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Laboratory experiments under controlled environmental conditions are a useful tool to investigate the influence of different environmental parameters on VOC emissions from plants individually. Before using the obtained results to interpret measurements under ambient conditions, it has to be ensured that the laboratory system is suitable for performing emission rate measurements under ambient-like conditions to derive algorithms describing the emissions of volatile organic compounds as a function of physical variables like temperature and light intensity. Here we compare results from monoterpene emission rate measurements with Scots pines (Pinus sylvestris L.) under both ambient environmental conditions using a mobile plant enclosure chamber, and under controlled laboratory conditions in a continuously stirred tank reactor. The different analytical instruments to quantify monoterpene emissions were compared in an intercalibration experiment. Measurements of the mixing ratios of -pinene, -pinene, 3-carene, camphene, and limonene on the order of some hundred parts per trillion differed by less than 20%. The laboratory system has proven capable of providing ambient-like conditions and results of monoterpene emission rate measurements under laboratory conditions could be extrapolated to the natural environment. Monoterpene emission rate measurements with identical specimens of Scots pines conducted within small temporal differences under similar laboratory and outdoor conditions agreed well. Both laboratory and outdoor experiments clearly showed that distinct and constant values neither exist for the standard emission rates nor for the emission pattern of monoterpenes from Scots pine. Temporal variations in the standard emission rates from identical specimens and plant-to-plant variations were on the order of one magnitude.  相似文献   

In order to study the concentrations of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and the factors controlling its concentrations, we monitored concentrations of H2O2 and other gases such as sulfur dioxide, ozone, and NO x as well as meteorological factors such as air temperature, relative humidity, and wind direction/speed during eight measurement periods from 2000 to 2002 in a Japanese red pine forest in Japan. The H2O2 concentrations ranged from below 0.01 to 1.64 ppb, and analysis of the diurnal variation in H2O2 concentration showed high concentrations around noon, and low concentrations in the morning and late afternoon. The H2O2 concentrations were high in early summer, when O3 concentration, temperature, and solar radiation were high, and were low in fall, when O3 concentration, temperature, and solar radiation were low. We propose that O3 concentration affects the production of H2O2 in the monitored region during the period under study, but that high H2O2 concentrations were sometimes caused by the transport of polluted air from urban regions. H2O2 concentrations decreased remarkably when SO2 concentrations increased by transported volcanic emission on Miyake Island. In the absence of the effects of SO2, H2O2 concentrations increased with increasing O3 concentration and temperature.  相似文献   

Eddy-correlation measurements of the vertical fluxes of ozone, carbon dioxide, fine particles with diameter near 0.1 m, and particulate sulfur, as well as of momentum, heat and water vapor, have been taken above a tall leafless deciduous forest in wintertime. During the experimental period of one week, ozone deposition velocities varied from about 0.1 cm s–1 at night to more than 0.4 cm s-1 during the daytime, with the largest variations associated primarily with changes in solar irradiation. Most of the ozone removal took place in the upper canopy. Carbon dioxide fluxes were directed upward due to respiration and exhibited a strong dependence on air temperature and solar heating. The fluxes were approximately zero at air temperatures less than 5 °C and approached 0.8 mg m–2 s–1 when temperatures exceeded 15 °C during the daytime. Fine-particle deposition rates were large at times, with deposition velocities near 0.8 cm s–1 when turbulence levels were high, but fluxes directed upward were found above the canopy when the surface beneath was covered with snow. Diffusional processes seemed to dominate fine-particle transfer across quasilaminar layers and subsequent deposition to the upper canopy. Deposition velocities for particulate sulfur were highly variable and averaged to a value small in magnitude as compared to similar measurements taken previously over a pine forest in summer.  相似文献   

The forest water balance has never been studied in Reunion Island (Indian Ocean). This study focuses on the interception of fog water by Sophora denudata, an endemic tree, which provides an important water input into the hydrologic budget of the upper-montane forest. Canopy throughfall, rainfall and fog have been compared. The first data were obtained in 2001 in Nez de Bœuf, 2040 m asl, from manual rain gauges. The measurements were made during the day only. The aim was to propose a typology of events, to understand the spatial pattern of canopy throughfall, especially fogdrip, and their relation to the trade-wind direction. A second series of experiments, carried out in 2004 in Piton de Tangues, 2150 m asl, investigated how throughfall and atmospheric water varied with time, using automatic instruments such as the shielded Grunow-type fog collector. Here measurements were made continuously and night data were not excluded. Over a period of 8 months, the throughfall gauges, which were placed under the trees, indicated 1180 mm whereas the total amount of rainfall had reached only 948 mm. The difference (232 mm) is attributed to fog. Of 278 events, 234 showed fog contribution; fog occurred alone in 167 cases. The observations confirm what was found in Nez de Bœuf, namely that fog or rain can occur separately or together. The role of fog contribution to the forest water budget is significant: the spatial variation of canopy throughfall does not only depend on the type of event, but also on wind direction.  相似文献   

