common magmatic rock type in the Himalayan leucogranite belt, which has close relationship with rare metal mineralization. Its genesis is generally attributed to magmatic differentiation. In recent years, the mineral geochemical compositions are increasingly used to study magmatic differentiation, which are significant for deciphering the melt evolution and element migration processes. In this study, in-situ major and trace element and boron isotope compositions for tourmalines from two-mica granites in the Cuona and Cuonadong leucogranites in the Cuona area are conducted to determine microscopic changes in mineral assemblages and geochemical compositions. Analytical results show that the tourmalines in the Cuonadong leucogranite were crystallized earlier relative to the tourmalines in the Cuona leucogranite during magmatic differentiation. The volatile contents have a genetic relationship with incompatible elements in tourmaline, which is possibly responsible for the formation of tourmaline zonation and the enrichment of Sr, Zn, and Pb during magmatic differentiation. The B isotopic composition of tourmaline in the Cuona area suggests that the granitic magma was dominantly derived from the partial melting of the metasedimentary source rocks. Their B isotope variations likely resulted from fluid exsolution during B-rich melt evolution. High rare metal contents in tourmalines indicate that the two-mica granites in the Cuona area may have great mineralization potential.  相似文献   

Geochemistry and evolution of the fanos granite,N. Greece   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary The Fanos granite, a Jurassic pluton composed of high silica fine- to coarse-grained leucogranites, is associated with and intrudes the Mesozoic Guevgueli ophiolitic complex. Discriminant diagrams indicate a collision related plate tectonic environment for the rocks studied. They are peraluminous with calc-alkaline affinities. Major and trace element behaviour suggest a fractional crystallization process for the evolution of the Fanos granite. Petrographic calculations, based on major elements, require 32% crystal accumulation mainly of plagioclase, K-feldspar and biotite for a direct model, while for a two-step model 21% and 14% crystal cumulate is required for the first and the second step respectively.
Geochemie und Entwicklungsgeschichte des Fanos-Granites, N-Griechenland
Zusammenfassung Der jurassische Fanos-Granit ist ein fein- bis grobkörniger Leukogranit mit hohem Silikatanteil. Er ist mit dem mesozoischen Ophiolithkomplex von Guevgueli, mit dem er in instrusivem Kontakt steht, verknüpft.Diskriminierungsdiagramme weisen darauf hin, dab die untersuchten Gesteine im Zuge kollisions-tektonischer Prozesse gebildet wurden. Die untersuchten peraluminösen Gesteine folgen einem kalkalkalischen Trend. Die Haupt- und Spurenelementverteilungen belegen eine fraktionierte Kristallisation des Fanos-Granites. Einfache Mischungsmodell-Berechnungen, die mittels der Hauptelemente erstellt wurden, ergeben eine 32 %ige Kristallakkumulation von vorwiegend Plagioklas, Kalifeldspat und Biotit. Eine Zweistufenmodell-Berechnung ergab eine 21- beziehungsweise 14 %ige Kristallakkumulation für die erste und zweite Stufe.

With 6 Figures  相似文献   

《Gondwana Research》2014,25(2):707-728
Methods for species recognition and delimitation based solely on morphological characters are presented. Species can be described as pools of contemporarily interconnected genotypes possessing their own history leading to evolutionary lines. Interconnection in genotypes is expressed by homogeneous phenotypes, but not in a one to one relation. The proof of interconnection by phenotypic homogeneity must be based on the four criteria ‘shape homogeneity’, ‘ontogenetic cohesion’, ‘homogeneous ecological niches’ and ‘evolutionary continuity’. While in all eukaryotes, three of the four – homogeneities in shape and ecological niches, ontogenetic cohesion – can be checked both in living individuals and fossil forms, the detection of birth (speciation), lifetime and death (ending) of a species, factors that determine an evolutionary line, is only possible in organisms with a fossil record. Speciation can be grouped in split-off and split-up processes. Split-off processes where a daughter species derives from a mother species are easier to recognize than split-up processes where several species originate more or less contemporaneously within a geological time interval. This makes it difficult to delimitate species when they are in a reticulate speciation process in which hybridization between subspecies is a common feature. In contrast to evolutionary continuity, homogeneities in shape and ecological niches as well as ontogenetic cohesion are more difficult to recognize in fossil species due to low specimen numbers, incomplete preservation caused by taphonomic processes and the fragmentary representation of fossil environments in the sedimentary strata, hindering the acquisition of gradients. Nevertheless, the four criteria enable the recognition of species without molecular–genetic investigations. Only the combination of these criteria makes identification of species in the fossil record possible.  相似文献   

