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This study compares the aerosol optical depth (AOD) Level 2 Collection 5 products from the Terra and Aqua Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometers (MODIS) with ground-based measurements from a Microtops II sun photometer over Sanya (18.23°N, 109.52°E), a tropical coastal site in China, from July 2005 to June 2006. The results indicate that the Terra and Aqua MODIS AOD retrievals at 550 nm have good correlations with the measurements from the Microtops II sun photometer. The correlation coefficients for the linear regression fits (R²) are 0.83 for Terra and 0.78 for Aqua, and the regressed intercepts are near zero (0.005 for Terra, 0.009 for Aqua). However, the Terra and Aqua MODIS are found to consistently underestimate AOD with respect to the Microtops II sun photometer, with slope values of 0.805 (Terra) and 0.767 (Aqua). The comparison of the monthly mean AOD indicates that for each month, the Terra and Aqua MODIS retrievals are matched with corresponding Microtops measurements but are systematically less than those of the Microtops. This validation study indicates that the Terra and Aqua MODIS AOD retrievals can adequately characterize the AOD distributions over the tropical coastal region of China, but further efforts to eliminate systematic errors are needed.  相似文献   

Current global climate models cannot resolve the complex topography over the Tibetan Plateau (TP) due to their coarse resolution. This study investigates the impacts of horizontal resolution on simulating aerosol and its direct radiative effect (DRE) over the TP by applying two horizontal resolutions of about 100 km and 25 km to the Chinese Academy of Sciences Flexible Global Ocean-Atmosphere Land System (CAS FGOALS-f3) over a 10-year period. Compared to the AErosol RObotic NETwork observations, a high-resolution model (HRM) can better reproduce the spatial distribution and seasonal cycles of aerosol optical depth (AOD) compared to a low-resolution model (LRM). The HRM bias and RMSE of AOD decreased by 0.08 and 0.12, and the correlation coefficient increased by 0.22 compared to the LRM. An LRM is not sufficient to reproduce the aerosol variations associated with fine-scale topographic forcing, such as in the eastern marginal region of the TP. The difference between hydrophilic aerosols in an HRM and LRM is caused by the divergence of the simulated relative humidity (RH). More reasonable distributions and variations of RH are conducive to simulating hydrophilic aerosols. An increase of the 10-m wind speed in winter by an HRM leads to increased dust emissions. The simulated aerosol DREs at the top of the atmosphere (TOA) and at the surface by the HRM are –0.76 W m–2 and –8.72 W m–2 over the TP, respectively. Both resolution models can capture the key feature that dust TOA DRE transitions from positive in spring to negative in the other seasons.  相似文献   

沙尘气溶胶光学厚度的全球分布及分析   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
利用全球气溶胶数据GADS(Global Aerosol Data Set)计算了冬夏两季4种类型(积聚型、核型、粗粒型和传输型)沙尘气溶胶0.55μm光学厚度的全球分布。通过分析得出,气溶胶的消光系数和垂直厚度对光学厚度的影响很大。全球沙尘气溶胶分布具有明显的季节和地理差异,4个沙尘暴多发区,分别位于北非、中亚地区、澳大利亚西部和北美西部。中亚地区冬季沙尘气溶胶强度和范围比夏季大,北美和澳大利亚地区则相反,冬季光学厚度最大值位于北非的中部地区,而夏季其最大值位于非洲北部靠近大西洋的地区。沙尘气溶胶对<8μm的辐射吸收作用很弱,散射能力较强;对于>8μm的辐射吸收能力很强,吸收带位主要于8~11μm范围内。  相似文献   

