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近25 a气候变化对江苏省粮食产量的影响   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
利用1986-2010年江苏省63个气象站的常规气象数据和粮食单产统计资料,分析了苏北、苏中、苏南地区和江苏全省三种时间尺度的气候变化特征;基于自助抽样(bootstrap)和一元线性回归的方法,研究了各区和全省粮食产量对作物年(11月一次年10月)、夏粮—秋粮生长季(11月-次年5月和6-10月)和月尺度气候要素的响应;并定量评价了过去25 a气候变化对各区和全省粮食产量的影响以及各气候要素的贡献.结果表明:1)在作物年、夏粮—秋粮生长季以及月尺度上,三区和全省各气候要素均发生了不同程度的变化,且存在一定的时空差异.在不断发展的农业管理措施和技术以及气候的共同作用下,三区和全省粮食单产显著(p>0.01)增加,其中,全省增加趋势为66.89 kg·hm-2·a-1.2)除苏南地区对作物年尺度上的气候变化响应不显著外,粮食产量对降水的不随时间变化的负响应关系(即随降水的增加而减小,减小而增加)均在不同时间尺度和地区得到了体现,说明降水对这些地区粮食生产的影响十分重要;其中,苏北、苏中和全省粮食产量随作物年降水的增加(减少)而减小(增加),平均速率分别为0.19%·(10 mm)-1、0.09%·(10 mm)-1和0.11%·(10 mm)-1.3)三类模型结果均显示气候变化使得苏北、苏南和江苏粮食产量减小,但结果略有差异,其中,利用月气候要素建立的模型C的结果显示气候变化对粮食单产(总产)的影响最大,其均值分别为-6.51%·(10 a)-1(-11.28×108kg· (10 a)-1)、-3.27%·(10 a)-1(-2.36×108 kg·(10 a)-1)和-1.34%·(10 a)-1(-4.45×108kg·(10 a)-1).另外,为了系统而全面地评估气候变化对粮食产量的影响,考虑月尺度的气候变化的影响是十分必要的.  相似文献   

根据1961-2010年天津市逐日气象要素,包括平均温度、最高温度、最低温度、相对湿度以及风速,采用统计学方法分析了近50 a天津市的冷暖度日变化以及冬季采暖期和夏季空调期的气候变化特征,探讨了冷暖度日、舒适日数与区域气候变化之间的关系。结果表明:近50 a天津市冷暖度日具有相反的变化趋势,暖度日(HDD)显著下降、冷度日(CDD)显著上升,且暖度日的变化幅度大于冷度日,变化主要集中于80年代之后。冷暖度日与极端温度之间具有显著相关性。采暖期低温日数呈下降趋势、空调期高温日数呈上升趋势。采暖期冷不舒适日数呈显著下降趋势,夏季空调期热不舒适日数呈显著上升趋势,与同期平均气温之间存在显著性相关,且不舒适气候的随机性呈增多趋势。说明在气候变暖背景下,区域气候变化对天津市采暖期和夏季空调期具有重要影响。  相似文献   

利用1961—2008年昆山市气温、降水量和日照时数等主要气象要素资料,通过线性趋势方程、滑动平均等统计方法,探讨了近48 a昆山市气候变化特征。结果表明:昆山市年平均气温和四季平均气温均呈升高趋势,其中春季增温最明显,冬季次之;年平均最低气温的增温速度高于最高气温;降水量总体呈略上升趋势,冬、夏两季降水量增加明显,春、秋季降水量则呈减小趋势,但不显著,降水年际变化幅度较大;年总日照时数和各季日照时数均呈下降趋势,其中尤以夏季减少最明显。  相似文献   

We evaluated the potential impact of future climate change on spring maize and single-crop rice in northeastern China(NEC) by employing climate and crop models. Based on historical data, diurnal temperature change exhibited a distinct negative relationship with maize yield, whereas minimum temperature correlated positively to rice yield. Corresponding to the evaluated climate change derived from coupled climate models included in the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 5(CMIP5) under the Representative Concentration Pathway 4.5 scenario(RCP4.5), the projected maize yield changes for three future periods [2010–39(period 1), 2040–69(period 2), and 2070–99(period 3)] relative to the mean yield in the baseline period(1976–2005) were 2.92%, 3.11% and 2.63%, respectively. By contrast, the evaluated rice yields showed slightly larger increases of 7.19%, 12.39%, and 14.83%, respectively. The uncertainties in the crop response are discussed by considering the uncertainties obtained from both the climate and the crop models. The range of impact of the uncertainty became markedly wider when integrating these two sources of uncertainty. The probabilistic assessments of the evaluated change showed maize yield to be relatively stable from period 1 to period 3, while the rice yield showed an increasing trend over time. The results presented in this paper suggest a tendency of the yields of maize and rice in NEC to increase(but with great uncertainty) against the background of global warming, which may offer some valuable guidance to government policymakers.  相似文献   

