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Molluscs, collected from loess and loess-like profiles of Hungary by a method developed for high resolution stratigraphic studies, were statistically evaluated for a palaeoenvironmental reconstruction. Species were ranged according to 4 important ecological factors, namely: soil type, air humidity, temperature and vegetation. Based on temporal change in dominance, palaeoecological periods were discerned. During the Würm glacial period 5 major changes were detected by this method. Between the fourth and fifth interval so delimited (Late Würm and late glacial periods) 9 events of short duration could be identified and their ecological significance was reconstructed.  相似文献   

A 14-m-thick section of marine and nonmarine sediments of the Gubik Formation of northern Alaska, exposed in bluffs near Ocean Point on the Colville River, has been studied by means of pollen analysis. Pollen from the marine sediments, of probable late Pliocene age, records a boreal forest of spruce and birch with minor amounts of alder in the adjacent terrestrial vegetation. Pine and perhaps true fir were probably at or near their northern limit here, but hemlocks and hardwoods were absent. The suggested environment for the Arctic Slope during the time represented by the marine sediments is similar to that of present-day Anchorage. Pollen floras from the overlying fluvial strata, of early or middle Pleistocene age, record predominantly herbaceous taxa indicating tundra conditions probably more severe than those of the present day. These deposits were most likely contemporaneous with glacial conditions in the Brooks Range to the south. Pollen of woody taxa (spruce, alder, birch, heaths) is rare through most of the section, although birch and alder percentages similar to those found in modern river sediments indicate an interstadial or interglacial warming in midsection. Inland climates during glacial episodes may have been similar to those of the present Arctic coast.  相似文献   

An accumulation terrace close to the El'gygytgyn Impact Crater in northeastern Siberia contains stratigraphic and periglacial evidence of the paleoenvironmental and paleoclimatic history and permafrost dynamics during late Quaternary time. A succession of paleo active-layer deposits that mirror environmental changes records periods favorable for the establishment and growth of ice-wedge polygonal networks and sediment variations. These two elements of the periglacial landscape serve as complementary paleoenvironmental archives that can be traced back to ∼ 14,000 cal yr BP. The slope sediments and the ground ice contained therein have prominent relative maxima and minima in properties (grain size, total organic content, oxygen isotopes). They document a regional early Holocene thermal maximum at about 9000 cal yr BP, followed by a transition to slightly cooler conditions, and a subsequent transition to slightly warmer conditions after about 4000 cal yr BP. Results from sedimentary analysis resemble morphological and geochemical (oxygen and hydrogen isotopes) results from ice wedge studies, in which successive generations of ice-wedge polygonal networks record warmer winters in late Holocene time. Moreover, peaks of light soluble cation contents and quartz-grain surface textures reveal distinct traces of cryogenic weathering. We propose a conclusive sedimentation model illustrating terrace formation in a permafrost terrain.  相似文献   

Palynological records in cores C4 and B106 from the Gulf of Tonkin reveal signals of paleo-monsoon and paleoenvironmental change during the late Pleistocene and Holocene. Before ∼ 13.4 cal kyr BP, the Gulf of Tonkin was exposed to the atmosphere and covered by grassland. Starting at ∼ 11.7 cal kyr BP, the Gulf of Tonkin was inundated by brackish water, indicated by the appearance of the brackish algae Cleistosphaeridium, Sentusidinium and Spiniferites, a decrease of herb content, and an increase of Pinus. After Hainan Island was completely separated from the Leizhou Peninsula by Qiongzhou Strait at ∼ 8.5 cal kyr BP, a continuous marine sedimentary environment was found. The current patterns were similar to those of the present, with a general trend of current homogenization reflected by gradually decreasing quantities of Quercus pollen and a narrowing gap between the palynological concentrations of the southern and northern parts of the region. The data suggest that three short periods of strengthened winter monsoons and currents were centered at ∼ 6.0 cal kyr BP, ∼ 2.7 cal kyr BP and ∼ 0.2 cal kyr BP and that two short periods of strengthened summer monsoons and currents were centered at ∼ 7.5 cal kyr BP and ∼ 3.4 cal kyr BP.  相似文献   

Some recent finds from two working pits in the outwash sands of the Cheshire Plain are recorded. The opportunity is taken to discuss the dating and ecology of the fauna in relation to past and present theories of environment in the late Pleistocene, and their relationship to the fauna of the Macclesfield New Cemetery Beds.  相似文献   