利用CE-318太阳光度计,采用Bouguer-Lamber定律,反演郑州地区2008年气溶胶光学厚度,分析该地区气溶胶光学厚度的日变化和月变化特征,并进一步分析天气条件对气溶胶光学厚度的影响。结果表明:2008年郑州地区气溶胶光学厚度与2007年持平,波长指数有所增大。气溶胶光学厚度存在明显的季节变化,春夏高,秋冬低,最低值出现在12月,郑州地区气溶胶光学厚度主要受工业烟尘影响。工作日和非工作日气溶胶光学厚度日变化趋势存在差异,交通负荷的变化可能对气溶胶光学厚度的日变化影响较大。轻雾和霾均能引起气溶胶光学厚度的显著增大,并且轻雾对气溶胶光学厚度的影响大于霾。沙尘过程中,气溶胶光学厚度急剧增大,而后逐渐下降,并逐渐恢复到正常水平,波长指数会减小。  相似文献   

小洋山岛位于上海东南面距海岸线约30km处,四面环海,研究其上空的大气气溶胶光学特性对了解我国东部沿海地区及其近海海域的环境和气候影响等都具有重要的意义。对于近岸海岛的气溶胶光学厚度(AOD)观测,至今国内尚未见这方面的实测资料与分析。本次实验利用2006~2007年连续观测得到的AOD值,分析了AOD的季节变化及其与地面风向、湿度和能见度等气象要素的关系,并给出了气溶胶消光谱。分析发现:小洋山地区AOD具有春季最大,冬季次之,秋季较小的特点,而且在低能见度情况下,气溶胶以大粒子为主;盛行西风时,AOD值增大且大粒子比重增加;AOD与湿度有较好的正相关关系。  相似文献   

为探讨大气气溶胶光学厚度(Aerosol Optical Depth,AOD)与大气污染物及气象因素的关系,进而为AOD的科学预测提供参考,应用时间序列研究分析了2002年1月~2004年12月的杭州市大气AOD与污染物及气象因素数据,并以前35个月的数据建立时间序列ARIMA(Autoregressive Integ...  相似文献   

陈艳  张武  张利  柳月  宋松涛 《干旱气象》2013,(3):517-522
利用全球自动观测网(AERONET)纳木错观测点(90.962°E,30.773°N)2009年1~12月的地基观测数据,对青藏高原中部气溶胶光学厚度的分布进行了分析研究,并利用观测结果对MODIS气溶胶光学厚度(AOD)产品进行检验。结果表明,2009年1~12月期间,气溶胶光学厚度月平均值呈现双峰双谷状分布,3月的值最大。9月以后的波长指数a较小,这一时期气溶胶粒子的粒径较大。混浊系数卢的平均值为0.063,说明该地区的空气较为清洁。利用该地基观测资料对MODISAOD产品进行检验,结果表明两者的相关系数平方为0.14,没有通过95%的置信度检验,适用性不显著,需要进一步订正该地区的MODIS气溶胶光学厚度产品。  相似文献   

Urban aerosols have a large effect on the deterioration of air quality and the degradation of atmospheric visibility.Characterization of the chemical composition of PM 2.5 and in situ measurements of the optical properties of aerosols were conducted in July 2008 at an urban site in Guangzhou,Southern China.The mean PM 2.5 concentration for the entire period was 53.7±23.2 μg m 3.The mean PM 2.5 concentration (82.7±25.4 μg m 3) on hazy days was roughly two times higher than that on clear days (38.8±8.7 μg m 3).The total water-soluble ion species and the total average carbon accounted for 47.9%±4.3% and 35.2%±4.5%,respectively,of the major components of PM 2.5.The increase of secondary and carbonaceous aerosols,in particular ammonium sulfate,played an important role in the formation of haze pollution.The mean absorption and scattering coefficients and the single scattering albedo over the whole period were 53±20 M m 1,226±111 M m 1,and 0.80±0.04,respectively.PM 2.5 had a high linear correlation with the aerosol extinction coefficient,elemental carbon (EC) was correlated with aerosol absorption,and organic carbon (OC) and SO 4 2 were tightly linked to aerosol scattering.  相似文献   