九龙脑岩体位于南岭成矿带东段崇余犹矿集区内,是由四个期次花岗岩组成的复式岩体,从早到晚分别为中粗粒黑云母花岗岩(γ2-1a5)、中粗粒斑状(含白云母)黑云母花岗岩(γ2-1b5)、细-中细粒斑状黑云母花岗岩(γ2-2a-2b5)、细-中细粒(含黑云母、石榴石)花岗岩(γ25),以其为中心,钨锡、金银铜铅锌、铀、铌钽等多矿种、多期次、多成因矿床分带产出。通过对花岗岩的矿物学研究,确定九龙脑花岗岩中的钾长石以正长石为主,斜长石为钠-更长石,黑云母为富铁黑云母-铁叶云母-铝铁叶云母,原生白云母较次生白云母具有高铁、锰、镁、氟、氯和低铝特征,石榴石属于锰铝榴石-铁铝榴石,绿泥石为鲕绿泥石-蠕绿泥石(铁绿泥石)-铁镁绿泥石,副矿物中常含微量的稀有金属元素。原生白云母和钛铁矿的存在以及黑云母矿物化学特征指示九龙脑花岗岩为S型花岗岩。第一期次花岗岩结晶时具有较高的氧逸度,其黑云母结晶温度为550~600℃;第二、三、四期次花岗岩结晶时具有相对较低的氧逸度,其黑云母结晶温度分别为600~700℃、600~700℃、550℃。第一、三、四期次花岗岩中绿泥石的形成温度分别为385~400℃、300~370℃、359~397℃,显示九龙脑花岗岩经历了中高温热液流体的影响。矿物化学特征表明,九龙脑花岗岩与南岭地区成钨锡钼铋矿的花岗岩具有相似的矿物组成,第一期次、第二期次、第四期次花岗岩可能与矿田内丰富的钨、锡、铌钽、铀矿化密切相关。  相似文献   

We present results of investigation of the trace-element (REE, HFSE) and Hf isotope compositions and U-Pb age of single zircons crystallized from alkaline-carbonatite magmas of the Ilmeny-Vishnevogorsky complex (IVC) (Urals, Russia). It has been established that the geochemical characteristics of the early zircon (U-Pb age of 430-410 Ma) from alkaline rocks and carbonatites of this complex are determined mainly by the magmatic evolution of parental fluid-saturated alkaline-carbonatite melts and are highly associated with the cocrystallization of zircon and uranium-containing rare-metal minerals (gatchettolite and pyrochlore) at the final stages of the magmatic-system activity. The early zircons have a moderately depleted Hf isotope composition (eHf from + 11.3 to + 4.7), confirming the mantle nature of the magma source and indicating the participation of DM-like and enriched-source (probably, lower-crust component) substances in the magma generation. The considerable variations in the initial Hf isotope composition of the early zircons testify to the multistage zircon crystallization involving new portions of melts with different isotope compositions controlled by mixing of substances at their source. Late IVC zircons (250-350 Ma) have strongly disturbed “rejuvenated” isotope systems and a geochemical composition different from that of the magmatic zircons. They formed apparently at the metamorphic stage of the IVC evolution without a significant input of additional material.  相似文献   

北山位于中亚造山带南缘中部东西段的交接地区,是研究中亚造山带东西段交界关系的关键地区,其中的花岗质岩石记录了造山过程中深部岩浆的丰富信息。北山南部黄草滩岩体是其代表,主要由闪长岩和花岗闪长岩组成,锆石U-Pb定年表明其年龄分别为(402±3)Ma、(394±7)Ma。岩石SiO_2含量相对较高(59.24%~71.54%),富Na(Na_2O=3.76%~4.09%),总体显示准铝质-弱过铝质(A/CNK=0.94~1.11)的典型I型花岗岩特征。此外,∑REE相对较低、LREE富集、轻重稀土分馏明显以及具弱负Eu异常,LILE中Rb、Th、U和K等高度富集,HFSE中Nb、P、Hf和Ti等强烈亏损,显示出与俯冲相关的地球化学特征,其形成可能与幔源岩浆底侵使中下地壳变玄武质岩石部分熔融有关,并伴有幔源组分的混染。结合区域地质研究成果,认为岩体形成于活动大陆边缘火山弧环境,可能是北山柳园地区古亚洲洋向北俯冲消减作用下岩浆活动的产物,代表早泥盆世在北山南部可能发生过与大洋俯冲有关的岩浆事件。  相似文献   

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