多金属结核富含Mn、Fe、Ni、Cu等元素以及Co和REY(稀土元素和钇)等关键金属, 是重要的大洋矿产资源。为了探究西北印度洋索马里海盆结核中关键金属的富集机制及古环境记录, 本文使用X射线衍射仪(XRD)分析了一个结核的矿物成分, 并通过激光剥蚀电感耦合等离子体质谱仪(LA-ICPMS)和电子探针(EPMA)原位分析了该结核的微区元素组成。结果表明, 研究区结核内层为柱状结构, 中间为掌状, 外层又变为柱状。结核主要由水成型富铁层构成, 但外层中还存在薄的(100~200μm)成岩-混合型富锰层。富铁层MnO平均含量为25.1%, FeO为30.4%, Co为0.26%, Ni为0.24%, Cu为0.09%, ΣREY为1981×10-6。富锰层MnO平均含量为52.0%, FeO为7.40%, Co为0.09%, Ni为2.45%, Cu为0.53%, ΣREY为719×10-6。富铁层主要由含铁水羟锰矿构成, 而富锰层主要由Ⅰ型布赛尔矿构成。Ni和Cu主要赋存于Ⅰ型布赛尔矿, Co和REY则主要赋存于含铁水羟锰矿中, 并且Co存在一个“拐点”。富锰矿物(Ⅰ型布赛尔矿)相对更富集HREE, 而含铁水羟锰矿中更富集LREE。从内到外, 结核中ΣREY呈下降趋势, REY的变化主要受Ce影响。结核Mn/Fe比值与δCe不相关, 但生长速率与δCe显著负相关, 表明生长速率可能是控制Ce异常的主要因素, 仅凭Ce异常不能区分结核微区的成因及氧化还原环境。根据Co经验公式估算, 索马里海盆结核形成年龄为~1.46Ma。柱状结构的开始形成可能与早更新世晚期的古海洋环境转型有关。而掌状结构开始生长于~0.6Ma, 中更新世气候转型之后风尘增加使得结核中Si和Al增加, 并稀释了其他成矿元素。结核富锰层可能生长于末次间冰期的亚氧化底层水环境, 且具有一定对称性和渐变性, 指示了氧化还原环境的逐渐改变和恢复。


The climatic impact on the formation of fine-grained rocks from the Riphean stratotype and Vendian Asha Group on the western slope of the South Urals during the time interval lasting approximately 1200 Ma is considered. It is shown that these rocks are largely represented by “tectonosilicate-dominated” shales. This feature combined with changes in the average K2O/Al2O3 values disavows the hypothesis in (Kennedy et al., 2006), according to which the growth of free oxygen concentration in the Late Riphean and Vendian atmosphere was determined by gradual intensification of the organic carbon extraction from the biosphere by clays. The average values of the hydrolyzate module, chemical index of alteration (CIA), and several lithogeochemical parameters calculated for the Riphean and Vendian clayey rocks provide grounds for the conclusion that intensity of weathering in paleodrainage areas during the accumulation of the Upper Precambrian sedimentary successions was low. The curve reflecting changes of the average CIA values in the Upper Precambrian fine-grained siliciclastic rocks of the South Urals is similar to some extent with the “standard” CIAcorrect. curve (GonzalezAlvarez and Kerrich, 2012). It is assumed that changes in microand macrobiotic communities during the Late Precambrian were controlled to a variable extent by climate fluctuations as well. At the same time, these fluctuations most likely left the chemical composition of water in the ocean virtually unchanged, which is evident from analysis of the redox conditions in the ocean and the distribution of primary producers with the average CIAcorrect. and CIA values.  相似文献   

黑碳(BC)是生物质和化石燃料等不完全燃烧产生的含碳物质,古老沉积物中的黑碳记录可以重建过去的火灾事件和陆地植被演化历史。文中通过对晚三冬期松辽盆地姚家车站剖面、后金沟剖面和岳王城剖面的黑碳记录进行分析,来揭示嫩江组一段到二段下部的火灾事件、气候特征及植被变化信息。研究结果显示:嫩江组一段BC的含量较低,为0%~0.22%,表明可能存在的火灾事件规模很小;在该段时期有几次BC/TOC值较高,暗示着小规模的火灾事件。在嫩二段下部BC的含量突然升高,最高可达1.4%,反映了大规模火灾事件的发生。黑碳的稳定碳同位素(δ~(13) CBC)数据表明:在嫩一段,黑碳的δ~(13) CBC值(-29.4‰~-25.0‰)表现为逐渐偏正的趋势,可能是由大气CO_2浓度逐渐降低所导致;在嫩二段下部,δ~(13) CBC值先呈现突然偏负的趋势,可能是由于大规模的火灾事件以及火山活动引起的大气CO_2浓度短暂升高以及植被类型的变化所造成的,之后δ~(13) CBC值又表现为逐渐偏正的特征。综合来看,在嫩江组一段仅发生小规模火灾事件,嫩二段下部则发生大规模火灾事件,由嫩江组一段到二段下部大气CO_2浓度呈现降低—升高—再降低的变化趋势。  相似文献   

