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We have determined 87Sr86Sr ratios of the Tethys Sea by analyzing limestones of Permian to Late Cretaceous age from the overthrusted sequence of central and northern Euboea. The results are in satisfactory agreement with ratios obtained by other investigators on unreplaced fossil shells of similar age collected elsewhere. The 87Sr86Sr ratios of Mesozoic marbles from the autochtone metamorphic rocks of southern Euboea are more variable, perhaps because of increases in this ratio during regional metamorphism. Nevertheless, the lowest values of suites of isochronous samples may approach the correct ratio. Four samples of the Argyron Marble taken at different localities in southern Euboea and on the Attic peninsula have a concordant 87Sr86Sr ratio of 0.70688±0.00006 (1 \?gs), relative to 0.7080 for the Eimer and Amend isotope standard. This value indicates a Jurassic age for this formation even though the fragmentary fossil evidence favors a Late Cretaceous (Turonian) age.  相似文献   

In the northwestern part of Euboea Island and the neighbouring part of the mainland in eastern central Greece, many hot springs exist. We collected and analysed the newly formed material around the hot springs. The samples were studied at the lab with X-Ray Diffraction, Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) and Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy (EDS). In all cases the studied materials were thermogenic travertine presenting many different lithotypes. The studied travertine deposits consist mainly of aragonite and calcite, but in some cases, as the main mineral phase, an amorphous hydrous ferric oxyhydroxide, probably ferrihydrite (creating a laminated iron-rich travertine deposit), was identified. The lithotypes that were identified were of great variety (spicular, shrubs, etc). Some of them (pisoliths, rafts and foam rock types) are quite rare and one of them (framework type) is described for the first time. Morphological data and field observations suggest possible inorganic and organic controls on carbonate precipitation. Similar lithotypes have been recorded at Mammoth hot springs, Yellowstone National Park in USA and at Rapolano Terme, Italy.  相似文献   

Edipsos area, situated in northern Euboea, has been well known since ancient times for the existence of thermal springs. In order to assess the hydrogeochemical conditions, thermal and cold water samples were collected and analyzed by ICP method for major and trace elements. The results revealed the direct impact of seawater, a process which is strongly related to the major tectonic structures of the area. Seawater impact was confirmed by the Cl/Br and Na/Cl ionic ratios, as well as from statistical processing and graphical interpretation of the analytical results, which classified the sampled waters into three groups (two for cold waters and one for the thermal ones). Trace element ranges for thermal waters are: As (44–84 ppb), Pb (23–154 ppb), Ag (1–2 ppb), Mn (31–680 ppb), Cu (61–97 ppb), Cs (66–244 ppb), Se (0–76 ppb), Li (732–3269 ppb), Fe (0–1126 ppb), Sr (14000–34100 ppb), B (4300–9600 ppb). Compared with the chemical composition of other thermal springs from the Hellenic Volcanic Arc, Edipsos thermal waters are enriched in Ca2+, Na+, Cl?, SO4 2?, Li, B and K+, reflecting the influence from seawater. Cold waters are free of heavy metals compared with other natural waters and are characterized by good quality based on the major element chemistry. Finally, several geothermometers were applied in order to assess the reservoir temperatures, but none of them appear to be applicable, mainly due to the impact of seawater on the initial hydrogeochemistry of the geothermal fluids.  相似文献   

This article examines the shoreline evolution and human occupation in the vicinity of the important archeological site of Amarynthos (Euboea Island, Greece) over the last six millennia. Archeological evidence indicates a continuous occupation of the site from the Bronze Age to the Roman period and the site is well-known, thanks to the existence of a sanctuary dedicated to the goddess Artemis. Based on the study of four boreholes, a paleogeographic reconstruction of the coastal landscape is proposed. Facies were determined based on mollusc identification, and sedimentology based on grain-size measurements (hand sieving for the fraction above 2?mm and LASER technique for particles below 2?mm) and loss-on-ignition. In addition, a series of 12 AMS radiocarbon dates define a reliable chronostratigraphy. Results suggest the presence of a fully marine environment from the early Holocene to ca. 2600–2400?cal. BC, which developed into a brackish environment from ca. 2600–2400?cal. BC to ca. 750?cal. BC due to the deltaic progradation of the nearby stream (Sarandapotamos River). From ca. 750?cal. BC onward, coastal swamps prevailed in the study area. Human-environmental interaction is discussed and particular attention is paid to the paleolandscape configuration of Amarynthos.  相似文献   