This paper evaluates the impacts of climate change to European economies under an increase in global mean temperature at +2 °C and +4 °C. It is based on a summary of conclusions from available studies of how climate change may affect various sectors of the economies in different countries. We apply a macroeconomic general equilibrium model, which integrates impacts of climate change on different activities of the economies. Agents adapt by responding to the changes in market conditions following the climatic changes, thus bringing consistency between economic behaviour and adaptation to climate change. Europe is divided into 85 sub-regions in order to capture climate variability and variations in vulnerabilities within countries. We find that the impacts in the +2 °C are moderate throughout Europe, with positive impacts on GDP in some sub-regions and negative impacts down to 0.1 per cent per year in others. At +4 °C, GDP is negatively affected throughout Europe, and most substantially in the southern parts, where it falls by up to 0.7 per cent per year in some sub-regions. We also find that climate change causes differentiations in wages across Europe, which may cause migration from southern parts of Europe to northern parts, especially to the Nordic countries.  相似文献   

釆用气候倾向率和气候趋势系数对田阳县1961—2010年日照时数的年、季度资料进行分析,结果表明,田阳县近50a日照时数年、春季趋势减少明显,50a年日照时数气候倾向率为-35.532h/10a,春季气候倾向率为-14.944h/10a,夏、秋、冬季趋势减少不显著。  相似文献   

1961—2010年我国冷空气的活动特征   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
利用1960—2010年我国384站逐日温度资料和NCEP/NCAR逐日再分析资料,分析了我国冷空气活动的频次、强度等特征。结果表明:我国单站冷空气呈北多南少、北强南弱的分布特征。按冷空气活动路径,北方分成3个区,它们在11月频次最多;南方以25°N为界分成2个区,它们在12月、1月频次较多,在年际尺度上该2区冷空气呈减少、减弱趋势。南北5个区冷空气活动频次的年代际变化不一致,但是各区冷空气活动的强度在20世纪60年代至80年代均呈年代际减弱。全国性冷空气活动频次在20世纪60年代和90年代显著减少,而北方冷空气活动频次的年代际变化不大。当欧亚大陆地面冷高压比正常年偏强(偏弱)、我国大部分地区温度比正常年偏低(偏高)、高层500 h Pa东亚大槽比正常年偏强(偏弱)时,当年冷空气活动的频次偏多(偏少)。  相似文献   

应用观测资料对中国地区预估数据集进行检验分析。结果表明:1)7月降水量,区域模式在张家口南部桑洋河盆地和北部坝上地区的模拟值偏大,而在北京东边兴隆高山区和东南沿海地区的模拟值明显偏小。2)7月最高气温,在北京东边兴隆高山区和东部平原的模拟值明显偏高,而在张家口南部桑洋河盆地和太行山东侧的模拟值偏低。3)1月最低气温,在北京东边兴隆高山区、太行山北段高山区和东部平原地区的模拟值偏高,而在张家口南部桑洋河盆地和太行山东侧的模拟值偏低。4)无论是对降水还是气温,由于全球模式的空间分辨率偏低、很难描述河北地区的地形特征,所以模拟结果很差。由于区域气候模式的分辨率提高、对河北地区地形特征的描述有了改进,所以模拟效果有明显改善;但受分辨率所限,它对局部地形如兴隆高山、桑洋河盆地、太行山北部高山等地形特征的描述不是很好,造成模拟结果在这些地区出现系统性偏差,因此应用这些数据时需加以订正。  相似文献   

Impacts of urbanization on future climate in China   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

重庆岩溶地区气候变化对植被的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
岩溶生态系统是一种脆弱的生态系统,植被类型与盖度成为岩溶环境中最重要、最敏感的自然要素。介绍了以重庆岩溶地区为对象,利用气象和NDVI数据,采用相关分析等方法探讨了植被对气候变化的响应。结果表明:(1)在多年平均水平上,气候对重庆岩溶植被生态系统起着比降水大的作用;在植被生长的年际变化方面,气温和降水对植被生长起着大致相反的趋势。(2)年际变化方面,气温和降水对植被生态系统的生长起着大致相反的作用。一般来说,气温与NDVI之间的关系为正相关。(3)植被指数的动态变化受气候波动的影响较大,近20 a来,总体呈增加的趋势。可为岩溶生态系统恢复和重建提供科学依据。  相似文献   