Based on model calculations, the moisture of soil for sites with and without a cover of trees under the current and rising temperature was studied assuming a 5 °C increase in annual mean temperature over a period of 100 years. The calculation for southern Finland (61°N) showed that the soil moisture under elevated temperature could be reduced compared to that under current temperature conditions. This was also true for northern Finland (66°N), but there the reduction in soil moisture was less substantial. In particular, when trees were present, the soil moisture during the growing season was reduced due to enhanced evapotranspiration. In the presence of trees, the moisture content of the surface soil was only half that under the current temperature. In these conditions, reduced accumulation of snow and a thin humus layer allowed the soil to freeze to deep layers, thereby causing further reduction in soil moisture due to poor transfer of water deeper in the soil.  相似文献   

Ramp patterns of temperature and humidity occur coherently at several levels within and above a deciduous forest as shown by data gathered with up to seven triaxial sonic anemometer/thermometers and three Lyman-alpha hygrometers at an experimental site in Ontario, Canada. The ramps appear most clearly in the middle and upper portion of the forest. Time/height cross-sections of scalar contours and velocity vectors, developed from both single events and ensemble averages of several events, portray details of the flow structures associated with the scalar ramps. Near the top of the forest they are composed of a weak ejecting motion transporting warm and/or moist air out of the forest followed by strong sweeps of cool and/or dry air penetrating into the canopy. The sweep is separated from the ejecting air by a sharp scalar microfront. At approximately twice the height of the forest, ejections and sweeps are of about equal strength.In the middle and upper parts of the canopy, sweeps conduct a large proportion of the overall transfer between the forest and the lower atmosphere, with a lesser contribution from ejections. Ejections become equally important aloft. During one 30-min run, identified structures were responsible for more than 75% of the total fluxes of heat and momentum at mid-canopy height. Near the canopy top, the transition from ejection of slow moving fluid to sweep bringing fast moving air from above is very rapid but, at both higher and lower levels, brief periods of upward momentum transfer occur at or immediately before the microfront.  相似文献   

The formation yields of nine carbonyl products are reported from the gas-phase OH radical-initiated reactions (in the presence of NO x ) and the O3 reactions with seven monoterpenes. The products were identified using GC/MS and GC-FTIR and quantified by GC-FID analyses of samples collected on Tenax solid adsorbent cartridges. The identities of products from camphene, limonene and -pinene were confirmed by comparison with authentic standards. Sufficient quantities of products from the 3-carene, limonene, -pinene, sabinene and terpinolene reactions were isolated to allow structural confirmation by proton NMR spectroscopy. The measured total carbonyl formation yields ranged from non-detectable for the OH radical reaction with camphene and the O3 reactions with 3-carene and limonene to 0.5 for the OH radical reaction with limonene and the O3 reaction with sabinene.  相似文献   

Henry's law constantsK H (mol kg–1 atm–1) have been determined at 298.15 K for the following organic acids: formic acid (5.53±0.27×103); acetic acid (5.50±0.29×103); propionic acid (5.71±0.34×103);n-butyric acid (4.73±0.18×103); isobutyric acid (1.13±0.12×103); isovaleric acid (1.20±0.11×103) and neovaleric acid (0.353±0.04×103). They have also been determined fromT=278.15 K toT=308.15 K forn-valeric acid (ln(K H)=–14.3371+6582.96/T);n-caproic acid (ln(K H)=–13.9424+6303.73/T) and pyruvic acid (ln(K H)=–4.41706+5087.92/T). The influence of 9 salts on the solubility of pyruvic acid at 298.15 K has been measured. Pyruvic acid is soluble enough to partition strongly into aqueous atmospheric aerosols. Other acids require around 1 g of liquid water m–3 (typical of clouds) to partition significantly into the aqueous phase. The degree of partitioning is sensitive to temperature. Considering solubility and dissociation (to formate) alone, the ratio of formic acid to acetic acid in liquid water in the atmosphere (at equilibrium with the gas phase acids) is expected to increase with rising pH, but show little variation with temperature.  相似文献   

Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) emissions by vegetation present in the Mediterranean area are not well known. They may contribute with anthropogenic VOC emissions to the tropospheric ozone formation that reaches important level in the European Mediterranean region. The present work, carried out as part of the European ESCOMPTE project «fiEld experimentS to COnstrain Models of atmospheric Pollution and Transport of Emissions», adds a new contribution to the inventory of the main natural hydrocarbons sources likely to participate in the ozone production. The corresponding measurement campaign was conducted in La Barben, a site close to Marseilles (France), with the aim to quantify the terpenic emission pattern and the behaviour of Pinus halepensis, an important Mediterranean species slightly studied.The determination of biogenic emissions from P. halepensis was done by the enclosure of an intact branch in a Teflon cuvette. Main emitted monoterpenes were β trans-ocimene and linalool. The total monoterpenic emission rates thus recorded were found to reach maximum values around 30 μg gdry weight−1 h−1. The normalized emission rates calculated at 30 °C and 1000 μmol m−2 s−1 with Guenther's algorithm was 14.76, 8.65 and 4.05 μg gdry weight−1 h−1, respectively, for the total monoterpenes, β trans-ocimene and linalool.  相似文献   

黄秀韶  李芳  刁秀广 《气象科技》2022,50(6):830-841
利用青岛双偏振多普勒天气雷达资料和探空及自动气象站观测资料,对2020年8月3日发生在山东高密的一次强降水超级单体风暴双偏振特征进行了分析。结果表明:(1)强的对流有效位能(CAPE)、低层强垂直风切变、高空强辐散及高湿是强降水风暴发展维持的关键环境因素。(2)风暴低层存在差分反射率因子ZDR弧和差分相移率KDP高值区,ZDR弧与入流缺口一侧反射率因子梯度高值区相匹配,对应偏小的KDP和相关系数,以少量大粒子为主;KDP高值区为强降雨区,对应小于3 dB的ZDR和大的相关系数,以高浓度、大小适中的液态粒子为主。(3)有界弱回波区BWER外围存在ZDR环,对应偏小的KDP,而BWER上方存在深厚宽阔的ZDR柱和KDP柱,KDP柱高于ZDR柱的高度,气旋性旋转上升气流区内中层以下分布有少量大的粒子,而中层之上分布有较高浓度的大粒子...  相似文献   

The present work evaluates the stress effects in two epiphytic lichen species with different thallus morphology, the foliose Parmelia caperata and the fruticose Evernia prunastri, as resulting from transplanting from an unpolluted to an air-polluted area. Lichen samples were collected in Portugal in a clean area, during the spring 2003, and transplanted (1) to the same zone nearby and (2) to a polluted area as affected by an industrial complex. Transplant samples were taken periodically during four months in both places. At the same time lichen samples from the clean-air site native (in-situ) populations were also collected. For each sample were measured the chlorophyll content, the chlorophyll degradation and the cell membrane damage, the latter represented by leacheate conductivity. During the experiment the meteorological conditions were registered. The results indicate the absence of stress effects of transplanting as such, and suggest that leachate conductivity may be the more sensitive indicator of general lichen vitality.  相似文献   

Wind velocity and temperature measurements from a 200 m tower, locatedin a forest near Karlsruhe were used to investigatethe modified profile function of the wind velocity in theroughness sublayer.To avoid determination of the friction velocity we introduced analternative analysis with the expression instead of From the observed Fm* profiles we evaluated the profile function m*. The wind profiles observed under neutral conditions were well representedby a modified non-dimensional profile function with physically based boundary values at the top and at the bottom of theroughness sublayer.The results of our analysis can be used to take into consideration themomentum exchange between the atmosphere and a forest in mesoscaleatmospheric models in a refined way.  相似文献   

The output of a large-eddy simulation was used to study the terms ofthe turbulent kinetic energy (TKE) budget for the air layers above andwithin a forest. The computation created a three-dimensional,time-dependent simulation of the airflow, in which the lowest third ofthe domain was occupied by drag elements and heat sources to representthe forest. Shear production was a principal source of TKE in theupper canopy, diminishing gradually above tree-top height and moresharply with depth in the canopy. The transfer of energy to subgridscales (dissipation) was the main sink in the upper part of the domainbut diminished rapidly with depth in the canopy. Removal ofresolved-scale TKE due to canopy drag was extremely important,occurring primarily in the upper half of the forest where the foliagedensity was large. Turbulent transport showed a loss at the canopytop and a gain within the canopy. These general features have beenfound elsewhere but uncertainty remains concerning the effects ofpressure transport. In the present work, pressure was calculateddirectly, allowing us to compute the pressure diffusion term. Wellabove the canopy, pressure transport was smaller than, and opposite insign to, the turbulent transport term. Near the canopy top andbelow, pressure transport acted in concert with turbulent transport toexport TKE from the region immediately above and within the uppercrown, and to provide turbulent energy for the lower parts of theforest. In combination, the transport terms accounted for over half ofthe TKE loss near the canopy top, and in the lowest two-thirds of thecanopy the transport terms were the dominant source terms in thebudget. Moreover, the pressure transport was the largest source ofturbulent kinetic energy in the lowest levels of the canopy, beingparticularly strong under convective conditions. These resultsindicate that pressure transport is important in the plant canopyturbulent kinetic energy budget, especially in the lowest portion ofthe stand, where it acts as the major driving force for turbulentmotions.  相似文献   