In northern Euboea (Eastern Greece), Late Cretaceous platform carbonates of the Pelagonian Zone pass depositionally upwards into Maastrichtian hemipelagic limestones, possibly reflecting a rifting event in the adjacent Neotethys. This is followed by a c. 1 km-thick unit of siliciclastic turbidites, debris flows and detached limestone blocks. Thrust intercalations of ophiolitic rocks comprise altered pillow basalts and ultramafic rocks with ophicalcite. Calcite veins in sheared serpentinite contain planktonic foraminifera and the ophicalcite is directly overlain, with a depositional contact, by Globotruncana-bearing pelagic limestones and calciturbidites of Maastrichtian age. The ophiolitic rocks are interpreted as Late Cretaceous oceanic crust and mantle, that formed at a fracture zone, or rifted spreading axis within a Neotethyan, Vardar basin to the east. During the Early Tertiary (Palaeocene–Eocene), the Neotethyan basin began to close, with development of a subduction-accretion complex, mainly comprising sheared, trench-type sandstones, associated with ophiolitic slices. In response to trench/margin collision, the Pelagonian carbonate platform foundered and limestone debris flows and olistoliths were shed into a siliciclastic foreland basin. Suturing of the Neotethyan ocean basin then resulted in westwards thrusting of oceanic units over the foreland basin, thrusting of slices of inferred Late Cretaceous Pelagonian carbonate platform slope and large-scale recumbent folding.  相似文献   

A soil and vegetation survey was undertaken in NW Euboea Island, Greece. The objectives of the study were to establish the geochemical baseline of soil and identify the impact of local geology on threshold values of potentially harmful elements. The studied area is characterized by complex geology comprising metamorphic and ultramafic rocks as well as active hot springs. A total of 117 soil samples were collected from 89 sites at depths of 0–25 cm and 25–50 cm. Eighteen vegetation samples were also collected representing prevalent indigenous perennial species in the region. Soil samples from the present study were enriched in As, Ca, Cu, Mg, Ni with concentrations reaching 233 mg/kg, 38%, 336 mg/kg, 10.8%, 1560 mg/kg respectively. Factor analysis revealed three main factors controlling the chemical composition of soil reflecting the influence of ultramafic rocks (Cr, Ca, Mg, Ni), hot spring deposits (Ca, S, Sr, As) and paedogenesis processes (Fe, Co, V, Mn, Al). The first two of these factors showed significant spatial correlation with the geological features within the study area. Subsequently, baseline concentrations based on statistical and spatial data were estimated within sub-areas reflecting the influence of local geology in soil composition. Concentrations of potentially harmful elements in the plant tissues of indigenous perennial vegetation species showed a wide range of variation from below the detection limit up to 1700 mg/kg for Ni in the hyperaccumulator Alyssum chalcidicum demonstrating that plant species have adapted to the stressful conditions caused by high elemental concentrations in soil. The results of this study can be utilized in future studies at areas of similar geology by providing an objective basis for setting realistic threshold values for pollution assessment and remediation.  相似文献   

In central Rhodope of northern Greece, kyanite eclogites were discovered in the area of Thermes. They are strongly overprinted and exhibit a multi-stage development of minerals and mineral assemblages formed during successive stages of the exhumation. The initial high-pressure assemblage was garnet+omphacite+kyanite+zoisite+phengite+rutile+quartz. Corundum, Fe-Mg-spinel, sapphirine and högbomite occur as products of a first, high-temperature overprint, still at high pressures, whereas various symplectites [corundum-plagioclase (pl), spinel-pl, sapphirine-pl, clinopyroxene-pl, biotite-pl, amphibole-pl] grew during subsequent stages of the exhumation. Diablastic amphibole+plagioclase formed as end-products of the amphibolitization. According to geochemical data, the protoliths of the kyanite eclogites were basalts to basaltic andesites with “volcanic arc” affinities. For the high-pressure stage of metamorphism, minimum PT conditions were around 19 kbar, 700°C, while for the initial stages of the overprint, high-pressure granulite-facies conditions prevailed (T>800°C, at P>15 kbar). The PT conditions of the amphibolite facies were 8–11 kbar, 580–690°C. The kyanite eclogites of Thermes record the highest temperatures of metamorphism within the whole of Rhodope.  相似文献   