Adaptation to climate change in Uganda: Evidence from micro level data   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This study employed data from the 2005/06 Uganda national household survey to identify adaptation strategies and factors governing their choice in Uganda's agricultural production. Factors that mediate or hinder adaptation across different shocks and strategies include age of the household head, access to credit and extension facilities and security of land tenure. There are also differences in choice of adaptation strategies by agro-climatic zone. The appropriate policy level responses should complement the autonomous adaptation strategies by facilitating technology adoption and availing information to farmers not only with regard to climate related forecasts but available weather and pest resistant varieties.  相似文献   

Simulating the impacts of climate change on cotton production in India   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
General circulation models (GCMs) project increases in the earth’s surface air temperatures and other climate changes by the mid or late 21st century, and therefore crops such as cotton (Gossypium spp L.) will be grown in a much different environment than today. To understand the implications of climate change on cotton production in India, cotton production to the different scenarios (A2, B2 and A1B) of future climate was simulated using the simulation model Infocrop-cotton. The GCM projections showed a nearly 3.95, 3.20 and 1.85 °C rise in mean temperature of cotton growing regions of India for the A2, B2 and A1B scenarios, respectively. Simulation results using the Infocrop-cotton model indicated that seed cotton yield declined by 477 kg?ha?1 for the A2 scenario and by 268 kg?ha?1 for the B2 scenario; while it was non-significant for the A1B scenario. However, it became non-significant under elevated [CO2] levels across all the scenarios. The yield decline was higher in the northern zone over the southern zone. The impact of climate change on rainfed cotton which covers more than 60 % of the country’s total cotton production area (mostly in the central zone) and is dependent on the monsoons is likely to be minimum, possibly on account of marginal increase in rainfall levels. Results of this assessment suggest that productivity in northern India may marginally decline; while in central and southern India, productivity may either remain the same or increase. At the national level, therefore, cotton production is unlikely to change with climate change. Adaptive measures such as changes in planting time and more responsive cultivars may further boost cotton production in India.  相似文献   

As one of the key grain-producing regions in China, the agricultural system in the North China Plain (NCP) is vulnerable to climate change due to its limited water resources and strong dependence on irrigation for crop production. Exploring the impacts of climate change on crop evapotranspiration (ET) is of importance for water management and agricultural sustainability. The VIP (Vegetation Interface Processes) process-based ecosystem model and WRF (Weather Research and Forecasting) modeling system are applied to quantify ET responses of a wheat-maize cropping system to climate change. The ensemble projections of six General Circulation Models (GCMs) under the B2 and A2 scenarios in the 2050s over the NCP are used to account for the uncertainty of the projections. The thermal time requirements (TTR) of crops are assumed to remain constant under air warming conditions. It is found that in this case the length of the crop growth period will be shortened, which will result in the reduction of crop water consumption and possible crop productivity loss. Spatially, the changes of ET during the growth periods (ETg) for wheat range from ?7 to 0 % with the average being ?1.5?±?1.2 % under the B2 scenario, and from ?8 to 2 % with the average being ?2.7?±?1.3 % under the A2 scenario/consistently, changes of ETg for maize are from ?10 to 8 %, with the average being ?0.4?±?4.9 %, under the B2 scenario and from ?8 to 8 %, with the average being ?1.2?±?4.1 %, under the A2 scenario. Numerical analysis is also done on the condition that the length of the crop growth periods remains stable under the warming condition via breeding new crop varieties. In this case, TTR will be higher and the crop water requirements will increase, with the enhancement of the productivity. It is suggested that the options for adaptation to climate change include no action and accepting crop loss associated with the reduction in ETg, or breeding new cultivars that would maintain or increase crop productivity and result in an increase in ETg. In the latter case, attention should be paid to developing improved water conservation techniques to help compensate for the increased ETg.  相似文献   

通过对哈尔滨市1961-2010年初霜冻和终霜冻日期的气候特征分析,得出哈尔滨市初霜冻日期明显推迟,且推迟是一个突变现象,具体是从2002年开始;而终霜冻日期随气候变暖略有提前。初霜冻日期在不同年份分别存在准3 a和准30 a的振荡周期;终霜冻则存在准5 a和10-15 a的振荡周期。此外,初霜冻出现极早年,我国东北地区位势高度偏低,气温偏低;而初霜冻极晚年,我国华北及东北地区位势高度场较常年偏高,气温偏高。  相似文献   

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