A regional paleoenvironmental reconstruction is presented for a north-south transect of late glacial pollen and insect fossil sites from the Rocky Mountain region. Altitudinal treelines were depressed by an average of 671 m and summer temperatures were an average of 5.4° lower. the interpretation of paleoenvironmental conditions based on insect fossil evidence tends to show stronger departures from modern parameters than that based on palynology. While clear evidence for late glacial occupation of the region by Paleoindians is scarce, montane conditions were not so severe as to preclude human occupation, at least on a seasonal basis. Newly discovered sites of early occupation would benefit greatly from inter-disciplinary studies.  相似文献   

This paper examines the regional climatic and environmental changes from the late Pleistocene to middle Holocene in Central-East Asia. A review is made of the published literature that are specific to pelaeoclimate and physical environment in some geographical regions.It is shown that (1) during the late Pleistocene the annual mean temperature was 5°–6° C lower than present in Qinghai-Xizang (Tibet) plateau, 6° to 9° C lower than today in NE China, 6° C lower than today in E China, and 4° C lower than present in Taiwan island; (2) during the middle Holocene, the annual mean temperature was 4° C warmer than present in Qinghai-Xizang (Tibet) plateau, 3° to 4° C warmer than today in NE China, 2° to 3° C warmer than today in Shanghai area, and only 2° to 2.5° C warmer in Taiwan island.  相似文献   

During the Vashon Stade of the Fraser Glaciation, about 15,000–13,000 yr B.P., a lobe of the Cordilleran Ice Sheet occupied the Puget lowland of western Washington. At its maximum extent about 14,000 yr ago, the ice sheet extended across the Puget lowland between the Cascade Range and Olympic Mountains and terminated about 80 km south of Seattle. Meltwater streams drained southwest to the Pacific Ocean and built broad outwash trains south of the ice margin. Reconstructed longitudinal profiles for the Puget lobe at its maximum extent are similar to the modern profile of Malaspina Glacier, Alaska, suggesting that the ice sheet may have been in a near-equilibrium state at the glacial maximum. Progressive northward retreat from the terminal zone was accompanied by the development of ice-marginal streams and proglacial lakes that drained southward during initial retreat, but northward during late Vashon time. Relatively rapid retreat of the Juan de Fuca lobe may have contributed to partial stagnation of the northwestern part of the Puget lobe. Final destruction of the Puget lobe occurred when the ice retreated north of Admiralty Inlet. The sea entered the Puget lowland at this time, allowing the deposition of glacial-marine sediments which now occur as high as 50 m altitude. These deposits, together with ice-marginal meltwater channels presumed to have formed above sea level during deglaciation, suggest that a significant amount of postglacial isostatic and(or) tectonic deformation has occurred in the Puget lowland since deglaciation.  相似文献   

《Precambrian Research》1985,28(2):163-173
Eight categories of organic-walled coccoid microfossils in the c. 700-Ma-old Doushantuo Formation are described and named. Of these, one genus and species (Paratetraphycus giganteus) is new. Most of the microfossils are interpreted as being the remains of the Chroococcaceae and are morphologically comparable to those of the 650-Ma-old Yudoma microbiota and the 850-Ma-old Bitter Springs microbiota. These microfossils occur in non-stromatolitic cherts, adding preservational information to the study of Precambrian life.  相似文献   