In the Kokkinovrakhos Formation of central Greece, poorly sorted, grain supported, lithoclastic carbonate rudites, megabreccias and olistoliths are associated with accumulations of fine-grained laminated carbonates. The laminae frequently exhibit grading and are interpreted as turbidity current deposits. The coarser grained rudites and megabreccias were also redeposited but were probably transported downslope by sliding and rolling, i.e. they are rock-fall deposits. Olistoliths were emplaced into deeper water by sliding. The fine-grained sediments of the laminated facies appear to have accumulated in pockets on an uneven sea floor during episodes of minimal rock fall activity. The sedimentary association is similar to that described from some modern fore-reef environments and is possibly characteristic of accumulations of sediment on, or near to, steep slopes adjacent to carbonate platforms, when episodes of tectonic activity lead to the shearing off and transport downslope of masses of well-cemented shallow marine carbonates.  相似文献   

This study aims to evaluate the application of the Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation (RUSLE) on predicting of sites susceptible to slope failures caused by the soil erosion. It was carried out at the northern part of Euboea Island presenting one of the highest frequencies of landslide occurrence in Greece. All required datasets for the application of the RUSLE model were engaged to compile a potential soil erosion map of the study area. In addition, historical slope failure data were used to evaluate the produced map. Moreover, the frequency ratio statistical analysis was applied for the verification of the soil erosion map. The results showed a satisfactory agreement between the soil erosion intensity zones and distribution of landslides events. Therefore, the RUSLE model can be applied for the localization of sites susceptible to landslides that were prepared or triggered by the soil erosion. Finally, taking under consideration the contribution of erosion mechanisms over the landslides manifestation, a combination of measures were proposed for preventing and supporting these catastrophic phenomena.  相似文献   

Presence of fluoride in groundwater is a public health problem in the so-called endemic fluorosis belt of the central Iran, where the groundwater is the major source of drinking water in most urban and rural areas. Therefore, an attempt has been made to determine the hydrogeochemical factors controlling fluoride enrichment in the groundwater resources at this belt. Fluoride concentrations ranged from 0.20 to 1.99 mg/L (1.02 ± 0.47) in groundwater samples. The presence of different F-bearing minerals and also clay minerals in the soils and aquifer materials was confirmed using XRD analysis. To identify probable sources of dissolved F? and investigate groundwater quality, multivariate statistical analyses were carried out. Geochemical modeling indicated that all samples were undersaturated with respect to fluorite, halite, gypsum and anhydrite and mostly oversaturated with respect to calcite and dolomite. Contrary to most high-fluoride regions in the World, the high F? content was dominated by Na–Cl- and Ca–SO4-type groundwater in the study area. Besides, fluoride showed negative relationship with pH and HCO3 ? in groundwater. In order to assess the bioavailability of fluoride in soils, a two-step chemical fractionation method was applied. The results showed that fluoride in soils mostly accompanied with the residual and water-soluble fractions and was poorly associated with soil’s bonding sites. Calculated aqueous migration coefficient demonstrated that fluoride in the studied soils was mobile to easily leachable to the groundwater. Finally, the results demonstrated that combination of water–rock interaction and influence of clay minerals is geochemical mechanism responsible for controlling fluoride enrichment in groundwater.  相似文献   

Variations in assemblage and composition of the constituent minerals in basic and intermediate metavolcanics encountered in the Zarouchla Group of the Phyllite-Quartzite Series are consistent with a progressive sequence, corresponding to temperature conditions estimated at 290-380°C (minimum values) under a total pressure greater than 3°5kbar and possibly as high as 5 kbar. In the absence of more critical evidence, the parageneses recorded in the metavolcanic rocks are interpreted as belonging to a prograde facies series from the lawsonite-albitechlorite facies through the pumpellyite-actinolite facies to the greenschist facies. The present distribution of mineral assemblages does not show a simple increase of metamorphic grade in a given direction but is apparently related to the tectonic evolution of the metamorphic sequence.  相似文献   