分析了中国华南地区福州、广州、海口、南宁等地1961~1990年太阳直接辐射总量、日照时数、总云量、大气能见度和地面水汽压等资料,并利用这些资料反演了该地区大气气溶胶的光学厚度值。结果表明:近30年来,华南地区太阳直接辐射总量和日照时数呈明显下降趋势。与60年代相比,80年代各站太阳直接辐射总量的年平均值均下降20%以上,其中广州下降29.2%;日照时数,广州减少了1.1 h,福州1 h,南宁0.9 h,海口0.5 h。分析发现,造成下降的原因不是由于云量或大气中水汽含量的变化,而是由于地面能见度的明显减小和大气气溶胶的增加。4站中,14时地面能见度均以夏季最好,最高值出现在7月;而地面能见度最差的季节海口、南宁两站在冬季,福州和广州两站在春季3、4月份。相比较而言,海口能见度最好,福州和南宁次之,广州最差。4站大气气溶胶光学厚度值的大小、年及季节变化与地面能见度有密切的关系,但两者不尽一致,因此,在研究气溶胶的辐射和气候效应时必须合理地考虑中高层大气气溶胶的分布。  相似文献   

北京晴天紫外波段气溶胶光学厚度反演与分析   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
利用太阳一大气紫外光谱辐射计(SAUVS),测量到达北京地表的太阳直接和散射紫外光谱辐射,给出反演大气气溶胶光学厚度的一种方法。结果表明:在紫外波段,大气气溶胶的光学厚度随波长的增加而单调减小,用指数函数可以很好地拟合反演结果。统计得到了3个水平能见度状况下拟合函数的系数值,与全球气溶胶监测网络(AERONET)北京站的资料对比,表明反演结果基本合理。  相似文献   

The spatial distributions and interannual variations of aerosol concentrations,aerosol optical depth(AOD) ,aerosol direct radiative forcings,and their responses to heterogeneous reactions on dust surfaces over East Asia in March 2006-10 were investigated by utilizing a regional coupled climate-chemistry/aerosol model. Anthropogenic aerosol concentrations(inorganic+carbonaceous) were higher in March 2006 and 2008,whereas soil dust reached its highest levels in March 2006 and 2010,resulting in stronger aerosol radiative forcings in these periods.The domain and five-year(2006-10) monthly mean concentrations of anthropogenic and dust aerosols,AOD,and radiative forcings at the surface(SURF) and at the top of the atmosphere(TOA) in March were 2.4μg m-3,13.1μg m-3,0.18,-19.0 W m-2,and-7.4 W m-2,respectively.Heterogeneous reactions led to an increase of total inorganic aerosol concentration;however,the ambient inorganic aerosol concentration decreased,resulting in a smaller AOD and weaker aerosol radiative forcings.In March 2006 and 2010,the changes in ambient inorganic aerosols,AOD,and aerosol radiative forcings were more evident.In terms of the domain and five-year averages,the total inorganic aerosol concentrations increased by 13.7%(0.17μg m-3) due to heterogeneous reactions,but the ambient inorganic aerosol concentrations were reduced by 10.5%(0.13μg m-3) .As a result,the changes in AOD,SURF and TOA radiative forcings were estimated to be-3.9%(-0.007) ,-1.7%(0.34 W m-2) ,and-4.3%(0.34 W m-2) ,respectively,in March over East Asia.  相似文献   

结合新近评估的东亚地区污染源资料,作者利用一个耦合的区域化学输送模式系统以探讨东亚地区春季期间气象过程、气相与液相化学过程、非均相化学过程、气溶胶过程和干湿沉降过程对二氧化硫输送及转化过程的影响,并研究二氧化硫和硫酸盐气溶胶的空间分布及变化特征.模拟的二氧化硫和硫酸盐气溶胶的浓度值与2001年春季飞机和地面获取的观测值进行了比较.比较结果显示,模拟值与观测值具有很好的一致性,模式系统很好地反映了二氧化硫和硫酸盐气溶胶的分布特征和变化规律,再现了许多观测到的重要特征,为进一步分析模拟结果奠定了基础.  相似文献   

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