早二叠世晚期发生了显生宙以来规模最大的冰川消退事件, 地球气候经历了由冰室向温室的转变。然而, 低纬度地区对此次气候变化的响应细节仍存较多疑问。华南板块在早二叠世位于古特提斯洋中, 发育连续的海相碳酸盐岩沉积序列对气候变化响应敏感。本研究利用高分辨率Fe元素含量作为古气候替代指标, 对贵州省罗甸县纳庆剖面392.3 m至487.9 m的下二叠统亚丁斯克阶-空谷阶四大寨组进行旋回地层学研究。频谱分析显示研究段具有显著的7.46~10.46 m、2.01~3.15 m、0.46~0.68 m、0.27~0.39 m谱峰, 其比例约为26.7:7.8:1.7:1, 与利用La2004模型推算的早二叠世天文轨道周期比例(23.9:7.4:1.9:1)基本一致。利用405 ka偏心率校准的Fe元素序列存在405 ka、117 ka、90 ka、30.1~35.8 ka、15.6~22.9 ka周期信号, 表明沉积记录受到米兰科维奇旋回控制。估算出研究段的平均沉积速率为2.15 cm/ka, 构建了288.1 Ma至282.9 Ma, 持续时间约为5.16 Ma的高分辨率天文年代标尺。研究证实周期约为1.36 Ma的超长斜率旋回控制了海平面的升降, 但其控制机制在冰室和温室两种气候状态下并不相同。超长斜率旋回在冰室状态下通过控制高纬度冰川消长影响海平面变化; 在温室状态下, 斜率旋回或通过影响大陆含水层控制海平面升降。


根据对青藏高原沱沱河流域的雅西错湖湖相沉积、西金鸟兰湖岸边的湖相沉积和昆仑河河流相沉积记录的晚更新世以来的孢粉资料的对比分析,该地区2种标志性花粉蒿属(Artemisia)、藜科(Chenopodiaceae)的百分含量表现出明显的负相关性,从南向北、从老到新,孢粉的种类、乔木花粉的数量逐渐减少,禾本科(Gramineae)花粉百分含量逐渐降低,蕨类孢子数量少;在研究区南部晚更新世早期出现了以白刺属(Nitraria)为代表的干旱灌丛草原植被,在研究区3-1万年之间出现了以蒿属、禾本科为代表的干偏湿的草原植被;总体上,根据晚更新世的孢粉恢复的古环境,南部地区比北部地区偏湿。这一特征对恢复青藏高原晚更新世的古环境具有重要的参考意义。  相似文献   

坡缕石是典型的干旱、强蒸发环境的指示矿物,黄土-红粘土序列中坡缕石的分布对古气候和古环境重建具有重要的指示意义。本文对灵台任家坡剖面中黄土、古土壤和红粘土代表性样品进行了场发射扫描电镜和高分辨透射电镜观察,结果发现,在3.6Ma以前沉积的红粘土中存有大量的自生坡缕石,而在3.2Ma以来沉积的红粘土及其上覆黄土古土壤序列没有坡缕石。剖面样品扫描电镜原位观察形貌特征和微观结构显示,坡缕石属于成壤作用自生矿物,系由伊蒙矿物在富镁孔隙液作用下转化形成。灵台剖面中坡缕石消失的层位与红粘土磁化率升高和粉尘通量及沉积速率增加的层位相一致。坡缕石在剖面中的分布指示3.6~3.2Ma前后是东亚季风的重要转型期,东亚古气候格局发生改变,由连续干暖的夏季风占主导向干冷冬季风和暖湿夏季风高频强波动交替环境演化。  相似文献   

The palynological analysis of the reliably dated core section of bottom sediments from Tavatui Lake revealed consistency between the chronology and succession of Late Pleistocene and Early Pliocene events (GI-a/b, CS-1, GH-11.2) in the Middle Urals and the North Atlantic region. It is established that the Holocene thermal maximum (5.3–8.0 cal. ka ago) in the Middle Urals was characterized by high temperatures and humidity. The initial stage of the Subboreal cooling was reffered to the interval of 4.5–5.3 cal. ka ago. The data obtained provided grounds for the conclusion that the palynological record in the Tavatui Lake section reflects in detail global and regional climate oscillations, which allows it to be used as a Holocene and late glacial reference section, as well as for predicting the behavior of the natural system of the Middle Urals in response to future climate change.  相似文献   