One hundred and twenty one samples from every major plutonic body (mainly granitic) of Greece have been analyzed by γ-ray spectrometry to determine the specific activities of 238U, 232Th and 40K (Bq/kg). The range of the activity concentrations of these radionuclides was 2.3–266.4, 1.8–375.5 and 55.0–1632.0 Bq/kg and their average values were 79.2, 85.3 and 881.4 Bq/kg respectively. Any possible connection between the specific activities of 238U, 232Th and 40K and some characteristics of the studied samples (age, rock-type, colour, grain-size, occurrence and chemical composition) is investigated. Samples of particular colour, rock-type, occurrence and chemical composition have been identified for their distinctive levels of natural radioactivity, while age and grain-size do not affect the concentrations of 238U, 232Th and 40K. The range of the Th/U ratio was 0.7–12.69. This great variation in the Th/U ratios, especially when it is found among the samples of the same pluton, is also discussed and explained by alteration and tectonic–metamorphic processes.  相似文献   

The Kopaida plain is a cultivated region of Eastern Greece, with specific characteristics related to the paleogeographic evolution and the changes in land use of the area. This study examines the geochemical conditions of the groundwater and soil, and the correlations between them. 70 samples (50 samples of groundwater and 20 samples of soil) were collected in order to asses the geochemical status and the major natural and manmade affecting processes in the region. Extended chemical analyses were carried out including the assessment of 28 parameters for groundwater and 13 for soil samples. The results revealed that groundwater geochemistry is influenced primary by natural processes such as the geological background, and secondary by manmade impact mainly deriving from the extended use of Nitrogen-fertilizers and the over-exploitation of boreholes. Soil geochemistry is influenced exclusively by natural processes, such as weathering of the prevailing geological formations. Chemical analyses and the statistical processing of data revealed that the major factor for the geochemical status of soils is the weathering of the karstic substrate, as well as the existing lateritic horizons and a weak sulfide mineralization.  相似文献   

A long Late Quaternary sedimentary record from Lake Kopais, central Greece, has yielded assemblages of ostracod shells amongst which are discrete horizons of Tyrrhenocythere donetziensis . To date, this species has been little recorded in the region. We provide details of the species' occurrence and ecology and examine its validity as a palaeoecological and palaeobiogeographical marker. Although Lake Kopais has been artificially drained, a continuous record of climate change extending well beyond the onset of the last glacial has been recorded in calcareous sediments taken from the deepest part of the basin (core K93). Ostracod assemblages occur through most of the core, however, T. donetziensis is present only in the lower part. The evidence from this study of core K93 suggests that warm, humid conditions in the catchment may be one of the limiting factors for the occurrence of this particular species of Tyrrhenocythere .  相似文献   

Two bulk samples of clayey diatomite of Upper Miocene age originated from Western Macedonia, northern Greece and Thessaly central Greece were examined for their efficiency to be used as industrial absorbents. The samples were characterized using X-Ray Diffraction, Thermo-Gravimetric and Fourier Transform Spectroscopy, Scanning Electron Microscopy and ICP-MS analytical methods. The absorption capability of the clayey samples in oil and water were also examined. The mineralogy of both samples is predominated by the presence of clay minerals and amorphous silica. The clay minerals prevailed in the Klidi (KL) bulk sample, with muscovite being the dominant phase, and kaolinite and chlorite occurring in minor amounts. In the Drimos (DR) bulk sample, vermiculite was the predominant clay phase. Smectite was not found in either sample, whereas detrital quartz and feldspars were present in significant amounts. The amorphous silica phase (opal-A) occurs mainly with the form of disck-shaped diatom frustules. The chemistry of the samples is characterized by the predominance of silica, alumina, and iron, whereas all the other major and the trace elements are in low concentrations. Both clayey diatomite rocks exhibited sufficiently good oil and water absorption capacity, ranging between 70 to 79% in the clay-rich sample KL and 64 to 70% in the opal-A-rich sample DR. Comparing the properties of the rocks studied with other commercial absorbents, it is concluded that they may find applications as absorbents in industrial uses.  相似文献   