In the last decade, numerous studies of monoterpene hydrocarbons in the presence of ozone and oxides of nitrogen have been completed. Although insights about the reactivity of terpenes have been gained, and several products have been identified in the gas and aerosol phases, carbon balances have been generally poor. This paper describes a radiotracer technique which accounts for carbon-containing compounds in a smog chamber at the conclusion of a photooxidation or ozonolysis reaction. Instead of attempting to identify individual products, gas-phase compounds were separated from aerosols, and each phase was analyzed by a liquid scintillation counter. A carbon balance of 79 to 97% was obtained with 14C--pinene and ozone using this technique. The significance of the results are discussed in terms of the 14C--pinene concentrations used in this study, which were lower than concentrations used previously by one to four orders of magnitude. In spite of the lower concentrations, the gaseous and aerosol fractions observed in the present investigation are comparable to those observed by others. Possible reaction products are discussed with respect to likely mechanisms for -pinene oxidation.  相似文献   

一次特大暴雨天气的Q*矢量分析   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
杨晓霞  谭志华  华岩 《气象》2001,27(2):44-47
应用修正的Q  相似文献   

利用1960~2006年我国地温、气温逐日4个时次[02:00(北京时间,下同)、08:00、14:00和20:00]的台站观测资料,计算并分析了我国东南、西北地区各季地气温差的年代际变化特征。分析结果表明:我国东南部地区各季地气温差在20世纪70年代末以前,大部分年份偏高,高于平均值,而在20世纪70年代末以后,我国东南部地区各季地气温差偏低,在夏季和冬季表现尤为明显。我国西北地区春季和夏季地气温差在20世纪70年代末以前大部分年份偏低,低于平均值;而在20世纪70年代末以后,地气温差则大部分年份明显偏高。我国西北地区秋季地气温差的年代际变化特征不明显,而冬季地气温差的年代际变化趋势与春夏季相反,在20世纪70年代末以前大部分年份偏高,高于平均值,而在20世纪70年代末以后偏低。另外,发现地温和气温对我国东南、西北地区各季地气温差的年代际变化在各季所起的贡献作用不同。  相似文献   

本文基于2007年和2008年生长季内蒙古羊草和大针茅草原湍流观测资料,分析了两种典型草原下垫面生长季的不同土壤水分条件下水汽和二氧化碳通量交换特征及其控制因子。主要结果如下:(1)在植被生长峰值期,日尺度上,干旱条件下土壤湿度是潜热通量的主要控制因子,而土壤水分条件较好时潜热通量主要受净辐射控制。(2)与大针茅草原相比,羊草草原叶面积指数较大,水分条件较好时,其潜热通量平均值更大,CO2吸收能力更强,吸收CO2更多;但在土壤水分胁迫出现时,羊草草原叶面的气孔闭合度急剧增加,大针茅草原的潜热通量、和CO2吸收反而更大,表现出更为耐旱的植被特性。(3)地表导度可以用来解释土壤水分条件对羊草和大针茅草原碳水通量的影响。  相似文献   

Emission rates of biogenic volatile organic compounds emitted by the forests were estimated for five geographical regions as well as for all Switzerland. Monoterpene and isoprene emissions rates were calculated for each main tree species separately using the relevant parameters such as temperature, light intensity and leaf biomass density. Biogenic emissions from the forests were found to be about 23% of the total annual VOC emissions (anthropogenic and biogenic) in Switzerland. The highest emissions are in July and lowest in January. Calculations showed that the coniferous trees are the main sources of the biogenic emissions. The major contribution comes from the Norway spruce (picea abies) forests due to their abundance and high leaf biomass density. Although broad-leaved forests cover 27% of all the forests in Switzerland, their contribution to the biogenic emissions is only 3%. Monoterpenes are the main species emitted, whereas only 3% is released as isoprene. The highest emission rates of biogenic VOC are estimated to be in the region of the Alps which has the largest forest coverage in Switzerland and the major part of these forests consists of Norway spruce. The total annual biogenic VOC emission rate of 87 ktonnes y–1 coming from the forests is significantly higher than those from other studies where calculations were carried out by classifying the forests as deciduous and coniferous. The difference is attributed to the high leaf biomass densities of Norway spruce and fir (abies alba) trees which have a strong effect on the results when speciation of trees is taken into account. Besides the annual rate, emission rates were calculated for a specific period during July 4–6, 1991 when a photochemical smog episode was investigated in the Swiss field experiment POLLUMET. Emission rates estimated for that period agree well with those calculated for July using the average temperatures over the last 10 years.  相似文献   

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