Mining of Cenozoic alluvial deposits at Copeton and Bingara (Eastern Australia) has produced two million macrodiamonds (0.25 ct median size). Raman spectroscopy is used to identify included minerals within uncut Copeton diamonds, with sealed chamber remnant pressures of 31.7 to 35.6 kbar for coesite, 13.6 and 22.7 kbar for clinopyroxene, and 7.6 kbar for grossular garnet. Assuming elastic behaviour, these values generate inclusion entrapment PT loci which intersect, restricting diamond formation conditions: from 250 °C, 43 kbar to 800 °C, 52 kbar. Larger than error (± 100 °C and ± 4 kbar), this range shows a systematic variation in inclusion composition with diamond zoning and N properties. Published research shows 1) Copeton and Bingara diamonds are unique, and 2) modern alluvium in the Bingara district carries mantle-formed garnet, captured by post-tectonic alkali basalt from an extensive diamondiferous ultrahigh pressure (UHP) terrane that stalled at depth because it is dominated by mafic eclogite. The combined Raman and geological results indicate two sets of subduction UHP diamond formation conditions/protolith are required, firstly cooler oceanic slab and secondly including higher temperature continental crust. The Copeton and Bingara stones are UHP macrodiamonds, and Carboniferous 40Ar/39Ar age dates on clinopyroxene inclusions should be interpreted as ages of crystallisation, representing the termination of subduction. The characteristic features of ruptured inclusions and etched percussion marks on Copeton and Bingara diamond indicate volcanic delivery to the earth's surface. Alluvial deposits elsewhere in Eastern Australia may carry similar diamond along with diamond of different origin.  相似文献   

Surface exposure dating has become a helpful tool for establishing numeric glacial chronologies, particularly in arid high-mountain regions where radiocarbon dating is challenging due to limited availability of organic material. This study presents 13 new 10Be surface exposure ages from the Kitschi-Kurumdu Valley in the At Bashi Range, Tien Shan. Three moraines were dated to ~ 15, 21 and > 56 ka, respectively, and corroborate previous findings that glacial extents in the Tien Shan during Marine Oxygen Isotope Stage (MIS) 2 were limited compared to MIS 4. This likely documents increasingly arid conditions in Central Asia during the last glacial cycle. Morphological evidence in the Kitschi-Kurumdu Valley and a detailed review of existing numeric glacial chronologies from the Tien Shan indicate that remnants of the penultimate glaciation (MIS 6) are preserved, whereas evidence for MIS 5 glacier advances remains equivocal. Reviewed and recalculated exposure ages from the Pamir mountains, on the other hand, reveal extensive MIS 5 glacial extents that may indicate increased monsoonal precipitation. The preservation of MIS 3 moraines in the Tien Shan and the southern Pamir does not require any monsoonal influence and can be explained alternatively with increased precipitation via the westerlies.  相似文献   

Chukotka is a key region for understanding both Quaternary environmental history and transcontinental migrations of flora and fauna during the Pleistocene as it lies at the far eastern edge of Asia bordering the Bering Sea. The now submerged land bridge is the least understood region of Beringia yet the most critical to understanding migrations between the Old and New Worlds. The insect fauna of the Main River Ledovy Obryv (Ice Bluff) section, which is late Pleistocene in age (MIS 3-2), is markedly different from coeval faunas of areas further to the west, as it is characterized by very few thermophilous steppe elements. From the fauna we reconstruct a steppe-tundra environment and relatively cold conditions; the reconstructed environment was moister than that of typical steppe-tundra described from further west. The data from this locality, if typical of the Chukotka Peninsula as a whole, may indicate that a barrier associated with the environments of the land bridge restricted trans-Beringian migrations, particularly the more thermophilous and xeric-adapted elements of the Beringian biota, supporting the hypothesis of a cool but moist land-bridge filter inferred from evidence from several other studies.  相似文献   

We describe new and redescribe previously discovered sauropod dinosaur material from the Upper Cretaceous (middle Cenomanian–Turonian) Bajo Barreal Formation of south-central Chubut Province, central Patagonia, Argentina. The remains consist of associated and isolated axial skeletal elements recovered from three separate localities, and are herein assigned to the morphologically aberrant Rebbachisauridae clade. Several of the fossils exhibit osteological characters that were previously undocumented in rebbachisaurids, enhancing our understanding of the morphological diversity of this enigmatic sauropod group. In particular, the Bajo Barreal material demonstrates the occurrence within Rebbachisauridae of bifurcate neural spines in cervical vertebrae and well-developed, presumably pneumatic fossae in caudal vertebrae; among Diplodocoidea, these distinctive morphologies had previously been recognized only in flagellicaudatans. Furthermore, the Bajo Barreal fossils constitute the southernmost known occurrences of Diplodocoidea, adding to the globally sparse Late Cretaceous record of these sauropods and augmenting our knowledge of central Patagonian terrestrial vertebrate assemblages during this interval.  相似文献   

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