Hewn blocks from submerged ruins associated with the name Thronion are exposed during low, low tide along the northeastern shoreline of the fan delta which separates the Gulf of Euboea from the Maliakos Gulf, central Greece. Although the date of these ruins is not known, their submergence indicates that they predate the most recent marine transgression. Late Holocene sediments of the coastal plain adjacent to the ruins were studied using 34 auger cores drilled along two 1.3 and 1.1 km shore-normal sections. Cores were described in the field and sampled for sedimentologic and microfossil analyses. These analyses show that late Holocene transgressive marine and strandline units interfinger inland with deposits of a brackish water embayment. Subsequent progradation of the shoreline is marked by overlying slightly brackish to freshwater marsh sediments. A soil horizon developed on these marsh sediments defines a period of aerial exposure and land stability. Late Roman to Byzantine sherds (ca. 4th-13th Century A.D.) within the buried soil and a high phosphate content suggest that this soil developed in association with human habitation. the buried soil may be the surface on which the now-submerged ruins were built. the deposits below the buried soil indicate that prior to the period of soil formation, most of this area was under water and the paleoshoreline was landward of its present position. the ruins were later covered by lake or marsh deposits radiocarbon dated as 1400 A.D. the depth of the dated wood samples, 2.5–3.0 meters below the surface, indicates rapid sediment accumulation (ca. 40–55 cm/100 yrs) over the past 550 years. A small exposure of the ca. 1400 A.D. marsh silt and overlying post-1950 land fill near the ruins is the result of post-1400 A.D. erosion and recession of the shoreline. the lower pre-occupational and post-1400 A.D. transgressions were caused by a combination of eustatic sea level rise, tectonic subsidence, and fluctuations of sediment supply to this portion of the Kenourion fan delta.  相似文献   

The Meteora conglomerate is a thick, coarse-grained unit of Oligo-Miocene age in the Meso-Hellenic basin consisting of Gilbert-type delta deposits (wedge-shaped bodies) and deep channel fills. Gilbert-type deltas prograded from the eastern margin basinward, perpendicular to the NW-SE basin axis. Delta bodies are thicker in the distal portion, where the dip of the foresets is lower than in the proximal area. Organized and disorganized conglomerates coexist, suggesting a mixture of mass- and turbulent-flow processes. The mass flow deposits seem to prevail in the uppermost part of the foresets. Channels (up to 25 m deep) are cut into the Gilbert-type delta deposits, and have axes perpendicular to the progradational trend of the deltas. Giant bars displaying accretion of the downstream side formed inside the channels. The channels were probably cut into Gilbert-delta deposits due to uplift of the source area or to a fall in sea-level. Although large cross-sets of both Gilbert delta and channels have been formed by progradation, they can be distinguished by: (i) angle of foreset bed dips, (ii) facies and textures and (iii) vertical sequences. Differences in these features aid in distinguishing Gilbert-type deltas from in-channel bars.  相似文献   

We present a number of data for the Pyrgos (W.Peloponnessos, Greece), which took place on 26 March1993 and caused considerable damage in the town ofPyrgos and the surrounding area. The local geologicaland neotectonic conditions are also outlined; they aremainly characterized by complex stratigraphicstructure and outcrop pattern, together with a largenumber of large active fault zones and/or isolatedfaults. The detailed damage recording in themeizoseismal area, which was based on the EMS-92,showed significant differentiation of damage from oneurban unit to another, regardless of the foundationformation. The correlation of the existing dataconfirmed the decisive impact of faults and fault zoneon intensity distributions. It was also clear that,the larger a fault zone, the greater was thedifference in intensity across that structure.  相似文献   

The morphogenesis of tills below the culmination zones of the Weichsclian inland ice has been studied an an upland area with a relief of 1500 m. The thickness of the tills varies considerably, depending principally on gee-morphology, ice-movement directions, and glaciofluvial drainage during the last deglaciation period. The thickest tills, found in valleys, accumulated in three ways. Glaciofluvial/lacustrine sediments of prcsumed Mid-Weichselian age have been discovered beneath the tills at niorc than 10 localities. The overlying tills are correlated with different phases of ice movement reconstructed on the basis of detailed studies of stt-iae. The till stratigraphy of one locality, Stenseng, is described in detail. Based upon combined analyses of texture, structure, and fabric, four different hasal tills are recognized, each corresponding to a particular ice direction. A characteristic boulder layer represents a change in thc direction of glacial movement. Boulder layers in till are thought to he essential for the development of earth pillars.  相似文献   

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